Elizabeth: May 1587, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: May 1587, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp297-310 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1587, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp297-310.

"Elizabeth: May 1587, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp297-310.

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May 1587, 16-31

May 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
A courier from Spain brings news of Sir Francis Drake's success. "They write that he hath been in the bay of Cales [Cadiz] where he hath sunk and carried away two and twenty ships; that he had a great fight for the winning of the bridge and the town, and that he very valiantly assailed it and very hardly missed it; and that now he is retired back to the Cape. More, it is said that the Marquis of St. Crux is at Lisbon, where is a preparation of great forces, and that he will be ready to come forth the eleventh of the next month.
"The Queen Mother and the Duke of Guise, with them of the League, met on Saturday last at Rheims, but there is nothing come yet to the King of their treating.
"The King of Navarre doth what he list in Poictou, and hath won many small places; he hath with him 4000 shot and 500 horse; and the Vicomte of Turenne is coming down to him with 2000 shot and 200 horse. M. de Lavardin is at length, with much ado, dispatched from hence, with commissions to levy men to go to the succour of his uncle, M. de Malicorne, but it is thought he hath commandment (underhand) not to make too much haste.
"The news were here the last week very hot of the Reiters' coming, but now it is quailed again, upon a speech that the Emperor is making of a levy, upon colour to succour his brother, the Duke Mathias, who is in question for the kingdom of Polonia; which makes all the Princes protestants in Germany to lift up their ears, and to fear some other enterprize. . . ."
Ten ships are to be set out here to defend the coasts, six to go out on this side and four out of the river of Bourdeaux, under colour of defence of the traffic, "for that Rochellers, Englishmen and others (as they say) that go under the King of Navarre's commission, come even into their very havens and carry out their ships. Some would have it believed that it is for some enterprise upon Ireland, or to succour Scotland, but I see no great reason for the one or the other." I will advertise you what I can learn of it.
"Madame de Bouillon is lately dead, which is a great hindrance unto the general cause."
I send you letters brought me from Constantinople, but from whom I know not, for there was no word of address for me. I imagine they come from him who is there, and from Alvaro Mendez. One was to the King, which I have sent to M. de Villeroy. M. de la Pré, sent from the States about the shipping, has not yet had audience, nor any one else.
"M. de Nevers is now in Picardy as lieut.-general under the King, and not governor. He seems greatly to detest the League, and it is generally believed here he doth so. He and M. d'Aumale are met. It is said there is a great discontentment between them. If it be so indeed, I think the younger will be over-reached."—Paris, 17 May, 1587.
Postscript. I am even now advertised that the King of Navarre has besieged M. de Malicorne in Fontenay, and that all that country is at his devotion; upon which news the King commanded M. de Joyeuse to make himself ready by Saturday next to go down to succour M. de Malicorne, which he refused, whereat the King was greatly offended; not for that (as I think) he had refused the charge, but fearing that upon his refusal some one of the League should demand it, and he could not refuse it.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1½ pp. [France XVII. 67.]
May 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
I have sent you a draft "of the demands of them that I writ to you [of], that offered to enterprise somewhat upon the frontier of France, to take some place of importance of the King of Spain's. They marvelled much that they had no answer of it, and I told them that I thought their demands were so unreasonable that that was the cause. Whereupon they set me their demands in writing, and I apostiled unto them what I thought reasonable, which yet they have not replied unto; but I think they will do shortly and I will send it you by the next. For I told them it was to no purpose to send any thing to be any way considered of, without they would come to some reason."
I pray you communicate it to my lord of Leicester. I think La Pree, come hither for the States, has written to him of it.—Paris, 17 May, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XVII. 68.]
May 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
I am very sorry to hear from friends that my lord of Leicester "goes about to set forward a man that I have known him not long since not to have esteemed, afore you, whom all the world knoweth hath deserved well of him. I have by the last, upon the persuasions of some friends of mine that he favoured my mother in her trouble, written to him to offer him my poor service and good will. Truly, if I had known this afore, I should have done it, but with an evil will, for truly I love them that do love my friends, and like not of ingratitude, of all vices in the world." Yet I am angry with you that you have let slip so good a thing. Rather than they that deserve nothing should have it afore you who have deserved so much, I would step in with all the means I could.
"There be terrible spirits among them that affect the King of Navarre's party here. I cannot think that it cometh from himself, for I think he neither hath so bad a mind nor so little judgment to judge what is good or bad for himself. I have had as great cunning used by advertisements sent unto me undirectly of evil intents and meaning to us by the King, and to have made me to have kept things in eagerness between the King and her Majesty; and I know there is a plot that some of them shall come into your hands in England. And myself misliked of them secretly for going about to have things appeased, and to remain in good intelligence; and I know further that there hath been undirect cunning underhand the same way, of advertisements of our evil intents to France and looking still to Spain. At length, seeing things to grow in better terms, two days agone . . . one of them, and one that cometh freshest from the King of Navarre burst out withal to myself, in asking me how things for the amity went. I told him very well. He told me he was sorry for it with all his heart, for if the thing went not well between the Queen and the King, the Queen would help them in their affairs better. Which hearing, I could not keep [silence], but told him that they were helped of nobody but of the Queen, and that it was a very ungrateful mind towards her in recompense . . . to be no more careful of her estate, which could not stand if she brake with all the world, to hang only upon their fortune, and that if they considered it well, the keeping in of the King and the Queen strengthened them. And when he told me I might help much to make the Queen more liberal and greedy to help them, I told him I had helped and would in reason help what I could, but I was first the Queen's servant both born and sworn . . ."
I have neither written nor spoken of this to any other, save that I have made Mr. Waad acquainted with it and to declare things more at large to you on his return; not even to the Queen and Lord Treasurer. For I have more consideration of them than they have of themselves, and know you will keep the matter from turning to their disadvantage; but they grow very badly cunning, and will undo themselves if they be further discovered.
"If I had not considered the time, that did not permit me to do it, I had been as foully over-reached as ever I was in my life, for if [I] had written (as they pressed me to do) to the Count Soyssons my mind, and persuaded him against his match with M. de Nevers, which the King affected extremely and the King of Navarre utterly against, . . . they themselves that moved me to it had made my writing fall into the King's hand, only to aggravate things (then bad enough) between the King and the Queen. . . ."—Paris, 17 May, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France XVII. 69.]
May 17. Waad to Walsingham.
"Though the King hath some colour of excuse in deferring of audience unto us, yet I doubt not but of purpose the same is delayed during the Queen Mother's conference with the Guyse, which I do wish may bring forth better fruit than is looked for in common opinion. At this present, the Guyse is reduced to that state as it were easy for the King to bring him to what terms he would. And the King of Navarre doth daily increase in favour and reputation, governing himself with great discretion and wisdom, to make known to the world the occasion of his taking of arms in his necessary defence; with no mind to offend the King or any other . . .
"There is news out of Spain of the good success of Sir Francis Drake, received here with common joy . . ."
I hope my dispatch will not be long delayed.—Paris, 17 May, 1587.
Postscript. "It would seem, by the sending of de Trappes to the Queen Mother, and the King's deferring of our audience, that the King will offer me to be at the examining of him, as he always propounded, wherein, although I have had no directions from your honour, I do mean to show the King, if he shall speak of it, that I have already been made privy to that he hath confessed, whereof I have made relation to the King, to whom her Majesty having referred the consideration of the cause, I only am to receive his answer and commandments; being determined in no wise to assist at any examination to be had of him, because it is likely he will deny that he said, pretend fear, or say that which should serve to no purpose for me to hear. I see all means are still used to prolong things."
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [France XVII. 70.]
May 18. Stafford to Walsingham.
Since these last letters were written Gondi sent to me from the King to desire to be excused till de Trappes returned from the Queen Mother (whither he had presently sent him after his arrival) and then we should have audience. But this is only to prolong time, and give the Queen leisure to treat before it is seen that we have audience or that any good intelligence go to her from the King. If he be gone, it is only a day or two ago.
I pray you, use all favour you may to the bearer, "who hath more good parts in him to deserve well than fortune any way else hath favoured him."—Paris, 18 May, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XVII. 71.]
May 18. Thomas Tenneker to Walsingham.
[Concerning the movements of French and English ships, laden with corn, and of certain 'Hollanders' and Scottish ships which kept company with them.] Wishes that such diligent watch were kept as that the French fleet might be forced to come into England, for if so, they would make more account of her Majesty and her people. Yet they feared the English merchant ships, "lest they should lie in wait for them, being once past the Ryffe, but although these be past, yet there be more to come, and it should seem the 'skantyth' of corn to be great, for their merchants stay behind, to provide wheat for France and Flanders."
There are also arrived some hulks, mostly of Lubeck, bound for Spain, who, to avoid the English ships, will go about Scotland. They are great ships and well appointed, and if any offer to stay them, swear they will resist to the uttermost; "yet I know five ships that were able to bring them all into England. . . .
"I have news from Frankford that the Pope hath sent down 600000 ducats by exchange for the use of the Dukes of Guise and Parma to levy horsemen against harvest be in."—Elsinore, 18 May, 87.
Postscript. The King is in Jutland. A messenger of the King of Navarre has been with him, well entertained and soon dispatched.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Denmark I. 93.]
May 19. La Huguerye to Walsingham.
Thanks him for order sent upon news of the delay in his embarkation. While wasting his time thus, he has to-day received a packet from the King of Navarre, containing his ratification, which he should take with him much more gladly if he could also take a good result of his journey, being much grieved to see his Majesty doing all he can, and covering all his friends by his defence while waiting for so uncertain a succour. Cannot conceal that he has many reasons for believing that after his departure they intend to do somewhat which they might do otherwise with more satisfaction and effect. For if a good sum were sent by himself, the King would see things in a much more hopeful way, and in order to risk nothing, might with honour apply the reliefs granted him for his own well known needs and his profit. Fears that what they mean to do will make known more and more that they wish to draw back if they can do so safely, and leave ill impressions in the minds of those whom they ought to inspire with all confidence.
Is much obliged for the kind order his honour has given Mr. Bournham for his gratuity, but has not, thank God any need of it.—London, 19 May, 1587.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany, States V. 50.]
May 20. Waad to Walsingham.
The Queen Mother being gone further off, to meet the Duke of Lorraine, de Trappes, who went only two days ago, cannot be back until to-morrow sennight. Desires to be allowed to ask for licence [i.e. conge] from the King, if he finds they are still put off with delays, which serve to no end but Queen Mother's treaty with the Guise. Leaves it till his return to give an account of his "tedious abode in a troublesome and jealous time, in so ungrateful a message."—Paris, 20 May, 1587.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. [France XVII. 72.]
May 21. Stafford to Walsingham.
I have received a letter from poor Shute, and within it a letter to you, both which I send you. To do him pleasure I went to speak with Villeroy, and also that I knew some occasion of speaking of other matters would fall out. For the matter of Shute, he protested he had never heard of it, but promised to write to know about it and then to deal with the King for his delivery. In the mean time, if you desire the Ambassador to write to M. Villeroy in his behalf, it can do no harm.
"That being done (as I presupposed would happen) we fell into other matters; and first into the matter of the Ambassador and de Trappes, whereas he spake for his brother all he could, and I replied I had no charge, nor nobody else to say anything against him; that her Majesty had sent Trappes [and] done whatsoever the King would; that I had no further to look into it . . . but that I could say for her Majesty that neither the King nor any other prince in Christendom but would have done as much and more than she did in it; for advertisements touching princes' persons did touch near, and if they were moved withal, nobody could have blamed them. For this matter, there was great respect, I was sure, had to the King, and particularly respect to himself, whom her Majesty desired, knowing him so faithful to the King as he was, to have to be a friend to her in maintaining the amity between the King and her; which I found him to accept gratefully, and promise to perform all good offices dutifully.
"Thereupon I took occasion to assure her Majesty's good will towards the King . . . He told me she should find correspondency in it, as of a prince that had been hitherto clear of any evil thought, or any consent of attempt against her Majesty nor any trouble of her State, either by the way of Scotland or otherwise; that if he might be bold, her Majesty had not in the like sort dealt with him, for she had helped to nourish troubles in his realm and did yet.
"Whereunto I answered that what things had been afore my time I knew not; I never knew the Queen but very well disposed to this realm, and since my coming hither I could assure it, that she desired nothing more than the peace of the realm, nor was troubled with nothing more than with the dissension[s] in it; as he himself knew that in the beginnings of them, I had had divers times direction to offer the King all her Majesty's help for the appeasing them.
"He told me that a good help never came too late; that it never came in better time than now that the Queen had credit to do it if effectually she would work it.
"I told him that I was the Queen's ambassador, to receive either from the King's mouth or from any such councillor as he was, any thing it would please them to deliver me; that it was not fit for the Queen to thrust herself into a matter between the King and his subjects without it were upon the King's request, and without knowledge in what sort the King would have her to deal; which being known to her, I was sure she would deal in anything that reasonably could be required of her, I meant with those that she had any credit withal; which was but the least party and them [that] troubled the King the least; and who, if in good terms it might be spoken, did not trouble the King at all, but only resisted them that troubled the King and them both.
"He answered me that those should be less able to trouble the King if the King of Navarre would be ruled by the King and obey his will; which if her Majesty would persuade him unto, the King should think himself greatly beholding unto him, and the more when it should come unlooked for without his request.
"I answered I thought the Queen would hardly deal with the King of Navarre in any such thing without the King's special direction, because when I offered him her Majesty's goodwill to deal in those matters, she did not find that the King had any good-will to have her deal between him and his subjects; and besides, to deal in general terms to persuade him to obey the King's will, I thought that the King of Navarre, seeing he had answered the King so, would answer her so too in general terms, that he knew not the King's will, because they had constrained his will, and to speak to him to persuade him to the ceasing of Religion, I thought it was not in the King of Navarre's power though he would do it, and therefore all those unreasonable demands were hopeless of fruit taking.
"From that, in further discourse of other things, he fell into speech of the report that [sic] of the treaty between Spain and us, and that he knew it stuck but in the Queen's Majesty.
"I told him so much the King was more beholding unto her that in embracing his good-will, she kept aloof from others' goodwills that was offered her with great advantage; but if she saw him slack, I could not answer what she would be brought unto, and that I could assure him besides, that was treated another way; if I could open my ears, there were they that speak loud enough to me about the matter; but that I was far from desiring that, but rather to have the Queen and the King both to join against that [sic] that love neither of them both.
"So assuring me that he desired faithful amity indeed between his master and her Majesty, I desired him that there might be a beginning in it; that we were put off from audience, the Ambassador having had it in England, and treated of divers matters which must correspondently be done here. He desired me to excuse that, that the only cause was that upon the ambassador's audience received, they had, as the King ever used in all things of weight to acquaint his mother with it, and 'set'. Trappes to her; that presently upon his return we should have it, which would be very shortly, and desired us to have patience." This, in short, is not all but most part of his speeches and mine.—21 May, 1587.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France XVII. 73.]
May 21. Stafford to Walsingham.
Sending him a letter of Dr. Wendon's which has come to his hands and also one from Mazin d'Albene, to be delivered to her Majesty. Prays that the bearer may have some half dozen angels for reward.—Paris, 21 May, 1587.
Holograph. ¼ p. [France XVII. 74.]
[This short note has been cut across into three pieces, each noted in 17th century hand. "Sir Edw. Stafford, ambassador in France in 1583."
Underneath is the following memorandum by Mr. Robert Lemon. "N.B. The above three pieces were finally brought together, Nov. 1860, having been separated in the time of Sir Joseph Williamson. R.L."
The short endorsements are not in Williamson's hand, but bear a strong resemblance to the handwriting of Daniel Finch, 2nd Earl of Nottingham.]
May 21. Thomas Tenneker to Walsingham.
Informing him that this instant is come to town a servant of the King's, a writer under the Dutch [i.e. German] secretary, named Callixtus Shene, son of the syndicus or recorder of Lubeck, who is going to London with his Majesty's letters. Has known him always as an honest, plain man, both before and since he came into the King's service, but he can speak only Latin and 'Dutch.'
It is reported by Hollanders in the Sound that her Majesty will give up the government of the Low Countries. Many of the King's officers say to the seafaring men of Holland and Zeeland as they pass, that they wish the Estates would offer Holland to this King as protector, "and that his second son, Ulrichus were of age to be sent thither to govern."
But whosoever hath Holland (as I trust her Majesty will not slip them so easily out of her hands) may make account to command boats east and west, north and south seas; but if her Majesty do yield them up, I pray God they come not in possession of any but of this King, who I trust will continue a good neighbour and loving brother to her Majesty.
It is reported that certain of the States are on their way hither to solicit the King for the release of the money sequestered from the Holland ships which were arrested here, when there may be some dealing for the Low Countries if her Majesty "have or will give them over."—Elsinor, 21 May, 1587.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Denmark I. 94.]
May 22. Stafford to Walsingham.
The bearer, one Andrew Graie, a Scottishman of the King's guard, desiring a passport to return into Scotland through England, I told him that "it was not in me" to grant it, but that he must address himself to your honour, who I was sure would satisfy him in any reasonable request. Whereupon he asked me for letters to you, which I could not refuse him.—Paris, 22 May, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [France XVII. 75.]
May 22. Dr. Junio de Junius a Wettsio to Walsingham.
I wrote to you from Brunswick by the Sieur Horatio de Palavicini, her Majesty's ambassador, of the struggle I have had with the Chancery of the two dukes Julius and William of Brunswick and Luneborg about the raising and free passage of 2000 reiters and a regiment of 3000 lansquenets. And I prayed the said ambassador to supply by word of mouth what was lacking to my credit. That moreover, the Landgrave William intended to raise 2000 or at the least 1000 more reiters; as otherwise it was said that our enemy would still this year remain master of the field, and consequently would get the better of those 2000 reiters, or at least would prevent their joining our forces of the United Provinces; but if we can only be three or four times master of the field, we should force the camp of the enemy to withdraw into the landes and cities, where they would die of hunger. And we may, without great resistance, make a general devastation in Brabant, Flanders, Artois, Hainault etc., which will shortly force the enemy to quit the Low Countries, and move all the rest of the seventeen provinces to come to an agreement with us and even to send us la carta bianca.
I have hope that her Majesty or the States of the United Provinces will find it expedient to raise at least a thousand more horse. And on the other side, considering that there may be perhaps disorder as regards our 2000 reiters, since Joast van Werden and Frederick Ranço, both rittmasters, each of 300 horse, have quitted the States, having joined the service of the French expedition, I have, ex abundante cautela, in passing through Hesse, conversed with some of my old friends (being known not only to the princes, 29 years ago, but also to the chief of their warrior nobility) who have promised me, in case of need, to raise a thousand good reiters, dioto citius; of which I have advised the States General, and now tell you, that by your means the Queen may be informed thereof; but it would be needful also that facto citius the means required for this levy should be arranged and sent for the Anritgelt; and that commissioners should be appointed to treat and settle with the colonels and rittmasters of the said 1000 horse; this, in my opinion, being not only useful but necessary.
In the illustrious prince and duke Casimir I have found great zeal to forward the French expedition; and indeed it seems to me, from its beginning, that by God's aid, check-mate may be given not only to the King of France but to the King of Spain; in which Duke Casimir has confirmed me, adding that he will lose his life if within five months her Majesty do not see such a peace in France and such spoiling of the King of Spain as she can wish. But that the charge of this great enterprise so grows upon his arms, increasing ever more and more, that he desires me to inform your honour thereof, that by your means her Majesty may understand that [here follow seven lines of an alphabetical cipher.]
I write as I am charged to do. Signor Palavicino has the cipher, as with your honour, (fn. 1) but the three first lines must be deciphered according to the first alphabet, the three following according to the second, and the last line to return to the first again; which has happened through too great haste.—Heidelberg, in haste, 22 May, stilo veteri.
Signed. Add. Endd. Italian. 2½ pp. [Germany, States V. 51.]
May 22. Her Majesty to the Senate etc. of Hamburg.
[Endorsed by Laurence Tomson with the following synopsis of contents.]
"Offer of the same liberty of traffic which was offered to their late orators at Nonsuch, October 1585.
"Six ships laden with English cloth sent to them, and commissioners to treat for the former residence.
"In case of that grant from them, her Majesty reneweth old confederations.
"Liberty to the Hanses to transport as many undressed cloths as before they were wont."
Court at Greenwich (over Nonsuch erased), May 22, 1587.
Copy. Latin. 1¼ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns II. 56.]
May 24. Walsingham to Stafford.
"Before the receipt of your last letters, we believed that you had had audience, and that order was given for the releasing of our ships, for so did the ambassador bear us in hand; whereupon a conference was agreed on to be had with him about the redress of spoils and injuries sustained on both sides." But he is now told that until her Majesty hears from yourself that you have had audience, he can have no such conference, either public with the lords or private with myself.
Some of their ships, laden with corn, have indeed been released, with passports signed by my lord Treasurer and my lord Admiral, but now they are all to be stayed "according to your advice; which I know will breed great offence there, but yet I doubt not but you shall find reasons enough to answer the matter, letting them among other things understand how long we have sought at their hands the releasing of our ships," but to no effect.
Postscript. So soon as her Majesty hears of the release of her ships, theirs shall be released, yet it is feared "that the King will take this stay of their ships laden with corn so unkindly, considering the great pernury that realm endureth, as it will push him forward into the League."
Minute. Endd. with date. ¾ p. [France XVII. 76.]
May 27. Duke George John, Duke of Petite Pierre to his dear cousin, brother and godfather, Duke John Casimir.
Sends him, according to his desire, and that of other trusty friends the copy of the original contract and bond with Lorraine. The extract from the accounts, his Highness has already received. For the right of protection he has no letter or proof save that they give him a year's protection money (Schirmgeld), as specified in the accounts. Some of the protected places have already declared that as he has no support, they will turn to the Abbey of Metz, under which they are, and will no longer be at his pleasure as heretofore. In the monasteries, nothing given save protection money, because it is done of their free will, and some, as amongst others, the Abbey of Mors Minster, will no longer give him protection money at all.
And since his Highness has now a journey in prospect, and the time of the discharge (losung) will expire in less than six months, he prays that before departing, his Highness will let him have a decided resolution, that he may not (as the proverb is) fall between two stools. And though Duke Philip Ludwig delays, he might at any time demand it.
Moreover, he cannot conceal the fact that three weeks ago there was a loud report that his Highness had resolved to take Pfalzburg by force; whereupon they have been heard to say that they would by force take it back again.
He has also been warned from Eselden and Jamais [Jametz] that the same soldiers have resolved also to seize his country of Lutzelstein, wherefore he will be compelled, as a precaution, immediately and at great expence to garrison it; and God knows, it grieves him greatly that those of this land should have to bear such a burden. He would gladly have been able to take this journey, and believes it would serve his Highness' turn. And if his Highness should march into France, for him to await his return upon the river Rhine and in his country, where Polweiler is already raging and fighting, and, it is reported already from more than one place, means to make himself Landvogt.
And now he prays his Highness to bethink himself that what is needed from him is a firm resolution, for God is witness that all other means have been tried, and in the mean time his Highness' reiters and soldiers are to assemble on the 20th of June and also his troops from Eseldon will be drawing near. Wherefore he prays his Highness for a sufficient answer, in order to have a sure ground for their certain dispatch. For he cannot conceal from his Highness that his opponents' party expects to gather together a hundred thousand of the kinsmen of the League.
And since Almighty God has placed his Highness in such a peaceful government and administration as the Electoral Pfalz, he should take heed lest he bring himself and his pupil into such danger—as the King of Navarre has already warned him of in writing and by means of Peuterich (Beuterich)—as he did by negotiating with the Guises at the very time when, with the Prince of Condé and the Huguenots he was on his last march into France; whereof the original writing by Beuterich himself has come into his (Petite Pierre's) hands and he has a copy of the same. Also the Navarrese themselves have announced that they cannot entirely trust his Highness, and that their lord himself was afraid to do so, seeing in what a questionable position his Highness, his pupil and the Pfalz stood.
And forasmuch as he (the writer) knows all the discourse which has been carried on with M. de Gitteri concerning the taking in of Lutzelstein, Pfalzburg, Sarbourg and Winsingen, for the good of his kindred and race he wishes to warn his Highness in time, that the storm may be diverted elsewhere.
For if these negotiations with the Guises came to light first at the same time as those with the Huguenots in Germany and in France, his Highness may bethink himself what reputation he would gain therefrom!
Is grieved to the heart to see him putting himself, his pupil and the Pfalz into such extreme danger, which yet may be put right, for which the way has been shown, if he will only follow it, and will take this honest forewarning as a true act of brotherhood and act rightly as to the taking in of Lutzelstein and Pfalzburg.
Then all men would see that he would himself help in case of need; for otherwise, he will be so deep in the mire (having awakened the suspicion of the Navarrese), that he will not be able to help himself. For they declare that they see plainly that his Highness earnestly desires to save Lorraine—wherein, indeed, he does not act unwisely. Further, they complain that he has not wished to take any of the persons whom they have proposed to him, which strengthens their suspicion, roused by Beuterich's letters and his Highness' actions in respect to the Guises. Thus he must bethink himself, if his people go into France, how he is to carry himself between the parties of Navarre and Guise. The matter is not past help, if he takes advice and acts honourably, but it is grievous that he should have put himself, his pupil and the Pfalz into such danger.
Prays his Highness to keep this letter to himself, and not to return good with evil, but to believe that it has been written to preserve him from harm.—Lutzelstein, 27 May.
Copy. Add. Endd. German. 5 pp. [German States V. 52.]
May 28. Buzanval to Walsingham.
The bearer is the Sieur de Cœdor, the Breton gentleman of whom I have spoken to you. I thought he should communicate his design to you, as he desired, but have told him there was no hope of drawing anything from her Majesty for this purpose. He said he would forego that if he might have restored to him his prize of salt which is in the Castle of Plynton [Plympton] and that with the profit that he may make thereby and the friends he finds here, he will make the venture. Wherefore I pray you to be assisting to him with the Admiral for the recovery of his barque.—London.
Add. Endd. with date. Fr. ¾ p. [France XVII. 77.]
May 30. Buzanval to Walsingham.
I have just had sure news that des Trappes has had audience of the King for more than two hours, M. de Joyeuse only being present: that immediately afterwards he was ordered to go with all speed to the Queen Mother, who is with the Guises; and that they will await his return and advice from thence before giving audience and answer to Mr. Waad, which one thinks will be little pleasing to her Majesty. It is further said that M. Pinart the younger is expected here in eight or ten days, being sent as ambassador to Scotland. It seems that counsels grow hot against this State; meanwhile her Majesty grows cold in her care for the affairs of France and of the King of Navarre. You can collate all this with the advices which Pitebron will have brought you, and which I pray you to impart to me, if they are worth anything.—London, 30 May.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XVII. 78.]
May. "A memorial of things accorded between the French Ambassador and certain commissioners appointed by her Majesty to treat with him."
1. That the late restraint in the port towns on either part shall be discharged, whereby traffic between the realms may be free as before the said restraint.
All arrests on either side made since Jan. 1 to be discharged; for the performance whereof the said ambassador promises to do his uttermost endeavour, in hope that there may be present order taken for the satisfaction of a merchant called Le Pape, and that all his master's subjects, now or hereafter damnified by her Majesty's subjects shall receive satisfaction by authority of certain commissioners deputed by her Majesty to join with the Lord Admiral for that purpose, so far as accords with justice.
And the said ambassador in the name of his master promises that the like commissions shall be appointed in France, that the griefs of English subjects may be likewise redressed, and to ensure one uniform order, the copy of her Majesty's commission is to be delivered to the ambassador, that a like one may proceed from that King. And whereas spoils have been of late committed by those of Holland and Zeeland upon French subjects, her Majesty promises to write to them to see satisfaction yielded of the said spoils, as also to abstain from the like in time to come and to use the said subjects with all favour, in consideration that the merchants of the United Provinces be favourably used in all parts of France, as in former times.
And that they of Holland and Zeeland may be the 'easilier' induced to satisfy her Majesty's request, the ambassador promises to do his best endeavour to procure that the said King shall by edict inhibit the carriage of victual grown in or carried into France, into any part of the Low Countries possessed by the King of Spain.
And as there arise sundry controversies between the subjects of the two realms in regard that divers Spaniards have been naturalized in France, under whose names the trade of wares transported out of Spain etc. passes, the ambassador promises to write to his master to give order for the restraint of naturalizing of the subjects of the King of Spain," or else that such Spaniards as hereafter shall procure letters of naturalization in France may be in all actions accounted and used by the Queen's subjects as Spaniards, and be subject to be lawful prizes by way of arrests for satisfaction of the great wrongs done by the Spaniards to the subjects of England." (fn. 2)
Rough draft, corrected by Burghley and Walsingham. Endd. "May 1587." 4 pp. [France XVII. 79.]


  • 1. Palavicino employed no cipher of this sort with either Walsingham or Burghley, and I have not succeeded in working out either of the alphabets.
  • 2. This last paragraph added by Burghley.