Elizabeth: February 1586, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: February 1586, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp345-357 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1586, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp345-357.

"Elizabeth: February 1586, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp345-357.

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February 1586, 1–5

Feb. 1/11. The States General to Burghley.
As Mr. Davison is now returning to England, who will tell you how agreeable to us and all the people has been the arrival of the Earl of Leicester in these countries with such ample commission from her Majesty, and accompanied by so many English noblemen, we refer ourselves to his report of the matter. We pray you to believe that besides the many benefits which we have hitherto received from her Majesty, this favour, granted to us so opportunely, and when the country was in such great danger, has bound us so entirely to her that we and our posterity shall preserve the memory of it for ever. And being well informed of your lordship's great affection for the welfare and preservation of these poor countries, shown by your furtherance of our treaty with her Majesty, we desire to thank you very affectionately and to pray you to continue the same, and to give us your helping hand, that she may always remain favourably inclined to our country.—La Haye, 11 February, 1586. Signed by Abraham Almonde, president, and C. Aerssens, greffier.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holland VI. 81.]
Feb. 1/11. The States General to Walsingham.
A duplicate of the letter to Burghley, above. Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Ibid. VI. 82.]
Another duplicate of the above letter, but without signature, address or endorsement.
Fr.pp. [Ibid. VI. 83.]
Feb. 1. Leicester to Burghley.
I wrote last in my secretary's hand, which I pray you to excuse, “having so infinitely to do as I have now”; and did then advertise you that if her Majesty have need of ships and mariners, there are here sufficient store upon very reasonable warning, as Mr. Davison will tell you, who has dealt “most painfully and chargeably in her Majesty's service here, . . . and you shall find him as sufficiently able to deliver the whole state of this country as any man that ever was in it, and as well acquainted with all sorts here that are men of dealing, Surely, my Lord, you shall do a good deed that he may be remembered with her Majesty's gracious consideration, for his being here hath been very chargeable, having kept a very good countenance and a good table all his abode here, and of such credit with all the chief sort as I know no stranger in any place hath the like, . . . I most heartily pray you to procure his coming hither shortly to me again, for I know not almost how to do yet without him. I confess it is a wrong to the gentleman, and I protest before God if it were but for my own particular respect, I would not require it for five thousand pounds, but your lordship doth little think both how greatly I have to do, as also how needful for her Majesty's service his being here will be.” As the Auditor has no further charge than to take this account I send him home with Mr. Davison. He is very honest and upright, and will do her Majesty good service. (fn. 1)
As for the account, Mr. Davison understands it as well as the Auditor, I think, “but this I will say; if there shall needs be profit made of your gold here, either let her Majesty have the whole, or else the poor soldier some part, if others shall reap it. I think if the whole sum had been all paid in the great sovereigns or the half, there would have been a good month's pay saved and more . . . and my most hearty request to your lordship is that you will be an earnest mean to her Majesty, if ever she look for good out of this service, at least if I may be able to do her any at all, as with her gracious countenance I have no doubt, that then there may be some good quantity of money sent hither . . . for your lordship doth see how long we were here without any once hearing from England, forty days and odd, and if there had been no more money sent than the 10,000l. once appointed . . . all had been marred and her Majesty dishonoured; for what the causes were I know not, but I found such a poverty and decay of people here of our soldiers as did pity me, and not a penny in the under-treasurer's hands; . . . so that I was fain to pay money that was due of the other month of November, or the soldiers to have starved. Likewise Ostend in miserable case, both English and strangers, which both I was drawn to relieve or hazard the peace, which I would rather have paid them of my own purse, as many a pound I have done amongst our poor companies here. And therefore, good my lord . . . send us money with speed, and when there cometh a good sum, it may be better husbanded a great deal than coming by driblets. . . . If you shall find it mis-spent, let it fall and light heavily upon my back, for I protest before your lordship, I am more careful of it than of all my 'none' goods here. . . . Yet will I not press or move her Majesty for one penny more than she hath promised and contracted with these States. . . . Her Majesty I hope may trust me, for these men here have put all their monthly contributions into my order and disposition, for whom also I will deal as for her Majesty or my 'none' soul. They have already granted and are now giving in the mean for 20,000l. sterling a month, and this month they begin the first payment, and without any former charge . . . clear of all, but only for the payment of their soldiers and garrisons hence-forward, and over and beside the marine charge, which is discharged by another levy, only for itself. And albeit I hope this will suffice for their ordinary garrisons and present men of war, yet if it should rise to any more hereafter, they are bound also to answer it. . . . They have wealth enough and means enough to maintain their wars, but their ill-government and confusion among them hath undone all heretofore, as your lordship would not marvel if you saw that I have done, since my arrival here. . . . If I may once put our own people in good heart and life, and the bands again filled up, you shall see what reputation and honour shall be gotten.”
Your son will be here to-morrow. He has been settling his new government these four or six days. He shall want no furtherance within my power.—The Hague, 1 February.
Postscript.—“The enemy, before the breaking up of the frost entered into Friesland, and the Count Guillaume being absent, his lieutenant met with them, having but a hundred horse and five hundred footmen. The others being of far greater number overthrew our men. After this, 'Schenks' met with a good number of theirs, and slew divers and took forty horse with them prisoners. Since that, he hath also overthrown four hundred of their best men, whereof three hundred left in the p[lace].”
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley as brought by Mr. Davison and received Feb. 15. 4 pp. [Holland VI. 84.]
Feb. 1. List of Don Antonio's Household.
Forty-eight names given, the first six being:—
Diego Botelho, governor. Tomao Cacheiro.
Antonio de Brito. Antonio de Sousa.
Duarte Vasconselos. Geronimo da Silva.
Endd. with date “1 February, 1585,” by Walsingham's clerk. 1 p. [Portugal II. 20.]
[Feb., early in.] Leicester to Davison.
“Remembrances for Mr. Davison.”
Printed in Bruce's Leycester Correspondence from the original in the Cotton MSS., with a few small transcriber's errors. The following are the only ones of any consequence.
p. 81, l. 2, for “any” read “every”; l. 14, for “one” read “other”; p. 82, l. 11, for “one” read “own.”
Copy. Endd. “Remembrances for Mr. Davison, delivered to him by the Earl of Leicester, at his coming out of Flanders in April [sic], 1586.” 2½ pp. [Holland VI. 85.]
Another copy of the same.
3 pp. [Ibid. VI. 86.]
Feb. 2. Leicester to Burghley.
Having heard of a coin “like the rose noble of her Majesty, made here, and with a woman sitting like the Queen's Majesty on the one side, I made search to know where it was made and I am in hope to find it shortly, for it resembles our coin very much.”
I have also dealt with a mint-maste here who offers, “where her Majesty hath 30s. for the coining of a pound weight of the great rose noble in England” to give me thirty, perchance forty thousand pounds sterling a year, for leave to coin these double nobles and the half nobles, and will make them as good as her Majesty's in fineness of gold, weight and all other respects; being content to have a controller set over him “and to pass all assays to the uttermost trial.”
If your lordship like of it, you may let me know her Majesty's pleasure. He asks neither gold nor anything, “but, if it may be, for that he would have no difference . . . to have the irons that are made in England . . . which I did like the better of and wish.”
You must not impart this to any mint man, “for there is such cunning among them to raise up gold as you never saw; but if her Majesty like of it, then he is content you send any person you will . . . to see to his true working,” and also that her Majesty make for England as many as ever she did, but not to send over to merchants here. “It will be a good easy way to get 40,000l.”—2 February, 1585.
Postscript.—If her Majesty likes of this offer, I pray you send me the irons, or some of them, which will stamp the greater and lesser rose nobles.
Sir Thomas Cecil came to me yesternight. He has told me the state of his charge, and some things shall be presently relieved.
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley, “Earl of Leicester. Coinage of sovereigns.” 1½ pp. [Ibid. VI. 87.]
Feb. 2. Leicester to Walsingham.
Recommending his “very friend,” Sergeant Puckering, who “finding himself now destitute of friends and subject to hard conceit of some that like not well” [word obliterated] is desirous of his honour's aid and assistance. The man is well qualified many ways, and if any good office fit for him should fall in, Walsingham is prayed to use his good frienship in his behalf.—The Hague, 2 February, 1585.
Signed. Injured by damp. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland VI. 88.]
Feb. 2/12. Passport from the Earl of Leicester for George Wynbrantson Bornstra, captain in the service of the United Provinces, who desires to go to England on urgent business.—The Hague, 12 February, 1586.
Certified copy by P. Vaughan. ½ p. [Ibid. VI. 89.]
Feb. 3. Count de Neuwenar to Davison.
Hearing that his Excellency is setting up the Council of State, asks him, for the sake of their friendship, to recommend in his name, Ghisbert van Zuylen, a native of Utrecht, for the office of secretary, he having heretofore served very well and loyally in that capacity, both in the Landraedt and the Council of State.—Utrecht, 3 February, 1586.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 90.]
Feb. 3. Leicester to Burghley.
I shall have great need in this service of a thousand English pioneers [margin, by Burghley “1,000 pioneers"], which I heartily pray you to help me to have out of sundry shires. I would have a hundred to be miners, for whom I have written to Sir Walter Rawley “because they are to be best taken out of his jurisdiction in Cornwall and Devon.” I would have unmarried men, if it may be, and of apt bodies, for there was some abuse in the choice of those formerly sent, “many of them being householders and of bodies unfit for such service.” If you will let me know whether they may be had and if so that the providing of them may be gone in hand with presently, I will cause money to be ready for them at London.—The Hague, 3 February, 1585.
Postscript in his own hand.—I remember us both to have heard “or now” that the King of Spain offered the Count of Embden to exchange his seignory with him. I now find he is greatly affected to that King, and as much as he can helps him and hinders these countries. I am sending one to him, in respect of his pretended friendship to her Majesty, to see what he will do, and pray you to beseech her Highness to write to the Count, recommending the cause of these people to him. “It will no doubt stand them in much stead, and if he should grow too much Spanish, her Majesty may make quickly his brother, her Majesty's servant, an opposite against him.” It is of great importance and concerns England deeply to stay him from going too forward with that King and none but she can do it.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 91.]
Feb. 4. Sir Thomas Sherley to Walsingham.
“The doubt” of the overthrow of Count William's men in Friesland [is] true, but it was not [without] loss of men also unto the [enemy] and among those, some of [very] great account. About the [same] time, one Skynke, as I [wrote] unto your honour, defeated [a party ?] of some horse in Guelders [and] since that, this last [week ?] he hath overthrown 400 Spanish footmen and 50 horse near [Venlo] in Guelders. This last week also, there was an attempt made by the enemy to build a s[conce] upon the sea side near [Ostend ?]. To prevent it, they of the [town] sallied out in the night [with] divers and took the [torn] Colonel that was the chi[ef of the] enterprise.—The Hague, 4 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. Seal of arms. 1 p. Mutilated by damp. [Holland VI. 92.]
Feb. 4/14. Jaques Rossel to Walsingham.
The happy arrival of the Earl of Leicester and all that has followed it, will have been shown to her Majesty by himself and the ambassador, wherefore it only remains for me to congratulate you upon the good disposition of affairs up to the present time.
I believe M. Sidney will have made known my dutiful proceedings in manifesting matters of state and service, both by writing and verbally, upon the re-establishment of the state and the business of the finances, in which M. Ringout would have been very useful. His Excellency has been very kind to me, from whom I hope the continuance of my commissions, more honourable and laborious than profitable, which I have always desired, in order to serve, without any rank, under her Majesty's authority. And for recompense of all my services during nine years in the country, I desire her favour and yours only to obtain payment of my wages and salaries, for which two letters from her Majesty would suffice, to the States and to his Excellency, recommending me as a faithful servant of her Highness and of his Excellency; and also to Mr. Sidney.—The Hague, 14 February, 1586.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 93.]
Feb. 4. The Senate of Lubeck to the Queen.
They have learned from the report of their commissioners, as well as from the Queen's letter of 5 November last, written from Richmond, what is her present intention as to confirming their old privileges and granting them freedom of commerce in her realm. They had hoped for a favourable answer and find that which they have received very difficult to accept, as being contrary to the old treaties and privileges. For this reason, as the affair concerns not only the Hanse cities but the Emperor and the other orders of the Empire, and must affect the general welfare of Germany, they have thought fit to submit it to the Emperor, and are daily expecting his reply. On receiving it, they will deliberate in a convention of the principal Hanse cities as to what course appears most conducive, not so much to the profit of individuals as to the common good. They will send an answer to her in their next letter and will leave no stone unturned to secure a final settlement of the present controversies, and the preservation of friendship on both sides. Meanwhile they pray her Majesty to follow the example of her predecessors and extend her old clemency and favour to them, granting them free and accustomed exercise of commerce, and abrogating the hostile decrees.—4 February, 1586.
Endd. Latin. 2 pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns, II. 32.]
Feb. 4/14. Antonio de Castilho to Walsingham.
Lately wrote to his honour, recommending his friend, Pietro Friere, a merchant of this city, who was spoiled of a ship which he was sending to England.
Has learned that the most part of those English who have some experience of the troubles of war are desirous of a secure and lasting peace between that country and the crown of Spain. As this is not far removed from the discourses which his honour once held with him, he thinks it the part of an honest man to inform him that his Catholic Majesty will certainly not fail to embrace this peace, and that if the Queen will move it with some assurance of good will and sincere friendship, she will find good correspondence on the side of Spain. Will be most ready to employ his good offices for the benefit of both kingdoms in the pacifying of these disturbances, as is his duty both to his own country and the English nation.—Lisbon, 14 February, 1586.
Add. Endd. Italian. 1¼ pp. [Portugal II. 21.]
Feb. 5. Stafford to Walsingham.
“There is here news sown abroad by the Spanish favourers that seven hundred of our English men under the conduct of Captain Scroope, have been every man cut in pieces by Verdugo in Friesland, but men believe of that but as much as they list.
“I saw letters out of Spain, and among the rest, one from Sir Francis Inglefield, that Sir Francis Drake had at the Canaries lost five of his ships, and that he saved himself very hardly. And that though they durst not say it so in Spain, because it was by commandment given out otherwise, that this preparation of shipping in Spain is to send after or to meet with Drake. And in truth, as far as I can find any way, it is rather thought likely so than for any attempt upon this side; howbeit we shall do well to look to all things that may be done against us, for I fear somewhat by reason of a sudden despatch that is made of the Marshal Retz, who as you know is very confident with the Queen Mother. The naughtiness of the man is also very well known to you. He goeth into Brittany and is to depart within these two or three days; I shall be able I hope by the next to say some thing to you about it, for I will give very diligent heed to know the cause, though it be very secret kept.” Of the Duke of Guise's coming hither and such other things, this bearer will at large instruct your honour, to whom I beseech you for my sake to give all the furtherance you may, because I know by his honesty and faithful service he will deserve it.—Paris, 5 February, 1585.
Postscript.—“Sir, truly the Spaniard I writ to you a word of, and of whom Mazin d'Albene writ more at large of to Pallavicino, is a man that I think most good service might be drawn out of and with small charge, in respect in truth I doe think him as sufficient a man as ever I saw or heard in those things. I was never venturer, and have but a bad purse, but truly if he be employed and you will give me leave I will borrow to venture with him.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XV. 25.]
Feb. 5. [Walsingham] to Stafford.
As I suppose you will be desirous to know in what terms things now stand in Scotland upon the arrival there of the new French Ambassador, I send you these enclosed copies of two letters lately written unto me from thence. “What effect the said Ambassador's negotiation will take is not yet known; but little good we may in reason look to come of it, for whereas Mr. Randolph is presently dispatched into that realm to countermine the undermining of the French, we send but words only by him and the other bringeth treasure with him, and how contrary effects these contrary courses of proceeding are likely to work among that nation yourself can sufficiently judge. We have discovered that the money is delivered by Mendoca out of the King of Spain's purse, which doth plainly show that Spain and France run one course against us both in this and in all other actions.
“Out of the Low Countries we are advertised by the last that the 25th of January past my Lord of Leicester accepted the absolute government under her Majesty of all the United Provinces, as well in cases civil as martial, which her Majesty, who ever made a scruple to wade into that action otherwise than by way of assistance, refusing the titles both of protection and of propriety, is greatly offended should be done without her privity. Mr. Davison is daily looked for here, by whom such reasons are promised to be sent unto her Majesty to justify the proceedings in that cause as shall fully satisfy her, for indeed it appeareth that both the people and the martial men were so discontented and so weary of the States' government, as they had put on a plain resolution rather to make their peace with the enemy than to live any longer in that confusion, if my Lord of Leicester had not prevented the same by his present taking of the government upon him, when if was so peremptorily offered unto him. For the present state of our home matters, her Majesty, finding that her Council by the decease of the late Lord Admiral, the Earl of Bedford and absence of my Lord of Leicester was now grown somewhat naked, hath lately made choice of my Lord of Canterbury, my Lord Cobham and my Lord of Buckhurst to supply the places of councillors.”
Minute. Endd. with date. 1 p. [France XV. 26.]
Feb. 5. Col. Norreys to Walsingham.
Recommending Mr. Tottam [?], who is going into England to raise a company of footmen, and desires his honour's letters “into the country for his better furtherance.”—The Hague, 5 February, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holland VI. 94.]
Feb. 5. Horatio Palavicino to Burghley.
Having by order of her Majesty to go into Germany; and as the sum of 15,468l. 15s. sterling is to be raised here, which she has ordered by her warrant to be paid here in London to me or to my attorneys; I hereby declare that I have appointed Gio. Battista Giustiniano and Francesco Rizzo. as by this, I do again nominate and appoint them, with authority to receive the said sum and to give full acquittance for it in my name; the which I acknowledge to have to answer my bond to her Majesty to give her a good account thereof, according to her instructions, or to repay it to her according to the obligation into which I have this day entered.—London, 5 February, 1585.
Holograph. Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Ibid VI. 95.]
Feb. 5. Amery Randolphe (fn. 2) to Walsingham.
Stating that since delivering his honour's letters to his Excellency and Sir Philip Sydney, he has followed the Court, to see what comfort he might find. Ever since his coming, he has been fed with a hope of going into Ireland for men. Craves licence to return into England, and that, in regard of the loss of his father's life, he may make known his estate to her Majesty, which done, he will depart contented.—The Hague, 5 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 96.]
Feb. 5/15. [Princess of Chimay] to the Queen.
When the deputies of these countries went to your Majesty to offer you the entire obedience of these provinces, I made bold to write to you, to testify my great zeal and affection to your service; but as it happened, to my great regret and I know not how, that my letters were not presented to your Majesty, and that since then, our obligation to you has infinitely increased; it having pleased you to send us not only an army, but to honour us by the illustrious person of the Earl of Leicester for the government of these countries, I hope that your Majesty-a princess renowned above all humanity and furnished with all manner of perfections and graces-will not take it ill if I again make bold, on this opportunity of Mr. Davison's return, to offer you my humble service, and to testify my extreme joy at your having taken these countries into your protection; doubting not but that you will bring it to a happy issue, to the glory of God, comfort of his afflicted church and immortal glory of your own name.
And as I have not only a great part in the general calamity but am personally interested, as much as a poor lady of my quality can be, I have a firm hope that your Majesty will have special pity for me and will take me into your protection; aiding me in these countries by those means which I have prayed Mr. Davison to lay before you on my behalf.—Delft, 15 February, 1586.
Copy, without signature or address. Fr. 1 p. [Holland VI. 97.]
Feb. 5/15. Princess de Chimay to Davison.
I am very sorry that your sudden departure frustrates my hope of seeing you again. As you offered to employ yourself on my behalf with her Majesty, and have also sent to me your secretary, who assured me of the continuation of your good will towards me, I have asked the bearer, pensionary of this town, to go to you, humbly praying you to give him credence, and favourably to employ yourself in what he will ask you on my behalf. Knowing your goodness and piety, I have confidence that you will not refuse me this favour, for which I shall remain grateful to you all my life.—Delft, 15 February, 1585. Signed, Marie de Brimeau.
Holograph. Add. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. VI. 98.]
Feb. 5. Ortell to Walsingham.
After leaving you this morning, I sent for the factors of the burgomaster of Middelburg, Jan Janson Coman, Jan ver Her (an ancient alderman of Amsterdam) and Jan Nicket, “being in company with the said burgomaster, and now resident in Middelburg” (as appears by the attestations hereto joined) with the rest of the factors of Hendrick de Haze of Amsterdam, Peter vander Strate of Middelburg, Peter and Jaques Bullart, one dwelling at Middelburg, the other in Holland, Ambrosius vander Waterfoude of the Hague, now present in London &c. And having very strictly examined them, I can get no other answer, but that they all declare and affirm that the Hope of Flushing and its goods belong to Coman, ver Her, Nicket &c., “to every' one of them in his particular . . . and that no Spaniard or any their confederates hath the value of one penny in the said goods,” as they are ready to verify at all times and as more at large appears by the letters yet in the hands of Messrs. Byrde, Stokes and Watts.
I pray you therefore “so to provide therein,” that the said parties may without any further delay have restitution of their own, for with all my heart I should be sorry that these matters should breed any further inconvenience.—London, 5 February, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. English. 1½ pp. [Holland VI. 99.] Enclosing:
An inventory of the lading of oils and other merchandises in the Hope of Flushing, Jacob Anthonison master.
Oil laden by Diego de Alberkerkque, merchant of Seville, and sold to Francis de Coyninge, who put it to the accounts of Wm. Chambers, English merchant of London; Henry de Hawes, of Amsterdam; John Vermere for Ambrose vander Waterforde and James and Peter Bollarde (some being sent by Coyninge and Vermere to Thomas Camayori at Rouen), and Peter vander Strawton of Middelburg; (some sent to his factor at Rouen, John Cowke).
Also, oil and cotton wool laden by Elias Sharman and Jacob Lawrence, for the account of John Johnson Cooman, John ver Hede [sic], to be consigned to John Nicquet or James Laurence at Rouen; and more for John Nicquet and Jacob Anthonison.
Also ginger and raisins laden by John Le Clarke at St. Lucar, factor to Jeronimo Andria, merchant of Rouen.
All which said oils and other merchandise were to be delivered at Newhaven in France or Middelburg in Zeeland. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. VI. 100.]
[In the margin are the “marks” put upon the bags, pipes &c.]
Another copy of the same.
Endd.pp. [Ibid. VI. 101.]
[Feb. ?] “Answer of John Birde, John Stokes and John Wattes, made unto the allegations and petitions exhibited on behalf of John Johnson Coman and others.”
The lading of the oils by Seigneur Diego de Alberquerque &c. sufficiently shows that he was their owner. His sale to de Comynge is noways proved, and if it were, de Comynge is owner, not the parties who complain.
The placing of the oils to the accounts of Henry de Hawes and others proves nothing, without some further act.
And even if the possession of these oils might be so transferred, yet they are lawfully taken:—
For de Hawes, vander Waterfoord and the Bollardes were at that time merchants at Antwerp, and subjects of the King of Spain; and John Vermeden [sic] was an inhabitant of Seville. If they have changed their dwelling since, “that ought not to defraud the takers.”
Thomas Camayori was only a factor, and had no right therein himself.
Vander Stratten was only part owner with de Comynge, the Seville merchant. Whatever rightly appertains to him, they will restore.
For the oil and cotton wool pretended to be laden by Sherman and Laurence, the lading for Coman does not make him possessor.
Sherman and Laurence and John Nicket to whom they consigned the goods, were then all subjects of the King of Spain, but Birde &c. will deliver up whatever belongs in truth to John Johnson Coman and John Ver Her.
That laden for Anthonison, they are willing to deliver.
That laden for John Nicket was lawfully taken, as he was an inhabitant of Antwerp at the time and has still a house there and another in Seville.
The ginger and raisins were lawfully taken even if they belonged to Jeronimo Andrea, and he (as pretended) naturalized in France, as he was born in Lille, under the King of Spain, “and always used as his subject,” wherefore “the naturalizing of him in France cannot make him cease to be the King of Spain's subject.”
But even if he were a Frenchman, they marvel that Mr. “Ortelio” Should intermeddle, and it makes them suspect that “these parties do too, too much inforce the countenance and favour of the States to maintain their colouring, without respect to the defeating of her Majesty's natural born subjects.”
It is proved by letters found in the ship that the goods were first laden for London, and only after notice given at Seville of the stay of goods belonging to the King of Spain, diverted to Newhaven, which need not have been done if they had belonged to any of Holland.
The place where they were laden is one where only subjects of the King of Spain may safely trade.
At Seville, the Hope was arrested as belonging to Nicket, and of Flushing, but claimed by Nicket “as one of Antwerp and the King of Spain's subject” and so released.
For which causes Birde and Company pray that the ship may be restored to them as lawfully taken by force of their warrant and that they “may receive the ordinary course of law and justice . . . viz. that the arrest made upon these goods may be released upon sufficient sureties to answer the plaintiffs to their actions . . . and whensoever the matter shall receive trial, they will humbly submit themselves to such order as shall be taken by your honour, although the matter do in point of law fall out for them,” beseeching that tender care may be had of them, as they have to the value of 10,000l. of their goods stayed in Spain, and the letters of reprisal were granted that they might have some satisfaction for their loss.
The setting out of their ship by that warrant; bringing the goods from Portsmouth, wages &c. of the mariners, keeping of the goods and other charges have cost them above 1,200l.
So that the order taken by her Majesty for restitution and release of her poor spoiled subjects will be turned to their further loss and undoing, if the claims of every man who challenges goods that have been taken may be admitted otherwise than by way of law and justice, or should urge her Majesty's subjects “further than the course of law will bear.” Undated.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holland VI. 102.]
Feb. 5. [Andrea de Loo to Carlo Lanfranchi.]
I have not time to do more than make a brief reply to yours of the 7th instant (fn. 3) [n.s.]; not having yet treated of it with anyone, nor do I know how to do so, not being furnished with the letter for her Majesty of which you wrote, and which I am eagerly expecting, and also finding the substance of this letter from you to contradict what you wrote to me before, by which you signified that if means were found to treat with her Majesty here, you knew how to work marvels with his Highness there, and described a method which would not have been displeasing to the Queen, for arriving at an agreement. And now it appears that you desire some one to go from here to seek there, what may be done here, which I do not understand. In my next I will make known to you my mind more at large, believing that you have not well understood the point on which I wrote.—London, 5 February, 1585.
Copy. Without signature, address or endorsement. Italian. ½ p. [Flanders I. 55.]
[Probably enclosed in de Loo's letter of Feb. 11, to Burghley.]


  • 1. This paragraph is quoted by Motley, but the date given as Dec. 29. See United Netherlands. i, 378, 379
  • 2. Nephew of Thomas Randolph.
  • 3. From this it appears that de Loo, writign in London, used english style.