Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Abbeville, government of, proposed for Epernon, 314.

Abruzzo, the Duchess of Parma's treasure and corpse brought from, 623, 627.

Accorambono, Marcello, delivered to the Pope's officers, 623.

Acquaviva, Marcello, to be president of Camerino, 665.

-, Monsignor Ottavio, to be president of Norcia, 665.

Adam, Guillaume, of Dieppe, ship of, seized, 583.

Adams, Robert, helps to “platt out” the fortifications of Ostend, 192.

-, -, letter from, 248;

letters sent by, 462.

-, -, father of, 249.

-, —, a ship's master, prisoner at Dunkirk, liberation of, 232, 233.

Adenhem, Jehan van, burgomaster of Harderwyck, 506.

Admiralty, Court of, judgment of, not executed, 4;

process and judgment in, 397.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 397.

-, Judge of, refuses to release a prisoner, 524;

present at a conference, 697;

complaints against, 698. And see Caesar, Dr. Julius; Herbert, John; Lewes, Dr. David.

-, Judges of, matters referred to, 280, 290, 507.

Adolphs, Herman, ship of, seized, 397.

Adonara, Louis d', sent from Spain to the princes of Italy, 396.

Adrianople, the Sultan means to retire to, 609.

Aenlas, Jehan d', ship's master, 380.

Aerssen, castle of, 312.

Aerssens, Cornelis, greffier of the States General, has held the post of Audiencer for the States, 304.

-, -, letter from, 304.

-, -, certified copies by, 319, 329, 339.

-, -, documents signed by, 34, 312, 345, 553.

Affeld, Mr., reinstatement of, in commission of the peace, asked for, 379.

Africa, galleys going to, 572.

Agnus Deis, blessing and distribution of, 571, 622;

sale of, banned, 573.

Aguilar, Marques de, a chief councillor of King Philip, 208.

Aichelber, Baron of. See Kevenhüller.

Aix (Ayes), Montmorency fails to take, 611.

Albano, Abbot, legitimate son of Cardinal Gaetano, proposed as Patriarch of Alexandria, in succession to his father, 486.

Albanois soldiers, in the army of the League, 499.

Albene. See Bene, del.

Alberquerque, Alberkerkque, Diego de, merchant of Seville, 355 (2).

Alberti, Albert, and his partners, remonstrance on behalf of, for injuries received from pirates, 505.

-, -, petition of, 505.

Alday, Mr., imprisoned in Spain, 643.

Alden, John, merchant at Rouen, moneys delivered to, 545.

Aldersay, George, letter from, 601.

-, John [qy. Walsingham], letter to, 601.

Alderson, John, master of the Dolphin, deposition by, 292.

Aldobrandini [Ipolito, aft. Pope Clement VIII], datario to the Pope, made a cardinal, 210;

still exercises his office of datario, 211;

congregation presided over by, 483;

money given to, by the Pope, 622;

to be deprived of his datariato. ibid.;

on a commission, 664,

-, -, chaplain of, 622.

Aldred, Solomon, 277;

must be warned to be more circumspect, 276;

information received from, 503, 711, 712, 716;

looked for at Lyons, 576;

going to Venice, 612;

dealings of, alluded to, 703, 714;

doings of, vigilantly watched, 703.

-, -, letters from, 710, 714;

alluded to, 550.

Ale. See Beer.

Alégre, Allegre, Anne d', Countess of Laval, said to be with child, 567.

-, -, letter from, 400.

-, -, letter to, 498.

Alessandrino, Cardinal [Michele Bonelli], said to be ill-satisfied with the late creation of cardinals, 211;

mass sung by, 486;

one of the heads of a congregation, 573.

-, -, kinsman of. See Ghislieri, Pio.

Alexandria, Patriarch of, see Gaetano; proposed successor to, see Albano.

-, ships trading to, pillaged by Venetians, 510.

Alfeyran, Alferan, M. de, a gentleman of the late Duke of Anjou, 646.

“Alfonso,” the Savoy ambassador makes request for, 362.

Algier, Algiers (Argeytte), the Turk making a great fleet in, 490;

ship going to, 572;

proposed enterprise to, 623.

-, Charles V's enterprise to, alluded to, 598.

-, galliots of, said to have been cut to pieces, 572.

Alicante, letter sent from, 490.

Alington, Sir Giles, expected death of, 563, 615.

Allen, Richard, mission of, to Denmark, alluded to, 90.

-, Dr. William, afterwards Cardinal, said to be practising against the Queen, 158;

Sir Edward Stafford's hopes concerning, 550;

in Rome, 703, 707;

expected in Paris, 705;

has audience of the Pope, 706;

has missed his cardinalship, 709;

in relation to Parsons, 711, 714.

Allin, John, merchant of Weymouth, ship of, taken by pirates, 475.

Allington, Sir Giles. See Alington.

Allsop, John, letter from, 168.

-, -, his wife's brother, ibid.

Allyn, Lady, 713.

-, -, brother of. See Paget, Lord.

Almonde, Abraham van, treaty signed by, 34;

as president of the States General, letter signed by, 345.

Alva, Dukes of. See Toledo.

Alvaredo, Francesco d'Aquillar d', governor of Dunkirk, 162.

Ambassadors or residents:—

English, to Denmark. See Bertie, Lord Willoughby.

-, -, former. See Bodley; Herbert; Rogers.

-, to France. See Stafford.

-, to the Low Countries. See Davison.

-, to Scotland. See Randolph; see Wotton, Edward.

-, to Turkey. See Harborne.

Danish, to England, 249. And see Ramel.

-, to France, audiences of, 566, 626;

Sir E. Stafford's negotiations with, 566–568;

little good done by, 588;

the King's reply to, 666;

alluded to, 689.

-, to Saxony, 238.

-, to Scotland, little effected by, 90.

French, to England. See L'Aubespine-Chasteauneuf.

-, to Denmark. See Danzay.

-, to Germany. See La Fargis; La Verrière; Ste. Marie.

-, to the Pope. See Vivonne, Jean de, Sieur de St. Gouard.

-, to Savoy. See Bene, Chevalier de.

-, to Scotland. See Esneval.

-, to Spain, 314, 522.

-, to Switzerland. See Clausse, Henry.

-, to Turkey. See Lancome.

Imperial, to Spain, 208. And see Khevenhuller.

-, [chargé d'affaires] at Rome. See Madrucci.

-, to Venice, 666.

Papal Nuncio, to the Emperor. See Malaspina; see Sega.

-, to France. See Ragazzoni.

-, -, legate, 66 And see Frangipani.

-, to Poland. See Gonzaga, Scipio.

-, to Savoy. See Ottinelli.

-, to Spain. See Spaciano.

-, to Venice, 209. And see San Georgio.

From Savoy, to France, 362.

-, -, the late, 362.

-, to the Pope, 625.

Spanish, to France. See Mendoza.

-, to the Pope, 486, 573, 663.

Venetian, to Spain. See Lippomano, Hieronimo.

-, to the Pope. See Priuli, Lorenzo; see Gritto, Giovanni.

Amberon, Sieur d', secretary of the French King, and his wife, refugees in England, 293.

Ameland, island of, off Friesland, the enemy's ships at, 301.

Amersfort, Amersford, the enemy hopes to gain, 157;

list of captains and companies in, 212;

English horse quartered near, 557;

the Earl of Leicester goes to, 612, 613, 618.

-, letters dated at, 600, 615.

Amias, one, of Lyme, a coiner, 628.

Amsterdam, money advanced by, 101;

importance of, 264;

can supply corn, 265;

reported mutiny against the Earl of Leicester at, 276;

Leicester going to or at, 359, 376, 390, 402, 556;

a fitting place for the English merchants, 385, 533.

-, an ancient alderman of, 354.

-, burgomaster of. See Bardesen.

-, letters dated at, 433, 437, 439, 447, 448, 452, 457, 459, 461, 462, 467;

alluded to, 496, 538.

-, merchants of, 291, 354.

-, mint erecting at, 390;

rose nobles coined in, 667.

-, residents at, 291, 292.

-, ships of, 291, 292.

-, Stathouse of, the Earl of Leicester feasted at, 557.

-, travellers to, 333, 426.

-, troops at, payment for, 339.

Anabaptist, a, 628.

Ancona, traveller to, 484;

government of, to be given to Cardinal Mondovi, 665.

-, Bishopric of, 483.

Ancourt (Ancour), M. d', refugee in England, 293.

Andalusia, English merchants and goods to be seized in, 190;

no embargo on ships in, 642.

Andelot, M. d'. See Coligny, Benjamin de.

Andernach, munition sent from, 572.

Anderskowe, in Denmark, the King of Denmark at, 89.

André, Jerome, merchant of Rouen, merchandise of, restoration of, demanded, 412.

Andrea, Andria, Jeronimo, merchant of Rouen, 355;

is a Spanish subject, 356.

Andreas, Jacobus, meeting of, with Beza, 512, 518.

Andreson, Balthazar, master of the Basilic of Flushing, 416.

Andrewes, Thomas, part owner of ship, 476.

Angers (Angiers), ill-success of the “voyage” to, 537;

the Prince of Condé's rout at, alluded to, 631.

-, castle of, 112 (?);

surprised by the Huguenots, 65;

besieged by the townspeople, 65, 66;

demolished, 174;

demand for its restoration into Count Brissac's hands, 376.

Angoulême, Henri de, Grand Prior of France, bastard son of Henry II, murder of, 694.

-, -, servants of, kill his murderer, 694.

-, -, government of. See Provence.

Angoumois, province of, governor of. See Bellegarde, Seigneur de.

Angrongue, M. d', information sent by, 295.

Angus (Anguishe), Earl of. See Douglas.

Anhalt, Joachim Ernest, Prince of, proposal to send letters to, from her Majesty, 135;

Clervant well received by, 297;

intercession of, for Dr. Peucer, 423, 508.

-, -, court of. See Dessau.

-, -, son of, coming with the ambassadors from Germany, 620.

-, -, Agnes Hedwige, daughter of, marries the Elector of Saxony, 235, 298, 327. And see Saxony, Agnes, Duchess of.

-, -, other daughters of. See Brandenburg, Electress of; see Montbéliard, Princess of.

Anjou, nobles of, with the Comte de Brissac, 66;

la Rochepott sent into, 518.

Anriques, Romano, letter from, 448.

Anthonison, Jacob, master of the Hope of Flushing, 355;

goods of, to be restored, 356.

Antonio, Don, Prior of Crato, pretender to the throne of Portugal, at Osterley Park, 47;

popularity of, in Portugal, 209;

in relation to the Spanish captain Duarte, 383, 391, 400;

love of the Portuguese for, 411.

-, -, justification of, translated and printed, 146.

-, -, household of, list of, 347.

-, -, -, governor of. See Botelho.

-, -, secretary of. See Leitan.

-, -, [Manoel] eldest son of (the Prince of Portugal), in Holland with the Earl of Leicester, 361, 667;

false report that he had been taken, going to the Indies, 481.

-, -, a son of, said to be taken prisoner in Portugal, 627.

Antwerp, 137, 240, 285;

the law set up again in, 2;

Ste. Aldegonde still at, 5;

confused government at, 7;

“bad instruments” from, flock to the Hague, 39;

guilds set up in, 45;

victuals dear and scarce in, 45, 49, 195;

carrying of victuals to the enemy in, prohibited, 68;

threatened by Bergen-op-Zoom, 70;

the Prince of Parma's proceedings at, ibid.;

preparations at, for an enterprise, 105;

Ste. Aldegonde's statements concerning the condition of, before the surrender, 116, 274;

the Duke of Savoy reported to be at, 167;

as great misery in, as before the town was won, 194;

a confidential person to go to, to treat with M. de Champagney, 360;

stores at, all consumed, 470;

warlike preparations at, 615;

Andrea de Loo desires to go over to, 616;

the Prince of Parma going to, 662;

rumour of change in the government of, 663;

hopes of a revolt in, 678, 687.

-, past events in, alluded to:—

sack of [the Spanish Fury], 391;

departure of the Prince of Orange from, 116;

disputes between the Lutherans and “Huguenots” [i.e.. Calvinists] in, 509;

English troops sent for the aid of, 80;

proceedings at, during the siege, 274;

negotiations and treaty between the Prince of Parma and, 38, 39, 228;

surrender of, 1–3, 7, 44, 51, 77;

proceedings of Ste. Aldegonde at, see under Marnix.

-, admiral of, a former. See Ramoen.

-, burghers or inhabitants of, none must leave without “caution” for their return, 7;

custody of the gates granted to, 45;

disarmed, 70, 121;

money owed to, 163;

so many have left that the tradesmen have no custom, and leave also, 195;

Palavicino's proceedings suspected by, 636.

-, captain and wachtmeister of, 228, 242.

-, castle of, 70, 93;

the Prince of Parma at, 49, 50;

avenues to, guarded, 77;

is “retrenched,” 121, 137;

to be rebuilt, 137;

castle green, 50, 70.

-, convoy going to, destroyed, 678, 687.

-, corn at, price of, 659;

inquisition concerning, 663.

-, courier from, 379, 381.

-, English trade at, in times past, 145, 150;

residence in, formerly granted to the Merchants Adventurers, 19;

former staple of the English merchants at, 59.

-, estates of, 2.

-, garrison of, may be withdrawn, 93.

-, gates of, shut, 77, 79.

-, governor and magistrates of, send letters to her Majesty, 295.

-, greffier of. See Martini.

-, letters dated at, 154, 220, 330, 392, 400, 448, 539, 675.

-, mariners in, increase of, “of late years,” 258.

-, “Martinists” and Papists in, 274.

-, a merchant of, 158;

under arrest, 289;

merchants of, great loss of, 318;

subjects of Spain, 355, 356.

-, money due from, to Col. Morgan, 398;

moneys provided at, 545;

debts made for succour of, should be repaid, 560;

money to be taken up in exchange at, 581.

-, news from, 482, 484, 570, 572, 621, 624, 662;

rumours or reports from, 21, 157, 276, 290, 453, 487.

-, passports for, order for, “broken,” 77.

-, river of, artillery embarked on, 35.

-, ships of or at, 74, 299, 330, 437, 583;

fleet of, proceedings of, “twelve years ago,” 70;

shipwrights sent to, to build galleys, 229;

ships making at, 709.

-, troops at, Walloons, in mutiny, 318;

German, 662.

Appenzel, canton of, propositions to and answer of, 360.

Aquila, Don John d', killed in skirmish near Grave, 542.

Aquino, Bishop of, death of, 486.

Aragon, Valentia and Catalonia, controversies between, for their prerogatives, 207;

about to take oath to the Prince of Spain, 209.

Aragon, Charles d', Duke of Terra Nuova. See Terra Nuova.

-, M. d', regiment of, in the Low Countries, officers of, killed, 312.

-, cardinal of. See Terranuova, Simon d' Aragon de.

Araigny, Mademoiselle de, and her daughters, refugees in England, 293.

Aranjuez, document dated at, 722.

Archer, Henry, servant of Sir T. Heneage, letter from, 633.

Archimedes, his desire for a fulcrum outside the world, alluded to, 672.

Ardes, government of, proposed for Epernon, 314.

Ardouyn, Nicolas, wine of, taken by the English, 305.

Aremberg, Arenberg, Count of. See Ligne.

-, Countess of (Margarite de la Marck), affairs of, recommended to Leicester, 588, 589.

-, -, letters from, 646, 647;

alluded to, 448, 646, 647.

-, -, sister of. See Leuchtembergh, Landgravine of.

Arezzo, Bishop of [Stefano Bonucci], summoned to Rome, 572;

to serve in the Inquisition, 661;

on a commission, 663.

Ariano, Marquis d', only son of, dangerous accident to, 211.

Arington. See Erington.

Arles, in Provence, failure of enterprise upon, 693.

Armi, Gaspar dell', going to Italy, 482;

at Venice, 484;

departs for Rome, 488.

Armour, lists of, 48, 49;

prices of, 369.

Arnemuiden or Armuyden (Armewe, Armue), English troops come to, 81;

the Earl of Leicester's reception at, 243;

should be garrisoned, 265;

Sir Thos. Cecil at, 325.

-, water-bailiff of Tervere and. See Veere.

Arnhem, 628, 650;

Colonel Norreys and his forces go to, 68;

prisoner at, 120;

importance of preserving, 265;

Count Neuenaar's residence at, as governor of Gueldres, 266;

the Earl of Leicester marches towards, 613;

the Earl at, 615, 654, 658, 666, 667.

-, burgomasters of, names of, 506.

-, captains and companies in, 212.

-, Council of the States to meet at, 671.

-, fort or sconce near, 81;

attack upon, 84;

taking of, by Norreys, 87, 100, 104, 120, 127;

another, “called Bowkhed,” surrendered to Norrys, 120;

captain of made prisoner, ibid.;

taking of, alluded to, 533, 597.

-, garrison at, 284.

-, letters dated at, 68, 76, 85, 87, 121 (2), 656, 659, 669–673, 679, 680, 687, 688, 694, 695.

-, quarter of, the enemy in or coming to, 68, 69.

Arnault (Arnold), secretary to the French ambassador in England, 703.

Arques, in Picardy, residents at, 230.

Arques, Anne d', Duc de Joyeuse, 316;

breach between Epernon and, “made up,” 314.

-, -, as admiral, persons arrested by permission of, 556;

to deal with Stafford about “complaints for sea matters,” 567;

information brought to, 575;

to talk with Sir E. Stafford concerning the taking of French ships, 604;

going to succour Brouage, 606, 641;

goes to meet the ambassadors of Germany, 626;

is absent with the King, 632;

is to command the fleet now making ready, 639;

St. Luc offers to sell the government of Brouage to, ibid.;

speeches by, and by his followers, ibid.;

to be governor of Brouage, 641;

has gone into Normandy, 645;

is appointed to go into Auvergne, 693.

-, -, abbeys, &c., given to, 694.

-, -, forces of, joined with those of the Duc du Maine, 487.

-, -, orders of, alluded to, 475, 645.

-, -, ship of, spoiled by pirates, 97, 98.

-, -, a kinsman of, 604.

-, Guillaume, Sieur de Joyeuse, Marshal of France, father of the Duke, to “fulfil” the place of governor of Languedoc, 52;

hard pressed by Montmorency, 174;

his son believed to be going to the aid of, 693.

-, -, army of, in Languedoc, 723.

Arran, Earl of. See Hamilton, james; Stewart, James.

Artois, report that the Duke of Savoy is in, 167;

lack of victuals in, 194;

in extreme necessity, 601.

-, Council of, meeting of, at Brussels, 194.

-, frontier towns of, 22.

-, President of. See Richardot.

Artois and Hainault refuse to help their neighbours with victuals, 44;

victuals in, grow dearer daily, 195;

revolt of, feared, 597;

suggestions for reducing, 689.

Arundel, Charles, deadly feud between “the deep traitors” and, 222;

quarrel of, with Charles Paget, 222, 276, 469, 705, 708, 709;

said to be gone into Spain, 469;

Sir Edward Stafford's proceedings in relation to, 221, 222;

information concerning proceedings and plotting of, 703–710;

speeches of, alluded to, 716.

Arze, Garcia de, captain general at Bilbao (?), 722.

Ascanio, an engineer, offer of, to drain marshes, 570.

Ashby, Mr., “Mr. Vice-Chamberlain's man,” in Paris, 492.

Asheley, Mr., letter from, alluded to, 406.

-, -, brother[-in-law ?] of. See Langley, Francis.

Asseliers, Jehan van, late Audiencer for the States, 304.

-, (Achilieres), Captain Philip, taken prisoner, 71;

warning given by, 105.

Atye, Arthur, secretary to the Earl of Leicester, 196;

letters sent by, 330;

shortly coming over, 558;

goes to England, 581;

letters &c. sent by, 617, 657.

Aubespine. See L'Aubespine.

Aubigny, [Théodore Agrippa] de, placed in command in Oleron, 536.

-, (Obigni), Baron de [Gille de Lens], in Parma's army, regiment of, 184.

Auch, siege of, by the King of Navarre, 174.

Audley [George Touchet], Lord, payment for, 700.

Augsburg (Augusta), magistracy of, usurp the management of ecclesiastical affairs, 49;

incited by the Jesuits, 50; “those of,” complaint on behalf of, 580.

-, ministers of the Religion in, displaced, 49;

disturbances in consequence, ibid.

Aumale [Claude de Lorraine], Chevalier d', office of Grand Prior formerly promised to, 694.

Aumont (Omont), Jean d', Marshal of France, follows the Duke of Montpensier, 337;

to command army in Auvergne and the Valais, 432, 439, 440;

illness of, 693.

-, -, forces under, sent towards Quercy, 521;

in Auvergne, ravage the country, 723.

Aurich, Aurick, letters &c. dated at, 450, 541, 702.

Austria, Albert, Cardinal Archduke of, governor of Portugal, suggested as a husband for the Infanta Isabella, 208;

in relation to English ships in Portugal, 473.

-, Elizabeth of, daughter of the Emperor Maximilian, widow of Charles IX of France, la reine blanche; the Spanish King wishes to marry, 208, 595;

will not be persuaded, and remains at Vienna, 208;

said to be helping to arrange a marriage, 624.

-, Ernestus, Archduke of, lieutenant for his brother the Emperor in Hungary &c., suggested as a husband for the Infanta Isabella, 208;

is coming to Prague, 572, 663;

marriages said to be negotiated by, 622, 624.

-, Ferdinand, Archduke of, uncle of the Emperor, is sending an envoy to the Diet of Baden, 416;

forces to be sent by, to the Duke of Savoy, 424;

Duke Casimir to have interview with, 622.

-, -, son of, at Rome, 571.

-, Margaret of, youngest daughter of the Emperor Maximilian, King Philip wishes to marry, 208.

-, Maximilian, Archduke of, brother of the Emperor, to be Grand Master of the Teutonic order, 50, 572;

description of, 50;

going to Prague, 663.

-, House of, in relation to election of the King of the Romans, 660.

Auvergne, the Queen of Navarre in, 521.

-, and the Valais, army in, to be commanded by Marshal d'Aumont, 432, 439, 440, 723;

the Duc de Joyeuse appointed to command, 693.

Auxonne (Ossone), surrender of, to the Sieur de Tavannes, demanded, 376;

the League wishes to besiege, 588;

the King will not give his consent, 603.

-, castle of, demolished, 174.

-, -, governor of. See Tavannes.

Avern, Chretien, master of the Bonne Esperance of Flushing. 416.

Avignon, rumoured raising of men for, by the Pope, 483.

-, Archbishop and governor of. See Grimaldi.

-, country of, 664.

-, vice-legate or co-adjutor for. See Lorraine, Louis de, Cardinal of Guise.

Ayamonte (Avemowntye, Amounty), Spain, 291;

ships at, 540.

Ayr, the Earl of Arran said to be in, 375.

Aysma, Hessell, commissioner in England, letters signed by, 6, 26.

Azzolini (Anolini), Decio, Bishop of Cervia, made a cardinal, 210;

proposed as secretary of the Pope, 211;

mass sung by, 486;

in consistory, 661.

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