Elizabeth: April 1586, 26-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: April 1586, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp582-594 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1586, 26-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp582-594.

"Elizabeth: April 1586, 26-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp582-594.

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April 1586, 26–30

April 26./May 6. Chateauneuf to Walsingham.
I send you the extract of a letter written to me by M. de Villeroy, my brother-in-law, of which I spoke to you on Saturday, earnestly Praying (from my desire to maintain amity between the King and the Queen) that, together with the lords of the Council, you will take some order for these French merchants who are spoiled, especially for those of St. Jehan de Luz and of Toulouse, seeing that your English ships have been stayed there; and I wish to send so good an answer to the King that the matter may go no further, but that they may all be set free. I send you a memorial of the depredations of which complaints have come to me within this fortnight, and three or four of which call for speedy remedy, that the goods may not be sold.—London, 6 May, 1586.
Postscript in his own hand.—Her Majesty promised me on Saturday a passport for the six hackneys of Madame de Montmorency. The man is here and has been long waiting for it.
The extract above-mentioned.
We are waiting for what you write touching the depredations. Meanwhile letters have been sent to Bayonne to stay the English ships there, but without harming them until his Majesty gives further orders.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XV. 111.]
Memorial from the French ambassador to the Privy Council of depredations committed by the English upon French ships between 1584 (sic) and February, 1585[–6] on the following ships.
In 1575. The St. Jehan, belonging to one de Troyes, a merchant of Orleans. Taken to Dartmouth (Dertmue) stayed by the late Vice-Admiral Champernon and her cargo of salt sold. Note of proceedings. Letters of reprisal demanded. [Margin. On Dec. 9, 1575, order was taken for payment of the money proceeding from sale of the said to Jeffrey Priour, agent of the said merchant. If the money is not yet restored, action must be taken against the heirs of the said Champernon.]
July, 1584. The Lion d'or of Antwerp. Cargo of velvet, satin, leather &c., belonging to Blaise and Jehan Benoist, Robert du Chesne and other French merchants. Taken to the Isle of Wight. No restitution to be had from Sir George Carey, the governor. [Margin. In January, 1584[–5] order was taken for recovery and restitution of the goods to Anthoine Salmon and other agents of the said merchants, and there has been no complaint since.]
About the same time, a ship of Dieppe, called the Bon temps, laden with maniguettes (fn. 1) and elephants' tusks, belonging to Guillaume Adam of Dieppe, taken to the Isle of Wight, where Sir George Carey, before giving up the ship, made them pay him the fifth, and kept two pieces of artillery which he has never restored, and as to the goods, they were divided between Richard Witins of Portsmouth, Homs [sic] searcher of that place, Mr. Haley, vice-admiral of Purbeck, Hurandal de Wamue [? Weymouth], Mr. Deberys [?] and others, from whom the said Adam has never been able to regain anything, though the lords of the Council gave commission therefor, not finding anyone who was willing to put it in execution. [Margin. For this also, order was taken, in July 1584, for the restoration of the merchandise to the said Adam, by virtue of which he has received, in money and goods, a thousand crowns and more.]
Three or four months ago, a ship of Urrugne, near Bayonne, laden with cloth and silk goods, belonging to Pierre Disbuty, merchant of Bayonne, going out of the river of Nantes, was attacked by five English ships, who forced her to surrender, after killing the Master, took her to Pleuvec [qy. Purbeck], a port of England, and in the end the ship was discharged, the goods sold, and the mariners sent back to their country without a farthing. [Margin. M. de la Hilliére, governor of Bayonne, writes of this to the ambassador. No one has yet complained of this capture.]
At the same time there was taken in the harbour of Hampton, lying at anchor, the Susanne of Mechez sur Gironde, laden with Gascony wine for Mathurin Gaultier and Geoffrey Periere, of which complaint has already been made to the lords of the Council, who gave commission to the said Gaultier and Periere, with several letters from the Admiral of England, to recover the said wine, wherever it might be, and to apprehend the pirates who had taken it. Upon which commission, having recovered part of the wine in Cornwall, which one Fitzwilliam of Ratley had in his hands, [Margin. Fitzwilliams still has the wines and has offered them several times to the solicitor, who refuses to accept them] they were not able to enjoy even one hogshead, Sir John Gilbert and Seymour (Semer) saying that they were for provision of the Sieur de “Rally's” ships, [Margin. M. Raulegh will give satisfaction for them] and as to the others, before having them, they must pay the charges incurred in the salvage of the said ship, estimated at more than the principal, which is not fair, seeing that the said Seymour or his clerk, having the chief pirate in their hands, let him go free, [Margin. It is reasonable that the charges should be paid, seeing that is due, both by the laws of England and of France], and suffered all the furniture of the ship to be carried off, leaving it in such a state that it will cost more than a hundred pounds sterling to restore it to what it was when taken, without including another hundred spent in soliciting the matter. [Margin. The Sieur Seymour shall be cited to appear and reply, on condition that the parties give security to repay his expences if they do not prove their case.]
At the same time was taken a ship of Nantes, laden with wine from Gascony, going into Brittany for the use of the Duc de Mercœur. The ship and wines were carried into Cornwall, and there sold for the benefit of the pirates.
About three months since, there was taken a ship of Rouen, called Le heu barque—laden with wine from Orleans, belonging to Jacques Menant of Paris and going to Calais—by a flyboat of Flushing and taken to the port of Michelheven [qy. Meeching, i.e. Newhaven] in Sussex, part of the wine being stayed there, and the rest seized by one Yong. [Margin. The King writes of this to the Queen. The proprietors have had main levee [replevin] and are entirely satisfied.]
The ambassador being informed that a bark of Brittany, taken five or six months ago by the English, is now in this river, demands that she shall be stayed until her owners come to reclaim her. [Margin. Upon proofs made, and notice of the bark, the parties shall have a commission of stay and restitution.]
Also, in January last, there was taken by English vessels a ship of Fécamp (Fescan) in Normandy, named La Brave, M. Adam Mavissier the younger of Fécamp master, laden with Spainsh wine &c., belonging to Francois de Troyes, merchant of Orleans, and the Sieur de Bretigny. [Margin. His said Majesty writes of this to the ambassador. Restitution is already made.]
Also, in February last, there was taken by the English a bark of St. Malo, laden with wine from Xeres (Cherest) in Spain, divers other things and money, belonging to Thomas le Megre, Nicolas Vymont and other merchants of St. Malo, and brought into Cornwall. [Margin. The owners have had commission and letters of assistance for its restitution.]
For all which matters, the ambassador prays the lords of the Council to take order in conformity with the treaties between their Majesties, that justice may be done and restitution made.—London, 6 May, 1586.
Signed by the Ambassador and by Le Seuer. Endd. Fr.pp. [France XV. 112.]
April 26. Apostiles (by the Council) to the Earl of Leicester's requests [see p. 576 above].
1. Her Majesty to be moved therein.
2. All expedition shall be used to send over Sir William Pelham.
3. Letters to be written to Justices in the Isle of Ely, to aid Graye, the Earl's servant, to levy men.
4. They allow the act of the Council of State “there” for stay of traffic with Spain &c., and mean “to see the like restraint here.”
5. The Lord Treasurer to move her Majesty to send over treasure.
6. Their lordships wish there were as due execution of the restraints there as here.
7. His lordship to say what entertainment will be given to the herald and pursuivant and by whom, as her Majesty can “no way be drawn to yield to anything that may breed any new charge.”
8. Order is already taken in that behalf.
Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland VII. 111.]
April 26. The Queen to Leicester.
Rough draft, corrected by Walsingham, of the letter below.
Endd.pp. [Ibid. VII. 112.]
April 26. The Queen to Leicester.
“We found it very strange that having received three several letters from you, we heard nothing what had been done touching the matter of most special charge committed unto yourself and to our servant, Sir Thomas Heneage, concerning the qualification in point of title of your late accepted government, knowing how greatly it toucheth us in honour to have the same performed out of hand. And therefore finding there hath not been that due course of proceeding held in that behalf as we looked for, our pleasure is, all respects or conceits of danger laid aside, you shall presently enter into consultation with the Council of State there how the said qualification may be performed according to our meaning, with reservation notwithstanding of the authority already yielded unto you, carrying only the title of our lieutenantgeneral, as by our former letters we did signify unto you, which we do assure ourselves will serve as effectually for the redress of former abuses of government there and avoiding of confusion, as the continuance of the title of absolute governor.
“We are further to let you understand that we cannot but marvel greatly that there was stay made in the delivery of our letters to the States, seeing there was no order given, neither to yourself not to Sir Thomas Heneage for doing of the same; finding it very strange that ministers in matter of that moment should presume to do things of their own head without direction.
“We find also that Sir Thomas Heneage hath gone further in assuring the States that we would make no peace without their privity and assent than he had commission, for that our direction was, if our meaning had been well set down, and not mistaken by our secretary, that they should have been only let understand that in any treaty that might pass between us and Spain, they might be well assured we would have no less care of their safety than of our own.
“And so to conclude, our meaning is that our servant, Sir Thomas Heneage, shall not return unto us until such time as the said qualification shall be performed according to our desire; and for that we do most earnestly desire the speedy performance thereof, our pleasure is, you shall use all diligence therein, and advertise us often of you proceeding in that behalf.”
Minute. Endd. with date &c. 1½ pp. [Holland VII. 113.]
[The paragraph about Spain is quoted by Motley, i, 443.]
April 26. The Queen to Sir Thomas Heneage.
To the same effect as that to Leicester.
Minute, in Beale's hand. Endd. with date. 1¾ pp. [Ibid. VII. 114.]
[Printed in Leycester Correspondence from a copy by Heneage at the British Museum, dated April 27. On p. 241, l. 16, after “speech,” insert “delivered”; l. 18, for “and” read “as."]
April 26. Draft for the above letter with corrections and additions by Walsingham.
Endd. with date. 2¼ pp. [Ibid. VII. 115.]
April 26. R. Huddilston to [Burghley].
Thinks meet to impart to his lordship his “course” with the Lord General, both to avoid blame hereafter and that her Majesty may be less offended with the issuing of her treasure otherwise than she meant. Does not see how he can answer his lordship's expectation in husbanding it hereafter, unless the Earl will set down the list of her Majesty's companies, and only warrant the issuing of her money within the said list. Has shown him the letter from the lords, and presented him with the enclosed [see (2) below], but he has as yet given no resolution therein. Fears that by the time they have “ended,” their estate will oblige them to implore his lordship's aid.—Utrecht, 26 April, 1586.
Postscript.—Thought good to acquaint him with what the States owe her Majesty's treasure, and has given the Lord General another copy, which he promises “to call on with all earnestness.”
Add. Endd. by Burghley. 1 p. [Holland VII. 116.]
(1) Note of moneys due by the States. Total, 3,484l. 13s. Also imprests made to the voluntary companies in the States' pay. Total, 2,395l. 5s.
Endd. by Burghley. 2 pp. [Ibid. VII. 116a.]
(2) “Certain articles exhibited by her Majesty's treasurer at wars, to be determined by his Excellency for the better instruction of the said treasurer &c.,” viz., suggestions for drawing up the list mentioned in the letter above.
Endd. April 26. 1¼ pp. [Ibid. VII. 116b.]
April 27. Stafford to Walsingham.
Upon news received last Sunday, the sudden departure of Marshal Biron was resolved upon, to impeach the enterprises of Montpensier; sixty thousand crowns were borrowed in this town, and this morning he departed for Tours (Towers), where his forces have their rendezvous, “as the place nearest Montpensier, to have an eye to anything” he does. Artillery is being sent to Orleans, thence to go down the river to Tours. The King has dispatched Chemerault (Chemeraux) to Montpensier “to get him hither; offereth him the commandment over the army that he keepeth about his own person. . . .
“There came yesternight one from Montpensier to Soissons to make him to be in readiness, for presently he would execute his enterprises”; which makes me dispatch this bearer to hasten what you wrote of, for Soissons has no means to stir without it; for both Catholics and Protestants in Normandy, Picardy and Beauce wholly depend upon Montpensier's declaring, and upon Soissions to lead them, else they will not stir. “If there be not means found for that, and for the taking of the towns which Soissons hath in these parts, as I have written to you afore, enterprise [d] upon to divert the forces, now Biron is so near Montpensier, he is in hazard to be overthrown.” Let not slackness of time lose a matter of such importance; “for the passion of God, hasten it, for time over-slipped in his beginning is not to be gotten. The moneys lying here, there is no harm in it, for let my head answer for it if there by any delivered till Montpensier be declared to purpose.”
They of the League press the King to let them besiege Auxonne, which by the peace was put into their hands, “and they of the town put them out. I would to God the King would give them leave, for the town is strong and would consume some of them; besides, it would make them to call to help them which are not of their friends.
“They speak still of ambassadors coming hither out of Germany. I pray God they may do more good when they come than they of Denmark.”
Montpensier writes that he is assured of Saumur and Gergeaut for passage of Loire.—Paris, 27 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [France XV. 133.]
April 27. Stafford to Walsingham.
Even now the news is brought me that Bedosart [qy. Beaudesart], M. de Gourdan's nephew, and keeper of the citadel [at Calais] in reversion after him is come to town, and “assureth” that La Motte of Gravelines is preparing to besiege Ostend (Austend), with all the force they can make, and means to sink boats in the haven and lay platforms upon them for artillery, so that it will not be possible for any succour to come to it from England.
I pray you let me have direction how to deal in such things as I shall receive from my lord of Leicester and the States, and under what title; for I hear they mean to stay ships coming from those parts hither.—Paris, 27 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XV. 114.]
April 27. Huddilston to Walsingham.
Sends him certain points which he has lately presented to the Lord General, and prays him to urge his lordship to hold this course, or “otherwise” to advise him what way to take, and he will in all things follow his honour's directions. The time passes and the treasure is wasting, touching which his account shall speak for him. Beseeches his honour “to prepare her Majesty's favour” for relieving them in due time.—Utrecht, 27 April, 1586.
Add. Endd ¾ p. [Holland VII. 117.]
Copy of “Articles” as to Burghley, above.
Endd. “May 7” [n.s.]. 1¼ pp. [Ibid. VII. 117a.]
April 29./May 9. Champagney to Leicester.
Having informed the Countess of Aremberg of your kind message to me by John Gilles, an English merchant (who returned here a few days ago) that you desired to work for her with the Queen of England as regards the petition which the said Countess made to her Majesty by her letters, as I wrote to your Excellency, she has afresh desired that I should mention it to you, as you will see by what she replied to me in her own hand, which I send annexed to this, knowing how, like a generous knight, you have always honoured and courteously served ladies, and truly this Countess and the Landgravine her sister are worthy of your Excellency's kindness. And I being the servant of all three, am very glad to have a share in the work, and the more so that your Excellency may know that I have still the same desire to do you honour which you knew in me in England, and of which the said John Gilles has told me you still keep the memory; he visiting me and thanking me in your name for what I do here for the English nation. To which truly I desire to be able to show even more friendship, not being ever able to repay (as I have written to your Excellency) your particular favour to me and the graciousness of that Queen, hoping, by your and her goodness, still to enjoy both the one and the other, with the greatest possible reverence—her Majesty continuing in that intention as I hear from the merchants and those that come hither—and also that the good correspondence which as your Excellency knows I endeavoured when in England to bring about and preserve perfectly between these two crowns may still be confirmed; not being able to persuade myself, so far as we see, that there will arise any misunderstanding and recalling to mind the loving discourse which the Queen was pleased many times to hold with me, as also all the other princes and nobles of that realm. God grant that in this I may be as good a soothsayer as I desire, and that I may have opportunity to serve you.—Antwerp, 9 May, 1586.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley, “Champany to the Earl of Leicester, by de Loo, for the Countess of Arember.” Italian. 1 p. [Flanders I. 77.]
April 30. Leicester to Sir Robert Stapleton.
I have received your letters, and as your business is such as I know you cannot leave it without great hindrance to come hither, I would be loth you should do so—though otherwise I would be very glad of your coming—and especially as her Majesty was offended with your former coming, I would not in any wise you should come again without her licence and good will. I thank you nevertheless for your willingness and affection towards me.—Utrecht, last of April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland VII. 118.]
April 30./May 10. Lazaro Grimaldo to Horatio Palavicino.
Prince Doria has so far had no reply to what he wrote into Spain to the King his master and his ministers touching the design which I proposed to him by your order, but he is advised that his letters have arrived and believes that the answer will not be long delayed. When it comes I will give you notice of it, and I shall be glad if it brings something good; but shall not hope for it till I see it, for the mind of the King is much troubled by the great hurt done by Captain “Drack” in the island of Santo Domingo and elsewhere to the subjects of his Majesty, who, it is said, has commanded the preparation of a powerful army not only for defence but for offence. By nature this King is slow in his resolutions, but when he takes them in earnest. Not only in the kingdoms of Spain but in his other dominions there are making ready ships of war proper for sailing into the ocean. From Barcelona there are daily expected six galleys departed from thence, commanded by Signor Andrea, son of this prince, carrying 1,300,000 ducats or more, the greater part of which are to supply the needs of Flanders.
The name of this prince will be known to her Majesty, since the fame of his valour is not confined to narrow limits, and if the King should lend an ear to peace, I believe it will be received by no one more willingly than by him, he being (as I have before written) in very good esteem with his Majesty and deservedly so, as uniting in his person very rare and remarkable qualities; nor do I believe that there is any minister who surpasses him in authority and favour. More than once I have discussed this project with him and we have discoursed thereon, but until the answer is received from Spain, nothing material can be said.
I believe he has written again to his Majesty, since the receipt of the last letter from your honour, which I imparted to him, or if not, that he means to do so. When there is anything new, I shall have notice of it and will inform you thereof.
The negotiations in Constantinople, for letting a Turkish fleet pass this way, will not be favourable to the cause.
His Excellency believes that your honour will do the kind office which you promised, and is sure that some good result will be brought about by your means. For myself, I reply that I am not a high instrument for such great affairs as these, yet I shall not for this reason draw back from taking such part of the labour as shall be assigned to me, if it be judged that I can be of use in anything, for it seems to me that in this business is united the service of God, of Christendom and of the two princes.
There is, to my knowledge, no inclination to peace in Spain, and so far as I can discover, the mind of the King is much changed. On the other hand, he is very cool by nature and spirit and not inclined to apply himself to anything except the preservation of what is his own, and very determined to recover it, if taken from him. Cassandra [qy. the Duchess of Savoy], is well, save for the ordinary discomforts of her condition.—Genoa, 10 May, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 2 pp. [Germany, States IV. 40.]
April 30. The Magistrates And Sentate Of Hamburg to the Queen.
Enclosing a petition from Andrew Barnes (Berendes) senior, and his son Andrew Barnes junior, against their kinsman Daniel Barnes, at present residing in London. It appears that a partnership between Andrew junior and Daniel, entered into in 1582, was dissolved the next year, and that a balance due from Andrew to Daniel was paid to the latter's brother David.
As to the detention of three pieces of English cloth by Andrew which Daniel complains of, they were arrested in the ordinary course of law by permission of the prœtor, on the following grounds:— Daniel was in former years manager in London of the affairs of Andrew senior, and being fined for non-payment of full customs through his own fault, had the presumption to demand compensation for the fine from Andrew. The latter brought the dispute before the prœtor, and submitted the decision either to the arbitration of two or three honest men or to a legal trial before the Senate. On the other hand Daniel engaged not to annoy Andrew and his son anywhere outside the jurisdiction of the Senate and to be content to have all his actions tried by them. But in spite of this express promise, he is now intending to bring fresh proceedings in the King's Bench at London against Andrew junior, and to molest his person and goods in England. Her Majesty is therefore prayed to give order that Andrew may not, by the sinister practices of Daniel, be wrongfully molested or his goods put under arrest, but that the cause may be remitted to be ended before the Senate of Hamburg, where the suit was first commenced.—Prid. kalend. May, 1586.
Add. Endd. with heads of contents. Latin. 2½ pp. [Ibid. II. 43.]
Petition from Andrew Barnes junior, to the Magistrates and Senate of Hamburg, setting out at greater length the particulars mentioned above.—Hamburg, 18 April.
Add. Endd. Latin. 5½ pp. [Ibid. II. 43a.]
April. [Davision] to Randolph.
“I have spent the most of my time since my return as a prisoner in my poor house, by reason of cold taken on my way homewards, which hath made me as slothful to visit my friends abroad, as little attentive to the proceedings in the parts whence I came. And the rest of the time which my health would spare me to bestow in the Court hath been little enough to spend in excuse and defence of my lord of Leicester's accepting the government of those countries, not only (as it is said here) without her Majesty's privity, but against her express commandment, which as matters not a little aggrieved her to my lord's disad [torn] hath been the reason of all the late storms in civil things, at length appear well calmed and over blown, thinking by Sir Thomas Heneage's message, disavowing the Act, to have both sufficiently daunted my lord, saved her honour and satisfied her jealous and repining neighbours. And now content to give him contrary charge, to signify her consent to a provisional allowance and toleration of that is done, with a pretended willingness to back both my lord and the Act, howsoever this proceeding of this [sic] had otherwise distasted and offended her; and thus you see we are here no changelings. There is sent over unto him with this last messenger 24,000l. and direction given here for some new levies to supply our decayed bands there at her Majesty's pay; and leave for the transporting of other voluntaries taken up by commission from my lore, but alas it is carried to very little purpose. During these great storms here, our people on the other side have been reduced to some hard terms, and my lord put to his shifts [who how findeth the difference of sitting at the helm in a tempest, from a calm sea (fn. 2) ]. At Utrecht there hath been a late mutiny, about the releasement of a prisoner committed by my lord. The mutineers were Mr. John Norrys's own company-colonel, and Thomas Powle's, of whom there have been eleven or twelve condemned and three executed. The enemy lieth about Grave, which my lord hath a will to relieve. He hath drawn together three or four thousand English, Scots and others, which are marched thitherwards under the Count Hohlenloe and Mr. Norrys, whose success I suspect much. Sir Thomas Heneage is upon his return. Mr. Killigrew well, but weary of his carrying of himself. Sir William Pelham hath too little comfort here to make much haste over. Myself am preparing for a journey towards the Bath, for cure of an ache that hath continued in my knees since my last coming out of the parts where you are, and hope you shall find me here ready to welcome you home.”—At my poor house in London,—April, 1586.
Rough draft, much corrected. Name of writer and person addressed given in endorsement, but the former carefully obliterated. It is, however, in Davison's handwriting. 1 p. [Holland VII. 119.]
[April ?] Points put before his Excellency by the States of Holland and deputies from Zeeland, concerning the placcard of Navigation.
The chief points are given (in Dutch) in the margin, as follows:—Wherein the welfare of the land consists. Interdict of trade. Modification of the placcard desired. Touching goods in Spain. Foreign goods. Result of the placcard. Export of grain. Concerning ships' papers (see-brieven). Purchase or sale of ships. Export of herring. Placcard of navigation, in what manner (hoedannich). Concerning export of herring, butter and cheese. The dearth (dierte) of butter and cheese. Request of the States.
Dutch. 7½ pp. [Ibid. VII. 120.]
[April ?] A rate agreed upon by the Earl of Leicester and the Council at wars, for the entertainment of lancers, light horses and foot-bands, anno domini 1586, to be paid monthly. The “rate” for the lancers and light horses signed by Leicester, North, Sir Wm. Russell, Sir Philip Sidney, Lord Willoughby, Geo. Digby, John Norreys, Sir Wm. Stanley. That for the foot, by the same with the exception of Lord North.
Copy. 4 pp. [Holland VII. 121.]
April. J. H. to —.
“Right honourable, . . . although being absent yet not forgetful,” I give you some intelligence “of the state of things signified in these parts, which is daily looked for that pretence how to invade our country, making great provision in every place, being determined that as soon as troubles ended with the League of France, to make their journey for the west parts of England, as Mylford or Swansey, with the help of 'inccobertes' [qy. encubiertos, i.e. concealed] persons in these quarters. Here I remain at your honour's and my prince's commandment, which as occasion serveth, I will never neglect my duty.”—April, 1586.
Endd. “From J. H. at Venice.” 1 p. [Venice I. 21.]
[April ?] The Queen to [Count Edzard Of Embden].
When she heard of troubles arisen between the maritime people in Holland and West Friesland and his subjects, and they of Holland reported that he was “drawn in favour of the Spaniard” to use them and their conjurats with all favours and friendship, she did not give credit thereto, supposing otherwise of his wisdom, both from his former manner of government and his peaceful living with his neighbours, in respect of their afflictions and profession of religion “against the tyranny of the Pope, a common enemy to . . . all good Christians.”
Yet hearing such reports of his joining those who sought to conquer Holland and Zeeland, for remedy whereof, upon their pitiful complaints and for their just defence in their ancient liberties, she had yielded them some aid from England, under the conduct and government of her cousin the Earl of Leicester, she has thought good to command the said Earl to send her servant William Herle to him (who afore has been with him on her behalf), to make known to him the informations publicly given out against him and to require his answer thereunto.
She understands that this has been done; that the said Herle has received his answers, and advertised the Earl of the whole matter; and thereupon she manifestly sees (what she is very glad of), that Herle has affirmed most part of the reports against him to be false, and that they have arisen partly from “the light credit of some busy, unquiet persons, and partly of the Spanish practising to spread such things to their advantage and to the discomfort of the people of the Provinces United." As she doubts not but that the Earl will satisfy those of Holland and Friesland, and give order that there may be good amity betwixt them and the Count's subjects, so she has thought good to testify her great contentation to perceive how untrue the reports of him have been, and earnestly requires him to continue the former good intelligence betwixt herself and him, and not to be abused by the counsel of Spain, “who in all countries where they do prevail, seek nothing but their own greatness, . . . subduing all nations with tyranny and servitude,” for which reason only she has been move to give aid to the United Provinces to save and defend them against the tyranny of those who have spared no costs to subdue them, which if they could perform, it is certain they would prove dangerous to all near to them, whereof he and his countries would not fail to have manifest experience, though in the meantime they may abuse him with shows of favour. Hopes he will be wary thereof, to the conservation, and preservation of his estate in the liberty that belongs to a prince of the Empire.
Draft by Burghley. 4 pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns II. 44.]


  • 1. An African seed (Cardomomum majus), used as spice.
  • 2. Underlined, as if for deletion.