Elizabeth: April 1586, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: April 1586, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp554-566 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1586, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp554-566.

"Elizabeth: April 1586, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp554-566.

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April 1586, 16–20

April 16. Stafford to Walsingham.
Having but to-night received your dispatch sent by my servant Chambers, and finding the doubt you make of the Queen performing what you assured me of for Count Soissons and that cause, I dispatch this bearer with all diligence “to desire you to put her Majesty in remembrance of the importance of the cause for divers respects,” whereof the least is my[self ?] (fn. 1) if I were a private body, but being a public [servant ?] (fn. 1) of her Majesty, if she do not maintain the word given by me from her to those persons, confidence will be hardly given hereafter to anything from me, whereas, if it be kept, I may be able to serve her to some purpose. For my part, I am undone if it be not performed, “for the day being past that was promised and I receiving no news from you, and thing being desperate and all those that were kept in hope seeing they were not kept touch withal, were breaking off with Count Soissons, and he almost desperate. I found means, what with my wife's jewels that were left ungaged afore, that plate I had of mine own, that credit I had, which stretched farther than I thought it would have done . . . in four days to find six thousand four hundred crowns, which I have delivered Soissons to content the captains. so that all things yet are kept in the same terms they were in. Thanks be to God that the French King hath no moneys to set Biron out, which they hasten all that may be, and if afore his departure they be not satisfied of the rest, that which is given is lost too and all things come to no effect, which will be of no small importance and perchance as much as the coming of reiters, for their forces will be diverted by this, and God knoweth whether Montpensier, if be not kept touch withal by Soissons, will be drawn any other way, for he loveth to have promise kept with him, and is capricious enough if it be not. For God's sake, Sir, let us not for a trifle of nothing, of nine thousand pound or under, lose that that this opportunity giveth us. Besides, I can assure you one thing, that Cambray runneth in a great hazard, for he that is in it is greatly stomached, finding that Epernon's 'fetch' with the French King's consent, was but to leave those companies in it that were at their devotion and loved not him in it, to put him one day out by head and shoulders. He hath written to the King that he hath been dealt withal by the King of Spain, her Majesty, the King of Navarre and the Duke of Guise; that is he be used like an honest man he is his true and faithful subject, desireth not to be braved; but for all that, Epernon letteth not still to aggravate the King against him, and what desperateness ma bring, and considering the little he hath to take to in France, and what hope of goodness, of truth there is to be had of a bastard, I leave to you to judge. For my part I fear the King of Spain's dealing with him. If that be gone, and nothing to trouble him on this side, I fear the Queen's affairs will speed the worse in those parts. She may for a small thing . . . have somewhat enterprised in those parts, and put into their hands that she may stand in all points more assured of will serve her turn.”—16 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XV. 96.]
April 16. Stafford to Walsingham.
Recommending the bearer, “the faithfullest, honestest, secretest and painfullest man to do any service” that he has ever found on that side the sea. “And though he make not profession of the Religion, he is the best affected to serve all them of that side.”—Paris, 16 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. XV. 97.]
April 16/26 Ottywell Smyth to Stafford.
I thank you most humbly for your great paints in obtaining letters from the King for my delivery from prison. Yesterday there came a merchant of this town, “sometimes of the Religion, but now goeth to the mass, but in heart a Protestant and wisheth well to the Queen's Majesty.” Being in company of certain monks and friars, they told him secretly that they hoped the Queen of England would be shortly put to death, by poison or other means. They would not tell him by what means, but, as he thinks, by some papist priests that are to go into England. He willed me to give advertisement of the same, and I thought it my duty to tell your honour of it, leaving it to your good consideration.
All the Flemings here are arrested by the merchants, by permission of M. the Admiral, for payment of 40,000 crowns for French ships that have been taken by the Flemings.
An English bark here, laden for London, was stayed by a man whose ship was taken by English men of war, but now I think released “by the means of a piece of money that was given him; for here we can get no justice against no French men.” They threaten to arrest all our goods, for every day news comes that French ships be taken by English men; so we much fear our goods will be stayed, if other order be not taken. “As yet we have not caused the patent to be published that your honour did obtain for our free traffic and liberty of our consigns, but now it were needful to be proclaimed.”—Rouen, 26 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XV. 98.]
April 16. Dr. Thomas Doyley to Burghley.
I have received two of your letters, by Paulo Vicino [i.e. Pala-vicino] and by my cousin Edward Norreys, both very joyful to me as testifying your good liking of my slender service. As I see that mine of March 23 has not come to your hands, I “rip up the contents of them from the last of February. . . .
“The 1 of March his Excellency went to Leyden, and Sir Thomas Shirley for England. The 3 he went to Haarlem and the 5 was most honourably feasted.
“News came that Sir Philip Sydney's enterprise against Steen-bergen failed, having led a thousands men out of Berghes-op-Zoom for the execution thereof, notwithstanding that Monsieur Marbois, Captain of Wau Castle held his correspondency, and killed La Fergie, the Governor of Steenbergen, by training him to the Castle under pretence to resign it.
“The 6, Mr. William 'Hearls' came to Haarlem, supposed and given out by some as ambassador, and after reported and by letters from Emden enquired if he were not coming as ambassador thither.
“The 8 came Sir Thomas Henneage, Sir Philip Sydney, and Paulo Vicino. The 10 his Excellency was triumphantly received into Amsterdam, and the same day Paulo Vicino and Monsieur de Gitrey, agent for the King of Navarre, went towards Germany.
“The 14 came the brother of Schenk to advertise his Excellency that whereas the peasants in great troops put themselves in arms to beleaguer him [Schenk] in Werle, not being assured of the town for want of the castle, which held out against him, he put the burgers into the Stathouse, sallied out and slew many of them, and presently took the spoil of the town and left it, and retiring towards Neuss (Nyus), encountered seven companies of the Bishop of Liege, defeated them and carried five of their ensigns away.
“The 15 his Excellency was royally feasted in the Stathouse, where Mr. Coxe surnamed Lancaster [i.e. Lancaster herald] dined and supped at the Court, and going home to bed, died in the streets.
“The same day came lame Mr. Candish to the Court. The 17 his Excellency went a fishing in the Zuyder Zee, and the same evening in the same place there were five fishermen taken by some of the garrison of Steenwick, which put forth in paltry skutes.
“The 21 his Excellency went to Naerden, and the next day was very honourably received into Utrecht.
“The 29 there were three English mutineers executed for taking a prisoner by force from the Marshal, who had exhibited, contrary to martial law, a request to his Excellency for pay; and the same day Colonel Norreys did strike two of his soldiers for refusing to march without pay, and it was presently reported very constantly that he had slain two men and so told to his Excellency, and they were both as well as I am, I thank God, now. Also the clerk to the Grave van Hohenlo's horsemen was executed for having intelligence with the enemy for the betraying of Grave.
“The Earl of Essex was quartered with all our horsemen beyond Amersford, upon the Velue at Niekerken, where the boors slew some of our horsemen and they the boors in great disorder.
“About this time it was reported that the Elector of Saxony was dead, and some thought empoisoned. Also that the Spaniards had ransacked and burnt six villages of the Duke of Cleves, because he would not declare himself enemy against the Estates; where-upon he sent to his Excellency for a supply of victuals to furnish his own table.
“The 30 his Excellency made a sumptuous feast to the Grave van Meurs and to the Countess and Madam Villiers. About this time it was reported that Monsieur Baligny, base son to the Bishop of Monluc, (fn. 2) held the town for the King of Navarre.
“A Liegeois named Jehan Gentill came to the Princess of 'Cymay,' being at Utrecht, (fn. 3) and signified that he was hired by the Prince her husband to empoison her, and shewed her seven several sorts of poisons, and said that he was touched with remorse in conscience, and could not do it, and requested her address and help to be preferred to his Excellency's service, and further confessed that he served the Earl of Westmoreland.
“The 5 [April] Captain Carsey was sent with letters from Ostend to Utrecht to his Excellency, and was presently committed upon suspicion of treason to have treated with the enemy for the betraying of Ostend for fifteen thousand ducats, and so remaineth.
“About this time the Grave van Meurs drew sundry forces to surprise the skonce of Berrickhoft, accompanied with the Lord North, the Lord Willoughby and divers English gentlemen; but they returned with opinion that it was impregnable. It was one of the skonces that Mr. Norreys won and the Grave had lost not long after. Sure he is a man well affected to the cause, but of no great judgment, and of less direction. What else hath happened this month will appear by the draft of the most valiant encounter and honourable service which General Norreys had against the Spaniards—which I know to be right, for I drew it by conference with Mr. Norreys, with the trench master and the map, wherein also Captain Henry Norreys, Captain Burrowes, Captain Pettie, Captain Shave, Lieutenant Boys who was slain, and Lieutenant Jacson to [sic] the treasurer's company, served very bravely.
This night news is brought from Bommel that the stoccado is broken, and that there are sixty ships entered Grave to frunish them with such things they wanted, but there are no letters come thereof.
“Since my last letters dated the 23 of March I had ere this wrote to you honour, but that his Excellency sent me to General Norreys, Captain Burroughs and Captain Price, to Thiel (Tyel), and General Norreys is now at Utrecht, but the other to remain at Thiel, not able to remove so soon. Sir Thomas Hennidge, Dr. Clark the assistant in Council and Mr. Atie are shortly coming over.
“There was a very dangerous mutiny amongst our English men at Berges op Zoom, but it was happily appeased. They of Dort shrewdly mutinied and help the town gates shut up against the Estates, because of a new impost.
“Now that the wars begin, I shall have occasion to trouble your honour the oftener with our occurrents, wherein I will not fail to discharge my duty.”—Utrecht, 16 April, 1586.
Add. Endd.Mr. D. Doyley.” 2½ pp. [Holland VII. 98.]
A map of the Meuse, from Grave westward to the fortified mill “gained from the enemy on Easter Even,” with the places on its banks, and notes explaining the operations of Norreys and his troops. [Ibid. VII. 99.]
April 16. Col. John Norreys to Burghley.
Recommending the cases of Capt. Richard Wingfield (the bearer) and Capt. Randall, who at “the first placing of garrisons” were in her Majesty's pay and sent to Flushing, and continued in her pay until April 12, (fn. 4) when the lists being altered, they were put out, but had no knowledge of it for four months after, “nor ever any patent to come out of the said garrison, but there continued.” Now on the coming of the Treasurer, they have petitioned the Earl of Leicester that they may be paid as the rest of the garrison was; but he has referred them to the States, who say it is contrary to their contract with her Majesty to pay troops in garrison in one of her cautionary towns. So they and their companies, being a third part of the garrison of Flushing, are left without pay and ready to mutiny.
This gentleman (Wingfield) “was at her Majesty's pension in Ireland,” and left it to come over to do her further service, and although he can get nothing for his soldiers, of his own credit he has taken order for victualling them, that they may remain in good order until he returns.—The Hague, 16 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd.pp. [Holland VII. 100.]
April 16/26. Extract from the Register of the States General.
Upon the answer sent yesterday from the Council of State by the mouth of their agent Ranoet, concerning the remainders of Brabant, and confiscation of ecclesiastical and other goods;- viz. that they had resolved that the States General should enter into communication with them thereupon, and to that end, should appear in the Council in order to hold the said communication in the presence of his Excelency:— Resolved, that answer be given to the Council of State, that the States have declared their opinion concerning the above points in the last writing exhibited by them to the said Council, agreeably to the treaty made with her Majesty, and so are not bound to confirm or enlarge upon it. And if the Council desires on any other point to enter into communication with them, they beg that it may be done in writing, that they may inform themselves whether they be bound in the points or not, and so not vainly be troublesome to the said Council.
Copy. Certified by Aerssens. Dutch. 1½ pp. [Ibid. VII. 101.]
April 16/26. His Excellency having heard the report of the resolution taken by the States General on April 26, declares that nothing has been done by the Council of State but with his consent and knowledge, without it ever having been his intention to mix himself in or make any attempt upon the sovereignty of the country, save according to what has been conferred upon him by the said States. But in order to prevent all misunderstanding which might arise out of this, and as on April 22 the States General required from him a more ample declaration:— his Excellency finds it necessary to enter into communication with some deputies of the said States, to make a more ample overture of the said declaration, whereby the said deputies may more easily understand what they should have need to put before or propose to their principals; his Excellency finding it very advisable that the said recommendations should go forward as soon as possible, especially as he is daily worked upon by several individuals for the payment of divers great debts made for the succour of those of Brabant, the town of Antwerp and these United Provinces, which he would willingly see provided for by good order.
Copy. Fr. ¾ p. [Holland VII. 102.]
April 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
The Sieur de Bandini, one of the chiefest bankers here, whom I think your honour knows, being desirous to buy a couple of English geldings, has asked me to give this bearer a letter, and to be a mediator to you for the obtaining of a passport to transport them. He is “my very friend, unto whom I am much beholding, and from whom I have often very good advice, both for Italy, and sometimes of Spain.” I beseech you therefore, to do him that favour, which I am sure he will take very thankfully.—Paris, 17 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [France XV. 99.]
April 17. Leicester to Burghley.
“Lancaster the herald” that came over with him being dead, he has now no officer of arms of England; and therefore prays his lordship to send Somerset or some other, and also one of meaner degree; who will do service and also increase their skill by the Knowledge of the armories of these countries.—Utrecht, 17 April, 1586.
Signed. Endd. ½ p. [Holland VII. 103.]
Dorso. Notes by Burghley.
April 17/27. The Princess Of Chimay to Davison.
When you left, you did me the favour to promise to present to her Majesty the letters I wrote to you and to show her more amply what I had given you in a memoire.
I doubt not but that you have done so, but having up till now heard nothing, and the opportunity presenting itself of this bearer, son of the Pensioner Biese, my host [?], who, by the kindness of the Earl of Leicester, is now going over to study at Oxford, I desire to refresh your memory and to beg you to tell me whether her Majesty favourably received the offer of my service and my letters; and if she has been pleased to remember me to the Earl of Leicester, to whom I am already under great obigation for his kindness to me, I doubt not but that he will propose something for my relief.—Utrecht, 27 April, 1586. Signed, Marie de Brimeau.
Add. Fr.pp. [Ibid. VII. 104.]
April 18. M. De. Buzanval to Walsingham.
I send you what I have received from Paris, not to give you any news, but that you may see their opinion of our affairs. I have a petition to offer to you, which is that M. de “Palvezin” besought me at his departure to get the severity of the conditions with which what he carried was burdened, moderated by your means, assuring me that unless some modification of his articles was sent him, his journey might prove fruitless. I humbly pray you that by the dispatch you send him, he may be able more easily to go to work, seeing the necessity of the time and of affairs.
Yesterday a Breton arrived who says he has taken refuge here for religion; but one of this church having recognised him as a papist, he changed his tune, and said he had come away because he had committed a murder in Brittany. It is not known what is since become of him.—London, 18 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XV. 100.]
April 18. Lord North to Burghley.
Although this bearer, Sir William Russell can particularly inform you of the succour of Grave, yet you shall have a brief report of what passed there, as truly as I can.
“My lord sent Count Hollock and Mr. Norris with a thousand men to victual Grave if yet time, having long before put in readiness a great number of boats with great store of victual. The Count Hollock at his first coming charged a windmill which they had fortified, and was of importance. This he won in small time; they marched forward, and Mr. Norris took with him three hundred men only, leaving behind him the rest of the forces with Count Hollock. He found a platt of ground of advantage, by a ditch, and it had a water on the back side, which he thought to have been deeper than it proved. There he began to intrench himself, which the enemy espying, the Count Mansfelt came toward them with a thousand brave Spaniards, leaving behind him two thousand more; a mile off, the enemy gauged the water, and found it passable; they waded through breast high, and assaulted Mr. Norris in his trench, where there was a notable fight, valiantly defended of Mr. Norris and his few men, who, finding his force too weak to resist the enemy, sent with all speed for the greater forces. The enemy did so hotly assault him that he was driven to retreat to meet with the other forces. In this skirmish, before his retire, Mr. Norris was hurt in the breast with a pike, but not grievous. Mr. Borrough [was] shot in the hand with a musket, and doth lose his middle finger. Captain Price was shot in the thigh. After the overthrow, even upon the parting, Mr. Norris joining with the forces, notwithstanding his hurt, which, bled much, led his men and the [Count] Hollock's to the enemy, where they left him. This encounter was greedily sought, both of the Spaniards and our people; and was followed with such fury and courage on both sides, as the sharper encounter hath not been seen; where the Count Hollock's musketiers did noble service; of his sixty, there was thirty slain. The enemy fled; Count Hollock mounted on horseback, followed the chase, and is thought to have killed with his own hand, no fewer than twenty. The enemy made a stand, and began to turn head again upon us. Mr. Norris caused the retreat to be sounded, where our men retired apace. In this retire Mr. Norris, what with bleeding, fighting and labour, was at a point he 'could' no further; whom the Count Hollock found, and caused a man of his to light, set up Mr. Norris and his brother Henry upon horse, and so saved them both. There was slain, and since dead of their hurts six hundred, being all Spaniards, whereof many were persons of account. Mr. Norris after this victory retired to Utrecht to us, for better cure of his wound and conference with my lord. In the meanwhile the Count Hollock went to Batenburg Castle, which the enemy kept upon the river, and did much impeach the passage to Grave. He laid a battery to it which they abode until it was saultable, and then with condition of their lives, they yielded it up. There was in it seventeen Italians and many boors of the country. In this while God sent great store of rain, which did much further the cause. Your good lordship must know that upon the river near to Grave, the enemy hath two sconces, of each side the water one; and have builded a bridge over the river to stop the passage of anything to Grave, and also to pass from the one sconce to the other. With these great rains that came there was also a mighty tempest, so as the wind and the flood brake the bridge, insomuch as they themselves cannot come together. The Count Hollock would not adventure to pass between the sconces, though the bridge were broken, fearing lest the river was staked also, but devised with the Governor of Tiell to go to the river of Waal (Wall), upon the which Nimegen stands, willing him to cut that river short of Nimegen, and let it into the country; and he did cut the 'Mose' about Batenburg. These two rivers being let in did so drown the grounds about Grave, that the Count Hollock passed with boats the next way to Grave, not coming near any sconce, nor the enemy able to come near them without boats, which they had not. The Count himself went to Grave, and put in forty three great boats loaded with victual, and writeth that he will put in fifty[?] more; this good service the Count Hollock hath done, and thus God hath blessed my Lord's beginnings. It is victualled for one year as they say. Now the enemy must depart with dishonour, and that very great, or else bring the cannon to it, and there set up his rest. He can not be able to bring the cannon this six weeks unto it. It will be long before the water be gone, and very long before the ground be able to bear, it is so soaked; in which time I trust we shall be strong and have men enough to 'camp' with the Prince if he come. Thus I have too long with very trifles troubled you my good lord. . . .
“I hear that good Baron Flowerdew is dead, who was my deputy in the isle of Ely. My good lord, I have nothing in this world that you shall not command; wherefore I beseech your lordship bethink you of some of the coif fit to exercise that place, and I will approve your choice with all the favours I can possibly show. . . . If Judge Suite have health his nearness to the place would ease the country, or Serjeant Snagg, but I leave all to your lordship.
“It is said Sir Giles [Alington?] my neighbour cannot live. Oh that I might be so bound to your lordship as to have his ward; it would set me out of debt, and put me to live like a nobleman. Well, as your good lordship will. If it may not be, help me my noble good lord with the next good ward may fall in Suffolk or Cambridgeshire or elsewhere.”—Utrecht, 18 April.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. 2 pp. [Holland VII. 105.]
April 18/28. Diederich Van Snoy to Count Edzard of Embden.
Acknowledging his letter of April 11, but protesting against its unkindness, for which he has given no cause. As to Vinco Maninga, he has no part in the matter, and nothng either to gain or to lose, but as regards Hayo Maninga, he defends what he wrote in his last letter, which he considers should have had a more fair and gracious answer. And whereas his Highness declares that he does not consider himself bound to give an account to any of his subjects, noble or otherwise; but that if any believe themselves to have a claim upon him, it must be brought before the Emperor or his supreme Court (Kammersgericht): he begs respectfully to answer, that he has nothing to do with his Highness' government, nor has he ever been under his jurisdiction and rule; but makes complaint on behalf of his dear daughter, whose dowry has been forcibly taken from her and from Hayo Maninga; and on her account once again demands that his Highness will be graciously pleased to give up the lands which he has forcibly taken from the said Hayo Maninga, and of which for thirty years the said Hayo has had peaceful possession by good and just title. And if Hayo Maninga should bring an action in petitorio against his Highness in the Imperial High Court at Spier, for restitution of the said lands, he shall certainly support him: for he and other experienced persons judge it to be unchristian and unlawful that without any sentence from a judge, the said Hayo should be deprived of his possessions and his revenues, whereby martial law would be set up and highly pernicious consequences might arise, both in the Holy Empire and elsewhere. But as he and others desire nothing save speedy and fair justice and a righteous judgment, while they are ready to submit the business to a high court, yet in case his Highness is willing to stay the matter and not to drive them to great injury and irreparable undoing, they pray him to agree to an amicable compromise, whereby reasonable satisfaction may be given them.
If, however, his Highness will not agree to this, and proceeds to carry out the violent threats contained in his letter, he [Snoy] will appeal to those higher and mightier than himself [qy. the States General], by whose support he doubts not his daughter's rights will be defended.—Enchuysen, 28 April, stilo novo.
Copy. Endd. “Lettres du gouverneur Snoy au Comte d' Emden.” Germen. 2¼ pp. [Holland VII. 106.]
[Probably sent to Leicester with the letters of March 22 and April 11.]
April 18. Sophia, Queen Of Denmark to Queen Elizabeth.
Sends greetings by Chancellor Ramel, now going to her Majesty from the King, and recommends him to her favour.—Copenhagen (Hafina), 18 April, 1586.
Signed. Endd. Latin. 1 p. [Denmark I. 81.]
April 18 Frederick, King Of Denmark, to Queen Elizabeth.
Credentials for Henry Ramel, Chancellor for Foreign affairs, and Major-domo to his son Prince Christian, sent as ambassador to her Majesty.—Copenhagen, 18 April, 1586.
Signed. Latin. 1 p. Add. Endd. [Ibid. I. 82.]
April 18. Francesco Rizzo to Burghley.
According to the Sieur Horatio Palavicino's orders, he sends his lordship a letter he has had from Genoa, from Lazaro Grimaldo [wanting], concerning the design already mentioned to him. It his lordship has anything to send to his master, he has means of forwarding it.—London, 18 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. ½ p. [Germany, States IV. 32.]
April 18/28. Fabritio Palavicino to his brother Horatio Palavicino.
By his letter of March 17 and that of Signor Lazaro Grimaldo, his brother will have seen what they have negotiated with Prince Doria by his desire, and that the said Prince had written into Spain, to the King and to one of his ministers. When the Prince receives a reply, they will at once write by two different ways, as desired. At Present they have nothing of interest to report, except to say that of late, having visited the Prince for other matters, he told them that he could say nothing profitable about the design, not having had any reply from Spain, but that as soon as he received it, he would let them know it.
Will use all possible diligence in the business, according to his brother's desire and that he may be of service to her gracious Majesty.—Genoa, 28 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 2 pp. [Ibid. IV. 33.]
April 19. Stafford to Walsingham.
On behalf of Captain Mure, now returning into Scotland, whom he has always found a very honest gentleman. The man and his merits being already so well known to his honour he needs to say the less, but only prays that any good opinion already conceived of him may be augmented for the writer's sake.—Paris, 19 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [France XV. 101.]
April 19. Stafford to Walsingham.
On behalf of the Baron of Corstorphine, returning to Scotland through England, who desires to have access to her Majesty, to offer her his services. Has always found him an honest gentle-man, and very well affected to the Queen and State.—Paris, 19 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. XV. 102.]
April 19/29. Sir Philip Sidney to Thomas Mills.
Thanks him heartily for his letter and advertisements. Believes that my lord of Leicester has already answered the Master of Gray's letter, and the States have laid down a resolution for his coming hither, and money to be sent presently to him, for transporting his men. Has not been with his lordship of late, and knows of nothing determined to the contrary; but if he might, he would rather wish the Master of Gray, “if he have any other enterprise in hand, to go on with that first,” until matters “here” are better settled; for as they now stand, he cannot wish any friend whom he loves, as he has reason to love him to embark in them until they be assured of better “harbourage.” Leaves it to be told him by Mills rather than written by himself.—Flushing, 29 April, 1586.
Postscript in his own hand.—“You know it should evil become me to disgrace our own wars, but considering how we are backed, I rather wish some other than he found the hardness of it.”
Endd. “19 April, 1586.” (fn. 5) Add. to “Mr. Mills, with [Mr. R]andoll, ambassador in Scotland.” Injured by damp. Seal of arms. 1 p. [Holland VII. 107.]
April 20. Stafford to Walsingham.
This gentleman, the bearer [qy. Hamilton. See p. 567 below] has always been “so good a well-willer to our country and nation; so affectionate and in general so honest” that I beseech your honour to let him so much participate of your favours, that he may understand by them that his affection and good services are held in memory. I cannot commend him so amply as he merits, and therefore leave him in your honour's hands.—Paris, 20 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [France XV. 103.]


  • 1. The paper torn.
  • 2. i.e. Jean de montlue, Bishop of Valence and Die.
  • 3. Cf. Hist MSS. Commission: Report on the Ancaster MSS., p. 73.
  • 4. Query if a mistake for December 12.
  • 5. This endorsement seems to show that Sydney was dating new style. He always used foreign style for the year date, but his previous letters, of March 18 and 19, are endorsed as if old style as regards the day of the month, and are dated from Amsterdam. Leicester and his Court were at Amsterdam on these dates [o.s.], but not on March 8 and 9. His letter of April 15 is endorsed with that date, by the same (Walsingham's clerk who has altered it in this case.