Elizabeth: February 1560, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: February 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp394-403 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1560, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp394-403.

"Elizabeth: February 1560, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp394-403.

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February 1560, 21-25

Feb. 21.
R. O.
755. George Heron to Lord Grey.
1. Has sent his brother, Roger Heron, to the Lord of Fernyhurst to understand his meaning towards this realm and the Governor of Scotland, who answered that both he and the Laird of Sesforde will take part with the Governor and keep part to England that no disorder shall be done by them. He and the Laird of Sesforde have fully declared their mind to Sir John Foster to declare to Lord Grey. For that purpose also the said Sir John Ker says that the Lord of Hunthill and the Rotherfords will seek to take order with Lord Grey. The writer's brother also says that he had information that Sir Andrew Ker of Lytelden and the Laird of Greenhead have promised the Queen Dowager that whenever the army of England shall enter Scotland they will burn and destroy in Glendale, and Sir Andrew Ker has sent into England to some friend of his to cause Sir Henry Percy or the Earl of Northumberland to call for entry of him as their prisoner, thereby to avoid the former promise. Also he says that the Lord of Bokelough's friends, called the Scottes, are suing to the Governor to intercede for them with Lord Grey, and that the Trombulles of the water Rowle and they of Redesdale have promised the Earl Bothwell, but it is thought they will break it, if they are straitly handled; but they may be brought low enough if Lord Dacres will do his part.
2. Certain under the writer's charge were lately taken prisoners by them of Liddesdale and are very evil handled; some of them cannot be "borrowed," and others must pay their ransoms before the first Sunday of Lent. May the poor men look for any reformation by the laws or not ? If no justice can be had of Liddesdale, they desire liberty to amend themselves, which he neither will nor can grant them till he knows his Lordship's pleasure.—21 Feb. Signed.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 21 Feb. 1559. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 21.]
R. O.
756. Reports on the Lairds of Fernihurst and Cessford, and George Heron.
"Articles of reports made by Sir John Foster from the Laird of Fernihurst and the Laird of Cessford, with the opinion and advice of the Lord Grey of Wilton touching certain points in George Heron's letter.
1. Sir John Foster reports that the Lairds of Fernehurst and Sesford have promised to take no part; but if they be driven to break, they will upon their honour give twenty days warning after the English entering into Scotland.
2. Lord Grey's opinion is that as Lairds Fernihurst and Sesford's report is not direct, Foster should so practise with them that they may be plainly on the English part, or else they are not to be trusted, and that he take the like order with the Lairds of Hunthill and Greenhead, the Rutherfords and Sir Andrew Carr of Littleden. That the Lord of Buccleugh and others who are suitors for the friendship of England be ordered after the same manner. Also that Cecil should speak to the Earl of Northumberland, or Sir Henry Percy, that one of them may call for the entry of these persons according to the purport of Heron's letter. The matter is already well known to them both.
Copy. P. 1.
Feb. 21.
R. O.
757. Stores for the North.
Receipt given by William Bromfield to Roger Alford, for 761l. employed by him in buying 200 carts, and for the charges of bringing them to Newcastle. Signed.
Orig. Pp. 2.
Feb. 22.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 330.
758. Throckmorton to the Queen.
1. On the 20th inst. he despatched an express messenger with letters to her. Understands since, that on knowledge sent here from Scotland of the defeating of five ensigns of Frenchmen, the French King has sent commission to M. d'Albœuf to take his voyage forthwith into Scotland; being fully persuaded that if he does not come in time to succour the French, their footing is utterly lost. Captain John Ross has assured them here, that in spite of all the English ships he will land the Marquis, who has no more than ten ships in order. The writer advises her to take such order with the Lord Admiral that their purpose may be letted, whereby their enterprise for this year will utterly quail. They have presently ordered to be made ready in all haste forty ships which are in Newhaven, and have sent M. de Fontaine to Brest for the like purpose. These cannot be ready for six weeks; the burden of them he knows not. They have assembled their great Council for consultation of these matters.
2. One Leviston, a Scotch gentleman, has commission, under colour to be an evil Frenchman and a Protestant, to pass through England into Scotland to make marvellous great offers to the Earl of Arran. Wishes that he were either stayed in England, or that the Congregation use him as they used La Marque. About execution upon a gentleman in Gascony for the Word, a president was in great danger there to lose his life, and the like garboil there as was lately at Paris, which greatly troubles them ; for the appeasing whereof M. d'Ausonne, a Knight of the Order, is sent thither. The Duke of Savoy and Marshal Brisac do not agree in Piedmont, whereupon this King has sent for the Marshal to return forthwith.
3. "If the Marquis happen to have footing in Scotland, and soon after others succeed him for his reinforce, things would not be so easily, nor with so small charge, brought to pass hereafter as they may now be without any great difficulty. Stay them presently, and their footing in Scotland and attempting anything this year is utterly frustrate; and afterward such provision can be made as they shall not be able to do anything to your prejudice." He also advises her to regard Portsmouth, Wight, and her other pieces westward, as the French make their provision of ships at Brest. Has despatched this bearer through Dieppe, to be better able to understand how things go there. If he cannot pass away, (as order has been given that neither a certain time before or after the Marquis' going shall any pass there,) the writer has ordered him to pass by Dunkirk.
4. The Duke of Saxe shall marry the Duke of Mecklenburgh's daughter, and he has made resignation of his lands in France. The Venetians have 100 galleys in order, and the Turk 150. His son Bajazet is allied with the third son of Suria, and is reinforced in the field. Selim, his eldest son, levies against his brother a great army, and the Turk will follow him with another.—Blois, 22 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
Feb. 22.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 332.
759. Throckmorton to Lord Clinton.
1. By his last letters to him of the 20th inst. he signified that Captain John Rosse had come to this Court from the Marquis d'Elbœuf to know the King's resolution of his going or tarrying. As he wrote, so is it done; for this day he is despatched from the Court and returned towards Dieppe with answer to hasten away the Marquis with all speed with his ten ships, so that now the time approaches that Winter must show that his long lying abroad to so great charges must be recompensed with some good service in this the chiefest point; who upon Lord Clinton's advertisement shall be better able to do it, and also have such scouts abroad as these men shall be discovered in time, and he be ready to receive them, and so order that the Marquis may eat a buck with Clinton at Horssey this summer, which would make the writer laugh apace.
2. It was once thought the Marquis would not go at all; but on the news of the late overthrow of five of their ensigns of foot in Scotland not far from Inchkeith, and a good personage lost, he is now hastened away. If the rest be not shortly recovered, it will put them in danger to lose that entry and footing in Scotland, which they take to be, as indeed it is, of very great importance. This captain has assured these men to land the Marquis in Scotland malgre all the English ships. If he does so, the English are worthy to lose the estimation that all the world has of their nation. His device is to have a couple of light and nimble barks always ahead, to discover in what place and order the English ships lie. They shall have much ado to get their ships out of Dieppe Haven till the next spring. They rig apace at St. Malos, Brest, and Newhaven, but will not be ready for six weeks.— Blois, 22 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Large portions in cipher, deciphered. Add, Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 23.
R. O.
760. The Earl of Arran to the Duke of Norfolk.
Received his letters from a servant of the Master of Maxwell on the 22nd inst., dated at Newcastle the 19th. Perceives that though the Marquis d'Elbœuf has been driven back by tempest with the loss of some ships and men, yet he prepares to take his voyage by the west seas, and intends to land at Dumbarton. Thanks the Duke for his advertisement. They will leave nothing undone to hinder the French. As some of the men of the west parts are favourers of the Dowager, and have not as yet joined themselves to the Congregation, there can be no better help devised than to haste forward the English army. Refers him to the Lords Commissioners to learn the names of the favourers of the French in the west parts. Prays the living Lord to send him good success in all his enter prises tending to God's glory and maintaining and defending of the common weal and liberty of both the realms.—Glasgow, 23 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 23.
761. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has received a letter from George Heron, his deputy of Tynedale, whom he appointed to practise about the promises of certain Scottish Lords and others to stand faithful towards England, a copy of which he encloses, and asks him to send his opinion thereof in his next letter. The Lairds of Fernehurst and Sesford, mentioned in the said letter, have expressed their minds to Sir John Foster, as declared in articles here enclosed. Sir John Carr, the Laird of Hunthill, and the Rotherfords desire that Mr. Foster may be a mean with him for their better assurance. Sends in the said bill of articles his advice as to what answer Mr. Foster shall give them, and so likewise for all the rest of the Scots expressed in the said letter.
2. On this Thursday at night, 23 Feb., the Duke, the writer, and others came hither to Berwick for the meeting of the Scottish Lords, whom he expects within these two days.
3. He has heretofore written about the house of Alnwick, about which he would be very loath to complain how evil he is handled, and would not that his Lordship should have displeasure thereby ; but he is determined (God willing) at his return from hence to enter by some other means into the said house if the officers will not willingly deliver it unto him, and so there to continue until he knows further of the Queen's pleasure. It were better he should be without the office of Warden altogether than to lack the use of the said house.— Berwick, 23 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 23.
762. Croftes to Cecil.
Yesterday the Duke of Norfolk came hither, in whose presence Lord Grey told the writer that he should go with him into Scotland, and that he thought that he [Croftes] had received letters from the Court to that effect. He first doubted whether Lord Grey spoke in earnest, and then was much abashed with the novelty and weight of the matter, considering that he could in no wise furnish himself, and thinking it strange that he should be appointed at so small a warning. Of truth he is not now able to take the matter in hand. If he should be commanded to go on this journey, considering his estate, he would be utterly undone. Compares himself to an overburdened horse. Although the Queen is at charge enough, he is driven to stand upon mere necessity.— Berwick, 23 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 23.
763. Randolph to Sadler and Croftes.
1. Is a little better than of late he has been. Trusts they have heard in what case he was by Henry Balnaves. After receiving their letters of the 8th he went to Dumbarton to commune with La Marque, prisoner there, which he now repents, for, by a reckless fall that he had coming out of the boat, he caught this sickness, which has occasioned the stay of his journey to them, as he was commanded.
2. At Dumbarton were the Duke and the Earls of Arran and Argyll. Their chiefest occasion was to see the castle, and take order with the town and country when need shall be. The castle is marvellous strong by nature, but greatly neglected and many places to be repaired, altogether unvictualled, and scarce six men to defend it. Since the receipt of the Duke of Norfolk's letter to the Duke here, it is determined to send thither 100 harquebusiers, to victual it and repair it with all speed. They have sufficient artillery well placed. Their chief lack will be powder, which he thinks they would crave at their hands. As the French will doubtless henceforth attempt to land their forces on this coast rather than in the Frith, it is of great importance to have that place well kept; therefore some man should be sent to give his advice as to what were most expedient to be built, the Duke intending to bear the charges thereof. The Marquis's arrival on that coast was little thought of. On the receipt of the Duke of Norfolk's letter, the Lords all being absent to put themselves in readiness, were sent for again unto this town, so he thinks order will be taken to withstand them wheresoever they land.
3. The Earls of Eglinton and Cassilis are the chief Lords in that coast, and wholly addicted to the Queen in this cause, so their landing will be the easier, and their support the greater in the country there. Good policy must be used to withdraw either of them from the Queen; yet to assure them to the contrary side there is no hope.
4. La Marque exercises himself in patience, and thought that the Dowager had greater means than she has to set him at liberty. By any means of words that may be used unto him he will confess no further but that he was sent hither only to visit the Queen and report at his return what she should command him. He denies that he has any more than the common commendation that princes give to their servants. The writer remained with him in the castle (by reason of the fall he took in the water) the whole night, and talked with him all night. He took Randolph for a Scotchman, He speaks very little English. Randolph could not perceive that he had any suspicion but upon Scotchmen for his taking. They had many good discourses of England, La Marque reasoned as one that favoured well his country. After he heard the Earl of Arran call Randolph by his name, La Marque had further suspicion of him, and said that he then remem bered his name and face. He excused many merry words that passed between them, and so they left each other. Since then, by reason of a letter from Henry Balnaves to the Duke, he has been straiter looked unto.
5. It is reported that the French in Stirling are sent for to Leith. The Earl of Huntley remains alway in his purpose, and the Earl of Arran meets him at St. Johnston, unless the arrival of the Marquis should call him back hither. Trusts that they will think that he has done his part in the Laird of Arbroath's coming; the Earl of Arran has also showed in this his willingness to further so goodly a cause. "Scribbled in haste, out of a feeble fist."—23 Feb. 1559. Signed: T. R.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 23.
R. O.
764. Charges at Berwick.
The Marquis of Winchester to Cecil.
1. Has to keep his servants at Carisbroke Castle, Cecil having forgotten to move the Queen for the charge of the Isle of Wight.
2. Has sent a new paper of the charges at Berwick, which Cecil had declared to him by his letter, in order that he might see whether he [the writer] had understood him right or not. Requests to be informed to whom the 700l. is to pay for captains and soldiers sent to Berwick, that he may make up the warrant for the whole. Thinks the number of workmen and the charge is not in Cecil's charge at Berwick, which he prays him to consider, and what that is by the month. As soon as he can be ready he will attend the Queen.—23 Feb. 1559.
Orig. Hol. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Feb. 24.
R. O. Haynes, p. 250.
765. Norfolk and his Council to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. In their letters of the 11th inst. they advertised him of the sending of Chester herald to the Queen Dowager, who is now returned. (fn. 2) They have caused him to put in writing the discourse of what passed in conference, and the intelligence which he obtained, which they forward. The French gentleman called Montaignac arrived here with the said Chester, whom the Dowager has sent to the Queen with letters; and they have given orders for his passage to the Court accord ingly. The Lord of Lethington arrived here yesternight, (fn. 3) and at the same time the Master of Maxwell from Carlisle; but the rest of the Lords, who went by sea, have not arrived by reason of contrary winds. They send herewith a letter which Norfolk received yesterday from Winter.
2. P. S.—The Queen's ship named the Falcon has arrived here in the Haven mouth with the Lord James and the rest of the Lords of Scotland appointed to this meeting; the writers have sent out boats to bring them on land.—Berwick, 24 Feb. 1559. Signed: Tho. Norfolk, William Gray, R. Sadler, G. Howard, F. Leek.
Orig., in Railton's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 25.]
R. O.
766. The Queen to Eric, King of Sweden.
Perceives by his letters of the 30th Dec., delivered by his orother, the Duke of Finland, that his love for her has not diminished, and is sorry that she cannot reciprocate it; not because she doubts his affection, but as yet she has had no desire to marry. She deems it strange that he should write that he had been informed by his brother and his envoys that she had determined not to marry an absent person, nor to give him a decided answer before she had seen him. It is very true that she has often said that she would never decide on an absent man for her husband, however great and powerful he might be; but she never said that she deferred answering him until she had seen him. She told his envoys that she had no desire to marry, and much preferred a single life, and that she hoped their master would no longer waste his time in waiting for her. Commends the diligence of his brother, the Duke of Finland, in this matter.
Lat. P. 1.
Feb. 25.
R. O.
767. Another copy of the above.
In Ascham's hol. Endd.: 25 Feb. 1559. Lat. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 22.]
R. O.
768. Draft of the above, with slight variations.—Westminster, 22 Feb. 1559.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 4.
[Feb. 22.]
R. O. 171 B.
769. Two copies of the above.
Modern transcripts.
Feb. 25.
R. O.
770. Gresham to the Queen.
1. For the better conveyance of such bullion and gold as he shall provide, he has sent this letter "enclosed in the stone work," which thing must be kept secretly, for if it should be known in Flanders, it were as much as his life and goods were worth, besides the loss that she would sustain. Gives a list of those from whom he has taken up money, of which the sum total is 128, 449l. 4s. 4d. Beseeches her to comfort his wife in his absence.—London, 25 Feb. 1559. Signed.
2. P. S.—There is also a mention made to lend 70,000l. or 80,000l. upon Sir T. Gresham's usual assurance.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd.: For Mr. Cuff. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25.
R. O.
771. Gresham to Cecil.
1. Has received this morning letters from Richard Clough, which he forwards by Richard Chandler, whereby Cecil may perceive the great scarcity of money upon the Bourse, and what advertisement the Regent has out of England of the munitions and armour sent there.
2. Desires him to give great charge to Mr. Bloomfield for the secretly receiving of the fine courier powder and other matters that he shall daily send from thence; and, likewise, that no more be entered at the custom house, whereby any strangers might come to the intelligence. Begs him to send a certificate for the 300,000 weight of copper which shall be sent to England, as he stands bond to the Margrave and "the clerk of the blonde" in 25,000l. The exchange at Antwerp is at 22s. 8d., and like to rise; therefore the Queen must enlarge his commission, as he may not pass 22s. 6d. The Queen will do well to use the staplers for 15,000l. or 20,000l., as she has the merchant adventurers, which they much doubt that they must serve; for two days ago the Mayor of the Staple, Mr. Offley, and Gresham's cousin Marsh spoke to him to be a means that they should not serve at this instant. He will do well to get the extremity, and demand 30,000l., although he lacks but half.
3. Wishes his instructions to be prolonged; the better it shall be to the Queen's profit, for doubtless the exchange will rise.
4. Prays him to consider the first way to convey the rest of the mass and the gold and bullion to be sent, as it can be obtained; for John Loppo de Gallo buys up all the gold he can come by to send to France.
5. Prays him to send the "shiffer" [cipher] by the next.— Gravesend, 25 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25.
R. O.
772. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. Has received his letter of the 18th inst., and understands what pains he has taken about the last payment of his ransom, which he thought would not have been brought into such terms of difficulty. "My state was then such, and as far as I yet see, still like to be worse, that I can think of myself none otherwise than as one utterly undone, and so to bring my house to plain ruin for ever." Hopes, as his service heretofore has been of some estimation, so it may not hereafter appear to be of any less regard than shall be ministered by his deserts. Most heartily thanks him for his earnest travail about the said payment, and is right glad that it is so well ended. As for the remission promised by the Queen (which Cecil declares remains signed in her own custody) he will most humbly receive it.
2. As to the house of Alnwick, cleaves still both to his own device in judging it most meet for his charge, and to the faithful promise made to him by my Lord of Northumberland. It is the opinion of the Duke and others that there is no house meet in Northumberland for his charge but Alnwick; and therefore, if he may not have it, the office will be very unmeet for him. Desires to be commended to the Earls of Bedford and Pembroke, the Lord Admiral, and the Lord Chamberlain, desiring their assistance in the furtherance of the letters devised towards his relief for payment of his ransom.—Berwick, 25 Feb. 1559. Signed.
3. P. S.—Is practising to get a Scottish falcon for the Lord Admiral. The Earl of Northumberland minds not shortly to lie at Alnwick, having caused the most part of his stuff to be carried thence, and having broken up his brewing vessels; it appears therefore that the writer is very hardly dealt withal.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 25.
R. O.
773. Scottish Letters of Marque.
It being notorious that the King of France has resolved to overrun and destroy Scotland for no other reason than that it has nine months ago accepted the sincere religion of Christ, and thrown off the yoke of antichrist; they have therefore granted these their letters of marque to William Makesoun, Scotchman, master of the William, against the French and other enemies of Scotland.—S. Andrews, 5 kal. Mart. 1559. By the Lords of the Secret Council.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Found at Portsmouth. Lat Pp. 2.


  • 1. Another copy is entered in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.
  • 2. The Council to Norfolk.
    Feb. 28.
    MS. Hatfield House. Haynes, p. 257.
    By his letters of the 24th they perceive in what estate things be there, both by Chester's report, who was sent to Edinburgh, and by the arrival of the Lords of Scotland. They fear the purpose has too many delays, and that the adversary will grow too strong, and the Queen's charges too great They think he does well to comfort Winter, and others that serve there, for they have a sore and painful time . . . . . . .
  • 3. Cecil to Sadler.
    Feb. 18.
    MS. Burton-Constable. Sadler, 1. 707. No. CCXXVI.
    Prays him to let the bearer, the Lord of Ledington, have all good entertainment, being wise, honest, and constant. He can show how long the French fly; it can stoop now to any Englishman's whistle. Loss of time loses all things.— Westminster, 18 Feb. 1559. Signed. Add.