Index: L

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: L', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: L". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Laborde, Borda, Sieur de, gentleman of the chamber of the King of Navarre, 132.
-, at Frankenthal, says Navarre will not treat with Queen, 155; complains of Monglas, 156; return of, 172.

La Boulaye, M. de. See Eschalard, Philippe de.

La Breole, Breulle. See Breole.

La Bresse. See Bresse.

La Chaise, ? M. de la Chesa, 450.

La Chaise Dieu, abbey of. See Chaise Dieu, la.

La Charité [Nievre, France], King sees nuncio at, 60; town summoned, 388; Navarre marching to, 389.

La Châtre, La Chastre, La Shattera, Claude de, Governor of Berry:
-, lapse of alluded to, 207; sent against reiters, 355; repulsed at Nancy, 360, 361; Guise wishes to have with him, 588.
-, to lead army against Rochelle, 588.

La Chaux, Seigneur de. See Poupet, Charles de.

La Cluse, La Chuisa, Escle [Ain, France], 448, 449.

La Coudre de Rambouillet, M. de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

La Court. See Court.

La Fayette, Claude Motier de, Baron de St. Romain, sent by Languedoc to seek help of Prince of Petite Pierre, 434.

La Fin, Jean de, Seigneur de Beauvoir la Nocle, Beauvois and La Nocle, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516; not going with Swiss ambassadors, 683.

La Fontaine, or Lemaçon, R., Huguenot minister in London, letter of, 168.

-, See also Fontaine.

La Force, M. de. See Caumont.

La Forse. See Forse.

La Ginga, Counts Prospero and Nicolo, brothers of, 436.

La Gorse. See Gorsse.

La Guerche, Seigneur de. See Villequier, George de.

La Guiche, La Guische, Philbert de, Grand Master of the Ordnance and Chevalier du Guet:
-, to remove objectionable picture, 317; ordered to release Morgan, 352; King sends to League, 577.
-, expected back, 550, 551; arrived, 565; lack of success, 592; report, 595.

La Haye in Touraine [Indre et Loire, France], Navarre besieges, 360.

La Huguerie. See Huguerie.

Laiton. See Leighton.

Lallier, Jacques, Sieur du Pin, Secretary of State to the King of Navarre, 175, 261.
-, doubts about zeal, 543.
-, letters from, 10, 110, 118, 166, 167, 260, 387, 586, 615, 631.

-, alluded to, 132.
-, letters to, alluded to, 181.

La Marck, Charles Robert de la, Count of Maulevrier, claim to Sedan and Jametz, 491, 498, 499.

-, -, daughter of, married to Pinard's son, 491.

La Marck, Charlotte de, sister of Duke of Bouillon, Princess of Bouillon, 216.
-, Sedan and Jametz bequeathed to, 499; proposed marriage, 595; in great danger, 623.
-, Duchess of Bouillon, 626.
-, letter of, 593, 600.

-, Henry Robert de la, Duke of Bouillon, testamentary disposition, 499; treaty to deliver Bouillon to bishop of Liege, 627.

-, Robert II. de, lord of Sedan, party to Anglo French treaties, 626.

-, Robert Count of, brother of the Duke of Bouillon, leader in the German army, 327.

-, William Robert de, Duke of Bouillon, Bullion, 217, 235.
-, desire to serve Queen, 3; Stafford receives information from, 24.
-, taking of Rocroy brings down Guises upon, 147; contribution to cause, 162, 653.
-, payment to Casimir, 187; to command in Casimir's force, 327; commands in his absence, 356, 365, 428; popular with Germans, 363; Casimir wished to be commander, 620.
-, threats against, 360; Stafford's comment on, 380; sends Dohna to Queen, 396.
-, appointed sole commander, 379; advocates fighting in Lorraine, 385n; interest in, 386, 387.
-, disappears with reiters, 448, 492; upright character, 470; death of, 487, 491.
-, arrangements on leaving, 498; confirms father's will, 499; war possible with principality of, 563.
-, man of, 546.
-, letters to, 216, 441.

-, alluded to, 486.
-, letters from, alluded to, 397.

La Marsillière, Seigneur de. See Berziau, Jerome.

Lamballe [Cotes du Nord, France]; supplies for Mercoeur's house at, captured, 88.

La Meilleraye, Sieur de. See Moy, Charles de.

Lamont, Captain, 468.

La Motte, Seigneur de. See Longlee.

Lancashire, Spanish intelligences in, through Cardinal Allen, 598.

Lancome, Sieur de. See Savary, Jacques de.

Landerneau [Finistere, France], merchant of, 64.

Landes, M. des, chamberlain to King of Navarre, letter from, 245.

-, referred to, 287.

Langdale, —, priest, reaches England from Rome, 35.

Langley, debt to, 196.

Languedoc, France, 36.
-, operations of Castres garrison in, 5; Epernon thinks of going to, 21.
-, money expected from, 47, 99, 162; contribution for reiters, 653.
-, time of harvest in, 139; Queen Mother going to, 158; Montmorency strong in, 677.
-, people seek help from Petite Pierre, 434; retreat to, after defeat of reiters, 492; chief men of Navarre's party in, 516.

La Noue, Francois de, Delanoue, 380, 432.
-, appeal to Burghley for, 24; meets Casimir, 238; release of son, 248, 260, 261.
-, at Frankenthal, 262; opinion of Parma's aims, 263; journey did great good, 363.
-, books of, 347; goes to Sedan, 491, 511; a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.
-, delayed by Segur's illness, 541; money from Languedoc by, 653; friend of Mme. de Rohan, 615.
-, letters from, 389, 638, 676.

-, alluded to, 215, 340, 449, 450.
-, letters to, alluded to, 274, 670.

La Noue, Odet de, Sieur de Teligny, son of Francois, proposed exchange, 248, 260, 261, 263; more strictly guarded, 262; harsh treatment of, 391.

Lansac, Lansack, Lanssac, Seigneur de. See St. Gelais, Louis de Lusignan de.

lansquenets, suggested employment for defence of England, 518, 519; charges for levy of, 653.

Lanti, M. de, 434.

La Pierre, Capt., d'Aumâle has slain, 258.

La Pré, Sieur de. See Taffin, Quintin.

Lara, Don Diego Ordonez de, chief justice at Malaga, 415.

Larache. See El Araiche.

Lardo, Loste di, 449.

La Roche, Sieur de. See Brehaut.

-, See also Roche.

La Rochelle [Clarente Inf., France], 62, 81, 181, 588.
-, designs on Brouage, 4; design to shut up Navarre in, 8; war has consumed resources, 47.
-, Dieppe fleet against, 54; bickering with French fleet, 93; man of war of taken, 94.
-, Queen Mother may go to, 153; badinage between Navarre and Queen Mother over, 157.
-, depredations by ships of, 297; of ships going to, 319; prize taken to, 371, 468, 469.
-, provisions of war for, 495; danger of, need of supplies, 500, 592; corn for, 592.
-, sea captain of, 540; shot of, 553; wrongs done to by English ships, 566.
-, Navarre at, 549, 555, 591, 600; people mad about Condé, 555; capture English nuns going to Spain, 608; Jesuits imprisoned at, 616.
-, three armies going against, 588.
-, letters dated at, 10, 111, 118, 166, 167, 246, 248, 261, 388, 473, 478, 587, 591, 600, 615.
-, letters from, 473.

-, alluded to, 564.
-, news from, 535, 540.

La Roque, M., letters from, 416.

La Sarras, la Zara [Vaud, Switzerland], 449.

Laskey, Bartholomew, merchant at Rouen, 92.

Laski, Palatine, Wallachian Prince goes to, 674.

Las Onduras. See Honduras.

La Tour du Pin, Réné de, Sieur de Gouvernet, chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Laughton. See Leighton.

Lausitz, Lusatia, Germany, forces against Turk, 296; emperor levies forces in, 325.

Laval, Comte de. See Coligny, Guy de.

La Valette, Seigneur de. See Nogaret, Bernard de.

-, Francois de, Baron de Cornusson, Seneschal of Toulouse, leaves Albigeois, advantage taken of absence, 5.

Lavardin [Loir et Cher, France], siege of, 379.

Lavardin, Seigneur of. See Beaumanoir, Charles de.

Lavedan, Vicomte. See Bourbon, Anne de.

La Vergne, —, 375, 382.

Laveron, M., ? La Verune, 607.

Layton, Sir Thomas, 588.

lead, cargo of, 62.

League, 13, 153, 186, 464, 493, 634.
-, 1586:
-, Navarre arms to defend King against, 5; does not trust Queen Mother, 37.
-, Pinard and, 51; king's doubtful attitude to, 66, 73.
-, efforts to keep out of Auxonne, 65; Auxonne pretext for arming, 66; bolder than ever, 81.
-, practices of Queen of Scots with, 105; Marchaumout joins, 129.
-, German intervention to deliver King from, 109, 136; blocks all approaches to France, 110.
-, taking of Rocroy furnishes with excuse for arming, 147; suspects Epernon of intelligence with Montmorency, 154; threatens Geneva, 165, 168; German intervention to check operations, 683.
-, King speaks only by mouth of, 185; Chateauneuf none of, 207.
-, 1587:
-, efforts to induce King to break with Elizabeth, 193; might induce King to join with Spain against her, 240.
-, jealousy of King, 236; breaks King's will, 255; relations with King, 289, 292, 298, 306.
-, makes capital of Mary's execution, 242, 253, 255; may arrange combination against England, 246.
-, Bellievre hated by, 255; King hopes to draw Nevers from, 274; Nevers detests, 297.
-, King sending Queen Mother to, 257; suspicious of Queen Mother's dealings with Navarre, 258.
-, King advised to put self at head of, 258; fear of King being drawn into, 286.
-, efforts to embroil King with England, 276; Mary's death gives colour to, 289.
-, Queen Mother's negotiations with, 290, 297; King and, play at mock holiday, 383, 384.
-, Casimir's force to ruin, 293; in combination against Protestants, 324; design to levy reiters, 326.
-, Duke of Lorraine and, 333, 334; King's victory over, 355; defeat at Montelimart, 359.
-, Parma's support of, 351, 370, 388, 409; troops from Italy for, 374; auxiliary forces for, 377.
-, plot to deliver Salettes to, 382; war with, 385; German army brought to fight, 386; fails to stop Germans, 396.
-, promotes Nemours-Lorraine match, 384; enemy of Bouillon, 387; object extirpation of Huguenots, 454.
-, 1588:
-, attitude to King, 479; King hates, 481; Gritti bitter enemy of, 490.
-, pained at prospect of Navarre's conversion, 489; Queen Mother favours secretly, 510.
-, depressed by defeat of reiters, 492; King wishes to consult about Poitou, 517; King hoped to use reiters against, 521.
-, agreement with Swiss, 504; German desire to be avenged on, 527.
-, Milleray and Pinart hold for, 515; relations with King, 521–5; will not answer proposals of Bellievre and La Guerche, 541; their lack of success with, 592, 595.
-, del Bene's double dealing with, 547; Paris favours, 552; clergy only support at Paris, 597.
-, King's fear of Parma combining with, 551; active but not so strong as King given to understand, 552.
-, pity in for Condé, 563; and King's relations with Elizabeth, 583.
-, means to make final effort to crush King, 579; Pinard incensed against, 601; King's declaration denounces, 612.
-, Guises, Parma and Spaniards at one in, 588; forces to exterminate rest of reiters, 619.
-, accused of attempt on King, houses searched, 590; great penury of, 597, 601.
-, likely to turn forces against Sedan, 593; Coedor offers services against, 613.
-, Bourbon promises to get them to evacuate Picardy, 595; forces towards Boulogne, 607, 608.
-, enemy of John Casimir, 620; French King should be warned against, 622–4.
-, surprises Meulan, 625; measures to prevent reconciliation of King with Paris, 631; issues papers in Paris, 642.
-, efforts to bring King to terms with, 629–31; accord with King hastened, 642; not giving King contentment, 651.
-, money furnished by England only served to advance, 638.

leather, from Spain, 64.

Le Brumen. See Brumen.

Lectoure, Leitour [Gers, France], Governor of. See Astarac, Michel d', Baron de Fontrailles.

Ledesma, Don Mendo Rodrigues de, Governor of Malaga, 413.
-, letter to, 414.

Lee, le Sieur, 216.

Lee, Mr., draper, 538.

Leeuvarden, Leuvarden [Prov. W. Friesland, Netherlands], against Leicester, 421.

Lefebure, Pierre, dit Lescordier, captain in French navy, claim for corn captured, 28.

Le Gendre, Thomas, merchant, suit for damages, 91; judgment for not executed, 96.

Le Govis, Gregoire, lieutenant for Admiralty causes, case heard before, 312.

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley, Robert.

Leigh, Lighe, Richard, priest, movements, 34n; arrival in England, 35.

Leighton, Laiton, Laughton, Sir Thomas:
-, mission to Don John, 466, 471.
-, mission to French King, instructions, 633–6; substance of King's answer to, 643.

-, -, governor of Guernsey, 659.

Leipzig [Saxony, German Empire], 19, 326.

Leite, Migel, witness, 144.

Leith, co. Midlothian, Scotland, siege of, 177.

Leitour. See Lectoure.

Leiva. See Leyva.

Le Lievre, Claude and Charles, woad of carried off, 312.

Le Macon. See La Fontaine.

Lennox, Duke of. See Stuart, Esmé.

Lenoncourt, Philip, Cardinal, 425.
-, Nau brings letters to, 461; deals with Pope to recall excommunication of Navarre, 489; to remain at Rome for French interests, 505; secret negotiations about Navarre, 535.

Le Normand, Renault, letter of, 567.

Lentroppe, sent by Mendoza to Scotland, 577.

Leo X., Pope, decree of, 437.

Leonard, John, surety, 114.

Lepanto, Corsolary islands, battle of, 453.

Lepurier, ship, 318.

Le Quesne, Michael, merchant, suit for damages, 91; judgment not executed, 96.

L'Escluse. See Sluys.

Lesdiguieres, Seigneur de. See Bonne, Francis de.

Lesley, John, bishop of Ross, 454.
-, confession of, 177; gone to Flanders, 340; confers with Parma, 416; Scottish priest going to, 577.

l'Estele. See Estele.

Le Sueur, Stephen, Secretary of M. de Chateauneuf, 28, 30, 81, 197.

Lethington, Lord. See Maitland, Sir John.

Leuchtenberg, Lichteimberche, German Empire, landgraviate of, 325.

Leuvarden. See Leeuvarden.

Le Veneur, Tanneguy, Sieur de Carrouges, Carewge, Governor of Rouen, who serves the King, and his son who serves the Guises, are "fallen at great discord," 589 (2); a practice against those of the Religion defeated by, 590.

-, -, letters from, 608, 609.

Levis, Antoine di, cardinal of Santa Fiore, party to treaty of Cateau Cambresis, 627.

Lewis, Lewys, Ludovici, Dr. Owen, expectation of red hat, 364; given church of Cassano, 503.

Leye, —, English captain, plunders Breton ship, 613.

Leysel, Jehan, master of the Martin, 468.

Leyton, Hugh, of Seville, 414.

Leyva, Leiva, Don Alonso di, takes account of fleet to Madrid, 508; to go to Milan as general of cavalry, 570; to be castellan at Milan, 572.

-, Don Sanchio di, made master of the camp, 569.

Lhuzelstein. See Lutzelstein.

Lichteimberche. See Leuchtenberg.

Liddington. See Maitland, Sir John.

Liefland. See Livonia.

Liege [Prov. Liége, Belgium], 438.
-, merchant of, 44.
-, Duke of Lorraine desired to leave, 332.
-, bishop of. See Bavaria, Ernst of; Berghen, Robert II. van.
-, governor of (1513), 626.

Lieramont, M. de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 517.

Lierre, Lyer, in Brabant, betrayed by Sempill, 672.

Lighe. See Leigh.

Ligne, Ligny, Antony Lord of, mediator in Anglo French treaties, 626.

Lille [Prov. Antwerp, Belgium], defence of, 391; ships joining fleet at, 426, 438.

Lilly, Lile, Lylly, Lyly, William, servant of Stafford, 271, 610, 613, 627, 631, 669.
-, Stafford defends, 130, 131; Stafford wishes to keep, 288, 289; evil written of, 485, 662; Gifford and, 666.
-, letters from, 336, 355.

-, portion deciphered, 470.

Limoges, M., kinsman of Chateauneuf, 207.

Limousin, Limosin, France, Navarre going to, 373.

Lindenstal, near Lutzelstein, Alsace, 334.

Lindsay, David, Earl of Crawford, Crayford, at Court and in King's favour, 598.

Linlithgow, Scotland, meeting of nobles at, 554.

Linz [Rheinish Prussia, German Empire], 411.

Linz, Austria, conference at about Poland, 569.

Lions. See Lyon.

Lippe Schauenburg [German Empire], contribution to Huguenots, 62.

Lippomanno, Gieronimo, Venetian ambassador in Spain, 490.
-, reports fear of English invasion, 502.

Lisbon, Lixbon, Portugal, 231, 588.
-, fleet from sent after Drake, 1; returns to, 11; fleet at, 92, 462; gathering at, 687.
-, produce of, at Calais, 19; troops to assemble at for fleet, 141; provisions for fleet going to, 220; ships preparing at, 232, 297, 329, 332.
-, King not going to, 161; fleet assembling at, 235; ships bound for with troops, 284.
-, mariners sent to and dismissed, 277; Santa Cruz at, 297, 335.
-, agent sent to for intelligence, 283; Irish bishop at, 332; Ouseley at, 413.
-, troops gathering at, 329, 332; stores brought to for fleet, 372; ships of fleet refitting at, 423.
-, Colonna sails from, 338; Santa Cruz sails from, 372, 425, 439, 476, 559; fleet still in port, 503; date for fleet sailing from, 572, 624, 672.
-, king to winter in, 373; troops at, 470, 471; Medina Sidonia at, 591.
-, scarcity about, 476; spy taken to, 513; new navy being prepared at, 515; strength of fleet at, 578, 597; King going to, to despatch fleet, 595.
-, letters dated at, 79, 84, 144, 280.
-, news from, 227, 476, 508, 515, 570.
-, ships from, 641.

l'Isle. See Isle.

Liseman, George, commissioner of the Steedes, report of, 145.

Lisonnett, M. de, Governor of Concarneau, seizes English ship, 351.

Lithuania: people favour Muscovite for Polish crown, 328; Muscovite threatens, 477.
-, part of Livonia attached to, 411; succours expected from, 418; decision of congregation awaited, 424, 438; adopts Maximilian, 442; diet postponed, 446.
-, mission to Cracow and proposals, 461; to help besiege Cracow, 507.
-, ambassador of expected at Wielun, 506; declares for Sigismund, 513.

Little Brissac, French navy, 54.

Livonia, Liefland, threatened with subjection to Muscovy, 328; part belonging to Lithuania, 411; good ports in, 431.

Lixboa. See Lisbon.

Loano [Prov. Genova, Italy], 11.

Lobell, M. de, warships of, 169.

Lobetius, De John, letters from, 122, 421.

Loches [Indre at Loire, France], Epernon goes to, 625.

lockram, locoran, cargo of, 63.

Lodrone, colonel of landsknechts, 283.

Lodun. See Loudun.

Loire, Loyre, River, France, 350, 386, 387, 479, 492, 593.
-, great floods on, 92; Navarre wants Biron to withdraw to, 103; Soissons crosses, 373; German forces reach, 396, 448; fights on both sides of, 421; hostile forces on banks, 439; Navarre's supporters north of, 516, 517.

Lombardy, Italy, 437.
-, governor of stops supplies going to Swiss, 122.

Lombers [Tarn, France], Seneschal of Toulouse does not venture to attack, 5.

Lommel, near Kempen [Rhenish Prussia, German Empire], burned by men of Berghen, 174.

London, 41, 100, 114, 201, 209, 233, 304, 339, 358, 413, 451, 535, 668.
-, letters dated at or from, 47, 73, 78, 81, 99, 120, 124, 138, 150, 157, 164, 167, 168, 179, 222, 225, 230, 282, 283, 285, 287, 291, 293, 295, 301, 308, 309, 311, 328, 340, 351, 360, 361, 366, 367, 372, 410, 486, 500, 515, 537, 540, 542, 549, 556, 566, 592–5, 604, 610, 613, 624, 627, 655.
-, news from, 421, 462.
-, citizen of, 504.
-, Spanish ship taken to, 56; Bellievre stunned by bells of, 157.
-, agents of Palavicino in, 164; Burghley, Leicester and Davison sent for to, 189.
-, bills of exchange on, 233; Hatton stayed in, 241, 250; Court away from, 321.
-, rumoured firing of, 241; plan for Spanish army to march on, 343.
-, judge at, for depredations, 429; reported 200 masses said in, 656.
-, merchants of, 62.
-, ships of, 62.
-, places in and near:
-, Blackwell Hall, 314.
-, Exchange, 657.
-, Holborn Hill, 658.
-, Lothbury, 444, 529.
-, Marshalsea, 114, 228.
-, Newgate, 35, 189, 657.
-, St. James, 228.
-, St. Pauls, 640.
-, Seething Lane, 229.
-, Somerset House, 441.
-, Steelyard, 314.

-, order concerning, 145; arrest at, 146.

-, Alderman of, 348, 349, 400, 401, 456.
-, Strand, Swan inn, 35.
-, Thames St., Plough in, 228.
-, Tower, 80.

-, Davison put in, 241; de Trappes in, 279; Queen of Scots reported in, 657.

-, Wharf, 666.
-, Tyburn, 640.

Longlee, M. de, Sieur de la Motte, French ambassador in Spain:
-, reports Drake's exploits in New Spain, 49.
-, reports sailing of Spanish fleet, 350; thinks Armada destined for Indies, 599.

-, -, letters of, mentioned, 260, 261.

Longs, de, sheriff of Bristol, 179, 233.

Longueville, Duke of. See Henry I. duke of.

Lons, M. de. See Royere, Francois de.

Loo, Andrea de, reported on way to England, 411.

Loors, Peter van, prisoner in Spain, 221.

Lopes, Don, commands forces against Turks, 296.

Lords of the Council. See Privy Council.

Loreto, Loretto [Prov. Ancona, Italy]:
-, church of, 426.
-, Aerschot, going to, 594.

Lorges, Gabriel de, Comte de Montgomery, Mongomery, Governor of Castres, reported dead, 499; a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Lorraine, Lothringen, 479.
-, large and abundant country, 139; King of France would prefer war in, 333.
-, reiters expected in, 151; Casimir desires to save, 308; passage of Germans through, 335.
-, King goes to frontiers of, 337; Haussonville reported defeated in, 360.
-, forces moving to, to join Navarre, 338; reiters enter, 355, 365, 373, 396; waste time in, 377, 379, 522.
-, Duke fears ruin of, 362; League promises to stop reiters entering, 383.
-, place to wage war in, argument upon, 385–7; Parma going to, 444.
-, Montbeliard to be avenged on, 535; suffering of reiters in, 617.

-, Duke of. See Charles, Duke of Lorraine.

-, Princess of. See Lorraine, Christina of.

Lorraine, House of, Elizabeth warns Henry III. against, 97, 98; Casimir may wish to take unawares, 264; Navarre wishes to show that enmity directed chiefly against, 362.

-, -, See also Guise, House of.

Lorraine, Charles de, Due d'Aumâle, Domale, Donnal, in Brussels, 1; operations in Picardy, 257; King and Guise offended with, 258.
-, Englishmen in danger from, 297; quarrel with Nevers, 297; King angry with, 535, 540; retires forces, 550; troops about Abbeville, 577; in Picardy, 588; ambitious and desperate, 595; penury of, 601; siege of Boulogne, 612–4; communications with Admiral Howard, 613, 614.
-, Queen Mother meets at Soissons, 577.
-, contract of, 334.

-, Charles de, Duc d'Elboeuf, Delboeuf, grand ecuyer of France, Auxonne will accept as Governor, 65; King at Orleans expecting, 411; in Normandy, 600.

-, Charles de, Guise's son, to marry Philip's daughter, 588.

-, Charles de, Duke of Mayenne, Maine, M. de Mayne, Meine, one of those who can cure France, 677; Matignon waiting for, 678.
-, negotiations with stopped, state of army, 4, 10; Auxonne suggests as Governor, 65.
-, besieges Castillion, 49, 60, 72; promises King restitution of places taken, 258.
-, accord with Epernon, 273; King at Orleans expecting, 411.
-, reported victory over reiters, 417; reported retired to Dijon, 421; forces grown strong, 431.
-, cornet of captured, 450; proposed conference with about war with Navarre, 498; to conduct war against Geneva, 505.
-, at Paris, expected at Rouen, 515 proposed meeting at Paris, 550; will not come to meeting, 595.

-, Christina of, Princess of Lorraine, proposed marriage to Navarre, 52; talk of marriage to Grand Duke, 540; revived, 591.

-, Claude de, Duke of Aumâle, posted on German frontier, 46.

-, -, Chevalier d'Aumâle, M. d'Aumâle, secretly in Paris, 497; "carries himself too stately to get the good wills of the French," 498.

-, -, assembles forces in Normandy, 600; reported to be killed, 638.

-, Francis of, Duke of Guise, wife of. See Gonzaga, Anne.

-, Henry de, Duke of Guise Degyes, 637.
-, one of those that can cure France, 677.
-, allowed to besiege Auxonne, 21; arranges for surrender of Cambrai, 24.
-, Stafford accused of betraying information to, 34; possible designs on England, 106.
-, anxious for reconciliation with Navarre, 38; enquiry about, 52.
-, left alone to confront German army, 48; agent of, at Turin, 123.
-, presses King to besiege Auxonne, 49; withdraws forces, 65; Auxonne betrayed to, 73.
-, King deceives, 95; blocks up Rocroy, 158; feeds court with hopes of siege of Sedan, 186; threatens Sedan, 187; will not retire from Sedan, 258; before Sedan, 275.
-, Stafford accused of favouring, 194; offended at Aumâle's doings, 258.
-, King sending mother to, 257, 287; King sends Bellievre to, 273; Queen Mother leans to, 289; meets Queen at Rheims, 297.
-, operations in Picardy, 278; conference about Flushing, 340.
-, King may easily bring to what terms he would, 299; Queen Mother's negotiations with, 301.
-, Pope sends money for, 301; reported reinforcement from Parma, 359, 370.
-, fear of forces from Lorraine joining Navarre, 338; sends La Chastre to stop reiters, 355, 356; reports defeat of reiters, 359; reported victory over reiters, 417.
-, goes to support Duke of Lorraine, 356; Lorraine quarrels with, 362; Balagni suspicious of, 535, 541.
-, Secretary at Paris about peace, 384; King at Orleans expecting, 411; forces grown strong, 431.
-, Allemands slain in camp, 417; victory over reiters, 440, 474; operations against reiters, 619.
-, plan to make King of France, 435; plan to introduce into Paris, 439; people honour as god, 474.
-, reported at Jougne, 448, 449; King hates, 481; sons of, on German frontier, 502.
-, proposed conference with about war with Navarre, 498; sends troops to Aumâle, 535, 540.
-, goes to Rheims to requiem for Queen of Scots, 535, 541; proposed meeting at Paris, 550.
-, Cardinal Bourbon orders to withdraw forces, 550; Queen Mother offers to go to, 551; forces near Sedan, 553.
-, Bellievre and La Guische back from, 565; causes of discontent, 595; haughty reply to Bellievre, 600.
-, to be Lieut.-General to 50,000 shots, 567; army of, 588; to command at Paris, 588.
-, Aumâle to govern Picardy for, 577; party in Rouen for, 589.
-, the King and, 581; will not come to meeting, 595.
-, puts Governors in divers towns, 589; ambitious and desperate, 595.
-, returns to Chalons, 590; talk of going to Paris, 597; arrives there, 606; conference at Louvre, 607.
-, Bellievre displeased at manner of treating, 604; Queen Mother advises to conciliate Bellievre, 605.
-, not yet fully master of Paris, 609; takes and garrisons Vincennes, 612; taking of Paris, 615, 633; Paris under, 631.
-, King will go to extremes against, 612; King should proclaim a traitor, 614; and should order surrender, 623.
-, ready to attack Palatinate, 620; decisions of, at Nancy, 622.
-, bridge of St. Cloud refused to, words with Queen Mother, 625; gathering forces, 640, 642; and siege of Melun, 642.
-, Elizabeth's opinion of action, 633; and advice to King upon, 634, 636.
-, Paget and Morgan take leave of, 641; Petite Pierre threatens to take side of, 685.
-, sends troops to Eu, 642; terms of peace proposed for, 651.

-, -, grand almoner of, 576.

-, -, mother, of. See Este, Anna Duchess of Nemours.

-, -, Secretary of. See Seuré, Chev. Michel de.

-, Louis de, cardinal, 433.

-, Philip Emanuel of, Duke of Mercoeur, Mercure, Mercuire:
-, seizes English ships, 63, 88, 205, 322, 329; warships of, 169; sells English goods seized, 213, 331; refuses restitution, 351, 384, 469.
-, feeds King with hopes of rising in England, 185, 186; Turenne captures baggage, 373; mourning for Joyeuse, 425.
-, letter of, 88.

Losemann, —, 67.

Lothringen. See Lorraine.

Loubie, Baron de, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Loudun, Lodun [Vienne, France], Navarre retires towards, 373.

Louis XII., King of France, treaties with England, 626.

Louis IV., Prince of Hesse, 311.

Louis the Pious, Ludwig, Duke of Wurtemberg, contribution to reiters, 684; contribution to French Huguenots, 61; efforts to prevent giving passage to reiters, 427; sends troops to expel French from Montbeliard, 507, 527.

Louise, Queen of Henry III. of France:
-, King takes to Chartres, 153, 156; speaks of Mercoeur's loss, 373; council in apartments at Louvre, 607; distress at King's departure, 609.
-, letter to, 538.

Lourino, Don Louis de, 144.

Louter. See Kaiserslautern.

Louvain [Belgium], University of, judgment of, 370.

Louvrein, Robert, shipmaster, 65.

Low Countries, Belgium, Holland, Netherlands, States, United Provinces, 48, 166, 177, 220, 257, 262, 387, 470.
-, Philip's efforts on behalf of, 182; perversity of 183; wars of, 622.
-, 1586:
-, mediation with for Count of Emden, 2, 6, 7; Leicester's placard in, 9; Lord Gray to command in, 657.
-, bad news from, 10, 13; Philip anxious about, 18; successes of Parma in, 53.
-, England required to evacuate, 25, 104; Philip waiting for Elizabeth's demands about, 82; offers sovereignty to Elizabeth, 657.
-, those passing coasts to pay convoy, 28; France will not suffer hindrance of trade with, 29; reply upon, 31, 32.
-, Spaniards curse revolt in, 57; war in less costly to Spaniards than in Indies, 88.
-, expected to stand on point of religion, 84; Queen's pledges in, 679.
-, occupation of Mont Cenis would paralyse Spaniards and Italians in, 89.
-, English force increased in, 112; Philip's loan from Fuggers not for, 141.
-, Lorraine supplies useful for, 139; capture of Rocroy may serve campaign in, 152.
-, passport to, 178.
-, 1587:
-, Marquis del Vasto and many Italian nobles leave, 188; dissatisfaction with Leicester in, 247.
-, Swiss for service in, 243; German troops available for, 245; effect of German intervention in, 293, 305.
-, Parma would rather fight England direct than in, 263; proposed service on frontier, 319.
-, separation a weakness to Spain, 286; Queen's heavy charges in wars of, 318.
-, send de la Pre about shipping, 297; book published in, 368.
-, rumour that Elizabeth abandoning, would like Denmark as protector, 304; Denmark asked to help in, 370.
-, prohibition of, export of French victuals to, 309; peace negotiations in, 369; report from, 385.
-, assurances to Casimir about, 330, 331; Pfalzburg pledged for, 430.
-, Italian troops for, 359; Pope sneers at Philip about, 365; troops marching to, 388, 422.
-, Bouillon threatened when peace in, 360; trouble with Turk may determine Spain to make peace with, 389.
-, Parma inclined to grant religious liberty to, 389; efforts to prevent Queen helping, 451.
-, remonstrance of La Noue with, 389–92; on bad terms with Leicester, why ? 422.
-, Buy's negotiations about, 431; Spanish good fortune in, 452; a place to bestow Spanish rubbish in, 455.
-, Pfalzburg pawned for churches of, 434; hopes for restoration of faith in, 562.
-, Philip would gladly secure son's quiet possession of, 453; Parma's operations in, 551.
-, origin of English help to, 464, 465; sovereignty of offered to Elizabeth, 465; Queen's dealings with Spain about, 466; Queen's objects in, 466, 467.
-, Spanish objects by negotiating peace in, 536, 561, 563; Spanish hopes of recovering, 557.
-, French King alarmed by English treaty with, 551; Stafford tries to remove, 552; Philip means to devote all his forces to recover, 558; hopes rest on treason in, 559, 561.
-, great preparations in, against England, 560, 608; Spain may suffer from fleet of, 561; Queen can urge to action, 620.
-, death of Elizabeth would mean recovery of, 564; importance of Sedan to, 593; Philip cannot spare forces from against France, 634.
-, See also Holland.

Lowys, Prince Vaivode of Transylvania, 674.

Lubeck [German Empire]: contribution to French Huguenots, 62; shillings of, 399.
-, refuses payment to Schulte, 67; he incurs its dislike, 68.
-, independent action of, 70; meeting of Hanse at, 102; slander Merchant Adventurers, 314.
-, Matthias gone to, 237; refuses Schulte's expenses, 404.
-, ships of, for Spain, go round Scotland, 300.
-, fear of Denmark, 349; opposes English relations with Stade, 458; opposition of, 460; stores from, for Spain, 542, 565.
-, recorder of, 304.

Lucca, Tuscany, Italy, 101.

Lucerne, Switzerland, agrees to receive papal nuncio, 141; alliance with Spain, 275, 324; assembly at to appease quarrels between Catholics and Lutherans, 513.

Ludovici. See Lewis.

Ludwig, Duke of Wurtemberg. See Louis the Pious.

Luis, Dom, Infant of Portugal, father of Antonio, 602.

Luneburg, Luneburch, Lunburg [Hanover, German Empire]: conference of Princes at, 61, 71, 76, 170, 201, 325.
-, fear of Denmark, 349.

Lusatia. See Lausitz.

Lusignan [Vienne, France], Navarre reviews defences, 4; capitulation made with Catholics in, disavowed, 8.

Luson, William, 654.

Lussa, Seigneur de, party to treaty of Madrid, 626.

Lussan, Lusan, M. de, likely to stay English ships, 678.

Luther, Jeffrey, 649.

Lutzelstein, La Petite Pierre, Lhuzelstein [Lorraine, France], reported designs on, 307, 308; danger to, 334.

-, letters from, 308, 318, 647.

-, Prince Palatine of. See George John.

Luxembourg, Duchy of, Bouillon's principality said to belong to, 563.

Luxembourg, Charles de, Comte de Brienne, made Governor of Dauphiné, 640.

Lyddell, Persevall, merchant at Rouen, 92.

Lyer. See Lierre.

Lylly, Lyly. See Lilly.

Lyme [co. Dorset], 33.
-, ship of, seized, 63; French goods sold in, 361.

Lymon, Peter, purser, 468.

Lyon, Lyons, Lions [Rhone, France], 111, 201, 424, 450.
-, news from, 417, 456, 505.
-, quarrel about Government of, 7, 8, 21.
-, talk of King going to, 21; brought into subjection to League, 168.
-, despatches sent by, 25, 44, 191.
-, floods near, 92.
-, money to be spent at, 165; money paid at, 181.
-, archbishop of. See Espinac, Pierre.
-, Easter fair of, 472.
-, Governor of, 446.

-, See Mandelot, Francois.