Elizabeth: February 1560, 5-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: February 1560, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp357-367 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1560, 5-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp357-367.

"Elizabeth: February 1560, 5-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp357-367.

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February 1560, 5-10

Feb. 6.
R. O.
695. The Dowager of Scotland to the Duke of Norfolk.
Desires a safe conduct for a gentleman of France, John de Montaignac, and four persons with him, going to the Court at London, on the affairs of the writer. He has stayed his despatch until she knows whether he may have sure passage to London. She asks for an answer by the bearer, Islay, the herald.—Edinburgh, 6 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 1559. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 707. No. CCXXV.
696. Lord James Stewart to Sadler and Croftes.
Although the writer was long ago resolved to send to them the bearer, Mr. Whitlaw, (as they may perceive by his other writing,) yet he has hitherto deferred it, and now begs them to give him credence.—St. Andrews, 6 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. by Knox. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 6.
R. O.
697. Michael Thurkylbe to Lord Grey.
This present day, 6 Feb., he has received his Lordship's letter by his servant, the bearer, understanding that he is desirous to have the castle of Alnwick, with the provisions there, and that Lord Grey has received a grant of the same from the Earl of Northumberland. He wishes to have his master's warrant or letter in that behalf for his discharge, without which he desires to be held excused.—Alnwick, 6 Feb. 1559.
Copy. P. 1.
Feb. 6.
R. O.
698. Money for Flanders.
Declaration and account of Peter Osborne, Esq., of the receipt of 43,700l., by him received from the Exchequer, and of the delivery of the same to Thomas Gresham, Esq., the Queen's agent in Flanders, to be by him employed in her service.
A vellum roll of two membranes.
Feb. 7.
R. O.
699. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
1. On the 5th his friend the Laird of Gaston arrived out of Scotland at his house, where he had been before Christmas, as the writer certified to Cecil by his servant Nesbet. Thinks good to certify the Lords of such knowledge as he has had forth of that realm.
2. Upon the return of the said Laird to the Court of Scotland, finding the Bishop of Caithness and others the Earl's friends absent, he repaired to the Regent, and declared that he had been in England and found the Earl of Lennox well minded, having licence to treat for his own in Scotland, for which purpose he had sent to know the Queen's pleasure. Seeing he heard no word he said he would go again into England to understand the let, and prayed her to be good lady to the Earl's causes. The Dowager answered that she would so be, but that she understood not the particulars of the Earl's desires, and willed him to carry a pack of letters to the French Ambassador at London.
3. The writer before this has also received a letter from his cousin James Stewart, who has charge under the Regent, whereunto he thinks she was privy. The writer participated the same with his answer to the Lord Lieutenant. Forbears to answer Gaston till he knows the Queen's pleasure.—Settrington, 7 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 8.
R. O.
700. Lord Grey to the Queen. (fn. 1)
1. On 4th inst., in the afternoon, he arrived here, at Newcastle, and has since conferred with the Duke, by whom he finds that all things are like to proceed very well in this service, according to the purport of the last letters sent hence to her. The greatest lack here is perfect and good espial from the French, to understand their devices; for as for the espial from the Scots, he perceives that they have no better intelligence thereof than himself. This being one of the chiefest instruments for good service must needs be provided for forthwith, though it stand her in great charge for the time.— Newcastle, 8 Feb. 1559. Signed.
2. P. S.—Enclosed herein is the cipher which he minds to observe with her, which he sends to her by the bearer, his servant.
Orig. Add.: To the Queen . . . . . . . to be delivered to her own hands. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: Received 15 of Feb. 1559. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8.
R. O.
701. Lord Grey to Cecil.
1. On Sunday last, the 4th inst., in the afternoon he came to Newcastle, and after conference with the Duke he finds the Queen's affairs proceed well. He has written to her to supply espial here for intelligence of the practices of the French, (the espial from the Scots being of very small value,) which, though somewhat chargeable, is a necessary guide for the furtherance of good service.
2. Although it was agreed upon at the Court by the Council that the writer should have my Lord of Northumberland's house at Alnwick, (to which his Lordship was also agreeable,) yet the officers there refuse to agree thereto, as may appear by the copy of a letter enclosed. If he cannot have that house he must be driven to stay here in Newcastle. Asks him to speak thereon with my Lord of Northumberland.— Newcastle, 8 Feb. 1559.
3. P. S.—Encloses such ciphers as he means to observe with him, and sends them by the bearer, his servant. Signed.
Orig. Add.: Received 15 Feb. 1559. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: To . . . Sir W. Cecill . . . to be delivered to his own hands. Pp. 3.
Feb. 8.
R. O.
702. The Earl of Northumberland to Lord Grey.
Has seen letters sent to his wife desiring that she would solicit him to direct letters to his officers at Alnwick that Lord Grey might have the use of his house and stuff there. Trusts that he will remember that the writer answered that anything that he might reasonably spare for his own use should be at his Lordship's commandment; but for this house of Alnwick, he is forced to preserve it and all his provision in that country for his own necessary use, and must have diverse reparations done there during his absence, and provide such stuff and other provisions for household use as are needful. Prays him not to think that he feigns any way, but is forced only for very need thus to require him to hold him [the writer] excused.—London, 8 Feb. 1559. "Your assured loving nephew, Northumberland."
Copy. P. 1.
Feb. 8.
R. O. Haynes, p. 237.
703. Norfolk and his Council to Cecil. (fn. 2)
1. They forward such letters as yesternight arrived here from Croftes and Winter, which one of the captains of the navy, named Sowthaick, brought, who has informed them that thirteen men of war remain in the Frith in good state, saving that they fear lack of victuals. Winter desires victuals and money, for which order shall be taken.
2. Cecil will perceive by the said letters that the French have returned to Edinburgh; therefore the writers look every day to hear that some of the Scottish nobility shall repair to confer with them upon the intended exploit to Leith for the expulsion of the French. They wish to know the Queen's pleasure how they shall proceed therein.
3. On Sunday last Lord Grey arrived here, and on the following day Sir George Howard, upon whose arrival it has been devised how the said exploit may be best achieved. Although they cannot certainly resolve therein till they confer with some of the Lords of Scotland, yet in the meantime they send herewith a proportion of such ordnance and munition as is thought necessary, with the least that may be for a battery. The yfind great difficulty of the carriage of the same by land at this time of year, as well by reason of the foul ways between Berwick and Leith, and also that such a number of carriages and draught horses cannot be had in time. They suppose that of necessity the same must be transported by sea, and the footmen appointed for the journey to be set on land as nigh unto Leith as convenient; and in that case the horsemen to enter by land as soon as they have intelligence of the landing of the footmen. They wish to know the Queen's pleasure and the opinions of the Lords on this device.—Newcastle, 8 Feb. 1559.
4. P. S.—They have received these other letters from Tho. Randolph, alias Barnaby, by which it will appear what Lords and others of Scotland shall confer with the writers, to whom they appointed the day of conference to be at Berwick on the 25th inst., (fn. 3) for they cannot come sooner. They wish certain resolutions, how to proceed with them, and also which of the pledges they shall receive. Of the six they think most meet he will perceive by the names here under written. He will consider what charge the Queen sustains here, and how fast the treasure sent hither will consume without any fruit of service. They fear that without a greater supply the same will not extend to the accomplishment of the journey, although they avoid all superfluous charges, having taken order to stop all the light horsemen appointed out of Yorkshire till the 20th inst. Signed: Tho. Norffolk, William Gray, R. Sadler, G. Howard, F. Leek.
The names of the pledges.
1. The Duke's second son.
2. The Earl of Argyle's father's brother's son.
3. The Earl of Glencairn's son, James Cunningham.
4. The Earl of Monteith's son, George Graham.
5. The Lord Ruthven's son, Archibald Ruthven.
6. The Lord James's brother uterine, Robert Douglas.
Orig., in Railton's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 8.
R. O. Haynes, p. 238.
704. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 4)
Remembering his promise to the Queen, (to which he made Cecil privy,) concerning the reforming of the inordinance of captains in robbing her, he has thought himself in duty and honesty not discharged until he redressed the fault. He is content to answer if there be any great fault with the 4,000 footmen now come with the demi-lan cs, whilst they remain in his charge; but for the 2,000 at Berwick he will not answer. He cannot impute the fault to the captain, as he is rather deceived than otherwise; he being a wise man, for his own discharge, would (foreseeing all chances) wish that the captains had ten more rather than one less. There is not one captain of Berwick but who serves rather for gain than for any good will of service. He can judge none but polling and pilling of the Queen, in making all labourers and tradesmen in Berwick for a muster day to become soldiers. "I assure you the Queen were better to allow to every hundred, twenty or thirty dead pays, than to be served as she is now." He cannot perceive how these extremities may be presently amended, for it is no time till this journey be past, to find fault. If it be the Queen's pleasure, he will reduce them to think it sufficient to live upon her wages without these inordinances, or else set others in their places that would. Refers to their general letter.—Newcastle, 8 Feb. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8.
R. O. Knox, vi. 109.
705. Knox to Cecil.
One of his especial friends, a young man named Richard Anderson, who departed for France in October last, has not been heard of since; it is supposed that he is stayed in England. If so he [Knox] doubts not but by Cecil's favour he and the things appertaining to him will be delivered. Anderson has been one of their number since the first erecting of the Church in Edinburgh. His mother is the most faithful matron and most liberal to the saints afflicted that they have in those quarters. If he or she were enemies to this cause, no earthly thing would have caused him to proceed in his favour. The sum which he was to receive from a banker surmounted 1,200 francs. The writer is bold to require this of Cecil, being assured of his favour towards all that unfeignedly profess Christ Jesus.—St. Andrews, 8 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 8.
R. O. Forbes, 1. 322.
706. Throckmorton to Cecil.
1. Recommends that Thomas Keys, (named in his former letters Thomas Kyre,) servant to the Earl of Huntly, returning to Scotland by the way of England, should have a passport. He has thought meet for divers causes to defer his going to the French Court for two or three days longer. The Vidame de Chartres is not dead, as stated in his last, but somewhat recovered, yet still in great danger. The Ambassadors of the empire have spoken to the King about their legation. He answered that as for the General Council to be kept, he was yet young and would be contented to be ordered therein by the Pope and other great potentates; and that, as for the restitution of the five towns that he holds, he required respite of six months to make them answer. Upon these answers they took their leave on the 2nd inst.
2. He hears that Aumale is going to Metz; whether for the defence thereof, or under colour of it to prepare for his long spoken of voyage, the writer does not know. The Marquis d'Elbœuf's going into Scotland is stayed; and La Brosse comes shortly out of Scotland, and passes through England. These men are somewhat perplexed upon some points of Protestant's coming. The Cardinal of Lorraine said that the Earl of Huntly deserved rather to be chastised as a rebel than paid his pension and entertained as a friend.
3. M. d'Aubigny has given over his company of fifty men at arms; the cause was that he demanded to have the Earl of Arran's company, being Scottishmen, and said that if he had not that he would give over his own. The Duke of Guise took him at his word and so he was discharged. He has however been sent for to the Court, and it is thought he will have his company again. Baron de la Garde is gone to Marseilles, and there fell sick. They speak still of galleys for their seas for the next summer. The King is departed from Blois, and will be at Vendôme these eight or ten days.
4. He has been told since coming here, that soon after his arrival at Court he and his shall be sequestred. If it prove true he can only write through the Spanish Ambassador; nor is he sure of that either, as he and his will be so straitly looked to. Requires him to have an eye on those Ambassadors and hostages in England.
5. Upon his audience with the French King he will have to write shortly, if he be not restrained; if Cecil does not hear from him he may imagine that something has happened. The English never had a better time to do with these men than at present, not only to bring them to terms, but to provide that hereafter we have little cause to fear them. The Chevalier de Sevre is none of the Constable's band, nor did he see him in passing his house. As it is so important that they both hear from each other, he hopes that the Queen will not stick at the spending of a little money in sending to and fro.—Paris, 8 Feb. 1559. Signed.
6. P. S.—The bearer is in very good credit and estimation about his master, the Earl of Huntly, and knows his humour. He has assured the writer that the Earl will do the Queen as good service as any she makes account of.
Orig., with seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 4.
Feb. 8.
R. O.
707. Fr. Edwards to Cecil.
1. Wrote last on the 2nd inst. Has been obliged to put back twice, the wind being so contrary that neither passenger nor fisher durst go to sea. Patience!
2. Two days ago a fisherman came from Dieppe to Hastings and landed some English and French merchants, who came hither, and reported M. d'Elbœuf as yet at Dieppe, making great provision to depart by Tuesday next, if the weather shall serve. The English reported ten ships ready to sail with him to Scotland, laden for the most part with provisions and munitions of war. The French say that there are not above seven or eight, and those with not above 1,000 soldiers. A familiar friend of those parts doubts that the Marquis will not go without more strength, for fear of the Queen's ships in the Frith of Scotland, and says that there is great preparation made along the coast. Notwithstanding it is said in Dieppe that he will depart on Tuesday, his friend thinks he will not go till the last of this month, when he will have about forty sail made ready. The French fear much the war, and make great provision for it. The Marquis deals gently with the English merchants from Dieppe, and will give fair words till he is on his voyage. Men's talk is so diverse that he can write nothing certain of the preparations made in France until he go there himself. He hopes next day to depart if the wind comes to the east.
3. P. S.—Fears that the fair will be so far spent ere he comes over that he will not find the drug "Papa Pius" which he promised to seek; yet will seek for it if the fair be prolonged.—Rye, at 9 p.m., 8 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
[Feb. 8.]
R. O.
708. Burning of a Heretic at Rouen.
On the 29th Jan. a poor man, a binder of books, was condemned to be burnt for heresy (as the judges said) at Rouen. The same riding in a cart between two friars to be burnt, a quarrel was made with the sergeant who convoyed him, and he was unhorsed, the poor man taken out of the cart, his hands loosed, and a cloak thrown over him, and conveyed out of the hands of his enemies. The justices and governors having knowledge of this, commanded the gates to be shut incontinently, and making search that night, found him again by crafty means, and next day burnt him cruelly; and at his burning were 300 men at arms for fear of the people. Strait proclamation made that no man should bear any weapon or stone, on pain of being burnt with him. The writer learnt this from one that was present.
Copy, in Edward's hol. P. 1.
Feb. 9.
R. O.
709. Edwards to Cecil.
1. Being on the point of departure, this morning a servant of Sir Antony [sic] Throckmorton the Ambassador arrived in a small passage boat from Dieppe, and having been with the Mayor of this town, with instructions from his said lord, orders were given to stop all passages till further knowledge be had from the Lords of the Council. He is therefore unable to depart, and begs to know Cecil's pleasure. The French merchants are not well pleased, most of them being poor men. A servant of the Vidame's is there with the Queen's passport.
2. He hears that ships are rigging at Newhaven for the like purpose as those at Dieppe. Trust that Stephen Davis, the Ambassador's servant, can more largely inform him than he can. He hopes to depart this night, if he can get leave of the Mayor. When in France he will signify the departure or stay of the Marquis and his company.—Rye, 9 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Hol., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Feb. 10.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 704. No. CCXXIII.
710. Randolph to Sadler and Croftes. (fn. 5)
1. On the 8th there arrived Lord James, the Master of Maxwell, and other Lords of the Congregation, to consult as to the meeting with the Duke of Norfolk; and being fully resolved as to the number and the points for debate, they earnestly pray the Duke to meet them at Berwick on the 23rd. It is thought best that Lord James, Lord Ruthen, the Laird Patarrowe, and Henry Balnaves embark at Pittenweem in the Frith, and he has already written to Winter to prepare a vessel. The Master of Maxwell, because his abode is nigh, goes by land unto the Borders. The hostages will be ready on that day at St. Andrews.
2. Of other affairs, the hope of all men is very great, and the number daily increases. The Bishop of St. Andrews desires some poor place to retire into. Their case is pitiful when their clergy begin to fail them. The Earl of Huntley has begun a reformation in religion in his country. On the 14th inst. all the noblemen in those parts assemble at Aberdeen: the Earls of Athol, Errol, Montrose, Marshall, Crayford; the Lords Graye, Oglibie, Drummond, and Olifant have promised to do as Lord Huntley advises them, whereof this day the Lords were advertised from the Lords Gordon and Ruthen.
3. Touching the French, the four ensigns whereof he wrote are at Stirling, the other at Edinburgh, Leith, and the country thereabouts. When any force comes, they will have no victuals. It is said the Queen required many to burn their own corn, and destroy their mills. He stands greatly in doubt if all his letters have reached them [Sadler and Croftes] safely, and asks to know what has become of them. He wrote not long since to Lord Dacres. Unless he hears from them to the contrary he will accompany the Lords to Berwick. Prays that they may long enjoy the fruit that may ensue to England and Scotland if God's will be that they shall now be united in perfect faith and amity, as greater likelihood was never since they were first divided asunder.— Glasgow, 10 Feb. 1559. Signed: J. R.
4. P. S.—Lord James sends before him by water his provision.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
[Feb. 10.]
R. O.
711. Intelligence from Scotland.
D'Oysel arrived at Edinburgh last Friday at evening together with all the rest of the French, except four bands left at Stirling. In his coming by Linlithgow he destroyed Kynneile, a place of the Duke's. Four ensigns shall remain in Edinburgh, three in Musselburgh, with the crews to be lodged in Pinkie House; certain other bands in Dalkeith, Newbattle, and Lasswade. The Queen has proposed to let them lie in garrisons in these parts until she is further advised; but all the time they were absent they were very evil handled. My Lord of Arran is with the Duke, his father, at Hamilton.
Orig., in a Scottish hand. P. 1.
Feb. 10.
R. O.
712. Croftes to Sadler.
1. Received yesterday a letter from the Duke and a letter to be directed by himself and Sadler to Barnabe, which he has despatched accordinlgy. It being his Grace's pleasure that he [Croftes] should embark 300 harquebusiers for the strength of the Queen's ships, he will (with the advice of Southaike, whom he looks for this night,) take order thereto. Of these 300 men the more part shall be musketeers.
2. He spake yesterday with the Laird of Sesforth, whom he finds as he did the Lord Hume, but something more frank, as he [Croftes] will tell the Duke if his Grace will license him to repair to Newcastle, respecting which he prays to be advertised.
3. The French are all come from Stirling, and two ensigns of them will be this night at Dunbar. Encloses a proclamation set forth by the Regent.—Berwick, 10 Feb. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with seal. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Feb. 10.
R. O.
713. Munition for the Scottish Borders.
"Ordnance, artillery, and ammunitions, with their habiliments of war, sent to Berwick and Newcastle at diverse and sundry times since A.D. 1556 unto 10 Feb. 1559, as particularly hereafter ensueth;" viz., upon 6 Nov. 1557, 4 Feb. 1557 (by land and by water), 15 Feb. 1557, 20 June 1558, 18 Aug. 1558, 13 Sept. 1558, 22 Feb. 1558, 18 Dec. 1559, 17 Jan, 1558.
Pp. 12.


  • 1. Instructions for Lord Grey of Wilton.
    Jan. 23.
    MS. Hatfield House. Haynes, p. 229.
    1. According to the authority given him by Letters Patent, whereby he is constituted Warden of the East and Middle Marches, he shall repair to his charge, and see the same governed according to the ancient orders of the Borders.
    2. At his arrival he shall confer with Norfolk on the state of Scotland, and in what case the French be; the danger the realm is in of being subdued by the French, and by what means it may be best preserved in obedience to the Queen of Scots without danger of subduing the same; also what danger is tending to the realm of Scotland by the French proceedings; also how the number of horsemen and footmen that are ordered to be at Newcastle by the 1st Feb., shall be put in speedy order, if it be found necessary to remove the French from endangering the realm; and in the meantime as the horsemen arrive, orders should be given to teach them to use their lances and pistols.
    3. He shall consider whether the danger to the conquest of Scotland be more or less by the French sending their force into Fife beyond the Frith.
    4. He shall on all points endeavour himself to obey the authority of the Lieutenant-General, who, in all martial cases, will use the advice of the Lord Warden.
    5. He shall place a good keeper in Tyndale, and reduce it to better order.
    6. He shall favour and encourage all borderers who are disposed to take part in the liberty of Scotland against the French; and show the reverse to those that neglect it; and in all other things he is to follow the tenor of his commission, and such commandments as he shall receive from the Lord Lieutenant.
    7. If the Lord Lieutenant shall perceive that upon the only demonstration of the English power by sea and land, the Scots shall be able to expel the French, then the same shall be prosecuted without any manifestation, or hostility by the English; but if they cannot do it of themselves, nor by probability it shall appear possible to be done by the power of England appointed, then the matter shall not be prosecuted by the power of England, but they shall stay the Queen's advertisement. But if it shall appear that England, being joined with the Scots, be able to deliver Scotland from the French, then the Lord Lieutenant shall do his best to expedite the matter.—From a draft of Cecil's.
  • 2. The Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House contains another copy.
  • 3. The Queen to Norfolk.
    Feb. 15.
    Haynes, p. 242.
    1. Perceives by his letter of the 8th of February that he has assigned a meeting and conference with the Lord James, the Master of Maxwell, Lord Ruthen, and Mr. Balnavoos, the 25th of this month, also that he wishes to be instructed how to proceed in this matter.
    2. The Queen is of the same mind as at his departure. She might refer him to his instructions given in December; but lets him understand how great and inevitable a danger it would be to England if the French were permitted to subdue Scotland by force or by practice. If he shall judge it meet to take the advice of other wise men, or of the Lords of Scotland, that the nobility and part of Scotland be able to expel the French, that is, to preserve the kingdom from subversion, her former intent must needs continue, to aid the part of Scotland to the clear expulsion of the French, whereby England may be more free from the invasion of France. The manner in which this aid is so given, (if it be seen necessary) shall be best considered upon conference with the Lords of Scotland, at the day appointed.
    3. First, to make it strange to them, that they, being stronger in number than the French, have not in so long a time expelled them; next, that the rest of the nobility of Scotland, especially those in the Marsh and Lothian, have not taken part against the French, which, if they had done, it would have been finished long since. If they answer that, without her aid, they can neither expel the French, nor yet cause the neutrals to take a plain part, she thinks it meet to proceed with them to consider which is the best way to expel the French; what power they require of their part, and what of ours; in what time the same may be best done; whether by a long or short siege, assault, or otherwise, and with what charge by estimation the same may be done. And other things of importance, viz., provision of victual, carriage of ordnance, and munition, meat for the horses, &c.; all this she refers to himself. He is to have regard that time be not spent to the increase of her charge, and that her charge and number be not greater than requisite. He is to confer with them how they shall be able to keep their country free from another invasion of the French, if by God's goodness they shall be delivered; and to inform him how and what manner they will do the same, so that he may be able to judge whether it be probable or not. He is to inform them that the charge is intolerable to her to maintain a continual army by sea in the north parts, although she means not to neglect their defence; and he shall give them his advice how to proceed for the preservation of their country. He shall let them understand that the French will enter into open hostility with her upon her aid being given them. It is necessary to know what friendship she may hope of them towards impeaching the French in case they invade her country, as is most likely.
    4. If he sees it convenient, he may cause some other, as of themselves, to propound these two ways; either to have an aid of their men and ships by sea or land to withstand the French, if they attempt any invasion in the north parts of her realm, or to establish a concord betwixt the two realms, especially upon the frontiers, as the one might live in surety of the other, without jealousy or doubt; she, for her part, then might better employ the charges for guarding her frontier against the French. and they also. For which purpose two places are to be considered, viz., the town of Berwick, and the frontier, (where she keeps a chargeable garrison,) which, if she were assured of no evil meaning on their part, she might lessen. Whatsoever answer they make thereto, it might better serve her purpose to stay Berwick in security, than if she might have Eyemouth in her possession guarded by a small number, which she doubts might engender a jealousy with the Scotch; this is to be circumspectly moved or forborne for a season lest there be some sinister construction raised, to the hindrance of the cause.
    5. Other means may be devised by Scotland, especially by the Earl of Argyle; that the north of Ireland may be reduced to obedience of England, so that the force there may be better employed to the defence of the realm against the French who will prove an enemy to both. It being very beneficial to Ireland, she doubts not but the Earl of Argyle will do his best therein.
    6. When he has proceeded thus in conference and concluded any beneficial point to be observed on the part of Scotland, she thinks it convenient the same be put in Articles, and the hostages which he shall receive shall be delivered for the performance of these points and conditions. She thinks his choice good of the six hostages named in his letter of the 8th; and wishes that it might be compassed that, when any of the Lords upon the frontiers, as the Earl of Moreton, Lord Hume, the Lord of Cesford, or such like be brought to the devotion of this common cause, there be hostages had of them. Having previously given orders to him not to employ any part of the 16,000l. upon the payments of Berwick, yet it is thought meet that he shall pay such of her garrison there as shall at this point be employed by his order in this service and exploit.
    Cecil's draft.
  • 4. Another copy of this letter is at Hatfield House, in the Duke's letter-book.
  • 5. Another copy occurs among the Sadler papers at Burton-Constable.