Elizabeth: March 1560, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: March 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp422-426 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1560, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp422-426.

"Elizabeth: March 1560, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp422-426.

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March 1560, 1-5

March 1.
R. O.
805 Lord Grey to Cecil.
Having had conference with the Scotch Lords, and finding they are not of such force as was looked for, he has thought meet to address thither Sir Nicholas Strange and Mr. Randall, with letters and especial credit, in such sort as a sufficient number of men, furniture, and other things may be allowed. He sees that all the charges in this journey must rest with the Queen. Asks him to credit Sir Nicholas Strange and Mr. Randall. And as he is now appointed lieutenant of the journey, he desires that his diet of 66s. 8d. may be increased, so that he may maintain a table meet for that calling.—Berwick, 1 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
March 1.
806. Johannes Spithovius to Cecil.
The Queen's letters of the 22nd Feb. have been delivered by the writer to the King of Denmark and his mother at Nyborg, a town in the island of "Froma," in the Baltic sea. He has good reason to believe that his mission will be successful. He thinks that the King will take steps for strengthening the amity and alliance between the two kingdoms. The French Envoy, Charles Danzæus, has been endeavouring to persuade the King to prevent his uncle Duke Adolphus from serving the Queen, who, however, replied that his uncle was a sovereign Prince and could do what he liked with his people. The Envoy has also been busy, but to little purpose, with the King of Sweden. The King's uncles, the Dukes John and Adolphus, are at present with him; the former departs to-day for Holstein. They have been engaged for three days in tilting, in which the King and Duke Adolphus distinguished themselves. The King, his uncles, and the nobles are upon the best possible terms.
2. There has been a great council for putting the realm into a better state of defence. He has diligently endeavoured to inform the governors about the Scotch affairs, and to clear them from the charge of rebellion. The deputies of the Hanse Towns will come to Funen in June to obtain a confirmation of their privileges; in the meantime they will discuss the treaty formerly entered into with King Christian. Cecil knows the blandishments and intrigues of the Papists with this King; and how he plays the Cretan with these Cretans is not unknown to Cecil.—Nyburg, 1 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
March 1.
R. O.
807. The Marquis of Winchester to Roger Alford.
Sends his servant Edward Hughes to receive, upon the Queen's warrant of 27 Feb. 1559, to be paid over to Ingleby, the Treasurer of Berwick, the sum of 20,000l. for the payment of the soldiers and workmen in that town. He is to take Hughes' quittance, mentioning the receipt of the money, and deliver him the same again, when he shall bring the quittance of Ingleby.—1 March 1559. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Pp. 2.
March 1.
R. O.
808. Count Mansfelt to Gresham.
Was glad to hear by his agent, John Keck, on his return from Antwerp, that the Queen intended to negociate for a large sum of money in order to secure his services. He professes his great good will for England and the Queen, and desires to know whether it would be well for Keck (for whom he requests credit) to go with another into England to see the Queen.—Mansfelt, 1 March 1560. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Lat. Pp. 4.
March 2.
R. O.
809. Summary of Communication by the French Ambassador.
1. The Ambassador says that his master has authorized him to declare that the usage of the style has ceased, and that the bearing of the arms shall be ordered by such as shall treat on both parts; that his master shall send some personages hither with commission to treat and accord all manner of differences and innovations arisen since the last peace, and further also that both the Princes shall ratify and confirm the last treaty.
2. They shall also determine for the retiring of the forces out of Scotland as soon as the Scots shall acknowledge their obedience to the King and Queen, which he thinks meet to be accepted, and without any "peche" of offence or pardon; and that he thinks it meet that the realm shall be governed by mere Scottishmen, and the principal offices of the realm (as Chancellor, Treasurer, and such like), be in their hands.
March 2. 3. He desires to advertise the Dowager of Scotland of the Queen's good intentions, and that he may send to the Duke of Châtellerault to move him to send to the French King his complaints, and to seek redress thereof, having the Queen's letters of commendation to the French King to show favour therein.
4. The King means not to constrain the Scots in matters of religion, so as they do not constrain any other unwilling, nor dispose or alter any bishoprics or abbeys.
Draft, in Cecil's hol. Endd. by him: 2 Martii. Injured by damp. Pp. 3.
March 4.
R. O.
810. Edwards to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on the 28th of Feb. to the effect that Charles [d'Elbœuf] had determined to remain, and that all ships were stayed.
2. He has now further to advertise that a post being sent from St. Catherine [the Queen Dowager] to the Chief Justice [the Cardinal of Lorraine], her letter was taken from him by a gentle high Dutch upon the north road. The post had of him for his reward a passport to Islington [Dover] for his safe guard. Of this unto Charles [d'Elbœuf] he made report, and that St. Catherine [the Queen Dowager] was enclosed by a friend of St. Andrew [the Protestants of Scotland] named the Laurel tree [the Queen of England], whose branches upon the river were so spread that no man could pass that way.
3. As he rode through the country of gentle merchants, he passed a goodly company all bound for the mart of Romford [Scotland]. When the post showed such news to the clouds [the French King,] in haste was Charles [d'Elbœuf] sent for. On the last of the month a merchant of Zealand arrived from Romford [Scotland] having departed on the 20th; he declared to Charles [d'Elbœuf] that he had met with such a navigation that young Charles the like had not seen against St. Catherine's friends; they pleaded at the bar that the noise of them both men might have heard right far. The same day Charles [d'Elbœuf] received the like advice from the Chief Justice [the Cardinal of Lorraine]. This news upon news made him rise from his supper, after that in haste he had called for "fruit," and to him was presented one of a sort called "apples ribalds," and a "pome rosse;" in each hand he took one, and to his lodgings straight he goes. The next day in haste they were sent to the Chief Justice [Cardinal of Lorraine] for a present; men write the said fruit shall be planted at Brest. Further, that Charles [d'Elbœuf] hath conferred with the cape merchants of his company, that with their fellowship from Portland [Dieppe] they are departed into the country about Folkestone [Newhaven], there to remain till Charles calls for them again. Charles [d'Elbœuf] is appointed by the Chief Justice [the Cardinal of Lorraine] to lie at a house of his between Portland and Folkstone [Dieppe and New haven]. As men say the name of the house will be soon found, for near unto the sea standeth the town, and that he will not depart thence till all things are ready, and that the Great Carrick goes with him, but that it will be near Easter before he goes. Commission has come to Folkstone [Newhaven] that all ships of 100 tons and upwards be speedily made ready; their number is unknown, but it is thought to be about forty, and that they will not be victualled before Easter; the number of merchants is unknown.
4. It is thought that Charles [d'Elbœuf] will have one of the partners joined with him, a younger brother. His merchandise shall come from Marseilles, and for more speed shall be in twenty-five galleys. Men say if they tarry for this they will not be in time for the next mart. The people murmur much, saying that the Chief Justice and Chief Baron [Duke of Guise and Cardinal of Lorraine] take upon themselves to rule the clouds [the King] and that the Chief Justice [the Cardinal] dare not ride far abroad for fear of the people; many think that he scratch up all, and ere the summer be ended he is like to fall. Nevertheless he writes to his factors for all such things as he needs: into Bretagne for wheat, to Gascony for wine, and for merchants to come according to the time. At Brest they will prepare their merchandise to lade from thence unto Folkstone [Newhaven]; men think that it shall come where all the rest shall meet together. The merchants write that within ten days they will be able to write again of the same matters. News is expected from Folkstone [Newhaven] by the next passage. The exchange is high in France, the teston going for 12 sols Tournois. (fn. 1) —Rouen, 4 March 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
March 5.
R. O.
811. Answer to the French Ambassador's Message.
1. The Queen, wishing that all causes likely to breed unkindness between her and the French King, should be redressed, complains of the assumption of her style and arms by his wife, and gives her Ambassador power to appoint Commissioners to treat hereon.
2. It being convenient to disarm all forces that in time of peace tend to demonstrations of hostility, she proposes that the French King shall recall all his soldiers from Scotland; and for her part she will disband her forces. If the Scotch nobles refuse to live in obedience to the French King and his wife, she will use her persuasion or authority to induce them to do so, and will impart to the Duke of Châtellerault and his adherents the French King's offers and intents.
3. If the Ambassador finds this motion to be strange, he is to offer these reasons:—
4. The wrong done to the Queen by assuming her style, and that she cannot safely revoke her troops, leaving the French in arms in Scotland.
5. The cause must be removed before the effect.
6. If he shall be agreeable to this, and yet desire to advertise his master to understand his meaning, they think that the French King would not have offered this, but by likelihood he and the Queen have sent commission to their mother to do this or such like, that might tend to pacification; besides the Cardinal of Lorraine promised to send to the Ambassador articles for the redress of this unkindness. But if he deny the having of any such like matter, then it may be granted with some difficulty, or as it were upon a new advice of the Queen's pleasure, that a convenient time be appointed for the French King's answer.
7. To the 3rd. As the Regent wishes answer to be made touching the ships taken by Admiral Winter: the Queen gave him no commission to do injury either to the French or Scots, and if he have done so, the Duke of Norfolk has commission to inquire into it, and to send him up as a prisoner. Restitution shall also be made out of his goods to the parties wronged. But as he is a man of credit and a principal officer, the Queen cannot do to him that which she will not do to a Jew, that is, condemn him without answer.
Endd. by Cecil: 5 March 1559. A discourse upon the French Ambassador's message from the French King. Pp. 6.
March 5.
R. O.
812. Answer to the French Ambassador's Message.
A sum of the answer to the French Ambassador; to the same effect as the preceding number, but with the omission of thethird article.
Draft, in Cecil's hol., and endd. by him: 5 Martii. Pp. 4.


  • 1. The greater part of this letter is written in a sort of doggrel verse.