Elizabeth: January 1587, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1927.

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'Elizabeth: January 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp179-183 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1587, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1927), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp179-183.

"Elizabeth: January 1587, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 21, Part 1, 1586-1588. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1927), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol21/no1/pp179-183.

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January 1587, 1-10

1587. Jan. 2/12 Clervant to Walsingham.
Announcing that M. de Palavicino has at length delivered the 100000 crowns, and they see that he has made all diligence possible in the matter. There have been great difficulties, but now all goes well. The time for the camp draws on and the King of Navarre will do his utmost that her Majesty may feel the fruits of her aid to him, to whom this army will be no small benefit if it be maintained and kept under good discipline, the means for which must be to refresh it, after some months, with men and money; to which end there will be need for her to continue her wise liberality. For it is not enough to send a fleet out to sea without giving it means of obtaining refreshment on the way, supposing that it is provisioned only for three months and the voyage is for six. There is no need to discourse at length with his honour on this matter. He knows their means and needs, and what is to be hoped from this army; therefore it suffices to pray him to prepare her Majesty not to leave them, for want of some reasonable sum, with so great a burden upon their feeble shoulders. Frankendal, 12 January, 1587.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany, States V. 1.]
[Jan. after 2—12.] "The edict of the French King, made in his castle of Louvre, 1587," to a general Assembly in his Council Chamber. Printed at Paris by James Blochett, 1587.
The cause of their assembly, the King said, was his desire to make an end of the troubles happened through the cursed heretics, who had brought the realm into ruin. He had sought all means possible to reduce or expel those of the new religion, and who had carried arms against him, as shown by the last edict of July, 1587 [sic. probably copyist's error; should be 1585] but the evil was only augmented. The Queen his mother had travailed for peace, but they would not yield to the uniting of the churches, and as he did not believe the realm could be quiet with two religions, he was resolved to seize their goods, and not to spare woman or child, and called upon this Assembly to assist; having appointed 15 persons, with the Cardinal of Bourbon as chief, to devise together in the matter. And as it was necessary for all Catholics to aid him, he admonished each one to make ready armour and horses, being resolved to go in person against them, as soon as he had answer from the Queen Mother that the enemies would not yield to have peace.
English translation. 3 pp. Endd. "August 1587" and transferred from that date. (fn. 1) [France XVII. 1.]
Jan. 4. [Walsingham] to Davison.
I only received yours of the 2nd at ten o'clock the next night. Touching her Majesty's direction about de Bui's secretary, I have delayed the execution thereof till I might acquaint you with my opinion. I do not think he should have further access to her, but to have him sent away without any to accompany him, considering that neither hazard nor charge is great, and the profit of the discovery may be beneficial, in my poor opinion were not convenient. Many things make me think that he has no unsound meaning, and as for Don Antonio's conceit of him, the poor King's weakness of judgment, for lack of experience, has made him enter into jealousies against some of his best affected servants. Therefore if there is no other reason for the alteration of the former purpose, I think it should go forward.
Besides, the gentleman could hardly convey himself into his country, having committed the whole direction of his journey to his associate, who hath provided shipping for him to Rochelle, and is there to solicit the King of Navarre's safe-conduct through his dominions; for which purpose I have written to du Pine [sic], the King's secretary; all which course must be changed if the party do not accompany him. Howbeit, if her Majesty still thinks meet to have him dismissed as you write, then Mr. Rogers should deliver the excuse for his not repairing to the court as from her Majesty; for he would find it strange to receive it from me, knowing that I am absent from court, and also that I advised him to address himself to you for anything that was to pass between her and him. As for the party who was to go with him, I will confer with him "how the same may be performed with the least suspicion and discontentment of the gentleman."
Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. "1586, 4 January, M[inute] to Mr. Davison." 4 pp. [France XVII. 1 bis.]
Jan. 5. Stafford to Walsingham.
One lately come from Spain being with me yesterday, fell in speech of Poines [i.e. Anthony Pointz] being there, and I making as though I had not known, he marvelled much at it, saying he had passed this way, sent by you into Spain, and at Lyons had received money by letters of credit from Pallavesino. That here he had entrance with Mendoza, and letters of commendation from him, and that the first person he "retired himself" to in Spain was the ambassador of Florence, by whose means he had conference with John Diagues [Juan de Idiaquez] and by him with the King, as far as I remember, but of this last I am not sure. "But in fine he offered for four thousand crowns to kill her Majesty: that he had means to do it by entrance his sister, my lady Hennige should give him, or else by her means by poison; who was so near about her Majesty that it was easily to be done." This Diagues himself told the party that told me, but as a thing abhorred by the King, "who, as he said, though he could be contented that her Majesty were under the ground by God's hand, his conscience was too good to seek it that way." The party thought they rather "doubted his inability to do it, and the further because he asked so small a sum, than that there was any want of goodwill. And inquired of this party what he was, what his sister was and every point so particularly, that they found no likeli hood by her means that he should do [it], being so earnest in religion as he told Diagues she was, and less that he had means to do it withal; and this same tale did the Florence ambassador tell Sir Francis Inglefilde of Poines' offer." So that they found he was either sent for a spy or at least unfit to do what he offered, and yet gave him letters to the Prince of Parma for entertainment. The man who tells me this thinks they suspect him to be employed by you, and wish to see what he will do there, and if others be joined with him to entrap them, and truly there is likelihood in it. After he had been dispatched in Spain and promised to come straight hither and so into Flanders, they had him dogged, and found he went into Portugal, but said nothing to him.
"These things being employed by you," I advertise you of it and leave it to your wisdom.—Paris, 5 January, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. Words in italics in cipher, undeciphered. [France XVII. 2.]
Jan. 7. Horatio Palavicino to Burghley.
I doubt not but that you are eagerly expecting to hear what is concluded in this business, wherein I have been as diligent as possible, and have written an account of the whole in my letter to Mr. Secretary. If your lordship approves thereof, it will be a great comfort to me among the many contentions and disquiets that I have passed through, far greater than I have written, on the part both of Segur and Quitri and of Duke Casimir, but I have not followed their many persuasions, always taking my own course, and although in the end I saw that all my efforts would not prevent her Majesty from being prejudiced if these three acted in collusion, yet I have used such diligence to prevent this, and have made all so clear, that Casimir cannot get out of it with honour. But I hope that having once embarked in the business, he will do more than his past actions have given us reason to expect.—Frankfort, 7 January, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Italian. ¾ p. [Germany, States, V. 2.]
Jan. 7/17 The Duke of Parma to the King of Denmark.
I humbly thank your Majesty for your letter of November 28 last, showing your good will to the public welfare and to the prosperity and honour of the King of Spain and our common Christianity, and in particular to these Low Countries of the house of Burgundy.
It is not needful to put forward all the reasons for the dissensions in these countries, it being clearer than the noonday sun for what cause and with what practices matters have come to their present state. I will only reverently submit to your Majesty that it is notorious to all the world with what zeal, expence and toil the King of Spain has laboured during these past years to find means for freeing the said countries from their miseries and restoring them to their ancient and peaceful state. That this has not happened must not be imputed to the King but to those who by their perverse humours seek only their own profit, to the prejudice of the common good, scorning all advice offered by the King of Spain and other princes and states, who desired to put the affairs of the Low Countries into a state of peace and repose. Also it is more than notorious what toils and dangers I have undergone, and what efforts I have made to put an end to the war and spare the shedding of Christian blood, which, by my natural dispositions I have always abhorred, wherein I submit myself to the attestation of the enemy themselves.
Therefore, as both the King and I have always been ready to make peace, this legation for entering into a negotiation for a common agreement is very pleasing to me, especially if such means and conditions be propounded and granted to both parties as may tend to the advancement of the reputation and authority of the King my master, and while awaiting your Majesty's ambassadors, I shall not fail to do my duty to the uttermost that so holy and laudable a work may attain to a good effect. But in relation to your Majesty's desire to know more nearly the chief articles of the said communication, I can only declare that the King's letters clearly express his final opinion and will, which I am not permitted to alter or exceed in any way whatever; although I have always shown myself very humane and considerate towards the enemy, as the towns and strong places themselves testify, whether taken by force or voluntarily yielded to the King of Spain's devotion. For the rest, so soon as I hear of the arrival of your Majesty's ambassadors, there shall be also deputed some on the part of the said King to treat as you desire. And as to the place of meeting, I think it should be wherever is most convenient to me at the time. (fn. 2) — Brussels. Signed Alexander. Dated in the head-line.
Translation into French. Endd. 2¼ pp. [Denmark I. 90.]
Jan. 7/17 Another copy of the same.
Endd. 2½ pp. [Ibid I. 91.]
Jan. 8. Horatio Palavicino to Walsingham.
Abstract of letter. "Duke Casimir's ministers and he are agreed in all points. The two writings drawn by him, one of the 10th of November and the other at Frankendal, are signed by the Duke, and the capitulation is set down; wherein nevertheless is contained a clause that the King of Navarre shall return the same confirmed by him a month before the time of the musters, otherwise the Duke to be at liberty again. Notwithstanding, sticketh not at that difficulty, for the reason contained in the letter."
[In a document containing abstracts of Palavicino's letters to Walsingham, from April 1586 to March 1586–7 inclusive, most of which letters are calendared from the originals. The document is placed under its latest date, March 19, 1586–7.]


  • 1. Comparison with the King's letter to his mother (see Lettres de Catherine de Medici, ed. le Comte Baguenault de Puchesse, t. IX, p. 430) shows clearly that this is the meeting of which he there gives her so lengthy an account. and which was held in January, 1587.
  • 2. "Que pour lors . . . me sera plus commode."