Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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Pace, Louis de, sent into Spain, 403, 604;

in Paris, 708.

Pacification, Edict of, the French King urged to uphold, 640.

Padua, affair of Ludovico Orsino at, see under Orsino;

Inquisition at, dead body of a heretic burned by, 666.

-, letter from, alluded to, 449.

-, Cardinal Bishop of [Federigo Cornaro], may give up his church to his nephew, 486;

is at Venice, 627, 662.

Paget, Charles, his quarrel with Charles Arundel, 222, 276, 469, 704, 705, 708, 709;

in relation to his charge of the Queen of Scots' affairs, 276;

opposition of, to Parsons, 706;

urges Rogers to go to England, 707;

is sending a priest to Rome, to “salve” his credit, 709;

“at words” with the Earl of Westmorland, 715.

-, Thomas, Lord, movements of, 703;

has received moneys from England, 704;

letters to, alluded to, 712.

-, -, sister of. See Allyn, Lady.

Painter, young, letter sent by, 253.

Palatine cardinals at Rome, 660.

Palatine of the Rhine, Elizabeth, Countess, wife of Duke Casimir, letter from, 381.

-, [Anne] Electress, widow of Elector Louis, marries the Marquis of Baden [Dourlach], 336.

-, Frederick, the young Elector, league proposed to, 660.

-, George John, Prince, Duke of Bavaria and Lützelstein, or “Petite Pierre,” money to be “answered” by, for the King of Navarre, 336.

-, -, son of, to serve in the army going to France, 336;

married to the Duke of Wurttemberg's daughter, 336.

-, Louis, the late Elector, contract of, to supply troops for Elector Truchsess, alluded to, 266;

estate of, administration of, 683.

Palavicino, Fabritio, brother of Horatio, 634.

-, -, letter from, 564.

-, (Palvoizine), Horatio, agent from Elizabeth to the German Princes, information to be sent to, 260;

expected in England, 296;

dispatch of, desired, 307, 333;

detained in England by contrary winds, 366;

expected at Haarlem, 403;

his journey into Germany, 454, 455, 556, 689;

request of, 561;

mission of, to Saxony and Brandenburg, 652, 675, 676, 683, 685, 690, 696, 697;

is at Frankfort, 666, 696;

conclusion of his business with Duke Casimir, deferred, 682, 696.

-, -, letters from, 353, 366, 379, 388, 426, 454, 455, 514 (2), 516 (2), 576, 578, 595, 634, 635, 652;

alluded to, 574, 695, 696;

extracts from, 697.

-, -, letters to, 564, 589, 688;

alluded to, 352, 382.

-, -, advices set down by, 682.

-, -, appointment of attorneys by, on going into Germany, 353.

-, -, his “folks,” have correspondents in France, 492.

-, -, instructions to, 377, 378.

-, -, moneys collected or taken up in exchange by, 510, 514, 518;

delivered on behalf of, to merchants, 545;

kept back by, till he receives guarantees from Duke Casimir, 577.

-, -, orders of, alluded to, 449, 564.

-, -, paper on coinage by, 263.

-, -, reference to, 128.

-, -, servants or men of, 514, 696. And see Rizzo, Fabritio.

-, -, speech of, to the French King, 717.

Palme, John, of Flushing, has taken victuals to the enemy, 324.

Palmer, [Andrew,] Controller of the Mint, to be sent to Holland, 525.

-, Capt. Barnaby, commission to, 10.

-, -, company of, payment of, 25;

deduction from, 129.

-, Mr., going to England, 416.

Pamele, Seigneur de. See Joigny.

Pamier [Bertrand de Barrau, Bishop of], passport from the Prince of Parma countersigned by, 432.

Pamplona (Pampilonia), Spanish troops sent to, 299.

Panicarola, Father, is preaching at the Vatican, 210;

proposed as Bishop of Ferrara, 622;

made coadjutor of Ferrara, 662, 666.

Papacy, the, “the great whore” [of Babylon], plan for the destruction of, 411.

Papal bull, Cœna Domini, mentioned, 483.

Pardieu, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, Governor of Gravelines, 51;

movements of, 184, 186, 191;

“brave speeches” of, alluded to, 191;

persons examined by, 194;

intends to besiege Ostend, 215;

proposed attempt to capture, 229, 230;

has been employed to view England, 229;

made governor “to prosecute the war” in Flanders, 437;

is preparing for the siege of Ostend, 588;

makes sure of being governor of all the west parts of Flanders, 594.

-, -, wife of, 229.

-, -, captains of, a challenge sent to, 191, 192.

-, -, regiment of, before Ostend, 194.

-, -, ship belonging to, 162.

Pardo, Jeronimo, Dr. Nuñez' man, sent into Portugal, 472–474;

to be sent there again, 475.

Paris, Huguenot refugees from, in England, 292;

friends of the House of Bourbon may soon appear before, 603;

price of all things tripled in, ibid.

-, Bishop of. See Gondi, Pierre de.

-, the [Admiralty] Court in, complaint made to, in vain, 475.

-, Council of State at, 4.

-, English papists or “rebels” in, plotting of, 703, et seq.;

have friends very near the Queen, 707;

are very melancholy, 708;

a Jesuit sent by, to England, 713.

-, letters from, passim;

bearer of, robbed, 406.

-, merchants of, 540;

seek justice from England, 393;

complaints of, 416;

goods belonging to, seized, 417.

-, news from, 487, 523, 573, 666.

-, provost of, 317.

-, places or buildings in:—

Bastille, prisoner in. See Morgan, Thomas.

Louvre (Lover), the, 363.

rue S. Antoine, 314.

Queen Mother's house, 314.

Sir Edw. Stafford's house, 646.

-, travellers to and from, passim.

Parker, Sir Philip, recommendation by, 310.

Parliament, should have been kept at the appointed time, 332.

Parma, the Prince of Parma wishes to retire to, 487.

Parma, Duchess of. See Margaret.

-, Prince of. See Farnese, Alexander.

-, ambassador from, to the Emperor, returning “ill-satis-fied,” 622.

-, native of, made a cardinal. See Rossi.

Parry, James, a gentleman of the Earl of Leicester, in prison in London, 290.

-, William, a companion of, 230.

Parsons, Thomas, said to be practising against her Majesty, 158;

goes to Rome, 703;

expected from Rome, 705;

proceedings of, opposition to, 706;

wily conduct of, in Rome, 710;

a “faction” to be set between Dr. Allen and, 711, 714.

Partridge, Mr., 659.

Pasqua [di Santo Spirito, i.e. Pentecost], feast of, 663.

Passage, the, armado preparing in, 641, 642.

Passage, M. de [Aymer de Poisieu, Seigneur du], a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Passamonte, Monsignor, president of La Marca, 665.

Paston, Mr., to have charge of five hundred voluntaries, 328.

Paul [qy. Powell], Captain, and his company, pay due for, 341.

Paulet, Sir Amyas, letter to, 610.

-, William, 3rd Marquis of Winchester, his house in London, 61.

Paulmier (Poumier), Claude [physician to the French King], letter from, 286.

Pavia, siege and battle of (in 1525), allusion to, 599.

-, Cardinal Bishop of. See Rossi.

Pawlett, Captain, company of, 667.

Pearson, —, an English subject, 229.

Pecocke, Robert, agent of the Russia Company, 268.

Pedel, Jehan, captain and freebooter, sentence given in favour of, 489;

commission for the reconciliation of, 524.

Pedrosso, Contador Bernabe de, estimate of ships, troops &c., preparing in Portugal, sent by, to King Philip, 436.

Peersey, Augustine, and Company, ship belonging to, taken by pirates, 476.

Pelham, Sir William, greetings sent to, 50;

suggested employment of, in the Low Countries, 53, 173, 183;

the Brill to be viewed by, 132;

the “chiefest” of the martial men, 146;

is shortly going over, 200, 201;

his presence there, needed, 202, 220, 227, 231, 242, 330, 386, 402, 415, 496, 498, 530, 576, 585, 657;

the Queen's reasons for not letting him go over, 227;

money to be demanded from, 344;

application to, for “black bills,” alluded to, 426.

-, -, letter to, 79.

Pembroke, Countess of [qy. Anne, widow of the late Earl], house of, in London, 385.

Pena, Dr., believed to be an honest man, 469.

Penmarch (Pannarch), Brittany, ship of, 380.

Pens, silver, 206.

Pepin, Jehan, merchant of St. Malo, ship of, stayed at Bristol, 74;

security offered by, 75.

Pera (Perugia) of Constantinople, a student at, 211.

Peretti [Alessandro], Cardinal Montalto, great nephew of Sixtus V, the new cardinals dine with, 210;

visited by an Austrian duke, 571.

-, -, sister of, treaty of marriage for, 664.

-, Signora Camilla, sister of Pope Sixtus, puts a stop to a marriage design, 664.

Perez, Antonio de, sometime Spanish secretary, now in prison, 209.

-, Ludovico, merchant of Frankfort, 696.

Periere, Geoffrey, ship laden by, captured, 584.

Périgord, a deputy from, declares the misery of the poor people in, 603.

-, (Pyregoe), a town in. See Castillon.

Pernstein (Pernestain), Johann von, marriage said to be arranged for, with his uncle's daughter, 624.

Perone, Colonel, is coming to Ostend, 22.

-, -, furrier of, 22.

Peronne, importance of securing, 364;

Count Soissons reckons himself sure of, 463, 464, 491.

Perpenyon [qy. le Pignon], the Turk “binds his force with,” 490.

Perray, M. du, host of M. de Villesaison, 178.

Perrenot, Anthony, Cardinal de Granvelle, a chief councillor of the King of Spain, 208;

his influence with the King, 391, 392, 399, 400, 514, 553;

will certainly help to bring about the peace between that King and Elizabeth, 392;

is written to, concerning the proposed treaty, 517;

support of, for the treaty, hoped for, 527;

will do anything to content his brother (Champagney), 553;

illness and affliction of, 662.

-, Frederick, Seigneur de Champagney (Ciampagni), brother of Cardinal Granvelle, affection of, to Andrea de Loo, 240;

his stay in England, alluded to, 329, 589;

suggested as a fit person for Elizabeth to treat with, concerning the suggested peace with Spain, 330;

in relation to the negotiations for the treaty of peace, 360, 368, 370, 391, 392, 398–400, 405, 449, 471, 504, 516, 517, 538, 539, 553, 589;

is detested by the Spaniards, 391, 399;

desires the withdrawal of the Spanish troops, 399, 449, 526;

unjust reports concerning, 382, 472, 504, 513;

his desire for a good agreement, 526, 527;

is a Burgundian by birth, 526, 553;

a person of great influence, 527;

is a martyr to the gout, 553;

honesty of, vouched for, 553, 554;

will employ himself heartily in the business, 617, 674;

his opinion of the English Court, 637;

rumour of intended removal of, to another post, 663;

interview of, with de Loo, 674;

messages from, 675.

-, -, letters from, 448, 588;

alluded to, 526, 539, 674.

-, -, letters to, 513, 695;

alluded to, 526.

Perrot, Sir John, Lord Deputy of Ireland, to be written to, concerning the levying of soldiers, 253.

-, (Parret), Sir Thomas, at the Hague, 333.

-, M., Sieur de la Tour, refugee in England, 292.

Perrotin, Francis, master of a ship taken by pirates, 475.

Persia, troops for, declare they will not go, 488;

reports from, 626;

war with, 661.

-, Shah or King of (the Sofye, the Persian), reported victory of, over the Turks, 495;

siege of Tauris by, see Tauris;

said to be treating for peace, 665.

-, -, his son and nephew desire to crush the Ottoman House, 488.

-, Turkish general going to. See Ferat Bassa.

Persian policy, of leaving the country bare for the enemy, 13.

-, wars, notice of, 609.

Persians, the, the Georgians to be prevented from succouring, 13;

should not be persecuted as an enemy, 14;

cannot storm fortified places, 609;

are using every effort to retake Tauris, 610.

Pertuys, M. du, refugee in England, 293.

Peru, merchandise in, 462;

Drake said to be gone towards, 484.

-, fleet of, not to put out, for fear of Drake, 624.

-, ships going to or from, 233, 300, 711.

-, trade of, interrupted by Drake's proceedings, 598;

riches of, importance of, to Spain, 599.

Perugia, people of, complaint of, against their legate, 486;

rising at, caused by hunger and ill-government, 571;

a native of, 572;

those imprisoned by the legate to be set free, 573;

rioters, punishment of, 622.

-, legate at. See Spinola, Cardinal.

Pesaro, Marchesa del Guasto at, 573.

-, church of, 661.

-, Bishop elect of, comes to Rome, 486. And see Benedetti, Cesare.

Pescara, Marquis of. See Guasto.

Peters, Sir John, house of, the Earl of Leicester to lie at, 197.

Peterson, John, of Enchuysen, petition of, 428;

ship of, taken, ibid.

“Petite Pierre” (Pet. Perre), Duke of. See Palatine, George John, Prince.

Pettie, Petty, Capt. Robert, brave service of, 558.

-, -, company of, payment of, 25;

deduction from, 129.

Peucer or Paucer, Dr. Caspar, physician of the Elector of Saxony, release of, from prison, 423.

Phelippes (Phillyps), Thomas, memorial for, and minutes by, 260;

letters endorsed by, 704–710.

Philip II, King of Spain, his refusal of audience to Waad, alluded to, 8;

the Prince of Parma said to have urged, to grant toleration in religion to the Low Countries, 42, 162;

designs of, against England, alluded to, 52;

the King of Navarre's answer to offers from, 65;

tyranny of, opposition to, 77;

no accord could be made with, without ruin of the Religion, 117;

is urged to make the King of Scots take arms against Elizabeth, 196;

is at Monson, assembling the Estates of the three northern kingdoms, to swear to his son, 207;

has been ill, but is recovered, ibid.;

desires to marry one of the Empress Mary's daughters, 208;

reported intention of, to provide a fleet against the Low Countries, ibid.;

will be at Madrid for the Epiphany, 209;

has made no profit of Portugal, 209;

report that he is again dangerously ill, 211;

his professed affection to those of the Low Countries, 225;

is believed to mean to “proceed against the whole Low Countries,” 228;

suggestion for stirring up enemies against, 229;

hears that Drake is in the Indies, 233;

his people cry out against, 234;

the King of Denmark proposes to deal with, for giving the Low Countries their ancient liberties, 238;

the Prince of Parma's influence with, 240;

his “rejection” [sic] of the United Provinces, alluded to, 244;

has solicited the King of Scots to practise against England, 254;

takes open part with the Pope, 257;

mistrust of, in England, 259;

will shortly take possession of England, 261;

can give in one day to his favourites more than the Queen is worth, ibid.;

is obliged, by the Pacification of Ghent, to withdraw Spaniards from Low Countries, 264;

his superiority to the English Queen, in dominions, riches, allies &c., 271;

intended enterprise of, upon England, discussed, 271, 272;

prefers safety to rashness, 272;

movements of, 278;

stay of ships by, may be for lawful causes, 281;

“thinks least” of offering war to England, 281;

desires the ruin of Geneva, 297;

sends troops to the French King, 299;

preparations of, for England, 300;

the Spaniards in the Low Countries complain that he is “counselled by doctors and clergymen,” 318;

is said to be working to “draw away” Montmorency, 327;

his riches in the Indies the source of his power, 331;

cannot match the Queen's power by sea, 331, 410;

offer of, to the Earl of Embden, alluded to, 349;

“the principal instrument of the Pope,” practices of, alluded to, 384;

the chief upholder of the Catholic faith, 391;

is inclined for peace, 392;

a Spaniard said to bear a deadly hatred to, 400;

aid promised to the League by, 406;

reported death of, ibid.;

measures for the ruin of, proposed, 409 et seq.;

would not dare to diminish the garrisons in Italy, 411;

power of, danger from, 420;

report that he has agreed to attack the King of Navarre and send forces to Savoy, 423;

designs of, against Elizabeth, 443;

“will have enough to do” between the English and States' fleets, 453;

Elizabeth's efforts to purchase his amity, 472;

“goads are not lacking near” to exhort him to war, ibid.;

is said to have told the Prince of Parma that “he must go on till June,” 487;

visit of, to Valencia, 490;

said to wish to marry his own daughter, ibid.;

much troubled by Drake's proceedings, 490, 590, 609–611, 635;

is slow in his resolutions, but very earnest in them when taken, 590;

is still resolute against England, 609;

causes the princes in Italy &c. to make ships ready, 491;

rumour that he has offered his daughter to the King of Navarre, 493;

unity of plans between the Emperor and, 498;

may probably arrest both English ships and goods “this year,” 507;

the Pope wishes the Catholic Princes of Germany to join in a league with, against Elizabeth, 509;

Cambrai reported (falsely) to be delivered to, 518;

obedience offered on behalf of, to the Pope, 520;

money demanded by, from the Pope, 520, 523;

the sending of goods to Spain gives him greater means to arm against England, 524;

at Valencia, intending “to embark on his great preparation,” 532;

his good success in his proceedings, 538;

reasons of, for being offended with Elizabeth, 539, 544, 604;

said to have deferred the English enterprise from compassion to the Queen, being a woman, 540;

molestation from, feared by the Count of Embden, if he favours the English, 546;

the preachers of Embden have termed him tyrant, ibid.;

said to have “dealt” with Balagni at Cambrai, 555, 607;

the chief supporter of the House of Guise and a competitor for the French crown, 569;

said to wish to marry the widowed Queen Elizabeth of France, 595;

lacks men, ships and money, 610–612;

nomination to churches of Sicily awarded to, 622;

the Grand Duke of Tuscany's proposal concerning, in relation to Algiers, 623;

at Madrid, 625;

is said to have openly declared war against England, ibid.;

is godfather to the Prince of Mantua's son, 627, 661;

will try to chase away or capture Drake, 635, 643;

movements of, 643, 666;

belief that he is going for Ireland, 645;

reported intentions of, in relation to invasion of England, 706, 709;

the French King's close intelligence with, 722;

does his business in England by means of Mendoza, ibid.

-, in relation to the proposals for bringing about a peace between Elizabeth and:

does not wish to take what belongs to another, 398;

the Prince of Parma will “work with,” 449;

supposed desire of, for peace, 474, 504;

Elizabeth's conditions for aiding, in the restoration of the United Provinces to, 508;

all difficulties would be composed if he would declare his intention to maintain amity with the Queen, 513;

influence to be brought to bear upon, 514;

Prince Doria has written to, in favour of the design, 517, 589, 634, 635;

his good opinion of Champagney, 539;

will do to others as he would have others do to him, 554;

mind of, believed to be changed, as regards a peace, 590;

negotiations for bringing about the peace, see Elizabeth, secret negotiations with.

-, a reputed agent of, in England, 108.

-, ambassadors, resident, to and from, see Ambassadors;

ambassadors or envoys from, to the King of Navarre, 65, 300, 443;

those dealing for, under the name of ambassadors, are “factors to the devil,” 472;

an envoy sent from, to the Diet of Baden, 416.

-, army preparing, or troops to be furnished by, for England, 337, 709.

-, an artificer employed by, 128.

-, bills of exchange given in the name of, “returned by protest,” 318.

-, chief councillors of, 208;

his “grave and experienced Council,” 272.

-, countries under his obedience, enumerated, 539.

-, Court of, 26.

-, dominions of, prohibition of traffic with, 659, and see under Spain;

only the Catholic Roman religion allowed in, 329.

-, forces of. See Spanish troops. See Low Countries, Spanish forces in

-, friends and instruments of, in Holland, 228.

-, galleys of, cost of, 209.

-, gallions going to serve, 700.

-, goods of Council for, 190.

-, governor appointed by, 234.

-, grant by, 625;

alluded to, 643.

-, lands (in the Low countries) occupied by, belonging to Count Frederick Henry of Nassau, 62.

-, league of (reported) with the Pope, Guises &c., 722.

-, letters to, alluded to, 564.

-, money furnished for, 611;

his distress for want of, 612;

furnished out of his purse, sent to Scotland, 352, 382.

-, navy, ships or sea army, making ready by, 254, 270, 278, 331, 494, 513, 537, 576;

said to be going against Drake, 331, 406;

strength of, 375, 376;

preparing in Portugal, statement of, sent to, 436;

probable difficulty in procuring, 611.

-, officer appointed by, to search for Englishmen and their goods, 292;

officers of, in the Low Countries, tyranny of, 472.

-, pensioners of, favoured by the French King, 722.

-, orders of, 721;

alluded to, 540, 643, 644.

-, packet of, taken, 576.

-, persons in great favour with. See Perrenot, Cardinal de Granvelle; see Recaldo.

-, predecessors of, difficulties of, 598.

-, proclamation of, in his Council of Flanders, 305.

-, “provisions made for,” in the East Country, 448.

-, “purveyor of his royal armies” &c. See Guevara, Anthony de.

-, revenue of, 209.

-, royal chamber of, “spoils” to go into, 486.

-, a valued servant of. See Dovara.

-, soldiers and mariners for, 642.

-, supporters or allies of, 234.

-, treasure furnished for, 644.

-, and his Council, a Spaniard who knows “the humours of,” recommended to Elizabeth, 432.

Piacenza, the corpse of the Duchess of Parma brought to, 627.

Picardy, no trade to be permitted to, 296;

proposed enterprise in, by Count Soissons, 417;

partisans of Soissons in, 464.

-, Huguenot refugees from, in England, 293.

-, people of, depend on Montpensier and Soissons, 587.

-, soldiers to be sent into, 705.

-, towns in, held for the League, 395, 417.

Piedmont, soldiers in, for the King of Spain's army, 522.

Pieters, Wybrant, of Amsterdam, letter on behalf of, 524–525.

Pietershoek (Peter Ouck), a village near Dort, letter dated at, 242.

Piletière, Captain, said to be killed at Angers, 65.

Pin, Sieur du. See Lallier.

Pinart (Pinard), Claude, Sieur de Camailles, French Secretary of State, asked to stay execution of sentence on English merchants, 3;

wishes his son to go as ambassador to Scotland, 118;

message sent by, alluded to, 251;

interviews of, with Sir E. Stafford, 372, 396;

negotiations of, with the Duke of Bouillon's people, 375;

in relation to the Earl of Leicester, 382;

sent to remonstrate with Stafford, concerning the taking of French ships, 427;

sends complaints to Stafford, 455;

proposal to send, to Montmorency, not carried out, 517;

jealousy between Villeroy and, 519;

is ill-affected to the League, ibid.;

assurances by, 551;

to deal with Stafford about “complaints for sea matters,” 567, 604;

packet sent by, 568.

-, -, letter from, 523.

-, -, documents countersigned by, 79, 417, 535, 540.

-, -, son [-in-law ?] of, suggested as ambassador to Scotland, 118.

-, -, son-in-law of, sent to Scotland, as ambassador. See Esneval.

Pinelli, Pinello, [Dominico,] a Genoese], formerly Bishop of Fermo, clerk of the Chamber, made a cardinal, 210;

report that he is to have the Signatura di Giustizia, 211.

-, —, son of the cardinal, Fiscal of Rome, said to be going as governor or president to the Romagna, 572, 625.

Pino da Cagli, Bernardino, his comedy, Li Ingiusti Sdegni, recited at Vicenza, 623.

Pinta, near Madrid, the Prince of Orange at, 208.

Piocheau, Jaques, merchant of Sables d'Ollonne, ship of, stayed by Drake, 79.

Piombino, Signor, desires title of Duke, 485.

Piper, Pyper, Gregory or Degory, an English pirate, captain of the Sweepstakes, complaints against, 428 (2), 505.

Piperno marshes, the, proposal to drain, 570.

Piron, Colonel, company of, at Terneuse, pay for, 340.

Pisa, Bishop of [Carlo Antonio Pucci], may be made a clerk of the Chamber to the Pope, 211.

-, the late Cardinal of, nephew of. See Ghisleri.

-, and Florence, Duke of. See Medici, Francesco Maria de.

Pit, Richard, merchant of Weymouth, ship of, taken by pirates, 475.

Pitie, Paul, master of the Chevalier de Mer, 416.

Pius V [Pio Ghislieri], one of the family of, 211.

Plague, persons in quarantine on suspicion of, 209;

in France, 604.

Plantin, Christopher, Mercator's geographical description printed by, 282.

Plantius, —, “a minister of God's word,” accused of writing against Ste. Aldegonde, 138.

Platte, the, English troops at, 76.

Plessis-Marli, Sieur du. See Mornay.

Pleuvec [qy. Purbeck], a French ship carried to, 584.

Plogoff, parish of, in the jurisdiction of Quimper-Corentin, 380.

Plunket, Patrick, Lord Dunsany, brother-in-law (through his wife) of James Stanyhurst, 162.

Plymouth, depositions taken at, 291.

-, (Plemue), harbour of, captured ships in, 74;

French ships seized in, 416.

Poët, Poyet [Louis de Blein], Baron du, Governor of Montélimar, 477.

Poisons, attempted purchase of, 344;

said to be taken to England, 469.

Poitiers, Poictiers, the Duke of Mayenne at, 174;

Marshal de Biron at, 693.

Poitou, Poictou, 488;

the Marshal de Biron and his army going into, 395, 432, 439, 440, 441, 493, 517, 521;

the Comte de Laval in, 400;

King of Navarre in, 644;

Condé's troops in, 666;

Biron's troops in, ravage the country, 722.

-, castles in, taken by Condé, 536.

-, gentlemen of, ready to join the Prince of Condé's army, 65;

keep quiet and await events, 537.

-, government of, offered to Montpensier, 537.

Polalyon, M., goes to the Assembly of the Estates in Dauphiny, 254.

Poland, Jesuits in, prevail much, 90;

a Tartar raid into, 487.

-, King of. See Stephen.

-, Sigismund, late King of, sister of. See Sweden, late Queen of.

-, proposed nuncio for. See Bari, Archbishop of; Gonzaga, Scipio; Salerno, Archbishop of.

Pouliguen, le (Poulguen), district of Guerande [Brittany], a ship of, taken by pirates, 475.

Pomerania, Pomerland, Pommern, Duke of, proposal to send letters to, from her Majesty, 135;

mentioned, 336;

refuses to recognise the new Elector of Cologne, 404.

Pons, in Saintonge, Marshal de Matignon “durst not approach,” 299.

-, garrison of, defeats Matignon's troops, 174.

Pontebba, Italy, traveller at, 662.

Pontevedra, in Galicia, Spain, 64.

Pont St. Esprit, governor of. See Ornano, Alphonse d'.

Ponza, island of (off Naples), 625.

Poole, co. Dorset, proposed landing near, 705.

Poole, Geoffrey, of Rouen, a near kinsman of Sir Edw. Stafford, request of, refused, 550.

-, -, wife of, formerly a woman of Lady Stafford's, 550.

-, or Powle, Capt. Thomas, company of, mutiny of, 495, 592.

Poolewhele, Thomas, passport for, 290.

Pooley, Mr., an English gentleman, in the King of Denmark's service, 89.

Pope, the, adherents of, suspected plots of, 383;

proposed measures for the overthrow of, 410;

common business of, with Spain and Savoy, 483;

“the common enemy to all good Christians,” 593;

a new, decree against rejoicings on the coronation of, 625. And see Gregory XIII; Sixtus V.

Popes, granting of indulgences by, proposed restraint or revocation of, 483, 625;

draining of marshes desired by, 570.

Popl or Popel, George, Major-domo of Bohemia, 485.

Portal, General, a refugee in England, 292.

Porte, the, Bassas of, dissensions of, 488.

Portercole, suggested cession of, to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, 623.

Portogruaro [in the Veneto], 661.

Porto Rico. See Puerto Rico.

Porto Vicentino, Count Ludovico, is following Cardinal Battori, to kill him, 624.

Portsmouth, 356;

residents at, 241, 583.

-, searcher of, 583.

Portugal, the Empress Mary refuses the government of, 207;

Don Antonio “highly beloved” in, 209;

has been nothing but a charge to the King of Spain, ibid.;

may act against King Philip, 229;

prohibition of traffic with, 294, 296, 659;

warlike preparations in, 399;

traffic carried on with, in spite of the placard, 470;

English goods sent to, arrested, 472;

Spanish preparations may be intended for, 532;

conquest of, by Spain, alluded to, 599;

followers of Don Antonio taken in, for inciting to mutiny, 627;

army proposed to be raised in, against Spain, 411.

-, pretender to the throne of. See Antonio, Don.

-, [Manuel], “the young Prince of,” son of Don Antonio, at the Hague, 329, 333.

-, governor of. See Austria, Archduke Albert of.

-, news from, 233, 241.

-, salt from, 79, 456.

-, ships of (Portingals), taken or sunk by Drake, 64;

going from, 456;

wrecked off, 572.

-, -, estimate of those preparing in, sent to the King of Spain, 436.

-, troops of, 241.

Portuguese, Portugals, in London, go to mass at the French ambassador's house, 61;

affection of, for Don Antonio, 209, 411;

curse the King of Spain, 241;

news brought by, from England, 279;

for the Spanish army, 719.

-, a, in Venice, 209.

-, or Portingal “brag,” a, 400.

-, friar, says it is “not pardonable” to serve the English Queen, 522.

-, mariners, not trusted by the Spaniards, 599.

-, merchants in Antwerp, 318.

-, rebel. See La Guarda, Bishop of.

Posts, Master of the, letters delivered to, 381.

Poupart, Jehan, captain of the Robert, request on behalf of, 53.

Pousin [or Le Pouzin], on the Rhone, surrendered to La Valette, 477.

Powell (Poel), Lieutenant, of Flushing garrison, 146;

killed, 667.

-, -, ordnance and munition issued by, 343.

Powle. See Poole.

Powlett, Mr., with the King of Navarre, 236.

Powlter, —, volunteer with Sir T. Cecil, 132.

Poyntz, Anthony, has embarked for Spain, 611.

-, (Poins), William, servant of Sir Thos. Heneage, letters carried to and from England by, 454, 462, 527, 528.

Praet, lordship of, [in Flanders,] granted by the Prince of Parma, 154.

-, [Louis de Flandre,] Sieur de, son-in-low of Ste. Aldegonde, “reconciled” to the enemy, 154, 158.

-, -, letter to, 154.

Prague, ambassadors at, 482, 663.

-, Court at, banquet given to, 624.

-, decree issued at, 144.

-, news from, 482, 485 (2), 570, 572, 622, 624, 627, 660, 663.

Pralins [qy. Praslin, Marquis de], a commander for the League, reported death of, 645.

Preaux, M. de, secretary to the French King's chamber. See Courcelles.

Price, Captain John, money sent by, 95;

wounded, 530, 533, 535, 561;

brave service of, 558;

is deprived of his post of serjeant-major, 608.

-, -, letter from, 608.

Priour, Jeffrey, agent for François des Troyes, money to be paid to, 583.

Priuli, Lorenzo, Venetian ambassador to the Pope, returns to Venice, 623, 662.

Privy Council ("the Lords"), 148, 149;

help of, desired, 97;

answer of, to the Hanse Commissioners, alluded to, 139;

asked to revoke commissions wrongfully granted, 140;

the States' deputies to deal with, in regard to the traffic with France and Spain, 181;

and the plan for issue of money, 182;

prayed to take order in regard to the depredations of the English upon French merchants, 190;

assurances on behalf of, not fulfilled, ibid.;

in relation to moneys for the Low Countries, 202;

complaints to be put before, 239;

negotiations with Spain for peace, not to be communicated to, 240;

examination by, alluded to, 260;

complaints to, referred to Judges of the Admiralty, 280;

access to, desired, 302;

declaration of her Majesty's intentions by, alluded to, 470;

de Loo does not wish to treat with any of, save Burghley, 547;

their inhibition of traffic to Spain, alluded to, 576;

“commissions” said to be granted by, to French merchants, for recovery of their goods, 583, 584;

measures of, against Spain, 611.

-, answers of, to Ortell's articles, 294, 296.

-, apostiles by, 585.

-, cause depending before, 505.

-, clerks of. See Beale, Robert; Wilkes, Thomas.

-, instructions or directions from, 63 (2), 132, 134, 653.

-, letters from, 134, 322, 407, 466, 502;

alluded to, 180, 531, 699;

asked for, 223, 264.

-, letters to, 2, 31, 72, 74, 84, 87, 202, 213, 268, 428, 431, 469, 688;

alluded to, 30, 76, 122, 288, 322, 458, 694.

-, matters to be laid before, 57, 506;

business approved by, 145;

points to be “resolved by,” 173.

-, members of. See Privy Councillors.

-, orders of, alluded to, 110, 290, 444, 671, 698;

desired, 60.

-, petition or memorial to, 268, 583;

request of application to, alluded to, 46, 456.

-, warrants of, alluded to, 291;

moneys paid by, 389.

Privy Councillors, absent from London, 21;

mentioned, 157;

decease or absence of, 352;

new, appointed, 353.

Probe, Peter, servant of Walsingham, money delivered by, 413.

Proctor, William, sent with letters to England, 406.

Prounincq, Gerard de, dit de Deventer, letter from, 8.

-, -, paper by, 255.

Provence, a gentleman of, 344.

-, Governor of. See Angoulême, Henri de, Grand Prior.

-, government of, given to the Duke of Epernon on the Grand Prior's death, 694.

-, town in. See Arles.

Proverbs and proverbial sayings:—

“After the steed had been gone, we might have shut the stable door,” 69.

“A man shall know by the folks how the market goeth,” 279.

“A mountain with child brought abed with a mouse,” 566.

Apres la mort le medicin,” 296.

Chi god' una volta, non stenta sempre,” 488.

“From Scilla to Charibdis,” 199.

“God sends curst cows short horns,” 643.

“I do move and yet I do not prosper,” 26.

Inter pontem et fontem,” 199.

L'homme propose et Dieu dispose,” 416.

Parler de grosses dents,” 415.

“The gratitude of a snake,” 450.

“Thieves falling out, true men come often to their goods,” 276.

“Threatened folk live long,” 643.

to be “in hugar mogar,” 642.

Pruneaux, Seigneur des. See Sorbiers.

Prussia, the English not allowed liberty to trade in, 18;

Jesuits in, 90.

-, Duke or “Governor” of. See Brandenburg-Ansbach, George Frederick, Marquis of.

Prymm, Prynn, Edward, has come to Holland with the “King of Portugal's” son, 361.

Ptolemy, geography of, alluded to, 282.

Puckering, [John,] serjeant-at-law, recommended by Leicester, 349.

Puerto Rico (Porto Rico), city of, “on the island of the same name,” sacked by Drake, 462, 481, 624.

Purbeck, Vice-Admiral of. See Haley.

Purvey, William, volunteer with Sir T. Cecil, 132;

going to England, 361.

Putte (near the Brill), imposts of, may be used to pay English garrison at the Brill, 470.

Pynchon, Edward, recommendation of, by the Earl of Leicester, 512.

-, -, mother and “son-in-law” of, 512.