Elizabeth: November 1585, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: November 1585, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp146-154 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1585, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp146-154.

"Elizabeth: November 1585, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp146-154.

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November 1585, 6-10

Nov. 6. Walsingham to Davison.
“Our stay in sending over the governors of the towns . . . cannot but breed some doubt there of our disposition to the cause; or rather that (being now possessed of Flushing and the Brill), we shall seek to serve our own turn at their cost and peril.
“I cannot deny but some practices have been used to draw her Majesty to mislike of the present action and of such as advised her to enter into the same; but the matter is now salved, and I hope free from like practices.” The Earl of Leicester and the two governors mean to embark on the 16th for Flushing. Mr. Harry Killigrew accompanies the Earl, and will be appointed to assist in the Council of State. For martial men, Sir W. Pelham is the chiefest, whose sufficiency is well known to you.
Into what hard state the Prince of Condy is reduced, you will see by an extract out of certain French letters which I send you.—London, 6 November, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 ½ pp. [Holland V. 13.]
Nov. 6/16. Count Hohenloe to Davison.
Stating that as he intends to go to the Briell with Count Maurice and so towards Zeeland, to await the coming of the Earl of Leicester, he does not now write at length, but refers all to their first interview.—Delft, 16 November, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 14.]
Nov. 6/16. Thomas Cartwright to Walsingham.
Sending letters received from Count Neuenaar, who desires him to have them safely conveyed to his honour and her Majesty. Has delivered them to Lieut. Powel, who promises to see the same effected.—Flushing, 16 November, 1585, stilo novo. Seal. Add. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 15.]
Nov. 6. Claude Desainliens, dit Hollyband, to——
About a month or five weeks ago, your honour gave me licence to translate and have printed the justification of Don Antonio, which I have done, specifying the place where it is printed according to your order. My duty was to present to you the first copy, in acknowledgment of your kindness, but the printer has forestalled me, for the very day that he sent it not only to your honour but to the King of Portugal, he told me that it would not be finished for three days; wherefore I must pray you to excuse me.
Endd. “ 6 November, 1585. From Holliband, schoolmaster of Poules.” Fr. ¾ p. [Portugal II. 17.]
Nov. 6. John III, King of Sweden to the Queen.
The bearer, John Logan, citizen of Kingston, brought him last September her letters dated at Greenwich, 2 March, 1584, demanding redress for some merchandise seized by the Swedish fleet in the port of Narva from an English subject in 1579. The ambassadors last sent to her however, on their return informed him that it had been settled that after a sure peace had been arranged between him and the Muscovite all such causes should be decided and satisfaction given wherever due, but that her Highness's subjects were not to urge an earlier settlement. As such peace has not yet been concluded, and moreover, those of her Highness's subjects who ought to be examined in the matter are not on the spot and cannot arrive this winter, he must postpone the business to the time fixed on as above.—Court at Kalmar, 6 November, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Latin. ½ p.[Sweden I. 12.]
Nov. 7. The Deputies of the States to Walsingham.
Acknowledging the receipt of her Majesty's letter and their passport, and asking for a few words to the captain of the man of war which is to escort them, desiring him to have a little care of them, if his ship should sail more quickly than theirs. They would like if possible to know when Sir Philip Sidney and the Earl of Leicester will set out, in order to inform those on the other side. Have seen “M. de Cecil,” whose illness prevents the exact date of his departure being fixed, but he will write to those of the Brill. If M. de Sidney wishes to send anything, and will give it to the bearer, they will not fail to obey him therein. They hope to start to-morrow evening.—London, 7 November, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holland V. 16.]
Nov. 8/18. William De Maulde to Davison.
I thank you very humbly for the good beer you have been so good as to send me, assuring you that I would willingly, for it, give up the best wine that could be given me. I also thank you for telling me of General Norreys' good success about Nimeguen. I only fear that this town being of very great importance to the enemy, he will do everything possible in order not to let it be lost; for his forces are not so small as you say, 800 horse and six regiments of foot being sent thither, who even though they may not dare to attack the General, may, I fear cut off his provisions. Wherefore it were well for him speedily to have good reinforcements, but if he has to expect them from our States I do not think they will be worth much, both on account of their usual tardiness, and also that we daily hear of their cassing many companies, forty having been already disbanded. I know they do it from economy, but to do it tempore et loco is everything.
Three days ago I saw a letter written by one of our deputies at the English court to one of those who have returned, saying that her Majesty has of late spoken in regard to them with more excitement (the letter says) than it was expedient to commit to paper, adding that it was not without cause, seeing the ill service they do here, which, if continued, it was to be feared that these English lords would very shortly be displeased thereby, although he hoped that those here would take some better order. The letter also said that her Majesty was much dissatisfied in regard to the Earl of Leicester, whose coming is certainly more than necessary; although it is much to be feared that the commons here, having been so long without any yoke, will not, so well and quickly as they ought, yield due obedience to a chief who will know so well how to rule them as the Earl.— Sluys, 18 November, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland V. 17.]
Nov. 8/18. Magistrates of the Brill to Davison.
Praying him to aid them to obtain from her Majesty the staple of wools and skins, as is more amply set forth in the petition which they hope he has already sent to her [see p. 58 above]; not doubting but that she will grant their request, at any rate in part, seeing that their town is given into her hands, and is, as his lordship knows, of great importance.— La Briele, 18 November, 1585. Signed, De Langue.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 ½ pp. [Ibid. V. 18.]
Nov. 9. J. Vander AA to Walsingham.
I am sorry to be obliged to send you a troublesome letter, but necessity forces me to declare to you, from whom I have always experienced favour and friendship, what I have in my mind.
Long ago I was informed from divers quarters that some were speaking of me as was not fitting of one zealous for his country and the common cause. So far I have let it pass in silence, thinking of the chatter of these people as of the noise of a pack of barking dogs. But finding that they still pursue me, and considering how easily they can come to your honour and other lords of the Council, with whom they seem already to have done me some ill offices, even some of the deputies of the States:— for these and other reasons, I must defend my honour, which is dearer to me than my life.
Wherefore I have written to the States General, since I do not think I have ever in my life offended them in any way whatever, and believing firmly that they have given no such charge to their deputies, as you will see by my said letters, of which I send you a copy hereunto annexed. I cannot tell whence this rub proceeds, if not from pure envy, for I have certainly never given any cause for suspicion. I have never shown the least affection to our common enemy, as my deeds can testify, but as this must be referred to another time and place, I will say nothing more about it now.
I am here with my proofs, in the hands of God and her Majesty, and to them and my just cause I entrust myself, offering to reply to all charges made against me and to give every satisfaction that her Majesty and her Council shall demand.
Meanwhile I pray you to believe that I would rather die a thousand deaths than do anything which would contravene the good opinion which you tell me the Queen has of me, or forget the kindness and clemency with which she has received me in her kingdom, without my having done her any service.—London, 9 November, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Seal. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland V. 19.]
Enclosing :
M.Vander Aa to the States General.
It is now fifteen or sixteen months since he retired into England, with the knowledge and consent of the late Prince of Orange, who desired to employ him here in matters relating to their service. Since his arrival he has done everything possible when occasion has offered, and although not answered therein by their lordships, has continued to do good offices for them and for the public good.
So that therein (as in all other things before, when he was in those countries, at his own charges) he believes himself to have given cause to them to remember him; and hopes so to do to the end of his day, although he might claim that he has some right to complain that, without any recognition of himself, others have been sent, who may have given satisfaction party in consequence of what he had already done, before their arrival. All these things he had meant to pass over in silence, but of late the ill-offices which their deputies have done against him at this court, especially two called Ortell and Buys, whom he does not know at all, have given him fresh cause to complain. He does not believe that he has done anything to offend their lordships or his country, and begs them to take order that these men may desist from seeking private quarrels, and conduct themselves modestly in the matters belonging to their charge, without doing him wrong unless (which he does not think) obliged thereto in virtue of their commission. Prays to be heard, and is ready here to answer for all. He says “here” because it is the place to which, after God they look for their preservation, and whither he has retired with his wife and children.—London, 1 November, 1585.
Copy. Fr.pp. [Ibid. V. 19a.]
Nov. 9. Jacques Valcke to Walsingham.
Having just received letters from Zeeland, stating that the Sieur de Mont Saint Aldegonde has arrived at his house in Walcheren, and also copies of his Apology, he sends a copy of this latter, in order that his honour may see what he says in his defence. Hopes to go to Gravesend on the morrow and that M. de Sidney will meet them there, that they may travel together.
Signed. Add. Endd. with date. Fr. ½ p. [Holland V. 20.]
Nov. 9. Ortell to Walsingham.
One of their ships of war has just arrived, whose captain brings the enclosed letters, which he hopes his honour will have sent, each one to its destination.—From his lodging, 9 November, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. V. 21.]
Nov. 9. Copy of the commission from her Majesty to Sir Philip Sydney, Sir Thomas Cecil and others for the transportation of their several provisions.—Westminster, 9 November, 1585. Certified under the hand of R. Watson, Clerk of the Crown Office.
Endd. 1 sheet. [Ibid. V. 22]
[Entered on Patent Roll under this date.]
Nov. 9. [Walsingham] to the Chancellor of Denmark.
The Queen is writing to inform the King of Denmark that the Hanse ambassadors have returned home, leaving the controversies between. England and the Hanse Towns unsettled. For not only did they withdraw from the offer made the year before by their own Alderman in their name, but they brought no authority to come to a settlement on the points in dispute. It is very likely that, with their old dislike to the royal dignity, they may attempt by words and deeds to prejudice her Majesty and her subjects. It is known that formerly they tried, and almost prevailed with the Emperor and some other princes of the Empire to have our commerce forbidden there, as if it were a monopoly; whereas for nearly a hundred years, at Antwerp, Hamburg and elsewhere, it has not been stigmatised as such, nor would it be so now, if they could obtain what they want.
Although the Queen is not afraid of their attempts and is in hopes they will fail, yet in the present disturbed state of Christendom she does not want anything to be done which might harm her or her subjects, and since it seems probable that they will traduce her and them to the Emperor and other princes she has decided that means must be taken as quickly as possible to confute their calumnies; which can be done by no one so advantageously as by your King, whom, on account of his near neighbourhood, they will not dare to offend. If the historians are right, their conduct against the King of Denmark (on pretext of some immunities in their realm), and their present demands upon us are much alike. Our cause is yours. But as we are so far from them we cannot so conveniently resist their attempts.
Her Majesty therefore desires that your King will be pleased to do her this office of brotherly love and friendship; namely
Nov. 10/20. Arnoult de grunevelt to davison.
This bearer, the Sieur de Werboiez, his cousin, will declare to his lordship what has passed in these parts. Prays him not to be weary if the said bearer, on behalf of the captains, magistracy and the writer himself, makes complaint of the small order taken by the States General and the Council of State for the payments, so solemnly promised, for the reinforcement of the garrison and for necessary provisions, but rather to let them feel the effect of his favour, by his lending a helping hand that better order may be taken, for it is more than necessary, and he does not believe that her Majesty understands how they are left to waste away to the last drop of their blood.—Sluys, 20 November, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland V. 23.]
Nov. 10/20. Jaques Rossel to Walsingham.
With my last, I sent you two copies of my commissions, desiring to be continued in your service, having been suspended from that of the quarter-master since the coming of General Norreys, who had put me in hope of continuing therein. To this end, I bought horses, which have been a great expence and quite useless to me. From this and other causes, I am greatly in arrears, the States owing me more than 25,000 florins, which I can only get by the favour of her Majesty and yourself.
I have already advertised you that the Prince of Parma was intending to retire, and that the Duke of Savoy, son-in-law of the King of Spain, would be sent in his place. Some days ago I informed Mr. Davison that 4,000 Italians had arrived in Luxembourg, and have since come to encamp at Berken [gy. Borcht] before Antwerp. The Duke of Savoy is said to be there in person, but this I cannot write certainly, because for seven days the gates towards the side of the river have been kept shut. An Italian, a prisoner at Bergen, tells of a great enterprise to be made by the Prince of Parma, but does not say what it is.
Such an enterprise is very probable, for Parma keeps the main force of his army in Brabant, in a town called Turnhout, having sent a portion of it into Flanders to the neighbourhood of Bruges, to secure that town and to make forts before Sluys and Ostend. Another part is sent into Gueldreland, to succour Nimeguen, which being pressed by M. de Noritz, has come to a parley, but only (as a friend writes to me from Holland) after the fashion of Zutphen.
The long delay of the Earl of Leicester is very dangerous, and that of Mr. “Cedene” also. For the safe government of Flushing there is needed not so much good men as good guard, for all who inhabit it are not our friends. I know the enquiries the enemy are making about this place, and hope to tell you more hereafter.
In consequence of this delay, affairs of state here are so neglected that we seem to be in a jus devolutum. For three months past they have left the garrisons unpaid in the most suspected places and the nearest to the enemy, as at Bergen, Sluys and Ostend, and in all the forts, where the soldiers are as much in despair as the governors, not knowing what to do but to await a general revolt; the enemy lying in wait and not ceasing to practise with them to that end. Whereof I have sent advertisements to Mr. Davison to communicate to her Majesty, in order to hasten the despatch of the Earl, to whose coming is put off the redress of all these important matters.
I believe you know that on the 14th, styl romain, Count Maurice was made governor of Holland and Zeeland, as his father was, and the said day the oath was taken and there was a grand banquet. Many think it strange that this has been done before the arrival of the said Earl, or that her Majesty has thought it fitting. He is expected at Middelburg on the 25th and several of the Council are sent to “brenvergner” and congratulate him.—Middelburg, 20 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland V. 24.]
Nov. 10/20. Guillaume de Maulde to Davison.
Complimenting him on his liberality, and asking for three gallons of the excellent English ale which he drank as his guest at Middelburg, as it can only be got in an adulterated state at the wine shops, and he is forbidden to drink Spanish wine. He will not touch on public affairs except to say that everyone is praying that the Queen, having taken up their cause, will go through with it, and that if the English make common cause with Holland and Zeeland, her Majesty may not only be queen of England and Ireland, but ruler of the sea.—Sluys, 12 kal. December, 1585.
Postscript.—I have just been greeted in your name by the son of D. Bruxaudius, who asked me to send you a copy of the exhortation addressed to the States by the nobles of Flanders. I send you a copy in French. If you wish for the Flemish version by Niveldt, I will send it next time.
Add. Latin. 1 ½ pp. [Ibid. V. 25.]
Nov. 10. Valcke to Walsingham.
I yesterday told you of the arrival of the Sieur de Mont Saint Aldegonde in Zeeland. I now hear further that he arrived at his house at Souburch on the 9th inst., new style, without any assurance whatever. The States of Zeeland, who were then assembled, gave order that he should communicate with no one on any affair of state, which he has promised them upon his oath; declaring that having heard that there were certain who accused him of many things, he is come to put himself into the hands of the States to purge himself or to suffer le chastoy, (fn. 1) being content to be put in prison, but that his accusers should be so also, to answer thereto, ad pœenam talionis. He says moreover that he is not come to treat with the enemy either of peace or any other thing, seeing that the Prince of Parma could not grant anything as regards religion or liberty of conscience. That he never thought of saying (as reported) that if he had a hair that was English he would pull it out, or anything like it; that if the States will not hear his cause, he will be well content that the Earl of Leicester and other chiefs of the army should do so, and settle it according to justice.
Other news you will, I doubt not, learn from the ambassador and others, and how necessary the presence of the Earl is here.
Messrs. Buys and Ortell have informed me that one Vander Aa has tried to make a quarrel with them. Your honour knows of what consequence such practices are in regard to public persons, sent by a State for important affairs. It is much to be suspected that what is endeavoured is not so much against particular persons as in order to upset public affairs and to shuffle the cards. What leads me to speak of this (since these gentlemen have no lack of material wherewith to pay back those who have the adder's tongue) is that in the letter which he says he has written to the States General, we are all noticed, myself included. I pray you to make use of this fact, with your customary discretion.—London, 10 November, 1585, stylo Angliœ.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holland V. 26.]
Nov. 10. Leicester to Davison.
I thank you for your letter, and trust shortly to be with you. Mr. Gilpin advertises me that he finds Middelburg and Flushing very full, and lodging very scarce. If it be so, I must send many of my company before into Holland. As Utrecht is said to be most convenient for my horsemen, I mean to send them thither, and will come with as few as I can, but the least I can draw them to will be two hundred, though if I can lessen them I will. “I perceive the lords there do 'tarry' me with much goodwill. Surely I am bound to them and they are beholding to me also, as my nephew will tell you. No man living hath had more discouragements, but the worst is past here. God send me to find all and good kindness indeed there. Let St. Aldegonde, I pray you, remain in good safety in any wise.”—10 November.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. V. 27.]
Nov. 10/20 Chr. Roels to Davison.
I am about to discover a plot of the enemy in which I fear some chief persons are involved. The Sieur d'Aldegonde has been so much my friend in the past that I cannot persuade myself he is in it, although these intercepted letters from President Richardot to his [Aldegonde's] son-in-law, the Sieur de Praet (of which the originals are in my hands) make me doubt of it, and the more that by his Apology he seems also reconciled, and of such it is not to be doubted that they are here to do good offices for the King.
Moreover, the going and coming of many to his castle, also the arms which (as they write to us) he has had brought thither, make me still more uneasy. It would be a good thing for the country and for himself if he were in England, and if your lordship can do anything I beg you to endeavour it, procuring a safeconduct for him if it is needed.—Middelburg, 20 November, 1585.
Postscript.—I pray you not to communicate this to anyone, but to burn it at once.
Endd. “6 October,” i.e. date of the enclosure. Fr. 3/4 p. [Holland V. 28.]
President Richardot to [the Sieur de Praet].
I believe you will have been informed that his Highness has granted you your reconciliation, and of my good offices in the matter, which I shall always continue very willingly to employ when occasions arise. Some time before your reconciliation, his Highness saw fit to bestow upon one named Lois Boddens the balliages and receipts of the lordships of Praet, Haeltere, Vostyne and Woesene with their appurtenances, in reward for his services of many years at court; and although I know you will allow what his Highness has done in this regard, yet I wish to recommend the gentleman to you in order that you may continue him in the said commission.—Antwerp, 6 October, 1585.
Copy, collated and certified by Roels. Add. Fr. 3/4 p. [Ibid. V. 29.]


  • 1. Obsolete form of chatiment.