Elizabeth: February 1586, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: February 1586, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp388-394 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1586, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp388-394.

"Elizabeth: February 1586, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp388-394.

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February 1586, 21–25

Feb. 21./March 3. Fremin to Walsingham.
In behalf of Captain Hallaet, lately his lieutenant, who has married a young lady of Brussels and quitted his martial duties in consequence of the ill order in these parts and the little gratitude shown to strangers. He has determined to take his family to London and begs for a few words to his honour, in order to obtain a letter from him, recommending him to the Mayor and “echevins” there. As all refugees for religion are particularly indebted to his honour, he makes bold to prefer Captain Hallaet's request, who is an honest man and a good soldier. He is a native of Dieppe, but cannot live there because of his religion. He will report all that has happened in these parts. At Wauw there has been nothing of importance.—Castle of Wauw, 3 March, 1586, stile nouveau.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland VI. 126.]
Feb. 21. Huddilston to Burghley.
I hope the Auditor has confirmed what I told you of the state of my account. By it you would see how small a sum remained in my hand for any further charge.
Since which time, besides sundry imprests by his Excellency's warrant to the sum of 1,600l., I have received warrant from him to make a month's pay more to the companies of Holland and Guelderland, stretching to the 12th of January. And at my coming away, he gave me warrant to pay the garrisons of Brill, Flushing, Bergen, and Ostend, so many as are in her Majesty's pay, until the 12th of February. This I cannot do till further supply come out of England.
The deputies of the States, “although I have wearied myself, both body and spirit, to attend and solicit them” have not yet repaid that disbursed for them, either in England or on this side. And where by warrant of the Council, I had, ere coming out of England, disbursed 891l. for the levy and transport of 1,000 pioneers, as I have showed them, yet they have only allowed six guilder the man, and so brought it down to 600l. I see no remedy but that her Majesty must stand charged with 291l. for pioneers sent over for their service. And for that and the rest they owe, they have obtained three months' time from his Excellency to bring it in, wherein I expect no better performance than I have found heretofore.
In coming from Holland, we stayed a night at the Brill, and were honourably entertained by the governor, “who doth well with all his garrison.” They there call for money, which as soon as my man returns from Guelderland, I will send them without delay until the 12th of this month, “for so far stretcheth my warrant,” but I shall have to bring her Majesty into the charge of some small interest.
The soldiers are nowhere in better state than in convenient, but at Bergen and Ostend they are in great want of necessaries and I have been much urged to relieve them. Flushing is paid till Feb. 12, “yet they call for money as forwardly as those that are in worse state.” Brill is the best accommodated, as they have good credit in the place, yet if I thought it stood with your liking, “they should be no more so long behind, though I did adventure before my warrant.” The money taken up for these things will be no more than is needful “to keep the soldiers in breath,” till the coming of the treasure. [Shows that it is cheaper to take it up by interest than by exchange.]
I trust I shall not have to wait long, for as time is passing the charges are increasing.
I think his Excellency is gone to Amsterdam, where it is said there is a mint erecting for coinage of divers species, and amongst the rest, for the double rose nobles. This is the very way “to pull them down to their just value, wherein I will undertake her Majesty shall be a far greater loser than he a gainer.” I have this from the best opinions on this side, but I pray you “that I be not [known as] the author of this, lest it bring a greater burden on me than I am able to bear, for . . . I am no more acceptable to him in this place than I must needs”; yet I will always server her Majesty as carefully and loyally, and perhaps as effectually, as any he could wish in my place.
I pray “that I may from time to time receive your mislike of any action of mine,” to serve as caution for the time following, and also such further directions “as shall best like your honour,” by which to frame my course.—Middelburg, 21 February, 1585.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holland VI. 127.]
Feb. 23. Huddilston to Walsingham.
To the same effect as that to Burghley of Feb. 21. In regard to the coinage of rose nobles at Amsterdam, after saying that it will pull down the price, he adds:—“Which once done, it is impossible to raise them again, and so her Majesty shall lose a great yearly benefit; besides the laud and honour is sending over so great a mass of fine gold, coined in our country, wherewith so many strangers are so greatly enamoured as they have our country in much greater reputation for it. Your honour may think me the more vehement in this because it may some way concern myself. Homo sum, humani a me nihil alienum puto.—Middelburg, 23 February, 1585.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. VI. 128.]
Feb. 24./March 6. Masino del Bene to Walsingham.
A friend in Italy writes to me that one Luigi da Dovara has arrived there from Spain, whom I know to be a servant of that King, by whom he is much valued; and my friend says he is believed to be sent to urge on the league with which you have been so long menaced. I do not know how that may be, but I say that they could never have a more convenient time to work it than now.
But there are many things by means of which we may be able easily to avert our ruin, and I am infinitely vexed that her Majesty has not resolved to send for this Spaniard, as I am assured that, you being a prudent man, would gain from him some notable services. Therefore you should take some trouble that her Majesty may summon him, and allow him to say to the King, Don Antonio, whatever she wishes. You may believe me that the man knows much, and even if he were a rascal, I do not believe that in that island or on one of their ships he could do any harm. Prudent persons, with the practice they have in maritime affairs could hardly be deceived, but may easily make use of a man like this. Your honour may take this to heart, and assure yourself either that I am very blind or that you will receive satisfaction and your mistress be well pleased.
In Spain (by what is said here) they are vigorously raising a fleet. It would be well that Drake should be advertised thereof. In any case the sea is large. May God guard and preserve him.
For a month I have been ill, and have not left the house, nor should I have done if I had been well, seeing no hope (?) of being free from the present ills and the future poverty with which I am menaced; all the little that I possess being in Paris, which I cannot get paid while these troubles last.—Paris, 6 March, 1586.
Add. Endd. “1585, March 6. Capt. Masino del Bene.” Italian. 2 pp. [France XV. 36.]
Feb. 24./March 6. Carlo Lanfranchi to Andrea de Loo.
I wrote last by Gian Thomaso, my boy, and told you how I had been holding converse with M. de Champagni, to find means to obviate the great evil which is evidently approaching in these states and countries, as also for that kingdom, and that I found the said M. Champagni much disposed to do all that in him lay; but that being detested by the Spaniards for what happened at the time of the sack [of Antwerp] he could not without good occasion intermeddle in it; and this occasion might come by two means; the one by contriving some plan for the Earl of Leicester and Champagni to write to each other, which might easily be done; the other that by means of some merchant under cover of a merchantile transaction, there should be a way of sending the letters; which being arranged, the said Champagni would willingly do his part, by means of Cardinal Granvelle his brother, who has great influence with the King. I told you also that it was certain his Highness is much inclined to do service to that Queen, and that if opportunity should arise, he would not fail to use his interest with his Majesty, that it might not come to this war.
Now I have discoursed with him thereupon, and he has said that as Captain-General of his Majesty, he cannot of himself in regard to the dignity of his King, seek an accord; but, if by the means of that Queen he might have the least opportunity, he would willingly take part therein provided there should be no treaty of Religion; that of this there world be no need to treat, since, besides that the King professes himself the chief upholder of the Catholic faith, the Queen has no right to wish to constrain him to that to which she herself would not wish to be constrained by others; God commanding all to do to their neighbour as they wish to be done to. As to the safety of her Majesty's kingdom, I believe that the King and the nobles of these countries would give their word, and I also believe that the withdrawal of the Spanish soldiers might be obtained; and as to the money which is due to the Queen, there should be no neglect in endeavouring to bring about that the States should be satisfied.
As you have already done so much good in regard to that gentleman, your friend, you will be pleased to say from me that he is prayed, with all possible secrecy, since he is on such intimate terms with her Majesty, [to show her] if she loves peace and friendship between her kingdom and these countries, that, since there has happened the affair of Don Bernardino (although I believe she had all the reasons in the world for it) it will be needful that of her clemency she should arrange for letters to pass between my lord of Leicester and M. de Champagni, which is easy, either by means of the demanding of prisoners or anything else; for if Champagni may have the least reason for it, most certainly both he and the Cardinal Granvelle will employ themselves to extinguish this fire, and the Prince of Parma also, who I know desires nothing else, and if his honour allowed, I assure myself that he would employ himself very willingly. But from the station he holds in regard to that King, he cannot speak of it without cause given him.
If then it would please that good lord to arrange that the Queen, by means of my lord of Leicester, might get into touch with M. de Champagni, in so doing, she might be assured that all would employ themselves to put out this furious fire which is preparing the destruction of Christendom, and since so small a thing would serve to extinguish it, it would be good to do it, seeing that the war does little for the King and less for that Queen. Without giving some little opening there, I do not see a chance of doing anything. But it is certain that if she will act, and any small occasion should arise to treat, matters will come to a good conclusion; because I know the King will not wish to enter into this war if he is not forced to it. I hope in God that if you and your friend will treat of it with the Queen, and put before her the great good it will do her to extinguish this hot fire, which you will do most prudently, some good expedient may by God's grace be found.
There has passed by here an English captain, and it appears that he is gone to Brussels, but what he brought I know not. I know well that there will be more honour and reputation for her Majesty if the negotiation passes through the hands of M. de Champagni than by others, seeing the favour of his brother, the Cardinal, who is greatly esteemed by the King. However it may be done, I shall expect that by way of Calais or Rouen (by either of which letters come safely) you will be pleased to let me know what you do. —Antwerp, 6 March, 1586.
Copy. Endd. Italian. 1½ pp. [Flanders I. 62.]
Feb. 25./March 7. Mauvissière to Burghley.
I can have no greater pleasure than to maintain myself in your good graces, and offer you my service, who have shown me so many kindnesses during my too long sojourn in your kingdom, where I have been as useless to do anything of importance as I find myself astonished on my return to France by the grant change there is in everything. The best thing I see here is that the King is very well, and desirous to continue in good amity with your Queen, wherein I have not failed to do all good offices possible.
Some honest merchants of this town have asked me to lend them the bearer to go to seek justice for what has been taken from them; wherein you were very favourable to them before my departure from England. Since then, other merchandise has been taken from them, whereby they would suffer great loss if restitution were not made. I pray you to give them your help, and to command me as one of your children, and I will never fail to honour and to serve you with all my power.—Paris, 7 March. 1586.
Postscript.—I have charged the bearer with a little stick, made in my house, which I beg you to accept for use in walking about your house of Thuballe [Theobalds], still having a lively sense of the good cheer which I have enjoyed there. I beg you to keep me in her Majesty's good graces. My wife and I and her little daughter all greet Madame and the Countess.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [France XV. 37.]
Feb. 25. Sir William Stanley to Burghley.
Has been prevented from writing earlier, by his Excellency employing him abroad, to view the English garrisons. Prays for his “honour's” continued favour, and that her Majesty may know he craves nothing more than that his loyal service may be acceptable to her.—The Hague, 25 February, 1586. [Style doubtful.]
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland VI. 129.]
Feb. 25. Walsingham to Davison.
Mr. Heneage writes “that he cannot yet receive any information from you who be the States, which he thinketh will be a great maim unto him in his negotiation. I have told him that is an assembly much like that of our burgesses that represent the state, and that my lord of Leicester may deliver his letters and message; but that will not satisfy him”; therefore pray set down what you can for his instruction in the matter and let me have it with speed.—Greenwich, 25 February, 1585.
Signed, Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. VI. 130.]
[Feb. 25?] The Council of State of the United Provinces.
“The names of Councillors of Estate in the Low Countries.”
Governors of provinces.
Holland and Zeeland. Count Maurice; young.
Gueldres and Utrecht. Count Neuenaar both well-affected gentlemen.
Frise. Count William of Nassau Councillors.
Holland. [Sr. de] Brederode, an ancient gentleman, well-affected to this crown.
Loyse [van Loozen], an advocate, wise and well-affected to the present course.
Bordesius [Bardesius or Bardesen], burgomaster of Amsterdam; well-affected.
Zeeland. Valk [Valcke], a lawyer, well affected; a late commissioner here.
Taling [Teelinck], skilful in matters of finances and well-affected.
Gueldres. Leoninus, chancellor of Gueldres; a great learned man and a good patriot.
One unnamed.
Utrecht. P. Buys, an advocate; one of the best-affected to this crown.
Flanders. Medkerk [Meetkerke], a learned and an honest gent; heretofore suspected to be inclined to France.
Frise. Two yet unnamed.
Endd. with date. 1 p. [Holland VI. 131.]
[Sent by Davison to Walsingham.]