Index: C

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: C', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: C". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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C. M. de, in Albigeois, 4.

Cabot, Francois, master of a ship taken by the English, 318.

Cabreth, David, letters from, 538, 555, 567.

-, -, letter to, 567.

Cabry, Nicholas, letter from, 659.

Cadiz, Cales, Cayles, Andalusia, Spain, fleet returning to, by reason of great sickness, 11.

-, Sir Francis Drake's enterprise upon, 280, 286, 297, 658, 659.

-, an Englishman resident at, 414.

-, Governor of. See Vega, Juan de.

-, ships victualled, etc., at, 329; burnt at by Drake, mariners of, to furnish other ships, 332; making for, feared to be Drake's, 578.

- Road, ships in, 57; French ship boarded in, by Drake, 468.

-, wines sent by way of, 493; inhabitants of, have conveyed away their goods, ibid.

-, traveller from, 578.

Cæsar, Caius Julius, answer to Helvetians, 84.

Caffarelli, Signor Giovanni Pietro, marriage of, festivities at, 443, 445.

Cahors, M. de, desires the release of two Welshmen, prisoners only for religion, 672.

Caises Lauteren. See Kaiserslautern.

Cajetan, Cardinal, place of, granted to Cardinal Allen, by the Pope, 357, 364.

Calais, Cales, Callis, Callyce, Cayles [Pas de Calais, France], 243.

-, process of, 169; Philip II. and restitution of, 177; is demanded by the League, 291; passages to England closed at, 236; any Englishman coming by, is in danger of his life, 257; report that it is to be besieged, 588.

-, advices from, 173, 174; boats of, order concerning, 49; goods to be transported to, 81; merchants of, ibid; ordnance sent from, 43; English gentlemen at or coming to, 538; travellers to or from, 196, 202, 474, 577, 666.

-, the Golden Balances at, a letter to be delivered at, 474.

-, Governor of. See Mauleon, Gerault de, Seigneur de Gourdain; Nogaret, Jean Louis de, Duc d' Epernon.

- sheriff of, 106.

-, letters dated at, 19, 475, 539, 556, 567, 608, 609, 613; letter addressed to, 567.

-, ships at or going to, 29, 474, 538, 567, 577; boarded by Drake, 468; captured near, 29, 106; English, detained at, 285, 319; ship belonging to, 285; victuals being transported from, for the Prince of Parma, 556.

-, Pas de, ship taken in, 44.

Calandra, Monsignor, at Venice, 439.

Calendrini, Signor Cesare, agent of Horatio Palavicino at Norimberg, 19, 111.

-, John, promise of payment of moneys by, 473 (2).

Cales. See Cadiz; Calais.

Callis, John, pirate, proceedings against, 114; robbery by, 115; notes of proceedings in relation to his process, 169.

Calvin, books of, under censure, 364.

Calvinists, difference of opinions held by the Lutherans and, 345.

Camailles, Sieur de. See Pinard.

Camarestes, a Polish castle, 650.

Cambrai, Ciamberi [Nord, France], Cardinal Granville going to, 1; light horsemen from, 21; report that is to be delivered to the King of Spain, 21, 24; (or) that he means to recover, 563 (2).

-, governor of. See Monluc, Jean de, Sieur de Balagni.

-, the Queen's lieutenant at, 273.

-, dealings with the Governor of, 126; matters of, alluded to, 176.

-, suspicion that the Prince of Parma means to set upon, 498; proposed visit of the Duke of Guise to, 541; persons imprisoned at, ibid; troops gone from, ibid.

-, possible Spanish attempt upon, 563.

-, traveller to, 450.

-, treaty of (1529), notes in relation to, 626.

Cambresis. See Cateau Cambresis.

Camilla, Signora. See Peretti, Camilla.

Campagni. See Perrenot, Frederic de, Seigneur de Champagny.

Campigna. See Kempen.

Camphire, Camphyre. See Ter Veere.

Campion [Father Edmund] and other priests, execution of (in 1581), book concerning, 48.

-, Mr., to be brought to the French ambassador, 33.

Camus, Geoffrey, Sieur de Pontcarré, accompanies Queen Mother, to Navarre, 51.

"Canaanites and Amorites," the English said to have already fought against, 639.

Canani, Canano, Giulio, Cardinal, "rents" of, carried away by the river Po, 426.

Canaries, the, ship coming from, 22; ship laden at, 26; ship returning from, taken by the English, 468.

-, -, a merchant of, 56.

Candiots. See Cretans.

Cannae, battle of, 391.

Cano, Christophall, of Malaga, to be apprehended, 414.

Canquernaw. See Concarneau.

Cantabrian, or "Cantabrian crow," the. See Morgan, Thomas.

Canterbury, French refugees at, petition on behalf of, 166.

canvas, order for restitution, 33.

Capel, Mr., greeting for, 217.

Capella, Bianca, Grand Duchess of Florence, Duke married without Spain's leave, 534.

-, -, son of, ill, 420.

Capelletti, the, bandits killed by, 424.

Capello, Cavaliere Vittorio (at Venice), brother-in-law of the late Grand Duke, precedency claimed by, 424; claim of, decided against, 440.

Cape St. Antony [Cuba], Drake reported to have passed, going towards home, 57.

Cape St. Vincent [Portugal], English vessels about, vessels captured and much booty taken by, 503; English "pirate" ships at, 560.

Cape Verde, ship returning from, 468.

-, -, fresh damages said to be done by Drake at, 681.

Capestrano [Abruzzi, Italy], Marquisate of, grant of, 571.

Capperzucco, Col. Biagio, footmen under conduct of at Florence, are ready to march, 335.

Caprarola [Prov. Roma, Italy], Gaetano received royally at, 419; Farnese back from, 437, 445.

Capua, archbishop of. See Costa, Cesare.

Capua, Annibale di, archbishop of Naples, at Boseveino, 411; candidate for red hat, 421; Philip supports, 439, 443; offers pope's mediation in Poland, 503.

-, -, papal nuncio in Poland, settles differences between King and Maximilian, 649.

Capuchin friar, brother of the Duke de Joyeuse, 425.

Caracciolo, Battista, going as captain into Istria, 418.

Caravas, Carravas, Count, sent to the King of Navarre, 22, 33.

Caravazall, Joan de, fiscal at Malaga, deposition of, 415.

Cardinal, the [qy. Allen], 670.

-, in Portugal. See Albert Archduke of Austria.

Cardinals, expected, promotion of, 419, 425; the Piazza (in Venice) thinks of nothing but wagers on, 420; creation of, 436, 442, 443; alluded to, 447, 456.

-, decree prohibiting, from publishing matters treated of in Consistory, renewed, 437.

-, rumours concerning the creation of (Christmas, 1587), 442; betting in relation to, ibid; list of the new, who have received the hat, 443–4; list of, alluded to, 447.

-, in Rome, negotiation of the Spanish ambassador with, 503.

-, "families" of, in Rome, go out to meet the Grand Master of Malta, 445.

Cardinals, names of, Albert, Archduke of Austria; Aldobrandini, Ippolito; Allen, William; Arques Francois d' cardinal de Joyeuse; Bathori, André; Benutio, Steffano, bishop of Arezzo; Borromeo, Federico; Bourbon, Charles de, cardinal of Vendôme; Bourbon-Vendome, Charles de, cardinal of Bourbon; Cajetan; Canani, Guilio; Castro, Roderigo de, archbishop of Seville; Colonna; Corneo, Ippolito, cardinal of Perugia; Este, Hippolytus de, cardinal of Ferrara; Este, Ludovico; Farnese, Alexander; Gaetano, Enrico; Galli, Antonio Maria, bishop of Perugia; Galli, Ptolomeo, bishop of Como; Gesualdo, Alfonso; Gondi, Pierre de, bishop of Paris; Gonzaga, Ferdinand; Gonzaga, Scipio, patriarch of Jerusalem; Lenoncourt, Philip; Levis, Antonio di, cardinal of Santa Fiore; Lorraine, Louis de; Madrucci, Ludovico; Mattei, Gieronimo; Medici, Ferdinand I. de'; Mendoca, Juan de, archdeacon of Toledo; Pallotta, Giovanni, archbishop of Cosenza; Peretti, Alessandro, cardinal Montalto; Perrenot, Antony, cardinal de Granvelle; Pio, Rodolfo, cardinal Carpi; Rusticucci, Geronimo; Santa Croce, Prospero di; Sauli, Antonio, archbishop of Genoa; Savelli, Jacques; Sfondrati, Niccolo, bishop of Cremona; Sforza, Francesco, cardinal of San Giorgio; Sitticus, Marcus II. count of Altemps; Strozzi, Lorenzo; Tagliavia, Simon, de Aragon, cardinal of Aragon; Valier, Augustin, bishop of Verona; Verdale, Hugh de, grand master of Malta.

Cardinal Chamberlain of the Pope, deposits money in the Castle of St. Angelo, 475.

Carewge. See Le Veneur.

Carey, Sir George, prize taken by, proceedings in relation to, 169.

-, -, letter to be sent to, 33.

Carey, Henry, Lord Hunsdon, documents signed by, 105.

Carlat [Cantal, France], Queen of Navarre at, 52.

Carleton, Sir Dudley, English ambassador at Venice, letter to, 179.

Carlo, daughter of. See Christine daughter of Duke of Lorraine.

Carpi, Cardinal. See Pio, Rodolfo.

Carr (Carre), Sir George, 138.

Carravas, Count. See Caravas.

Carrouges, Carewge, Sieur de. See Le Veneur, Tannegui.

Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, Genoese galley near, fight of, with corsairs, 475.

-, ship at, "disgrace happened to," 688.

- [de las Indies], reports of Drake's proceedings after the taking and ransom of, 58; said not to be true, 73.

-, -, letter dated from, 402.

Carvell (Carvil), Robert, escapes from Scotland in the night, 259.

Cary, Robert, journey of, stayed, 259.

Casale [Prov. Alessandria, Italy]; camp above, letter dated at, 260; Malvezzi goes to, 572.

Cascaes, Gaskaylles, Cast, Cales [Estremadura, Portugal], arrival of Drake at, 332; port of, armed, ibid.

-, -, the King of Spain's army at, 588; ships sailing from, 589.

Casimir, Duke. See John Casimir.

-, Duchess. See Elizabeth, daughter of Elector of Saxony.

Cassandra, prophecies of, alluded to, 449.

Cassandra. See Palavicino, Fabritio, wife of.

Cassano [Prov. Cosenza, Italy], church of, "in the kingdom" [of Naples], given to Dr. Lewis, by nomination of the King of Spain, 503.

Cassel [Hesse Cassel, German Empire], 238; letter dated at, 136; Palavicino and, 86, 281.

Cast. See Cascaes.

Castellane, Melchior de, Baron d' Allemagne in Provence, victory and death of, 154 and note.

Castelnau, Michel de, Seigneur de Mauvissiere, late French ambassador in England, note concerning his meddling with the Queen of Scots' matters (in 1584), 467.

-, -, birth of his children, in England, alluded to, 643.

-, -, letter from, 643.

-, -, memorial of, alluded to, 643.

-, -, a former servant of, letter from, 675, 676.

Castelvetro, Signor, expected at Frankfort, 81; at Frankfort, news learned from, 87 (2).

Castiglio or Castillio, Antonio de; calls himself "her Majesty's Merlino," 79; proposed visit of, to the Queen, 98, 99.

-, -, letters from, 79, 83, 84, 280.

- -, heads of a letter to, 84; letters to, alluded to, 98.

Castiglio or Castilia, Signor Giovanni di, master of the camp, "an old Spanish Captain," taken prisoner; proposed exchange of, for M. de Teligny, 262, 263; has been exchanged for M. de Villiers, 670.

Castile, Spain, kingdom of, protector of. See Mendoca, Juan de.

-, Don Jean de, 511.

-, fleet of, refuses to fight, 1.

-, soldiers from, gathering at Lisbon, 161.

Castilian tongue, letter written in, 335.

Castillion or Castillon [Gironde, France], on the Dordogne, proposed siege of, or attack upon, by the Duke de Mayenne, 4, 10; besieged by him, 49; brave defence of, by the townsmen, 60, 61.

-, -, the King of Navarre goes to raise the siege of, 72.

Castres [Tarn, France], Governor of. See Lorges, Gabriel de, Comte de Montgomery.

-, garrison of, successes of, 5.

-, Vicomte Turenne at, "taking a diet," 545.

Castro [Prov. Rome, Italy], bishopric of, 419.

Castro, Joan de, of one of the chief noble families of Portugal, letter of, 601.

-, -, has gone into France, ibid.

-, -, Stafford sends his letter into England, 610.

-, Roderigo de, cardinal archbishop of Seville, preparing to go to Rome, 513.

Catalonia, Spanish gallies in, 679.

Caterina, late Queen of Portugal, time of, alluded to, 602.

Cateau Cambresis, treaty of (1559), notes in relation to, 626, 627.

Catherine de' Medici, Queen Mother of France.
-, 1586:
-, at Chenonceaux, 5; intended journey announced, 21; at Chanteloup, 53; back at Chenonceaux, 72, 73, 103.
-, mad at death of Grand Prior, 9; wanted Nemours to have Lyon, 21; reported promise to let Philip have Cambrai, 24; has Arnault sent away, 34.
-, offers to King of Navarre, 36; his bitter words of, 37; King sends to King of Navarre, 38, 39, 48, 51, 61; announces will make peace with him, 51; true reason for going, 52.
-, interview with Stafford, 51; abbot of Guadaigne returns to, sent to King, 60; asks Elizabeth for leave to buy hackneys, 80; sends abbot of Guadaigne to King, 95.
-, Navarre further from speaking with than ever, 73; negotiations with him, 92, 103, 104; has been with him "all this while," 95; desires an interview, 118.
-, depressed by flood and prophecy, 92; said to be deceived by King, 95; letter desired from, 99.
-, to meet Navarre soon, 132, 153, 156; has secret commission to offer him exercise of conscience throughout truce, 147; report Navarre will not treat with, 155; report of discourse with him, 156; said to despair of negotiating anything, 158.
-, visit to Nerac, 153; labours for peace, 180.
-, reported to have departed dissatisfied, 162; interview with Navarre alluded to, 167, 175, 223, 227; tells Navarre King will have no religion in France save his own, 167, 175.
-, 1587:
-, Navarre will do part of her mind, 194; greatly piqued by failure with him, 258; does him worst offices she can, 288.
-, returning to Paris, 243, 257, 259; private letter to Lady Stafford, 252; full of the gout, 257; false news given to about Chateauneuf, 273.
-, King means to send to League, 257; movements are suspicious, 275; instrument to draw King into League, 286.
-, gone to Duke of Guise, 287; hopes to win by bait of Evreux, 289; sets out but revoked, 290; conference with Guise and the League at Rheims, 297, 299, 301.
-, eager for news of Scotland, sent present to bishop of Glasgow, 290; ministers who have gone with, 295; de Trappes sent to, 300, 301, 303, 309.
-, thought to hinder release of English ships, 290; King acquaints with all matters of weight, 303; papers believed stolen by connivance of, 464.
-, has gone to meet Duke of Lorraine, 301; is with the Guises, 309.
-, has arrived in Paris, 354; French Queen at table with, 373.
-, King assured keeps nothing from him, 354; well affected to peace, to preserve Guises, 386.
-, order about shipping depredations read to, 392; letter carried to, 464; complaints of merchants shown to, 469.
-, 1588:
-, goes to mass and dines with Gondi, 497; artful dealing and favouring of League, 510; wants to prevent English commissioners being sent to Parma, 535.
-, advice to King, 521; influence with him, 525 526; has pressed King about Gifford, 548; in relation to arrest of Gifford, 548, 661; Stafford fears effect of Gifford's papers on, 663.
-, relations with Abbé del Bené, 547; is said to have sent Guises a lesson, 550; offers to go to Guise, 551; to meet D'Aumâle and draw him out of Picardy, 577.
-, informs King of approach of Parma's forces, 551; in relation to expedition into Picardy, 551, 552.
-, offers to go again to Navarre, 551; present at King's Council, 583; said to be going to Soissons, 592.
-, meeting held in chamber of, 583; King will be brought to do what she listeth, 584; alarms King about Epernon, 600; King angry with, 605.
-, breaks Nemours Lorraine match, 591; opposes Bellievre's proposal for peace, 595; desires King to send Bellievre again to Guises, 605.
-, belief that Queen of Navarre will not trust, 591; comb almost cut with Epernon's going, 601; claims to have advised King for best, 605.
-, some jealous conceit of Pinart put into head of, 601; sends letter to Guise, 605; attends conference at Louvre, 607.
-, amazed at King's departure from Paris, 609; commanded to remain there, 610.
-, mission to Guise, 609; angry interview with Guise, 625; anger moves Guise to recall guns, 641, 642.
-, Miron goes to and fro between and King, 624, 625; Villeroy sent to, 631; nuncio acquaints with King's confidences, 644.

-, -, letter to, 537; letters to, alluded to, 3, 53, 393, 626.

-, -, order of, alluded to, 208.

-, -, escuyer de. See Brehaut, Antoine de.

-, -, hangers on upon, 532, 533.

-, -, lieutenant of, at Cambrai, 273.

-, -, house of, Madame de Nemours, "dislodged out of," 591; watched, 606; the Duke of Guise goes to, ibid.

-, -, mules of, to bring stuff to the King, 625; bringing treasure, draped to appear to be hers, 639.

Catherine, Queen of Sweden, daughter of Queen Bona of Poland, 202.

Catholic Church, the, the Pope desires to restore England and Holland to, 562.

-, potentates, exhorted by the Pope not to molest Jewish vessels, 512.

-, princes of the blood, report of a counter league of [against the Guises], 652.

- Religion, enemies of, help needed against, 453. And see League, the.

Catholics, Roman, papists, Spaniards expect to rise, in England, 101, 342; lose hope of advancing Church by killing Queen, 242; Queen menaced by, 294; excitement in France over persecution of, 316.

Catullus, quotation from, 375; alluded to, 376.

Caumont, in Gascony [Gers, France], Governor of. See Vivans, Geoffrey de.

Caumont, — de, Sieur de La Force, Navarre sends to King, 373.

Cavalli, Col. Antonio, to go as Governor to the "Orcinuovi," 418.

Cayles. See Cadiz; Calais.

Cecil [Robert], son of Lord Burghley [then resident in France], called cousin by Sir Edw. Stafford, 10, 24, 65, 125; Stafford advises his recall, 655.

-, Sir Thomas, eldest son of Lord Burghley's son, is in good health, 78.

-, William, Lord Burghley, Lord Treasurer of England:
-, matters to be imparted to, 13, 225; matters to be concealed from, 35.
-, asked to send money to Duke Casimir, 108; Stafford defends as regards Queen of Scots, 127; said to have counselled her death, 137.
-, Stafford complains to of Walsingham's attitude, 125–8; Cardinal Savello thinks highly of, 136; reported author of Davison's advancement, 159.
-, advice of to Buzenval, 164; Roche Giffard to see on behalf of Navarre, 167.
-, ordered to repair to London, 189; not loved by Leicester and Hatton, 194.
-, Bellievre's good opinion of, and report to Stafford, 194; not place to give passports, 222.
-, course with de Trappes recommended by, 240; commissioner to give satisfaction to French, 242; Chateauneuf sends to, 247.
-, Queen's displeasure with over execution of Mary, 241, 242; 266; defence of, 242.
-, injured by fall from horse, 242; Stafford assures of good will, 267.
-, French rejoice to hear of disgrace, 242; report in France that has been chased about, 290.
-, letter to be shown to, 273; conference with, 285; matters to be put before, 288.
-, meeting with Chateauneuf at Croydon, 294; offices on behalf of reiters, 360.
-, French ships released with passport from, 306; gives Rogers papers about depredations, 371.
-, indisposition of, 556; Bouillon's obligations to, 594.
-, Chateauneuf wishes to speak with, 556; memorial of Chateauneuf to, 632; at negotiations with Chateauneuf upon charges against him, 657, 658.
-, answer to Duke Casimir's servant, 623; Westmorland wishes for answer from, 671, 672.

-, -, documents signed or endorsed by, passim; draft corrected by, 310; letters to and from, passim; alluded to, passim; list of commissioners by, 33; memoranda by, notes by, 7, 63, 169, 623, 653; notes of ambassadors by, 466, 467; papers or letters sent to, not delivered, 483; remembrance sent to, 596; requests presented to, 81; warrant for money to be despatched by, 87.

-, -, children of, compliments sent to, 643; and see Cecil, Thomas and Robert.

-, -, grandson of. See Cecil, William.

-, -, nephew of. See Bacon, Anthony.

-, -, clerk of. See Maynard.

-, -, a former page of, 556.

-, -, house of, meetings at, 189, 657.

-, -, cipher of, used, 519. And passim.

-, -, moneys to be paid by, 135.

-, -, money received by order from, 146.

-, Lady, wife of Lord Burghley, compliments sent to, 643.

-, William, son of Sir Thomas, has gone to the Earl of Leicester in the Low Countries, 78; in Rome, 125, 137; "a dangerous young man and a Jesuit professed," 133.

Cehors, M. de, kindness to Anthony Bacon, 672.

Celesti, Viceroy of Algiers, made Turkish Admiral in Ochiali's place, 338.

Celle Luneburg [Hanover, German Empire], letter dated at, 340.

Cena, la [the Lord's supper], conference concerning, 686.

Cenis, Mont (Mont Seny), the Swiss should extend their boundaries to, 89.

Cervi, Orsato da, Ragusian ambassador in Turkey, assurances given by, to Harborne, 648.

Cervia, Bishop of. See Paoli, Annibale.

Cesena [Prov. Forli, Italy], the President of Ravenna going to, 424, 439; tumult in, 425.

Cesi, Angelo, bishop of Todi, candidate for red hat, 425, 436.

Challon, Philibert de, Prince of Orange, party to treaty of Madrid, 626.

Chaise. See La Chaise.

Chaisedieu, La, abbey of [Haute Loire, France], given to bastard son of Charles IX., 4.

Challoner, Sir Thos., ambassador in Spain, in the time of the Duke of Alva (1574), note of, 466.

Chalonges, M. de, letters sent to England by, from the Duke of Bouillon, 440, 441 (2); praise of, by Queen Elizabeth, ibid.

Chalons [Marne, France], the Duke of Guise has returned to, 590.

Charon's (Caron's) ferry boat, many sent in, "for Limbo lake," 649.

Chartres [Eure et Loire, France], the King at, 609; has left, 625 (2), 626.

-, Notre Dame de, the King and Queen go to, 153, 156; belief "that women often come from thence with child," ibid; declaration from, 633n.

Chambellan, or Chamberlen, Pierre, French merchant, proceedings taken by, 114; the answer by the Judge of the Admiralty concerning, 115; proceedings in relation to his process, 169.

Chamberlain, Captain, going out from Dieppe, 54.

Chamberlain, the Lord. See Howard, Charles.

Chambre, M. de, "named Infantius," 433.

Champagne, France, churches of, 386; the League ruined, 479; the reiters should have ravaged the parts of, adhering to the League, 522.

Champagny, (Champygny, Champigny) Seigneur de. See Perrenot, Frederic de.

Champigny [Seine, France], persons to meet at, 36.

Chancellor, the Lord. See Hatton.

Chanteloup [near Amboise, Indre et et Loire, France], the Queen Mother at, 53.

Chappon, French ship, 318.

Charboniere [? Gabriel Prevost, Seigneur de], a chief man of the King of Navarre's party, 516.

Charité. See La Charité.

Charles V., Emperor, treaties with, alluded to, 370, 626; charter of Henry VIII. ratified by, 394; privity of, to the traitorous killing of the Duke of Parma's grandfather, 501; the French always defenders of the house of Farnese against, 502; investiture by, alluded to, 534.

Charles the Simple, King of France, times of, alluded to, 677.

Charles [IX.], the late French King, letters of recommendation from, alluded to, 675.

-, -, bastard son of. See Charles, Monsieur.

Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, great-grandfather of Charles V., history of, title page of, 177.

Charles II., duke of Lorraine, 335:
-, may help against Sedan, 186; La Noue's son hostage with, 262; goes to meet Queen Mother, 301; bond of Duke of Petite Pierre with, 307.
-, treats to sell bishopric of Strasburg, 325; fears Stein, 339.
-, Guise goes to stiffen, 356; Italian forces to succour, 359; sharp words with Guise, 362.
-, secret negotiations of Casimir with, 379; King at Orleans, expecting, 411; Casimir's dealings with, 435.
-, reputed cause of all the evils, answer upon, 385; Queen well affected for peace with, 386.
-, Parma's son to marry daughter, 427.
-, Pfalzburg pledged to, promise for redemption, 430; negotiations with for redemption, 431.
-, promises to do nothing against Navarre, 434; hires assassin to kill Navarre, 587.
-, son in Montbeliard, 502; apologises for ravaging of Montbeliard, 541.
-, letter to, 332.
-, daughter of. See Christine.

Charles Emanuel I., duke of Savoy: christening of son, 53, 679; Doria waiting to hear from, 83; wants war with Swiss, 89.
-, furnishes troops against Geneva, 93, 161; Berne decides to oppose designs, 100; presses on Geneva, 122; now quiet, 328.
-, ill treatment of Protestants, 99; enmity with Geneva, 168.
-, may lead war against England, 152; La Noue's presence offensive to, 262.
-, likely to resist French invasion of Milan, 344; levying soldiers, 409.
-, talk of as Governor of Flanders, 409, 410; Philip's son in law, 453; Saluzzo right of, 454; sends envoys to Emperor and Maximilian, 424; gives pass to reiters, 448, 449; expected to lead Spanish expedition, 557.

Charles of Styria, Archduke of Austria, sending help for Maximilian, 506; troops held back, 512; talk of daughter marrying Grand Duke, 540.

Charles, the Marquis, troops levied by at Innsbruck, 607.

Charles, Prince, of Sweden, Duke of Suenia:
-, letters patent of, 106; reported revolt against King, 172.
-, letter of, 64.

Charles, Monsieur, bastard of Charles IX., of France, offices given to, 4; the Grand Prior, King's favour to, 356.

Chastes. See Chattes.

Chastillion. See Coligny, Francois de.

Château Landon [Seine et Marne, France], camp near, letters dated at, 396, 397.

Chateauneuf, Chasteauneuf. See Aubesbine, Claude de l'.

Chateuvieux [Ain, France], Clervant dies at, 448n.

Chatelet, in Picardy [Aisne, France], reported to be taken by the League, 257.

Chatillon, Sieur de. See Coligny, Francois de.

Chatillon, Ciastiglione (on the borders of Savoy) [Ain, France], retreat of the reiters to, 448.

- sur Seine (Shattullion) [Côte d'Or, France], a prisoner taken at, 588.

Chatillon, Gaspard de, Sire de Coligny, Admiral of France, 433.

Chattes, Chastes, Aymar de, Governor of Dieppe, strife between La Milleraye and, as to command of the army in Normandy, 8; is to have the command, 21.

-, -, at the court, 43; complains of the English men of war, 49.

-, -, (Chatre), general of the navy, 54; warships of, 169.

-, -, passport for exporting a hackney requested for, 367; "a very honest gentleman," ibid.

-, -, has provided for a siege, 588.

Chaumont, Jean de, Baron de Guitry, Gitteri, Quitri, Quitry, agent of the King of Navarre, 149, 200, 308, 448, 496.
-, levy proposed by, 684; ill with grief, 81; conference with John Casimir, 113, 133; considers his terms reasonable, 124; selfish policy of, 151; ill conduct to Palavicino, 160, 182.
-, at Heidelberg, 171; leaving for Sedan, 187; at Frankfort, 223; Casimir awaits return, 237.
-, capitulation signed by, 186; dealings upon, 200, 233.
-, delayed, 238; Palavicino feared ill will, 249; Saxony's treatment of, 263, 264.
-, Casimir displeased with, 275; Duke of Petite Pierre told of resolution, 317.
-, after defeat of reiters, 492; a chief man of Navarre's side, 516.
-, letters from, 99, 148, 155, 235, 293.
-, -, alluded to, 45–47, 87, 121, 133, 134, 243, 244, 334, 492.
-, letters to, 124.
-, -, reference to, 79, 138, 223.

-, -, Secretary of, 157.

Chaux, Seigneur de la. See Poupet, Charles de.

Chelles, in the Bourbonnais [Seine et Marne, France], forces going to, 6.

Chemerault, Chemereaulx, Seigneur de. See Barbezieres, Mery de.

Chenonceaux, Chenoncieulx [Indre et Loire, France], the Queen Mother going to or at, 5, 21, 38, 72, 73, 103.

Chenu, Humbert, a messenger from Gifford, 669.

-, -, receipt by, ibid.

Cherbourg, Sherbrook [Manche, France], a French ship captured near, 312; inquiries to be made at, 566; the Guise has put his Governor in, 589.

Chesa, M. de la ? La Chaise, 450.

Chester, one, goes to France, 154.

Chester, goods taken by English pirates sold at, 494.

Chevrault, M., money brought by from the Church of France, for the Swiss levy, 653.

Chevrier, Jehan, a merchant of Auvergne, the French King demands justice for, 29, 30, 31.

Chiaussi, the, have come from the convent at Warsaw, 419.

Chichester, co. Sussex, citizen of, 179; a ship's captain of, 233.

Chichester, Sir John, death of, 655.

Chimay, Princess of, article for in the Treaty of Madrid (1526), 626; and in the Treaty of Cambresis, 627.

Chinchion, Count di, daughter of, wife of the late Count Alfonso della Somaglia, 424.

Chisholm, Dr. William, bishop of Dunblane, gone to treat with King, 469.

Chiverny, Comte de. See Hurault, Philip.

Choart, Paul, Seigneur de Buzenval, Bucenvall, Busenvall, agent of the King of Navarre, 3, 284, 366.

-, -, mission to, of England: going to England, 19; said to hate Abbé del Bené, 129; Walsingham hides nothing from, 132, 133; is blamed for slackness by Navarre, 163; regrets that the "humours of the League" have so affected the King that he gave authority to Bellievre to use bravadoes and threats to her Majesty, 185; Buzenval, said to give forth daily letters of mark in England, 208; is desired to forbear doing so, 210; intelligence (false) received by, 225; returns to London, 230; has written a letter of reconciliation to Burghley, 267; has been at court, 282; information given by, to La Huguerye, ibid; assurances given to, 330; matters to be learnt from, by the Queen, ibid; matters to be communicated to, 346, 354; matters to be imparted by, to the Queen, 368; knows Abbé del Bené's character, 375; Stafford's good opinion of, 383; is made acquainted with whatever Walsingham knows, 485; matters to be kept from, 530, 545; fear that he may advertise things falsely, 547; relations with del Bené, 548; information given by, 593; Walsingham referred to, as to the state of affairs in France, 615; warns Walsingham of danger to the Queen from certain strangers, 655.

-, -, letters from, 45, 47, 157, 162, 166, 185, 230, 287, 308, 309, 328, 340, 351, 360, 366, 500, 535, 540, 549, 565, 592, 604, 613, 655; alluded to, 125, 131, 133, 271.

-, -, letters to, 118, 148, 374, 391; alluded to, 125, 130–132, 565, 615.

-, -, letters sent by, 593.

-, -, letter to, from the Abbé del Bené, copy of, sent to him by Stafford, with comments therefrom, 374 et seq.; alluded to, 382; quotations from, 484.

-, -, certificate that Stafford has always spoken of, "as a man of honour," 383.

-, -, packet sent or to be sent to, 22, 118, 463.

-, letters to, from the Abbé del Bené, alluded to, 367; report of, alluded to, 667.

Choiseul, Christian de, Baron de Beaupré, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Chomberg. See Schomberg.

'Chony,' the Queen of Navarre's Secretary, sent to the Bastile, 52.

Chouppes, Pierre de, Seigneur d' Availles, a chief man of the King of Navarre, 516.

Chourses, Jean de, Seigneur de Malicorne, M. de Mallicorne, Governor of Poitou, Lavardin going to succour, 297; Joyeuse refuses to help, 298; sends news of Condé's death, 530, 531.

Christendom, princes of, have heretofore found France a counterpoise against the greatness of the house of Austria, 174.

-, -, fear that those of the north may join forces against Spain, 558.

Christian princes, the King of Navarre's recourse to for aid, alluded to, 186.

Christian I., Elector of Saxony:
-, Palavicino's mission to, 14, 18, 26, 39, 42; relation of things at court of, 16–18.
-, conference with Brandenburg and Denmark, 18, 27, 71, 201; John Casimir going to, 79, 685.
-, defers seeing Emperor, 122; difficulty of embarking in French cause, 170; unwilling to surrender Ober Lausitz, 198.
-, reported payment to Matthias, 247; treatment of Guitry, 263, 264; kept back Bouk, 275, 282.
-, Hesse's offices with desired, 264; Emperor sends to for Diet, 325; commands subjects to look to arms, 312; confers with officials, attends conference at Naumberg, 326; adopts Calvinist confession, 599.
-, disburses wartgeld for reiters, 427; not old enough to lead Germans in France, 619.
-, letter of, 15.
-, -, referred to, 6.
-, no news of ambassadors from, 683.

Christian, Prince of Denmark, King of Denmark elect, suggested as King of the Romans, 326.

Christine, daughter of Duke of Lorraine:
-, marriage to Grand Duke of Tuscany, 420.

Christmas, William, merchant at Rouen, 92.

Christopher, ship of Croiset, 179, 233.

-, of Dartmouth, merchantman, 62.

Christopher, Duke of Wurtemberg, 432.

Ciamberi. See Cambrai.

Ciastiglione. See Châtillon; Coligny, Francois de.

Cicogna, Pasquale, Doge of Venice, 442.

Cifuentes, Cifonta, Conde de. See Silva, Juan de.

Cimerroni (Cimeroons or fugitive slaves), hope that may join with English against Spaniards, 88.

Cioll, Mr., factor to Mr. Farrington, in London, letter sent by, 451.

Cipher, scheme of, 676.

Civille, Francoys de, servant of Duke of Bouillon, letter from, 486.

Civita di Penna, Bishop of. See Benedetti, Gio. Battista.

Clairvaux, Baron of. See Villequier, Rene de.

Clausse, Henry, Seigneur de Fleury, French ambassador with the Swiss, prompts mission to France, 6.

- Pierre, Seigneur de Marchaumont, Marchomont, late French ambassador in England, 548:
-, Stafford in debt to, 128; but not ruled by, 129.
-, has entered into the League, 129; message from, 133.

Claye [Seine et Marne, France], 632.

- See also Cley.

Clerac in Gascony. See Cleyrac.

Clermont d'Amboise, Louis de, Marquis of Renel, Navarre captures, 359; arrangement with Prince of Petite Pierre, 434.

Clervant, Seigneur de. See Vienne, Claude Antoine de.

Cleve or Cleves, country of, Parma's forces in, 173; Spanish companies lying about, 327.

-, Duchy of, aid to be sent for defence of, 326.

-, Barons, etc., of, demand the Augustan confession and liberty of conscience, 438.

-, Duke of. See William, Duke of Cleves.

-, young Duke of. See John William.

Cley, Claye, co. Norfolk, resident at, 632.

Clifford, George, Earl of Cumberland, warrant for the Queen of Scots' execution directed to, 241.

Clinton, Clynton, young, of Herefordshire, wardship of, asked for, 672.

Cleyrac, Clerac [Gironde, France], Governor of. See Estele.

-, cargo of, 62; bought at Calais, 81; tax on, 85.
-, English for Swedish prince, 64; export of, 67, 75.
-, white from Hamburg, 102; trade with Hamburg, 306, 314, 315, 352, 398, 399.
-, for Stade, 230, 330, 331; trade diverted from Emden, 409; agreement with Hanse about, 456–9; stolen from French merchant, 556, 632.

Clotten, a Colonel of the reiters, money delivered to, 293.

Cobham, Lord. See Brooke, William.

-, Sir Henry, embassy of, to the King of Spain (1575), alluded to, 395, 466, 471.

Cocenza, Archbishop of. See Pallotta, Giovanni, Archbishop of Cosenza.

cochineal, cargo from Spain, 179, 233.

Cockermouth, co. Cumberland, report that Spaniards will land near, 598.

cod fish, cargo of, 312.

Cœdor, Sieur de, Breton gentleman, recommended to Walsingham, 308, 604.

-, -, claims that a Breton merchant ship, bringing him money, was plundered by an English ship, 613; Buzenval recommends him to favour, ibid.

Cognac, Coignac [Charente, France], report that the interview between the King of Navarre and Queen Mother is to be near, 156.

Cokeville. See Coqueville.

Coligny, Sire de. See Chatillon, Gaspard de.

Coligny, Francois de, Seigneur de Chatillon, Chastillon, Ciastiglione, throws himself into Milhaud, 36.
-, promises to conduct the reiters, on their surrender, 448; bold retreat of, 448, 492, 545, 587; has gained great honour, 492.

-, -, is of the King of Navarre's party, 516.

-, -, the Abbé del Bené endeavours to breed a jealousy, of, 545; in relation to the capitulation of the reiters, 587.

-, -, forces under, 36, 449.

-, -, younger brother of, 36.

-, Guy de, Comte de Laval, mission to French King, 186.

-, Louise de, Princess of Orange, packet from Madame de Bouillon for, 9; asks for Champigny's nephew, 511.

-, Odet de, Sieur d'Andelot, a chief man of Navarre's party, 516.

Collonges, Colonge [Ain, France], reiters pass safely, 448.

Cologne, Collein, Cullen [German Empire], ecclesiastical counts driven from, have gone to Strasburg, 327.

-, German troops go from, 438; letters going by way of, 507; merchants of, trade of, with England, 173; news from, 81, 411, 438, 444, 507; treaties at, alluded to, 370.

-, Archbishopric of, Castle in, 444; English soldiers said to have invaded, 686.

-, Archbishop and Elector of. See Bavaria, Ernest of; Truchsess, Gebhard.

-, Canons of, complain against the Emperor for executing the Pope's sentence against them, 324.

Colombiers, a chief man of the King of Navarre "on this side the Loire," 517.

Colone [qy. Prospero Colonna], report that he was killed in Spain, 534.

Colonge. See Collonges.

Colonia ad Suevum. See Berlin.

Colonna, Cardinal, 443; the Grand Master of Malta to be received by, 436.

-, Marco Antonio [? Viceroy of Sicily], goes to meet the Peru fleet, 338.

-, -, "comprehended" in the treaty of Cambresis, 627.

-, Signor Prospero, to muster men for the King of Spain, 338; kept in Spain by the King, "to serve him in these times of war," 505.

Coloreto, Commendatore, made chamberlain to the Grand Duke of Florence, 420.

Colvell, Richard, of London, letter to, alluded to, 414.

Comar or Komorn, a town in Hungary, taken by the Turks, 121, 135.

-, two towns of that name, ibid.

-, cavalry for the Emperor's army at, 296.

Comminges, Roger de, Seigneur de Sobolle, one of the King's chief confidants, 153.

Common Pleas, Lord Chief Justice of. See Anderson.

- -, Master of, at Bristol. See Stanbank, Anthony.

Como, Cardinal of. See Galli, Ptolomeo.

Concarneau, Canquernaw [Finistere, France], in Brittany, Governor of. See Lisonnett, M. de.

Conchet, Brittany. See Conquet.

Condé, Prince of. See Bourbon, Henri de; Bourbon, Louis de.

-, Princess of. See Tremouille, Charlotte de.

-, -, the dowager. See Bourbon, Louis of, Francoise, widow of.

Conquet, Conchet [Finistere, France], English ship taken by ships of, 62.

Constantinople, Turkey, English ships going to, 236; extreme scarcity at, 418.

-, a great hurly-burly in, over the calling in of false and light money, 649.

-, Arsenal in, preparations being made in, 505.

-, a felucca from, 426; galleys going from, 570.

-, letter dated at, 650; letters sent from, 297; alluded to, 123.

-, news from, 123, 338, 389, 418, 446, 460, 477, 504, 505, 513.

-, prisoner in, 673; traveller from, 689 : traveller to, 671.

Contarini, Signor Tomaso, knight, ambassador from Venice to the Duke of Florence, 419.

-, -, Conte dal Zaffo, precedency of, in the [Venetian] grand Council, 424, 440.

Conti (Cownty), Marquis de. See Bourbon, Francois de.

-, Lottario, at Rome, 569.

contraband of war, list of articles, 90.

Cooper, —, money owing to, 196.

Coppinger, Lady, money laid out for, 221.

Coqueville, Cokeville, Captain, may be admiral of the Dieppe fleet, 54.

Corbett, Robert, sent to Requesens (1575), 466, and to the Prince of Orange and Duke Casimir (no date), 471.

Corchelle. See Preau, Camille de, Seigneur de Courcelles.

Cordaillot, mentioned by Gifford as a helper, 666; "may make good gain of cloth," ibid.

-, Gifford is said to have accused, 667.

-, letter from, alluded to, 669.

Cordallion, M., Secretary to the French ambassador, (Appendix), 657.

Cordova, Cordua, Don Gonzales de, Governor of Milan, letter from, 260.

Corfu, Ionian island, news from, 338.

Cormont (Cormone), Captain, sent by the Duke of Epernon to treat with the reiters, 448.

-, M. de, a chief man on Navarre's side, 517.

-, -, Seigneur de Villeneuve, a chief man on Navarre's side, 517.

corn, dearness in Spain, 12; French ships laden with, 28, 44, 50, 247, 300, 306.
-, export from England, 94; English rouse French hatred by staying, 287; English ships laden with, 300.
-, cargo for Italy, 106; dearth at Milan, 161, 162; great scarcity of, 300; purchased by Geneva, 328.
-, French ships with released, 306, 319; ships with taken into Dunkirk, 315; cargo seized, 371, 372.
-, sold in Cornwall, 372; for La Rochelle, 500, 540, 592; shipped at Hamburg for Spain, 542; good harvest in Spain, 578.

Cornelius, a messenger, packet sent by, 194.

Corneo, Ippolito, cardinal of Perugia, 627.

Cornusson, Baron de. See La Valette, Francois de.

Cornwall, alarms and uproar even so far as, 241.

-, wheat sold in, 33.

-, Vice-Admiral of. See Gilbert, Sir John.

Corselles. See Preau, Camille de, Seigneur de Courcelles.

Corsica, island of, boats captured "in," 503.

Corsini, Filippo, recommended by the Duke of Tuscany, 239.

-, Bartolomeo and Co. of London, a cause carried on by, ibid.

Corsino, il, letters to be sent by, 191.

Corso, Alphonso di, lieutenant to M. de La Valette, defeat of the Swiss by, 355, 356.

Corsolary, islands of, victory at. See Lepanto.

Cortrick. See Courtrai.

Corvelles. See Couvrelles.

Cosenza [Prov. Cosenza, Italy], archbishop of. See Pallotta, Giovanni.

Cossacks, complaint made against, 650.

Cossé, Charles de, Comte de Brissac, dispossessed from the charge of the Castle of Angers, 595.

-, -, has been to Stafford (on the King's leaving Paris), and offered protection, favour and courtesy, 610.

-, -, troops of the League under, skirmish of, with the King's party, 639; Mount St. Catherine held by, ibid.

-, -, ships of, 169.

Cossé Brissac, Artus de, Marshal of France, at the French court, 13.

-, -, escorts the English ambassador on his departure, 25.

-, -, imprisonment of, 173.

Costa, Cesare, Archbishop of Capua, may be made a Cardinal at the next promotion, 419, 425; one of the first in the betting, 420.

-, -, returns from his nunciature at Venice, 436.

Cottell, Thomas, news sent to, 277.

Cotton, one, a servant of the Earl of Essex, 660.

County Palatine. See Palatinate.

Courant, ship, 318.

Courcelles, Corselles, M. de. See Preau, Camille de.

Court, M. de la, 379.

Courtenay, Sir William, claims of the French merchant, Le Pape, upon, for seizure of his ship and merchandise, 33, 65, 80, 124, 164.

-, -, servant of, 64; ship of, ibid.

Courtney, Thomas, ship's captain, 64, 65.

Courtrai, Cortrick [Prov. W. Flanders, Belgium], scarcity in, 173.

Coutras [Gironde, France], the King of Navarre's victory at, alluded to, 439, 492, 495, 518, 573.

Couvrelles, Corvelles, the Seigneur de, chamberlain to the Prince of Condé, takes money for the reiters, 275.

-, -, is concluding the agreement with the Colonels of the reiters, 282.

Cownty. See Conti.

Cowrle. See Curl.

Coxete, Luis, of Malaga, to be apprehended, 414.

Coyne, Captain, ships of, 169.

Cracow, Poland, report that the Archduke Maximilian had entered, 417; but he is still beneath it, 418; the Prince of Sweden only half a day's journey from, ibid; embassy from, to the Archduke, 418, 420.

-, passage to, opened for Maximilian, 423; the Polish Chancellor has vainly tried to issue forth from, and divers of the citizens have gone to Maximilian, 424.

-, the Chancellor has tried to get away from, with the crown, but the people have prevented it, 438; the lords at, have declared for Maximilian, ibid.

-, Maximilian again said to have entered, 439; news of his entry hoped by, 440; the Prince of Sweden is turned back from, ibid.

-, siege of, by Maximilian, 442, 447; report that he has taken it, 442, 443, 447; Hebrew merchants in, said to have offered him a great sum not to sack it, 443; Maximilian remains near, 450.

-, ambassadors sent to, from Lithuania, 461.

-, people of, injury done to and by, when Maximilian "would have entered the town," 463; the Swedish Prince believed to have been crowned at, ibid.

-, the Swedish Prince said to have entered, in order to be crowned there, 476; Balthazar Battori arrives at, with 260 armed men, ibid.

-, forces gathering to besiege the new King [i.e., the Prince of Sweden] in, 507.

-, Archduke Maximilian taken as prisoner to, 512, 514.

-, a castle near, 411; castle of, 442, 443, 447.

-, great church of, 476; gate of, called Tuss-ama, ibid.

-, archbishop of. See Miskowski, Peter.

-, magistrates of, ibid.

-, monastery near, 440.

-, news from, 571.

-, a place near, 412.

Cranchen, city of, in Friesland, those of, have sent deputies to the Earl of Leicester, 421.

Crato, Prior of. See Antonio, Don.

Crawford, Crayford, Earl of. See Lindsay, David.

Creichton, Creighton, Critton, William, a Scottish Jesuit, prisoner in the Tower, the Queen has promised shortly to free, 80; taking of, alluded to, 178.

-, (Cr. G. Scotus), verses by, alluded to, 455.

Cremona, cardinal of. See Sfondrati, Niccolo.

Cremonese, Italy, abbey in, 436.

Crepizzi. See Krzepici.

Cresswell, —, an English Jesuit, at Rheims, 672.

Cretans, Candiots, in Constantinople, 513.

Creutz, Don Pompeio, sent as ambassador by the King of Spain to the Swiss Catholic Cantons, 324.

Crichton, Critton. See Creichton.

Croft, Sir James, document signed by, 105.

Croisée, Croiset [Cotes du Nord, France], ship of, 179; a ship of, taken by an Englishman, 233.

Crook, Mr. of Southampton, woad taken by, to France, 80.

? Crotoy, in Picardy, taken by the League, 257.

Croy, Antoine de, Prince of Porcian, death of, alluded to, 433.

-, Philip de [late], Marquis of Aerschot, article for, in the treaty of Madrid (1526) and in the treaty of Cambrai (1529), notes of, 626.

-, -, article for, in the treaty of Cambresis (1559), 626.

-, Philippe de, Duke of Aerschot, at the Imperial Court, 505; in Italy, 594.

Croydon, co. Surrey, audience given to the French Ambassador at, 291; alluded to, 294, 295; meeting of Burghley and Chasteauneuf at, alluded to, 294, 295, 310.

Crulay, G. de, letters from, 222, 224.

Cuizza [qy. Iviza], island of, fight against the corsairs of, 475.

Cullen. See Cologne.

Cumberland, Earl of. See Clifford, George.

Cundado, the, traveller from, 277.

Curione, Leone, said to be taken prisoner, 450.

-, -, young son of, ibid.

Curl, Cowrle, servant of the Queen of Scots, extracts "avowed" by, 353.

currants, duty on, 409.

Cursyne, Philip, news received by, 278.

Curtietto, chief of the brigands in the Abruzzi, besieged, but escaped, 420.