Elizabeth: February 1586, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: February 1586, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp368-380 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1586, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp368-380.

"Elizabeth: February 1586, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp368-380.

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February 1586, 11–15

Feb. 11. Andrea de Loo to Burghley.
By the copy of my answer to Signor Carlo, which I send with this [see p. 357 above] you will see the small satisfaction given me by his last, by no means conformable to the good intention which he spoke of in his first; I consider that he gives me just cause to be annoyed and to feel myself aggrieved by his failure in what he wrote to me that he meant to do; which touches my honour, I having (by your favour) made her Majesty acquainted therewith.
If, by his other letters (which he says he has written by way of Dunkirk) he does not give me better satisfaction, I shall take the occasion which I have of some other business, to go over as soon as possible myself to Antwerp, that I may by word of mouth learn from the said Signor Carlo what has been his ground for putting before me such a business, and get to the bottom of the whole matter. And likewise speak with M. de Champagny, without whose knowledge I do not believe that the other would have meddled in the matter (unless I greatly deceive myself) and see whether truly there is a real inclination, without any dissimulation, to enter into some sincere communication; not letting anyone in the would know except the said Signor Carlo why I have come thither. And in this way I shall clear up matters both with one and the other, and then be able either to go on to make progress with the treaty or to leave it; being sure that M. de Champagny will discover his mind to me, from the affection which, from the time when he was here he has always borne me; promising your lordship that in all things I will walk in a straight path, and being more than assured that if anything can be done there with the King of Spain, your lordship will not fail effectually to use all good offices here with her Majesty to remove any scruples or obstacles which there may be to prevent the composing of the controversies, and to bring back these two Crowns to their ancient alliance; being greatly comforted by what you said to me yesterday on the matter of religion and that her Majesty seeks nothing but the pacification of the afflicted Netherlands.—London, 11 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. 1¼ pp. [Flanders I. 58.]
Feb. 12. Stafford to Burghley.
This bearer's trustiness and sufficient report will prevent my troubling your lordship with a long letter. He can tell you that till yesterday I could get no audience of the King, he having been shut up and not seen till then.
I have yet had only his accustomed answer; that he desires me “to have patience to take counsel,” that within a day or two he will answer me, and in the meantime, will do all he can to pleasure her Majesty, to whom (he saith) he carries a marvellous good will. If he do not as he should, the fault is not in my plain dealing, “and laying all the reasons afore him, according to your direction, that may move him to it. I pray God they prove sown in a fruitful ground.”
The rest of what passes here, and the recommending my own service to your lordship, I have committed to the bearer.—Paris, 12 (?) February, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. with this date by Burghley, though in the letter it would appear rather to be V or VI. 1 p. [France XV. 29.]
Feb. 12. Leicester to Burghley.
I wrote lately in answer to yours ” touching licence for Sims to pass this country with armour &c. He hath already leave to pass his match, and so he shall have for armour. But I would have your lordship understand that these men deal but hardly with you there. The corslet, which we may buy here for 18s. sterling they will make you pay there for it 28 or 30s. And the lance's armour, fair and of pistol proof, to be bought here for 33 or 34s., they will make you pay for it there, 60s. or 4l.
“They have used me here but meanly, for knowing that I was to arm my men, they have on the sudden, since my coming over, engrossed almost all the armours in these countries, and made them far dearer than otherwise they would have been. But if your lordship would, after our men are armed here (which will be now forthwith), send some skilful honest man to drive a price with the workmen, delivering some money beforehand, there would be had store, very good and good cheap, and yet allowing the merchant or buyer three or four shillings upon an armour.”—The Hague, 12 February, 1585.
Postscript in his own hand.—In a letter of mine from Dort, about the 21st of December, I mentioned a matter to you at the request of one M. de Meux, the bailly there, a very honest gentleman and of good credit, the best able man, as he is one of the most willing, to do her Majesty service; for that town is marvellously well-furnished with mariners, and no man is better able to command them than he is. His only son has been taken by the enemy, who “for displeasure to the father will set him almost at no ransom.” Hearing that Cubiaur (Seburo), the Spaniard, was to be enlarged for some other prisoners, he besought her Majesty “to let him have Seburo to answer his son, and though he desired him not gratis, yet I wish, for such a man as this is, her Majesty bestowed a better man than Seburo upon him, and yet I think he would help both this man and some other at Dunkirk too,” and by it her Majesty would gratify the whole country, and much further my poor credit.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland VI. 115.]
Feb. 12. [de Loo to Lanfranchi.]
After writing briefly to you by my last, your others not having appeared, I must tell you that I am ill-satisfied, because you have not sent the letter for her Majesty, both our honour and credit being at stake, (although there has been no fault on my part) as I had given her to understand that you would write to her and she being as graciously satisfied therewith as you could wish; assuring you that if I were not hindered at present by the despatching of the ship Balanzara, I should have started off at once to find you, and hear from your own mouth upon what grounds you have moved me in this business, these being, as you know, no matters to joke about, so that I will never believe that you have imprudently gone about to propose what you have neither the will nor the power to perform, and so put me quite to confusion, not knowing what to say to this my gracious lord, by the contrariety of what you now write to me, to the matter in your first letter; and it seems to me that it ought to have been enough that I said to you, on behalf of her Majesty, that she was willing to lend an ear to any fair agreement and that she does not seek to do any wrong to, or to take anything away from the King of Spain; but only to pacify the Netherlands and to remain in friendship with him. Knowing certainly that this is her mind, what more do you desire?
And as to what you say of religion, you need not give yourself any uneasiness, for it will be found that her Majesty will not wish to do to others what she would not have them do to herself. Therefore if there is an inclination to hold communication together, you should lose no time in making a beginning, or if it seems to you well for me to come thither, I will do so willingly, provided that you give me assurance that I can do so to some good purpose; and when I have discoursed with M. de Champagny, and told him my mind (which he can then refer to the Prince if he thinks well) I believe I can satisfy him and take away any scruple which might hinder his going forward in this business. And truly, as I should be very glad for us to hear each other by word of mouth, when the above-mentioned ship is despatched, I can easily decide to cross the sea from zeal to the public good, as soon as I can get a passport. I am still expecting the other letters which you say you have sent me by way of Dunkirk.—London, 12 February, 1585.
Without Add. or Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Flanders I. 59.]
Feb. 13. The Queen to the States General.
Ayant este advertye que nostre cousin le Comte de Leycestre auroyt accepte l'offre que les Estats luy ont presente du gouvernement absoulu des provinces unyes, tant pour le faict de la police que de l'estat de la guerre, nous l'avons a bon droict trouve fort estrange, attendu que nous mesmes, pour plusieurs grandes et urgentes considerations, avions auparavant refuse leur offre, quand il nous fust faict par leurs deputes a ce ordonnes. Car a bien dire il semble qu'on nous aye en cela porte tres peu de respect et faict une injure trop manifeste de presenter de nouveau a ung de nos ministres et sujets le mesme offre que nous mesmes avions desja refuse, et qui plus est, de le constraindre par mainere de dire de l'accepter sans attendre nostre response si en serions contente ou non, comme si n'avions de nous mesmes le jugement assez bon pour choisir ce qu'il nous fauldroyt accepter ou refuser, et pourtant tout ainsy que des le commencement nous avons, pour plusieurs causes et raisons bien fondees, refuse ledict offre, aussy trouvons nous a present mauvaise l'acceptation qu'en a depuis este faicts, mesmes par ce qu'elle semble estre du tout repugnante au contenu de la declaration qu'avons faict dernierement publier, par laquelle protestons de ne prendre ce party avecq aultre intention que seulement de secourir nos bons voysins et amys, sans nous vouloir aucunement mesler de la protection ou souveraincte de ces pays la, dont ladict acceptacion donnera maintenant occasion a ung chascun de juger le contraire, ou pourle moings a ceux qui se donnent liberte de censurer les actions des Princes comme bon leur semble, tellement que nostre honneur en vient par tel moyen a y estre de tant plus interesste. Et a ceste cause avons este d'advis tant pour nostre propre satisfaction, qu'a fin qu'ung chascun soyt esclaircy de la syncerite de nos procedures, de faire revoquer ladict autorite, et de commander audict Comte, le quel somes deliberee de rappeler bien tost, que durant le temps de son sejour par de la il n'aye a exercer aultre forme de gouvernement que celle qui est comprinse dedans le contract, la quell' estant bien observee, nous ne doubtons pas qu'elle ne soyt aussy prouffitable et effectuelle pour le bien publicq du pays comme l'acceptation du gouvernement absoulu qu'on luy a offert. Vous asseurant que le refus que faisons faire dudict offre ne procede de faulte de soing qui soit en nous du bien et conservacion dudict pays, car nous sommes du tout resoulue de garder inviolablement la promesse qu'avons faicte de vous secourir et assister, et pourtant nous prions que si quelques malings et turbulents esprits tascheront d'avanture de faire a croire au peuple que cestuy nostre refus procede de peu d'affection que leur portons, ou de faulte de soing qu'ils vouldront dire qu'avons de les secourir, ou de quelqu' aultre cause qu'ils pourront imaginer, et n'est entierement fonde sur le seul respect de nostre honneur qui nous est plus cher que nostre propre vie, vous taschiez par tous moyens de cloire la bouche et empescher les pernicieux desseings de tels daingereux instruments qui se vouldroyent volontiers prevaloir de toutes les occasions qui se peuvent presenter pour alterer l'ancienn' amitye et bonn' intelligence qui a si long temps dure entre nos predecesseurs et les habitants desdicts pays; la quelle Dieu aydant somes deliberee d'entretenir et maintenir tousjours inviolable. Vous priant de donner foy et credit a ce que vous dira de plus ce porteur, ung de nos serviteurs, du quel nous nous fions entierement et luy avons donne charge de vous communiquer choses d'importance qui touchent beaucoup a nos affaires.
Endd. “1585, Feb. 13. M[inute] to the States General. The like to the Council of State, mutatis mutandis.” Fr.pp. [Holland VI. 116.]
Feb. 14. Stafford to Walsingham.
“Yesterday Pinard was with me, who brought me the King's answer for the request I made him in her Majesty's name, for the staying of such corn and provision as there was going into the Low Countries, by the river of Meuse, out of Lorraine, and the nether part of Champagne. He told me that the King had given straight commandment for the victual carrying out of France into the Low Country, which should (as it had ever since) be kept with very great strictness. That for these four thousand muis [muids] which he gave passport to pass, which were both bought and grown in Lorraine, and that in truth he gave his passport for them upon the request of Monsieur de Lorraine, which being once given he could call back no more, because it were not for him honorable, as her Majesty he was sure in the like case would think herself.
“I desired him that if he could not openly do it, considering the importance of the cause, which I laid afore him also according to my direction, that he would find some way that underhand there might be some stay made of it, proposing to him, as I did to the King, the way of Monsieur de Bouillon, under whose bridge at Sedan all things must pass, who was at the King's devotion, and knowing the King's pleasure, would provide I was sure for it, according to his direction. He told me that the King had well considered of the request I had made him in that point, that if Monsieur de Bouillon did it upon his request, that if there were any thing demanded him upon that, the protection that he had taken of him and his places bound him to defend him, that (as the time standeth now in his realm) he were not able to perform, so that the other might run in some interest with danger for it, and he in dishonour for not maintaining of him.
“In the end I told him that I saw her Majesty was to hope for little help from hence towards the maintenance of a public cause which she had only taken upon her for a public good unto these two realms, seeing the King by the calamity of civil wars procured by his bad subjects, could not 'intend' to it.
“He answered me that in anything that they could, they would do it, but that we must bear with the necessity of the time, which made that the King was not able to do what he desired for himself, which was all the answer I could have, and seeing no other could be gotten, I requested that hereafter there might none be granted. He told me that he had no charge from the King to promise it me, but he thought he might assure me of that.
“Our speeches of that being ended, he asked me news of the Low Country; I told him that of a month I had had none out of England of nothing; he told me that they were advertised of some bickering of late between us and the Spaniards, wherein the Spaniards had had somewhat the better, but not without loss. He asked me what meant this new kind of change of pretence that my Lord of Leicester had accepted of the Government of the Low Countries, scoffing in a manner, that whatsoever was given out and p[rofessed ?], Princes had private intentions apart. I told him that I knew not what he meant, as indeed I do not; he put it off, telling me that he did but inquire of it by way of discourse, that it was but a flying advertisement they had, that they desired not to look into our actions; that the King would be very glad we would not look into theirs. I told him I thought he could not complain of us in that point. He replied what we meant then to send Guitry away with money for the levying of reisters to distr[ess ?] this [rea]lm.
“I told him it was a thing I was quite ignorant of, that I [did not] yet know that Guitry was gone out of England; he told me that I was the worse advertised, but that he knew I could not have patience if that were so. I sware unto him that I never had advertisement of Guitry's departure (which indeed is true) that therefore I neither believed that, nor that the Queen had helped him to any money, but that I told the King long agone, so I told him again now, that I could not tell what in the end the Queen might be brought unto, see[ing] the King led by constraint of bad subjects, and by those th[at] she had no cause to love, to let his own realm go to ruin; that to impeach their greatness I could not tell what she might be brought to do, and might perchance with reason persuade herself that she might pleasure the King in that and not displease him, though he by constraint would make a show of it.
“He answered that the King truly desired to have but one religion in his realm, to enjoy, by the same means, the same quietness that we have by the same cause. I told him that he was very much deceived; that custom was a second nature, that our realm had so long continued in peace with one religion, that suffering two it would breed our unquietness, but F[rance] had been so long accustomed to two that permitting two, p[eace] was ever in it, and striving to take away one, that bred en[mity ?] as he saw by proof [of] so many civil wars, and so was like to continue.
“He told me that the King had never been brought to deal with any thing that touched her Majesty; but he could not tell what this manner of dealing might breed between them, which he would be sorry to see; but he told it me so coldly, that I see it was a thing was of purpose done to perform the King's promise unto the Duke of Guise to fulfil his importunity which he hath used to the King to press him to that, assuring him that if he will make her Majesty afraid with threatening, she is so timorous of nature, that she will be affeared to do any thing, and I believe that the Ambassador will have direction to use some such speech to her Majesty; for the King hath been greatly pressed to it, but in my conscience the King would be glad with all his heart there were more done, what show soever he make.
“They have also assured the King that this coming of the ambassadors is but to see if the King will be made afraid like a child, and that if they had meant to have done any harm, they would never have sent; that if any come they will be but few, and how many soever did come, he did assure the King to fight with them in Lorraine, and to defeat them, and thereupon their Council is now altogether resolved upon war, which they are every day consulting about, but nothing is yet resolved.
“The Pope's nuncio presented upon Sunday last to the King the Pope's bull for the permission to sell the ecclesiastical livings, which the King accepted without questioning upon it; he presented also again the bull against the King of Navarre and Prince of Condé, which he utterly refused to hear of. Now the bull of the selling of the ecclesiastical livings is opened, there are two obstacles in it, the one the clergy themselves oppose themselves to it, and cry out of the Bishop of Paris; for they granted but fifty thousand crowns rent to the King, and he hath gotten granted of the Pope a hundred thousand crowns rent.
“The other difficulty is by the Court of Parliament made; for whereas the granting of the bull runneth with these conditions, that first there shall be sold now fifty thousand crowns rent, upon condition that the Cardinal of Bourbon, Cardinal of Guise, and the Nuncio be the sellers of it, and that they see the money delivered into a treasurer's hand of the League, and that the money shall be employed altogether for the maintenance of the armies, for the effect of the League is to have but one religion in France, that if that money be well and truly disposed to that use, that then four months hence he permitteth the King to sell fifty thousand crowns rent more to the same use, and with the same conditions:—
“The Court of Parliament opposeth itself to accept it with these conditions, and will have no condition, nor no sellers appointed but by them, especially the Nuncio, being a stranger, but at length I think they will agree on both parties to have it sold; and I am not out of hope to see most of the money go to pay the reiters of them of the Religion, to send them home again, as I have already twice in my time seen the same done with their money.
“The same countenances to the Duke of Guise continue as were at the first. No man goeth to him no more than they did; no man followeth him a step but his own folks that he brought with him, and yet they consult to give him forces to impeach the coming of the reiters, which passeth my understanding, and all men's also that look into it.”—Paris, 14 February, 1585.
Signed. Add. 3 pp. [France XV. 30.]
Feb. 14. Stafford to Walsingham.
I thought good to advertise your honour that Pinard had aford he came to me with the King's answer two days afore dealt with the Duke of Bouillon's folks by the French King's commandment about that matter, and to know of them if their master would upon a request by word of mouth from him do that. They made answer, no, as in deed it were not reason, for he should be defamed [?] the next day after any complaint were made, and therefore they had rather choose upon her Majesty's own request to procure their master by that way that he shall think best to do her Majesty that service, than by a commandment by word of mouth, and if he had money wherewithal to buy those provisions, he would then assuredly stay them, and take them for his own use, and no man could tell what to say to him. I do not doubt but he will upon her Majesty's letters do what he may to serve her. They give out here hard news [?] out of Scotland of the King's affection and disposition in religion. That it is but constrained that he was so earnest against Maxwell as he was. That upon that stay of Morton, the Earl Huntley, Crayford, Fernhurst and others have retired themselves, and sent the King work of the cause; that seeing others that were stayed for their consciences they were to look to themselves.
“They have a great hope in the Lord Glawde's coming thither, that he will broil all, and already they give out that Arran and Arbroath are agreed in restoring unto Arbroath that which Arran hath of his to unite themselves against Angus to put him quite out again, and that Arran shall come into credit as far as ever he was, and that already he hath that assurance that assurance that he is retired from the sea and lieth in Ayr.
“There is news come hither of the lord Glawde's landing and coming to the [Scots] King, and well using; and Glasgow the last day at dinner told Westmorland that now his friend the Lord Glawde was in Scotland in credit he wished he were there, but I do not hear the other hasty to bite at that, whether it be for want, for fear or both; though I know Glawde when he was here persuaded him to it greatly, in the which I think there can be no good meaning of his. At the same board the same time was talking of the King of Spain's army by sea, and how little means the Queen had, though she had many ships, to maintain them long on the sea, neither her treasure nor the realm could be able to furnish that charge long, but that they were glad she should often prepare to the sea to spend her treasure.
“There was one there that could not master his tongue, but set out the Queen's forces by sea and means to the uttermost, or else there would have been more spoken. In the end they concluded that the King of Spain had means enough to make the Queen spend her treasure fast enough; they knew the way of it well enough. By this you may know their good meaning.
“I saw a letter to one of those that I have now all the news [from] I have out of Spain, that for a certainty the chiefest force of the King of Spain's navy were thirteen gallions, which are already gone to join with the ordinary gallions of the guard of the India
fleet, and yet they prate here still of the King of Spain's army by sea, and that we shall hear one of these days of it to our great cost.
“Monsieur de Guise made the last day to the King three requests first, to which the King answered him without show of discontentment; but I know very privately and certainly that he took a great mislike at his arrogant manner of asking them. He demanded the Castle of Angers to be restored again into the Count 'Brissake's hands; Ossone to be rendered to Tavanes, and that seeing Monsieur d'O meant to part with the Castle of Cane [Caen] for money which was granted him, being of the league, that he might have it for his money afore any. The King answered he would think upon them and answer him.
“But to an other speech that he used to him, that the cause why this league was made was for fear that the King of Navarre being an heretic should come to reign over them, and be used as the Queen of England did use her subjects, and so both he and all Catholics be hardly handled, the King answered him that this was a strange course and a worse meaning, seeing it was for himself he feared most, for thanks be to God he was well and in health and younger than he, that therefore there was no fear for him to have in that, for he knew no cause why he should not hope to overlive him, and in his time he was sure there was no doubt.
“I know the King took this extremely at the heart against him, and am from very good place assured that the King would be very lofte [loth] . . . but that reisters should come and that in good number to overrule them.”—.Paris, 14 February, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd.pp. [France XV. 31.]
Feb. 14. Leicester to Burghley.
Recommending Sir Thomas Jarmine, now going over to England on important business of his own. Knows him to be very willing and forward in this service, and “for many good parts in him worthy to be cherished,” heartily prays for his lordship's favour and furtherance in his behalf.—The Hague, 14 February, 1585.
Postscript, in his own hand.—Asks for an answer to his letter about M. de Meux of Dordrecht. His lordship's son is well. They “both” go forward to Amsterdam on Monday next and thence to Utrecht.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland VI. 117.]
Feb. 14. The Queen to the States General.
“Messierus noz bons amys; Ce gentilhomme present porteur, ayant desja prins congé de nous, est arrivé quant et quant notre serviteur Davison, qui nous a bien au long discouru et representé de quel zele vous avez esté poussés a faire l'offre du gouvernement absolu de ces pays la au Conte de Leycestre, avecq aultant de signes et demonstrations de vehemente et devotionée affection envers nous qu'on scauroit desirer. Dont on nous pourroit a bon droict taxer d'ingratitude si aussy ne le voulions recongnoistre, et vous en remercier bien expressement, et par mesme moyen, vous rendre certains des effects reciproques qu'asseurement pourrez attendre de nous, d'une affection et bienveillance entiere envers vous. Et encores que pour plusieurs grandes et importantes considerations ne pouvons nous accorder a l'acceptation dudict offre, comme avons desja donné charge a cedict gentilhomme de vous declarer; qui vous dira aussy la bonne intention en laquelle il nous laisse de vous pourchasser le bien et repos que meritant le zele et devotion que nous portez, nous asseurants que si vous scaviez de quelle consequence sont les raisons et considerations que pour plusieurs regards d'importance ne vous pouvons communiquer et sur lesquelles nostro refuz est fondé, vous mesmes seriez de nostre advis, et demeureriez contents et satisfaits dudict refus, lequel sera cause de faire encores de tant plus accrositre le soing qu'avons promis d'avoir du bien et conservation de ces pays la.”
Endd. “Feb. 14, 1585. M[inute] to States General.” 1 p. [Holland VI. 118.]
Draft for the above letter, somewhat differently worded.
[It is this form of the letter which is quoted by Motley, i 399.]
Endd. Undated. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 119.]
Feb. 14. “The Sum of the Instructions to be given to Horatio Palavicino.”
Endd. “14 Feb., 1585. Mr. H. Palavicion's instructions.” 9 pp. [Germany, States IV. 6.]
A clause to be added to the above Instructions.
Endd 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 7.]
Rough draft of the Instructions, with corrections and additions by Burghley.
Endd 11 pp. [Ibid. IV. 8.]
Another draft, partly corrected by Burghley.
Endd 10¼ p. [Ibid. IV. 9.]
Copy of the first and last portions of the Instructions.
Enddp. [Ibid. IV. 10.]
Paper endorsed “Extract out of her Majesty's Instructions to Horatio Palavicino.”
“Conditions required by her Majesty.
“1. The sums promised by the King of Navarre's ministers to be accordingly furnished.
“2.Casimir to march in person with an army of 9,000 reiters, 10,000 Swisses and 4,000 lansknechts.
“3. To promise that he will not return out of France until the conclusion of a peace.
“Qualification of these conditions.
“There may want of the said sums.
“The number of reiters and Swisses may lack either of them a thousand.
“The Swisses may be turned into so many lansknechts.
“So as Duke Casimir march in person and bind himself by promise in writing to enter into France, ut supra.
“If Casimir cannot march in person, it is allowed of that he shall appoint prince to march, yielding by his writing a sufficient excuse in his own behalf, and binding himself for the other prince.
“To demand such a promise in writing . . . either of Duke Casimir or of the prince that shall march, or to procure that an article to that effect may be contained in the capitulations between either of them and the King of Navarre's ministers, and a copy thereof signed by both parties to be delivered to him.”
¾ p. [Germany, States IV. 11.]
Paper in (apparently) late 17th century hand, endorsed “The negotiaton of Sir Horatio Pallavicino in the year 1586.”
“Sir Horatio Palavicino, her Majesty's agent among the German princes, received from her Majesty these directions following:—
“1. He was to procure the delivery by exchange in Germany of the sum of 15,468l. 15s. sterling, which should be paid by parcels unto the parties to be authorised by him to receive the same upon the bills of exchange that shall be sent to London.
“2. He was to let Duke Casimir understand how it groweth that her Majesty disburseth but 15, 468l. 15s., notwithstanding that the King of Navarre his ministers challenge for promise of double the sum.
“3. That Quitry named unto her Majesty the sum of 150,000 crowns which he said was before by sundry means provided and in readiness in Germany, and promiseth to procure the adding of 50,000 crowns to her Majesty, which in the whole, would have made up the sum of 250,000 crowns.”
[Here follow the “Conditions demanded” and “Qualification” as in the paper above.]
Lastly, he was required to demand a bond of the King of Navarre's ministers for repayment of the money within a year after the conclusion of peace.
3 pp. [Ibid. IV. 12.]
Feb. 15. Leicester to Burghley.
I forgot in my last to move your lordship in one thing further for Sir Robert Jarmine, and with him for Sir John Higham and Mr. Affeld. I do it without their knowledge and I think without their desire, but do think it indeed a thing to be considered of. You know how they all stand out of the commission of the peace for their country. I hope “the causes that then moved to leave them out” are forgotten, and heartily pray you to be a mean that they may be put in again, which if done while Sir Robert is in England, would give him and his friends encouragement in this service, and would happen in very good time, the assizes being, I take it, “about his being there.”—The Hague, 15 February, 1585.
Postscript, in his own hand.—At Sir Robert's departure from England, the Queen used both him and Sir John Higham very graciously, which makes me the bolder to move in the matter.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland VI. 120.]
Feb. 15. Horatio Palavicino to Walsingham.
Here, in her Majesty's ship, I receive your letter written yesterday, by which I see the occasion of the despatch of the Cavalier Ennich [Heneage], and that your mind wavers between hope and fear, whether her Majesty will stay or execute her intention. But at the same time, God be praised, I hear by letters of the same knight to Mr. Borough that her Majesty has stayed it, and from this my hope grows that she may further consider the end for which she sends him, and will at last revoke his journey altogether. I will comfort the Earl and will say to him how much occasion he has to hope in the providence of God and in the good aid which you will give him openly with her Majesty; and that the same God will let his good work to go on to its desired end.
I am glad that no disturbance of consequence has taken place in France, hoping that there will be time to speed matters in Germany and amend thereby the state of the poor afflicted ones. I pray you to desire Mr. Stafford to communicate to me by letter whatever he thinks necessary for my charge. I am on shipboard, but the wind not very favourable. The news of the coming of Mr. Ennich made us lose it last night. I will do my utmost not to lose a single hour.—15 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Germany, States IV. 13.]
Feb. 15. Andrea de Loo to Burghley.
The courier from Antwerp being come by way of Flanders, who has letters for me from Lanfranchi, may it please you to do me the favour to send them to me; the Signor Cobham having (as I hear) taken them this morning to the Court to the Secretary. I believe that some of mine are under cover of Bartholomew Schorer. I send you a copy of my last [see p. 370 above], written by way of Zeeland, by which your lordship will see that according to my small power, I proceed sincerely; and you shall always find that I act openly, without any artifice, deceit or dissimulation, as I value my life and honour.—London, 15 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Italian. ½ p. [Flanders I. 60.]