Elizabeth: November 1585, 16-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: November 1585, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp166-175 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1585, 16-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp166-175.

"Elizabeth: November 1585, 16-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp166-175.

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November 1585, 16–20

Nov. 16. The Queen to the States General.
It being accorded in her treaty with them that two of her subjects should assist in the Council of State, she has chosen Mr. Clark, Doctor of Laws, one of her Masters of Requests, and Henry Killigrew, one of the Receivers-General of her Chamber of Accounts, formerly employed in several embassies of great importance, both of whom have many times showed their prudence, sufficiency and dexterity in the management of affairs, and who, they may be assured, will not fail to acquit themselves with zeal and affection for the public welfare of the country.
Copy. Endd. with date. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 43.]
Nov. 16. Davison to Walsingham.
Since taking up the last 500l. lent me this last week by the merchants for the relief of these garrisons and the companies in Ostend and Bergues, in exceeding want and misery, “I have been called upon by these poor men to strain my credit further for them, seeing there is no news of the treasurer.” The merchants at my earnest request have promised me eight hundred or a thousand pounds more, “part whereof I look for this night or to-morrow to relieve the want of the poor men, which weary me with their complaints.” I must address the bills of exchange to you, not knowing what other way to take, and therefore humbly beseech you to accept and satisfy them.
It troubles me much to meddle in these things, “wherein I have no charge, but unless I should see her Majesty utterly dishonoured and her service overthrown, I can do no less. . . . The burghers of this town have delivered me a request containing divers particular griefs,” which I send herewith, praying you to let them have a favourable answer.
“The magistrates of the Brill have renewed their suit for the staple of wools and fells. Her Majesty commanded me to put them in comfort of some such favour. I hope your honour will employ your credit in furthering their contentment” so far as you may.
A bruit has come to-day that Mr. Norreys had had some encounter with the enemy, but I hear no certainty of it.
If my Lord of Leicester come not soon after Sir Philip, I purpose to start home with the first opportunity,both for my health and business' sake.—Flushing, 16 November, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland V. 44.]
Nov. 16. Davison to Sir Philip Sydney.
Your long stay much amazes and troubles us, and the more that we hear nothing of the treasurer. “It is a shame to think how things are hindered. Of three or four months the companies have been here, they have not had above one month's pay; many of them are already wasted with hunger and misery, and but for the straining of my poor credit, had been at this time utterly broken and disordered. At our coming into this town, I found mean to pay these garrisons for a month, which already spent, and the poor men in want, I am driven of new by the treasurer's stay to try my poor credit for some 1,400l. or 1,500l. more, to relieve both them and others. The charge of the Rammekins I committed to Capt. Hunteley (a gentleman I know you loved and trusted well) till your coming. Mr. Edward Norreys, affecting the place, hath procured warrant from his brother to dislodge him, which I would not suffer till your coming. . . .This is the beginning of a faction which your presence will soon determine. If you make no other choice of captains and officers than you shall find here, you shall do wrong to your own honour and her Majesty's service.”
Capt. Williams has tarried here these ten or twelve days in hopes of seeing you. St. Aldegonde continues at his house unmolested.
Count Maurice is to be here within two or three days to attend my Lord of Leicester. “He is newly confirmed in his government of Holland and Zeeland, before provisional. The General remaineth before 'Nieumeghen.'. . The bruit is they should be in parley with him. I pray God it be not after the manner of Zutphen. . .
“We are afraid my Lord of Leicester's journey be cooled if he do not follow you all the sooner. I hope at your coming to make a start home.”—Flushing, 16 November, 1585.
Minute. 1 p. [Ibid. V. 45.]
Nov. 16/26. Jaques Rossel to Davison.
Several persons who have come from Antwerp confirm the arrival of the Duke of Savoy. Some say he is in the town, others that he is in Artois or on the road; all that he is come or coming and that the Prince of Parma will depart. The latter has had some great design in hand, for which he has kept the old Spanish companies in the Pays de Waes; but on Friday last they hastily recrossed the river, the Prince himself conducting them, with other troops, towards the main body of the army at Turnhout, thence to march with all speed into Gueldres; where, according to a report amongst them, his troops, sent to relieve Nimeguen, have been defeated by ours.
Those who come from Holland, however tell us nothing of this; for Mr. Noritz was at the Hague on Friday last and they say that the bruit was that those of Westphalia had mutinied against their bishop and called the Comte de Moeurs to their aid and that the said Count had gone with some troops from the camp. This may have given rise to the report of going towards the enemy, but there is no appearance of dismembering the army, which indeed is but small, considering the enemy who is coming down upon them. It will be well for Mr. Noritz to give order for fortifying himself, since the whole army is on the march.
The States, after great disputes between those both of the Council of State, the States of Holland, the States General, and divers individuals, about money for payment of the soldiers, some demanding licences, others opposing them, have been in schism more than twelve days,-as they are in Rome, Sede vacante. At length they have agreed, and have found a month's pay for all the garrisons, and the treasurer Mammakere being arrived with the money. Count Maurice and some others will follow on the arrival of my Lord of Leicester.—Middelburg, 26 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland V. 46.]
Nov. 16. John Allsop to Daniel Rogers.
We hear from Richard Molle, an officer of the Merchants Adventurers, that Jacob Hornkings, my wife's brother, is in your service, whereof his parents and I were right glad, it being nine months since he departed hence with Count Gulenborgh, since when we have heard nothing save that in May last he departed for England with an English gentleman. We are the more glad because “in your service he shall see the customs and fashions of strangers, and as we hope, learn and retain the best.” We pray your worship to have care of him and especially that he avoid bad company, whereby you will bind his friends (which are many of good birth and ability in Groningenland) to serve you to the uttermost.—The Blue house, by Embden. 16 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. “From M. Lygeard at London Stone.” Seal of arms. [Germany, States, III. 85.]
Nov. 17. Edzard, Count of East Friesland, to the Queen.
Latin letter, of which the substance is given below.—Embden, 17 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. 10¼ pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns II. 28.]
Nov. 17. “The effect” of the above letter.
“First he recommendeth his goodwill and service unto her.
“Next, he doubteth not but that her Highness hath been advertised, partly by her own subjects which trade at Emden, as also by public fame, and especially by many embassages and letters written to the Prince of Orange, what injuries the Hollanders and Westfrisians of late years have done unto him, by possessing by force the river of Ems (which belongeth to the sacred Empire and unto him) contrary to all equity and neighbourhood and to the law of nations, and contrary to the constitutions of the Empire, established against the disturbers of the common peace and quietness.
“That he hath always been in hope that the States would have devised some remedy, both for his subjects and those of the Empire and others, for the free exercise of their traffic, as he remembereth the Prince of Orange and the rest of the States have sundry times promised, both by ambassadors, by conference and by letters.
“Notwithstanding, he findeth they have been so far from minding any redress, as the aforesaid injuries have rather been doubled by increasing the number of their ships, to hinder that passage. Inasmuch as in no state of Christendom there hath been greater violence offered or practised (unless it were against professed enemies) than both hath been against his subject; partly by imprisoning of them and partly by restraining them of their common traffic.
“That both his subjects and those of other princes his neighbours, have divers times complained thereof, and required restitution of their goods so wrongfully taken from them, but hitherto all in vain and to no purpose, for they have not only not sought to reform these great disorders, but have rather with pleasure and delight beheld all such spoils and outrages as have been most violently committed.
“That now they are grown to such insolency, as they have not only attempted to stop the free passage of the said river of Ems, but also sought to divert all traffic from his and the Emperor's subjects, to their irrecoverable loss and utter decay. And that which is more, to detain by force their ships, and to carry the same to other places at their pleasure, to the utter impoverishing both of merchants and mariners.
“Herewith not contented, they do not only withhold such goods and merchandises as may in any sort relieve and strengthen the enemy, but without exception all such other commodities as their country doth afford; as namely butter, cheese, lard, kine, oxen, sheep, swine, barley, wheat, etc.; whereof, notwithstanding, the enemy hath such plenty, as there is daily brought great store thereof both into his country of Friesland and into Westfalia.
“Further, that under colour and pretence hereof, they go about to hinder his subjects from conveying any of their native commodities into Breame or Hamborowghe: whereas in the meantime, they themselves send thither great store of butter and cheese, to their great gain and commodity. As though they were absolute lords of the Empire and that without their licence no subject thereof might either victual or use any other kind of trade.
“That thereupon, the soldiers whom they have placed as it were in garrison upon the said river, have seized and detained even such goods as their own admiral hath granted safe-conduct for. Adding thereunto intolerable exactions upon mariners and merchants, and spoiling poor carriers and other needy persons of such money as they had received for their necessary maintenance and charge of their journey.
“That further, by seeking to hinder all marts and fairs which were usually kept in his country, they have seized both the persons and goods of all persons such as use to haunt thither, either English or of what country soever, detained them as prisoners and not suffered them to depart until they had paid their ransom.
“That they have with open hostility invaded divers of his castles and towns, and assaulted divers of his subjects in their journey, and even before the city of Emden carried them away as captives, imprisoned them, beaten them . . . and made them ever afterward impotent and unable men.
“That it is well known to the world how like enemies they have fired his subjects' ships, sold their anchors, sails, cables and other furniture unto the first they met for little or nothing. And in brief, that quicquid illis libuit, licuit.
“In all which, they have neither had regard to the commandment of the Prince of Orange (that no subject of the Empire or of any other prince adjoining should any way be annoyed) neither to such conferences and agreements as have passed between the said Prince and him and the rest of the States, neither yet to such decrees of the Empire as have come to their notice by the ambassadors of the princes of Saxony and Westfalia, and have been publicly recorded, but contrarily have utterly condemned and jested at them.
“That in case they had meant to annoy their enemies only, they would have sought to stop the passage to Delfzil and Reidanus (which belong to their said enemy) and not have suffered such plenty of victuals to be carried thither the last summer, rather than to have used such cruelty against his subjects without any cause.
“Upon these and other just causes he hath been enforced, both for the safety of his subjects and the maintenance of his own right, descended unto him from his ancestors, to use such means for the avoiding of these intolerable injuries as are justifiable by the law of nature, civil and of nations.
“Which his proceeding . . . he is fully persuaded shall be allowed of all kings and princes of Christendom, and that these matters shall be more carefully looked unto hereafter than they have hitherto bee.
“That he writeth hereof unto her Majesty only to this end: that it may appear unto her that in respect of these great injuries (which have touched some of her own subjects trading at Emden, as well as others before mentioned) he hath rather been too slack and remiss in his own cause . . . being assured that her Majesty would not willingly have suffered the like injuries against her own realm and subjects.
“Wherefore he doth most humbly beseech her Majesty that in case the Westfrisians (being troublesome persons and nothing well affected towards him) shall suggest any other matter, to the intent to bring him in displeasure with her Majesty, it would please her to give no credit unto them, but most graciously to consider of his complaints, which he is able to verify both by the testimony of Mr. Herle, late ambassador there for her Majesty, as also by divers credible persons, both English and others trading there, and by other lawful proofs of record, if need shall require.
“Which, if her Majesty shall vouchsafe to grant, she shall, besides all former favours and benefits bestowed upon him and his subjects, make him by this means most bound unto her for ever.”—Emden, 17 November, 1585.
Endd.pp. [Hamburg and Hanse Towns II. 29.]
Nov. 18. Leicester to Davison.
“I am sorry that I stay thus long, but the fault is not mine. I trust to be with you within ten days at furthest.
“I am sorry also that the soldiers want and are unpaid, when her Majesty and we all think Mr. Norreys hath had money, with this 7,000l. that now comes with my nephew, to pay all his people till the 12th of this month. I pray you learn the true estate of all things against I come. . . .
“Touching the election of Count Maurice, I hope it be no impairing of the authority heretofore allotted to me; for if it be, I shall tarry but awhile. My devotion to those countries and people, though I say it, deserves good acceptation, to leave that I do and to hazard that I must do. . . .
“Touching St. Aldegonde, I grieve that he is at his house without good guard. I do earnestly pray you to move such as have power presently to commit a guard about him, for I know he is a dangerous and a bold man; and presumes yet to carry all. He hath made great promises to the Prince. I would he were in the Rammekins, or else that Mr. Russell had charge of him, with a recommendation from me to Russell to look well to him till I shall arrive. You must be earnest in this, even (?) from her Majesty, for she thinks he is in close and safe guard. If he be not, look forthwith for a turn of all things, for he hath friends, I know.”—18 November.
Holograph, Add. Endd.pp. [Holland V. 47.]
[The latter part of this letter is quoted by Motley, United Netherlands, i, 323 and 265.]
Nov. 19/29. Treslong to Walsingham.
I understand from my brother-in-law, Jehan d' Egmont, now sojourning in your country, that your honour has done all good offices possible with her Majesty in my favour and for my deliverance from this long and weary prison, which has moved me to sent this word of thinks for a kindness so signal and so little merited. And inasmuch as favours received embolden one to beg for more, I humbly pray you to continue to lend a helping hand that I may be delivered from this noisome (puante) prison, seeing no hope of remedy save from the hands of her gracious Majesty; for from the Messieurs here I can expect nothing but rigour and harsh treatment , even perpetual prison, worse than death' assuring you that I do not so much desire to be out of this place as I regret, by this wicked captivity not to be able to prove with what zeal and sincere affection I desire to devote my self to her Majesty's service. Middelburg, 29 November, 1585.
Signed. Add Endd. Fr.pp. [Holland V. 48.]
Nov.19. Walsingham to Davison.
“I find you grieved, and not without cause, in respect of the overthwart proceedings as well there here. I hope upon the arrival of the Earl of Leicester you shall be eased of the care of the disorders there ,which would be easily redressed of we could take a thorough. resolute course here; a matter that men may rather pray for than hope for; and therefore it is very doubtful that the present action now in hand will be accompanied with very good success. unless they of country there may be drawn to bear the greatest burden of the charges to the wars , and not to attend any greater support form hence than the continuance to the payment of 4,000 footmen and 1,000 house.
The Earl departs about the latter end of next week; his train of 400 horses, well furnished and appointed, began to ship.
“It is thought meet that you should do your best endeavour to procure that St. Aldegonde may be restrained, which in mine opinion were fit to be handled in such sort that the restraint might seem rather to proceed from themselves than by your solicitation. And yet rather than he should remain at liberty to practice underhand . . . It is thought meet that you should make yourself a party , and seek . . . to have him under the guard of some well affected patriot until the Earl's coming,” when his cause may be examined.
I will do what i can to procure contentment for those of Flushing., though in respect that the goods be sold and distributed and the ship lost, it will be very hard to procure satisfaction.”
Her Majesty is willing for you to return within a month after the earl of leicester's arrival, and has chosen Mr. Henry killigrew to supply your place as an assistant in the council there, together with dr. clarke.
Nothing has fallen out here since sir Philip sydney's departure, who can thoroughly inform you of the strange humours that reign here.
Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. With date. 3 pp. [Holland V. 49.]
The first part of this letter is quoted by Motley, United Netherlands, i, p. 327 and 261, not quite verbatim. On p. 327, l. 9, “hard success” should be “good success.”]
Nov.19. Walsingham to Gilpin.
“I find by sundry reports from thence that there is no form of government held there, pretending for their excuse to depend altogether upon the Earl of Leicester's coming; and yet have they in a matter of very good weight (by placing the Count Maurice governor of Holland and Zeeland) taken more speedy resolution than in reason was fit. But the merit of the Prince his father was so great as there is good cause why men should forbear to mislike thereof, so as the same were not done to breed some offence or mislike here, and so work a division between those whom necessity ought for common defence to combine and unite together.”
The Earl's repair thither is most necessary, yet when I consider the great confusion he will find there, and the practices in those parts to breed disunion, I am not a little grieved. I pray you therefore as a well-_wisher both to the public and to his lordship to confer with some of the best affected patriots “about some plot to be presented unto him, as well for the removing of the great abuses reigning there as also for the establishing of some well settled government,” and especially for the employing and distributing of the contributions, which being the sinews of the wars, “the body of that policy cannot but grow to utter ruin” if they are not carefully provided for.
Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endorsed with date. 3 pp. [Ibid. V. 50.]
Nov. 19. “New propositions for the Earl of Leicester.”
“To be resolved by the Lords:—
“hat course shall be taken with the noblemen employed now by the States.
“What entertainment shall be given unto the Count Maurice.
“What answer he shall make touching the promised supply of horsemen and footmen.
“What ships shall be continued with the States.
“To have Haukins come over for the establishing of marine causes.
“A post boat to be established as well on this side the seas as on the other.
“Whether Sir W. Pelham shall go.
“Allowance for transportation of his horses.”
In Walsingham's hand. ¾ p. [Ibid. V. 51]
Nov. 19/29. Advertisements from France.
M. du Mayne is at Poictiers, fearing to advance further as the Vicomte of Turenne is at Bruie la galhard, whither M. Chastillon has brought him thirty ensigns of foot.
M. de la Val has met, in the open field, the troops of Blanchart, Tierrelan [qy. Tieercelan] and la Mrque and has defeated them with great loss.
The common discourse of M. de Biron to the King and Queen Mother and to the Council, to make them lie well of the Peace is that the “miserables” think they are doing willingly what they desire, speaking in the name of the Leaguers and those united to them; and moreover that there are some who believe and anticipate the misery which may come to them, speaking on behalf of the people, who are in great fear of the coming of the storm form the north; of whom a number are marching, together with some Swiss into dauphiny, in order to descend upon Languedoc.
Meanwhile, the King has been fighting strangely in the sight [?] of the queens and ladies, to which they attribute the dissipation of the troops there; and is going away to diet himself for awhile.
Epernon (Espargnon) is going to Metz, there is some trouble on account of the edict.
The garrison at Pons has defeated some troops of M. de Matignon, who is at Xaintes, waiting for M. du Mayne to go thither to make his first attempt. It the northern strom breaks the King means t go against them in person.
The King of Navarre keeps Auch besieged, and takes one place after another.
M. de Montmorenci has taken Lusignan, between Carcassone and Narbonne, and presses hard Marshal Joyeuse, and the Seneshal de Toulouse, Cornusson, who has been attacked by those of “Montesquieu en I' Oragoyd,” and has sent to the Court to say that all will be lost in that country if the King does not look to it. The demolition of the castles of Angers and Auxonne displeases the Guisards.
M. De Sallettes, remaining at the court instead of Chassincourt, has been defrauded of the packet addressed to him by the King of Navarre, in which were letters to the Maritres>[?] of the Sorbonne and to the Parlement. The King has seen them all, but only kept the letter addressed to the said de Sallettes, allwoing the others to be distributed, and even that the King of Navarre's protestation may be printed privately.
The inhabitants of the above named Auxonne had taken the Castle and the governor, Tavannes.
The letters of the King of Navarre to the parlement have been enrolled.
In the Sorbonne a disputation has been held on the succession to the kingdom, when it was resolved that the prince who was the heir was elected by God before his birth and that, whether good or bad, he must be accepted; that the coronation was only an outward ceremony, which could not prejudice the succession. Before there will be a peace, those most confident say that there must be much greater necessity. In fine, the said Maitres [?] will play a passive game and leave the active one to others.
Endd. Fr.pp. [Newsletters IX. 24.]
Nov. 20/30. Mauvissière to Signor Florio.
Sends back the certificate, signed and sealed. If another is sent, well written of parchment, will sign that also. Asks for news of all that passes and begs Florio to visit and salute on his behalf the Lord Treasurer and his lady, the Countess of Oxford, the Admiral, the Grand Chamberlain, M. de Walsingham and the other lords of the Council, and all the “dames et demoiselles”; thanking them from himself and his wife for all the kindnesses received from them. And especially to go to Mr. Ralegh (Raglay) with assurances of his friendship, and to the Countess of Sussex.
His wife is intending to go to see her father, and will not return until towards “le St. Jehan.” Meanwhile he will remain at the court, where he no longer knows anybody.
Asks Florio to tell M. Du Glas and M. Geoffry [Le Brumen] to write to him often, and desires him to do so himself by every opportunity.—Paris, 30 November, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Fr. 2 pp. [France XIV. 108.]