Elizabeth: May 1586, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: May 1586, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp605-628 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1586, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp605-628.

"Elizabeth: May 1586, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp605-628.

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May 1586, 6–10

May 6. Stafford to Walsingham.
I am marvellous glad to see the advertisements sent you from St. Omers. “The Spaniards are so well beloved here of the generality as no man but is glad when they have any harm. God send them worse.” A supply of three or four thousand is certainly coming to them out of Italy.
I send you an extract of a letter said to be from Rome, which I rather believe “because I credit him who gave it me, for I have often had more inventions from him.
At the coming of the ambassadors, I will not fail to perform all your directions. As for the money, you may be sure that Montpensier shall be a horseback before any be delivered, but I hope what I have already delivered, as I wrote, upon such necessity, shall be allowed me.
“I think there was never any delivered in better time nor to better effect, for it hath kept almost all things of those enterprises from falling.” News is come that M. 'de Meine' is very sick, and was not expected to live, but be is now out of danger; “but it is not thought he is so clear out as it is reported . . . for there is great wailing and gnashing of teeth both at Madame Nemours' and the Duke of Guise's, who, I am afraid will not go away, as it is reported.”—Paris, 6 May, 1586.
Postscript.—We expect news from Montpensier to-night or to-morrow.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XV. 122.]
May 6. Stafford to Walsingham.
I humbly thank you for your assurance of friendship. It shall not be forgotten if I can requite it with any service.
I dispatch the bearer the sooner that he may come with my son and Mr. Hacklytt. “I mean to have my son here to see his disposition, what he will best give himself to,” and then, when I come home, either leave him here with some friend of mine or bring him with me.
For my coming home, I thank you for the favourable help you promise me towards it. When the ambassadors are gone, I shall be hold to write to you about it, for shortly we shall see how things go here, one way or another, “and I am so unlucky to have things that come from me evil taken, that I dare not but with some good occasion make her Majesty be moved with anything that toucheth me.” I pray you to be good to Gourgon, the Frenchman. He is honest and deserveth well.—Paris, 6 May, 1586.
Postscript.—Pray send this packet to Buzenval.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XV. 123.]
May 6. Stafford to Walsingham.
Since this last letter was written, the King has sent to the Queen Mother that he hears the Prince of Condé is dead of sickness at Rochelle. He himself does not altogether believe it, but I do not like those bruits. Also yesterday, one showed me a letter from those parts (but neither of us gave great credit to it) that M. de la Val, the Prince and M. de Rohan, who is also dead, were all poisoned at once at St. John d'Angeli, but that the Prince escaped, having taken less and also having taken presently a counterpoison. “This news maketh my heart ache, though I hope it be not true, both for the love particularly I bare to him and also for the public cause.
I hear even now that M. Joyeuse is to go to sea himself to succor Brouage with the ships made ready in Brittany and those places. His sudden going makes me to muse, though I know Brouage is in great necessity and that he will do what he can for it, because he is in parley with St. Luc to buy it of him. But there is no trusting them and I pray you to let the Lord Admiral know of it. I will diligently search into it and send to you as soon as I know anything.
Yesterday, divers “Spanish affected” were together and with them was a friend of mine, who heard wagers laid against the Queen's life; and among the rest, one offered to lay all he had that “either with poison or stroke she would be made away within these four months.” God keep her with his mighty hand; yet he leaves means for men to help themselves, therefore she must needs be careful, “that negligent looking to may not give men occasion to spy a fit time; for a great many evil disposed minds are bent upon her.”
I enclose a little memorial which Mazin d'Albene desires to have sent the Queen from him. Perchance there is nothing in it but what she knows already, but I pray you let me have “some good thankful words to give him from her, for the poor man is marvellously affected to her good.”—Paris, 6 May, 1586.
Signed. Add.pp. [France XV. 124.]
May 6. Stafford to Walsingham.
I forgot in my other letters to say that “I writ to my lord of Leicester by a Fleming that was here that I had written to you because I had no cipher between him and me, and advertisement to send him, which is this:—that it is known here that that Fleming had ten thousand crowns to deliver out here by his direction, and great inquiry was made whereupon that was, and was suspected to have been somewhat about some practice with Balagni in Cambrai . . . because Balagni had afore gone about to make the French King believe that her Majesty, the King of Spain, the King of Navarre and the Duke of Guise had all gone about to deal with him.” My lord of Leicester should look well whom he employs in those things, for first I heard it, and then the Fleming himself “brust it out by chance.” I thought it had been for the Duke 'Bulion.' I pray you to send my lord a cipher, and me the copy of it, for I may often have somewhat to send him which I cannot do without it. Also to advise me what course I shall take in such things as I receive direction from him to deal in here, of which I have often written to you, but not had answer, for since you told me of her Majesty's offence with him for accepting the government, you have sent me no word “what state her Majesty standeth in there.”—Paris, 6 May, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XV. 125.]
May 6. Sir Philip Sidney to Walsingham.
Four soldiers of Captain Huntley's have run away to England, “who were as well used of their captain as any men might be.” Prays that they may be sent back, or there will be “the like villainy used” again.—Flushing, 6 May, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland VIII. 7.]
May 6/3. Ste. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
Your letter of March 25 (delivered to me about a week ago) has given me such proof of your continued good-will and affection that if it did not renew my obligation to be ever your humble and affectionate servant, I might fairly be taxed with either stupidity or ingratitude. And the more so that in a common and almost universal opinion, and that by those who were the elosest witnesses of my actions, and could best judge of the truth if they had wished to take the trouble, it has pleased you, being much further away and more surrounded with prejudice, to hold fast to the impression that you had conceived of my integrity, which I hope in God, and promise so much as in me lies, shall never be disappointed. If it had pleased God that I might have men of quality and judgment like yourself either as spectators or judges of my counsels and procedures, I am assured that instead of the blame which the ignorant or malicious have put upon me, I should have gained praise and glory. Yet I thank God that in these great extremities, surrounded by so many difficulties, he has never so far withheld his spirit from me, having always had for my only aim the glory of his name and the preservation of his churches, and pray you to believe that in this resolution I desire to live and die.—Soubourg in Zealand, 16 May, stilo novo, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland VIII. 8.]
May 6. Captain John Price to Walsingham.
Has already tasted of his honour's “preferment,” in being made sergeant-major of her Majesty's forces in the Low Countries, of which place he is now deprived by his Excellency, “and the same given to an old garrison man of Berwick (Captain Read), who is, for his experience in the service of these countries, so simple as himself.
Has performed his office with the adventure of his life and great expences in every piece of service undertaken in these countries, and lately received a great hurt, with the loss of many of his men. To be rewarded with deprivation from his office he takes to be a hard recompense, and prays his honour to vouchsafe him letters to his Excellency in his behalf.—Utrecht, 6 May, 1586.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Ibid. VIII. 9.]
May 6. Henry Ramell, Ambassador from the King of Denmark, to Walsingham.
Informing him of his safe arrival at Greenwich (Gronvicia) after a somewhat tempestuous voyage, and—as the customs of the Court are not well known to him—asking his honour to inform her Majesty with all due reverence of his arrival. So soon as he has found a convenient lodging (for which his servants are inquiring) and has recovered a little from the discomforts of the voyage, he will beg that a time and place may be assigned him by her Majesty when he may explain his commission.—In haste, on the royal ship, 6 May, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. Latin. ½ p. [Denmark I. 83.]
May 6/16 [latest date]. News from Divers Parts.
Rome, May 10, 1586.—Great damage done by the English pirate Drake in the Indies. The King of Spain much disturbed thereby, but his anger no greater than his resolution. The old purpose will certainly be carried on, and this will be as it were a goad to incite his efforts against the English Queen, but rather by insidious methods than by open war. Meanwhile the English expedition is still pretended; the Marquis of Santa Croce made general of the fleet and Ferdinand de Toledo the commander on land. They stir up France by warning her of her danger if she allows the English to put foot in her land; allure the Scottish King by very great promises, and finally, a very clever man has been sent to Denmark to alienate that King's friendship from England. The Pope puts all his authority on the side of the King of Spain against the English Queen, and the whole of the North may soon be in a blaze with intestine wars. Cardinal d'Este is seriously ill, and there is fear for his life. The Duke of Savoy has sent envoys hither to the Pope in relation to the business of Geneva, which is not thrown over, but only deferred to a more convenient time.
May 16.—No further news but that the Prince of Mantua has a son.
Constantinople, April 19.—The preparations for the Persian wars still continue, and a great number of soldiers are assembled in this city, who carry themselves very insolently and commit many offences. The Sultan (Rex) of the Turks, alarmed by such licence, has given the matter into the hands of the Beglerbey of Greece, to stop the harm done by them in the city, and secure the safety of the Jews and Christians there. The Sultan himself designs to retire to Adrianople.
The Vizir Mesir is deposed, and the royal seal put into the hands of Zuantius [qy. Siavus] whose only recommendation is that he was a favourite of this Sultan's father and joined by alliance of disposition to this one; a very venal man, and well knowing the value of Spanish gold. What I formerly wrote of the quarrels and factions of the chief men, both those here in Constantinople and those at the Persian war, in the Turkish camp is very true, as also the fear conceived by the Sultan of his son; for very evident cause.
Tauris is not yet retaken by the Persians; less, as is thought, by reason of superiority of the Turkish garrison than from the feebleness of the Persians, who are not capable of storming places even slightly fortified. Cigala is again approaching the borders of Persia, and is attempting every means, but so far in vain, for raising the siege of the said city. Some few of the Sanjaks, with fresh forces, are joining themselves to him for the same purpose. The Persians are using every effort to prevent this by blocking the roads, and seem to have more hope of reducing the garrison by hunger than by force of arms.
Endd. Latin. 2 pp. [Newsletters, XCV. 30.]
May [after the 6th]. John Combe to Sir Amyas Paulet.
As the wars of France are now principally in this country of Guienne, I can the better discourse thereof; and will begin with the Duke du Mayne (de Meine), commander of the League. His power and Marshal de Matignon's being now joined together, is 3,000 horse and 5,000 footmen, who have only taken two castles and a small town, of no force, and which have cost them many men.
In the meantime, the King of Navarre has surprised two strong places, without losing men or putting himself to charge. Now the Duke du Mayne besieges a town hard by called Mount Segure, which has endured two assaults, and many men slain. Before it, he would never 'a siege' any strong place, for fear of spoiling all.
The King of Navarre is at Brigerac, a strong town within four leagues of the Duke du Mayne; and Montmorency in Languedoc, “where he continueth a firm pillar to the house of Bourbon.” They could raise his siege if they would gather their forces together, “but they will not so hazard all at once. The bruit is that the reiters enter the next month, and then it is thought that M. de Montpensier, with the rest of the house of Bourbon will show themselves against their enemies. The Duke du Mayne hath promised those of Toulouse to take all the towns and forts that the King of Navarre holds on this river, that they may freely bring down their goods to this town, but there is three places, Comon [Caumont], Cleracke [Clairac] and Mace [Mas] de Verdun that will hold out each of them four months at least. The churchmen's money is almost spent, the country much spoiled, victuals dear, the soldier doth wax weary.”
The Prince of Condé, is married to Madame de la Tremouille the younger, niece to Duke Montmorency; he is in Saintonge and has lost of late great helps; that is M. de Laval's two brethren, slain both at once in a charge; M. Laval himself, who die of grief two days after, and M. de Rohan, a few days later in Rochelle of an ague. The Rochellers are strong by sea, and “go about to spoil the harbour of Brouage by sinking old ships in it, because it is so ill a neighbour to them.” Thus much for France.
You will have heard long since of Sir Francis Drake's great enterprises and good success. It has greatly troubled the King of Spain and the merchants of Seville, who write that they fear their August fleet falling into his hands, by which they would be undone.
It is very necessary to succour him with a good army, for common report goes here that the King of Spain is making two great armies, one for the Indies, to “rencounter” Sir Francis, the other for England or Ireland. His chief want is men, but no doubt he will find enough for the Indies, “and assured by that,” he pretends to dominate the greatest part of Christendom; but the Lord and the grave Council of England have prevented him, and in a good season. He has spoiled already two of our ships from the Levant Seas, and lays wait for the rest between Malaga and Gibraltar. Those Levant voyages are very dangerous so long as we have wars with him, and we may not make such small account of him as our merchants of Tripoly do, “to think to pass those straits with a ship or two, against so many galleys.”
I shall stay here, by reason of my affairs, almost a year more, and if you will employ me in anything, you will find me most ready. For wines, if you make your provision in London, my partner, Mr. Thomas Farrington and I will furnish you with as good and as reasonable as any other.—Bordeaux.—May, 1586.
Postscript.—If you have occasion to write to me, Mr. Farrington, who dwells in Tower Street, will convey it to me.
“Since the beginning hereof, the town of Mountsegure (fn. 1) is rendered after having endured 2,000 cannon shot; to depart without arms, but being out of the town, they were, contrary to promise, all massacred, to the number of eight hundred, as brave men as any the King of Navarre hath; the which is found strange by some papists themselves.” The Duke du Mayne is here and his wife; M. de Matignon commanding in the camp. It is thought he will go to lay siege to Caumon or Ste. Foy. “The Lord assist those that suffer for his name's sake.”
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Newsletters IX. 28.]
May 7/17. William Lewckner to his cousin, Edward Lewckner.
Since my last of the 3rd present, affairs in Dauphiny continue as before, M. Danville [i.e. Montmorency] having failed to take Ayes [? Aix], where his practice was discovered and his men put to the sword. Some few pioneers have passed for Dauphiny, the most part there being dead. The scarceness of corn increases.
The bruit continues of the army of the King of Spain, but I cannot tell where he gets ships. By the small good will between him and the Venetian he will have little succour there and I can learn of no place where any are in readiness; “and it will smally encourage the state of Italy or be smally for the King's ease to make out any great navy, lest the Turk be animated thereby to work their further ruin.” Thus I believe his preparations are very small. It is given out he will not have his Indies fleet come this year, “finding the danger he standeth in by Captain Drake,” and is therefore making provision money by the Italians, who within ten days have furnished him with 500,000 crowns, sent to Flanders for levy of soldiers. A banker, Kapony [Capponi] went from hence to make some great practice with that King, but has been taken by those of the Religion.
Mr. Anthony Poyntz has embarked at Marseilles for Spain.
A lord is arrived here, and with him Captain Moufyt and one Mr. Owen Flood, lately come from England. They are going for Venice, and Aldred conducts them.
It is thought that the King of Spain's distress for money has caused the breaking of Cæsar Negrole, a banker of Milan, for 350,000 crowns. The Duke of Savoy seems to have “laid apart” his intentions for Geneva, and the soldiers about Milan and Turin are departed for Flanders.—Lyons, 17 May, stilo novo.
Add. Endd.pp. [France XV. 126.]
May 7. Dr. Doyley to Burghley.
By mine of April 16, sent by Walter Hawks of Reading, a neighbour of my mother's, I gave you a description of Mr. Norreys' defeat of the Spaniards before the Grave, and a draft of the same, with the forts and sconces; and concluded with a report of the victualling of the Grave, which happened in this manner. “The Grave van Hohenlo [having] commanded the dykes (which are the banks or causies to bay up the water from drowning the meadows) to be pierced on Brabant side, over against the sluice and the trench where Mr. Norreys was first charged, the waters did so swell and drown the main land, that there went hundred and eight boats with flat bottoms, and carried great store of victual and munition, in so much that Monsieur Hemart, governor of the town, required no more.
“The Prince of Parma, seeing that by famishing he cannot prevail, hath brought all his cavalry and infantry before it, and is marching with the cannon to batter it, and hath set up his rest against it, and I fear if we be no stronger he will carry it away.
“The 17 on a Sunday before the sermon, his Excellency knighted General Norreys. The Lord Willoughby went to Bergen op Zoom to be governor thereof. The 19 his Excellency went to Amersfort, and returned the 21. Captain Twetie, provisional governor of Bergen, sent a false alarm to his Excellency, that the enemy was marching with the cannon against the town.
“The 23 was solemnized with all triumph St. George's day, and there were the Prince Elector and his wife, the Grave van Meurs and his lady, the Princess of 'Cymay,' and the same day Sir Martin 'Shink,' governor of Venlo, was knighted, and his Excellency gave him a chain of two hundred pounds. News came that the lieutenant of Shink had slain fifty and taken an hundred, all Spaniards, and taken an ensign as they were quartered upon the boors by Maestrick.
“Monsieur Hemart assembled the burghers of Grave and sware them to keep the town during life for the Estates and her Majesty of England, and licensed those that would not to depart the town.
“Captain Twetie gave another false alarm to the great offence of Captain Fremin, a Scot [sic], that he should sell Wou Castle by Bergen op Zoom to the Prince, whereof there was no conjectural appearance, for he is a very honest and assured man.
“The Grave van Hohenlo got a sconce called Knollis Sconce, and a house called Empel by Bois-le-Duc (Bolduc) which the boors had fortified to keep their meadows from the spoiling of the soldiers. His Excellency gave to the Grave van Hohenlo a chain set with diamonds, valued at a thousand marks.
“The 25th Sir Thomas Heneage took his leave from Utrecht to England and Mr. Atie the 28th.
“There are divers bruits . . . that the Prince of Parma should make all those pioneers that ran away that day the General Norreys defeated them, and that he gave so hard speeches to the Count Mansfelt for his direction in that day's service that thereupon he is retired to Luxemburg malcontent; but it is unlikely that he can spare so many Spaniards or that he dare so far to discontent the Count Mansfelt. Sure it is that the enemy lost as are confessed by their own letters intercepted, nine captains besides alferes [ensigns] and appointados (fn. 2) above twenty and of old Spanish soldiers above five hundred.
“His Excellency went to Amersford the 2nd of May, also General Norreys and the Treasurer, and there hath made a view of the cavalry at Niekerken and of the infantry that there was. The 7th he is marched towards Arnhem. There was written on his court gate at Utrecht in his absence, in great Roman letters— 'Le conseil de Estat des Flamans sont tous traitres'.
“It is said that the burghers in Nimegen are in arms one against another, and that they refuse to let Hautepenne to enter the town. The Prince, lest the town should revolt, lodgeth about it with troops of horse and foot, lest they should let us in. Sure I am we have great intelligence within the town, but it will cost many a broken head before we enter, and all because the Grave van Meurs lost the sconce over against it which Sir John Norreys had won.”—7 May, 1586.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holland VIII. 10.]
May 7/3. The States General to Leicester.
The States General desire nothing more than to see public affairs governed by the authority, wisdom and prudence of your Excellency, to which end they have always meant, as they still do, to hold good correspondence with you and give their counsel and advice in all affairs of importance. Wherefore your Excellency will not be offended with them or their deputies, if they desire to learn what is concluded between you and the deputies of Overyssel; a matter of great importance and dangerous consequence in regard of the other provinces in many respects, seeing that the other contracting provinces are bound to repay her Majesty the moneys disbursed for the succours she has promised during the war, and have given caution by towns and forts for her contentment in Holland and Zeeland; of which costs and expences the other contracting provinces have promised to defray their quota. They have also promised to furnish your Excellency with 200,000 florins a month for the costs of the war on land, besides the aid from her Majesty and the contributions of the other provinces, and the brandschatz from the country of the enemy. And for assurance of the said contributions they have consented to certain imposts and promised to put them in train in all their towns, and upon all their subjects. Moreover, your Excellency has desired them to consent to large extraordinary contributions for the levying of troops to form a camp and master the country.
Wherefore it would be very prejudicial to the said provinces if any provinces, towns or members thereof were received into the treaty with her Majesty without the knowledge and consent of the States General, and especially those of Overyssel, which would not join with the others when they were convoked at the Hague to send their deputies to treat with her Majesty, in which assembly the United Provinces mutually agreed and openly declared that they would treat nothing separately, but submit unanimously to the conditions which by common consent they had given in writing to the said deputies; and that the other provinces should not be received into the treaty except upon the same conditions. Wherefore, those of Overyssel, by treating with your Excellency apart, without the knowledge of the States General, seem to aim at some end advantageous to themselves and prejudicial to the other provinces; whether not to receive garrisons into their towns, or not to conform with the rest as regards the imposts and contributions agreed to for the common defence, or not to be bound for the repayments to her Majesty after the war. Reason does not demand that any should take a comrade in war without his knowledge, and it would weigh heavily upon the rest that their contributions should be diverted for the maintenance and defence of those who would not submit to the same charges and impositions as their partners.
These difficulties would cease if it had pleased her Majesty to accept the sovereignty of the countries, according to the requests made to her by the deputies of the States General, who hope that your Excellency will find these their requests and reasons founded on right and equity, and that it will please you to communicate to them what has passed with those of Overyssel up to this time; praying you again to be assured that the States General seek only to see public affairs governed by your Excellency with good and faithful correspondency, to the advancement of the glory of God and the maintenance of the true religion, to the service of her Majesty, the greatness of your Excellency and the welfare and repose of these countries.—17 May, 1586. By order of the States General. Signed by C. Aerssens.
Copy. Fr. 3 pp. [Holland VIII. 11.]
May 7. Lord North to Burghley.
“I daily find, my good lord, that letters have doubtful delivery, and many miscarry. I am therefore constrained to trouble your lordship twice in one matter. Baron Flowerdew being dead, who occupied the place of Justice in the Isle . . . I humbly pray you to put into the place any of the coif—to serve as my deputy there.” And whatever you shall do therein I will subscribe. “Justice Suite is a near dweller, Serjeant Gawdy a fit man also, by reason of his dwelling in Norfolk; and Serjeant Snagg not far off. These be the men that I think of, howbeit I refer that wholly to your good lordship, praying you to take care of the place, and to command me and my poor credit. About the first of this month. I wrote to your lordship by one Salisbury; in which letter I did acquaint you with my lord's voyage into Gueldre, and of the particulars thereof; how my lord would to Arnhem; from thence into the Betue, which lieth between the two rivers Waal and Rhine; upon the Rhine he meant to try to take a sconce of the enemy's called Berg. From thence he proposeth to [go] up the river into Cleveland, where he will make two other sconces, which will mightily annoy the enemy, and take from him his victuals. It God bless his labours herein, the service will be great, and being very near to Nimegen, it is not unpossible, but that the town may yield; for it is advertised and certainly known that a penny loaf is worth twelve pence in the town, and the enemy is in those parts so marvellously distressed for victual as their soldiers did lately mutiny, and tear their colours from the ensign staff, and have dispersed themselves into Cleveland. The Duke of Cleve hath given the Spaniards leave to build sconces in his land; but we shall be before them. This day my lord will be at Arnhem. 'Skings' is sent into the Betue before, with 800 footmen and 200 horse, to begin one of the sconces, and my lord's army doth follow after with himself in person.” I suppose it will be three weeks before I can write again. It is said that the Prince of Parma has mounted his ordnance in Antwerp and laden many waggons with small boats. His purpose is not known. “His honour will be to seek Grave, but that will be in vain, for the 4th of this present Count Hollock did put into the town three hundred men. . . . Bergen-op-Zoom is suspected to be the mark he shooteth at; howbeit, he cannot besiege two places at once. His forces be not so great, seeing Verdugo lieth in Friesland and Taxis at Zutphen. Of him we look to hear shortly, if he be able to show his head.
“If God should call to His mercy my old and good friend Sir Giles Allington . . . if there be anything that your lordship doth part withal, think of me, I pray you.”—Amersford, “ready towards Arnhem,” 7 May.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 1½ pp. [Holland VIII. 12.]
May 7. Stephen Le Sieur to Burghley.
The misery wherein I continue, and the not hearing from your honour, my master or Mr. Tomson since his departure last February, causes me once more to have recourse to you, praying that I may know by means of Thomas Beale, English merchant in Calais, “what I my expect of the liberty of Peter Cibiur, which the said Tomson, when last here, “certainly assured in exchange of mine.” What commission he had to say so, and “that” he came expressly to get a certificate from the governor here to that effect, I know not. I should never have expected so much favour from her Majesty or her Council, if his speeches had not made me think that it was already concluded.
These men in whose hands I am do not a little marvel that nothing comes of Tomson's great promises, for which I endure much misery and daily threatenings. Therefore again I pray you to have compassion on me, and tell me what good I am to receive from those parts.
Also to send directions to Thomas Beale or any other in Calais to furnish me with twelve or fifteen pounds towards my charges, whereby I shall not only obtain liberty “to walk up and down the prison more than I have,” but might be able to practise an escape. Beale is surety for my expenses to my keeper, who daily exclaims for money. I leave all other matters of weight till better opportunity.—Dunkirk, 7 May, stilo Anglo.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Flanders I. 79.]
May 7. Andrea De Loo to Burghley.
As your lordship will have seen by the letter lately received from Antwerp that the friends there would have me go over, I have determined to do so, to see what they will say to me, desiring above everything in the world that a good agreement may presently be made, without losing any more time in writing to each other; and that I may do such good offices that her Majesty shall be satisfied, or at least that on my return I shall be able to tell her with good reason what she may hope from this negotiation.
And as in Holland and Zeeland it is forbidden (on pain of death) to go at all to those [i.e. the enemy's] parts, I pray you to let me have a passport from the Queen, as I shall have one there from his Highness, to go and return, for the space of a month or two, without danger (if by ill-luck I were taken by those of Flushing of Dunkirk) of any ill-treatment. As soon as I have the said passport, I will set out. Your lordship may be pleased to note well the tenor of my last two letters of the 13 and 15 of last month, and to impart them to her Majesty, together with that of Signor Carlo which I lately left with you; also that none of your household may know of my going, and for my own part I will keep all as secret as a royal oath.—London, 7 May, 1586.
Postscript.—It being too late last night to send this, it has this morning occurred to me to write the annexed to her Majesty, leaving it to your lordship's wisdom to show it to her or not, as you think best.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1 p. [Ibid. I. 80.]
May 8. Anderea De Loo to the Queen.
The assurance of your sacred Majesty's great clemency animates me, a poor worm, to implore that you will not be offended to learn the desire which the nobles of the Low Countries (as also the merchants) have to accommodate, if possible, the difference between your Majesty and the King of Spain (as is signified to me by Signor Carlo Lanfranchi of Antwerp, an Italian merchant) urging me to seek means to do some good office therein. To which end, knowing myself to be a very weak instrument, nor worthy to treat of such important matters, yet in order not to be wanting in the service which I owe to God and your Majesty and to the common cause, I made the matter known to the Lord Treasurer, by whom being assured of your Majesty's benign inclination to peace much rather than to war, to avoid the shedding of blood and ruin on all hands, I wrote of it to the said Signor Carlo, adding that if he thought it fitting for me to go over that we might discourse together more at large, he was to let me know it. Which matter Signor Carlo conferred of with M. de Champagney, to have some assurance that my going there would not be in vain; and finding not only that the said M. de Champagney was very eager in the business but that the nobles and merchants (who are all being ruined) warmly demanded that (by means of some neutral person) there might be brought about the laying down of arms, the said Signor Carlo so managed matters that M. de Champagney wrote to me that he would glady see me; and that—being assured of your Majesty's good will towards the King of Spain, and that you would agree not to do to him what you would not have him do to you—he would heartily employ himself, as much as possible, for the extinguishing of the fire before it was too much kindled on both sides, by procuring that some communication might be entered into, which done, he had very good hope that all might be pacified, to the satisfaction of your Majesty and the common good.
Your Majesty is therefore prayed to grant me licence to go thither to see what they will say, and thereupon to return and lay faithfully before you whatever I shall be able to draw from them, and the method which the said nobles (already of long time weary of the foreign soldiers) may devise for bringing about a good peace. And for assurance of the sincere observance of whatever might be agreed upon, Signor Carlo writes that the said nobility would become bound, and that it would be confirmed by the Catholic King.
Begging the favour of a passport for going and returning, with one or two servants, by way of Calais (Cales), Zeeland of Holland, during the space of one or two months, and humbly praying for pardon from the clemency of your sacred Majesty, I implore the divine Majesty to preserve you for many years.—London, 8 May, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1 p. [Flanders I. 81.]
May 8. Leicester to the Queen.
“Albeit I did return immediately answer to your Majesty's letters, brought by a pursuivant, by my servant Atye . . . yet do I think it my duty to write also by this bearer . . . to let your Majesty know that I attend continually the repair of Sir Thomas Heneage hither for the observation of your Highness's good pleasure, which, by the grace of God, shall most willingly and obediently be performed; only craving your Majesty's good and gracious favour towards me, and if my service hath not been so perfectly discharged as you have expected, yet to conceive of my fidelity and duty toward your most excellent Majesty as it shall for ever be found in me, and to weigh how slenderly and barely I have been assisted in all these great causes of weight, since my coming hither, confessing in deed mine own great disability to perform the expectations of your Majesty or of such as may with deep judgement look into so raw a man's doings; howbeit I trust neither have I nor shall I any way dishonour your Majesty or the place you have appointed unto me. Only the greatest fault your Majesty must take upon yourself, that made not a more worthy choice. And to beseech you for the long time I have served you, to bear with such faults in me as your Majesty shall in all truth and honour find to proceed of no ill mind, but rather to do you service.
“I am now to let your Majesty understand that your letter did find me at Amersford, being prepared for a journey with such forces as I have to prevent the intention of the enemy either in these parts about Grave or wheresoever, for that I am credibly informed he hath made very great preparation to assail some place, which he shall hardly do but it shall be succoured with God's help. And I hope your Majesty shall shortly hear that I will set this river of the Rhine clear and keep it from giving any succour to the enemy. This time I thought good to spend, being so far outward as I was, and for that Sir Thomas Heneage was not come, nor well as I heard, lest in staying or returning from this service, it might be no small dishonour to your poor servant and officer here.”—Arnhem, 8 may.
Postscript.—After I had written this letter I received advertisement from Grave that for certain upon a new supply of men which I caused to be put into that town since the victualling and relief of it, they have killed at one time four hundred Spaniards and sundry captains, upon an attempt which they gave to a little suburb of the town and thought to burn and spoil it. These good news I am bold to add in this 'proscript' unto your Majesty. This conflict was upon Friday last.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal with bear and staff in garter. 2¼ pp. [Holland VIII. 13.]
May 8. Sir William Stanley to Burghley.
Since my arrival I have travailed to make provision for victuals to be sent to Waterford in Ireland for the thousand men thee to be sent by sea to Flushing. Victuals here are very dear, yet far “batter cheap” than in Ireland. I am constrained to take up money at Chester, and finding Thomas Lynyall, the purveyor there, very forward and willing to further the service, he has disbursed 351l. for which I have given my bill, and pray that payment may be made accordingly out of what is allowed me in England, and also that you will licence Lynyall to transport the said victuals to her Majesty's use, otherwise he will not dare to ship them.
I beseech that, being so willing to forward her Majesty's service, he be not discouraged. Also that you will not “think any slackness in me that I am not over before this time.” for the provision of victuals has held me occupied and also I stayed upon your resolution for further allowances, without which I must either undo myself or let this service quail. But assuring myself that you will not let me be a loser, I have fully agreed for the victuals, and to-morrow go aboard; wherefore I pray you to send Lynyall his warrant for the transportation and order for payment, and to pay the rest of the money to Captain Nicholas Dawtry to be conveyed over to me.—Hooton, 8 May, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland VIII. 14.]
May 9. Stafford to Walsingham.
The news of the Prince of Condé's death is but a tale, devised “to occupy men's ears from hearkening too much to the dangerous sickness of M. de'Meine,' who yet is wept and wailed amongst his, and some say he is dead; but certain it is that he hath had two plague sores, and been in great extremity; and yet no news come that he is out of danger.”
The Prince of Condé was last Friday within a league of Verteuil, with 3,000 shot and 500 horse, and was to lie there that night. The King of Navarre was already come thither, and when the bearer of the news came away, was going on horseback to meet the Prince. I know this is true, for the bringer is one Dietspach [or Diesbach] a Swiss, brought up with the King of Navarre and sent to him by the Swissers' request to pray him to send some deputies hither to confer with their ambassadors when they come, “what motions they might make of peace and what the King of Navarre would demand.”
The [French] King liked of this very well, and gave passport to 'Dietpach,' and also a safe-conduct for whomsoever the King of Navarre would send hither. He returned last night. The King of Navarre spake with him, and he has brought answer, and also this news of the Prince. The King of Navarre has consented to send Marsilliere and another; but not to deal any way with the King. “but only to the Swissers, to know what they will have with him, and if they can be means of good quietness, the fault shall not be in him; he will tell them his griefs and his demands, but to ask a peace he will not, for it was not he that brake it, and wars with the King he declareth he hath none.”
One Bonstead of Berne is also sent hither to wait for the commissioners; “one of the properest, the wisest and the best spoken Swissers that ever I saw.” He was with me yesterday, and told me of the resolution for the dispatch of these ambassadors, who are sent from the four towns, Zurich, Berne, Basel and Schaffhausen.
He assured me that underhand the French ambassador moved them to it. The other three towns, though Zurich as you know is the chief, agreed to send their deputies to Berne, there to communicate the matter to all the commonalty, and with consent of all, it was agreed that those ambassadors should be sent to France, to pray the King—as being allied to the crown of France and therefore his most humble and affectionate servants—to permit them to be so bold as to move him in this weighty matter, “which is the perpetual good or the utter undoing of his realm,” being the rather emboldened thereto, because when they had dissensions among them, he had ever done them the honour to be a mediator between them; wherefore they now prayed to be allowed to show their good wills by being the movers of an accord between him and his subjects and those of his blood. They have charge withal to lay before him all inconveniences past or like to come, taking their chief ground “upon the constraint that the King had assured them by this same Bonstead that they of the League had brought him unto, but that he hoped to do all things without bloodshed,” wherefore “they humbly beseeched him not to take in evil part this their good wills, and to grant them their requests.”
This he assured me was resolved on when he came away, and that they thought it the best course to use this loving and dutiful manner of speech, rather than to speak with such hard terms as was resolved they of Germany would do, though if it carried no effect, the King of Navarre should not “let” to have of them that which should do him service. Therefore, when he was dispatched, the ambassadors were presently to follow, and not stay for them of Germany.
But within these two days there is news come “that they stay by Dijon (Digeon) to speak with the Count Monbelliard and the Duke Anhalt's son and them came out of Germany. Whether it be a false tale or no I know not, but come they are not yet, though they were looked for five or six days agone, which Bonstead marvelleth at.”
I thought fit with all haste to let you know the temperate course these Swissers will take with the King; “which may perchance take better effect; and if it do not, they will not leave to do good another way and say less. They of Germany, as I hear, will speak bigger; I pray god they do more.” It were good I had direction which of these two courses her Majesty would have me join in, with as much speed as may be. “My simple opinion is that a modest course with princes is most fittest for to be taken, and with this King I think will do most good. If not, to do more and speak fairer I think will carry most weight, for in my opinion, big words and small effects are like the cypress tree, that is high and fair afar off, and when you come near them [sic], they yield you no fruit.” If I do not hear from you, I will follow the direction of your last letters, but if I hear within ten or eleven days it may be time enough, “for they be not yet come, and after they be come, they must speak first.”—Paris, 9 May, 1586.
Holograph. Add. 3 pp. [France XV. 127.]
May 9. Audley Danett to Thomas Wileks.
Your letters of April 24 were the better welcome as I had not heard from you during your attendance at the Court. If occasion offers, I will write to you “touching the course of this country business, although I forbear to write to any, finding my judgment not to concur with the most part of others” who advertise these proceedings.
I pray you to excuse me, if needful, to Mr. Secretary, who may charge me with forgetfulness of all his goodness to me, for that I never write to him, but he receives from hence “the very secret mysteries of this business” and it might seem folly in me to presume to set down anything more perfectly. Besides, it is more dangerous now than in the time of the late Prince of Orange or of Monsieur “to set down any poor man's censure of great men's actions.”
I cannot write you any certainty of our journey, or what shall be next attempted, the enterprise being kept very secret, but all our foot, English, Dutch and others have passed the Rhine into the Betuwe, the horse cross to-day, and his Excellency follows to-morrow and will keep the field with the troops. Some suppose our enterprise upon Nimegen, by intelligence with those in the town, or “to make some spoiling journey into the enemy's country”.—“From Arnhem, ready to pass the Rhine this Monday morning,” 9 May, 1586, stilo Angliœ.
Postscript.—“For my own particular, I am beholding to my cousin D[avison], but . . . I could wish he climbed not so high as yet; but this as it pleaseth God and our good Queen Elizabeth.”
Add. Endd.pp. [Holland VIII. 15.]
May 9/19 [latest date]. “Foreign Advertisements.”
Antwerp, April 19, 1586.—The Prince of Parma has sent troops to aid those besieging Grave, as the English and Hollanders are assembling troops at Bommel to succour it. It is hoped the Prince will come hither from Brussels, after the ceremony of distributing the Fleeces (Tosoni); which is appointed for the 27th inst. Troops being recruited in England for Holland, to replace those who have died. Some places in Holland will not receive English garrisons. The Earl of Leicester at Utrecht. The Prince said to intend to make a camp, perhaps at Malines, where great preparations are being made. Three great Spanish vessels arrived at Dunkirk with sugar &c.
Cologne, April 25.—Preparations for besieging Neuss and Berck; 4,000 troops waiting the subsidence of the waters to carry over their artillery. A notable skirmish with the English going to succour Grave; many killed on each side, but the English said to have the worst of it. On their failure to succour the city, it put out the black flag, in sign that if not relieved shortly they would surrender. Kaiserswerth (Caiservert) given by the new Bishop into the Prince of Parma's hands.
Prague, April 22.—Arrival and good reception of Monsignor Sega. Malaspina about reluctantly to depart. Diet of Worms coming to an end without result. The Muscovite reported to be dead, and the Pole in arms, aspiring to his place. The Emperor sending to congratulate the new Elector of Saxony. Duke Casimir about to have an interview with Archduke Ferdinand; the cause not known. Archduke Ernest said to be coming to negotiate for the Emperor's marriage. Plague appeared at Vienna, and the Archdukes departed, but only one person dead of it. The ambassadors for Rome delayed by dispute for precedence, the Count demanding to have a distinction made between them, which does not please the other. The Elector of Saxony increases his guard &c., meaning to live as did his uncle Duke Maurice, in great state. Belief that he will introduce Calvinism, so much abhorred by his father. Father Landi has set out secretly for Italy; the Parmese ambassador going also, very ill satisfied.
Rome, May 2.—Arrival of Spinola, who is denied lodging in the palace, permission to kiss the Pope's feet and visits of the other cardinals, pending the arrival of his process from Perugia. In Monday's Consistory the Pope granted nomination to churches of Sicily to King of Spain and his son, for their lives only; not made clear since the death of Charles the Great. Report that Monsignor Celso is to have the government of Romagna in place of Cardinal Canano; also that Signor Cato's negotiations to erect Carpi into a city with bishorpric go on well, as also to make Ferrara an archbishopric; Panicarola to be made Bishop, but without a church. Castrucci has taken possession of the Prefettura della segnatura di giustitia. Distribution of Agnus Deis. Cardinal Medici has made report to the Pope of the friars concerned in the tumult at Milan. Was told that as their protector he must cause them to come hither to be punished according to their deserts. The Pope has given Aldobrandini 2,000 crowns. Belief that he is to be deprived of his Datariato, which will be given to Don Evangelista, his chaplain. The governor of Rome to be nuncio to Naples, and Monsignor San Georgio to Venice. That Fabrizio de Correggio is secretly procuring for himself the post of ambassador from the Emperor is certain, but that Count Alphonso Novellara is practising for the same is false. On Thursday, the festival of his coronation, the Pope said low mass at the Church of the Santi Apostoli and from thence went to hear the singing of the Azzolini, remaining at that monastery for breakfast and afterwards going to his garden. This morning he is come to be present at the chapel held in Santa Croce in Jerusalem. Has given kind words to the ambassadors from Reggio and Modena, who desire their ancient liberty and not to be subject to the Archbishop of Bologna. Rome stired up on account of miracles said to be performed on divers possessed persons by an image of the Madonna in a church behind the monastery of San Silvestro, desecrated in the time of Giulio by keeping hay in it. Yesterday Dovara departed for Tuscany with his business unfinished; i.e. that the Grand Duke should at his own expence undertake the enterprise of Algiers, and if victorious should give the place to the Catholic King, but retaining for himself the title of King of Algiers, and receiving form Philip in exchange Portercole, Orbitello and Talamone. [Proceedings of the cardinals and others.] The Pope's answer to the Signoria of Venice as to their withholding possession of the church of Ceneda from Monsignor Mocenigo not yet known.
Venice, May 10.—Signor Carlo Contarini made captain of the guard of Candia in place of Signor Bertuccio, of the same family. Visit of the Cardinal of Verona to the Prince, the Prince's visit in return; departure of the Cardinal for his see. Count Giovanni della Torre has set out for Rome. Advices from Spain of the complete sanity of the Prince. The Infanta extraordinarily caressed and entertained, from which it was thought her marriage would soon be settled. No great preparations for a fleet, although the Spaniards are alarmed by Drake, now said to have mastered the island of San Domingo and attempting the same with another island, to which the fleets go. Orders sent to them to come another way, that they may not fall a prey to him, who has with him twenty-eight ships and five thousand soldiers. . . . The ambassador Priuli returned form Rome. Arrival of Doctor Tressa and the cavalier Barbarano form Vicenza, to bring the congratulations of that city. The doctor made the oration and was knighted. Bandits from Ferrara have scaled the walls of Imola, broke open the prisons, spiritual and temporal, liberated their friends, amongst whom was a priest, and got safely away again. Report from Florence that Drake only pillaged but did not take San Domingo.
About forth loads of the household goods of the late Madame of Austria have passed from Abruzzo towards Parma, including thirteen mules laden with chests of gold, silver and precious jewels, worth 200,000 crowns. In the noble theatre of Vicenza was acted this Whitsuntide the comedy of Li Ingiusti Sdegni, by Bernardino Pino da Cagli. Translation of holy bodies last Sunday at Bologna.
Form Constantinople, letters of April 2 tell of arrival of French ambassador and expected departure of Ferat Bassa for Persia. Some say the Turks at Tauris have had succours, others that the Persians have taken it. Most believe the latter. The Signoria said (in order to satisfy the Pope) to have helped to deliver Marcello Accorambono to those appointed by his Holiness. The Uscocchi between Sebenico and Spalato have taken many Turks.
Bishop of Ceneda yesterday with the Nuncio in the College, as is thought, to obtain ducal letter for taking possession of his bishopric. Cardinal Battori not yet given his pass for Rome. The Cardinal of cremona, going to Turin to perform in the Pope's name the double office of the marriage and for the birth of the Prince, being come near to Lodi, was advised by his brother the Baron not to go further without fresh orders. Bishop of Ceneda to-day departed for his see without ducal letters, in conformity with the Pope's wishes. Letters of the 3rd from Vienna tell of the arrival of Cardinal of Vilna; also that Christofer Sboroski, Count Ludovico Porto, of Vicenza and forty more are following Cardinal Battori to kill him. The Patriarch has had a ralapse and will hardly live long.
Barcelona, April 9.—The English, after being at Capo di Guer [Cape Verde] and doing great damage, went on to San Domingo and sacked the city of that name; Porto Rico, on the island of the same name, and Cuba in the island of Vana [Havana]. Not known whether they would fortify themselves or go on to main land. Pillage said to be more than two millions. Fleets of Peru and New Spain not to put out, for fear of the English.
Antwerp, April 26.—Great preparations making at Malines, Lierre and Breda; believed to be for some enterprise. The Prince still at Brussels to distribute the Tosoni, the ceremony having been delayed. Bruit of a skirmish near Nimegen; more than a thousand English slain.
Cologne, May 1.—Grave succoured by English and Hollanders, with seventy ships. Siege raised, with death, it is said, on both sides of five thousand men, including many Spanish chiefs. Prisoners, Count Charles Mansfelt, M. de Berghes, M. de Montagni and others, having fled into the castle of Battenberg, taken by the English on 18 of last month, with Ravestein and other castles.
Prince of Parma, on the news, has recalled troops going to besiege Neuss, to the great vexation of this Archbishop, who the day before yesterday went towards Bonn. The Earl of Leicester still at Utrecht. Much money lately come to him.
Prague, April 29.—The ambassadors at last started for Rome. Archduke Ernest not expected at Court before Whitsuntide. The Assembly at Worms to go on again, but little hope of result. A commission sent to Furio Molza for the government of Segna. Maximilian Detristain gone to Savoy to offer congratulation. A sumptuous banquet given on St. Mark's day by the Venetian ambassador to the great ones of the Court. The new Nuncio said to give great satisfaction. The Bishop of Olmutz' adversaries have come, but it is believed they will be dismissed. Don “Giovanni di Pernestain” gone post to Vienna, it being reported that Giovanni Manriquez, his uncle, by interposition of the Queen of France [qy. the Archduchess Elizabeth, la reine blanche] and Archduke Ernest was arranging the marriage of his daughter.
Rome, May 10.—The Bishop of Gaeta, a Spaniard and a reformer, nor finding in his opinion sufficient proof of the miracles of the Madonna already spoken of, had the picture whitewashed over by night; but this not being sufficient to put a stop to the concourse and devotion of the people, and it being also displeasing to the Pope that, without licence from his superiors, he had had so little regard to the image, he has had it uncovered again, taking away the whitewash; it being said that his Holiness will make the church parochial, and that it will be rebuilt and restored with the offerings given in incredible measure. The Pope has declared the Church of the Popolo to be one of the seven instead of San Sebastiano, meaning to use it as such in his devotions, but not intending that this should ever be removed from the nine; to which Popolo he has granted the seven altars which are in San Pietro, the resolution concerning all privileges granted by Gregory to the altars of the dead in Purgatory remaining undecided. In Monday's Consistory the Pope made two decrees:— one, that henceforth there should be rejoicings and bonfires only at the creation and not at the coronation of Popes; the other, that promotion of cardinals should be made only in December.
It is said that the Catholic King has granted to Farnese the nomination to the Archbishopric of Monreale and licence to settle on Don Odoardo the pension which he has on that church.
In the congregation at Caraffa's house, it was resolved, in relation to the Friars, that those who have submitted shall remain in the monasteries where they are, and the vagrants of this sect choose which monasteries they like best. [Movements of cardinals. Resolutions and intentions concerning the Referendaries &c.]
As to his Holiness's indignation against those princes who receive bandits and contumacious persons of the Ecclesiastical States, even if they hold from the Emperor or are of the Empire, there is no doubt that he will very soon show them that he is Papa, not Papessa.
Letters from Spain of the 17 of last month report the arrival of the King, Prince and Infanta at Madrid, all in good health; and that his Majesty had openly declared war against England and sent for all the great vessels to form his fleet, confirming the Marques Santa Croce as General at Sea and Don Ernando de Toledo General on land, who already had their instructions for the enterprise. Also that the Bishop of La Guardia, a Portuguese rebel, had been taken.
[Concerning money arrangements made by Cardinal d'Este.] The Pope much displeased by the proceedings of the bandits at Imola. Is sending Monsignor Marcherano as commissioner to investigate the crime. The Fiscal of Rome to be president of Romagna. A congregation deputed upon the revocation his Holiness wishes to make of the many indulgences granted by himself and his predecessors. The Savoy ambassador has divulged the fact that her Highness is again with child. Don Cesare d'Este expected, to render homage on behalf of the Duke of Ferrara, accompanied by Bishop of Reggio and many nobles and cavaliers. The corsairs have come within the Mole of Naples, taking men and ships. Not true that Don Pedro de Toledo has demolished the tower of the island of Ponza, belonging to Farnese.
The Pope approving a motu proprio of Gregory, for the Archfraternity of the Gonfalone to redeem from the Turks all slaves of the Ecclesiastical State, has granted them a faculty to receive alms, donations and legacies for this purpose.
Venice, May 17.—[Movements of envoys &c.] Bandits to be given up to the Pope. A village in Dalmatia, called Uscopia, has sunk down so that no vestige is left, and another, called Marcovicchi, shaken by the earthquake a month ago is little by little falling into ruins. The Cardinal of Verona has urged that Prince to cherish the monasteries, and to gratify the Pope in the matter of the bandits.
Prince of Parma has sent Don Giuliano Cesis to Turin, to congratulate his Highness on the birth of his son, and to give account of the rout of 4,000 English. The ambassador Lippomano expected at Genoa, on his way to Spain. Prince Doria going to Naples.
Letters from Constantinople of the 16th ult. report that the day before the French ambassador kissed the Sultan's hands; being given forty vests of silk and gold, and banquetted in the Divan. Misir Bassa removed on account of age from office of Vizier, and the seal given to Sciaus Bassa, former holder of it.
Ferat Bassa gone to Scutaretto with solemn pomp, but the galleys still at Constantinople. Plague had appeared at Galata, but been put an end to by the cold. Fear that with warm weather it will break out again. Ibraim Bassa to marry daughter of the Sultan. No certain news from Persia, but report that the army of Cicala, learning that Ferat Bassa had returned as General, had disbanded. This Patriarch, seeing himself at the end of his life, is determined to resign the abbey of S. Cipriano, but difficulties have arisen. Some think the Pope will unite it to the Patriarchate. Few believe report that Geneva is sending commissioners to the Duke of Savoy, offering, on good conditions, to submit to his obedience.
[Concerning raising of troops, and ambassadors from Brescia.] Those who know the state of Turkish affairs say that 40,000 men will be the most they can put together.
Wednesday, vigil of the Ascension, the Prince, Signory &c. at solemn vespers at San Marco. Next morning, went in the Bucintoro (fn. 3) to the Lido, for the usual ceremony of espousal of the Sea, after which he gave a great banquet to the company.
Ambassador from Denmark arrived in Paris, had audience and made Latin oration, exhorting the King to bring his subjects into union, in conformity with edicts of last Protestant peace; otherwise his master and the Protestant Princes would aid the Huguenots. The ambassadors of said princes expected. Duke of Joyeuse gone to meet them. Skirmish of Prince of Condé with infantry coming to reinforce the garrison of Brouage. Condé's cavalry gained the victory, but a very bloody one, losing a brother of M. de la Vall, d'Andelot (di Landelot), son of the Admiral, and many other chiefs. The Prince's horse killed, but he saved by taking that of one of his pages. Duke du Mayne has taken Caumont (Caumone), a strong place on the Garonne. Would now (as was believed) shortly have St. Bazeile (Basil), join the Marshal de Matignon and besiege Casteljaloux (Castello Geloso), held by Vicomte de Turenne. Huguenots in Dauphiny making such progress that de la Valette's army is disbanded.
Further news from Constantinople says Tauris is still in power of the Turks, and ambassador from the King of Fez expected.
From Madrid, that Drake had taken more than 80 pieces of artillery in the islands of Cape Verde and San Domingo, and meant to fortify himself. Danger of an insurrection against Spain, as he had given arms to the negroes.
In Portugal, besides the Bishop of La Guarda, a son of Don Antonio and two of his confederates said to be taken prisoners, going about urging people to mutiny.
Last week the corpse of Madame di Parma was brought from Abruzzo to Piacenza, accompanied by the Countess di Scisa and six other ladies in litters, with about thirty horse and four footmen who walked beside the litter of the corpse with lighted torches. In Imola, for the crime of the bandits, more than 500 persons have been proceeded against and carried to prison, mostly to Ravenna; amongst them a Count of Sassatelli, but many of the chief have fled. On Wednesday the Zaratini congratulated the Prince; their oration said to be the best made so far. Cardinal Battori at Ferrara; Don Cesare d'Este come thence to Rome, whither the said Cardinal will return for Whitsuntide. Duke of Saxony said to have taken the protection of Truchsess, and to wish for an Electoral Diet, to create a King of the Romans.
Advices from Flanders of the 7th contain contrary accounts of succour of Grave; letters of the 2nd from Cologne mention no such thing, believing there could be no entry by water; siege not yet raised; the people in the Bishopric of Cologne, on news of approach of English and Hollanders, sending aid to the besiegers. The Archbishop of Leopoli [Lemberg] has passed, going to do homage to the Pope for the King of Poland, taking thirty-five horses as gifts to Pope and Cardinals.
Venice, May 19.—The 150 stradiotti [Greek soldiers] here, going into Lombardy against the bandits. Camillo Mattei, at request of Duke of Urbino, set free from prison and galleys to which condemned for being found with late Ludovico Orsino when there happened the affair at Padua. Cardinal of Padua has arrived from Rome. The Prince of Mantua's son christened; Duke of Sabionetta standing for the Emperor; the Cardinal of Verona and Bishop of Bressa for the Catholic King. Rout of the Spaniards near Grave confirmed; Marquis de Vico [Philipe Caracciolo] wounded.
Prague, May 6.—Duke of Savoy has sent to announce birth of his son; messenger going on to Innsbruck (Ispurgh), Bavaria, Gratz and Vienna. Report of death of Muscovite not believed. Nothing heard of change of religion in Saxony, nor any expected, as that Prince professes Lutheranism. By death of Imperial ambassador at Rome, his charge will fall to Cardinal Madruccio.
Endd. Italian. 9 pp. very closely written. [Newsletters XCV. 31.]
May 10. A note of “remembrances” from Auditor Hunt to Mr. Killigrew.
To set down perfect lists of officers' entertainments, numbers of men &c. Monthly musters to be made, and muster rolls properly signed. To know the times of entry of horse not mustered and foot come since his Excellency's arrival.
To call on the States for re-imbursement of moneys defrayed for them; on Sir John Norreys for his warrant for money claimed by him for the levy of his cornet of horse; on the treasurer to bring in his warrants and acquittances and on the under-treasurer to be in attendance at the dispatch of that account.
Endd. by Burghley with date. 1 p. [Holland VIII. 16.]
May 10. Sir Philip Sidney to Walsingham.
“I send this bearer unto you, I assure you, Sir, one of excellent skill proved by most notable cures he hath done. Yet would I not have him deal with you till he have made proof of others there; only I beseech you let him 'say [essay] his judgment thereof. He healed Roger Williams in three days, when for my part I thought he would have been dead in three days. He is an Anabaptist in religion, which is pity, for in conversation he is honest, yet still indeed I wish his hand and skill be first assayed with some other. I will now say no more but pray heartily for your long and happy life.”—Middelburg, 10 May, 1586.
Postscript.—“I am going to the camp, therefore if it please you to direct your letters to 'Arnam,' but now I remember me in some respects I had rather they ever took Flushing way, for thence they will come maidenly to me. I write sometimes of divers points whereof I have no answer, as touching coiners taken here, and one Amias of Lyme, who is the father of them all. The justice hath stayed these four or five months only upon that.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Ibid. VIII. 17.]
May 10/20. W. Bodenham to [Walsingham].
Stating that after long waiting for the resolution of the Prince, it was resolved that he should go over to the Lord Treasurer and his honour, but at the instant of his departure, some news came to the Court, whereupon he was commanded to repair to this town and await further order. Refers him to the bearer for further particulars “how all doth pass.”—Dunkirk, 20 May, 1586.
Add. Endd. “20 May, 1586, stilo novo.” ½ p. [Flanders I. 82.]


  • 1. Montségure surrendered on May 6–16.
  • 2. Qy. Aventajados; soldiers who have special pay.
  • 3. Bucentoro; the stately galley in which the Doge wedded the Adriatic on Ascension Day.