Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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Maas, the. See Meuse.

Maasbommell (Mazebommell), a village called, English troops at, 541, 542.

Mabilia, Captain, a French pirate, 475.

Macchiavelli, [Nicolo,] his “Prince,” the Prince of Parma said to follow the example of, 116.

Maddock, William, of Ipswich, 651.

Madeira, islands of, ships from, taken by the English, 32.

-, Spanish governor of, insolence of, to the people, 234;

killed by them, ibid.

-, -, wife and children of, ibid.

Madrid, the Spanish King going to, 209, 643;

the royal family at, 625.

-, letter from, alluded to, 643.

-, news from, 481, 626, 665.

Madrucci, Madruccio, Cardinal [Ludovico], charge of Impeial affairs at Rome falls to, 627;

to go as President into Romagna, 665.

Maelsen, Françoys [pensionary of Enchuysen], treaty signed by, 34.

Maesland Sluys, fort at, 86;

should be in the Queen's hands, 228.

Maestricht, held by the enemy, 265;

troops quartered on the boors near, 612;

munitions of war sent from, 660.

-, a village near, attack upon the Spaniards at, 597.

Magdeburg, bishopric of, administrator of. See Brandenburg, Duke Joachim Frederick of.

Magellan, Straits of, Spanish ships going to, 233.

Magny, M. [probably Laurent de, Sieur de Maninville], letters to, enquired for, 632.

Mahommed, son of the Sultan of Turkey, his father afraid of, 609.

-, Bassa, former vice-roy of Turkey, assassination of, alluded to, 13.

Maillard, M., doctor of medicine, refugee in England, 293.

Mainz, Mayence, Magonza, Elector and Archbishop of. See Dalberg.

-, -, the late, a kinsman of, 50.

Maisonfleur, M. de, nephew of, 292.

Malaga, Spaniards lie in wait for English ships near, 611.

Malaspina, Germanico, nuncio to the Emperor, recall of, 624, 661.

Malaucène (la Mathesine), in the Venaissin, governor of, 477.

Maldonado, Don Diego, a former general of the Spanish fleet, advice of, “to go seek the enemy,” 481.

Malinas, Garratt, news sent by, 540.

Malines, Mechlin, stores at, consumed, 470;

proposed camp at, 621;

preparations making at, 624;

artillery brought from, 659.

Malta, sack of, pageant showing, 490.

-, Order and Knights of. See St. John of Jerusalem.

Malvezzi, Pino, “declared contumacious,” 483, 660.

Mammakere, —, treasurer of the States General, has arrived with money, 168.

Manier, Jan, letters carried by, 260.

Maniguettes (African seeds, used as spice), ship laden with, seized, 583.

Maninga, Manninga, Hayo, of Lutsboer and Dycke, “a noble and chief pillar” of East Friesland, lands of, seized by Count Edzard of Embden, 468, 541, 563.

-, Luder, son of the above, married to Diedrich Snoy's daughter, 468.

-, Vinco, brother of Hayo, 541, 563.

Manrique, Don Juan de, said to be arranging his daughter's marriage, 624.

Mansfeldt, Mansfeld, Count Charles, is besieging Grave, 482;

defeat of, 542, 561, 597;

reported capture of, 642, 659;

Golden Fleece to be given to, 659.

-, -, letter from, 225.

-, -, letter to, 225.

-, -, Count Peter Ernest of, “the old Count, who governs Luxembourg,” the Prince of Parma fears to offend, 597.

-, -, regiment of, 663.

Manssart, M. de, cousin of the governor of Sluys, 34;

message to, 124.

Mantua, Prince of. See Gonzaga.

-, Princess of, is with child, 609.

Manvell [qy. Mansfeldt], regiment of, before Ostend, 194.

Mar, Earl of [John Erskine], the Jesuits hope to gain, 706;

the Scots King means to “ruinate,” 709.

Maranta, a famous doctor, banished, 574.

Marbais, Sieur de, company of, at Worle, paid, 340.

Marbois, Captain [qy. same as the preceding], in command of the castle of Wau, pretended intelligence of, with the enemy, 484, 556.

Marcello, Cardinal. See San Marcello.

-, Donato, governor of Venetian galley slaves, Turkish ship taken by, 665.

Marchaumont [Pierre Clausse], Seigneur de, mission of, to England [probably] alluded to, 709.

Marcherano, Monsignor, sent to investigate crime of bandits at Imola, 625.

Marchigiano, “one,” is to be Auditor of the Rota, 486.

Marcovicchi, village of Dalmatia, ruined by earthquake, 625.

Marennes, salt of, to be levied, 536.

Margaret of Volois, Princess of France, Queen of Navarre, is egging on the Duke of Guise, 195; “vile letters” written by, ibid.;

proposed efforts for reconciliation between her husband and, 442, 443;

rumoured death of, 493;

in Auvergne, in some distress, 521.

Margaret, Duchess of Parma (Madame of Austria), death of, alluded to, 483.

-, -, corpse of, brought in state to Piacenza, 627.

-, -, goods and treasure of, brought to Parma, 623;

property of, claimed by Catherine de Medicis, 483.

Margate (Margatta), 259, 366, 388, 461;

Mendoça wishes armed ships to be sent to, 259;

dealings with the enemy at, 325.

Marnix, Jacob de, son of Ste. Aldegonde, at Soubourg, 136, 138.

-, Philippe, Sieur de Ste. Aldegonde, wishes to come into Holland, 5;

plot of his friends to bring him into Zeeland, 7;

comes into Zeeland, 16;

expected at the Hague, 37;

sends Martini into Holland, 42;

his negotiations with the Prince of Parma, alluded to, 115, 158, 228;

complains of lies and calumnies against him, 138;

at his house of Soubourg, 124, 128, 136 (3), 137, 149, 152, 155, 158, 167;

declares that he has come to purge himself or suffer chastisement, 153;

should be kept under guard, 153, 171, 172, 178;

is suspected to be involved in a plot of the enemy, 153, 154;

has many favourers, 155;

many have access to him, 158;

confessions of, to Davison, ibid.;

his “lying so near” to Flushing objected to, 165, 246;

has made great promises to the Prince of Parma, 171;

restraint of, will be difficult, in regard of his many friends, 182;

is suspected to desire to set forward a peace, ibid.' further accounts in relation to, 184;

is forbidden by the States to leave Soubourg, 221;

has just lost his wife, ibid.;

conduct of, alluded to, 225, 226; meeting and conversation of, with Colonel Morgan, 273;

conduct of, defended, 274, 275;

should be either employed as a friend or removed as an enemy, 275;

professes all possible service to her Majesty, 289;

reported to have been sent by the Prince of Parma to treat secretly with Elizabeth, 316;

said to be entirely opposed to peace with Spain, 405;

his “evil bargain for Antwerp,” alluded to, 408.

-, -, wife and children of, 137.

-, -, son of. See above.

-, -, son-in-law of. See Praet.

-, -, instruments of, complaints of, alluded to, 105.

-, -, servant of. See Colyns, Engelbert.

-, -, Apology or discourse of, alluded to, 136, 149, 154, 158, 712;

criticism upon, 115 et seq.

-, -, letters from, 124, 137, 608, 723;

alluded to, 136.

-, -, letter on behalf of, 11.

-, -, a little book written by, 116.

Marquis, the, in connexion with Andrea de Loo, 360.

Marseilles, 611.

-, letter dated at, 711.

-, ships to or from, 532, 576;

commandeered by the Turks, 495.

-, and Lyons, commerce between, hindered, 254.

Marsillière. See la Marsillière.

Martel, Nicolas, Seigneur de Bacqueville, letter from, 496.

Marten, Martin, Alderman, grant to, alluded to, 309;

money delivered by or in the hands of, 471.

Martensdyck, might be made a guard for the frontier, 265.

Martinego, Gio. Maria, going to his government of Corfu, 571.

Martini, greffier of Antwerp, a furtherer of the treaty with Parma, sent to the Hague, 37, 39;

committed to prison, 37;

examination of, 42;

imprisoned, 49;

letter in defence of, from Davison, 111;

at Dordrecht, 235.

Martino, Mr., not returned to Germany from Guienne, 515.

Mary, Queen, the late, relations of, with Russia, 54.

Mary, Queen of Scots; Mendoza declares that his master will “set up,” 508;

news from, hoped for, in Paris, 703;

no intelligence yet had from, 705.

-, -, agents or officers of, in Paris, 276;

moneys to be paid by, 705, 707–708.

-, -, money laid out for, in England, 705;

to be paid out of her purse, 709.

Mary of Castile, sister of Philip II, widow of the Emperor Maximilian (the Empress), has refused the government of Portugal, 207;

description of, ibid.;

refuses to give her youngest daughter to King Philip, 208.

-, -, daughters of. See Austria, Elizabeth of; Margaret of.

Mascon, citadel of, taken by the Huguenots, 65.

Mas-de-Verdun, a strong place on the Garonne, 610.

Matignono, Marshal de. See Goyon, Jacques de.

Mattei, Camillo, release of, 627, 661.

Maugiron, M. de, the younger, a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Maulde, Guillaume de, letters from, 108, 147, 152, 161.

-, -, letter to, 140.

-, -, son of, dangerously wounded, 109, 141.

-, -, son and daughter-in-law of, 161.

Mauretania, the King of Spain's expeditions to, alluded to, 281.

Mauvissière, Seigneur de la, late ambassador to England. See Castelnau.

-, Madame de, 283.

-, (Mavissier), M. Adam, the younger, of Fécamp, ship's master, 585.

Maximilian II, late Emperor, the Archduke Ferdinand said to resemble, 50.

Maxwell, John, Lord, said to have joined with the banished lords, 118;

as deprived Earl of Morton, King James' action against, alluded to, 375;

the Jesuits hope to get into their custody, 706;

designs of, against Angus and his party, 709.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 703.

-, -, brother of, 706.

May, Richard, newsletter signed by, 540.

Mayenne (du Mayne), Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

-, Duchess of, at Bordeaux, 611.

Mechey [qy. Meeching, i.e. Newhaven], near Rye, captured ship taken to, 540.

Mechez-sur-Gironde. See Meschez.

Mechlin. See Malines.

Mecklenburg, Ulric, Duke of, proposal to send letters to, from her Majesty, 135;

refuses to recognize the new Elector of Cologne, 404.

Medecin, Captain, English ship taken by, 476.

Medemblick, in North Holland, is of marvellous strength, 533.

Medici, Catherine de'. See Catherine.

-, Ferdinand de', Cardinal, is coming to Rome, 484;

protest of, to the Pope, 571;

appointed one of the heads of a Congregation, 573;

as protector of the Sandalled Friars at Milan, 622;

scheme of, for bringing water to Rome, 661;

escorts visitor to the Pope, 665.

-, Francesco Maria de', Grand Duke of Tuscany or Florence, a supporter of the King of Spain, 234;

Spanish agent sent to, 396.

-, -, Councillor of. See Dovara.

Medina Sidonia [Alonzo Perez de Guzman], Duke of, is raising troops, 666.

-, -, Council of, member of, 189.

Medun, in the Friuli, inhabitant of, 661.

Meetkerke (Medykerke), Adolf van, President of Flanders and representative of the province in the Council of State, his fidelity, ability and honesty, 364, 386, 394;

business committed to, 552.

-, -, documents signed by, as President of the Council of State, 470, 524.

-, -, letter to, 723.

-, -, orations made by, to the Earl of Leicester, 209, 320.

-, -, report by, alluded to, 552.

-, the young Sieur de, 124.

Meganck, [Loys, greffier of the Council of State,] is leaving Antwerp and in great trouble, 138.

Meghem or Megen, on the dyke of the Maas, 541, 695.

Megoe, Thomas le, goods belonging to, seized, 585.

Melendez (Mallendes), Peter, son-in-law of. See Valdesse.

Melita (Millita), Prince of. See Doria, Juan Andrea.

Mellin, a sconce to be built at, 597.

And see Schenck's sconce.

Mellunes or Mellun, Avoyer of Berne, a deputy to France, 691, 692.

Melon or Meslon [André de, Councillor and Master of Requests to the King of Navarre, Governor of Montségur], “a simple advocate,” said to have repulsed Mayenne, 646.

Melos (Milo), Bishop of [Bart, de Auria], at Rome, 663.

Melsan or Melson, William, merchant of London, attestation by, 190.

Melun, Pierre de, Prince d'Epinoy, “a papist and a good patriot,” 229.

-, -, cavalry of, paid, 340.

-, -, former secretary of. See Oncle.

Menaut or Menant, Jehan or Jacques, merchant of Paris, ship of, captured, 540, 584.

Mendoça, Mendoza, Bernardino de, Spanish ambassadorin France, danger of being seen in his company, 261;

a mortal enemy to the English, 262;

reports concerning the Earl of Leicester and the English forces given out by, 276;

visitors to, 284, 316;

money delivered by, for Scotland, 352;

reported complicity of, in a plot to murder Elizabeth, 468, 469; “gives assurance” that his master will depose Elizabeth and set up the Scottish Queen, 508;

says the young Prince of Savoy may become King of France, 518;

the English Catholics in Paris busy with, 705;

declares that his Master will be “twice advised” before he invades England, 706;

urges Charles Arundel to go to England, 707;

professed friendship with, 715;

the King's business in England done by means of, 722.

-, -, the matter of [i.e. his dismissal from England], alluded to, 272, 300, 392, 399, 513.

-, -, house of, plan for obtaining information out of, 550.

-, -, letters of, alluded to, 707, 708.

-, -, letter to (?), 258;

alluded to, 260.

-, -, letters of mark procured by, for the French, 230.

-, -, person having frequent intelligence with, 108.

Meneinville, Mademoiselle de, and her daughters, refugees in England, 293.

Menin, Dr. Joos van, Pensionary and Councillor of Dordrecht, one of the commissioners to England, treaty signed by, 34;

goes to the Brill, 47;

declares that his commission is expired, 77;

at the Hague, 81.

-, -, speech of, to the Earl of Leicester, 249.

Merbury, Charles, cousin of William Waad, letter from, 476.

Mercator, Gerhardt, his geographical descriptions “on Ptolemy,” alluded to, 282.

Merchants Adventurers, Society of, proposed restoration of their Residence at Hamburg, 12, 17 et seq., 421, 422;

will supply money for the governors of the cautionary towns, 114;

those of West Friesland falsely accusing of wronging, 335;

proposed action by the Diet of Worms in regard to, 380;

execution of the Emperor's decree against, urged by the Hanses, 480;

are advised to “go forward with their voyage” to Embden, 502;

have stood the Earl of Leicester in good stead, to relieve the soldiers' needs, 538.

-, -, agents for. See Gilpin, George; Hoddesdon, Christopher.

-, -, deputy of. See Millward.

-, -, governor of. See Saltonstall, Sir Richard.

-, -, letter to, 431;

letters to, alluded to, 421.

-, -, governor or assistants of, notes of letters to, 479.

-, -, officer of. See Molle, Richard.

-, -, orders to, alluded to, 72.

-, -, residences of, alluded to, 30. And see Middelburg.

Mercier, M., and “Mademoiselle his wife,” 292.

Mercœur, Duke of. See Lorraine, Philip Emanuel of.

Meredith, [Jonas,] a banished priest, lately come out of England, 276;

is to go to Rome, 709.

Merle, M. de [qy. Mathieu de, Baron de Salavas], servant of the King of Navarre, in England, advice to, 12;

sends greetings to Walsingham, 178;

mentioned, 404.

Meschez or Meschez-sur-Gironde, a ship of, 305, 584.

-, the Price of Condé's barony of, receiver of, 305.

Mesnil, Sieur du, of Paris, refugee in England, 292.

-, M. de, from the Vexin, refugee from England, 293.

Mesnillet, M. du, nephew of M. de Maisonfleur, refugee in England, 292.

Metellus or Meptellus, Dr., at Cologne, a great enemy of her Majesty &c., 71.

Metz, 298, 314;

trouble at, on account of the edict, 174;

government of, concessions to those of the Religion in, 298;

news sent from, 596.

-, former governor of. See La Verrière.

Meunincx, Cornellis, petition of, 419.

Meuse or Maas (Maes, Maze, Mosa, Moso), the river, 184, 372;

crossed by the Spaniards, 199, 200;

in the hands of the enemy, 265;

they desire to make a bridge over, 312;

cut near Battenberg, 562;

passage up, barred to those of Munster &c., 579.

-, -, Brabant side of, list of garrisons and their companies on, 340;

English troops assemble on, 541.

-, -, East side of, the Landraad on, petition of, alluded to, 338;

companies on, payment for, 339.

-, -, forts or sconces on, 562;

taken, 580, 581.

-, -, maps of, 258, 558.

-, -, ships for defence of, 720.

-, -, town on. See Grave.

-, -, the old and new, sconce at the parting of, 530.

Meux, M. de, Bailly of Dordrecht, request of, for his son, 369;

an answer to, desired, 376.

-, (Meures), M. de, son of above, proposed exchange of, for Cubiaur, 369, 657.

Meyngaert, Julian, petition of, 419.

Mezières, Marquis de, heiress of, [Renee d' Anjou] first wife of the Duke of Montpensier, 337.

Michaeli, Dr. Joseph, “a dangerous fellow,” now in London, 230;

movements of, 361;

information from, alluded to, 405;

at Brussels, 479.

Michel. See Moody.

Michelhaven in Sussex [qy. Meeching, i.e. Newhaven], port of, captured ship taken to, 584.

Michell, Barnard, merchant of Weymouth, ship of, taken by pirates, 475.

Middelburg, in Walcheren, English trade at, insecurity of, 3;

Davison at, 38, 81;

Mondragon's entry into “twelve years ago,” alluded to, 70;

the Earl of Leicester's approaching arrival at, 118;

Count Maurice going to or at, 152, 155, 182, 183;

Leicester at, 212, 214;

he embarks at, for Holland, 239, 243, 245;

merchandise to be delivered at, 355;

a meet place for the English merchants, 385;

the treasurer (Huddilston) at, 497.

-, burgomaster of, factors of, examined, 354.

-, canal of, a fort should be made on, 265.

-, a church at, English troops quartered in, 103.

-, Council [of State] at, 4. And see Nassau, Count Maurice of, and his Council of State.

-, English soldiers left sick at, 96;

troops waiting at, see Flushing, English troops for.

-, goods sent by way of, 490.

-, houses or lodgings at, 206;

making ready for the Earl of Leicester, 122–123;

very scarce, 153.

-, letters dated at, 2, 7, 21, 45, 49, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 88, 89, 91, 92 (2), 93, 94 (2), 95, 102, 109, 121, 122, 123, 128, 152, 154, 162, 165, 168, 172, 175, 182, 186, 189 (2), 198, 199, 203, 206, 213, 214, 216 (2), 218, 219, 220 (2), 221, 224, 228, 236, 247, 313, 390 (2), 413, 414, 415, 416, 419, 425, 435, 531, 628, 637 (2).

-, magistrates of, their threats against Treslong, 313.

-, -, certificate by, 224.

-, -, petition of, 397.

-, merchants of, 354, 355;

complaints of, 397, 419;

goods of, 291, 292;

goods or ships of, seized, 397, 419.

-, merchants at, English, or Merchants Adventurers, money borrowed or taken up in exchange from, 91, 413, 434, 581, 673;

are chary of hazarding their money, 478.

-, money to be sent to, 63, 471.

-, pensionaries of, sent to Ste.

Aldegonde, 136;

stopped at the gate of the Brill, 302.

And see Monk.

-, people of, affection and courtesy of, to the Earl of Leicester, 220.

-, ships going to, 291, 292, 416;

sailing from, taken, 220, 419.

Mignot, M., letter from, 492.

Milan, expected revolt in, on the King of Spain's death, 406;

disturbance between the Court and the friars in, 573, 622;

soldiers at, go to Flanders, 612;

news from, 666.

-, banker of, 612.

-, castle of, good ordnance in, 128.

-, courier from, 485.

-, governor of. See Terra Nuova, Duke of.

-, State of, men to be hired in, for Spain, 662.

Mildmay, Sir Anthony, servant of. See Ward, Christopher.

Mileto, Archdeacon of, house of, in Rome, 572.

-, Count of, a prisoner at Naples, 573.

Milford Haven (Mylford), a suggested landing place for invading forces, 593.

Miller, Mr., with the King of Navarre, 236.

Mills, Thomas, letter to, 565.

Millward or Myllward, William, deputy to the Merchants Adventurers at Hamburg, charity of, to poor English soldiers, 458;

treating on behalf of the Merchants Adventurers at Embden, 546;

the Count's answer to, 702.

-, -, notes of his letters, 479 et seq.

Milo. See Melos.

Minter, Lawrence, advertisements sent by, said to be worthless, 409.

Minucci [Minutio], secretary of the Duke of Bavaria, at Venice, 484;

leaves Venice, 488.

Miranda, Condé de, new vice-roy of Naples, expected in Italy, 660, 662;

has reached Genoa, 664.

Miré, M., advocate, and his wife, refugees at Rye, 293.

Misir or Mesir, Bassa, removed from office of Grand Vizier, 609, 626.

Mocenigo, Monsignor [Marc. Ant.], Bishop of Ceneda, going to his residence, 483, 486;

his church and bishopric withheld from, 623 (2); departs for his see, ibid.

Modena, prays the Pope to be freed from subjection to the see of Bologna, 622.

Mœurs, Meurs, Count of. See Solms, Adolf von.

Moldavia, Tartars return to, from a raid, 487.

Molettes, Mademoiselle de, and her daughters, refugees in England, 293.

Molle, Richard, an officer of the Merchants Adventurers, 168.

Moller, Jacob, petition of, 505.

-, or Miller, Dr. William, syndic of Hamburg, former chancellor of the Count of East Friesland, pique between the Count and, 334;

information against, alluded to, 423;

false accusations against, 436.

Molza, Furio, government believed to be destined for, 570;

to be governor of Segna, 624.

Molzet, M., a Huguenot refugee in England, 492.

Moncassin, Sieur de [René de Lussiac, Governor of Metz], sends news to Duke Casimir, 596.

Mondovi, Cardinal Bishop of [Vincenzo Lauri], appointed one of the heads of a Congregation, 573;

believed to be intended for the government of Ancona, 665.

Mondragon, Christobal de, marshal general of Parma's camp, may be restored to the government of Ghent, 45;

proceedings of “twelve years ago,” 70;

rumour of intended removal of, to another post, 663.

Money, ships laden with, 698. And see Coinage.

Monglas, Monglaz, Sieur de [Robert de Harley, Baron de], sent to Angers, 66.

Mongonmery [Jacques de Lorges], Count of, letter from, 432.

Monk, —, pensionary of Middelburg, in favour of the Queen's protection, 102.

Monk's Kirby, the Earl of Leicester desires the “farming” of, 358.

-, steward of, 358.

Monluc, Jean de, Bishop of Valence and Die, 557n.

-, -, natural son of. See Balagny.

Monreale, archbishopric of, nomination to, granted to Cardinal Farnese, 625.

Monségur, Montségur (Mount Segure), besieged by the Duc de Mayenne, 610;

surrender of, 611, 646n; false report that the siege had been raised, 645.

-, garrison of, massacred, 611.

Montagni, i.e., Montigny. See Lalaing.

Montalto, Cardinal. See Peretti, Alessandro.

Montauban in Languedoc, Duc de Mayenne goes to besiege, 487.

-, letter dated at, 310.

Montbéliard (Montbelliar, Montmellier), conference of Beza and Andreas at, 512, 518, 532;

Protestant ambassadors going to, 576.

Montbéliard, Count of. See Wurttemberg.

-, Princess of, daughter of the Prince of Anhalt, 327.

Montcanisi, a captain for the League, reported death of, 645.

Montélimar (Montellemayr), castle of, in Dauphiny, taken by the Huguenots, 65;

newly fortified and victualled, 477;

forces sent to, 532.

-, garrison of, a village surprised by, 477, 494.

-, governor of. See Poet.

-, a place near, 487.

Montelupone, to be joined to the bishopric of Loretto, 483.

Montereau, the King going with an army to, 439, 440.

Montesquieu (Montesqui), a captain for the League, reported death of, 645.

Montignac [-le-Comte], castle and village of, on the Dordogne, taken by the Duc de Mayenne, 314, 363, 535.

Montigny, Seigneur de. See Lalaing, Emanuel Philibert de.

Montmartin [Jean de Mas], Seigneur de, a servant of the King of Navarre, sent to Duke Casimir, 596, 684.

Montmorency, Henry de. Duc de Montmorency, Comte de Damville and Marshal of France, suspension of, as governor of Languedoc, 52;

proceedings of, 174;

efforts to separate, from the King of Navarre, 327; “inimity” of Alfonso d'Ornano to, 476;

those of the Religion in Dauphiny are “backed by,” 477;

the King sends agents to, 517;

opposes the appointment of the Cardinal of Guise to Avignon, 545;

declines to treat with the French King, 600;

his answer to the King, 602, 603; “a firm pillar to the House of Bourbon,” 610;

fails to take Aix (?), 611;

counsels the Queen Mother to go to the King of Navarre, 646;

envoy sent again to, 693;

failure of his enterprise upon Arles, ibid.;

interest of, in the Grand Prior's government [i.e., Provence], 694.

-, -, letter to, 52.

-, -, son of, 602.

-, -, daughter of, marries the Duc de Montpensier, 646.

-, -, niece of. See Tremouille, Mademoiselle de.

-, -, troops of, join the King of Navarre, 299;

sent to Montélimar, 532.

-, Duchess of, hackneys for, from England, 583.

Montpensier, Duke of. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

-, -, 1st wife of. See Mezières.

-, -, 2nd wife of. See Montmorency.

-, [Catherine of Guise, Dowager], Duchess of, proposed marriage of, to the Duke of Epernon, 66, 708;

in private conference with the Queen

Mother, 251; “the virago of the League,” is angry at the cold reception of the Duke of Guise in Paris, 363.

-, -, house of, “the Council Chamber of the Leaguers” at, 118.

Montreuil, government of, proposed for the Duke of Monségur, Epernon, 314.

Moody, Michel, servant of Sir Edw. Stafford, to be no longer employed, 306.

Moors (slaves), sent as present to Cardinal d'Este, 663.

Moretto, Mario, made captain of troops in Crete, 662.

Morfyt, Captain, going to Venice, 612.

Morgan, Capt. Edward, company of, payment to, 25;

deduction from, 129.

-, Capt. Matthew, nephew of Col. Thomas, is with Sir Francis Drake, 200, 289.

-, -, estate of, 275, 289, 294.

-, Colonel Thomas, meeting and conversation of, with Ste. Aldegonde, 273;

accusations against, 712.

-, -, letters from, 2, 199, 273, 289, 294, 398.

-, -, “entertainment” to be given to, 60;

imprests to, alluded to, 344;

pay due to, 289, 398.

-, -, regiment of, 2; “spoiled” for want of care, 294;

soldiers of, have gone to England without leave, 295.

-, -, lieut.-colonel of, 295.

-, -, pay for, deduction from, 129.

-, -, list of captains and notes of pay, 25.

-, -, brother of, death of, 200;

causes of, alluded to, 294.

-, -, -, children of, 200, 289. And see Morgan, Matthew, above.

-, Thomas, refugee in France, in the Bastile, Charles Arundel's deadly feud with, 222;

a priest having access to, 276;

is sending a priest to Rome, to “salve” his credit, 709.

Morlaix, Brittany, a merchant of, 380;

ships freighted for, 445.

Morley, George, English soldier, prisoner at Dunkirk, 233.

-, John, a paper to be sent to, 197.

Mornay, Philippe de, Sieur du Plessis-Marli, “a very excellent letter” written by, to the French King, 125.

Morocco, King of, suggested league of Don Antonio with, 411.

Morris, Morryce, Edward, a man of Sir James Croft, the Controller, letter to be sent by, 545;

meets de Loo at Calais, 628–629.

-, -, letter from, 543.

-, Morrice [William], a priest, has gone with Dr. Allen to Rome, 703.

-, Robert, petition signed by, 633.

Morton, deprived Earl of. See Maxwell.

Moscow, the Musco, house given to the English merchants in, 55;

Englishmen at, 268.

-, the Emperor's house at, letter dated from, 56.

Moucheron, Balthazar [de Boulai, Sieur de], petition of, 419.

Moulins, Mademoiselle des, refugee in England, 292.

Mountscue, —, volunteer with Sir T. Cecil, 132.

Moura, Don Cristofer de, letter sent to, 472.

Muller, Sebastian, councillor of Count Edzard of East Friesland, letter of, substance of, 579;

matters propounded by, 702.

Munster, people of (Monasteriens), traffic of, hindered, 579.

Murad or Amurath II, Sultan of Turkey (the Grand Signor; the King), outcry against, 14;

wishes the enterprise against Persia to be prosecuted, 487;

measures taken by, to control his unruly troops, 609;

French ambassador received by, 626.

-, father of. See Selim II.

-, son of. See Mahommed.

-, daughter of, proposed marriage of, 626.

Murano, a Jew of, baptized, 666.

Mure, Captain, returning into Scotland, 564;

is “very inquisitive,” 568.

Muscovite (Muskowyter), the, cession of Livonia by, alluded to, 90.

Muscovy Company, said to be seeking to discredit Jerome Horsey, 404.

-, -, agent of. See Pecocke, Robert.

Musters, clerks of, needed in the Low Countries' garrisons, 285.

Myllward. See Millward.

Myttey, Thomas, a papist spy, 713.