Index: M

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: M', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: M". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Maas, the. See Meuse.

Macerata, in Italy, money sent from, 305.

Maceratense, See Pellecano.

Macres [qy. Magrie], Huguenots at, 602.

Madrid, church of S. Jerome in, oath to the prince taken in, 135, 136.

-, -, Council of Indies at. See Indies, the.

Escurial, the King at, 281.

news from, 281.

return of the King to, 718.

Maecenas, allusion to, 633.

Maelson, Malsen, Dr. Francois, pensionary of Enchuysen. sent to Davison, 396;

to go as commissioner to England, 450.

-, -, letter signed by, 660.

Maes, John, of Louvain, pamphlet printed by, 530.

Maastricht, plot to deliver, to the enemy (in 1578), alluded to, 218:the enemy's horse at, 426;

passage from, “troubled by Count Neuenaar,” 472.

Maffetto, Monsignor, going as governor to Camerino, 469.

Magdeburg, archbishopric of, administrator of. See Brandenburg. Joachim Frederick of.

Magellan (Magalanes), straits of, voyage of Spanish ships to, 187.

Mahommad, Mahomet, the prophet, Calvinists accused of the “impieties of,” 606.

-, -, (Mahumad) Sultan, eldest son of the Sultan of Turkey, said “to be like to make wars,” 121–2;

a daughter born to, 269.

-, -, (Mavumed), the late Vizier deceased, 67, 227.

Maienza, a priest-bandit killed at, 493.

Maine (Meane), the Comte de Brissac keeps the passages in, 487.

-, -, Due du. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Maineville (Maningvile), Francois de Roncherolles, Seigneur de, embassy of, to Scotland, alluded to, 451.

Maintenon, Louis d'Angennes, Marquis de, sent to the Duke of Guise, and to Chalons, 340, 354, 361, 719;

the Duke's complaints of, 355.

Mainz, Mayence, Maguntia, Archbishop and Elector of. See Dalberg.

-, -, the Bishop of Metz [Charles de Lorraine], made canon and coadjutor of, 191.

Maisse, Hurault de, French ambassador to Venice, at Padua, 470;

at Venice, 530, 546.

Malaspina, Germanico, nuncio to the Emperor, at Prague, 195, 557;

is beloved by all, 331;

gives a banquet on the election of the new Pope, 468;

goes to visit the monasteries, 580;

is preparing to depart, to the sorrow of all, 589

Maldonato, Diego, secretary of the Spanish embassy in Paris, has visited Thomas Morgan, 327.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malinas, Gerau de, letter to, 521.

Mallepart, Colonel Louys, a commissioner to Parma, 624;

returns by reason of indisposition, 625.

Malleroy, M. de, brother of Clervant, comes from Germany, 311.

-, -, M. de, esquire to Count Maurice, 673.

Malroy, M. de, “a gentleman of the country of Namur, who has kept himself neutral,” sent into Holland by the States of Artois and Hainault, 54.

Malsen. See Maelson.

Malta, “ambassador” of, news from, 560.

-, -, galleys of, escort the Viceroy of Sicily, 662;

Turkish vessels taken or chased by, 492, 494, 561, 598, 641.

-, -, victorious captain of, punished for disobeying orders, 561.

-, -, General of, cannot agree with the General of Florence, 598.

-, -, knights of. See St. John of Jerusalem.

Malvicini, Marquis of, is taking horsemen to the Duke of Guise, 546.

Mandelot, François de, governor of Lyons, report given out by, 276;

seizes the citadel, 425;

assembly summoned by, 532;

conduct of the citizens towards, 536.

Manderscheidt, [Johan von], Bishop of Strasburg, supports the papist canons, 160, 161, 174, 429;

formerly “embraced pure doctrine,” 174.

Mandesloo or Mandeslohe (Mandesle), Ernst van, Colonel, takes reiters to France, 467.

Manners, Edward, Earl of Rutland, said to be “in working” by the priests, 716.

Manninga, letter signed by, at Utrecht, 476.

Mannucci, Jacopo, sent to Walsingham, 482.

Manriquez, Manrique, Colonel Don Juan de, soldiers of, attacked and routed by the peasants, 331;

regiment of, at the stockade on the Scheldt, 384.

Mans. See Le Mans.

Mansfeldt, Count Ernest, a canon of Cologne, 174.

-, -, Peter Ernest, Count of (the old Count), “Master of the King's camp,” father-in-law to the Prince of Epinoy, 414;

might be drawn to revolt from the Spanish King, 432;

said to be slain at the Couwenstein dyke, 480;

goes to Borger-hout, 558;

Colonel Morgan makes “great cheer” with, as governor of Luxembourg, 687;

Ste. Aldegonde said to have sent letters to, 689.

Mantua, great preparations at, for reception of Archduchess Ferdinand, 283;

Japanese Princes going to, 561, 603.

-, -, Duke and Prince of. See Gonzaga.

-, -, Princess of, 540.

Marburg, university of, 159.

Marchaumont, Seigneur de. See Clausse, Pierre. Marche-au-Famine, treaty at, alluded to, 218.

Marchparot, arrest of and accusations against, 184.

Margaret of Valois, Princess of France, Queen of Navarre, marriage of, alluded to, 129;

the French King's accusations against, alluded to, 191;

letters from, to the Duke of Guise, contents of, 462;

is fortifying Agen, ibid.;

will not go to her husband, ibid.;

said to have declared for the League, 488, 603;

at Agen, with her forces, 501;

abortive enterprise of, ibid.;

complaint by, of want of money, found to be groundless, 526;

the King of Navarre's message concerning, 666;

is angry with the Duke of Guise for making the peace, 681;

bitterness of, against her brother and husband, ibid.;

all her hope is in her mother, ibid.

-, -, guards of, said to be put to the sword, 612.

-, -, lieutenant of. See Duras.

Margate, deputies from the States arrive at, 557;

ships before, 668.

Marigliano, Giovanni, deputy to. see Steffano.

Marigliano Montenegri, Marquis di, marriage of his son, 281.

Marinaccio and his nephews, bandits, captured, 493.

Marlowe, Anthony, agent for the Muscovy Company, 132.

Marne, the, a boat laden with armour and harquebuses taken on, 339.

Marnix, Philippe de, Sieur de Mont Ste. Aldegonde, governor of Antwerp, great pains taken by, for defence of the city, 18, 110, 114, 115;

in relation to Rowland Yorke, 18, 53, 146, 147;

said to be altogether for the French, 38;

reported plans of, 62;

is urged to agree with the enemy, 102;

his vigilance, virtue and industry, 110, 114, 451;

sends Teligny to Holland, 152;

libels against, “let fall,” 198;

matters to be imparted to, 210;

rumoured conspiracy against, 245;

does what he can, not what he would, 246;

is loved and honoured by all honest men, ibid.;

“gives out” that the deputies in France have had audience, 271;

and that aid is coming from France, 284;

mocking message to, from Parma, and his reply, 294, 301;

has written to Count Maurice, 294;

reported ill-treatment of English troops by, 298;

complains of accusations made against him, 299;

in relation to Col. Morgan, 300, 301;

rumoured attempt to kill, 305;

calls his mariners Spanish villains, 325;

complaints of his ill-treatment of the English troops, said to be untrue, 351;

intends to attempt the Couwenstein dyke, 426;

Col. Morgan complains of his men to, 432;

Çubiaur's opinion concerning, 454;

at the attack on the Couwenstein dyke, 477;

returns to Antwerp, thinking all things “so sure,” ibid.;

is said to have urged Hohenlohe to retire, 489;

escape of, to Bergen, 490;

will not consent to make an accord with Parma, 532;

assures the people that help is coming, 532, 535;

the people clamour to, to make an agreement, 535;

to be sent to the Prince of Parma, ibid.;

“some say” he will rather escape to Holland or England, 536;

reported to desire peace with Parma, 558, 568;

sent, with others, to negotiate with him, 579, 590;

Parma reproaches, with having printed “writings” against the King of Spain, 590;

desires absolute commission to settle a peace, 597;

his negotiations with the Prince of Parma, 601, 604;

writes to the Prince that he is to treat for Zeeland and part of Holland, 601;

his good opinion of Parma, 604;

much blamed by those of the Religion, 605;

hurries on the treaty, 605;

keeps back letters, 605, 689;

brings Parma's final articles to Antwerp, 609;

anger of, against those who insist on no surrender, ibid.;

oration of, 621;

sent again to Parma, ibid.;

his discourses with Parma, 622;

oration of, on his return, ibid.;

demand of, to have authority to conclude the treaty, refused by the Council of Antwerp, 624;

returns to the Prince with articles, ibid., report of, to the Magistrates, 625;

his negotiations, 625–627, 630;

has never rested till he saw the peace concluded, 641;

hopes to bring Holland and Zeeland into it, 641, 668;

his surrender of Antwerp chiefly due to, 643, 668;

reported speech of, against the Queen, 644;

the other deputies said to have been scandalized by his proceedings with Parma, 648;

dishonourable rumours concerning. 653;

has written to the States that he will render account to them of his actions, 660, 667;

his defence of his conduct, 661, 667;

is accused of treachery, 667;

has not yet got leave to come into Holland and Zeeland, 668;

is said to have promised to bring those provinces to compound, 673;

orders given, to “stay” him, at the fleet, 673;

has stolen secretly to Dort, 676;

the Prince of Parma's confidence in, 684;

“bruit” that he hastened the surrender of Antwerp on hearing of the coming of the English succours, ibid.;

“dealings of,” alluded to, 685;

“correspondence” of, in Holland, 686;

said to have procured the release of traitors in Brussels, 688;

his praise of Parma, 690;

boasts that he has learnt all the Prince's designs, ibid.;

as a councillor “of account,” 701;

Gilpin refers to, for particulars, 722.

-, -, letter from, 661;

alluded to, 19, 192, 294, 625.

-, -, letter to, 147;

alluded to, 14, 19, 58, 367.

-, -, letters to be sent to, 641;

-, -, advertisement concerning, 688.

-, -, a captain sent out by, 454;

-, -, cousin of, 690.

-, -, secretary of, 428, 689;

-, -, servants or followers of, 630, 673, 690.

-, -, wife of, comes to her house near Flushing, 648;

announces that she left Antwerp in a cask, ibid.;

money received by, 688.

Maron (Marron) Admiral [sic. (fn. 1) but qy. if not Joyeuse's secretary], order of, signed by, 700.

Marout, Nicolas, ship's master, report by, 632.

Marquess, Lady, [qy. Marchioness of Northampton], Mauvis-siere's landlady, complaints of and against, 11, 15.

Marquette, Sieur de, late governor of Ypres, claims the government of Ostend, 62;

forced, on leaving Ypres, to swear not to serve against Spain for six months, ibid.;

is sent into Holland, 63;

chosen governor of Ostend but cannot be spared from Bergen-op-Zoom, 452;

speeches uttered before, 676.

-, -, letter to, as governor of Bergen, 605.

Marseilles (Mercelia), plot to deliver to Spain, has not succeeded, 493, 513;

the Due de Nevers at, 529.

-, -, galleys of the King at, 632.

-, -, governor of, 687.

Marshal, Zachery, travelling through Brunswick, 631.

Martelli, Cosmo, cavalier, murder by, 289.

Marten, Martin, Martyn, Alderman Richard, Governor of the Muscovy Company, 132.

-, -, certificate of, 378.

-, -, remembrances for, 94, 95, 133, 222, 364.

-, -, Captain William, message from, to Walsingham, 64;

going to England, 167;

a prisoner, 407, 441;

accusations against, 441, 506;

money received by, 507.

letters from, 284, 405, 431;

-, -, company of, 326, 432, 507;

Martenes [qy. Martena], lord of, refuses to accept the French King, 82.

Martenfeld, —, 99.

Martin, —, a servant of Sir Jerome Bowes, assault by, 94.

Martini [Guillaume], “the old” greffier of Antwerp, money paid by, 688, 689;

a man “of account” in Br a bant, 701.

Martinists. See Lutherans.

Mary, Queen of England, Philip and. See Philip.

Mary of Castile (Donna Maria, the Empress), sister of Philip II of Spain, widow of the Emperor Maximilian, takes oath to Prince Philip of Spain, 135–137;

gives audience to Japanese Princes, ibid.;

the government of Spain reported to be left in the hands of, 295.

Mary, Queen of Scots, 420;

deliverance of, negotiation for, alluded to, 16;

the French Bang's proposals concerning, 16, 17;

and reasons for interceding for, 23;

Mauvissière is writing to, 38, 39;

reported enterprise for the liberation of, 72;

influence of, upon the intentions of the Spanish King, 95, 96;

his probable offers to, 96;

sends Nau to the Queen, 161;

to be removed to Tutbury, ibid.;

desires Mauvissiere to assist Nau in his commission, 166;

amity with Elizabeth, said to be wished for by, 166, 167;

report of her death, 184;

desires to defer her departure [for Tutbury] on account of her health, 197;

sweetmeats sent to, 260;

writes that she means to depend on Elizabeth's favour, 309;

service done to, by Thos. Morgan, 417;

the King of Denmark's views concerning, 565;

in relation to a former proposal for invasion of England, said that the time did not fit, 717.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 309.

-, -, book in defence of her title, 457;

-, -, cipher of, alluded to, 313.

-, -, picture of, in a book, 52, 68.

-, -, secretary of. See Nau.

-, -, treasurer of, 260.

Massa, Horatio, son of, pension for, 600.

Massini or Massimo, Lelio de, marriage of, 263;

accused of being privy to the death of his wife, 559.

-, -, wife of, will and benefactions of, 559.

-, -, son of, captured, 263.

-, -, Gerolamo, son of the above, chamberlain of Cardinal Farnese, 263.

Massiz, M., a niinister at Antwerp, 170.

Matera, church of, bestowal of, 281.

Mathematics, dissertation to prove their superiority over logic, 502.

Mathieu, Father Claud, a Jesuit going from Rome to Scotland, 259.

Matignon [Jacques de Goyon] Sieur de, Marshal of France, has no money to give to the levies, 412.

Mattei, Monsignor, auditor of the Camera, wishes to resign, 640.

-, -, Signor Pauolo, and his partners undertake to supply Rome with corn, 592.

Mattei, Villa de, Cardinal de' Medici at, 364.

Maulde, William de, former officer of Finances, letters from, 349, 632 (2).

-, -, four sons of, in the States' service, 632.

Maurice, Count. See Nassau, Count Maurice of.

Mauvissiere, Seigneur de la, ambassador to England. See Castel-nau.

-, -, Madame de la, message from, 12;

illness of, 15;

sends thanks for venison, 37;

goods, &c. of, 497.

Maximilian II, the late Emperor, decrees and commission of, alluded to, 158, 159;

comparison between his son and, 318.

Maxwell, John, Lord Maxwell, means found by, for entertainment of priests in Scotland, 715.

Mayence. See Mainz. Mayenne, Mayne, Due de. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Meaux, proposed assembly of the army at, 389;

soldiers gone to, 449;

the King should go with his forces to, 461.

Mechlin, Malines, surrender of, feared, 22, 62, 74;

the enemy's forces about, 27, 55;

desires a treaty with the French King, 27;

has resolved to accept the French King, 41 (2), 101;

“the last spoil of,” alluded to, 53;

the enemy's chief enterprise is against, 56;

in danger of being lost, 93;

is “shut up” by the closing of the river of Antwerp, 109;

said to be well provided, 171, 246;

still held by the States, 179;

hopes of, depend on Antwerp, 194;

the enemy near, 198–200;

holds out well, 242;

fortunes of, in the balance, 252;

rumoured surrender of, 258;

suggested as a town of surety for the French King, 274;

will be obliged to surrender, 282, 293;

is parleying with the enemy, 292, 305;

still standeth, 295;

the Prince of Parma sends men to take view of, 496;

succours desired for, 498;

lack in, of victuals and monev, 569;

surrender of, 590, 605, 609;

Ste. Aldegonde wishes to treat on behalf of, 601;

loss of, alluded to, 618, 643;

is suffering much from lack of provisions, 649.

-, -, Archbishop of. See Hauchin.

-, -, burghers of, send deputies to Parma, 532;

are warned by the Calvinists of Brussels not to make any agreement, ibid.

-, -, Calvinists, are to depart, 609.

-, -, Catholic, are pardoned, 609;

help to guard the city, 627.

burgomasters of, a boat belonging to, “shot” by the enemy, 151. i

-, -, contributions of, fixed, 237.

-, -, fort near, taken, 590.

-, -, garrison of, cost of, 3;

at-tacks and kills the escort of the Chancery of Brabant, 474;

mutiny of, 532, 558.

-, -, colonel or captain of, imprisoned by his men, 532, 558.

-, -, for Parma, only a hundred men, 627;

a soldier of, 643.

-, -, governor of. See Liévin, Sieur de Famars.

-, -, letter dated at, 199.

-, -, magistrates of, old people women and children turned out by, 536.

-, -, deputies sent by, to the Prince of Parma, 532, 536.

places round, garrisoned by Parma, 609.

ship going to, captured, 590.

treaty between the governor of Hainault and the garrison of, 701.

troops sent into, from other garrisons, 55, 87;

English troops at, 185, 198, 199, 326;

“the company of,” in the enterprise to succour Brussels, 199, 203;

horsemen of, 203;

scattered by the enemy, 205.

Mecklenburg, the King of Denmark at, 631;

wool from, used in making cloth, 696.

-, -, Ulric, Duke of. Truchsess hopes for help from, 253;

points to be put before, 433;

must be at the proposed Diet, 511;

the King of Denmark will write to, 565;

has forbidden levies in his territories for France, 566;

at a conference of princes, 606;

letter to the King of Navarre subscribed by, ibid.

-, -, letter to, note of, 584.

Medemblick, demanded by the French King as a cautionary town, 346.

Medici, Ferdinand, Cardinal de', entertainment given by, 269;

quarrel settled by, 270;

movements of, 330, 360;

has audience of the Pope, 468;

meets the Due de Nevers, 529;

at St. Peter's, 545;

the Pope's secretary visits, 593;

a post sent to, 600;

consultations with, 639;

protector of the affairs of Spain, ordered to oppose the election of Cardinal Farnese as Pope, 651;

request of, denied by the Pope, 662.

-, -, abbey resigned to, 560.

-, -, house of, in Rome, 330, 657.

-, -, Francesco Maria de', Grand Duke of Tuscany, sends bandits prisoners to Rome, 263;

makes much of the Japanese Princes, 330;

in relation to Paolo Giordano Orsini and Prospero Colonna, ibid.;

the Pope applies to, for soldiers, 363;

wishes to kiss the Pope's feet, 468;

the Duc de Nevers received by, 529;

sends for Prospero Colonna, 560;

made a knight of the Golden Fleece, 593, 694;

present to, 640;

demands restoration of places from Spain. 658;

bandits sent by, to Rome, 662;

is said to have sent to Venice, to confer concerning the King of Spain, 665.

-, -, letter from, 693.

-, -, court of, at Pisa, 289.

-, -, orders of, alluded to, 493.

-, Don Pietro de, house for, 125;

fall of, from his horse, 304.

Medina Celi, Duke of, made a knight of the Golden Fleece, 453.

Médon, troops lodged at, 378.

Medway, the. See Rochester water.

Meetkerke, Adolf van, President of Flanders, declines to meddle in the matter of Rowland Yorke, 55;

answer of, to Edmund Yorke's appeal, 79;

to go as deputy from Holland and Zeeland to the French King, 87;

the Queen should write to, 674.

-, -, letter signed by, 135;

letter to, alluded to, 147.

-, -, note by, 477.

Meganck, Loys, greffier of the Council of State, a commissioner to Parma, 623.

Mekita Romanowich, a Russian official, his rude treatment of Sir Jerome Bowes, 84, 85;

governs (with Shalkau) after the Emperor's death, 84.

Mellino, Monsignor, chancellor of St. Peter's, deprived, 264.

Melroy, Sieur de, sent to the States from the new Elector of Cologne, &c., 119;

mission of, alluded to, 633.

Melun, Pierre de, Prince d'Epinoy, expected in the Low Countries, 19;

suggested restoration of, to the government of Tournay, 414, 432;

much beloved of his country, 415;

takes forces to Zutphen, 641.

-, -, a former lieutenant of, 74.

-, -, wife of. See Longueville, Madame de.

-, -, brother of. See Melun, Robert de.

-, -, father-in-law of. See Mansfeldt, Count.

-, -, brother-in-law of. See Lalaign, Emanuel Philibert de.

-, Robert de, Marquis de Roubaix and Richebourg, Viscount of Ghent, is “over against Lillo,” 74;

killed at the attack on the stockade, 384, 398;

was his brother's mortal enemy, 414;

his charge as General of the horse, alluded to, 496.

Melvin, Melven, Captain, lieutenant and men of, drowned, 294.

Menander, quoted, 67.

Mendoca. Mendoza. Bernardino de, late Spanish ambassador in England, is coming to France, 72;

his advertisements to the King of Spain, 95;

his late dealings, 99;

has arrived in Paris, 107;

belief that he is to be Spanish lieger there, 107, 108;

is very melancholic, 124;

reasons given by, for coming to France, 124, 125;

interview of, with the Bishop of Glasgow, 126;

expects some great matter from the Spanish partisans in England, 127;

has not yet asked for audience, 127;

the French King and Queen Mother would fain get rid of, 139, 228;

has received orders to remain, 139;

has audience of the King, short and cold, 141;

has had a second audience, but still did nothing but condole, 148;

reasons why Stafford refuses to visit, 165, 207;

excuses made for, 166;

statement of, concerning M. de Teligni, 170, 192;

has not yet had another audience, 192, 206;

his proceedings in and dismissal from England, recounted, 225;

his protests against the admission of heretic and rebel deputies, and the King's sharp answer, 228, 242, 289, 350;

goes away in a choler, 228, 242;

threatens to put dissension in the French court, 230;

practices of, against the States' deputies, feared, 238;

is as well advertised of the deputies' doings as they are, 248;

assures himself that the deputies will do nothing to purpose, 248, 276;

some of those with the States' deputies have intercourse with, 274, 276;

states that he was kindly received and used by the King and Queen Mother, 287;

small satisfaction of, with the negotiation with France, 356;

says a new Pope is chosen, 412;

false rumours spread by, 713.

-, -, letters from, 285, 421;

mentioned, as intercepted and deciphered, 356 (2).

-, -, commission of, to the French King, alluded to, 117.

-, -, factors for, in England, 313;

an agent of, 382.

-, -, house of, news out of, 409.

-, -, paper (on behalf of Elizabeth), in relation to, 224.

-, -, tapestry belonging to, 421.

Meneses, Don Pedro de, said to be taking troops to Portugal, 719.

Menin [Joos de], pensionary of Dordrecht, 422;

to be one of the commissioners to England, 450;

interview of, with Davison, 628.

Merbury or Marbury, Charles, 548 (2);

letters sent by, 319, 322, 332;

recommendation of, 322.

-, -, letter from, 555.

Merchants Adventurers, Society of, negotiations on behalf of, at Elbing, 4 et seq., 8;

payments by, desired, 143, 617;

a debt to, paid, 181;

the Hanse towns pressfor their exclusion, 201;

money furnished by, for Morgan's regiment, 303, 344, 345, 506;

have left Hamburg and are “minded” to leave Embden, 481;

proposal that they should go to Flensburg, ibid.;

requests to, alluded to, 503;

a thunderbolt (the Imperial ban) threatening, 615;

payment from, desired, 616;

licence of, to Gilpin, to come to England, alluded to, 655;

at Middelburg, see Middelburg;

in relation to their residence at Hamburg, see Hamburg.

-, governor and assistants of, opinion to be given to, 6.

-, -, deputy of, at Elbing, 6.

-, goods of, taken as prize, 187.

-, a young man of the Company of, 62.

Mercœur, Duke of. See Lorraine, Philip Emanuel of.

Merle, M. de, sent by the King of Navarre to England, 562.

Merles (Marle), Seigneur de. See Noailles.

Merliani, Francesco, hanged at Rome, 657.

Merode, M. de. See Oirschot.

-, Guillaume de, Sieur de Duffele, a commissioner to Parma, 590, 621, 623;

a man of account in Brabant, 701.

Messina, news from, 521.

Messuraea, Marquis and Marquisate of, 364.

Metz, companies coming from, 355;

demanded by the Guises, “for surety,” 390, 460;

the King of Spain demands, as security for money lent, 409;

is given to the Duke of Guise, 471;

report that it has been seized by the League, 487;

“the plot of,” has not succeeded as Guise hoped, 493.

-, Bishop of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

-, castle of, holds for the King, 471.

-, governor of. See Nogaret, Duc d' Epernon.

-, -, lieutenant of, 390.

Meung (Meun), on the Loire, an alehouse at, letter dated from, 81.

Meuse or Maas, the, 473;

the country “along,” commanded by the enemy, 251;

a ship from, 543.

Mezières, order sent to, forbidding the export of victuals from “out of France,” 343;

forces of the League in, 408.

-, Madame de, mother-in-law of the Duke of Montpensier, 10.

Michaeli, Michelli, Dr. Joseph, appointed physician to the Queen, recommendation of, 267;

at Middelburg, 272;

indiscreet speeches of, alluded to, 357.

Michel, Michiel, Colonel, 217;

has served faithfully in Holland, 701.

Michele, Signor, nephew of Pope Sixtus, monti given to, 663.

Middelburg in Walcheren, question of giving, to the French, 61;

Antwerp sends for aid to, 89;

proposed as a cautionary town, 97, 446;

a letter feigned to be sent from, 104;

Count Maurice at, 167, 171, 204, 401;

Davison arrives at, 176;

Council and States absent from, 377;

Treslong's trial at, 398, 401;

troops going from, to aid Antwerp, 452;

Parma may surprise, if he gets Antwerp, 453;

cloth sent from, captured, 454;

a merchant from Antwerp comes to, 648;

money to be sent to, 650;

Col. Norreys at, 668.

-, burgomasters and echevins of, orders to, 691.

-, the common prison of, Admiral Treslong imprisoned in, 307.

-, -, letters dated from, 523, 524, 635, 652, 722.

-, Council of Count Maurice at, 204, 401;

Council of Zeeland at, 675, 676.

-, a courier sent to, robbed, 602.

-, deputies of, opinion delivered to, by Count Maurice, &c., 691.

-, haven of, forces necessary to assure, 686.

-, house of M. de Villiers at, 64.

-, letters dated at, 15, 23, 38, 55, 62, 64, 71, 74, 75, 89, 115, 116, 119, 162, 167, 172, 175, 185, 205, 212, 245, 256, 272, 291, 295, 356 (2), 357 (2), 367, 368, 369, 378, 401, 402, 426, 428, 437, 452, 472, 476, 479, 488, 490, 497, 499, 542, 562, 579, 587, 611, 631, 645, 647, 649, 660, 666, 667, 669, 675–677, 683, 686.

-, magistrates or “lords” of, Admiral Treslong brought to trial before, 401, 523.

-, merchants of, a rich ship of, “stayed” by the mutineers at Sluys, 272.

-, Merchants Adventurers of, money given by, for Morgan's regiment, 303, 344, 345, 506.

-, news from, 264, 486, 538, 558, 601, 610, 633;

news brought to, 643.

-, prisoners at. See Bloys; see Tempell.

-, States General at, orders of, alluded to, 406.

-, town bailiff of, Admiral Treslong committed to, 291;

demands that Treslong should be executed, 401;

orders to be given to, 676;

torture of Treslong proposed by, 691.

-, travellers to and from, 115, 202, 302, 377.

-, water bailiff at, 74.

Mignons, the, of the French King, 260;

(they who govern the King), dread his entering into war, 105;

find that absence “breedeth their harm,” ibid.;

the King's love for, 118;

no longer have their old power over the King, 126, 257;

have not the interest they once had, but can cross what they list, 229;

disagreement between, 230;

“the two Kings that rule the King,” sounded in relation to the Low Countries, 257;

the League desires to remove, from the King, 370;

strife between, for the “honours and charges” of the army, 371;

hated by the Queen Mother, 390;

the League will not insist on their deprivation, 408. And see Arques, Duc de Joyeuse, and Nogaret, Duc d' Epernon.

Milan, Lord Paget said to be going to, 138;

money sent to the Treasury at, 546;

preparations at, to meet the new Archbishop, 629.

-, new Archbishop of. See Visconte.

-, bandits near, robbery and outrages by, 593, 608.

-, castle of, muster in the square before, 520;

guards of, kill and wound the citizens, 664.

-, Comici gelosi at, comedy presented by, 640.

-, courier sent to, 593.

Duchy or State of, troops levied in, 213;

those of the Grisons enter, 341;

Spanish and Italian troops enlisted in, 537.

-, gentleman of. See Sevigo.

-, governor of. See Aragon, Duke of Terranuova.

-, merchant of, 352.

-, news from, 304, 546, 560, 602, 629, 640, 664.

-, principal men of, go to meet the Duke of Savoy, 560.

-, travellers to, 421, 561, 608.

Milander, “the secretary, carries a good sway amongst the people,” 674.

Mildmay, Sir Walter, 194;

opinion of, 96.

Millenburg, near Bergen-op-Zoom, a hospital at, said to be burnt, with all the sick people, by the enemy, 532.

Millian, traveller to, 340.

Mills, Francis, a servant of Walsingham, 312, 313.

Milon, Benoit, Sieur de Videville, Intendant des Finances, put out on suspicion of appropriating moneys, 69;

has fled into Aix, 72.

Miron, Dr. François, the King's physician, the King's trust in, 408;

goes to and from the Queen Mother, 460;

comes to Paris, 525, 602.

Moelin, Erasmus and Peter, imprisoned and fined at Antwerp, 115.

Mœurs, Comte de. See Solms.

Moldavia, borders of, army on, 65;

no Turkish garrisons on, 599.

-, people of, sent to receive the Sultan's ambassador, 66.

-, Peter, Vaivode of, brings about Petrasco of Wallachia's fall, 403.

-, -, nephew of. See Wallachia, Myckine, Vaivode of.

Molfetta, Prince of, garrisons an island in the Po, 289.

Moller, Dr. William, Vice-Chancellor of East Friesland and Syndic of Hamburg, 616.

Monastero del Turco, in Barbary, sacked by the Tuscan galleys, 600;

Christian prisoners at, ibid.

Monçon (Munson), in Aragon, the King of Spain going to, 188.

Mondo, the, the Duke and Duchess of Savoy going to, 561.

Mondovi, Cardinal Bishop of [Vincenzo Lauri], receives his hat, 468;

takes possession of his title of Sta. Maria in Via, 545.

Mondragon, Montdragon, Christobal de, Marshal General of Parma's camp, sconce taken by, 14;

continues “on the Brabant side,” 22;

endeavours to close the passage to Antwerp, 38;

his march to Limburg (in 1578), 218;

said to be chosen as governor of Antwerp castle, 641;

reported death of, ibid.;

is incensed against the Prince of Parma, and desires to return to Spain, 683.

-, -, camp of, 121.

Money, stamping of, at Rome, 657.

Monferrato, a meeting proposed at, 111.

Monreal (Moriale), archbishopric of, vacant, 263.

-, late Archbishop of. See Torres, Ludovico de.

Mons (Monnce), siege of, alluded to, 121;

negotiations at (in 1578), alluded to, 316.

-, a gentleman of, 255.

Montaigne, Demoiselle de, permission desired for her to go with the demoiselles of Nassau, 58.

Montalto, (Alessandro Peretti), Cardinal of, the Pope says he has more need to be governed than to govern, 469;

movements of, 657;

in attendance on the Pope, 608.

-, -, abbey granted to, 469, 492.

-, Felix Peretti, Cardinal of, elected Pope, 425. See Sixtus V.

-, Capt. Pietro Paolo da, made a bargello of Rome, 545.

Montargis, the French King going to, 71;

the Queen Mother going to, 570.

Montauban, in Languedoc, Anthony Bacon at, 111;

a former gathering of Huguenot leaders at, alluded to, 155;

(Mont' Albano), the Huguenots are strengthening themselves at, 602;

the King of Navarre at, 719.

-, assembly of the Huguenot churches at, 36, 49, 51, 68, 120;

said to be broken up, 69;

an account of, to be given to the French King, 78;

refuses to give back towns &c., till the “Edict of Peace” is observed, 153.

-, “consuls” of, are urged by the King of Navarre to hasten their harvest and finish their fortifications, 594.

-, letters dated at, 48, 49, 68, 323, 335, 594, 719.

-, people of, young and old, at work of the fortifications, 594.

Montay [qy. Montague], Lord, 99.

Montefalcone, castle of, to remain independent, 290.

Montereau, Lord Derby to be on his guard against an ambush near, 332.

Montevalente, Monsignor, 469.

Montgomery (Montgomeri) Count de, letter from, 95.

-, -, sister of. See Champernon, Madame de.

-, Madame de, has left England, 25.

Montigny (Monteney), Seigneur de. See Lalaing, Emanuel Philibert de.

-, M. de, minister of the [Reformed] church of Paris, 578.

Montmartin (Martyn), Sieur de, servant of the King of Navarre, sent to England, 643.

Montmorency, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Thoré, youngest brother of the Duke, 340.

-, Henry de, Duc de Montmorency, Sieur de Damville and Marshal of France, “some war by,” in Languedoc, 7;

the King of Navarre to use all means to pacify, 142;

suspected to have intelligence with Spain, 142, 164;

has taken Lodève, 164, 165;

jealousy of, 169;

has free liberty in his government, 184;

dissension between the Bishop of Lodève and, 193;

troops reported to be coming to, 276;

difference between the Duc de Joyeuse and, ended, 283;

visit of, to the King, alluded to, 294;

suspected intelligence of, with the Duke of Savoy, 320;

the King of Navarre going to meet, 322, 719;

with the King of Navarre, at Castres, 371, 376;

reported conference of, 376;

offer of, to bring forces to the King, 378;

Elizabeth desires to know if he will adhere to the King of Navarre, 394;

wishes to besiege Alet, 430;

Arthur Champernon going to, 501, 505;

is devoted to the King of Navarre's service and one of the best captains in France, 505;

the King of Navarre counselled to use the aid of, 517;

reconciliation between “old Joyeuse” and, desired, ibid.;

and the King of Navarre, proceedings and intentions of, 664, 665;

declares his resolution to hold fast to the Princes of the blood, ibid.

-, -, son of, suggested marriage of, to Guise's daughter, 169.

-, -, daughter of, suggested marriage of. to Guise's son, 169.

-, “old Madame Conestable de,” 169.

Montpensier, Duke of. See Bourbon-Vendôme, François de.

-, Madame de, in Paris, 340.

Montreuil, in Picardy, all quiet at, 449. And see Motterel.

Montrichard (Montrichaut), near Chenonceau, the Court goes to, 77.

Monty, Zacheria de, letter from, 111.

Moody, Michael, servant of Sir Edw. Stafford, suspected by Walsingham, 266, 312.

Moore, William, rescued from a galley of Algiers, 269.

Morea, an obscure family of, 403.

Morel, Mr., minister at Rye, 189.

Moresini, Gio. Francesço, Venetian “Bailo” (the old bailo, the Venetian), in Turkey, summoned to court, 181;

wishes to stay on awhile, 306;

is overjoyed by the Admiral's disgrace, 441;

has not yet taken leave, 482, 608;

expected departure of, from Constantinople, 512, 546, 603;

has left Constantinople, 630;

returns to Venice, 663.

-, one of the house of, spoken of for Doge, 640.

Moreto, Antonio, “the chiefest lawyer and orator in Italy,” death of, 530.

Morgan, Captain Edward, in the Low Countries, 635.

-, Capt. Matthew, in relation to the imprisoned captains, 256, 292.

-, -, company of, 326.

-, Col. Thomas, 533, 635;

expected at Antwerp, 54;

suit of, with Roger Williams, 121;

sent to Brussels, 185, 195;

return of, from England, alluded to, 200;

proceedings of, against his captains, 246, 256, 284, 292, 293;

in relation to the pay and treatment of his regiment, 293, 299;

means to withdraw into England, 299, 300;

proceedings of, 303;

complains of the States' ill-usage of him and his men, 300, 325;

in treaty with the States for his money, 344;

desires passport from Parma for his regiment, 344, 345;

and his soldiers, letters of encouragement sent to, 377;

conduct of, towards his captains, complained of, 405, 406;

was ordered by the English Council to return home, 405, 407;

resolution given to, 407;

orders Capt. Marten's apprehension, 431;

accuses his men of treachery, 432;

speeches of, when “half drunk,” ibid.;

is advised to come with his men to Count Hohenlohe, 437;

sends Capt. Lucar to England, 440;

his difficulties with his regiment, 441;

refuses the offer of the States, ibid.;

if his papers are taken, much villany will be discovered, 454;

supposed to be either slain or drowned, 478;

has returned, 481;

says that with six hundred good men he could have kept the dyke against ten thousand, ibid.;

defence of his own conduct, 506;

commission and means to levy a regiment offered to, 507;

desires Le Sieur to go in his name to Parma, 604, 624;

is driven out of Borgerhout, 620;

his experience and knowledge of the Low Countries, commended, 626;

Le Sieur goes to the Prince of Parma from, 649;

he and Roger Williams will never agree, 674;

speeches “given out” by, at Antwerp, ibid.;

reported to be drowned, 685.

-, -, letters from, 197, 242, 299, 325, 506;

alluded to, 152, 626.

-, -, father of, 121.

-, -, man of, 256.

-, -, regiment of, 357;

movements of, 54, 185, 195;

proceedings and defeat of, 198–200;

better dealt with than in past time, 198;

sickness and desertion in, 199;

mustered, 200, 242, 300;

has done good service, but is difficult to manage, 200;

in the enterprise to victual Brussels, 203, 204;

goes to Antwerp, 204;

sufferings and mutinies of, 293;

insufficient pay of, 300, 301;

great complaints at its departure, 303;

to be “stayed,” if it comes into Walcheren, 337, 428;

complaints against, 351;

reports of ill-treatment of, said to be untrue, ibid.;

passport for, asked for, from Parma, 344, 345, 352;

proceedings of, 405, 406;

“reduced to one company,” 407;

money needed for, 441;

money for, 506;

lack of pay for, 507.

-, -, -, captains of, “minded” to go to the enemy, 242;

their practice with the enemy, 246, 254, 255;

under arrest, 256, 284, 292, 293, 345;

account of their proceedings, 405;

resolution of, 407.

-, -, -, other captains of, opinions of, 256.

-, -, -, soldiers of, go begging about Antwerp, 246;

complain of their colonel's treatment, 432;

accused by him of treachery, ibid.;

perish daily for want, 437;

“unkindness” between the colonel and, 506;

valiant behaviour of, at the dyke, 507;

have had daily what Morgan received for them, ibid.

-, -, -, papers relating to, 326.

-, -, -, sergeant-major and provost-marshal of, 406.

-, -, -, drum of, sent to the Prince of Parma, 352.

-, Thomas, refugee, helped to write the answer to the “Execution of Justice,” 68;

said by Parry to have incited him to his plot, 272, 277;

demands for, or efforts to obtain his delivery to Elizabeth and the giving up of his papers, 273, 277, 327, 328, 332, 337–339, 349, 355, 359, 360, 373–375, 391, 392, 417;

directions concerning the taking and safe-keeping of, 278;

is “amazed” at Parry's committal, 298;

Creichton was brought out of England by means of, 310;

is taken and his papers sealed up, 311, 312;

the French King refuses to surrender him to the English ambassadors, 327–9;

sent to the Bastille, 328;

should be sent over in Lord Derby's company, 332;

rescue of, feared, 333;

the King's reasons for refusal to give up, 374, 391;

Stafford thinks he is safer in the King's castle than in his own hands, 375;

“silly answer brought” concerning, 389;

Stafford's arguments against the King's decision in regard to, 391–3;

a prisoner “for the cause of God,” 416;

taking of, alluded to, 417, 526;

protests in favour of, to be made at Rome, 418;

debate in French Council concerning, 419;

writings of, sent to Stafford, but not all of them, 457, 458;

to be kept in France, ibid.;

supposed reason for keeping him in prison, 550;

suit for release of, mentioned, 717;

suspected by his party to be a spy, ibid.

-, -, letter from, 416;

intercepted, 185;

alluded to, 207, 550.

-, -, faction of, in Paris, 716;

friends of, efforts of, on his behalf, 419.

-, -, money found in his study, 457, 550.

Morish, Mr., regiment of [qy. Morgan's regiment, brought over by Morris, his lieut.-colonel], 254.

Morley, Lord. See Parker, Edward.

-, Elizabeth, Lady, mother of the above, 718.

-, -, letter from, 711.

Mornan. Captain, has served faithfully in Holland, 701.

Mornay. Philippe de, Sieur du Plessis-Marli, sent to the French King, 49, 106, 108, 153;

at Blois, 78;

good usage of, by the King, 165;

opinion of. 169;

matters to be imparted to, 170;

letters or news sent by, 182. 197;

warned of mischief intended against him, 191.

-, -, letters from, 67, 438, 504 (2), 505, 562;

alluded to, 116.

-, -, letter to, 448;

alluded to, 191.

-, -, little book “done by,” 462.

-, -, orders given to, 142.

Moro, Giovanni. Venetian ambassador in France, has audience, 141.

Morris, Morrys, Captain John, lieut.-colonel in Morgan's regiment, 636;

ordered for Holland, 102;

goes to Antwerp, 109, 122;

in relation to the imprisoned captains of his regiment, 292;

sent to the Prince of Parma, 352;

will follow Col. Morgan only if he obeys the Queen's commands, 405;

quarrel between Col. Morgan and, 432.

-, -, letters from, 151, 300.

-, -, opinion of, 256.

-, -, company of, 326.

Morris, Sir (sic) by Paul's wharf, 714.

Morton, Earl of. See Douglas.

Morvillier, M. de, the late [Jean de, Bishop of Orleans], his praise of Walsingham, 498.

Moscow (Musco), 22.

-, palace of, letter dated from, 693.

-, travellers to or from, 21, 84, 222.

Mothe-Fénelon, M. la. See Salignac.

Motterel [qy. Montreuil], a kinsman of Lord Derby drowned at, 302.

Mottini, Tito, marriage of, 662.

Mouchy, de [qy. Father John Mush], manager for the Bishop of Ross at Rouen, 524.

Mourritz [qy. Morris], M., engeneur d'eaulx, shows models of artificial fire, 491.

Mülhausen, assembly proposed at, by the late Elector Palatine, 499, 637.

Munderberg, a castle of the Duke of Cleves, 215.

Mundt, Dr., late agent for the Queen in the Palatinate, 43.

Munich, München, in Bavaria, assembly at, 195;

the Duke of Bavaria receives the Golden Fleece at, 694.

Münster, bishopric of, desired by the new Elector of Cologne, 80, 195, 202;

other competitors for, 195;

said to be given to the Elector of Cologne, 487;

promised to the young Duke of Bavaria, 694.

-, -, administrator of. See Cleves, Jehan, young Duke of.

-, burghers of, do not wish to have the Elector of Cologne as their Bishop, 472, 474, 487.

-, Chapter of, are willing to accept the new Archbishop of Cologne, 474.

-, churches in, closed, and artillery planted on the walls, &c., 474.

-, President of, orders of, alluded to, 345.

Murad or Amurath II, Sultan of Turkey, time of alluded to, 66.

-, -, III, has a list made of those who died by the plague, 44;

makes Osman Grand Vizier, 45;

the French ambassador in disgrace with, 66;

the Spanish King in league with, 99;

report of his death, 121;

safe-conducts of, not obeyed by the Barbary pirates, 168;

wishes to be revenged on the Venetians, for their seizure of a Tripoli galliot, but may be soothed by money, 181–2;

his demands upon Venice (for taking the galliot), 271;

procession of boys ordered by, to pray against the Christians, 290;

a prince forced upon the Tartars by, 314;

desires resolutely to fight the Persians, 354;

orders the Vaivode of Transylvania to resign, 442;

will not give audience to the Venetian Bailos until the galliot is restored, 482;

orders a general prayer for rain, ibid.;

Translylvania desires to keep at peace with, 486;

might easily be “expulsed out of all Europe,” 599;

has been in retirement, 603;

a league to be concluded between Spain and, 684;

-, allowance from, to an ambassador, 226.

-, ancestors of, wars of, alluded to, 269.

-, a chiaus from, sent to Venice, 270.

-, duchy granted by, 663, 664.

-, letter from, to the King of Spain, 685.

-, letters to, alluded to, 403.

-, payments and revenue of, 226, 227.

-, physician of, 663.

-, presents for, 66, 226, 354, 513

-, presents of, to the King of Spain, list of, 685.

-, signet of, once belonged to King Solomon, 227.

-, eldest son of. See Mahommad.

-, son of, “the young Turk,” circumcision of, alluded to, 66.

-, two sons and a daughter born to, 269.

-, sisters of, 45;

complain that their husbands are deprived of their due place, 46.

Murano, near Venice, the Bishop of Crema dies at, 521.

Muscovite arquebusiers, sent to assist the Tartars, 314.

Muscovites, a Pole holding correspondence with, 331.

Muscovy. See Russia.

Muscovy or Russia Company, complaints against, by Dr. Jacobs, 221, 222;

answer to the above complaints, 222.

-, demands by, 134.

-, demands upon, by Sir Jerome Bowes, 132.

-, letter from, 100.

-, money due to, 94.

-, payments by, 133.

-, governors of. See Barnes; see Marten.

-, agents of. See Marlowe;



-, members of, 132.

Mustafa Chaous, dragoman to Harborne, his embassy to Poland, 65.

Mustapha, Turkish general, surrender of Tiflis to, alluded to, 314.

Mutio, one, employed by the Spanish ambassador, in prison in Paris, 382.

Mutzettin, Francis, Chancellor of Brunswick, house of, Bodley lodges in, 508.

Myddelton (Middleton) Capt. William, to be sent to England, 199;

with Col. Morgan, 326.

-, -, letter from, 152.