Elizabeth: October 1585, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: October 1585, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp88-102 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1585, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp88-102.

"Elizabeth: October 1585, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp88-102.

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October 1585, 16–20

Oct. 16. The Burgomasters and Council of the Brill to Davison.
Thomas Haese, an Englishman born, the bearer of this, has for many years served the common cause under several captains so loyally (as they hear) that he deserves to be rewarded by some office befitting his quality. He is married to a girl of that town of good race and parentage, her property being situated in their quarter of Voorne, and desires to be made serjeant-major of their town. And as they know that he merits such a place, and are also desirous that her Majesty and the town shall be well served in this office, which is of great importance, they beg to recommend him for it, unless it is already disposed of.—La Briele, 16 October, 1585. 16 October, stylo anglico [after “novo” erased.]
Add. Endd. Signed, de Langue. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland IV. 44.]
Oct. 16/26. Fremin to Davison.
Sends this by the Sieur de Bruges, to tell him that Mr. Norris has taken the great fort by composition, and holds the captains of the enemy prisoners. It is a fine exploit for a beginning, and he hopes the end will be useful and honourable. The Sieur de Bruges is casse with many others, whom he prays to recommend to his lordship on the Earl of Leicester's coming or any other good occasion. The Count of Hohenloe left Delft this morning for Flushing.—The Hague, 26 October, 1585.
Add. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 45.]
Oct. 16. George Lecester's account.
“An abstract out of Mr. Lecester's letter for his account . . . of such payments as he hath made since his arrival in the Low Countries; . . . dated in Middelborrowe, 16 October, 1585.” With marginal notes by Burghley.
Paid, 5,208l. 10s. sterling. Received, 3,200l. Disbursed more than received 2,000l., taken up by exchange in the Low Countries.
Endd. by Burghley. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 46.]
Oct. 16. Thomas Tenneker, draper, to Walsingham.
On Sept. 18, I arrived here in “Hellsingnor.” I have delivered your letter to M. Dansey, the French ambassador, who received it very joyfully. He seldom receives letters from England of so young date. On the 19th two English gentlemen, Pooley and Sandey, arrived; the King entertaineth them both in service. They have but a hundred dollars' fee and 16 dollars apiece per month for board wages. I think they do it in order, when they will, to be at liberty to pass further, with the King's passport.
Lord Willoughby has been at Wolfenbuttel. at the marriage of the Duke of Brunswick's son, which was the 26th September. He has arrived at “Coapmanhaven” and in a day or two will go to the King at Anderskowe, fifteen leagues hence. “The King mindeth to entertain him there with him all this winter, where I suppose they shall lack no Rhenish wine.”
Henry Kirckman, after bringing over the hounds and dogs was committed prisoner to the castle of “Copmannhaven,” but for what reason I know not. He was willed to set some things down for his own defence, “which he hath done so untowardly as I am ashamed he is an Englishman, but thereof I suppose the King by letters hath advertised her Majesty by Corfyth Grubbe, one of the gentlemen secretaries under the chancellor, and the chancellor's near kinsman. I trust your honour hath ordered that he may be quitted out of his lodgings, for such is the order that this King useth to all such as come from his friends. Such had Richard Allen the first time; so Dr. Rogers, my Lord Willoby and his train, Mr. Harbartt and last Mr. Boddley.”
I have delivered her Majesty's letter to the secretary concerning the traffic for merchants in Flensborch in Holstein. The King called to me out of his window to come to him, and having given me his hand, asked of her Majesty's health and the quiet state of England, which he prayed God long to continue. All her Majesty's faithful subjects may also pray for the preservation of this prince. I must confess he is very severe in punishing such as embezzle or steal his customs, which are indeed very great compared with those in his father, King Christian's days; but since they are given to a friend of her Majesty, “it is the more tolerable.” We are not alone, others give the like, but would God that my countrymen would deal more truly. Thank God it is of late greatly amended. “No fault in the merchants, but in masters and pursers, of which sort, simple though I be, I have saved many, and most of them unthankful.”
Certain gentlemen of Lyffland [Lithuania] have been with the King and sworn anew to him. They wish the rest of that country were under him, but he “will not be so easily brought to take wars again; the remembrance of the last scars not all grown out.”
“As far as I can learn out of Sweden, since the death of the Queen (sister to Sigismund, King of Poland) there hath been less persecutions of the Lutherans and great disliking of her Jesuits. As for King John of Sweden, there is little goodness in him. As for the King of 'Powle,' he keepeth a worse stir amongst the gentlemen and poor commons in Lyffland than the 'Muskowyter' [Muscovite] did. Both in Polonia and Prussia the wicked Jesuits prevail too much.
“Concerning matters in Germany . . . this I know, that the prince Elector of Saxonia could wish that he had not been so forward to please his untoward divines, and I trust he will daily less esteem of them.” Which way he takes, most of the other princes sway after him, so he should still be plied effectually.
This King's ambassadors have returned out of Scotland without any great liking of their entertainment by the young king. I hoped they would have made a good contract for marriage of the King's eldest daughter, “who is now reasonably well grown, and like to be a goodly lady. It did me good to see the two young princes follow the King, their father, to the church, and the ladies too go before the Queen their mother, for such is the manner, both here and in Germany.”
I beg you to write often to that noble, godly gentleman the French ambassador. I am persuaded he carries a faithful mind for the preservation and tranquillity of God's church, and to her Majesty and her estate; and understands more of the state of this country, of its laws and customs, than any Danish gentleman; therefore he should be cherished in his old days.
He is but hardly dealt with out of France, and I am afraid it will daunt his godly heart that he cannot do good to godly strangers passing to and fro, as he was wont to do. I trust you will think of some means that he may be gratified with a thousand crowns, which might stand him in great stead. I write this without his knowledge, but I know more than he thinks, and if you do it, it shall be delivered so that no man in this land shall know it but he and I.—Hellsingnour, 16 October, 1585.
Add. Endd.pp. [Denmark I. 63.]
Oct. 17. Davison to [Walsingham?].
By the copy of Count Hohenloe's letter [see p. 84 above] your honour will see the causes he pretends for his long stay, caused chiefly, as I am given to understand, by difficulties on the States' behalf in furnishing him with means and commission for his journey into England, when he has settled things here according to the agreement, which I hope will be despatched to-morrow if he arrives to-night as I expect. I could have wished these garrisons chosen otherwise in many respects, the companies being very bare, weak and in ill plight, the whole number not much exceeding 600, many of them sick and all come hither without money or means to entertain themselves; the under-treasurer protesting that he is utterly unfurnished and can only supply them by my poor credit, “which I have been driven to rack” with our merchants here for 1,500l. or 1,600l. sterling, to give the companies here and of the Brill a months' pay and to advance some imprest to the companies at 'Berges and other places, till order is taken, for the credit of her Majesty's service, which might receive some disgrace, if her people, for want of pay, fell into disorder or inconvenience. Therefore I pray you to hasten over the Treasurer, and in the meantime to order him to see the bills of exchange sent to him duly answered; most part having been furnished by servants and factors without warrant from their masters to supply our wants (without which we had been here at the end of our wits”), wherein, as they yielded on my promise to see them discharged, I must beseech you that there be no “fault.”—Middelburg, 17 October, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 47.]
Copy of Count Hohenloe's letter of 14–24 October.
French. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 48.]
Minute of Davison's letter to Walsingham, above.
Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 49.]
Oct. 17. Davison to Burghley.
To the same effect as that to Walsingham, above.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 50.]
Minute of the above letter.
Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 51.]
[Oct. 17.] Davison to Leicester.
To the same effect as that to Walsingham, above. At the end, renews his complaint of the long stay of Sir Philip Sydney.
Minute. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 52.]
Oct. 17. Davison to Burghley.
Recommending the bearer, Captain Bennett (“a gentleman very honest, valiant and of good experience in these wars,” wherein he has served for nine or ten years, mostly on horseback) now returning to England to seek employment, and (if it may be) command of a cornet of horse, for which he is fittest. From his own knowledge and many testimonies, he assures his lordship of Captain Bennett's “deserving” and prays that he may have employment.—Middelburg, 17 October, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 53.]
Minute of the above.
Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 54.]
Oct. 17. Davison to Walsingham.
To the same effect as to Burghley, above.
Holograph. Add. Endd. [Ibid. IV. 55.]
Oct. 17. Davison to Sir Philip Sydney.
I did not write by my servant because the long stay of the Count of Hohenloe made me doubtful what to say. This morning I received letters from him, and this night expect him, hoping within a day or two “to go through with the assurance of these places.” [Concerning the state and payment of the garrisons, as in letters above.]
The castle of Rammekins has been heretofore annexed to the government of Flushing, and will, as I take it, be under your charge, for which I doubt not but you have already made so good choice of a captain, as also of the rest that shall command under you, as her Majesty's service and your own reputation requires. Your presence is longed for by many of your good friends, and by none more than my poor self, both to see you settled in your charge, and to have some little liberty “for the setting of some stay in my poor business at home.”—Middelburg, 17 October, 1585.
Minute. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 56.]
Oct. 17/27. Jaques Rossel to Walsingham.
Although her Majesty be fully informed of events here, I write to tell you some details, especially in relation to the delay in putting the towns into her Majesty's hands. All has prospered happily in Holland, and there are only a few in Zeeland (I mean of those in the Council) who are not equally resolved. The counterminers come from further away, corresponding with those few in Zeeland, “Desguex” [qy. of the Gueux] and others. I have given information to Mr. Davison.
Count Hollock's delay is rather mysterious, as he should have come more than a week ago. He has little affection for the cause, which seems to him disadvantageous to his personal affairs. The people murmur against him on all hands, which has caused the Council of Zeeland to summon the magistrates of the towns of Walcheren (Valkere) to consult as to proceeding with the settling of the said towns in his absence. For they have certain news that the enemy is preparing, with more than 300 scuts, to make a descent upon the island of Tergoes of Tertolle; having fortified the church of Stabroeck, where his army is lodged, in order to leave some troops there, and employ the said army elsewhere.
Meanwhile they keep General Noritz employed in the parts of Gueldres, against the fort of Zutphen, which Count Hollock has not been able to take with an army in seven months. This makes me think that they desire rather the disrepute than the honour of her Majesty, and by hindering her affairs, to bring her into contempt. For it would be easier to acquire honour in Flanders than elsewhere.
The Prince of Parma, intending to draw the garrison from Antwerp, has taken all the artillery from the ramparts to the castle, and turned it upon the town, which looks as if they did not mean to delay the re-building of the said castle during these intervals. There is no more talk of his departure.—Middelburg, 27 October, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland IV. 57.]
Oct. 18. Davison to Walsingham.
This morning Count Hohenloe arrived and we have conferred together. As the companies are so weak, he is putting all into Flushing, and sending for a company from Barrow to be in the Rammekins, whereto I have agreed. To-morrow at break of day they are to march out of this town. The Count and I go this evening to prepare all things for their entry. He holds his purpose to go into England, but has not yet got the States' consent, in regard of the inconvenience which may grow from his absence. I have imparted to him her Majesty's pleasure touching the fortifying of the entry into the river of Sluys, whereof he has promised to take care. He should be entertained “with all the good compliments that may be, because of the credit and commandment he hath of the most part of the forces and places in these countries.” (fn. 1) Count Maurice has written me a few lines about the settling of things at Flushing, whereof I send you a copy [see p. 88, above]. “Her Majesty may not be spare of her letters and good countenance, where they may do much good and no hurt.”—Middelburg, 18 October, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 58.]
Minute of the above.
Endd. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 58a.]
[Oct. 18/28.] Davison to the States General.
I have this morning received your lordships' letters, with a copy of those of General Norreys concerning the pay of the thousand soldiers, according to the act of ampliation [treated by me on the second of this month erased] lately negotiated, of which I had not better informed him, hoping shortly to tell him of her Majesty's intention in the matter of the treaty, which I had arranged to forward to her from the Brill; but the winds and bad weather did not permit it, until two days ago, from which I imagine that her Majesty will only to-day have my advices. Which is a legitimate excuse which ought to serve me to move your lordships to have consideration, whom I can assure that her Majesty will not in any point fail in the accomplishment of the said treaty; but seeing that I have not yet got her answer, and that I am come hither without any provision for furnishing the pay of the thousand soldiers which is to come from her Majesty, and that her treasurer has only what will pay the four thousand, I must beg you to advance the said payment until her Majesty shall have time to satisfy it. I will not fail to lend a helping hand both in hastening over the money and in all other things which may be for the good of this country, and will inform General Norreys that the said thousand soldiers are, for the future, at her Majesty's charge, and that meanwhile he is to take good care that no disorder shall ensue.—Middelburg.
Copy, in Rossel's hand. No address or endorsement. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 59.]
Oct. 18. Davison to Walsingham.
Since closing my packets, I have received letters from the States [see p. 80 above] and “about the satisfying of the overplus of forces levied at their pay upon the provisional contract, wherein they have been pressed to make provision by letters from the General, whom they remit for so many as make up the full number of 5,000, besides the garrisons of these cautionary towns, unto her Highness' treasurer, grounding themselves upon the act of ampliation passed between them and me,” whereby the provisional treaty was converted into the principal one; which point, as I was compelled to agree unto to avoid the danger which might have grown whilst awaiting direction from home, I trust her Majesty and your honours will not only allow of my doings, but that the treasurer may be despatched over with as much speed as may be, to see things otherwise provided for than they are yet. I have written to the States that seeing her Majesty does not yet know what is concluded betwixt them and me; her treasurer still in England and his deputy here unfurnished and without direction how to proceed further than for the contentment of the first 4,000 men; I request them, in so small a matter as the advancement of the pay of 1,000 or 1,200 men, not to make any difficulty, considering the inconvenience that might grow thereof before her Majesty's pleasure was known, whereof I hope they will have that care that necessity requires; myself having taken order that the additional thousand men (comprehending those put into the cautionary towns) shall be provided for; wherein I doubt not that for her Majesty's credit you will order that I may be allowed and discharged.—Middelburg, 18 October, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 60.]
Oct. 18. The Deputies of the States to Walsingham.
Having this morning received intelligence from the States General that the treaty is concluded with Mr. Davison, and also letters to the Queen, they beg him to prepare the way for them, and to tell them how they can best see her Majesty.—London, 18 October, English style.
Signed by the four commissioners. Add. Endd. Fr. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 61.]
Oct. 19. Richard Huddilston to Walsingham.
It appears by this letter from George Lecester [cf. p. 89 above] that the 2,000l. sent by Captain Price has been taken by the General towards Friesland to pay the companies there, and that he demands 1,000l. more, to be sent him the 20th of this month, “besides other wants of money.” I am sorry I cannot deliver your honour particularities how these sums are disbursed more precisely than can be collected from his letter, yet I thought good to tell you the state of such imprests as I have made on this side the sea by warrant from your honours, whereof few or no defalcations are made as yet.
You may also see how “her Majesty's purse is indebted 2,000l. sterling to be answered by me on this side, whereof my hope is the burden in exchange shall be borne by her Majesty.”
I pray you to excuse my attendance for a day or two, finding myself “threatened with an old acquaintance, usually haunting me this season of the year, whose room, because I like better than his company” I am compelled to prevent with some physic, as this bearer, Leonard Warcup, can declare to you. I pray you vouchsafe him your best directions for his passage and charge of what is to be transported, “—Brockenhurst, 19 October, 1585.
Add. Endd. 2 p. [Ibid. IV. 62.]
Oct. 19. Davison to Walsingham.
By my letter of yesterday you would see what was resolved between Count Hohenloe and me. This morning our garrison made their entry very quietly, marching first into the church, where having taken their oaths according to the form sent from the Brill, “they were distributed to the ward of the ports, and the former garrison, being all that while in arms, commanded to give them place and to retire, as they did immediately.” This afternoon they go to the Isle of Tergoes, to await the Council's further order.
About a hundred of ours are left sick at Middelburg, and divers here little better, so by the Count's advice, I have kept these five ensigns here, and sent to Bergues for a company to put into the Rammekins. The former garrison here of three companies was 750 strong at the least, besides being of the same country, manners and language with the inhabitants, and “thoroughly fashioned to their humours, all which failing in ours had need of the better consideration in their supply.” Her Majesty would do well to make each company here 200 strong, and so use the fewer ensigns, which the common people more observe than the number in them.
I am attending hourly some good news of Sir Philip Sydney, beseeching you to hasten away the governors that all may be settled and ordered.—Flushing, 19 October, 1585.
Holograph. Minute. 1 p. [Holland IV. 63.]
Oct. 19. Davison to Captain Huntley.
I enclose a line or two to Captain Williams about sending one of his companies to the Rammekins, the ensigns here being (as you have seen) much too weak for the town alone. I have named you for the place till her Majesty shall take other order, although Mr. Norrys has moved me for another company of his now at Bergues, “the leader whereof is neither known to him nor myself.”
But as I am accountable to her Majesty (albeit I want no good will to Mr. Norrys) I have prayed Capt. Williams to despatch you with all speed, being loth to put a place of so great moment into the hands of one I know not; while I “dare be answerable for yourself, of whom I have had so long trial and experience; praying you therefore to make all the haste you can.”—Flushing, 19 October, 1585.
Draft by Davison. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 64.]
Oct. 19. Davison to Capt. Williams.
The bearer, Captain Huntly, will tell you of the entry of the garrison into Flushing. Owing to the weakness of the ensigns, and by Count Hohenloe's advice, I am retaining them all for the surety of the town; and for the Rammekins, desire one of the companies under your charge; “which I could wish to be Capt. Huntly's, both for the love I bear him and for the good opinion I know you have of him.” I pray you therefore to despatch him with all speed, preferring the necessity of her Majesty's service to your desire to keep him with you.—Flushing, 19 October, 1585.
Minute by Davison. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland IV. 65.]
Oct. 19. Gilpin to Walsingham.
Being come hither this evening I have found divers letters out of Zeeland and amongst them the enclosed to your honour, which I send by this bearer, who has also brought letters from Mr. Norrys out of Guelderland. Having had a foul and troublesome travail, some small benevolence would encourage him and his fellows to hasten their passing to and fro.
It is to be feared that Dr. Doilye and Mr. Steven Le Sieur are taken “in a passenger called Dobinson”; and more will be if her Majesty's ships “be not abroad and scour the coast.”—October —, 1585.
Add. Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 66.]
Oct. 19. “Abstract [by Burghley] of some things in the letters brought from Mr. Davison”; i. e. letters from Col. Norreys, Davison and Capt. Henry Norreys, written in September and October, all of which are calendared above.
Endd with date. 2 pp. [Ibid. IV. 67.]
Oct. 20. Mauvissiere to Burghley.
I cannot tell you with what regret I am obliged to send this bearer, my secretary, to lament to her Majesty and to you the misfortune which has happened to my wife and myself, by the entire loss of our valuables, including her Majesty's present, with all the rest of my plate, tapistry, furniture and other things, to the smallest gold button which we possessed. We had put all into M. de Joyeuse's vessel, where in addition was merchandise to the value of seven or eight hundred crowns, for which I was surety. The whole was taken near le Hable [Havre de Grace] by a flyboat of that port, on which were English and Flemings, who waited until all was discharged at Fesquan [Fècamp?] from M. Joyeuse's ship. They are said to have gone towards England or Flanders.
I pray you, if ever her Majesty and her Council have employed themselves in a charitable work, that they will do so now on my behalf; assuring you that if I must suffer this loss, it will be my ruin. Trusting to your old friendship I will not trouble you further, referring you to the bearer for particulars.
In Mauvisière's own hand.—From St. Leu [qy. Senlis], ten leagues from Paris, where this news has so astounded me, to have lost so much, without anything being left, that I am quite confounded. I lose more than 20,000 crowns, to say nothing of the inconvenience for want of such necessary things.
I beg your permission to salute Madame, Madame “d'Oxfort” and your children.
Affairs here altogether tend towards great wars, the King being urged and advised to put several armies in the field, to the end that there may be henceforth only the Catholic Roman religion in the land; and I believe, unless by God's grace, we shall see many evils and changes.—Undated.
Add. Endd. by Burghley with above date. Fr. 2 pp. [France XIV. 99.]
[Oct. 20?] Mauvissiere to Signor Florio.
I make you participant, by the Sieur de Ribot, of my loss of all that was in M. de Joyeuse's ship, and of the fine present from the Queen of England. I am sending the said Ribot to obtain news of it and pray you to help him, and to aid him as much as you can in regard to M. de Walsingham and the Council. There is no news of the pirates and it is thought they have killed Giralt and Courcelles' varlet. Excuse this letter written in haste, and in my so recent grief and loss, which has impoverished me to the extent of more than 20,000 crowns.
Holograph. Add. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. 100.]
Oct. 20. Davison to Burghley.
Could write nothing by Captain Bennett yesterday, being busy in the forenoon with the entry of the garrison, and spending the rest of the day with Count Hohenloe, who invited him and the captains to dinner. [Concerning the weakness and sickness of the companies, the need of better commanders and the sending for another company from Barrow, as in previous letters.]
The Count, having seen the old garrison withdrawn, is gone towards the fleet.
Has taken up money by exchange, and given the undertreasurer orders to pay the garrison one whole month and to send as much to the Brill as may content that garrison; the rest to be employed for an advancement to the companies at Bergen and other places. Prays that the bills may be duly honoured.—Flushing, 20 October, 1585.
Minute. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 68.] Another minute of the above. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 69.]
Oct. 20. Davison to Leicester.
“A day or two before the arrival of the Count Hohenloe I received the letters sent herewith from the Princess and Count Maurice, by the hands of Monsieur de Villiers, together with the Instruction in both their names addressed to your Lordship, (fn. 2) which I had order to detain by me till all things were finished here in her Majesty's assurance according to her expectation, and therefore omitted to send them yesterday with Captain Bennett; the rather because my business then with the Count of Hohenloe about the entry and distribution of our garrison did give me no leisure to accompany them with any letters of my own unto your Lordship. Now, having taken the best order we might for the surety of the place with so weak a number and begun all things in a good correspondence betwixt the burghers and our people, I have thought good to dispatch this bearer expressly to give her Majesty knowledge of our proceeding and to be an humble suitor to your Lordship for the hastening away of Sir Philip Sydney, considering how expedient it is he were already here to establish things in some better sort.” [Concerning the weakness of the companies; the need of sending for another from Bergen: the strength and excellent appointments of the outgoing garrison &c.]
How expedient it is that your Lordship should see the place better furnished, both for companies and leaders, as a matter much importing both her Majesty's service and Sir Philip's honour, which I know you tender dearly, I leave to your wisdom and consideration.
Touching the motions of Count Maurice, which concern her Majesty's honour rather than charge, I doubt not but your Lordship (of whose love and kindness I have presumed to assure him) will do your best to procure him her Highness' gracious answer, wherein I think your embracing of him and the rest of that poor ruined house will greatly increase your love and reputation here, “who cannot do amiss to accompany Sir Philip Sydney with all the good comfort and compliments that may be both from her Majesty and yourself in that behalf.” As soon as he arrives I hope to return home, to settle my own poor business and be ready to wait on your lordship in your journey hither, which I could wish deferred until the governors be settled in their several charges.
(fn. 3) Count Hohenloe desires to go into England to wait on you hither, but cannot yet get the States' consent, owing to their need of his presence here. He is greatly affected to the Prince's children, and desires much that her Majesty would take them into her protection. He is this day gone towards the fleet, and from thence into Holland again about some enterprise. (fn. 3) —Flushing, 20 October, 1585.
Holograph. Minute. Endd. (in error) as being to the Lord Treasurer. 1¾ pp. [Holland IV. 70.]
Oct. 20. Davison to Walsingham.
I wrote to your honour yesterday of the entry of our garrison, far weaker than those that are withdrawn. Count Hohenloe advises me to procure some other of our companies to be broken, “for the 'renforcing' underhand of these, which may no way be less than 800 strong, and thinketh it fit her Majesty follow the Prince's course in that behalf, who always respected more the strength than the number of ensigns appointed to this garrison.”
The letters herein sent I received from Mr. Villiers before coming here, with orders to detain them till things were accomplished. It seems that the Princess, Count Maurice and their friends “will be humble suitors to her Majesty to take the protection of that poor 'mortuary' house, left in very hard and weak terms.”
You will do a very acceptable work in inclining her Majesty's favour towards them, “who for any thing I know, do seek rather to be holpen by her countenance and authority than to be any whit burdensome to her purse.” The States are still unwilling to let Count Hohenloe go to England, yet he says he will do so as soon as he has finished some enterprise he has now on foot.
I have signed the bills of exchange for the money taken up from the merchants here, “the one half at usance, the other at double usance.” I pray that the treasurer may see them duly answered.—Flushing, 20 October, 1585.
Minute. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 71.]
Oct. 20. Davison to Walsingham.
Since closing my letters, we have advertisement that the General has taken the fort above Arnhem by composition after one assault, and while I was at dinner with the deputies. of the States of Zeeland, “assembled here by order from the generality to congratulate and countenance the proceedings and success of this our action,” Count Hohenloe had news that the enemy was bending a great part of his forces towards Tergoes, where it seems his purpose is to bring his flat-bottomed boats through the canal of Hulst on Flanders side; but the three companies sent from hence to-day to assure the place may divert his purpose. One of the burgomasters of the town has been here with the Count to defer the sending of these companies, which increases the suspicion of the enemy's design.
About the same time there came letters from the fleet and from Stenberg, importing that the Walloons and Dutches under the enemy had mutinied, but of all these things you shall have more certainty by the next, whereof I hope myself to be the messenger, “if Sir Philip Sydney stay no longer than I look and wish for.”—Flushing, 20 October, 1585.
Postscript.—Enclosed is the substance of the Instruction sent me by Count Maurice for my lord of Leicester, with which I make you acquainted, that it may please you to second his requests to her Majesty, who I hope will use him with all the honour she may; “both in respect of his willing consent to deliver this place, being his own in propriety, into her hands without any conditions, as for his virtues otherwise, besides the respect of the Prince his father.”
I must also beg you to send back my servants despatched over, as two or three of those here are sick, “and Burnet, now at Court, one I cannot spare long, in respect of the charge he hath of my expences and accounts,” as also this bearer, who has the writing of my letters, which otherwise must pass only mine own hands, a thing which, owing to my indisposition, I cannot so well endure as heretofore.
Only the postscript holograph. Add. Endd. ½ + ¾ pp. [Holland IV. 72.]
Minute of the above, but the postscript differently worded.
Signed. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 73.]
Another copy, without postscript.
Endd. 3/2 p. [Ibid. IV. 74.]
Oct. 20/30. The States of Holland to Davison.
Stating that the countries of Holland and Zeeland are bound to Mr. Christopher Hodesdon (acting for the English Merchants Adventurers) for the sum of 100,000 florins and interests, for which they were to pay 50,000 florins in ready money and another 50,000 at two terms, of which the first expires on the last day of November next. They have paid the ready money, and 10,000 florins (advanced by Amsterdam) of the remaining sum, leaving 20,000 to be paid this November and the balance a year hence. But Mr. Hodesdon having declared to their deputies in London that he was willing to abate the interest, at the rate of 12 per cent per annum, if they would pay the whole at once, and they being wishful so to do, they pray his Lordship to have delivered to Mr. Hodesdon in London before the last of November the sum of 37,800 florins of this country, in entire payment of the whole sum; which sum they will repay to his lordship or to any he shall chose, as soon as he delivers to them Mr. Hodesdon's acquittance and their two bonds. Begs him to let them know by the bearer if he can oblige them in the matter, as it is absolutely necessary that the payment be made by the prefixed date.—The Hague, 30 October, 1585.
Signed, C. Richtere. Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. IV. 75.]
[Oct. 20?] “Questions to be resolved by the Auditor or Treasurer in the Low Countries,” concerning disbursement for transportation, wages of horse and foot since August 12, and monthly charges of men, ordinary officers and officers of the field.—Undated.
Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 76.]
Oct. 20. “Disbursements of money for the 'defray' of her Majesty's army,” from Aug. 2 to Oct. 20.
Sum total 10,970l. 4s. 11d. Which deducted from 17,000l., there remains 6,029l., 15s. 1d.
Other expences to be “answered” out of this remainder.
Endd. as above. Also by Burghley, “Mr. Harleston's bill.” 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 77.]
Oct. 20/30. M. De Locres, Governor of Ostend, to Davison.
Thanking him for his good offices in the negotiations with her Majesty, and expressing his satisfaction at hearing of the entry of the English into Flushing. Hopes that the coming of the Earl of Leicester will be hastened, it being very necessary to remedy many troubles caused by the lack of good order in their affairs.—Ostend, 30 October, 1585.
Signed, Maximilien de Hornes. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Flanders I. 40.]


  • 1. Cf. letter from Leicester of Jan. 22, 1585–6 (Leycester Correspondence, p. 74).
  • 2. Probably the paper calendared on p. 62 above and the letter to Leicester mentioned in the footnote, p. 63.
  • 3. This paragraph is cancelled.