Elizabeth: October 1559, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: October 1559, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp61-74 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1559, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp61-74.

"Elizabeth: October 1559, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp61-74.

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October 1559, 26-31

Oct. 26.
R. O.
142. Frederic II., King of Denmark and Norway, to the Queen.
Forwarding and advocating the complaint of three of his subjects, inhabitants of Copenhagen, viz., Matthias Lampe, Johannes Zickerbecker, and Henry Abel, who have been defrauded by another citizen of his, a sailor, named Peter Jensen, who is resident for the winter in the Queen's territories "in civitate Blomaria."—The palace of Abrahamsdorf, 7 cal. Nov., 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 3.
Oct. 26.
R. O.
143. Albert, Marquis of Brandenburg, to the Queen.
Perceiving by her letters that eight falcons, which he sent last year as a present to her late sister, have been delivered to herself, and that they were acceptable, he this year renews the present and sends other eight, which will be delivered to her by his falconer, and which he hopes will afford her amusement.—Konigsburg, 26 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Add. Lat. Broadside.
Oct. 26.
R. O.
144. Franciscus Burcartus to Cecil.
1. Friendship not business compels him to write. The Count and he have arrived in safety at Flushing in Zealand after a stormy and dangerous passage, which called to their recollection the remark made to them by the Queen before their departure, that as they had hitherto waited for the wind, so now the wind would wait for them. It has dealt with them wrathfully, or, it might be said, cruelly. The Count is going homewards through Holland and Friesland, being the shortest road; he, the writer, takes Antwerp by the way. When he returns home he will inform Cecil of whatever appears to be important. No news here, except that no Pope has as yet been created, in consequence of the tumults among the electors. If this be true, there will be a great change: may God bring about that which shall be for His own glory and the good of His Church! Will always remember the Queen's kindness and liberality.—Antwerp, 26 Oct. 1559.
2. P. S.—After having written the above, has heard, from one whom he can trust, that the Duke of Savoy is dead, not without suspicion of poison. If this be so, the peace lately entered into by the Kings of France and Spain will not long continue, and a great change will be produced in their plans and policy. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
Oct. 26.
R. O.
145. Christopher Goodman to Cecil.
1. Having been constrained by injuries to quit his native country, where he hoped (especially in these days) for liberty to serve in his vocation, he has been in these parts of Scotland for six weeks and more, where his labours, everywhere at home rejected, have been in sundry places here (praised be God!) thankfully received, although the same impediments might have been made against them here as in England. He conjectures that this is because place and care are not among these wise men so readily offered to malicious and uncharitable informations against the labourers in the Church of God, or else the zeal for promoting Christ's kingdom is not so great in England as in this people of later calling; otherwise they would have looked for all means to retain and encourage those who sought the furtherance of God's glory and the wealth of their country, rather than to use so many fetches to deface their doings, discredit their persons, and take from them that liberty which God of His mercy had generally granted to professors of His holy Name. This has not hindered him and other ministers (who have been likewise molested) so much as the poor and hungry members of Christ, who might have had comfort of their travail. As God has armed him with patience to pass through the persecutions of wicked Mary and her soldiers, so he doubts not but that he will be able to bear the ingratitude or malice of false brethren, and trusts that God's work shall not be anything hindered thereby.
2. Although the flesh hereat repines, still he is not alienated from his country, but is ready to profit it whensoever his poor service shall be required.
3. He thinks it his duty to advertise Cecil also of those things which offended him and wounded the hearts of the godly while he abode in England, so that respect might be had to them, and the occasion of slander removed, which is given by the slack proceedings in religion by permitting and retaining divers monuments of superstition, some of which had been abolished in the days of godly King Edward, such as the placing of crosses and candles on the Lord's table, and that in the Queen's chapel; the binding of ministers to Papist apparel; plurality of benefices; non-residency; making of lordly Bishops before the realm be provided with necessary ministers; observation of Saints' days; changing of common bread in the Lord's Supper to a plain wafer cake; taking forth of the Litany the necessary prayer against the Romish Antichrist; putting unto [it] a new kind of procession for the Rogation week; commanding this only order in all places to be used. "And last (which sticketh much in the hearts of many) the suffering of those bloody Bishops, and known murderers of God's people and your dear brethren, to live, upon whom God hath expressly pronounced the sentence of death; for the execution whereof He hath committed the sword in your hands, who are now placed in authority." These and the like abuses are an occasion to people who are loath to clog their consciences with such superstitious vanities to withdraw themselves from the ministry. Besides, this is no small occasion to discourage the godly (who alone in danger are to be trusted) when they perceive that Cecil is more ready to please the Papists, God's open enemies, than loath to offend his own brethren. Moreover these things make the enemy more stubborn, and encourage them in their wicked enterprises.
4. He knows the excuses alleged for these doings; but should the fear of Papists be preferred to that of the Almighty; the hearts of the godly wounded to the rage of the adversaries bridled? He is sure that God is displeased with these doings and "threateneth some sore plague to come," whereof those in whose hands the redress consists shall be accused, unless He give them grace to foresee the danger and with speedful diligence provide remedy.
5. He beseeches Cecil not to be offended with his plainness, but to consider the weightiness of the cause and the danger of want of care and ferventness, and hopes that he will take all things in good part, to the end that the writer may be encouraged to use the like boldness in advertising him further as occasion shall be offered. He had when in England written to the Queen and Cecil offering his services, but could find no one to deliver his letters, so dangerous was it made to enterprise for anything in his behalf, which was no small cause of his departure.—Edinburgh, 26 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 27.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 74. Wright, 1. 18. Keith, 1. 400. Sadler, 1. 522. No. XCIV.
146. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
1. Yesternight they received letters in cipher from Randolph, with others from the Earl of Arran (alias Beaufort), to the Queen, to Cecil, and themselves, and other writings, which they send enclosed. Ask him how they shall answer the same, seeing the great likelihood that this matter will grow unto. [In the mean season they have thought good to put them in hope of such relief as may be administered for the assault and surprise of Leith before the arrival of Damp Marten, and have also given them advice with honour and secresy; as he will see by the copy of their letters written in cipher to Randolph herewith sent.] (fn. 1) If they be not relieved and supported by the Queen, their poverty being such as they allege, they must of force desist to their own confusion. If by her aid they prosper, yet Her Highness must show herself on that side, or else they shall not be able to strive and wrestle with the power of France. They are bold to say their poor minds, as men who from the bottom of their hearts desire and wish for the establishment of these two realms in perpetual unity and concord; the like opportunity whereof they fear they shall not live to see if this be pretermitted.—Berwick, 27 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Knox, vi. 88. 2. P. S.—He will receive amongst others a letter from Knox to Mr. Rayleton, who wrote to him to get some knowledge of the Great Seal that should be sent out of France into Scotland. Knox writing of the same, calls it a jewel; and by the things engraved on the staff, sent to the Regent from her son and daughter in France, he means the arms of England, France, and Scotland.
Orig. Railton's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 27.
MS. Burton-Constable.
147. Another copy of the above, with variations.
Oct. 27.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 520. No. XCIII.
148. Sadler and Croftes to Randolph.
1. Have received his letters of the 24th and 25th inst., with other letters, all of which they have sent to the Court. And because the Lords of the Congregation desire their advice, he may say to them that, not understanding thoroughly their state and force to accomplish their enterprise, they cannot give them so good advice as they desire; but their honourable, wise, and stout proceedings, since their arrival at Edinburgh, they must needs commend. Their protract of time the writers must needs think dangerous, if the aid out of France arrives before they can recover Leith and expel the French. They therefore must consider whether it be not better to assail them in Leith while they are weak, rather than to abide the danger which shall ensue when the enemy are stronger.
2. Furthermore, as they understand that divers of the French soldiers steal away from Leith, they advise that they be given to understand that as many as would depart shall have free and safe passage.
3. Finally, touching the Lords' request for money and powder, if they can contrive how it may be conveyed to them so secretly as that the French may know not from whom it comes (England being friendly with France), the writers would be content the Scots had as much as can be spared from England. Also, for money, they trust soon to have such answer from the Court as shall satisfy them; and beg them in all things to use more secresy, lest these things turn to their loss and detriment. (fn. 2)
4. Croftes begs him to tell the Earl of Arran that he has in readiness for him a fair morion and target, and he must provide one to convey them to him secretly.
Oct. 27.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 70.
149. Another copy of the above, transcribed from the original in cipher, deciphered.
Oct. 27.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 72. Knox, vi. 91. Keith, 1. 399. Sadler, 1. 523. No. XCV.
150. Croftes to Knox.
1. Has received his letter of the 25th. For his own part he would be well content to grant all Knox's request; but marvels that he, being a wise man, requires of them such present aid of men, money, and munition, as they cannot minister to the Scots without showing themselves to be as open enemies, where by league and treaty they are bound to be friends. Desires him to consider how they may without touch of honour and hurt to the commonwealth enter suddenly into open war, no manifest injury being offered them; and how he, being but a servant, may presume to do what Knox desires, tending to a plain breach of amity between so great Princes.
2. As for Knox's devices to colour their doings, he must not think the world so blind but that it will soon espy the same. They cannot so colour the matter but it will be expounded a plain breach of our league and treaty. Desires him to require of them what they may do with honour and safety, and he will not find them unwilling thereto. Touching the relief of some he wrote about, would do so if he knew how it might be secretly conveyed to them. "But to be plain with you, ye are so open in your doings as to make men half afraid to deal with you, which is more than wisdom and policy doth require."
Oct. 27. 3. Finally, when he writes that France labours to make the English utterly refuse him, and that the Queen Dowager has plainly said she knows means to frustrate the expectation of the Scots of support from England by deliverance of Calais, Croftes dares boldly say there is no such matter in treaty nor yet in question; for he may be sure that Calais cannot make them neglect or refuse the establishing the island in perpetual unity. Refers him to the other letters.—Berwick, 27 Oct. 1559.
Copy, in Railton's hol. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 27.
MS. Burton-Constable.
151. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 28.
MS. Burton-Con stable. Sadler, 1, 524. No. XCVI.
152. Lord Wharton to Sadler.
1. Has sent to him his servant, William Storye, to receive his order about the taking of James Home, prisoner. His father, a good old servant of the writer, was desirous to come with his son. Is strange for him [Wharton] to hear what has been said before his friends, Sadler and Croftes, of this matter. His servant brought home into Berwick Castle the first prisoner known to be taken that day, as the Earl of Northumberland, Mr. Croftes and others, did see, without any other claim for his taking. And how Bradrick got the prisoner's dagger, after he was taken, there are good witnesses. His [Wharton's] servant was arrested when Lord Dacre was captain, which he had cause to think ungentle, and the more that a trial should be taken in the Marshal's court. Wharton's servant, Langcaster, has told him that Denton should say before him [Sadler] that he asked him [Wharton] leave to arrest Storye, which he never did. Wrong reports of this and other things have caused him disquiet, and make him, now in his old age, think himself happy to live from such charges.—Hartley, 28 Oct. 1559. Signed.
2. P. S.—Understands that Sadler is a good master to his friend Mr. Pretie, whom he recommends.
Oct. 28.
R. O.
153. Henry Balnaves to Sadler.
1. The writer wrote to Sadler with Alexander Whitlaw, mentioning this enterprise, both for convening of the army and also of deposing the Queen Regent; and also that Sadler should provide for money to entertain the soldiers, without which they could not remain together any long time. Not having received any answer, neither by word nor writing, he has given a memorial to Mr. Randolph to be written to Sadler in cipher, declaring their proceedings here, and also their urgent need of money by occasion of the fortifying of Leith, which was unknown to him at their last communing. He has therefore desired Randolph to advertise Sadler that they have need of money for entertainment of 3,000 foot and 300 horse for two or three months, or for two at the least; of which as yet there is no answer. They therefore think Sadler to be slothful in their cause, they being in such danger, and he having such opportunity of time to have written or sent word by Captain Drury; and also that he is not so mindful of the matter here in danger as the necessity of the time requires.
2. Assures him that if he does not cause such quantity of money as he is furnished with to be sent with all possible haste, it will repent both him and them, and cause such time to be lost as may never be recovered. Has not written to him so often as he would, because of the great impediment both by sea and land; and so having no sure passage, or worthier matter to write, or plainer declaration than was specified in his first letter, he postponed writing till he should have heard from him what time he would appoint for receiving of the said money. Prays him to send it by, and give credence to, the Laird of Ormiston, who is appointed to convoy the same, and who will inform him at length of all their proceedings.—Edinburgh, 28 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 28.
R. O.
154. The Prior of St. Andrews to Croftes.
Has received his letter and heard the credit of the gentleman whom he sent. Refers him for answer to his return, and to a gentleman who shall accompany him, and who will show the state of their proceedings. Refers him for their necessities to "Maister Harry Balnawois' bill." Sends his hearty commendations to his good friend Sir Ralph.—Edinburgh, 28 Oct. "be [y]ours in God, James Sanctander."
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
Oct. 29.
R. O.
155. Munt to Cecil.
1. Sent him two letters on the 5th inst., which he trusts have come safely to hand. A messenger, who had lately returned to this city from France, reports that twenty ensigns [signa] of foot soldiers were being raised there at this time for the purpose of being despatched into Scotland under Mons. del Boeffe, to which number 300 soldiers, taken from the garrison of Metz, were to be added. It is also reported that the Rhinegrave will raise one legion of German troops. Unless the Scotch are firm at the outset, they will find it difficult to oppose these united forces. The despatch of the Orators into France, who are to demand, in the name of the empire, the restoration of the lands taken from the empire, is postponed until the month of December, for one of their number, "Madrutinus," is delayed by the death of his brother, the Cardinal of Trent.
2. The city of Treves is at this time besieged by its Bishop; for some of the citizens having introduced into the city an evangelical preacher (who preached in the hospital) they were compelled to give him up to the Bishop, by whom he was cast into prison. The Bishop, desiring to punish many of the citizens, has laid siege to the city, near which his troops are encamped.
3. The magistrates of Aix-la-Chapelle have decided upon expelling from their town all who will not adhere to the old religion, and who shall attempt to introduce novelties, the people having petitioned for permission to hear pious discourses. The Count of Brabant and the city of Liége are too near this city. May the Lord of the vineyard send labourers into His vineyard! All good men hope that England, warned by the dangers of others, will take care, by dissimulation and art, that the nation near to itself, whose cause is the same as her own, shall not be first deserted and then overwhelmed. —Strasburg, 29 Oct. 1559. Signed.
4. P. S.—The long silence of Cecil's father-in-law makes the writer anxious as to the state of his health.
Orig. Hol. Add., with armorial seal. Endd. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29.
R. O.
156. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Has written on Oct. 16, 22, and 23, respecting the breaking of the bargain with our merchants and the prolongation of the making of the new bonds. On the arrival of the new bonds, intends to repair home. All things here are in good order. The exchange has risen to 22s. 3d. from hence to London, and hopes to bring it up to 22s. 6d., and from London to 23s., which will save the Queen, at her next payment, 10,000l. or 12,000l. Expects the exchange will never fall again. "I will no further molest you, for that I know your honour is now a good doctor therein."
2. Has paid and promised payment of the Queen's debts to the amount of 42,820l. 8s., the bonds of which he will bring home.
3. Has so practised with the party he bought the powder of that, for two florins upon every hundred more, he will stand to the venture of the search of the Prince, if it should be surveyed and confiscate; which is a dangerous matter, if it be surveyed, for that his life and goods stand upon it. Accordingly has shipped certain quantities of gunpowder and matches. and requests that charge be given to Mr. Blomefylld that these punshons be secretly opened and weighed in the Tower, for verily, if it be known here, the party is in danger of his life and goods. Has likewise shipped diverse other munitions and armour, the details of which are given, amounting to 2,400l. at the least.
4. It is here reputed that "Doen Carollo," the Emperor's third son, is coming into England with many noblemen and 400 or 500 horses, which is much rejoiced at here; and the arrival of the King of Sweden's son in England is nothing liked here, for they cannot abide to hear of him, "for they say he is an usurped King." "If it stand with Her Highness's pleasure to marry a stranger, surely there is none so meet as one of the Emperor's sons, for that he is noble born, and in the marrying of him we are sure to have peace with these two great Princes, I mean the King of Spain and the French King. Besides, we shall have all Germany to friend, which will be a great strength and quietness to our realm." Wishes she would arm herself with as [much] munition and armour as she can come by, whilst the French King and the King of Spain are at rest; trusting if they rest in peace but one year, so to arm her realm that the proudest of them both will be glad to continue in peace with her. Desires to be recommended to the Lord Keeper of the Great Seal.—Antwerp, 29 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 4.
[Oct. 29.]
R. O.
157. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
Statement of various sums of money to be taken up of various merchants in November 1559, and payable in May 1560, amounting, with brokerage and interest, to 51,391l. 13s. 4d. Signed by Gresham.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 76. Knox, vi. 92. Keith, 1. 402.
158. Knox to Croftes.
1. Has received Croftes' reasonable answer to his [Knox's] unreasonable request on the 28th of October, and has imparted it to such as partly induced him to write. Was not altogether ignorant of what might ensue the manifestation of the English in supporting them, nor how far his commission extended; yet, considering which was the greater danger, that the nobility should be defeated or for the English to abide the hazard of the future and suspected incommodities, it appeared that the former might justly devour the other.
2. Touching the treaty of peace with such as Croftes terms their friends, he unfeignedly wishes that it was so sure that they would never have occasion to break any point contracted. Whether it stands with wisdom to have respect to what some men call honour, and see one's friend perish, to the destruction of both, he refers to the judgment of the most honourable. France was under league and treaty of peace with England when it manifestly supported Scotland, yet neither would have confessed breach of treaty or blemish of honour. Beseeches God that they both repent not the drift of time, when the remedy shall not be so easy.
3. If Croftes understood the danger as he [Knox] does, love would compel him somewhat to exceed the bounds of his commission. If he can find no means secretly to convey such liberality as friends with him please to bestow upon such as otherwise cannot serve, is less able at this present to compass such a thing than Croftes and many more of his acquaintance now present with him. Repeats that unless speedy order be taken in that case, their number will shortly be so mean that some will repent that they saw Edinburgh at this voyage. Reminds him that the Master of Maxwell has sustained great damage. Ormeston has joined them, to the comfort of many.
4. Touching secresy, which Croftes requests, he dares promise for some and for himself; but difficult is it to bridle the tongues of a multitude in matters which must pass by public and common suffrage; but matters which concern particular persons are not to his knowledge very patent. Hopes that God has delivered him [Knox] from the most part of these civil affairs, for now are men of better judgment and greater experience occupied in those matters. Young Lethington, the Secretary, is delivered from the fearful thraldom of the French, and is now in Edinburgh, who he trusts shall release him [Knox] of the presupposed journey. "In few words, sir, if ye join not with us in open assistance, we will both repent when the remedy shall be more difficult." Recommends the bearer. —Edinburgh, 29 Oct. 1559. Signed: John Sinclair.
Orig. Knox's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Knox to Sir J. Croftes. Pp. 3.
Oct. 29.
R. O.
159. Randolph to Sadler [and Croftes].
1. For lack of time is forced to write in other sort than willingly he would. Has received their letters and done their commandments to such as the matter chiefly concerns. They think themselves much bound to the Queen and their honours, and so willed him to signify. Knows nothing presently that this bearer cannot inform them of, and thinks also that he himself will shortly be with them as was determined. Finds in them all great good will to further their cause, but they lack both knowledge and ability. Their hatred towards the French is great, but the means to expel them less than he could have thought amongst such a number of handsome men as he has seen amongst them. Their desire to join with England would be commodious if not too dear bought. The bearer can report what he has heard and seen.
2. Has as oft as he durst admonished them of their too much openness, and trusts that experience will teach them wisdom, though some spare not to say that the fault is in such as have been thought of the part of Sadler and Croftes very trusty, and are nothing less. Finds the Earl so disposed to the utter overthrow of the French that he will be found rather too forward than too slow; he desires neither life nor to show his face amongst men unless he can bring this enterprise to some good effect.—29 Oct. 1559. Signed: Thomas Barnaby.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil: Mr. Randall to Sir R. Sadler. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30.
R. O.
160. The Queen to the Earl of Northumberland.
He being desirous to know her pleasure herein is informed that he may conveniently commit his charge of the wardenry of both the Marches during his absence to his brother Sir Henry Percy. If Sir Henry is already on his way hitherward, then the charge shall be assigned to Sir Ralph Sadler.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd.: 30 Oct. Pp. 2.
Oct. 30.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1.527. No. XCVIII.
161. The Queen to Sadler.
The Earl of Northumberland, having performed certain things in those parts for her service, is coming to her presence for the completion of the same. She thinks good to give this charge to Sadler, for her good opinion of his uprightness, requiring him to accept this office of Warden jointly with his other travail there for her.—Westminster, 30 Oct. 1 Eliz. Signed.
Oct. 30.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1.531. No. CII.
162. The Queen to Sadler and Croftes.
Whereas there was delivered to them, about the 20th inst., 3,000l., her pleasure is that they shall secretly see it, or some part of it, delivered to the Protestants of Scotland. They shall do well to certify the Protestants that if they do not speedily take Leith, she will have occasion to doubt of the end. Refers them to Cecil's letter.—Westminster, 30 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Add. by Cecil. Portions in cipher, deciphered.
Oct. 30.
B. M. Add. 5754. 55.
163. The Queen to Sadler.
Whereas there were brought to him about 20 inst. 3,000l., he shall in most secret manner see the same, or such part thereof as he shall think needful, to be delivered to the parties [Protestants?] of Scotland, "having regard to that which in such case is for many respects very needful to be well foreseen, and therein we require you to take good heed according to your approved good wisdom." He shall certify the Protestants that if they do not with speed take Leith she shall have occasion to doubt of the end of certain other things of which her Secretary writes presently to him by her command— Westminster, 30 Oct. 1559.
Copy of the Queen's letters remaining with Sadler. P. 1.
Oct. 30.
B. M. Addit. 5754. 57 b.
164. Another copy of the above. P. 1.
Oct. 30.
MS. Burton-Const able. Sadler, 4. 526. No. XCVII.
165. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes.
1. Their letters of the 25th tarried long, arriving only on the night of the 30th. Marvels Randolph writes no more particulars. This city is full of talk from thence, therefore he would have more certainties. At this present they shall perceive the Queen's contentation, and if more be required, Sadler will do well to write. "For here be many more letters [hinderers] than ye would think, some not liking the progress of religion, some not so angry with the French good fortunes as I am, some doubting other successes, as in marriage and such like, if prosperity should follow there, and so with some more difficult aid is granted than seemeth convenient. In any wise hasten them as ye have done, for so shall they find their work easier."
2. Whereas he wrote of Dammartyn's coming he was mistaken, for now hears it was M. Martygues, one of the heirs of the Duke of Destemps. The gentlemen whom they sent to Edinburgh is thought here unmeet for such a post, as his brother is much addicted to such as blame the proceedings there. This he scribbles in haste, but will write to-morrow. Bids them good night.—30 Oct. at midnight, 1559.
Oct. 30.
R. O.
166. Throckmorton to Gresham.
Has received and taken up, on 30 Oct., (upon Gresham's bill of credit of 1,300 crowns bearing date 10 July,) the sum of 500 crowns, after the rate of 50 sols for every crown, and has agreed with the bankers here to pay unto Santyvo Santin by Gresham's order, for every crown of 50 sols a noble sterling. —Paris, 30 Oct. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add.: To . . . Thomas Gresham in London. Endd. Pp. 2.
Oct. 31.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 532. No. CIII.
167. Cecil to Sadler and Croftes. (fn. 3)
Their packet of letters of the 27th, with others from Beaufort and Barnaby came this afternoon and remain unresolved, being indeed very weighty. To these the Queen makes privy but few, the Earl of Pembroke, the Lord Admiral, Mr. Treasurer, and a few other. Fears much the lack of the Protestants, not only for power but also understanding. Of all others Knox's name is most odious here, if it be not Goodman's, and therefore he wishes no mention of him. If Balnaves should come, it would prove dangerous; therefore it is thought best that he come not yet. Does not like Huntly's absence, nor Morton's; yet if Huntly were present, fears his doubling. Would know how many Scots and French are with the Queen. Must forbear to use him whom they thought of sending to Edinburgh, for his brother is thought an inward man with the Emperor's Ambassador. Sent letters yesterday authorizing them to defray the money they had; doubts how they do for French crowns. Thinks that unless they can take Leith before the 20th November, the French will be able to issue forth from it with succours. Mr. Percy has arrived here this evening. Concerning Clavering at Norham, would know how he can be removed and the fort better ordered, wherein the Queen now in the vacation [of the see] can intermeddle.—From the Court, last Oct. 1559. Signed.
Oct. 31.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1, 529. No. C.
168. Sadler and Croftes to the Privy Council.
Think good to remind the Council that the garrisons here remain so long unpaid that 15,000l. is owing to them in July last, and they are so poor they cannot buy themselves clothes now the winter is coming on. For the receipt of this, Sir W. Ingleby, Treasurer here, has been in Yorkshire two months, and has not yet received it. Now, forasmuch as the Queen's receivers are occupied about the receipt of her rents in Yorkshire, Cheshire, and Lancashire, it were best that order were given for the garrisons to be paid from this money.—last Oct. 1559.
Oct. 31.
B. M. Calig. B. ix. 78. Wright, 1. 20. Sadler, 1. 530. No. CI.
169. Sadler and Croftes to Cecil.
1. Yesternight the Laird of Ormeston arrived here with the letters here enclosed. He was specially despatched hither for money, and declared that unless they were presently holpen, they could not keep their power together, for their soldiers were ready to depart for lack of payment. Whereupon they presumed to send them 1,000l. which they declared to him they shifted for of their own money and such as they could borrow of their own friends for the time. And so they have now written to Randall; requiring him to declare the same to such of the Lords there as he thinks good, and to tell them that they [the writers] hope to send them more shortly, and to keep it as privy as possible; whereof likewise they required the said Ormeston, to whom they also gave 200 crowns for his own relief, and so they returned him this day to Edinburgh, in good hope of more relief as soon as may be.
2. The bearer of this, Mr. Drurie, was sent to Edinburgh, being directed by Sir James Croftes to the Prior of S. Andrews, where he has been since Thursday last, in order to understand the doings there, and is returned to the writers to-day in company of the Laird of Ormeston. He has viewed the town of Leith within the shot of an arquebuss (fn. 4), and will declare all he has seen and heard more at length than they can write. He is honest, and wise, and secret, therefore they despatch him herewith; but without the aid of the Queen, either by taking open part with them, or being secretly at charges with them as she has been for a time, (their poverty being such as it is,) they [the Protestants] shall not be able of themselves to keep any power long together, but must depart, to their no little danger and the overthrow of the whole purpose.—Berwick, last of October, at midnight, 1559. Signed.
Orig., in Railton's hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
Oct. 31.
MS. Burton-Constable.
170. Another copy of the above.
Oct. 31.
MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, I. 528. No. XCIX.
171. Sadler and Croftes to Randolph.
1. Have received his letters of the 29th inst. and also Balnaves's letters by the Lord of Omerston, by whom they understand that he was addressed hither for money, which as yet they have not in readiness, but for which they look every day. When it does arrive they will signify it to him, that he may tell the Earl of Arran, the Prior of S. Andrews, and others, whom they will then assist speedily. And because their necessity is great they have made shift to send of their own money 1,000l. sterling in French crowns, each valued at 6s. 4d., which they have presently delivered to the said Lord of Ormeston to convey to them secretly. They pray him to beg them to keep it very secret.—Ult. Oct. 1559.
2. P. S.—In this bag are 3,157 French crowns, each valuing 6s. 4d., and one crown of 5s. 8d. in silver, making in the whole 1,000l.
Endd.: This was to me by the L. of Ormeston when he was taken by the Earl Bothwell.


  • 1. The passage within brackets does not occur in the Cottonian MS., but is given from the draft at Burton-Constable.
  • 2. So far the letter is written by Sadler, what follows is by Croftes.
  • 3. Noailles to the Cardinal of Lorraine.
    Oct. 28.
    MS. Paris, Angl. Reg. xiii. 649. Teulet, 1. 360.
    1. Has received on the 26th the Cardinal's letter of the 16th inst. The Queen Regent, D'Oysel, and the writer, are all of the same opinion as to the conduct of the Queen here in regard to the rebels of Scotland, as appears by the coins in which they paid their soldiers, viz., in English and Flemish currency. The Scotch could not have paid these sums, but have had assistance chiefly hence. It is to be admitted, that having seized the revenues of Scotland and the temporalities of the churches, and having had some contributions from private individuals, they must have been in the possession of a certain amount. He will endeavour to procure more accurate information on this point, and on the passage of the Earl of Arran, as also upon the matters contained in the Cardinal's letter; but his two best sources of information fail him at this time, one having been absent for two months, and the other ill for six weeks; the latter, however, (who is the chief,) will return to the Court within four or five days. The Queen having earnestly denied to Carouges, Du Croc. and himself, the charges brought by Du Croc from the Regent, shows how secretly they are carrying on their plans. In the management of their business they do not admit the presence of a clerk; Cecil himself writes the despatches, and ciphers and deciphers those which are of consequence. The Queen herself, with one or two others at the most, frequently settles the most important pieces of business. This causes much jealousy among the others, especially as the favoured ones are upstarts recently elevated. Hence it is very difficult to fathom their proceedings, especially since they can always send arms or money to Berwick or Newcastle on the Scottish frontier. This Lady is wonderfully cautious, and is fully aware of the danger which might result to herself. Yet time will bring truth to light. The best information is to be obtained from the Scotch themselves, some of whom will probably fall into the hands of the King during this war, and who, willingly or unwillingly, will tell the truth.
    2. Has delivered to the Lords of the Council certain remonstrances, to which he expects an answer in writing; but they are so suspicious in all their dealings with him that they will not give heed to them, fearing to be surprised. Cecil has not yet spoken to the Queen about the duties, but was sure that she would make no change in them. Will send an account of the trade with France.
    3. The Queen is alarmed at the embarkment of troops in Normandy, and has strengthened the garrisons in the Isle of Wight. An Albanian, who has come to this Court, reports that a number of Spaniards are about to cross from Flanders into Scotland, which makes them more suspicious. A Scotchman married at Dieppe, William Gouldry, furnishes the rebels with intelligence about the embarkation of the troops.—London, 28 Oct. 1559.
  • 4. In the draft (see next number) the following passage has been cancelled: "Yet he judgeth it to be too strong for the Protestants, for that they neither have any sufficient power of men to besiege it, nor yet any great ordnance to make any battery into it. And further, he saith that well he perceiveth them to be men of good will, specially the nobility, and chiefly the Earl of Arran and the Prior of St. Andrews, on whose shoulders the whole burden both of charge and all the rest dependeth."