Elizabeth: January 1560, 26-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1865.

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'Elizabeth: January 1560, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560, ed. Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp334-348 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1560, 26-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Edited by Joseph Stevenson( London, 1865), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp334-348.

"Elizabeth: January 1560, 26-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 2, 1559-1560. Ed. Joseph Stevenson(London, 1865), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol2/pp334-348.

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January 1560, 26-31

Jan. 26.
R. O. Haynes, p. 231.
650. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 1)
1. Has received a letter from Croftes, the copy of which he sends herewith. Cecil will perceive that the Humes and Carres of the Marche and Tevidale have been long sought by the Duke and other Lords of Scotland to take part with them in their common cause. They favour the cause so far forth as concerns the expulsion of the French rule out of Scotland, though not thoroughly inclined to the devotion of the said Duke and other Lords in the matter of religion. These men hitherto have been content to sit still as neutrals; but now, upon a show of the English ships in the Frith and the repair of their footmen to the frontiers, they seem to seek for some appointment and conference with the writer in these matters, for which a day of meeting is appointed by the said Sir James, whereunto he [Norfolk] has given him licence at his late being at Berwick. Cecil will also perceive by Croftes' letters what courage and comfort the Protestants have taken upon the arrival of the ships; so now if this matter be followed up there is great hope and likelihood of success therein.—Newcastle, 26 Jan. 1559.
Jan. 26. 2. P. S.—Cecil may perceive by Croftes' letter that it is bootless any longer for them to dissemble their intentions, seeing that their ships and they of Inchkeith have already bickered together with shot of both sides. Urges Cecil not to let the opportunity by too much closeness. "A God's name, let that which with honour cannot be left, with efficacy be followed." Cecil's friendship for him encourages him thus to utter his foolish phantasies. Hopes soon to see him as he goes homeward to Keninghall. Signed.
Orig., the body of the letter in Railton's hol., the P. S. in the Duke's. Add. by Railton. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 698. No. CCXX.
651. The Earl of Arran and Lord James to Sadler and Croftes. (fn. 2)
1. They have received their letters of the 7th and 17th, and assure them that the French have not abandoned Leith, but are continually repairing it.
2. The ships arrived here on the 23rd, while the camp of the French was marching to St. Andrews, and were already come to the Ely besides Earl's ferry, trusting it had been the Marquis; but when they saw the ships were English they retired. On the 24th they were all night at Kyrcaldy, and the 25th all night in Dumfermling, and now they march towards Stirling; but considering their extreme hunger of three or four nights, and that all the bridges are cut before them, the writers are sure the French will not win Stirling until Saturday at even, 28th inst., and it will be two days more or they win Leith.
3. If the English army might have prevented them, or yet may, the matter is ended; but if that be not possible, the writers ask them to fix a day on which they may meet, that the enemy get no leisure to strengthen themselves. They have determined to assail it themselves on Sunday or Monday next, by sea, for they are informed there are not above 400 men therein for the present. — Aberdour, 26 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil: 26 Jan. 1559. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 697. No. CCXIX.
652. The Earl of Arran to [Ranodlph.] (fn. 3)
It might have been worse, but, thanks to God, it is now well among this timid people. The matter has not been without great "cummer" and hazard, but, "God be lowit" they have put off this trouble and stopped the French of their enterprise. Now they are in such purpose by reason of "the chippis" they have seen that the writer believes they will pass this night to Leith again. "For they gar take boats over all where we are making to them at this instant time, and shall make them the noy we may."—This Friday morning. (fn. 4) Signed.
Orig. Hol. Pp. 2.
Jan. 26.
R. O.
653. Conference at Blois.
Conference holden at Blois, in January and February, 1560, upon the claims advanced by the Ambassadors of the empire, (namely, the Bishop elect of Trent and Louis Count von Tollemberg,) for the restitution of Metz, Toul, and Verdun. It consists of the following articles:—
1. The address of the Bishop elect of Trent, 26 Jan.
2. The answer of the King of France, 31 Jan.
3. The reply of the imperial Ambassadors, 2 Feb.
4. The rejoinder of the King of France, 2 Feb.
5. The concluding address of the imperial Ambassadors, 2 Feb.
Copy. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1559. Lat. Pp. 10.
[Jan. 27.]
R. O.
654. The Queen's Debts in Flanders.
1. Money taken up in the payments of the Cold Marte, 1559.
2. Sum total of the money, with the interest and brokerage, 103, 995l.
Endd. by Cecil: 1559, Cold Marte. Pp. 4.
Jan. 27.
R. O.
655. Croftes to the Duke of Norfolk.
1. Sends a letter directed to Sadler and himself, whereby the Duke may perceive the state of the French. The messenger has declared to him how, at the coming of the ships into the Frith, the French thought they were French, and marched along the coast, thinking with the aid of their ships to fortify themselves in St. Andrews; but being deceived of their expectation, retired. The Dowager made forth two ships of war to conduct their victuals, and a hoy, wherein was six brass pieces, and two other small vessels, wherein were ten tuns of wine, all which Winter has taken; and used the matter so that he procured them to shoot at his vessels, whereby he alleges they began the quarrel. For this matter when the Dowager sent a herald both on Thursday and yesterday to know whether he came to make war, he denied it.
2. Croftes has written to the Lords of the Congregation and offered 500 harquebusiers, but the messenger saw that he [Croftes] had not commodity to embark them. The messenger told him that the French have but three days victual, and the horsemen of the Congregation destroy all in their way; and they have written to the Duke to do the like between Stirling and Edinburgh. Received this morning his Grace's letters, dated Newcastle yesterday, at 4 p.m.—Berwick, 27 Jan. Signed.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 28 Jan. 1559. Pp. 3.
[Jan. 27.]
R. O.
656. Croftes to the Earl of Arran and the Lord James.
Understands by their letters of the 26th, and by the report of the messenger, the good success that they have had since the coming of the ships into the Frith. Whereas they desire the in-coming of the English army to prevent the French, the Laird of Brymston is directed in by Glasgow, by whom they shall know how soon the English army will be ready. Trusts that their determination to assail Leith is grounded upon consideration, wherein he hopes they will be circumspect, as the weight of the case requires. This bearer will tell them how willing the writer was to have sent them some harquebusiers out of this garrison, but could not send them as soon as they desire.
Copy., in Croftes' hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary: 27 Jan. 1559. Pp. 2.
Jan. 27.
R. O.
657. Croftes to Winter.
Understands by letters from the Earl of Arran and Lord James in what good time he arrived in the Frith, to the great comfort of their friends; and how well he prospered there, by taking the ships and boats there, forcing the ships to begin the quarrel, according to his instructions. Cautions him to consider well how he takes in hand the enterprise which the Lords have against Leith, lest he endangers the noblemen and unfurnishes his ships of mariners.—Berwick, 27 Jan. 1559.
Copy, in Croftes' hol. P. 1.
Jan. 28.
R. O.
658. Killigrew and Jones to Cecil.
1. They complain that they have received no letters from him since the 15th ult., and therefore having no news to tell can gather none from other people. They wrote to the Lords of the Council and him on the 17th by Robert Frere of London, and William Milles of Bristol, and on the 18th by the Spanish Ambassador, to the effect that Whethil, lately of Calais, has come hither to serve this King, and has spoken with the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine.
2. The use of tabourins and masks about the Court has been stayed, partly on account of the fear the Cardinal of Lorraine has of himself, and partly on account of the forcible entry of a gentlewoman's house of this town, by maskers, amongst whom was M. de Nantoillet, who ought to have been a hostage in England, who were seeking for M. de Clermont, to do him some displeasure. The soldiers through necessity have begun to rob.
Jan. 28. 3. This is the eighth despatch, of the receipt of which they have heard nothing. Portonary cannot get his money and has come hither, but will return to Paris, and is minded to go into England.—Blois, 28 Jan. 1559. Signed.
Orig., with armorial seal. Portions in cipher, deciphered. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 28.
R. O.
659. Munitions from Flanders.
"Outward provision to be made 1559, and the prices rated by estimation;" viz, corn powder, 72l. per last; serpentine, 64l. per last; saltpetre, 3l. 6s. 8d. per cwt; sulphur, 10s. per cwt; corslets, 26s. 8d. a-piece; curryers furnished, 13s. 4d. a-piece; hagbuts furnished, 6s. 8d. a-piece; match, 38s. per cwt; Daggs furnished, 16s. 8d. a-piece; bowstaves, 9l. per hundred; Cullen cleves, 2s. the piece. Total money to be laid out 9,466l. 13s. 4d. Signed by Cecil.
Endd.: Minute of the schedule sent to Mr. Gresham's warrant of 28 Jan. 1559. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28.
R. O. Haynes, p. 232.
660. The Duke of Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 5)
He has this day received letters from Croftes, with a letter to him and to Sadler from the Earl of Arran and the Lord James Stuart, and the doubles of such letters as Croftes has written again to the said Lords and Winter, all which he sends herewith. What he has now written to the said Lords and also to Croftes and Winter, he [Cecil] will perceive by the copy of his letters, which he forwards. Prays him to put his helping hand for the furtherance of this matter, wherein is now great likelihood of good success, if it be followed with speed and effect.—Newcastle, 28 Jan. 1559. Signed.
Orig., in Sadler's hol. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28.
R. O.
661. The Duke of Norfolk to Winter.
1. Understanding from Croftes how well Winter has proceeded by enforcing the enemy to begin the quarrel, he commends his doings. The Duke thinks it would serve to great purpose, if Winter could land 1,000 or 1,500 good soldiers to join the Scots. He has given order to Croftes to make ready 500 or 600 of the soldiers of Berwick, to be embarked wherever Winter shall send his ships; if otherwise they cannot be conveyed for lack of other vessels in Berwick. Prays him to confer with the Earl of Arran, Lord James, and other friends on that behalf; and by their advices, if it shall seem meet to them, to send to Berwick for its accomplishment.
2. Understands that the Lords mean to assault Leith by the sea. Winter shall advise them to give no desperate or doubtful adventure, but rather to stay till the same may be more safely done. He also is to beware how he attempts any enterprise other than may seem feasible, without defeat or damage to the Queen's navy and subjects.—Newcastle, 28 Jan. 1559.
Copy, in Railton's hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28.
R. O.
662. The Duke of Norfolk to Croftes.
1. Has received his letters of the 27th with the others to Sadler and Croftes from the Earl of Arran and Lord James, and the doubles of his [Croftes'] sent to the said Lords and Winter. The writer likes well the advertisements and Croftes' good answers to the same. Has written to the said Lords, of which he encloses a copy. Requests him to forward these letters, and others to Winter.
2. Thinking that if the ships were so furnished that they might set 1,000 or 1,500 soldiers on land to join with the power of the Protestants, there is great likelihood (the French being in such distress) that this matter might now take a good end without any further great charge or business; he therefore prays Croftes to consider it, and either embark them in vessels that are in Berwick or else cause Mr. Winter to send some of his ships.—Newcastle, 28 Jan. 1559.
Copy, in Sadler's hol. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 28.
R. O.
663. Croftes to the Duke of Norfolk.
Sends such letters as were brought him this morning from Winter, with a note which he has drawn of the effect of the credit of the messenger, and also a double of the letter which he [Croftes] sends at present to Winter. The credit which he has given to the messenger is to answer Winter's question as to what he is to do with such things as he has taken, viz., himself to offer to the Lords of the Congregation all such things as he shall think meet for their purpose, and towards Tuesday or Wednesday to send hither to know further of the Duke's purpose. Desires to be advised whether he is to receive the ships and prisoners into this haven or Holy Island.—Berwick, 28 Jan. Signed.
Orig. hol., with seal. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O.
664. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Trusts he has received his letters of the 4th, 6th, 7th, 13th, 16th, 18th, and 24th inst. requiring him to advertise him as matters of moment arise. Even now he has received two packets from the Queen, with letters of the 20th, together with a letter to the Regent, touching the horses, which without much need he will not use at all.
2. Purposes to send to "the party" [the Rhinegrave] tomorrow a fit man in post with a letter carefully couched; and if he be not gone into France, trusts to hear from him again within six days before his departure.
Jan. 29. 3. Sir T. Gresham makes him to sit all this while upon thorns, but considering the Queen's affairs do stay him, it is reason that he [Challoner] should accommodate his will to her more necessary affairs, and trusts he will find no further empeach in his transportations. The writer has made more suit about that little cloud in Zealand than he gladly would have done, "for the less suit is made to these persons the better it is. Of our wants they reck not, of our dangers they seem as they pass not." Of the French claims, styles, and titles, both the Regent and M. d'Arras seemed to make little account, as if small heed were to be taken as long as those in possession are able to hold out the claimers. For example they alleged France itself, borne so long in title by England, and Burgundy, for their part. Challoner advises Cecil to do what he can to be hereafter less endangered to them for provisions and other necessaries, so will Hospes Calaber be more liberal of his pears. Also to entertain their friendship by all good demonstrations; since, considering their greatness, "we must yet bear a low sail." And on the other side, if the French would sit still, it were great advantage for us so to finish our fortifications on the frontiers, "besides the agwerring of our men;" and thinks "these wars will axe a million Δ ordinary more by year; get it where ye can."
4. Having already signified that most part of the Spanish soldiers here offered to enter the Queen's service, it is come to this pass that very shortly they are appointed to sail for Oran in Barbary, for a voyage against Argiere this next summer, which they like not; therefore if they were paid, the most part (for they have been much solicited) would have escaped into France, for prevention whereof their pay is stayed by those of the finance here till they are on shipboard. And scant will all this serve. Has had a new offer made yesterday on behalf of a good number of chosen soldiers.—Brussels, 29 Jan. 1559. Signed.
5. P. S.—Has been so troubled these six days past with rheum and a crick in his back as he can scant stir, else would have written more.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 3.
Jan. 29.
R. O.
665. Cecil to Challoner.
At present no news. Lord Montague and Mr. Chamberlain departed this day towards Plymouth. One Chevalier de Cievres is at Boulogne, coming to be Ambassador resident here. The Duke of Holst is ready to embark hitherward to serve this realm as a pensioner. Winter is in the Frith, whereupon the Scots Protestants have taken such comfort that their adversaries are in despair; the neutrals of Scotland alter their doings and show themselves plainly. "And yet we seek peace as long as it may be endured." Beseeches him to send this letter by some good means to Sir Nicholas Throckmorton in France. Hears of the winning of Tripoli. Thanks him for his advices, some whereof he had not the like. At Challoner's coming by Antwerp, prays him, if there be one or two new particular charts which are not common, to help him with them, for in such things is his humour best fed.—From the Court, 29 Jan. 1559, at night.
Orig. Hol. Add. Endd. by Challoner. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O. Haynes, p. 231.
666. The Duke of Norfolk and his Council to the Lords of the Privy Council. (fn. 6)
They have been advertised by Winter, that upon the arrival here of such ships, laden with munitions for Berwick, as he had the conduct hither, he thought good to go into the Frith till they were unladen, it being the safest harbour in the north parts. Having entered the Frith, before he could recover Leith Roads, where he intended to ride, he was very sore shot at by the French lying at Inchkeith, Burnt Island, and Leith. Being thus uncourteously dealt with, it moved him to seek some revenge; whereupon immediately he set upon certain French ships lying on Fife side, and took two men of war, besides a great hoy laden with two culverins, twelve smaller brass pieces, and twelve pipes of powder, besides a great number of spades and things necessary for fortification, which he supposes they meant to have done at Eyemouth, or some other place, to annoy Berwick.—Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1559. Signed: T. Norfolk, Westmoreland, William Dacre, Thomas Wharton, R. Sadler, F. Leeke.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O. Haynes, p. 232.
667. Norfolk to Cecil. (fn. 7)
1. Has received these letters this day from Croftes and Winter, which he sends, whereby Cecil may the better consider in what terms they stand. What the Duke has written to Croftes and Winter will be perceived by the copies sent. At the arrival of these letters there was here with him Lords Westmoreland, Dacres, and Wharton; he made them privy to the doings here by mouth, that he had received letters from Winter, which he misliked, because of the cruelty of the French shown unto the English ships by firing at them. The English, the Duke said, have sufficient pledges for the hurt received; for Winter, seeing this unlooked for hostility, immediately took a hoy and two barks, to keep till he knew more of their intentions, and that there were found in the hoy all things meet for fortification, with great store of artillery and munition. Seeing that the two barks were men-of-war the Duke suspected they meant to carry the same out of the haven, either to Eyemouth, or some other place near us, rather than to St. Andrews-ward, or along their own coast; seeing they, being lords of that side the shore where these ships lay, need not fear any enemy.
2. These, or like words, the Lords thought fit to write to the Council, with which the Duke was contented. Wishes the "matter should rather burst out little by little, than to make all here, with the suddeness of things, in a hurly-burly." Cecil will perceive by the letters of advertisements that all these things were provided by the French for the winning and re-enforcing of St. Andrews, and for no other purpose. Wishes he would no more seek to hide that which is now so manifest. Desires to hear of his recovery.—Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1559. Signed.
3. P. S.—Had once written this letter with his own hand, but as he could scant read it himself he was fain to make Mr. Raylton copy it.
Orig., in Railton's hol., the P.S. in the Duke's. Add. by Railton. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O.
668. The Duke of Norfolk to Winter.
1. Perceives by Winter's letters of the 25th, forwarded by Croftes, that his [Winter's] proceedings since his arrival in the Frith are worthy great thanks, whereof the Queen shall be advertised. Trusts that Holstock, who departed out of Tynemouth last week with the Swallow, the Falcon, and Jerfalcon, is arrived ere this, by whom he sent instructions. Specially urges him to keep good watch in the night against the attempts of the enemy. The bark which he left at Yarmouth, for the wafting of the ships laden with munition, is arrived at Tynemouth and shall repair to him with speed.
2. He shall retain his prizes with him, or (by the advice of the Lords of Scotland) to put them into some haven there. If any, being manned, will serve him to any good purpose, he may use them, committing the prisoners to the custody of the said Lords, and offering the said Lords what they shall think meet to serve their purposes. Will take order with Mr. Vaughan to furnish him with mariners, according to his desire, which will be hard to do, as they are not to be had in these parts.—Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1559.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O.
669. The Duke of Norfolk to Croftes.
1. Has received his letters of the 28th with the enclosures. Croftes has given Winter right good advice touching the prizes, to offer to the Lords of the Congregation such things as they shall think meet to serve their purpose. The Duke thinks that Croftes should receive none of the prizes or prisoners either at Berwick Haven or Holy Island, but rather that Winter should keep them with him, or at St. Andrews, or Dundee, by the advice of the said Lords, until the Duke knows further of the Queen's pleasure. Or he may commit the prisoners to the custody of the Lords of the Congregation, and man and use the said ships as the Duke has presently written to him.
2. Has this day received letters from Thomas Randall (alias Barnaby) directed to Croftes and Sadler, by which it seems that the Duke of Châtellerault and his complices hope much of the arrival of the 500 harquebusiers to be sent to Fife. Desires that he will see the same accomplished, and convey the enclosed letter to Winter.—Newcastle, 29 Jan. 1559.
Copy, in Railton's hol. Endd. Heading prefixed by Sadler. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O. Sadler, 1. 706. No. CCXXIV.
670. The Earl of Arran and the Lord James to Sadler and Croftes. (fn. 8)
Understanding that their "truest friends" in their last writing justly considered the present necessity of the writers, whereunto they are put by the great troubles whereby they are "impeached by the Frenchers," the writers postponed the acceptance of the same until it might be delivered to the bearer, Master Whytlaw. It will now stand them in great stead. Refer to the bearer for details.—Abirdour, 29 Jan. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. by Cecil's secretary. Pp. 2.
Jan. 29.
R. O. Knox, vi. 105.
671. John Knox to Gregory Railton.
1. The ships arrived in the Frith two days before Knox received his dear brother's writing, to the no little comfort of many afflicted hearts; for the very day of their arrival at May the French with their whole preparations advanced within eight miles of St. Andrews, and supposing the ships had been the French army with the Marquis, they approached within six miles; but when the certainty was known they retired as much in one day as they advanced in two. (fn. 9) Will not express what were the sobs of the Scotch and what the dolour of his heart; but Railton may conjecture in what state he stood when such as would be called friends said to his face that the support of England would come when they that now suffered had no need of it.
2. Before triumphing he heartily beseeches Railton to put Sadler and Croftes in mind of the writer's former request, that men of judgment and authority be joined to the Scottish Lords, and expert captains, faithful and godly, be appointed not only over the English soldiers, but also to correct the disobedience of the throward Scottish footmen; for unless the English concur with the Scots continually in wisdom and policy of war, the riches and forces of the former will not greatly advance the cause of the latter. The writer is judged amongst them too extreme, and therefore has extracted himself from all public assemblies to his private study; yet he cannot cease to signify that unless wisdom bridle the foolish boldness of some, all that favour the good success of this great and godly enterprise will one day mourn. "If God's mighty hand had not defended these two young plants, they had both perished in this same last danger; for what hazard took they when with fewer than 200 horsemen (he counts their footmen as ciphers) they lay without fort or walled town within three miles of the enemy, having also the most part of that country unfriendly! God is highly to be praised in the prudent boldness and painful diligence of the Laird of Grange, who continually so did annoy the enemy that he cuttid from them all victuals by land, except when they were compelled to move their whole camp; he has been in great danger and was once shot under the left breast, yet God did preserve him."
3. All men wonder at the patience of the Protestant gentlemen of Fife, for from the 1st of January, when the French departed from Stirling, till the 24th, when they returned, they never came in bed, or slept but in their jacks and armour, assisting Kircaldy to annoy the enemy. Others wearied within two days. Wishes a comfortable letter should be written to them, exhorting them to perseverance. The principal are the Master of Lindsay, the Lairds of Lochleven, Bavard Londyn, Craigyhall, Raymornye, and Thomas Scott of Abbot's Hall. There were many others besides, but these took the greatest pains, and did furthest adventure.
4. "The Lords here should be advertised that enemies, Scotchmen, should be treated as enemies, for otherwise there will never be obedience." He puts in his [Railton's] mouth, what he cannot himself persuade. Will advertise him from time to time. Reminds him of his old request for support for some particular men, who without the same will not be able to serve. Has before written his judgment of the Scottish footmen to Croftes, that they will never profit the Congregation in their need; the sum is great which they consume, their service has hitherto been "always to our displeasure," which will continue till they be brought into better order and obedience.—St. Andrews, 29 Jan. 1559. Signed.
5. P. S.—Has great need of a good horse, and prays him to put Mr. Wickleaf in mind to haste him one; his [Knox's] mother writes that she has one provided, but knows not how to get him conveyed.
Orig. Hol. Add.: To Gregory Railton, at Berwick. Pp. 4.
Jan. 29.
R. O.
672. Another copy of the above.
Modern transcript. (fn. 10) Pp. 4.
Jan. 31.
R. O.
673. Challoner to Cecil.
1. Encloses the last Italian advices touching the Pope's coronation, the Inquisition and the General Council, etc. Desires him to note also the French King's excuse to the Switzers for the respite of their pension. Sir Thomas Gresham defers his coming hither, till Candlemas Day. "Would God he were once come." Ult. Jan. Signed.
Draft. Hol. Endd. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31.
R. O.
674. Winter to the Duke of Norfolk.
1. He received by Mr. Holstock, his Grace's letter of the 21st with the instructions, which he will observe. The French camp which was in Fife recovered with great pains back again to Stirling, and this night are expected in Leith.
2. Being at Burnt Island on Monday last he spake with the Earl of Arran and his company, who declared that as the French had recovered Stirling, their going to Leith was not to be letted by the Earl's force at that present, and also understanding by a messenger coming from England unto them at that instant, that the English army by land should not enter before a certain day to be appointed, therefore the Earl resorted to his father, to put his force in readiness, and Lord James returned to St. Andrews to do the like. All the other Lords did resort towards their houses to put all things in order against the day to be appointed, which should be agreed upon between his Grace and them.
3. On the 13th February their victuals will end, and he is in fear that they will not continue till that day. The foul weather has caused leakage of their drink, and spoilt their bread, yet he has taken from the company their ordinary drinking, besides their meals, "which thing doth pinch the poor men very much to lack their victuals, and to be so naked of clothes as they are." He doubts whether they will be furnished from England before that day, the cruelness of the winter's weather is such. To be sure, he has sent William Holstock, captain of the Swallow, to Lord James at St. Andrews with a letter, (a copy of which he sends to his Grace,) to know whether they may be supplied with victuals for fourteen days from Dundee, St. Andrews, and other places, which he is informed they can have for money. He therefore desires his Grace to send by the bearer, Captain Southwicke, or some other, 700l., for they cannot expect relief from Holy Island, and Fife side between Stirling and within ten miles of St. Andrews is so spoiled by the French camp, that no succour of victuals is to be had from thence.
4. He has certified to his Grace in his other letters of the want of men; and if he would send to them 300 hackbutters with their captains, it would furnish them very well. They lack money for paying the men's wages, even one month's wages is much desired among the men.
5. Two barques of war, equipped by the Regent to attend upon the French camp's victuallers by sea, at their being in Fife, furnished with Frenchmen and Scots, (having two captains, one a Scotchman named Collen, and the other a Spaniard called Fernando,) were taken by the English. The Lords here have discharged all the Scotch prisoners taken therein, upon their promise not take part against them; and the Frenchmen they have requested him to send to Berwick, to be disposed of as his Grace thinks meet. He sends the Spanish captain, who can inform him of the state of Leith, and the doings of the French, who he supposes will for some entertainment serve faithfully.—From aboard the Lion, lying in Leith Road, 31 Jan. 1559. Signed.
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 4.
[Jan. 31.]
R. O.
675. Winter to the Lord James Stewart.
Though there are two months victuals laden from London, to serve the navy, yet, doubting the extremity of this winter's weather, he has thought it good to send the bearer hereof, William Holstock, captain of one of the Queen's ships, to confer with him, for fourteen days victuals to be provided at Dundee, St. Johnston, and thereabouts. Has despatched a messenger to Berwick to the Duke of Norfolk, for money to do the same, which shall be sent to Holstock. In the meantime it may please his Lordship to write letters of credit to Dundee and St. Johnston, or where the victuals may be had, in the behalf of the said Holstock, that they may be made with more speed; and he will see that every man shall be paid for the uttermost penny.
Copy. P. 1.
Jan. 31.
R. O.
676. Troops for the North from Leicestershire.
"The names of the horsemen with their furniture sent from Ashby-de-la-Zouch, 31 Jan. 1559, towards Berwick, furnished by certain gentlemen of the said shire, as hereafter followeth;" viz., Sir Thomas Nevill, Knt.; Geo. Turpyn, Francis Cave, Brian Cave, Nicolas Beaumont, William Skevington, Francis Shurley, Robert Bruxby, Bartyn Hasilrig, Henry Leighe, Francis Smith, Edward Pate, Andrew Nowell, and George Sherrerde, Esquires. Signed: T. Huntyngdon.
Orig. Pp. 2.
Jan. 31.
R. O.
677. Armour and Munitions from Flanders.
Note of armour and munitions shipped on the 28th and 31st of Jan. 1559, from Antwerp, with the names of the captains of the ships and other details.
Endd. by Gresham. Pp. 3.
[Jan. 31.]
R. O.
678. Munitions from Flanders.
A note of such licences as were granted to Queen Mary for the exportation of munitions from Flanders, specifying such portions as have not yet been executed.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2.
[Jan. 31.]
R. O.
679. Certificate for James Bassentine.
Certificate recommending James Bassentine, a Scot, 'and brought in France to the attaining of great knowledge in the mathematical sciences," who is desirous of returning into his native country.
P. 1.


  • 1. Another copy occurs in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House, which, however, does not contain the P. S.
  • 2. Another copy occurs at Burton-Constable.
  • 3. Another copy of this letter occurs in the collection at Burton-Constable, where it apparently forms a postscript of the letter from the Earl to Randolph, dated 23 January. See No. 636.
  • 4. In the other copy at Burton-Constable, this letter is dated, "Friday morning, 26 Jan. 1559."
  • 5. Another copy occurs in the Duke's letter-book at Burleigh House.
  • 6. The Queen Regent of Scotland to Noailles.
    1560. Jan. 28.
    Angl. Reg. xiv. 437. Teulet, 1. 408.
    1. In order that he may understand the proceedings of the Queen of England which are widely different from what she has so often declared, the writer has to inform him that she has eight vessels in the Frith which are making open war, and are plundering the King's subjects within this realm. They have taken two small vessels belonging to the King, which the writer had placed there for the safety of the Frith, together with a hoy laden with some cannon and stores for the artillery, which were being conveyed from the other side for the use of the troops which the King has there for the reduction of the rebels. And, since this is an infraction of the peace, which cannot but proceed from the side of the Queen of England, (as God knows, who judges all things,) the writer has sent this letter that Noailles may be able to speak hereof with certainty.
    2. On Wednesday last the writer sent a herald and a trumpet to know for what purpose they were there. They spoke to a young gentleman named Worter [Winter] who said he was the Admiral of England; and his answer was, that by the orders of the Queen, his mistress, he had come to inspect the ports of England; and as the weather was fine he had run into the Frith, and that the people on the island [Inchkeith] had fired at him as if he had been an enemy. Answer was hereto made that the English had captured the vessels belonging to Ferran and Culane a long time before this, as the two captains, who were close by him, could testify; and that the others could not but fire at the ships, because they had declared themselves enemies, and in order to hinder the descent which they wished to make to surprise the island, and that they ought to salute the fortresses as they passed, according to custom. The herald said to them, "What answer shall I make to the Queen? Who are you? We can easily perceive that these ships belong to the Queen of England." Winter answered, "Tell the Queen, your mistress, that, as I have been fired at, I have taken in hand to assist the Congregation against the French and their adherents, and to aid them with such forces as I have here, and with such greater power as is in preparation, although without any commandment herein from the Queen, my mistress." The disguise is too transparent; as, if a simple subject and officer should have the inclination, and still more the power, to make war without the will and express orders of the Queen, and that war could be made at her expense, and she know nothing about it. Moreover, it is an express violation of the ordinances and treaties between the two realms of Scotland and England, by which the subjects on either side cannot enter either by sea or land, without a safe conduct, unless it be by stress of weather; and when this fleet came the wind was contrary and they had to tide in, and they have taken up a position anything but good, which is seldom occupied except in time of war. Nor do they wish to be recognized except by the rebels, with whom they have had communication, giving them aid and comfort, and have attacked the King's subjects, and have neglected to salute or to lower their sails to any of the royal places within this realm. . . . . .
    3. Since the above was written six other great English vessels have arrived, with Winter, the commander of the fleet, who yesterday sent a gentleman to the writer to say that he had not come to make war; but there is abundant proof to the contrary. As to the restitution of the ships and prisoners which he has taken, he says he will await the pleasure of his mistress. . . . . . The Regent is very sorry for the capture of La Marque. She will send a herald to the Duke, a day's journey hence, and will also send another despatch by sea to France. This bearer is going upon the affairs of Lennox. The articles which he has given her are in a certain coffer, which she has not the opportunity of opening at present. She asks Noailles to receive them for him, together with the letter which she has written to the King in his favour. It would be well that the King should write some little message to Noailles which may be shown him something to his contentment, for he is the person of all others in the world whom the Duke hates the most. . . . . .
  • 7. Another copy occurs in the Duke's letter-book at Hatfield House.
  • 8. Another copy occurs in the Sadler MSS. at Burton-Constable.
  • 9. Knox to Anna Locke.
    1560. [Jan. 29.]
    Knox, vi. 107. Calderw. 1. 568.
    The French have pursued them with great fury. Since the fifth day when they put to flight the men of Kingorne, Kirkaldie, and Dysart, they have had of them no advantage. In a morning, they lost a lieutenant and forty soldiers, divers being taken and slain in skirmishing. They have destroyed the Laird of Grange' house, called the Grange, and his other places. The Laird has behaved boldly in these troubles; he was shot at Lundie through his jack, doublet, and sark, and the bullet stuck in one of his ribs. Mr. Whytlaw has had a fall and cannot bear armour, but both are saved. Knox remained all the time in St. Andrews. The Frenchmen approached within six miles, and seeing certain English ships, retired more in one day than they advanced in two, for which he thanks God.
  • 10. On the back of this transcript is a pen and ink sketch of a seal, a boat afloat, and the motto Adjuva fluctuantem, taken (apparently) from the original on the previous letter, faint traces of which yet remain.