Elizabeth: October 1585, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1921.

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'Elizabeth: October 1585, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp120-131 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1585, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1921), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp120-131.

"Elizabeth: October 1585, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 20, September 1585-May 1586. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1921), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol20/pp120-131.

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October 1585, 26–31

Oct. 26. Captain T. Wilson to Walsingham.
I crave pardon that I could not be one of the first to tell you of the rendering of the sconce to our General and the “Grave Amures” [Graf Moeurs] on Oct. 14. The captains and soldiers had their lives, and liberty to depart with bag and baggage. Captain Hemyngs was drowned, going to the hoy he had charge of. All our captains, gentlemen and soldiers used themselves most bravely and so much dismayed the enemy that they rendered it “a great while sooner than it was expected.” Capt. Blunt was shot into the thigh by a chained bullet. Captains Knowles, Darsey and Vavasor escaped without hurt. One Christopher Ward, a gentleman, late servant to Mr. Anthony Mildmay is likewise shot into his right arm and I myself through my right thigh, which is the cause I could not write till now, when I have another new matter to tell you of, viz.: another sconce called Bowkhed, a Dutch mile and a half from Arnhem and as much from Nimeguen, which is also rendered to the General, having but tow great pieces mounted and none shot off. The soldiers had leave to depart as the others did, “but their Captain, who is thought a Turk, because he would not yield as they did, his soldiers delivered him perforce unto the general,” and he is a prisoner in Arnhem.
The night before, about a hundred and fifty burghers came out of Nimeguen to set our lieger on fire. They took a house close to the river but our men ran up to the middle in water, set it on fire, and burnt and killed every one.—Arnhem, 26 October, 1585.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 105.]
Oct. 26./Nov. 5. Jaques Rossel to Davison.
Since leaving you I have been in the country and only on my arrival here to-day learn the continuation of the alborot (fn. 1) of the Walloons, the seizure of the fort of Ordam and Callo, the incursion of the said Walloons into the Pays de Waes, the ravages of their cows and sheep, the indignation of the Prince of Parma, who has sent twenty-four Spanish ensigns into the Pays de Waes to close their passage and reduce them to capitulate from lack of victuals, and what has happened in Antwerp, whence they demanded to draw money to content them; the burghers disarmed, the castle “ retrenched.”
Your lordship may assure yourself of having acquired for her Majesty a treasure of honour, if with her prudence, generosity and greatness, she makes an army, without considering the intoxication of the time or the ruinous season which may consume her said army; but only the destruction and extermination of her and God's enemies. I could discourse of endless military matters, from my knowledge of the United Provinces, but will leave them to give you when you shall please.—Middelburg, 5 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [I bid IV. 106.]
Oct. 27. Adolf, Count of Neuwenar, to Leicester.
Thanking him for his kind letter and assurances of good-will and affection, which, though he cannot deserve, he will endeavour at every opportunity to acknowledge. Cannot but hope for a good issue to their affairs, seeing that her Majesty has embraced them and means shortly to send some great lord thither; whose coming should be hastened, that affairs may be put into better order. Earnestly hopes that his lordship will be the person chosen to take this charge, and by his prudence, good advice and authority to restore these countries to their ancient prosperity. Will esteem himself much honoured to receive his lordship's commands, and will obey them with entire zeal and devotion.— Arnhem, 27 October, 1585, stilo antiquo.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 ½ pp. [I bid. IV. 107.]
Oct. 27./ Nov. 6. The Council of the Estates of Zeeland to Davison.
Asking him to aid the merchants “included” in the annexed petition [wanting], who complain that although they had paid their dues and in no wise infringed the proclamation, their ships taking merchandise to Calais have been seized by freebooters and carried to Dover. Desire that nothing may be decreed against the said merchants without their being heard by their competent judge, according to the right of these countries, and that to this end their goods may be send back hither. Prays him to lend a helping hand that the inhabitants of these countries may be judged by the jurisdiction of their dwelling place, without being constrained to pursue their rights beyond seas for what the freebooters of these countries are bound to bring to Flushing.—Middelburg, 6 November, 1585. Signed, Chr. Roels.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland IV. 108.]
Oct. 28. Davison to George Lecester.
I hear from Mr. Henry Norrys that you have only sent them half a month's pay out of the money taken up by exchange, contrary to my orders to you and to what I had written to my lords of the Council and to Mr. Norrys himself. I much marvel “that seeing I employed my labour and credit for so great a sum, chiefly in respect of these cautionary places . . . and considering the want wherein I left those of the Briell and found the rest here, you would for any respect whatsoever leave them unsatisfied, both to her Majesty's dishonour and my discredit, . . . wherein I will not endure reproach for any man's respect,” and therefore pray you to send the rest of the money either to them or to me, that her Majesty's honour may be saved and myself discharged.
Holograph. Minute. Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 109.]
Oct. 29./Nov. 8. Chr. Roels to Davison.
By letters received yesterday, our deputies inform us that the Earl of Leicester, M. de Sidney and Valcke were to embark to-day, Valcke having on Wednesday received his conge from her Majesty. God give them good success and a quick voyage, for our affairs are very low and our ships will sink unless we have shortly other government. Those of Holland take no good order either as to the contributions or the government or for Mr. Norreys, whom they deceive, professing to be going to make conquests where we are sure to lose the whole district if he is not properly supplied, when it would be much better to guard and preserve what we have, and to use our money to satisfy the poor soldiers, who on every side are dying of hunger and cold. The fort made by Mr. Norreys at Nimeguen is a very good thing if it is tenable, but we must take care not to lose the advantages we have here.
They make no effort to find money, and I know no remedy but a loan of two or three hundred thousand florins, which, if her Majesty would advance for a year to the provinces on good security, would remedy all inconveniences, and would do no harm to her service, as it would shorten the war, and enable her to begin the compaign within four or five months.
We have received her Majesty's Declaration. The news we had of Mr. Drake is true. They are giving order here for the lodging of the Earl and his train. That town should have a larger garrison, and it would be well provisionally to draw all the men from the Rammekins save forty or fifty, and bring, file a file, some from Bergen. As to the information from La Thole, I beg you not to esteem it lightly, in order to satisfy our people, although I much desire that the soldiers should not be too rigorously inquired into. But for both it seems to me expedient to do something. Her Majesty's service depends as much on the affection of the people as on military discipline, and all our disorders arise from lack of this discipline, so that hitherto we have accomplished nothing.
I hear that the Earl will reserve my lodgings for himself, with which I am well pleased. I again pray you to take care that I may not be trampled on by others.—Middelburg, 8 November, 1585.
Postscript.—I beg you in future not to trust such foolish folks in the hiring of ships as heretofore. You have only to speak to the burgomasters of the towns where you wish to be provided.
Add. Endd. “From Pensionary Roules.” Fr. 2 pp. [Holland IV. 110.]
Oct. 30./Nov. 9. Davison to M. De Lokeren.
I have not earlier answered yours of Oct 30. [see p. 102 above] having no news from England worth sending you; but now wish humbly to thank you for your congratulations upon the good success of my negotiations here, which I hope will be the beginning of recovery to this poor desolate country, her Majesty being resolved to employ all her means for the good of those who are so much her dear friends. Also to assure you that should occasion present itself, I shall be as ready to serve you as any gentleman of these parts, as one whose virtues and long and faithful services to your native land will have the favour they deserve from her Majesty; and that I shall not fail, on the Earl of Leicester's arrival, to do anything which may be pleasing to you.
I hear from England that Mr. Sidney, appointed governor of this town, was to embark yesterday evening, and that the Earl intends to follow on the 18th instant [n.s.]. I am sending Mr. Erington the news of some small victories our people have had at sea against the Spaniards, which he will not fail to impart to you.—Flushing, - November, 1585.
Minute. Endd. by Davison “9 of November, new style.” Fr.pp. [Ibid. IV. 111.]
Oct. 30./Nov. 9. The Council of Zeeland to Davison.
Finding it convenient for the safety of Ostend to withdraw thither the two English companies now in La Tholen, they pray him to command their captains immediately to take their way towards that place. Count Hohenloe will send two other companies of this country to replace them.—Middelburg, 9 November, 1585. Signed Chr. Roels.
Add. Endd. Fr. ¾ p. [Ibid. IV. 112.]
Oct. 30./Nov. 9. St. Aldegonde to Davison.
I am delighted that coming hither to justify myself from the false and malicious imputations with which I am charged, I have learned that you are here on her Majesty's behalf, and also that the Earl of Leicester is expected shortly. I see truly that the Lord God is just and never abandons his own. I have spared myself in nothing for the service of these countries, and would have sacrificed myself a thousand times, had it been possible, for their preservation. Now, for all this I receive a guerdon of blame and calumny, cast upon me to cover the faults which peradventure have been made in the past.
But I hope very soon to come to salute you, and to speak more particularly of all this. Meanwhile, submitting myself for justification to these gentlemen, who ought to have known me better than to give credence to such wicked imputations as have been spread of me, I beg that by your authority the main matter (principal fondement) of my justification or my condemnation (if I have merited it), may be reserved until the coming of the Earl.—Soubourg, 9 November, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland IV. 113.]
[Printed, with a few slight variations, by Motley, United Netherlands i, 258.]
Two copies of the above.
Endd. Fr. Each ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 114, 115.]
Oct. 30./Nov. 9. Davison to M. Grunevelt.
Acknowledges his letter of the last of October [p. 104 above] received by the young Sieur de Meetkerke, his kinsman; thanks him for his congratulations and announces Sydney's and Leicester's impending arrival, as to M. de Lokeren, above.
The news of the great booty which some of the English ships have gained by the capture of the Vice-Admiral coming from the Indies, to the value of three or four millions [of florins?] at least, is quite true; besides many others, both merchant and fishing vessels, fallen into their hands. The Chevalier Drake with his fleet is on the coast of Spain, where he has made a descent near Bayona, burnt and pillaged the country, and released many English ships and prisoners. Which way he will go next they do not know.
Here all goes on quietly. Rammekins was settled on Sunday last. General Norreys is still near Nimeguen, towards which place the enemy has drawn part of his forces to oppose him. The mutiny of the Germans and Walloons in his camp is appeased. M. de St. Aldegonde arrived yesterday evening at his house of Soubourg, under pretext of purging himself of the calumnies cast upon him, wrongfully as he says.
Sends his humble regards to M. de Mansart. As soon as Mr. Sidney arrives, will let him know it; whom he will find a very accomplished honourable gentleman, ready to do him good service.—Flushing, 9 November, 1585.
Signed. Minute. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holland IV. 116.]
Oct. 31. Stafford to Burghley.
I have written so at large to Mr. Secretary of “the uncertainties that are here of the Prince of Condé's 'being,' or of that they have done against him, or of his intention and meaning,” that I refer you to his letters rather than trouble you further. [Letters to Walsingham wanting.]
I have also written to him in cipher “an advertisement that Mauvisière gave me touching the evil intent towards the Queen's person.” She must not neglect it, even though I think he does it more by conjecture and to captivare benevolentiam, now he has need of her, than for true knowledge or zeal, but I know “such counsels have been taken within these four days, that if they have not stir in Scotland, that there is no way but to deal with the Queen as with the Prince of Orange.” I have told him where this course was resolved. Now is the time “for the Queen to knock all her enemies in the head and to take all hope from them of prevailing;. . . and a good strength added to the contrary party will overthrow them quite.”—Paris,-October, 1585.
“There came even now a very excellent letter that Du Plessis hath written to the King. Having but one copy of it, I have sent it Mr. Secretary, desiring him to make your lordship partaker of it.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. with date by Burghley. 1 p. [France XIV. 102.]
Oct. 31. Stafford to Walsingham.
Recommending the Master of “Forbous,” who in these troublous times desires to retire into his own country. Gladly gives testimony of his good affection to do her Majesty service, although he is too well known to his honour for it to be needful.—Paris, ultimo October, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. XIV. 103.]
Oct. 31. Colonel Norreys to Walsingham.
Recommending the bearer, Captain Bond-who having lost his wife, desires to go to England for a while on his own affairs-according to his former request, for the place of serjeant-major at the Brill, with some reasonable allowance for the same. The place “is of great charge,” needing a man of good experience and honesty. Is sure he will very faithfully discharge the trust.—The Camp, last of October, 1585, stilo Angliœ.
Signed. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 117.]
Oct. 31. The Queen to Colonel Norreys.
Is right glad that his attempt upon the fort has been successful, in which he has well answered her expectations of his valour and good conduct; but would have “liked best” he had remembered her former direction to stand upon a defensive war, both in respect of her care for her subjects' lives, “which the offensive cannot but put into over great hazard,” and that her meaning in the present action, as she has notified to the world, is principally to defend. Also puts him in mind that at his departure she required him to have special care that “the young gentlemen of best birth” accompanying him might be spared from all hazardous attempts, “as this was, the place being not assaultable,” and reserved as much as might be for her service at home in cases of necessity.
Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. with date. ¾ p. [Holland IV. 118.]
Oct. 31. Capt. roger Williams to Walsingham.
“Although my Lord of Leicester comes to these parts I dare not be so bold with his honour as with yours. It were necessary his lordship lay in the Prince's house at Flushing until he makes his assembly general in Middleburg or where pleases his honour.
“My reason is this: the garrison of Flushing are not four hundred and fifty able men; the stay of his lordship in Flushing would be an occasion to supply the garrison as well with able men as with what number pleased his honour. If he puts less in Flushing than eight hundred able men with good chiefs let his honour assure himself the town may do what they will. Besides, the crowns and state that his honour and company will spend and maintain will win the hearts and minds of a number of people. Let his honour make sure his garrisons, his person and army may march the surer where pleases his honour. It were necessary for Sir Philip to procure for his lieutenant in Flushing Captain Rede or such other, both of service, of credit and of wealth in his country. Being in Berges with twelve hundred men I never heard of our men's entry in Flushing nor in Brill. Had I known I could 'a ranforst' their troops with four or five hundred soldiers. It had been necessary, considering the weakness (wecnes) of their companies and our men subject to diseases greatly. If my lord had been with her Majesty's purse the last day, his honour had gotten the body of the enemy's army, I do assure your honour, five regiments of Walloons there came 'ilding'[qy. yielding] to Berges, three score at once. Their camp and great towns are in great misery, can not be victualled, if it will please her Majesty to make eight thousand footmen, two thousand horsemen to keep the field, the which is nothing for her highness and the States. But if there be no better order than we have hitherunto, all will come to nothing. We have not received since our arrival but one month pay and half a month which the ambassador gave us on his credit. I do hope with your honour's favour to have some commandment amongst the cavalry. Mr. Edward and Mr. Harry Norrys ought rather to be in field than governors of towns of such importance.” Refers all the rest to Mr. Bruin.—Flushing, the last of October.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 p. [Holland IV. 119.]
Oct. 31./Nov. 10. Rossel to Walsingham.
I should not put myself forward to write on my private account were I not informed that every one is hurrying to her Majesty to obtain some promotion, who ought to be informed of the qualities which these pretendants have brought or are bringing to her service. I have known many of those who now aspire to such advancement, who have rather retarded affairs than pushed them forward, which you could not see, being so far away. I should have come to you but for my desire to do her Majesty and your honour service, continuing the necessary correspondence during the treaty and negotiations; as also that you have always assured me that I was in the list of those recommended for promotion.
I pray you to let her Majesty know the affection I have always borne to her service, and my long services and great toils, and the risks of my life which I have run in the service of the States for the space of ten years, his Excellency having always assured me of promotion, which he would certainly have given me if death had not prevented him. I am in arrears of my pay and salaries more than twenty thousand florins, which the States, for lack of means, assigned me upon the confiscations of the Lorrendray, but I have seen no fruit therefrom. For this cause, and fearing that others may come before me, I send you two copies of the commission I held up to the last war in the place of quarter-master, from which I have drawn little payment and profit because I was not of the company of cavalry belonging to this charge. Mr. Noritz promised to maintain me in it, but as I was not with him in the field, I remained at a stay in the matter, being in Zeeland to help on the negotiation of Flushing, which many were hindering. As to the commission of muster-master, I have always exercised it, for the two are compatible, that of quarter-master being only when we are in the field. To which I pray you to have such regard that by her Majesty's recommendation and your favour I may be continued in these charges, having fulfilled them honourably, to the knowledge of all. I might claim other recompense, but this I leave to your honour.
The Prince of Parma is much troubled by an alborotte [see p. 121 above] arisen among his troops, especially between the Walloons and Spaniards, who took up arms against each other from jealousy of payments made to the Spaniards. He has only been able to put an end to it by six months' pay, the revolt having lasted until the first of November. This gave General Noritz time to gain two very important forts, one of which held in check the town of Arnhem, and the other commands the Rhine and Nimeguen, where Mr. Noritz is now. Those of Nimeguen have put out of the town three hundred of the Religion, having run for help to the Prince of Parma. He has hastened the payment of his Walloons, who since the 1st of this month have marched into Gueldres, whereof I have given notice to the General. The Prince is going straight to Bois-le-Duc. He has sent 1,000 Spaniards towards Bruges, some say as convoys for victuals, others, that they are for garrisons. The former is more likely, for not only that town but all others, and even the provinces are so destitute of corn. now that the passages and ports are closed, that they will not be able to subsist.
It only needs the coming of the Earl of Leicester, in order by his prudence and authority to settle all these comings and goings of one and another, who under various pretexts carry on their practices, as in their designs upon Bergen and Lillo, where the arrival of the English was very opportune, because of their correspondence with the islands of Tertolle and Tergoes. This day, Nov. 9, papal style, the good apostle St. Aldegonde is arrived at his house near Flushing, under whose countenance I cannot say. The people, greatly scandalized, declare that traitors are now put before honest men.—Middelburg, 10 [sic] November 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Holland IV. 120.]
Oct. 31. Proposals “touching the States' debt to her Majesty”; viz.: that the States should assign to her “betwixt this and the last of December the whole money by them due. This done, her Majesty credits them again of the same, . . . so that the States shall still be served with her Majesty's money and remain in her debt as now they are,” yet still enjoy the commodity of it.—Unsigned.
Endd. with date. ½ p. [Ibid. IV. 121.]
Oct. 31./Nov. 10. Michael Breydenstein, licenciate of Medicine.
A letter of advice, chiefly concerning diet. Prescribes meat in moderation, and varying the sorts, as it is good for nature to have a change. For drink, fairly strong beer, good and neither too old or too new, and a little good wine. Four or five hours after dinner, an hour's exercise and then rest until supper. The advice would seem to be meant for a delicate or elderly man.
Endd. by Davison's clerk. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 122.]
Oct. Stafford to Walsingham.
A friend of mine in this town desires me to send you the enclosed memorial [wanting]. I have enquired of the man who offers to do what is there contained, and hear that he “is one of the excellentest men in the world in that art,” and was greatly sought by the King of Spain to overlook all the ordnance in the castle of Milan; which he has made the best esteemed in Christendom. Mr. Pallavicino can best tell you what he can do.—Paris,-October 1585.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. [France XIV. 104.]
Oct. “A note of rates and payment of the officers and soldiers for every band of 150 men.”
13 officers, 335 guilders; 150 men, 1,365 guilders. In all 1,700 guilders, i.e.. 184l. 3s. 4d.
Endd. 1 p. [Holland IV. 123.]
Oct. “Deductions for furniture, by Colonel Norreys.”
The General's regiment.
Capt. Huddilston, treasurer at war. Capt. Arington, Master of the Ordnance.
“ Charles Blunt. ” John Burrowes.
“ Edw. Norreys. ” Harry Norreys.
“ Tho. Knowles. ” Francis Darcye.
“ John Wotton. ” Tho. Vavasor.
“ John Scott. ” Tho. Maria Wingfield.
“ Gilbart Havers. ” Edmond Bannister.
“ Shelton. ” Tho. Baskerville.
“ John Roberts. ” Arthur Brett.
“ Degorie Hinder. ” Tho. Rowles.
Col. Morgan's regiment.
Colonel Morgan. Cat. Ed. Yorke.
Capt. Emanuel Lucar. Sir Walter Waller.
“ Edward Morgan. Capt. Francis Carsey, at Ostend.
“ Edward Udall.
The voluntary companies of the General's regiment.
The companies' Colonel. Capt. Williams.
Capt. Barnabie Palmer. ” Edward Cromwell.
“ Robert Sydney. ” Edward Cromwell.
“ Tho. Willson. ” Edmund Huntley.
“ John Hill. ” Rich. Wingfield.
“ Ed. Symes. ” Oliver Lambert.
“ Francis Littelton. ” John Hunings.
“ James Wotton. ” Tho. Gainsford.
“ Rich. Grime. ” Robert Pettie.
“ John Sibthorpe, at Ostend.” Ed. Warley.
Capts. Tho. Watson and Wm. Inge. “These two companies at Antwerp, under Col. Morgan's regiment.”
The “companies' Colonel,” 244 guilders; Col. Morgan, 200g.; three of the captains 100g. each; five without figures; all the rest 150g. each.
Endd. with date by Burghley. 2½ pp. [Ibid. IV. 124.]
[Oct. 2.] “Minute of a commission for my Lord of Leicester to levy and take up a certain number of his own tenants.”—Undated.
Endd. as above. 2 sheets. [Ibid. IV. 125.]
Printed in Rymer's Fœdera (vol. xv, p. 599, ed. 1711), from the Patent Roll, under date Oct. 2.
[Oct. 2?] Minute of warrant to sheriffs &c., to allow the Earl of Leicester to take up provisions and press ships for the transporting of the same.
3 sheets. [Holland IV. 126.]
[After Oct. 19/29.] The Queen to Davison.
Understanding by his letters that the towns of Flushing and the Brill have been given up into his hands. she announces that she has chosen Sir Philip Sydney and Sir Thomas Cecil to be governors respectively of the said towns, and desires him to deliver them up in her name and to her use, for which this shall be his warrant. He is to give special charge and commandment to the captains and soldiers of the said garrison to yield all dutiful obedience unto the said governors during the time they are continued in that charge.
Copy. Endd. and (in different ink) dated “Sept. 1585,” in error. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 127.]
[Oct.] the Queen to the Town of Brill.
Informing them that she has chosen Sir Thomas Cecil for their governor, and has given him express commandment not only to keep the soldiers of the garrison in good order and discipline-enjoining them to behave towards the townspeople with all friendship and kindness, as if they were natives of the same country, under pain of severe punishment-but also to hold their town and all who belong to them in very singular esteem, as being those of whose welfare and preservation she is no less careful than if they were her own subjects. Hoping that on their parts they will yield him the honour and obedience which is his due as their governor and her own representative, and accord to the garrison such welcome and good treatment as if they were their own compatriots.
As to the request made by them through Mr. Davison [see p. 58 above], she will take such order as shall content them, and they may rest assured that she will always be ready to gratify them in all other matters for the good and advancement of their affairs.
Draft. Endd. “Brill. The like to Flushing.” Fr.pp. [Ibid. IV. 128.]
[Oct., end of?] “A memorial of such things as are to be put in a readiness for the governors of the cautionary towns,” viz.: letters to be written, commissions to be drawn up &c.
Also [in Burghley's hand] note of “a passport in form of a safeconduct for Sir Philip Sydney, to repair to Flushing to take charge of the town,” and the soldiers there, for which this shall be a sufficient discharge. And “the like for Sir Thos. Cecil.”
Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. IV. 129.]
[Oct.] Deputy of the States of Utrecht to [Walsingham?]. (fn. 2)
The deputy of the States of Utrecht having seen the letter from the Churches, to the Lord High Treasurer and to M. Walsingham, dated the 3rd of this month of October, replies as follows:—
As to the statement of the Churches that they have already contributed a considerable sum, with the English nation, that is redressable, as her Majesty has promised to exempt them in regard to the charges of this levy.
If the said deputy has to return without obtaining anything, it will much discourage those of Gueldres and Utrecht, nay, make them despair of greater succours in case of need, since in so small a subsidy they have been denied.
And in such despair, it is evident that in time they will make up their minds to preserve themselves as best they may, by making the most advantageous agreement possible with the enemy, who otherwise will overwhelm them suddenly, they being on the frontiers and destitute of all means of preservation.
Which surrender will doubtless draw after it many other towns, besides causing a terrible disturbance throughout Holland, not without extreme danger and evident loss.
And whereas it is an error to think that Holland is inaccessible, having an open door such as the land of Gueldres and the town of Utrecht, as sufficiently appeared in the first troubles, although they boast differently to her Majesty:— Therefore he prays that her Majesty will be pleased to order all those of the Flemish and Walloon tongue resident in this Kingdom, whether reckoned under the Churches or not, to furnish means for the payment of 600 heads for the space of one year, in consideration of the reasons alleged by the said deputy, both by his former writings and by this one. And to give him a good and speedy despatch.
Endd. in later hand “3 Oct., 1580”; probably mis-read from an earlier endorsement, now torn away. [Holland IV. 130.]


  • 1. Sp. alboroto, tumult, disturbance.
  • 2. It is doubtful whether this letter belongs to this year or 1586; but as Paul Buys was now in England as deputy from Utrecht the former seems more probable.