Index: T

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: T', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: T". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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T., A., ringleader of mutiny at Utrecht, 495.

Taillebourg, “Talliabork,” Talebourg, a town and castle belonging to Mademoiselle de la Trémoïlle, 299;

held by Condé, 336.

-, governor of. See Le Wall.

-, letter dated at, 500.

Talamone, suggested cession of, to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 623.

Talbot, James, of Ipswich, 651.

Tanlay, Sieur de. See Coligny, François de.

Tanner, Captain, company of, 667.

Taratini, the, congratulate the new Doge, 627.

Tardif, M., and his niece, of Tours, refugees in England, 293.

Tartars, wish to break off confederation, 488.

Tartary, the two princes of (the Tartairan brothers), 13;

Turkish troops sent towards, ibid.

Tassinari, Paulone, “chief of the Ghibellines,” killed in a fight, 662.

Tauris or Tabriz, siege of, reports concerning, 487, 488, 571, 573, 609, 623, 626, 665.

Tavannes [Jean de Saulx], [Sieurde], demand for the government of Auxonne to be restored to, 376.

Taxis, Juan Bautista de, formerly agent of the Spanish King at the French Court, lieutenant under Verdugo, at Zutphen, 615;

has gone into Cleves, 658.

-, —, in England, to be examined, 260.

Taylor, Mr., money to be paid to, 471.

Teelinck (Teylinck, Telin, Taling), [Joos,] a representative of Zeeland in the Council of State, 44;

“skilful in matters of finance,” 394;

report by, alluded to, 552.

Teligny, Charles, Seigneur de, allusion to, 269.

Tempell (Tymple), Oliver van den, has been busy in Tergoes, 7;

imprisonment of, 37, 49;

writings against, alluded to, 138.

Tempest, Mrs., in London, 709.

Tenneker, Thomas, letter from, 89.

Terceiras, the, expedition to (in 1583), alluded to, 643.

Tergoes (Traygouse, Tregaut), island of, 330;

refuses to take in English soldiers, 1;

an enterprise upon, suspected, 7, 70, 79, 82, 93, 100, 104;

“Papists and partialists” in, 82;

the States' garrison of Flushing goes to, 96;

Count Hohenlohe at, 111;

“correspondence” of the enemy with, 128;

importance of, 264;

practices for the betrayal of, 334;

enterprise against, stopped by the weather, 434, 435.

-, burgomaster of, 100.

-, companies sent to, 100, 104.

Termoli (Termole), Duke of, movements of, 573;

treats for the marriage of one of his sons, 664.

-, -, brother of. See Naples, Archbishop of.

Terneuse, companies at, pay for, 340.

Terra Firma [South America], goods in, 462.

Terra Nuova, Charles d'Aragon, Duke of, Governor of Milan, going to the Duke of Savoy, 298, 573;

confirmed in his government, 662.

-, [Simon de Tagliavia d'Aragon de], Cardinal, a church “reported” by, 661.

Terra Virginea, advantages of planting “sufficient colonies” in, 230.

Terrazina marshes, proposal to drain, 570.

Terry, —, prisoner at Dunkirk, 163.

Tertole, Tertolen, La Thole, island of, an attempt upon, feared, 70, 79, 82, 93;

Papists and partialists in, 82;

reported misbehaviour of English soldiers in, 105, 123;

English companies at, removed to Ostend, 137;

“correspondence” of the enemy with, 128;

importance of, 264.

-, bailiff of, complaint of, against the English soldiers, 105.

-, a captain of, 106.

Tervere. See Veere.

Teutonic knights, forces of (?), to aid the Duke of Savoy, 424.

-, Order, Order of St. Marie, Order of Germany or Prussia, the Archduke Maximilian to be Master of, 50, 572.

Texel, island of, 264;

information concerning, given to the Prince of Parma, 334.

Thames, the, Spanish galleys built to go into, 229.

-, men, canoneers, “daintily brought up and fed,” 324.

Thanet (Tennet), 325.

Theobalds, Lord Burghley's house, 393;

visitor to, 11.

Thiel (Tyell), English troops near, 541;

captains at, 558.

-, Admiral or Amptmann of, a castle battered by, 667.

-, governor of, Count Hollock confers with, 562.

Thiers, in Auvergne, merchant of, 489.

Thomas, Captain, Welsh company of, 668.

Thorpe, Col. William, regiment of, serjeant-major of, 86.

Thouars (Touars), the Prince of Condé betrothed at, 66.

Throgmorton, Thomas, movements of, 703, 704;

opposition of, to Parsons, 706.

Thurston, John, sent over with pioneers, recommended to Walsingham, 178.

Thynne, Charles, letter from, 261.

Tiercelan (Tierrelan), [Charles, Seigneur d'Appelvoisin], maitre-de-camp in Mayenne's army, troops of, defeated, 174, 499, 500.

-, ensign of, captured, 499.

Tiflis, the Turkish army goes towards, 13.

Tivoli, Cardinal d'Este's villa at, 664.

Toledo [Gaspar de Quiroga], Cardinal Archbishop of, head of the Inquisition, a chief counsellor of King Philip, 208.

-, Antonio Alvarez de, Constable of Navarre, succeeds his uncle Frederick as Duke of Alva, 209.

-, Ferdinand Alvarez de, late Duke of alva, allusions to, 102, 116, 264.

-, -, time of, alluded to, 272.

-, Frederick Alvarez de, eldest son of the above, Duke of Alva, death of, 209.

-, the Prior Don Hernando or Ferdinand de, base son of Ferdinand, Duke of Alva, 209;

to be commander of the land forces against England, 609, 625.

-, Don Pedro de, goes with galleys for Africa, false report concerning, 625.

-, Father, preacher at Rome, illness of, 210.

Tolhuys or Tole House, at the junction of the Waal and Rhine, the property of the Duke of Cleves, 265, 658.

Tompson, Richard, an English merchant, ships of, seized, 502.

Tomson, Richard, has visited Ç in the Tower, 179, 279;

is coming with letters from Ç to Dunkirk, 179;

is negotiating exchange of prisoners, 207, 232, 233, 361;

expected at Dunkirk, 479;

has left Dunkirk, 615;

promises of, 616, 632.

-, -, letter from, 317.

-, a priest, steward to Mr. Roper, information sent by, 713.

Tonnay-Charente, taken by Condé, 536.

Torcello, [Carlo Pisano,] Bishop of, a Jew baptised by, 666.

Toper. See Tupper.

Torck, Lubbert, Heer van Hemart, Governor of Grave, makes the burghers swear to keep the town, 612;

surrenders it, 695.

-, -, letter from, 225.

-, -, letter to, 225.

Tornanizza, fortress of, said to be taken by the Georgians, 487.

Tornon. See Tournon.

Torre di Conti, murder and executions at, 209.

Torture, employment of, 268, 321.

Tossignano, Father, on a commission, 663.

Totnes, merchants of, goods of, taken by pirates, 475.

Tottam, Mr., going to England, to raise a company of foot, 353.

Touars, the Prince of Condé at, 66.

Toulouse, Archbishop of. See Foix.

-, citizens of, the Duc de Mayenne's promise to, 610.

-, English ships arrested at, 582.

-, merchants of, depredations upon, by the English, 416, 582.

-, Senechal of. See Cornusson.

Tour d'Auvergne, Henry de la, Vicomte de Turenne, brings forces to the King of Navarre, 56;

the Duc de Mayenne's advance stayed by, 174;

success of, 440, 441;

reported to be slain or hurt, 441;

holds Casteljaloux, 626;

an attack by, feared, 646.

-, letter from, 339.

-, -, troops of, join the King of Navarre, 56, 299.

Tournabone, Lawrence, “a naughty man,” to have charge of the ships in Brittany, 396.

Tournai (Torney), convoys from, measures for safety of, 184.

Tournon, Tornon, M. de [Just-Louis, Comte de], a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Tours (Towers), refugees from, in England, 293;

rendezvous of Biron's forces at, 587.

Tracey, Nicholas, and his brother, prisoners at Dunkirk, 163, 233, 710.

Treaty Papers, 701.

Trémoïlle, Tremouille, M. de, has joined the party of the King of Navarre, 65;

is with the Prince of Condé, 66;

horse of, killed under him, 499.

-, Madame de, castle of, 66.

-, Mademoiselle de, is betrothed to the Prince of Condé, 66, 299;

marriage of, 610.

-, -, possessions of, 299.

Trenchard, Messrs., sen. and jun., with the King of Navarre, 236.

Trent, Council of, efforts or resolve to put the ordinances of, into execution, 134, 298, 708, 723.

Tresham, William, going to the Prince of Parma, 704;

relations of, with Parsons, 706.

Treslong. See Bloys, Guillaume de.

Tressa, Doctor, of Vicenza, makes oration to the new Doge of Venice and is knighted, 623.

Treviso, Bishop of, [Francesco Cornaro,] 486.

-, governor of. See Braccioduro.

Trier, Treves, Elector of. See Schoenenberg.

Tripoli, English merchants of, 611.

Tritiacke, one, a Russian servant, 268.

Troyes, François des, merchant of Orleans and adjudicataire of salt magazines, case of, statement of, 456;

remonstrances on behalf of, 535.

-, -, agent of. See Priour.

Truchsess, Charles, brother of the Elector, should be set free, 572.

-, Gebhard, deprived Archbishop and Elector of Cologne, disagreement between the Comte de Mœurs and, 15, 30, 33, 37, 42, 403, 579;

is authorised to take care of the affairs of the House of Nassau, 39;

Elizabeth's efforts on behalf of, 45;

aid given to, by the Swiss, alluded to, 135;

his rights in Rheinberg, discussed, 266;

downfall of, alluded to, ibid.;

at the Hague, 329;

praise of, 401, 403;

aid for, desired from Elizabeth, 403, 404;

debates concerning, in the Assembly at Worms, 404;

hopes of help for, from the Protestant Princes, 512;

(the Prince Elector) and his wife, with the Earl of Leicester at Utrecht, 612;

the new Elector of Saxony said to have taken the protection of, 627;

possible restoration of, 660;

at the camp before Nimegen, 667.

-, -, letters from, 180, 224, 344, 578, 579.

-, -, letter to, 188.

Tullius, Sergius (Tully), eloquence of, alluded to, 241.

Tupper (Toper), John, messenger, 195, 221, 465, 492 (2), 493, 567, 574, 710, 711.

Turbervile (Truberfilde), George, aid to be given by, in invasion of England, 706.

-, (Birberviel), Richard, at San Lucar, deposition and certificate by, 190.

Turenne, Vicomte de. See Tour d'Auvergne.

Turin, 298, 573, 612, 623.

-, Archbishop of [Jeronimo della Rovere], mission of, to Rome, 660, 663.

-, envoy sent to, 626.

-, news from, 661.

Turk, the, is making a great fleet in Algier, 490;

said to be defeated by the “Sofye,” 495;

war between Venice and, alluded to, 510;

fear of rousing, to animosity, 611;

Elizabeth accused of moving, to attack Spain, 635.

Turkey, English ships coming from, Spanish galley waiting for, at Gibraltar, 576;

great men of, quarrels amongst, 609.

-, officials in:—

Bassa Viziers of the Bench, 13. General. See Ferat Bassa. Grand Vizier. See Misir; Sciavus; a former, see Mahomed. the roba longa, those of, 14.

-, Sultan or Grand Signor of. See Murad.

Turkish camp, famine in, 13.

-, corsairs, ships taken by, 665.

-, fleet, negotiations concerning, 590.

-, garrisons (in Africa), taken by Spain, alluded to, 598.

-, sanjaks, forces of, try to raise the siege of Tauris, 609.

-, troops, refuse to return to Persia, 573;

numbers of, 626;

spahis and janissaries, 13, 487.

Turks or the Turks, should fight the Christians, not the Persians, 14;

captured by the Uscocchi, 623;

and infidels, treasure which may be employed against, 660;

discourse on, alluded to, 661;

a fort building by, 662.

-, slaves of, Fraternity for redemption of. See Gonfalone.

Turlone, a rich Venetian, sentenced by the Council of Ten, 487.

Turnbull, William, in Russia, 268.

Turnhout (Turnot), in Brabant, 44;

the main force of Parma's army at, 151, 162, 168;

troops gathering at, to besiege Bergen-op-Zoom, 484.

Tuscany, report that the Pope will raise horsemen in, 483;

envoy returns to, from Rome, 622;

men to be hired in, for Spain, 662.

-, Grand Duke of. See Medici, Francesco Maria de'.

-, Grand Duchess of, said to be with child, 486;

consecrated rose sent to, 664.

Tweedy (Twetie), Captain, provisional governor of Bergen-op-Zoom, false alarms given by, 612.

Typoots, Paul, notary public, certificate by, 190.

Tyrol, a gentleman of, 207.

Tyse [? Tuy], “above Vigo,” meeting of Drake and the Spanish general at, 64.

-, church of, plundered by Drake, 64.