Elizabeth: April 1586, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: April 1586, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp510-523 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1586, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp510-523.

"Elizabeth: April 1586, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp510-523.

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April 1586, 1–5

April 1. The Queen to the Earl Of Leicester.
It is always a hard bargain when both parties are losers, as now falls out between them. He is grieved at her displeasure, she is no less grieved that he, a creature of her own, who has received extraordinary favour, should give the world just cause to think that she is had in contempt by him. He must know that she has been provoked to so hard a course herein by an extraordinary cause, but as his grieved and wounded mind has more need of comfort than reproof, she forbears to dwell on the matter. Desires him to confer with Sir Thomas Heneage and such others as he thinks meet how the absolute title may be qualified in such sort that he may keep the same authority, “carrying the title” of lieutenant-governor of her forces, as is now yielded to him under that of an absolute governor. But if he finds that such a motion, at the present, would bring peril to the State, she is content that the government shall be continued for a time as now, until she hears from him how the desired qualification may be brought to pass, without “breeding any alteration” in those countries. If so, Sir Thomas Heneage is to tell the Council of State that for her love to them and her care to tell the Council of State that for her love to them and her care to do nothing that might work their peril, she is content to “leave” all respects of her own honour for the present, hoping that this consideration will draw them to devise a way to satisfy her in the point of qualification, while carrying that respect and regard to himself, her minister as may be for her honour, his comfort and their own benefit.—Manor of Greenwich, 1 April, 1586.
Copy. Endd.pp. [Holland VII. 75.]
[Printed in extenso in Leycester Correspondence, p. 209. Quoted by Motley, i, 434, as if part were in the B. M. copy and part amongst the State Papers; but all the copies are complete]
April [1]. Another copy of the same, with the day of the month omitted in the letter, but given in the endorsement.
2 pp. [Ibid. VII. 76.]
April 1. The Queen to Sir Thomas Heneage.
Expressing her approval of his proceedings, and of his stay in the execution of her commandment touching the revocation of her cousin the Earl of Leicester. She perceives that it might have wrought some dangerous alternation, who has always been as devoted to her service as ever sovereign found subject. Is well persuaded that his offence grew not from any evil meaning towards her, whose service she knows he prefers before his own life, and desires Heneage to labour by all means to comfort him, salve his wounded mind and repair his credit.
Givens her reasons (as to the States) for objecting to Leicester's assuming the absolute government, but leaves it to him, together with Heneage and such others as he shall chose, to take what resolution he thinks meet. Desires Heneage to remove all prejudices against him, and to assure the Council of State that they cannot better show their goodwill to her than by continuing their devotion towards the Earl.
Postscript.—Finds that it is “thrown abroad” that she has a secret intention of treating with the enemy, but wishes the States to be assured that her fortune is bound up with theirs and that she is resolved “to do nothing that may concern them without their own knowledge and good liking.”
Copy. Endd.pp. [Ibid. VII. 77.]
[Only a short abstract given here as it is set out almost at full length by Motley (i, 435–7 n).]
Another copy of the same, with a few corrections, which have been incorporated in the copy above. Day of the month given only in endorsement.
Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. VII. 78.]
Another copy, but without postscript.
Endd. “March, 1586.” 3½ pp. [Ibid. VII. 79.]
April 1. Walsingham to Heneage.
Has left the Earl of Leicester understand how kindly and friendly his honour has dealt with him, who (after God) may ascribe the comfortable dispatch he now receives to his “careful travail and endeavour.”
If the States cannot assent to the qualification desired, it would be well to move them to set down in writing the inconveniences likely to grow thereby, to be imparted to her Majesty. Wishes something could be done therein for her better satisfaction, but does not well see how it could be brought about without a General Assembly of the States, and has the less hope of it as they (in England) “have of late made a stay of the sending over both of men and money.” Thinks therefore that “some course may hereafter be better taken in it.”
Minute. Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland VII. 80.]
April 1. Leicester to Walsingham.
Recommending the bearer, Edward Pynchon, who is going into England, partly for his “sickliness” and partly because his mother has need of him. Commends his honest and gentlemanlike behaviour, and prays Walsingham to listen to “his reasonable request in the behalf of his mother,” who, since the death of her late husband, Mr. Wilson, has received no benefit of the thirds of his land. Her “son-in-law” is now come to his full age, and the matter is “depending” in his honour's hands.—Utrecht, 1 April, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. VII. 81.]
April [beginning of]. Segur Pardeilhan to Walsingham.
This is to tell you that M. de Quitry has arrived, after having been so long expected, and by no means with all that was promised. I am very sorry that the favour which the Queen of England does us (I believe willingly) has been so often demanded, so long retarded, and almost bought. But for the death of the Elector of Saxony, we should already have had ten times more from the Protestant princes than from those quarters. I hope we shall shortly receive it, for the Elector Christian is determined to finish what his late father so well began, and I trust very soon to see all good princes united for the preservation of the Church of God, as the Devil has united his own followers to harm us. And I declare to you that the first to feel the benefit of this union shall be (if I can do it) the Elector Truchsess and these poor countries of Holland and Zeeland, of which your Queen has taken the protection.—Frankfort,—April, 1586.
Postscript.—I have forgotten to tell you that M. de Beze and Jacobus Andreas met some days ago, to try to find means for bringing about an agreement between the churches of France and Germany. They staid five or six days at Monbeliart discoursing together with great moderation, and much good is hoped for from their conference.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Germany, States IV. 25.]
April 2. Andrea De Loo to M. De Champagney.
Seeing by your lordship's very welcome letter of the 30th of last month that Signor Carlo Lanfranchi had shown you what I told him of the report spread of you in this Court, I need make no further relation thereof, it sufficing me that by your letter I am confirmed in the opinion I have always had of your prudence, and in my belief that you would never do anything, by word or deed which was not worthy of you. But since we are all born to such condition ut omnibus telis fortunœ proposita sit vita nostra, it is well not to take account of the false, but to let God and nature work together with time to bring to light the truth. If I may give my opinion, I believe her Majesty will only have laughed when she heard it, she being a very intelligent princess and probably accustomed to such tricks from time to time.
To come to what is much more important; the accommodating of the division between this crown and that of Spain, I pray you to employ yourself by all the means you can to bring the matter to a good result. Signor Carlo having been pleased to write me his mind hereupon, I have embraced it with all my heart, and done what little was in my power here, encouraged by her Majesty's benignity and hearty inclination to obviate all the evils which might arise from these discords; believing that she might have been driven to some rupture, or to do what might offend the King of Spain, both an account of Don Bernardino, as also by the letters of reprisal, and lately by having sent her General with troops, as she announced openly in her Justification, to which I refer myself. Moreover she was graciously pleased to say to me by word of mouth that she did not mean to take anything from anybody, but, also on the other hand that she would not have wrong done to her; but by the stay of her subjects and their goods in Spain it was evident that he was making a fleet on all sides; also to see the Low Countries, being such near neighbours to her, full of foreign soldiers, gave her great cause of suspicion, and having been for so long continually petitioned for succour by the subjects of the said countries, she could hardly fail to give them proof that she said had a care of their safety, and consequently of her own preservation.
Now, seeing that her Majesty, both in public and in private has declared that it is not her desire to injure the King of Spain, or to do to others what she would not have done to herself; directing her proceedings to no other end than to have her subjected indemnified for the injuries received by the arrest of their persons and goods, and that the Low Countries may free themselves from the foreign troops, so that she might be the better assured from any trouble which might arise therefrom to her own kingdom, and that the subjects on both sides might have the mutual correspondence which they had in the past; —I see no difficulty in this matter, which might not easily be composed if the Catholic King would be pleased to declare by some act, public or otherwise that he means to maintain amity with the Queen, and by concluding a new treaty to make sure that she may live in peace in her realm. I hear from Signor Carlo that his Majesty has no other intention, although perhaps there are not wanting those who, without regard to the good either of the King or the generality, would hinder peace from being made; and the like, we may be sure, will happen with this princess, but she being constant and very prudent, and knowing human infirmities and passions, will not let herself be moved from her firm purpose of not taking up arms, if it be possible to remain at peace; seeing that I believe she will consider her age, and rather loves peace than war.
I cannot, however, deny that the Catholic King may not be in the same case, wherefore your lordship is prayed for the public good, of which I have always known you most desirous, to use your interest with his Highness to soothe the controversy, showing himself no less a lover of peace than valorous in arms, and he being able to do much with the King, as is also the Cardinal, your brother, I doubt not that when some sort of understanding is come to between them, there may be concluded, with reputation to both parties, what will be to the satisfaction both of the Queen and his Majesty, in whom may God please to inspire all good. For the love of God, my lord, procure that something may be written by his Highness to her Majesty without delay, there being matter enough to and spare for it, as I mentioned in my last to Signor Carlo; not knowing whether it will be judged fitting for me to resort thither as I desire, that we may at more length confer as to the method to be employed to bring our bark into a good heaven. Thanking your lordship amongst many other things for the kindness you have shown me, and praying you to attribute this letter to my goodwill and to pardon me where I may have erred.—London, 2 April, 1586.
Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 2 pp. [Flanders I. 70.]
April 2. Horatio Palavicino to Burghley.
Your lordship will excuse me if I do not reply to all that Mr. Secretary has written touching my charge, or send you a copy of the occurrences here, as the bearer does not give me time to do it. I pray you this time to satisfy yourself by hearing them from him. As to money, I have collected here about thirty thousand crowns, and have not got the rest, as I feel sure that I can have it when I like at any time; but truly, I have found it easier to do than I expected. For my servants there, if your lordship pleases, you may allow them to receive at three or four times, another four thousand pounds, which will be enough for their needs and to pay any letters of exchange given to these merchants, in divers places. The money meanwhile will remain here, well guarded in Shute's care, unless there is need to disburse it. But I fear I am too prolix, and much desire to have order from your side how to act.—Frankfort, 2 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1 p. [Germany, States IV. 26.]
April 2. Horatio Palavicino to Walsingham.
I wrote to you from Bremen by way of Hamburg, and from thence went with all the haste which these parts will allow to Cassel, but only reached it on the 26th of last month. There I remained till noon of the 18th, visiting that Landgrave, to whom I offered compliments on behalf of her Majesty, as I had been commanded, and informed him of that of which I was the bearer to Duke Casimir, declaring to him that—although her Majesty and the other princes well-affectioned to the common cause desired the action for the succour of the King of Navarre to be made by the consent and participation of all, and that therefore the agreement to which all these princes had been invited during Mr. Bodley's mission would be extremely useful— yet her Majesty wished to show by deeds and example her zeal for this public cause even to the neglect of her own particular needs which the charges of the war she has in hand daily bring upon her. Thus I spoke, but found that Prince in no very fitting state of mind, since he is somewhat out of order and had the day before, by advice of the doctors, begun to take medicine, and to curtail his diet, because of two serious ailments which trouble him. Wherefore he could hold no long or familiar discourse with me as he probably would have done, but caused me to be answered in writing; the sum of which is that he praises the care and piety of her Majesty, and, on his part, feels much grief at the troubles of France, for the soothing whereof the embassy had been resolved on by all these princes, which would already have started if the death of the Duke of Saxony had not delayed it, but that it would shortly set out, since the new Duke approved of his father's determination. That at the same time, a like embassy would be sent by the King of Denmark, and he hoped that if her Majesty would do the same on her part, so much the more easily there might be some good result therefrom. As to the Union of the princes, he seemed to think that matters were no more ripe for it than they were last year, and that it must be left to the operation of time. The rest of the writing consisted of thanks and compliments.
I arrived here on the last of last month, and as it was reported that Duke Casimir was making a progress, I have arranged, by means of M. Segur, for him to learn of my arrival and let me know when he wishes to hear me. Meanwhile I have asked the King of Navarre's agents, Segur, Clervant and Quitri to consider how the project of the levy may be carried out, and if I shall at once draw out in ready money the provision which I have made. They have earnestly desired me to give orders to have it got ready, and as I see that when the fair is over, there will be no means here for drawing any large sum, I have determined to have the most part ready, and in this have succeded very easily, so that there is gathered together about thirty thousand crowns. I have the most part ready, and in this have succeded very easily, so that there is gathered together about thirty thousand crowns. I have not cared to have more, being sure that I can get the rest when ever I please. These are in the good guardianship of William Shute, and when the ministers of Navarre are ready on their part, and the conditions of my instructions are fulfilled, I shall consent to pay it to them, and the rest as they shall give me notice.
The worst is that M. Martin is not returned from Guienne, and money matters with these Navarrese agents are very straitened, whence I doubt that I may be driven to stay here several months. when I have been with the Duke, I will give more certain information of all things than I can now do. Yet, I have gathered what you will see in the annexed paper, in which your prudent judgment will distinguish the good from the bad, and accept only what is worthy.—Frankfort, 2 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. Italian. 3 pp. [Germany, States IV. 27.]
April 2. Horatio Palavicino to Burghley.
I will now write what I did not think it safe to do from Holland. It seems to me that the Earl of Leicester, (fn. 1) having taken the entire government of Holland and Zeeland, which he does not intend by any means to give up, has on his hands a greater weight than his shoulders can carry; seeing that he has not men of such sort or so many as he has need of, either for war or for affairs of State. Holland and Zeeland. divided into divers factions and humours, will very soon grow weary, and there will be risk of some great disorder. The Queen ought quickly to get rid of both the weight and the expence, or else make use of the first opportunity for peace. Otherwise there can be no prosperity there. The Earl of Leicester's mind is greatly disturbed, both by reason of the message sent by the Signor Heneage (Ennige), and because he has learnt that M. de Chasteauneuf is treating for peace with the Queen by commission of the Sieur de Champagni; wherefore he fears that he may be thrown over, and condemned to pay the charges. You may be assured that neither the Earl or those with him will in any way consider the inclination of the Queen, but only what may be to the advantage of their own design.
Copy. Endd. by Burghley, with date. Italian. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 28.]
[Two copies on the same sheet. The first, in Palavicino's hand, appears to be the actual letter. The second is a decipher, with only a few of the proper names left in figures.]
Another copy of the same, with decipher (excepting of 66) interlined.
Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 29.]
April 2. Horatio Palavicino to Burghley.
In this private letter I will tell your lordship of the answer I have received from Genoa, from Signor Lazaro Grimaldo, who received my first letter of Jan. 9, and accordingly treated with Gio. Andrea Doria, who learned with pleasure that there was thought to be a good means for such a negotiation, and showed his desire for peace. And although, as always happens, there is a wish to hear and know further, yet the point is that he has written of it to the King of Spain and to a chief minister, whom I believe to be Cardinal Granvelle, with whom I know he is very intimate; so that by this time, the King of Spain no doubt has knowledge of it, and perhaps has already written what his intentions are. I consider that it is of the greatest consequence to prevent this King from discovering that the Queen has any design for peace, for it so, the business will droop and be made more difficult. It the practice of Champagni, of which I wrote from Bremen, be true, let your Excellency have regard to what is of most importance, and little by little reduce the matter to one point.
It is seen in many ways that the King will not be averse to peace, and that other things may determine him, for when I was with the Landgrave, he said to me, in regard to a certain point, that if the design were moved to the Emperor, it would certainly be favourably received. If the Queen shall continue to approve of it, I hope that her design will be easily carried out.
I beg that your lordship will very shortly write to me in what way I am to carry myself with Grimaldo as to those particulars which he asks, and if you will give me licence and power in a matter which is of importance and worth the trouble, I will endeavour to arrange that he shall come to talk with me in some place near to Italy, which I believe would be the quickest and best way to do good work in short time. Meanwhile, I have good means for writing, and will apply myself that he may often have news from me, and such as shall always favour our design. Your lordship on your side will instruct me.—Frankfort, 2 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1½ pp. [Germany States IV. 30.]
[The words printed in italics are in cipher, deciphered.]
April 4. Stafford to Walsingham.
The occurrents since my last are “that the King hath been counselled to send to 'Memorency' to get him to be a means to treat a peace; that charge is given to the Abbot of Julias, and Monsieur de Vérac (Verrac), who are already gone. Pinard was once named in Vérac's place; but they since changed their resolution.
“The King hath also resolved to send one to the Duke of Savoy (which is the Chevalier d'Albene) to get him to employ the credit he hath with Memorency (which is thought to be great) that he may the more willingly deal in the cause.
“There are three appointed to go into Germany to divert the coming of the reisters; La Fargis of Rambouillet goes to the Protestant Princes, Ste. Marie to the Emperor, and La Verriere (that was Governor of Metz) to the Ecclesiastical Princes, to get the one to stay from sending, and the other to hinder their coming.
“The marshal of Biron's going into Poitou is greatly hastened, but he himself is very unwilling, and desireth rather peace.
April 4. Copy of the above.
Endd. 2 pp. [France XV. 82.]
April 4. Srafford to Walsingham.
“In my other letter your honour may see what is happened since my last.
“The parties you wrote of expect greatly the performance of that you know of, which I have assured them, and they thereupon assured them they have to deal withal, and expect the performance of my promise by the day. Biron is greatly hastened, whereupon they must also hasten, for he being once gone all things will be precipitated. The Ambassador hath written hither that the Queen he is sure will be disposed to the peace whensoever the French King will desire it, and added withal she would be glad to hear of it, that she might have colour to send into Germany to stay her money; whereupon Villeroy sent presently the same night back again to continue the same with her Majesty by all means and to keep her in assurance of the French King's willingness to the peace, and to do what he could to procure the stay of the money. The French King in truth I think is very willing to it, but assure yourself that the Queen Mother and the Bishop of Glasgow will never but dally till necessity drive them, which in truth in the end will fall out; but that necessity, reiters coming must bring and nothing else.
“I am from day to day still assured that the Queen Mother will send for me about a request to her Majesty to deal for a peace, but I never hitherto heard of it. And it is but cunning to send me that, that I may write it, hoping that the Queen will believe it. . . . And I pray you, Sir, be not known that you know these things, nor that you receive anything from me of the Ambassador's dispatches, for he presently writeth it hither, and that he is betrayed, and Pinard's folks are called in question and suspicion for it. Pinard himself is not the worst man here, for he loveth not the Ambassador for Villeroy's sake, who countenanceth him, and between whom there is pique and jealousy. And one thing I can assure you, he is very evil affected to the League.
“Buzanval had almost marred the stay that I made with Count soissons and the assurance that I gave upon your last, by a letter he writ to one here, to bid him altogether to be out of hop; but I have had more credit than he at this time. I pray you, Sir, communicate nothing but their own causes to them, for they cannot well keep that secret. There hath been a packet surprised of Guitry's, wherein they have found the ground of all his negotiation with the Queen and what hath passed; but I can not come by the effect of it.
“As soon as the King cometh abroad I will deal with him about all things received from you in my last.
” I beseech your honour I may have direction from you what to do and how to carry myself with the ambassadors of Germany and Switzerland if they come.—Paris, 4th April, 1586.
Postscript.—“I beseech your honour send this letter herein enclosed to my lord of Leicester, who hath written very kindly to me, and desired me to write to him, which I will not fail to do, and will be as glad of his honourable favour as any man, and will not deserve the contrary.” I wrote to him that I have asked you to send him a cipher. I pray you send him the copy of that between you and me, as I have it almost without book; but if you think this not good, send him some other; and give me a copy of it. Also tell me what title to give him, for I would do him all the honour I could, yet do nothing her Majesty might blame me for. When the King comes a broad, I will deal with him about all he [Leicester] writ to me in the letter I sent you. I pray you let me know how her Majesty would have me deal hereafter in anything that comes from him or those parts.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XV. 83.]
April 4. Stafford to Walsingham.
I forgot to write in my other letters that Marshal Retz is going within two days to Brittany, where all their armed ships are appointed to meet. Their colour is to keep their merchants “in surety of traffic and from spoiling. . . . Every day there is swarms of men complaining that are spoiled . . . This matter of Damaskett of St. John de Luz that was spoiled by a man of Sir George Carey's breedeth a great dislike, and they still cast it in my teeth that upon my first request. . . . they made all English goods to be released” there, leaving reparation to my assurance that they should have justice in England. He is returned with a certificate form the ambassador that he could yet nothing but evil words, and says he fears to return.
Upon this, Villeroy ahs sent underhand to make them again stay the English goods there. I will speak to the King as soon as I can, and send you an ample despatch of it.
“If these colours for them to arm for their safety be not taken away, I am afraid. . . there may be worse matter attempted.”—Paris, 4 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XV. 84.]
April 4/14. Masino Del Bene to Walsingham.
The mock which the Spaniard has made of the ambassador and of me is very ridiculous, and I will leave it to that gentleman to give you particulars of it; only saying that I have never known any man in the world who had the parts which he has to deceive everyone who listens to him, if to this were joined a higher mind; but his is so vile that it could not be more so.
By this ordinary we learn that the Duke of Feria, governor of Naples, has made the ceremony of obedience to the new Pope on behalf of his King, with a speech in which praises of his master are not forgotten. If I can get it, I will send it you.
From thence it is written to me that the King of Spain had demanded 500,00 ducats of the Pope, and the Duke of Savoy 200,000, but he refused both, alleging that he could not do it without offending the [French] King, who likewise had applied to him for money and had been denied. It is said that he has made a bull by which he declares that the moneys which he has put into the Castle are what he has got from the Ecclesiastical States, and that he has put them their for the defence of the State; cursing any who should remove them or speak of doing so, for he seems, by this friar's trick (tratto fratesco), to be intent on accumulating money. The pretext of England and of Geneva has been employed, but neither one nor the other, it is believed, will induce him to disburse a penny; yet with all this, one must not fall asleep. His predecessor had refused more than three hundred petitions, all of which he has granted for a thousand crowns apiece, and in imitation of us, he sells offices and creates new ones, reduces his household and guard, and in every way he can, diminishes his expences and seeks to augment his revenues, temporal as well as spiritual.
In Dauphiny, La Vallette has retired into the garrisons, not being able to get food for his army in the open country; and it is feared that M. du Maine will be forced by the same cause to do the same thing. Already they say he has written hither to say that it was necessary to do so, but some evil tongues report that he does this from jealousy, because the King has sent some forces under Marshal d'Aumont towards Quercy and M. de Biron into Poitou, and he wished to be the only one with arms in his hands. And if he ahs to retire from thence, he will retire to Quercy, as well to hinder the said Marshal from going thither as also to approach Auvergne, where is the Queen of Navarre in some distress, in order to aid her. So it may be seen in what confusion we are!
The Swiss have ended their diet, in which those five [Catholic] cantons have much dissatisfied the others; it not being possible to get any decision from them, save that they will confer with the communes and after Easter will give their answer. They will not send anyone with the ambassadors who are coming here, although the other Catholics will send, but whether about the same matter as the Protestants, I do not know.—Pairs, 14 April, 1586.
Add. Endd. Italian. 3 pp. [France XV. 85.]
[About April 4.] Stafford to [Walsingham].
I am much ashamed that after commending a man as I have done the Spaniard, Doart, he is proved a cozening knave; but am somewhat comforted that the King and all here have been cozened as well as I and that he has drawn from them a great deal more than from me. He used the matter so cunningly between us, that his haunting of me made him more sought of them; and their seeking of him made me the more earnest to get him out of their hands. They would have given him what shipping he asked for, but he so “used the matter” that they believed his hope of getting more from me kept him back. At length, “finding him so hard to join with them . . . the King wrote to his ambassador in Spain to enquire what he was . . . and about a fortnight ago he had answer, a common 'rooger' about and a cozening merchant.” This I was told about twelve days ago, but thought it was only to put me out of opinion of him, or that they in Spain had purposely said it to the ambassador that they here might not employ him.
The knave was so cunning, that, hearing these things, he came and told me himself, mocking at the French curiosity and the Spanish cozening of them, and made show to be very glad of it, for her should live here the more safely and go away more easily when summoned into England. A cunninger man I never saw, “and wish with all my heart I had nothing left me to my shirt that I knew as much as he doth.”
After I had received your direction, I sent for him, showed him his passport, and said I would furnish him with what he wanted; that I would send Grimston with him, and procure his going away with all secrecy and surety. At this he changed countenance, but I took no notice of it, and desired him to bring the pilot to me whom he had “set down in his first request”.
He promised to go for him, asked for twenty-eight crowns to pay his charges at his lodgings, and said he would bring him to lodge in my house until he went away. this was on their Good Friday. Next Morning he came with “deep melancholy on his face” and told me that his pilot going to confession the last night, a Portugal friar had “beat it into him as matter of conscience not pardonable to go into England to do service to the Queen, being an heretic,” besides the damage it would be to his own country to conduct Englishmen “to find out the 'sweet' of that place.” He said he had locked the man in his chamber, and would “go tamper” with him again and bring him either to Mazin d'Albene's lodging or hither.
That night neither Mazin nor I heard anything, but next morning, their Easter Eve [April 5 n.s.] he came and brought a great thing rolled up like a card [i.e. chart], sealed at both ends, and told me it was the excellent “card” he had spoken to me of; that his pilot had hurt his foot and could not come out, therefore he desired me to send for Mazin, and that we and Grimston would come to his lodging to see him and his card, and “his rare instrument to take the height from the East to the West,” made by the notable pilots who discovered Nova Guinea, with whom he was at that discovery, and dying, he got this instrument; which for my part I think is like a philosopher's stone, that many have sought and none have found. But going out he met Mazin at the gate, and said that seeing he was here, we need not go to the lodging, but he would fetch the man. We waited above four hours and a half, but never saw him since.
After this he sent me a trunk and a couple of letters, to myself and Mazin, which I send you [wanting]. I did not fulfil his request, but wrote to him that it was not reason to send a man and a passport to one next door to me who would not come for further directions; but if he came, though without the pilot he might so satisfy me that I would do what he wished. But he would not come, and then he went away, and this bearer (to whom I have further particularities) says he is gone to Rouen. He still says he means to go into England, and though I do not believe it, I have told this bearer that if, passing through Rouen, he finds the man wishes to go with him, he is to take him, but not give him his passport, for I believe he only wishes to make his profit of it, “to show that he had been sought into England, to cozen somebody the better.”
I wish you had seen him, and if he go into England and [You] thought he might be used, “as badly as I have cause to conceive of him, I will bear as much as I said I would very willingly,” but do not let him come near her Majesty's person.
I have his trunk, which, with all that is in it, is not worth twenty crowns. If he go into England I will send it after him, and if not, what is in it shall be given to the poor. What he had of me is under a hundred crowns, which I freely forgive him, and am glad it is no more. He might have had five hundred if he had listed.
I pray you let my Lord Admiral and Mr. 'Raulye' see this letter. The money Mr. 'Ralye' sent, John de Cretz, your servant, shall bring back to him. I beseech you use this bearer according to the request I made in my last; which he should have carried, but had some occasion to stay here. [Undated.]
Holograph. Add. Endd. 4 pp. [France XV. 86.]
April 4/14. News from Paris.
Paper endorsed “French advertisements of the 10 [sic, should be 4] and 14 of April, 1586, stilo novo,” being notes from Masino del Bene's letters of those dates. In the passage concerning the King of Spain's request for money, the translator has mistaken the sense (see p. 520 above), rendering it that the King of Spain had tried to borrow from the Pope and the Duke of Savoy, but that both had excused themselves as they had already denied the King of France.
[Newsletters IX. 27.]
April 5/15. M. Pinart to M. De Preaux, Secretary to the King's Chamber.
Has not wished to let this opportunity pass without sending a word to say that he will always do whatever he can for M. de Preaux's affairs, but fears that what he writes of cannot be managed.
He always recommends the said affairs to M. Lamberti (?), who has promised to do all he can.—Paris, 15 April, 1586.
Holograph. Add. Fr. 1 p. [France XV. 87.]


  • 1. The symbol 66 (standing for “munition of war” in the key to Palavicino's cipher amongst the State Papers) is used in error instead of 67. Burghley has written over it ”cosi di Ingelteraa,' but crossed it out.