Index: G

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: G', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

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G., Maria, letters to, 262, 263 (?).

Gadaigne. See Guadagni.

Gadancourt (Gadancour), M. de, refugee in England, 293.

Gaeta, the Appian and Ostian ways to be put in use as far as, 571.

Gaeta, [Pietro Lunelli,] Bishop of, said to be going as nuncio to the Emperor, 210; “a Spaniard and a reformer,” whitewashes over the picture of the Miraculous Madonna, 624.

Gaetano [or Cajetan], Monsignor, Patriarch of Alexandria, made a cardinal, 210;

church consecrated by, 483.

-, -, legitimate son of. See Albano, Abbot.

Gainsford, Capt. Thomas, company of, payment of, 25;

deductions from, 129.

Galata [of Constantinople], plague at, 626.

Galicia, in Spain, troops of, 241;

a General sent into, in disgrace, 700.

-, town in. See Bayona.

Gand, Jehan de, Sieur d'Oyen, 506.

Garonne, the, places on, held by the King of Navarre, 610;

taken by him, see Caumont, see Royan; besieged by the League, 573.

Gascony, the King of Navarre in, 296;

his forces going into, or towards, 299, 498;

Mayenne's army in, 535.

-, wine. See Wine.

Gaultier, Mathurin, ship laden by, captured, 584.

Gawdy, Francis, serjeant at law, proposed as “Judge” for the Isle of Ely, 615, 687.

Gaye, Captain, who is “towards the Duke of Guise,” to aid enterprise against England, 705, 706.

Geertruydenberg. See Ste. Geertruydenberg.

Gelder, the Sieur, burgomaster of Arnhem, 506.

Gelee or Gelley, Sir Jacques, a magistrate and merchant of Flushing, recommended to Walsingham, 193;

formerly host to the Earl of Leicester and Sir Ph. Sydney, 213, 216.

-, -, letter from, 302.

Genebaldi [qy. Gianibelli] now in England, a book translated by, 116.

Geneva, designs against, by the Pope and Spain, 297;

M. de la Noue going to, 327, 360;

threatened with a siege, 327, 360, 362, 415, 493;

the Duke of Savoy said to mean to destroy, 424;

the Pope said to have furnished money for use against, 485;

fall of, would prejudice all the Swiss Cantons, 488;

probably nothing will be done at, this year, 495;

alarm caused at, by preparations in Savoy, 518;

belief that the Pope will disburse no money for, 521;

soldiers assembling believed not to be meant for, 532;

report that the enterprise against, is to go on, 545;

transporter of victuals to, punished, 576;

enterprise against, deferred, 609, 612;

report that Commissioners are going from, to Duke of Savoy, 626;

business of, to be discussed at Rome, 663;

money to come from, 684.

-, fortifications at, 254.

-, new governor of. See La Noue.

-, lands near, 336.

-, people of, not greatly afraid of the Duke of Savoy's preparations, 314;

to have conference with the Duke of Savoy, 576.

-, travellers to or from, 576, 645.

-, Lake of. See Leman, Lake.

Genoa, shipwrights sent from, 229;

Spanish troops going to or at, 298, 327, 362;

money sent from, to Rome, 483;

business of, alluded to, 578.

-, letters dated at, 564, 590, 688;

letters from, alluded to, 449, 516, 564, 634, 635.

-, merchants of, in Paris, 362.

-, news from, 595, 662, 696.

-, residents near, 468.

-, Spanish galleys at, 209;

ships making ready at, 483, 491.

-, travellers to or from, 626, 664, 703, 704.

Genoese, a made a cardinal. See Pinello.

-, (Jenovoys), heavy customs invented by, 411;

treasure furnished by, for the Spanish King &c., 644.

Gentile, Dr. [Alberico], aid of, to be used “in the Latin tongue,” 652.

-, Johan, says he was hired to poison the Princess of Chimay, 557.

Georgians, the, Turkish troops sent, to keep in order, 13;

warlike proceedings of, 487;

the Shah of Persia friendly with, 488.

Gergeau (Gergeaut) on the Loire, Montpensier “assured of,” 588.

German attendants, removed from the Prince of Orange, in Spain, 208.

-, colonels, serving the French King, payments to, 298.

-, or Dutch language, a book translated into, 9;

letters to be translated into, 218;

a secretary for, 207.

-, muffs or mouffimaffs [mercenary soldiers], the greatest thieves in the world, 679.

-, reiters, proposed levy of, for the King of Navarre, 109, 119, 135, 143, 196, 201, 250, 300, 417, 428–430, 439, 440;

small number and delay of, 195;

the Duke of Guise going to oppose, 432;

the French King's efforts to prevent their coming, 509, 517, 644;

only their coming will put pressure on the King, 519;

levy of, deferred, 682, 683.

-, -, proposed leader of. See John Casimir.

-, -, on France, or hired by the French King and kept in readiness, 50;

formerly serving the King of France, not half paid, 250;

the King to send money for, 251;

demand their arrears, 493;

the pay for their passage, still owing to the Swiss, 498.

-, (Dutch) students in Italy taken prisoners, 509.

-, troops [Tudescoes], to be sent to Spain, 241, 719;

in the King of Spain's sea army, 270;

fighting for Spain, 546.

-, -, footmen, in service of Spain, 599; (lansequenets) for Biron's army, 603.

Germans, characteristics of, 161, 444.

Germany, Vam Holtz ready to do good offices in, 2;

dread of having to go to live in, 161;

suggestion that Ste. Aldegonde and Villiers might be sent to live in, 246;

Truchsess has many friends in, 403; “no taking of soldiers in,” for France or Spain, 510;

power in, gained by Spain, 598.

-, in relation to the King of Navarre's affairs and the Huguenot cause in:—

things said to be going indifferently in, 201;

failure of former mission to, 296;

negotiations in, to be speeded, 379;

effect in, of the King of Saxony's death, 419;

affairs of, said to be prospering, 534. And see under Elizabeth; Henry of Navarre; John Casimir; German reiters; Germany, Protestant Princes of; Palavicino, Quitry and SegurPardailhan.

-, army to be sent from, to aid the King of Navarre, memoranda concerning money for, numbers of &c., 253, 254, 336. And see German reiters, above.

-, Calvinists of, bitter resolutions against, by the Lutheran Princes, 238.

-, “coasts of,” forces to be placed on, 509.

-, custom in, alluded to, 90.

-, Electoral Diet in, desired by the Duke of Saxony, 627.

-, Free Cities of. See Imperial Free Cities.

-, horses to be got from, 326.

-, Jesuits in, 50.

-, money for the King of Navarre said to be ready in, 135;

to be delivered in, by exchange, 378. And see under Elizabeth and Palavicino, Horatio.

-, news from, 441, 508. And see Cologne; Prague; Vienna, news from.

-, Papistical Courts of, information from, 384.

-, Papists in, endeavour to extirpate the reformed religion, 49.

-, Princes of, intended mission to, from the French King, 517, 596. And see Empire, Electors and Princes of.

-, -, Assembly of. See Worms.

-, Princes and Bishops of, Catholic, to prevent the Protestants from invading France, 424;

called upon by the Emperor to join in a league against Elizabeth, 509;

the French King's “close intelligence” with, alluded to, 722.

-, -, Protestant, coldness and slackness of, towards the comman cause and the King of Navarre, 86, 119, 142, 143, 195, 217, 218, 256, 257, 297, 344;

Elizabeth proposes to send Lord Willoughby and Rogers to, 87, 142;

said to be surprised at the Queen's backwardness in sending money, 109;

negotiations with, to induce them to ender into a confederacy to withstand the Papists and aid the King of Navarre, “considerations to be weighed concerning,” 134–136;

assembly of a Diet by, proposed, 135;

the King of Denmark's vain appeals to, 217;

of the Formula Concordioe, bitter resolutions of, against the Calvinists, 238;

reported intentions of the Guises and Duke of Savoy against, 424;

complaints and demands of the Emperor to, 454;

take time to make their answer, 455;

no subjects of, are to serve the King of Spain, 458;

the French King protests to, that he has not approved of the Civil War and is not of the League, 493;

proposed union of, matters not yet ripe for, 515;

intended mission to, from the French King, 517;

the King of Denmark said to be going to, 597;

efforts to retard their good will to the King of Navarre, 722;

the King's hope of “amusing” by colour of a peace, 723.

-, -, -, proposed embassy from, to France, 314, 315 (2), 334, 374, 381, 383, 384, 455, 458, 485, 509, 519, 573, 588, 596, 598, 676, 683, 684, 686;

members of, are to meet at Heidelberg, 327;

rumoured to be on their way, 363;

probable delay of, 415;

not expected to prevail much, 431;

are waiting for a general commission, 442;

paper to be put before, 445;

not yet come, 487, 494;

delayed by the Duke of Saxony's death, 515;

are about to start, 518;

directions in relation to, sent to Sir E. Stafford, 568, 569, 653;

arrival of, expected, 605, 606, 626, 641, 644;

will use big words to the King, 620;

to meet the Swiss ambassadors at Dijon, ibid.;

to be held back if possible, 685;

the sending of, has retarded negotiations in Germany, 689;

instructions for, alluded to, ibid.

-, Protestant churches of, endeavour to bring about an agreement between the Huguenot churches of France and, 512.

-, Protestants and Papists of, said to have come to an agreement, 493.

-, reiters in, proposed levy of. See German reiters.

Gerrard, Sir Gilbert, Master of the Rolls, advice of, asked, 240;

promise of, in relation to a prisoner, 290.

Gesualdo, Cardinal [Alfonso], about to depart for Naples, 483.

Geymer, searcher at Rye, instructions sent to, 469.

Ghent, miserable condition of, 45;

preparations at, for an enterprise, 105;

Somere and his adherents at, allusion to, 116;

stores at, consumed, 470.

-, Pacification of, alluded to, 264, 508.

-, government of, suggested return of Mondragon to, 45.

-, river of, artillery embarked on, 35.

“Gheysqure” [qy. Gesecke], “a little town in the Misfol,” taken by Schenk, 404.

Ghibelines. See Guelphs and Ghibellines.

Ghisleri, Ghislieri, Pio, recommended for the cardinalate by his kinsman, Cardinal Alessandrini, 211.

Gianibelli, Federigo, the engineer, 189.

-, -, paper by, concerning war with Spain, 409.

Gibellius, doctor of the late Duke of Saxony, sudden death of, 483.

Gibraltar, Jubiralter, Juberte, Englishman living at, 491;

ships at, 208, 490, 576;

Spaniards lie in wait for English near, 611.

-, Road of, English ships arrested in, 490.

-, Straits of, ships guarding, 490.

Gifford, Gilbert, goes to England, 707;

escapes capture, 709;

as “Mr. Gilbert,” 715, 716.

-, -, under his alias of Mr. Colerdin, 711, 712.

-, -, letter from, mentioned, 714.

-, -, a former servant of. See Yardley, Roger.

-, Dr. William, Sir. Edw. Stafford's negotiations with, 550;

at Rheims, 703, 707;

goes to Paris and preaches there, 714.

-, -, letters to, mentioned, 710, 714.

-, Mr., merchant, moneys delivered to, 545.

Gilbert, Sir John, deputy viceadmiral for Cornwall, 584;

wine seized by, 698.

Giles, Sir. See Alington.

Gilles, John, English merchant at Antwerp, 588, 589.

Gillingham, a galley at, 5.

Gilpin, George, agent of the Merchants Adventurers at Middelburg, 15, 206;

suggested mission of, to Hamburg, 2;

information from, 153;

is asked to confer with the “best affected patriots,” 173;

to be one of the secretaries of the Council of State, 466.

-, -, letters from, 35, 97, 466, 538.

-, -, letter to, 173.

-, -, document signed by, 552.

Girault, Giralt, Gyrault, butler of M. de Mauvissière, 261;

action brought against, 24;

was believed to be killed, 98.

Giron, Pedro de, Duke of Ossuna, vice-roy of Naples, insult of, to the Count of Mileto, 573;

criminals granted to, for the galleys, 661;

scheme of, for bringing water from Benevento, ibid.;

announces his impending departure, 662.

Gironde (Guerande), la, a place in, 475.

Gistell, M., at the Rammekins, ordered to give place to the English, 111.

Gittens, William, merchant of Bristol, ship of, taken by pirates, 475.

Giulio [III ?], Pope, time of, alluded to, 622.

Giulio, Count, sent to Venice by the Duke of Urbino, 209.

Giustiniano, Gio. Battista, appointed attorney for Palavicino, 353.

Glaris, Canton of, propositions to and answer of, 360.

Glasgow, Archbishop of. See Beaton, James.

Glauberg, M. de, information sent by, 49.

Gloriero, Monsignor, clerk of the Chamber Extraordinary to the Pope, 211;

as cardinal, proposed sale of vice-chamberlainship to, 486.

Glover, Robert, Somerset herald, the Earl of Leicester wishes him to be sent over to him, 560.

Goeswini (Gosiny), Maitre Jehan, suspected by Ste. Aldegonde of writing against him, 138.

Gold, ship laden with, 698.

Golding, Mr. [qy. Walter, Baron of Exchequer], 659.

Gondi, Albert de, Duc de Retz, Marshal of France, private conference of, with the Queen Mother, 251; “very confident” with her, 351;

dispatched into Brittany, ibid.;

still at Paris, 363;

a Spanish messenger has conference with, 395;

is going into Brittany to make ships ready, 396;

journey of, delayed, 418;

going into Brittany, 520, 551;

his great store of corn at Belleisle, ibid.

-, Pierre de, Bishop of Paris, sent by the King of France to the Pope, 211;

has gone to Rome, 254;

cried out against by the clergy, 374;

in relation to the alienation of ecclesiastical goods, 484;

mission of, to the Pope, alluded to, 722.

-, -, a kinsman of. See Leone, Brancha.

Gonfalone, Arch-fraternity of, for redeeming slaves from the Turks, the Pope grants faculty to, for receiving alms &c., 625.

Gontaut, Armand de, Marshal de Biron, outspoken of, to the King &c., 174, 363;

going with an army into Poitou, 395, 428, 432, 439, 440, 465, 521;

not yet ready to march, 418;

going of, to be hastened, 441, 491, 517, 519;

departure of, deferred, 464, 575;

not wishful to go into Poitou, kept back by lack of money, 551, 555;

departs for Tours, 587;

is dispatched away, but without his forces, 603;

said to have commission to persuade the King of Navarre to a peace, 631;

in Poitou, 666, 723;

lies alone at Poictiers, 693.

-, -, letter to, alluded to, 465.

-, -, forces of, have their rendezvous at Tours, 587;

munitions and men making ready for, 693.

Gonzaga [Giovanni Vincenzo], Cardinal, has been made a priest, 210.

-, Louis de, Duc de Nevers, request of, to her Majesty, mentioned, 396.

-, Scipio, Patriarch of Jerusalem, to go as nuncio to Poland, 210.

-, [Vincenzo di], Prince of Mantua, Francesco, infant son of, godfathers and baptism of, 572, 627, 661.

Goodeare, Henry, captain of the guard, reported to be going to Denmark, 668.

Goodrowse, —, a surgeon, the Earl of Leicester earnestly desires to have, in the Low Countries, 202.

Goodwyn Sands, the Goodwins (Goddins), ships lost upon, 193, 358.

Gordon, George, Earl of Huntly, reason of, for retiring from the Scottish Court, 375;

the Jesuits hope to have, in their custody, 706;

might aid Lord C. Hamilton to make a new party in England, 708.

-, or Gourdon, Captain, lieutenant-colonel to Col. Balfour, at Bergen-op-Zoom, 106.

Gore End [Gorinde] on the Thames, 366.

-, letter dated from, 388.

Gorge, Thomas, sent to England, 231, 239, 289.

-, -, letter to, 711.

Gorkum (Gorichum), 184;

importance of, 264;

rose nobles coined at, 668.

Gorris, M. de, doctor of medicine, refugee in England, 293.

Gottardi and Cevoli, merchants at Rome, failure of, 210.

Gouda, Parma's letter to the burghers of, alluded. to, 37.

Gourdan, Girault de Mauleon, Sieur de, governor of Calais, 51; “in his habit of the Order of the Holy Ghost,” 319.

-, -, letter to, mentioned, 412.

-, -, nephew of. See Beaudesart.

Gourdes, M. de, a leader of the King's army in Dauphiny, 476.

Gourgon, a Frenchman, recommended to Walsingham, 606.

Gouvernet [René de la Tour-du-Pin]. Sieur de, lieutenant of Lesdiguieres in Dauphiny, 476.

Goyon, Jacques de, Comte de Matignon, Marshal of France, proceedings of, 299;

is lieutenant for the French King in Guienne, 336;

to remain in Guienne, 440;

succours going to, defeated, 441;

said to have played “a Norman's trick,” ibid.;

in command of the camp, expected proceedings of, 611;

to be joined by the Duke of Mayenne, 626.

-, -, army under, 299, 432, 498, 535;

reported defeat of, 174;

joined with that of Mayenne, 487, 610;

Castets gained by, 536;

castle besieged by, 573;

the French King's diligence in providing for, 723.

Gozi, Signor Nicoli di, Sir Walter Ralegh to sup or dine with, 260;

moneys delivered to, 545.

-, -, cousin of, 492.

Grafigna (Graffigna, Graspino), Agostino, has been with the Prince of Parma, on the business of the peace, 527;

mission of, said to be for matters of trade, 570, 572;

at Antwerp, 675.

Grandval (Granval), M. de, refugee at Rye, 293.

Granvelle, Cardinal. See Perrenot, Anthony.

Gras, M. le, advocate, and his wife, refugees at Rye, 293.

Gratley, [Edward,] Stafford's negotiations with, 550;

conferences with and proceedings of, 707, 710, 714.

-, -, letters from [under his alias of Foxley], 711, 716.

-, -, letters of, mentioned, 711, 714.

Gratz, messenger to, 627.

Grave, on the Meuse, the enemy's forces round about, 200, 203, 289, 320, 434, 541, 679;

their vain attempt to gain, 277;

is well fortified and provided, 320, 448, 669, 679, 687;

treason at, by French and Walloons, discovered and frustrated, 364, 368, 447;

reiters in, have left, 482;

if not speedily succoured, must surrender, 484;

siege of, not raised, 542;

ammunition and provisions put into, by boats, going up “by the flood water,” 543, 558, 561, 562, 580, 612;

betraying of, plotted by one of Hohenlohe's men, 557;

more men put into, 570, 615, 618, 624;

the enemy is battering, 572, 633, 673, 687;

the Prince of Parma going to, 580, 581;

siege of, contrary accounts concerning, 624, 627, 659;

a breach made in the lower town, 633;

the Prince of Parma is resolved to gain, 658, 663;

belief that it will not be taken, 678;

assault on, repulsed, 680;

surrender of, 694, 695.

-, forces to go to succour, 434, 435, 437;

troops sent towards, under Norreys and Hohenlohe, 447, 541, 570, 592, 596, 618, 621;

hindered by the cold, 482;

defeat of the Spaniards by, 530, 533, 534, 542, 561, 578, 595, 597, 612, 627, 634;

reported defeat of, 573, 621;

strength of, 581.

-, an agent of the Prince of Parma sent to, 334.

-, burghers of, swear to keep the town, 612.

-, fort near, see Schenck's sconce; forts or sconces near, held by the enemy, 333, 447, 662, and see Berkshoft; the Mill or Lyte fort near, gained from the enemy, 526, 530 (?), 558.

-, garrison of, attacks repulsed by, 618, 633;

said to have put out the black flag, 621; “fiery bullets” used by, 633.

-, governor of. See Torck, Heer van Hemert.

-, letter dated at, 226;

written at, extracts from, 695.

Gravelines (Graveling), 229.

-, garrison of, complains of want of pay, 318.

-, governor of. See Pardieu, Seigneur de la Motte.

-, residents at, 230.

Gravesend, 149, 330;

pioneers for the Low Countries escape at, 178.

Graveswort, “island of,” a sconce on. See Schenck's sconce.

Gravina, Duke of [dei Orsini], company of, has returned to Italy from Flanders, 488.

Gray, Patrick, Master of, his offer to take troops to the Low Countries, 303, 565.

-, -, money to be disbursed to, 304.

-, -, officers willing to go with, list of, 688.

Graye, —, servant of the Earl of Leicester, to levy men in the Isle of Ely, 585.

Greece, Beglerbey of, to put down unruly troops in Constantinople, 609.

Greek Captain, le capitaine Grec, holding the castle of Angers, killed, 65.

-, soldiers (stradiotti), going into Lombardy, 627.

Greene (Grine), Capt. Richard, company of, payment of, 25;

deductions from, 129.

-, Roger, a ringleader in the mutiny at Utrecht, 495.

Greenwich (Gronvicia), conference between Burghley and M. de Quitry at, 336;

Danish ambassador at, 608;

the Privy Council at, 713.

-, or the Court at Greenwich, letters dated at, 324, 393;

alluded to, 146.

-, manor of, letter dated from, 511.

-, resident near, 713.

Gregory XIII, motu proprio of, approved by Sixtus V, 625.

-, grant by, to the English seminary at Rome, taken away, 709.

Grehange or Grehanche [i.e. Creange], Baron de. See Krichingen.

Grenoble, Huguenots at the gates of, 476;

M. de la Valette at, 645, 666.

Grenville (Greenefeild), Sir Richard, Spanish ship taken by, 230.

Gresham (Gressam), Madam, house of, in London, 385.

-, Sir Thomas, house of. See Osterley.

Grey (Graye), Arthur, Lord Grey of Wilton, suggested employment of, in the Low Countries, 8, 53;

presence of, needed there, 242, 330, 657.

Grimaldi, Monsignor [Dominic], Archbishop and governor [i.e. vice-legate] of Avignon, to be general in that country, 664;

his speech concerning the Huguenots, ibid.

-, Lazaro, negotiations with, 517;

zeal of, 634.

-, -, letters from, 589, 688;

alluded to, 516, 564 (2), 595, 635.

Grimani [Antonio], chamberlain to the Pope, sent to the Prince of Parma, 664.

Grimston, Edward, servant to Sir E. Stafford, 307, 522, 721.

Grisons, the, are sending deputies to the Diet of Baden, 415;

a nuncio for, 661.

-, -, and the Valais. See Valais, the.

Gritto, Giovanni [ambassador from Venice to the Pope], going to Rome, 484;

arrival of, 571.

Groningen, 229;

penury at, 480;

surrender of, hoped for, 678.

Groningenland, people of birth and ability in, 168;

the enemy in, supplies carried to, 335.

-, and Friesland, quarters of. See Friesland.

Grove, Benedict, business committed to, by Huddilston, 309.

Grubbe, Corfyth, a Danish secretary, sent by the King to England, 90, 218.

Grunevelt or Groenevelt, Arnoult de, governor of Sluys, 107;

illness of, 284;

a chain to be given to, 289.

-, -, letters from, 34, 104, 151, 284;

alluded to, 161.

-, -, letters to, 124, 186.

-, -, company of, 340.

-, -, cousin of, 151. And see Manssart.

-, Sieur de, brother of the above, goes into garrison at Arnhem with his company, 284.

Guadagni or Gadaigne [Jean Baptiste], Abbè de, sent to sound Sir Edw. Stafford, 442.

Gualterucci, [Tomaso,] to be secretario de'brevi to the Pope, 572.

Guarda, Bishop of. See la Guarda.

Guasto or Vasto and Pescara, Marquis del. See Vasto.

Guelderland or Gueldres, Duchy of, 229, 312;

enterprise of Norreys and the Count of Mœurs in, 78, 93;

the States have no army to oppose the enemy in, 203;

the Treasurer's man sent into, 389;

captured goods taken to, 663;

the Earl of Leicester goes into, 615.

-, Chancellor of. See Leoninus.

-, Chancery of, councillors and secretary of, names of, 506.

-, contributions agreed to by, declaration of, 649;

the Earl of Leicester's answer to, 681, 682.

-, deputies of, absent from the States General, 27, 39;

expected daily, 43. And see Delen, van.

-, forces in, paid, 340.

-, -, English, 76, 580;

to be mustered, 10;

miseries suffered by, 233;

not yet paid, 308;

pay for, 389, 435;

troops sent towards, 435.

-, -, of the enemy, in or going to, 20, 49, 128, 151, 168, 184;

overthrow of, 350.

-, fort in, upon the Yssel, 81;

vain attack upon, 85;

is still besieged, ibid.;

is surrendered, 87, 89.

-, governor of. See Solms, Count Neuenaar.

-, letters sent from, 97.

-, people of, danger of their yielding to the enemy, 131;

principal “persons of credit” in, list of, 506.

-, representative of, in the Council of State. See Leoninus.

-, and Brabant, frontiers of. See Brabant.

-, Friesland. See Friesland.

-, Utrecht and Overyssel, “convoys” and other receipts from, resolution concerning, 638;

papers concerning the disposal of, 647, 649.

-, -, governor of. See Solms.

Guelphs and Ghibellines, fight between, 662.

Gueux, a, of Holland, practices with, to betray Leyden &c., 334.

Gueuxes, distressed gentlemen, of West Friesland, 334.

Guevara, Anthony de, “of the Council of the goods of his Majesty [Philip] and purveyor of the royal armies,” his treatment of the English merchants, 160, 190.

-, Licenciado [Francisco] de, kinsman of the above, “who came over in the Primrose,” 160.

Guicciardini, Lodovico, his description of the Belgic provinces, alluded to, 282.

Guerche, Vicomte de la. See La Guerche.

Guinea, ships from, taken by the English, 32, 698.

Guipuscoa, province of, Corregidor of, orders to, 721.

Guise, Cardinal of. See Lorraine, Louis de.

-, Duke of. See Lorraine, Henry de.

-, or Lorraine, House or Princes of (the Guises), money sent to, 66;

the French King to be urged not to yield to, 119;

reported designs of, 424;

are set on by the King of Spain, 569;

religion only a pretence with, ibid.;

Montmorency looks upon as “strangers, out of the realm,” 602;

the French King forced into war by, 686.

Guitry. See Quitry.

Gulenborgh, Count, 168.

Guyenne, Guienne, province of, 66, 515;

the Duke of Mayenne to go into, 83;

the Duke and Matignon to remain in, 440;

the King of Navarre in, 442;

the wars in, news of, 610.

-, the French King's lieutenant in. See Goyon, Marshal de Matignon.

-, towns of, 498.

Gymes [qy. Guisnes] in Picardy, residents at, 230.

Gyrault. See Girault.