Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Aa, Vander. See Vander Aa.

Abbeville, preparations at, for the deputies of the States General, 229;

the deputies at, 233, 252;

the deputies depart from, 247, 249, 278;

the Earl of Derby to be on his guard against an ambush near, 332;

the Earl passes by, 348;

Waad “laid wait for” near, 417, 423;

the town quiet, 449.

-, letter dated at, 234.

-, -, alluded to, 257.

-, country about, kept by the Duke of Guise's horsemen, 449.

Abdy, Mr., message to, 480.

Accoramboni, Acorambono, Abbot, sent to congratulate the Duke of Savoy, 657.

-, Marcello, to stay with Paolo Giordano, 657.

Accorambona, Vittoria, the business of, 289;

Paolo Giordano Orsini proposes to marry, 330;

as Paolo Giordano's wife, movements of, 529, 546;

titles given to, by the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, 657.

Ackman, William, letter from, 435.

Aemet Bassa, Grand Vizier in the time of Sultan Solyman, 45.

Aequi, Bishop of, made governor of Rome, 656;

resigns the government, 657.

Adan, Guillaume, property of, to be restored, 515.

Addy, [Patrick], chaplain to the Bishop of Ross, taken on the sea and sent to England, 87, 91.

Admiral, Lord High. See Howard, Charles, Lord.

Admiral [French], the late (qy. Coligny), aid given to, by Elizabeth, alluded to, 588.

Admiralty, Court of, cause in, 567.

-, Judge of, 345;

paper by, alluded to, 120;

sentence of, alluded to, 424.

-, Judge of. See Lewes, David.

-, -, deputy. See Cæsar, Julius.

Aelst or Alostanus, Peter van, of the Count of Nassau's Council, formerly burgomaster of Antwerp, now deputy for Brabant, 367;

is going to Antwerp, 619;

a man “of account” in Brabant, 701.

Aemstel de Minden, Amelis van, letter signed by, 234.

Aerschot, Due de. See Croy, Philippe de.

Aerssens, Cornelis, greffier of the States General, goes to London, 375.

-, -, documents signed by, 3, 25, 101, 135, 234, 236, 498, 505.

Æsop, fable of (the father and the sheaf of arrows), alluded to, 591.

Afflitto, Monsignor di, church bestowed on, 281.

African pirates, respect the King of Argier more than the Sultan, 482.

Agen, in Languedoc, the Queen of Navarre at, 488, 501, 526.

“Agnus Dei”, found on the Earl of Arundel, 454, 456.

Aguilar (Anguilar), Marques de, takes the homage at the oath-taking to Prince Philip of Spain, 137(2).

Aix in Provence, Videville has fled to, 72.

Aix-la-Chapelle (Acon), 218.

-, the Emperor's complaints against, 221.

Alava, Don Frances or Francisco d', former ambassador from the King of Spain to France, speech of, quoted, 213.

Albene. See Bene, del.

Alcala, the Spanish King at, 283.

Aldeburgh, Aldborough, in Suffolk, mariners of, 668.

Aldersey, Mr., 533.

Aldobrandini, Cardinal [Ipolito]made Datario 469, 492;

suggested for superintendent of clerks of the Chamber, 492.

Aldred, Solomon (a spy), 260;

stipend of, from the Pope, withdrawn and restored, 193;

is a most malicious fellow, ibid.;

in Paris, 231;

talks too much, 237;

brings a packet for Walsingham, 526, leaves Paris for England, 711, 712.

Alessandria, in Piedmont, the Duke and Duchess of Savoy to be invited to, 593.

-, della Paglia, a man of, hanged, 657.

-, -, Patriarch of [mistake of the newswriter], 656.

Alessandrini, Alessandrino, Cardinal (Michele (fn. 1) Bonelli), returns to Rome, 269;

in attendance on the Pope, 608;

movements of, 657.

-, -, brother of. See Bonelli, Michele.

-, -, his sister the Countess, 269, 270.

-, -, house of, in Rome, 600.

Alet, Aleth, in Languedoc, Huguenots massacred at, 430.

Alets, in Picardy, 449.

Alexandria fleet, might have been taken if the generals of Malta and Florence had agreed, 598.

Alexandria, patriarch of. See Riario, Cardinal.

-, patriarchate of, vacant, 629;

said to be “settled” for the Abbot Sermoneta. See Sermoneta.

Alferan, Alferant, servant of the Duke of Anjou, capture of, 184.

Algier, Algiers, Argier, a chaous [envoy] to be sent to, to receive English prisoners, 269;

money “laid up” for the destruction of, 442.

-, corsairs of, English ships taken or sunk by, 67, 269.

-, English captives in, 386.

-, galleys of, Englishmen rescued from, 269;

searched, 441;

galliots, captured, 640.

-, Hassan, King of, demands aid from the Sultan against Spain, 403;

“the renegate,” breach of league by, 441, 482;

more respected by the pirates than the Sultan is, 482.

-, Viceroy of, prisoner released on the mediation of, 640.

Aljubarrota (Yuberoth), battle of (in 1385), alluded to, 619.

Allambrigge, William, letter to, 712.

Allen, Mr., letters sent by, 428.

-, Thomas, merchant, plundered by the Norway ships, 13.

-, Dr. William, afterwards Cardinal, his answer to Burghley's “True Execution of Justice,” mentioned, 33, 68;

prebend at Rheims given to, 420;

of the faction of the Jesuits in Paris, “plays on both hands,” 716;

has gone to the Spa, “in great extremity,” 717;

in relation to the late “conspiracy” to invade England, ibid.

Alost, Roger Williams' service at, 51;

treachery of English regiment at, alluded to, 196.

Alps or Mounts, the, travellers crossing, 125;

troops crossing, 614.

Altemps, Cardinal [Marco], made much of by the Pope, 281;

purchase of marquisate by, 364;

procures the title of duke for his son, 539;

visits the Pope's sister, 592;

the Pope sends his secretary to, 593;

intercedes with the Pope for his son, 601;

is told that his son will be pardoned, 608;

has audience of his Holiness, 629;

claims restoration of castle taken by Pope Gregory, 662.

-, -, abbey resigned by, 560;

abbey refused to, 662.

-, Marquis, son of the Cardinal, made Duke of Galese (Duke Altemps), 539;

pension confirmed to, 560;

examinations of, alluded to, 592, 593, 608;

a prisoner in the Castle, case of, said to be settled, 601, 608;

cause or trial of, 629;

is to be set free, 657;

applies himself to his defence, 663.

-, -, a gentleman of, taken, 663.

-, -, offices taken from, 539.

Alva, late Duke of. See Toledo.

Alvares, Mutio, letter to, 288.

Alvises, one of the Magnificoes of Venice, 470.

Amadeo Filliber to, Don. See Savoy.

Amalfi, Archbishop of [Giulio Rossini], is going as Nuncio to Naples, 560;

takes leave of the Pope, ibid.

Amadeo, the Cavalier Senef on to, major-domo to Cardinal Guastavillani, taken to the castle of St. Angelo, 600.

Ambassadors, residents, envoys:—English, to Denmark. See Bodley.

-, to France. See Stafford.

-, to Hanse Towns. See Herbert.

-, to the Low Countries. See Davison.

-, to the Porte. See Hanborne.

-, to Russia. See Bowes.

-, to Scotland. See Wotton, Edward.

From Ferrara, to France. See Courtez, Chevalier a new one, 148, 239;

his house in Paris, 340.

French, to England. See Castelnau, Sieur de Mauvissière see L'Aubespine-Chasteau-neuf.

-, to Denmark. See Danzay.

-, to the Pope. See Vivonne, Jean de, Sieur de St. Gouard.

-, to the Grisons. See Liverdy.

-, to Spain. See Poigny.

-, to Switzerland. See Clausse, Henry.

-, to Turkey. See Germany see Lancome allowance to, 227.

-, to Venice, see Maisse, Hurault de.

From Genoa, to Spain, to be recalled, 640.

Imperial, to the Netherlands (in 1578). See Schwarzen-berg, Otto Henry, Count of.

-, to Spain, at the oath taking to Prince Philip, 136.

-, to Turkey, 227, 403;

(special) see Lichtenstein, Baron of.

-, to Venice, 608.

From Malta, to the Pope, 599, 639.

Papal Nuncio, to the Emperor. See Malaspina, Germanico.

-, to France, see Ragazzoni;

legate extra ordinary, see Frangipani, Bishop of Nazareth.

-, to Poland. See Camerino, Bishop of.

-, to Savoy. See Fiesco.

-, to Venice. See Campeggio; see Costa.

Persian, to Turkey, sent to the Turkish camp, 47.

Polish, to Turkey, 227.

Russian, to England (in 1583), 83, 365.

-, to Turkey, 442.

From Savoy, to the Pope, see Bonelli;

a former, see Savoy, Gio. Battista of at Milan, 664.

From Scotland, to England. See Gray, Master of.

-, to France. See Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow; see Seton, Lord.

Spanish, to the Emperor, 195, 491. And see San Clemente.

-, to France (agent), see Taxis, Juan Bautista de a former, see Alava, Don Francisco de.

-, to Genoa, 640.

-, to the Pope [Count of. Olivares], has audience, 281, 630;

at the Duke of Sora's house, 289;

presents a gennet to his Holiness, 560;

death of his infant son, ibid.;

in relation to the rebels at Naples, 646, 656.

Turkish, to Poland. See Mustafa.

From Tuscany, to the Emperor, 282;

banquets all the ambassadors, 290.

-, to the Pope. See Casciano.

From Venice, to France. See Dolfin, Giovanni.

-, to the Pope. See Priuli.

-, to Turkey. See Moresini, Gio. Francesco; see Bernardo, Lorenzo.

Swiss, at Paris, 552.

-, to Venice, 608.

Amboise, Stafford going to, 71.

Ambrosio, a Milanese merchant, 352.

Amerongen, a village near Wijk, defeat of the States' forces at, 540, 541.

Amiens, travellers to, 2;

the deputies of the States General go to, 233, 247;

Lord Derby passes by, 348.

Amsterdam, 483;

reluctance of, to accept the French King, 79, 89;

opposes the treaty with France, 194;

Davison goes

to, by request of the magistrates, 479.

-, commissioners sent to, from Holland, 249.

-, debt of, acquittance given for, 302.

-, deputies of, object to the articles sent by the French King, 82.

-, letter dated at, 231.

-, pensionary of. See Sylla.

-, syndicus of, letters to be sent to, 231.

Amurath. See Murad. Anabaptism, heresy of, denounced, 531.

Anagni, Italy, gallows erected near, 657.

Anatolia, Beglerbey of, 226.

Ancona, Bishop of. See Lucchi; see Conti, Carlo.

-, bishopric of, not yet granted, 270.

-, church of, income of, 600.

-, traveller to, 663.

Andernach, 532.

Andi, Claudio d', appointment for, 289.

Andrew or Andrewes, Lieutenant, information from, 53.

-, [John], Clerk of the Council of Scotland, letter from, alluded to, 53.

Anermore Park. See Quernmore. Angerville, Sir Edw. Stafford goes to, 77.

Angoulême, Henri d', Grand Prior of France (bastard son of Henry II), governor of Provence, suggested transference of, to the Isle de France, 184;

said to have defeated the Count de Sault, 460.

Angoulême, province of, all for Guise or Navarre, 429.

Angrogne, Angroigne, Sieur de, 68;

is distributing letters, 412;

to go to Walsingham, 588.

-, -, letter from, 118.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 182.

Angus (Anguishe), Earl of. See Douglas, Archibald.

Anhalt, Joachim Ernest, Prince of, the King of Den mark has written to, 584.

Anholt, Lady of, 214.

Anjou, the Comte de Brissac keeps the passages in, 487;

cruel treatment of the Huguenots in, 654.

-, “chamber” of, opened, 7.

-, Duchy of, “an estate out of,” offered to the Prince of Orange, 179.

Annaberg, in Saxony, letter signed at, 639.

“Antichrist,” a peculiar mark of, 156.

Antonio, Don, Prior of Crato, pretender to the throne of Portugal, illness of, 2;

not likely to go to the Low Countries, 19;

to be allowed to take ships going into the Spanish dominions as prize, 63;

return of, desired in Portugal, 74;

should be persuaded to act against the King of Spain, 98, 99;

sends warning to the Lord Mayor that he shall consider all ships taking provisions to the Spaniards as “good prize,” 116;

prosecution of his title, might help the Low Countries, 120;

the Queen's good affection towards, 190;

should be “moved” in relation to the joint action for the Low Countries, 223;

affairs of, treated by Botelho at the Hague, 243;

proposal to employ, in the business of the Low Countries, 248;

the French King should be induced to aid, 332;

aid given by, to the King of Spain's rebels in the Indies, 353;

attempt to capture, in Brittany, 591;

is safe at Rochelle, 592;

letters on behalf of, asked for, 627.

-, -, agents of, in England. See Lopez, Dr.; see Vigos [qy. Veigua], Sieur de.

-, -, goods of, at Southampton, 420, 421.

-, -, orders from, alluded to, 420, 421.

-, -, servants of, 74.

-, -, ships of, 74, 116.

-, -, vessel taken by, 305.

-, -, youngest son of, a prisoner in Brittany, 591;

safe at Rochelle, 592.

Antragues, M. d', See Entragues.

Antwerp, 62, 88, 179, 196, 431;

distress at, 14, 92;

said to be well provided with victuals, 18, 171, 194, 246;

means by which it may hold out, 50;

fear that it will not hold out long, 53, 74, 298, 450;

the States' horse come “about,” 55;

Lord Hunsdon's stay at, alluded to, 56;

discontent at, 74;

only to be succoured by sea, 78;

the enemy comes near to, 110, 194, 198, 242;

“is become French,” 151;

all Brabant depends upon, 122, 246, 294, 298;

former negotiations at, all uded to, 140;

trade at, ceased, and taxation increased, 152;

most of the wealthy merchants have left, 152, 287;

efforts for relief of, 162, 194, 205;

small success at, 169;

Le Sieur's suit in, 212;

the Prince of Parma's instruments at, 252, 283;

state of affairs in, 272;

evil state of, denied by the States' deputies, 275;

no ships can pass to or from, without great danger, 290, 292;

more discontented every day, 290;

dearth in, 293;

sortie from, 305;

lack of victuals at, 293, 305, 451, 531, 536;

for two months nothing has entered, 293, 331;

should be encouraged by hope of help, 336, 413;

Hohenlohe's enterprise for the succour of, alluded to, 352;

Holland fleet hoped for at, 353;

desperate state of, 367;

attempt to raise the siege of, hindered, 378;

intended enterprise from, to cut the Couwenstein dyke, see Couwenstein dyke;

the ways between Bergen and, kept by the enemy's horse, 401;

the enemy's men will mutiny if they cannot get the spoil of, 426;

the Queen delays her aid for, 427;

a speedy accord of, with Spain, expected, 434;

“provisional” succour for, desired, 440, 618;

attempts for relief of, “more hope than effects,” 437;

great preparations at, for opening the passage, 441;

sends to Middelburg to urge a fresh attempt, 451;

promises of speedy help to, 451;

divisions and dissensions at, 451, 474, 621;

corn growing scarce in, 454, 455, 467;

will be in the hands of Spain before July is over, 467, 601;

sallies from, failure of, 468;

prices of victuals at, 470;

sheep and oxen sent to, from Bergen, 472;

and the fleet, another attempt to be made by, 472;

attempt by, on the Couwenstein dyke, foiled by the weather, 475;

victuals to be sent to, 477;

in danger for want of men, 489;

preparations in, to break the palisade, 491;

succours for, prayed for, 498, 541, 587, 595;

only a miracle or her Majesty can save, 506;

the poor people turned out of, 531;

great preparations at, for a new onset, 543;

doubt whether help can reach it in time, 544;

more soldiers enlisted at, 558;

state of, divers reports of, 568, 579;

the treaty must be hurried if it is to be preserved, 569;

little done for, by Holland and Zeeland, 579;

Calvert goes to, to tell what is being done to help them, 579;

the Queen's letters to, alluded to, 587;

none can go in or out of, 589;

may yet hold out two months, 612;

letters sent to, concealed from the people, 619, 633;

the burgomaster Alostanus going to, 619;

disturbance in, 620, 633;

no hope of relief for, from England or Holland, 622;

promise of help from both, brought to, 623;

help for, must come soon or not at all, 625;

the enemy always expecting to have, 631;

provisions said to be not really scarce at, 644;

in the greatest peril, 653;

is certainly rendered, 653;

surrender of, reasons and consequences of, 660, 661, 678, 679, 684;

alluded to, 680, 685;

terms of, opinions on, 661, 666, 668;

German and Walloon troops in, 667, 668;

the Prince of Parma's entry into, 667;

“words come from,” quoted to the States, 673;

will be in worse terms than ever, if they have not free passage to Dunkirk, &c., 685;

an “induction” to the rest to make peace, 686;

Ste. Aldegonde's practices at, 687.

-, siege of, enemy's forces at, 704.

-, Admiral of, killed at Couwenstein dyke, 538.

-, armour sent from, 497.

-, bonds offered for sale at, 567.

-, books or papers at, 263, 499.

-, burghers who have fled from, 780.

-, burgomaster of. See Marnix, Sieur de Mont Ste. Aldegonde.

-, -, former. See Aelst; see Schoonhoven.

-, burgomasters of, favour the French, 74.

-, a captain sent from, to France. See Preaux.

-, castles round, taken by Parma, 620.

-, chief men or burghers of, many of, apprehended and imprisoned, 102, 109, 110, 118;

desire to offer their countries to the French King, 133;

wish for an accord with the Prince of Parma, 532, 597;

fifteen or twenty of, go to the Prince, 597. And see commissioners from, below.

-, colonels sand captains of (the martial men), ship seized by, 196;

advice of, 200;

are only merchants, 451;

are to have bakeries and distribute bread, 491;

Ste. Aldegonde's oration to, 623;

desire to send deputies of their own to Parma, 624, 625;

Ste. Aldegonde's dealings with, 689.

-, commissioners from, to the camp of the Prince of Parma, 579, 590, 597; and see Marnix, Sieur de Ste. Aldegonde;

reception and proceedings of, 590;

in Parma's camp, 601;

go again to the Prince, 604, 605, 621;

return, 622;

account of their mission, ibid.;

sent once more, 623;

names of, ibid.;

their honourable reception, 624, 625;

demands of, 625;

have returned without doing anything, 633;

scandalized by Ste. Aldegonde's conduct, 648;

go to Parma with full authority to conclude the treaty, 649;

return of, from the Prince, 659. And see treaty of, with Parma, below.

-, -, letter from, 597.

-, commissioners from the “martial men” of, are to treat for their departure, 604.

-, commons of, do not like the French, 152;

clamour for peace, 535, 621, 625, 649;

uproar of, 580;

the poor, sufferings of, 625;

persuaded by Ste. Aldegonde to listen to the enemy, 689. And see people of, below.

-, Confession of Faith printed at, 530.

-, Confréries of, mostly Papists and Martinists, 689.

-, contributions for, 563.

-, corn, lack of, in, 454, 455, 467, 598, 650;

round about, cut and carried away, 497, 590;

to be bought for, 684;

price of, in the city, 685.

-, Council of Estates at, Col. Morgan sends a declaration to, 300;

answer from, received, 303;

letters read to, 625;

the Great Council of, in relation to the treaty with Parma, 597.

-, deputies and échevins of. See Lantmetere;

Vander Mulen.

-, deputies from, to the States General, 396, 568.

-, -, to Holland, 621, 623.

-, -, to England, 569, 580;

return without doing anything, 590.

-, -, to Zeeland, 580.

-, English captains at, 109, 110;

said to have conspired against Ste. Aldegonde, 245;

imprisoned, 284;

opinion of, 256.

-, English merchant at. See Ovax.

-, English troops in or about, 62;

receive their pay, 87;

mustered, 151;

defeat of, 198;

necessities of, 246, 284, 437;

driven to mutiny, 272;

pay promised to, 284, 569;

are advised to come away, 437.

-, fireworks preparing at, 401, 490;

maker of, see Gianibelli.

-, forces raised at, 87;

on the dykes near, 198;

ordered to, 203, 204;

mostly return safe from the enterprise of the dyke, 489;

rumoured success of, 581.

-, fort of, is now defensible, 87.

-, forts near, 205;

taken by the enemy, 290, 562, 590. And see Boors' sconce;




-, French Fury at, alluded to, 129, 476;

prisoners taken at, confessions of, 130.

-, Gildebroers or Guilds (Gil-brothers), take the keys of the town, 284;

desire an agreement with Parma, 579.

-, government of, the Mignons quarrel about, 230;

said to be given to Aremberg, 683.

-, governors of, said to be chosen, 641.

-, Great Council or Breederaad (Bryanrate) of, meetings of, 18, 110, 284;

have prepared more hulks, 451;

appeal to, to save the people from perishing of hunger, 531;

do not desire an agreement with Parma, 558;

discuss means of finding money for the soldiers, ibid.;

have not yet agreed to negotiate, 568;

negotiations of, with Parma, 590, 597, 609, 621–24, and see Antwerp, commissioners from, above;

disturbance in, 609;

news sent to, 627;

grants authority for conclusion of the treaty, 649.

-, greffier of. See Calvaert; see Martini.

-, ladies sent out of, treated courteously by Parma, 470.

-, letters dated at, 54, 87, 93, 109, 111, 152, 153, 196, 199, 200, 246, 255, 284, 299–301, 304, 326, 345, 441, 481, 507, 605 (2), 626.

-, -, alluded to, 80, 683.

-, -, extracts from, 351.

-, letters sent or to be sent to, 237, 244, 377, 641.

-, magistrates of, leave nothing undone for the safety of the city, 110;

are for the French, 152;

the Prince of Parma writes to, 271, 282;

lend money for the English troops, 441;

are weak and little respected, 451;

consult the States General, 532;

desire peace, 558;

are urged to treat with Parma, 579;

measures of, to quiet the commons, 580;

have lost heart, 630;

orders sent to, by Ste. Aldegonde, 690.

-, -, letter from, 196.

-, -, letter to, 515 (2);

alluded to, 625.

-, Malcontents near, reiters captured by, 558.

-, mariners of, mutiny for their pay, 325;

are paid and will fight, 377.

-, merchants of, 399;

have left the city, 246;

Spanish merchants at, 719.

-, mills &c. near, broken down, 497.

-, money sent from, 79;

to be sent to, 210;

paid in, 634;

sent to, 685.

-, neighbourhood of, the enemy sends reiters to, to intercept passengers, 490.

-, new town of, brasserie of La Couronne in, 689.

-, news from, 148, 192, 271, 282, 290, 455, 469, 474, 491, 531, 558.

-, pamphlets sent from, 183.

-, a good patriot of, accusations by, against Ste. Aldegonde, 688 et seq.

-, pensionary of. See Vander Werck.

-, people of (those of), many of, urge an accord with Spain, 92;

prepare for defence, 114;

assure Count Maurice they will “continue enemies” to Spain, 121;

inconstancy of, 152;

attack of, on the stockade (Nov., 1584), 162;

the Prince of Parma urges them to be reconciled to the Spanish King, 185;

their refusal, 192;

are “resolute to abide all extremity,” 194;

some of, desire to compound with the enemy, 198;

are destitute of trade and loaded with taxes, 246;

send an invention for making bread to Brussels, 272;

cry out for peace, 282;

sconce taken by, 357, 366;

set out for another attempt, 377;

enterprise of, against the stockade (on March 26–April 5), account of, 384;

attack of, on a fort, repulsed, ibid.;

desire to treat with her Majesty, 396;

some hundreds coming from, slain or taken, 472;

defeat of, mentioned, 475;

great attack of, on the Couwenstein dyke (May 16–26), see Couwenstein dyke;

vain attempt of, to recover their ships, 538;

begin to suffer want, 542;

open negotiations with Parma, 568;

implore him not to burn their windmills, 590;

discouraged that many good opportunities have been lost, 597;

cipher letters not read truly to, 598;

if they had corn, would be saved, ibid.;

promise of help to, from Elizabeth not fulfilled, 634;

drawn away by Ste. Aldegonde, 643;

Wikmasters sent by, to report if aid is coming, 648;

desperation of, 656, 674;

renewed hopes of, of relief from the Queen, 659;

her letters to, alluded to, 674.

-, places round, garrisoned by the Prince of Parma, 609.

-, posts from, intercepted, 426, 589, 602.

-, prisoners at, names of, 115;

prisoner taken near, 684.

-, provisional treaty between the Queen and the States' deputies, for succour of, 708.

-, rates of exchange of money at, 268;

-, rates set upon victuals at, 110, 115.

-, relief of, queries concerning, 706.

-, ships going to or from, 87, 102, 109, 110, 148, 162, 194, 195, 264, 280, 477, 479;

sunk or taken, 152, 153, 353.

-, ships of, are worsted, 89;

“artfully made,” 110;

cannot move the enemy, 406;

fail to support the attack on the dyke, 439, 450, 491;

making ready to go against the enemy, 455, 469;

at the great attack on the dyke, 477;

sunk or taken, 478, 489, 538.

-, -, fireships, attack the bridge, 398;

at the bridge, 475;

ill success of (April 11–21), 486;

abortive enterprise of, alluded to, 610.

-, -, water or floating fort building at (“Fin de la Guerre,” the “floote,”) 19, 38, 62, 89, 151, 198;

feared to be too big for the river, 171;

defects in, 185;

improvements in, 205;

lies against Oordam, 437;

seized by the enemy, 478, 590.

-, ships of the Prince of Parma making ready at, 681.

-, States of, 152;

pleasure of, asked, concerning Rowland Yorke, 73;

soldiers' pay fixed by, 326.

-, town of, answer of, to the Prince of Parma's letter, 160.

-, travellers to or from, 202, 211.

-, treaty of, with Parma, proposal for, 558;

negotiations for, 604, 624–27;

articles of, 604;

concluded, 641;

conditions of, ibid. And see commissioners, above.

-, buildings in:—

Castle (destroyed), 110;

to be re-built, 609;

late Governor of, see Avila, Sancho d'.

Cathedral Church of Nôtre Dame, signals given from the tower of, 491, 633.

gates of (Bighino and St. George), 110;

closed, 474, 486.

guest house, English soldiers at, 254.

the Earl of Leicester's house, 633.

Mint house, the Duke of Anjou's arms at, replaced by those of Spain, 650.

Town-house, 102 (2), 649.

-, the river of [i.e. part of the Scheldt], attempts to close, 38, 244;

the enemy on, 62;

cables for blocking, confiscated in England, 81;

said to be chained up or closed, 101, 108, 151, 298, 302;

said to be still open, 110, 114, 122;

boats get through, 151;

passage of, navigable but dangerous, 22, 205, 244, 272;

beset with forts, 205;

enterprise to “unstop,” 258;

preparations made, for opening, 383;

stopped, 404;

the enemy's forces on, 406;

some great matter happened on, 465;

artificial fire for, 491;

dykes on, the Malcontents strong on, 531; and see Callo; see Couwenstein dyke;

Colonel Morgan reported to be drowned in, 685;

reported defeat of the enemy on, 713.

Aosta, Bishop of, [Cæsar Gromi], death of, 640.

-, bishopric of, probable disposal of, 640.

Apollonius (Apollon), Greek author, quotation from, 67.

Apples and pears, dried in French fashion, sent to Walsingham, 471.

Aqua Traversa, Cardinal de' Medici at, 330.

Aquileia, Patriarch of [Aloisius Giustiniani], restored by the Signoria of Venice, 282.

-, patriarchate of, dissensions concerning, between the Pope and Venice, 72.

Arab, an, ransomed by Harborne, 186.

Arach. See Harrach.

Aragon, “realm” of, the Spanish King going into, 281;

forces in, 415.

Aragon, Charles d', Duke of Terranuova. See Terranuova.

Aragona, Cardinal of. See Terranuova.

-, [Nicolaus d'], Bishop of Ascoli, contumacy of, 330.

Archers, victories gained by, alluded to, 619;

use of, recommended ibid.

Archipelago, islands of, Turkish vessels sent to defend, 441. And see Naxos.

Arco [in Tyrol], Paolo Giordano Orsini going to, 663.

Ardea, the Cardinal Sforza's place for fishing at, 364.

Aremberg (Heremberg), troops sallying from, defeated, 581.

Aremberg or Arenberg, (Aurembarghe), Count of. See Ligne, Charles de.

Argier. See Algier.

Ariano, in the kingdom of Naples, church of, disposed of, 281.

Aristotle, allusion to, 653.

Armagnac (Arminacco) [Georges], Cardinal d', legate at Avignon, mediation of, desired, 517;

death of, at Avignon, 608, 611;

successor of, suggested, 630;

vacancy caused by his death, 662.

Arnault, M., formerly M. de Mauvissière's secretary, now a secretary of the King's chamber, 457.

-, -, letters from, 109, 260, 285, 323.

-, -, cousin of. See L'Aubespine-Châteauneuf.

Arnemuiden (Armewe, Armue), in Zeeland, 61;

fireworks &c. making at, to free the Scheldt, 101.

Arnhem, saved by Count Neuenaar from compounding with the enemy, 347, 398;

nearly lost, 367;

the Count said to be at, 601.

-, burgers or “those of,” a fort made by, taken, 383;

send out soldiers to “command the passage,” 398.

-, letters &c. dated from, 413, 449, 465.

-, Count Neuenaar and deputies of the Council at, letter from, 476.

Arnould, Master, widow of, 61.

Arnouts, —, passport from Elector Truchsess countersigned by, 596.

Arona (Rona), on Lago Maggiore, troops passing through, 536.

Arques, Anne d', Duc de Joyeuse, sent to the Duke of Savoy, 31, 36;

pique between Epernon and, 69;

journey of, into Arques, Italy, alluded to, 105;

the King suspects his friendship with the Guises, 126;

speeches of, alluded to, 169, 170;

means to establish himself in Normandy 170;

has free entry into the King's bedchamber, 184;

visit of, to Rome, alluded to, 193;

men put by, into the King's new guard, 206;

information given to, 207;

dispute of, with Epernon, 230;

keeps back Epernon from being made Grand Senechal, 239;

advantages which would accrue to, if the King accepted the Low Countries, 258;

“has a great mind” to go to England, ibid.;

difference between Montmorency and, ended, 283;

notice of, 308;

desires reconciliation between his father and Montmorency, 517;

and Epernon, forced by the King to swear friendship, ibid.;

forces with, at Mons, 525;

power of, must decline, as the House of Guise rises, 591.

-, -, as Colonel General of the Infantry, 234.

-, -, as chief of the Admiralty, the river of Antwerp will be in his jurisdiction, 230;

“may pleasure” the English nation, 233;

a merchant of Rouen complains to, 378;

the Guises demand that the Admiralty be taken from, 460;

order of, 700.

-, -, letter from, 376.

-, -, statement by, 170.

-, -, government of. See Normandy;

proposal to deprive him of, 460.

-, -, mother of, 420.

-, -, brothers of, in credit with the King, 420.

-, -, ship of, or set out by, 232, 515;

“plundered by English robbers,” 376;

restoration of, desired, 424;

a man sent from England in relation to, 500, 589;

his complaints concerning, 522, 584;

to be restored, 652. And see under Ships, Diane.

-, -, -, depositions or notes in relation to, 345, 483.

-, François d', Cardinal de Joyeuse, brother of the Duc de Joyeuse, goes to Rome, 408, 418;

may be “a profitable instrument,” 420;

receives his hat from the Pope, 468;

meets Cardinal Vaudemonte, 492;

and the Duc de Nevers, 529;

the Archbishopric of Toulouse given to, 539;

at Venice, 540;

leaves Venice, 546;

is on his way back to Paris, 582.

-, Guillaume, Sieur de Joyeuse, Marshal of France (old Joyeuse), father of the above, instigates Lodève to revolt, 165;

may have the government of Provence, 184;

reconciliation of, with Montmorency, desired, 517.

-, Henri d', Sieur du Bouchage, brother of the Duke de Joyeuse, to be sent to the Guises, 126.

Arran, Earl of. See Stewart, James.

Artenay, near Orleans, troops retire to, 389.

Artois, ammunition from, sent for, 153;

provisions and money sent from, to Parma's camp, 495;

government of, said to be given to Berlaymont, 683;

purchase of corn in, 684.

-, those of (Artesens), “make restraints of grain at their pleasure,” 684.

-, President of, chancellor to the Prince of Parma, to be sent to Antwerp, 535.

-, and Hainault, States of, send an emissary to Holland, 54.

Arundel, Charles, “at point to die” for Thos. Morgan, 419;

visit of, to the Cardinal of Guise, 420;

was to have led an army into England, 715;

a pensioner of the Duke of Guise, ibid.;

now with the Duke of Guise, said to be plotting an invasion of England, 716;

his jealousy of Charles Paget and Thomas Morgan, 717.

-, -, lodging of, in Paris, 716.

Ascoli, Bishop of. See Aragona.

-, bargello of, slain by bandits, 600.

Ascoli, Captain Minio d', is going against the bandits, 363.

-, Captain Oduardo d', to be sent to Avignon, 629.

Asconio, Signor. See Orsini, Asconio.

Asperen, M. d', 701.

Aspshawe, John, goods of, in Spain, 528;

letter from, alluded to, ibid.

Asseliers, Captain Philip van, sent away “on the sudden,” 367;

Captain Marten a prisoner with, 431;

favours the English greatly, 432;

at the attack on the Couwenstein dyke, 478.

-, -, letters from, 404, 421, 438, 612.

-, -, letter and plan from, alluded to, 367.

-, -, lieutenant of, see Lathum;

sergeant of, see Pogge.

Association for protecting the Queen, Stafford desires to join, 139.

Assonleville (Assonville), Christopher d', Chancellor of the Golden Fleece, mission of, to Prague and Munich, 195, 213;

presents given to, 531;

at the breakfast after the ceremony, 538.

Asten, Robert van, imprisoned and fined, 115.

Astrologers, put marriage and war in the same house, 589.

Aubespine. See L'Aubespine.

Aubeterre, Madame de, letter from, alluded to, 349.

Aubigni, Baron d', See Lens.

Augsburg, Daniel Rogers at, 471.

-, Confession of, alluded to, 158.

-, -, Estates of, assembly of, proposed by the King of Denmark, 583;

by the late Elector Palatine, 637.

-, -, princes and towns professing (those of), 173;

points to be urged upon, 433.

-, Diet of, alluded to, 617.

-, -, decree of, against the English, alluded to, 201;

attempts to get it put into execution, 615.

Augustine Friar, to be Bishop of Breslau, 589.

Aumâle, Duc d'. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Aumont (Domont), [Jean d', Comte de Châteauroux], Marshal of France, a member of the Council, but seldom called, 308;

remains true to the King, 380;

sent to Orleans, 389, 404.

Aurelia, mother of Julius Cæsar, 464.

Aurich, Aurick, East Friesland, letters dated from, 698, 699.

Austen, John, oils shipped for, in Spain, 528.

Austria, 213;

report that the Archduke Mathias is to be governor of, 305.

-, Albert, Cardinal Archduke of, governor of Portugal, sent for by the Spanish King, 7;

may marry the King of Spain s daughter, 7, 52, 272;

proposal to give him the eldest Infanta, with the Low Countries for her dowry, 279;

news of the intended marriage confirmed, 307, 348.

-, Charles, Archduke of, uncle of the Emperor, assailed by the Turks, 213;

coming to Prague, 474;

goes to Gratz, 535;

made a knight of the Golden Fleece, 538, 613, 693–4.

-, -, proclamation published by, 594.

-, -, troops of, sent against the Venetians, 540.

-, -, wife of, coming with him to Prague, 474.

-, Ernestus, Archduke of, brother of the Emperor, 353, 535;

at mass at Prague, 537;

invested with the Golden Fleece, 538, 613, 694;

to go to the Hungarian Diet, 609, 641.

-, -, servants of, believed to have died of the plague, 609.

-, Ferdinand, Archduke of, uncle of the Emperor, goes against the Turks, 213;

expected at Prague, 468, 474;

goes to invest the Duke of Bavaria with the Golden Fleece, 535;

his entry into Prague, 537;

invests the Emperor and Archdukes with the Golden Fleece, 538;

requests a pension for the young Duke Otto Henry of Luneburg, 695.

-, -, wife of, goes to Mantua, 281, 283;

and to Prague, 474.

-, -, a place belonging to. See Arco.

-, Don John of, the late, allusions to, 51, 131, 217, 218.

-, -, death and funeral of, alluded to, 193, 218.

-, -, manager for and confessor of, 193.

-, Mathias, Archduke of, offers of, to Roger Williams, 51;

report that he is to be governor of, Austria, 305;

provision for, in the Low Countries, alluded to, 445.

-, Maximilian, Archduke of, made [coadjutor] Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, 486, 491, 613, 694;

the present Grand Master to resign his dignity in favour of, 491, 694.

-, Archdukes of, at Prague, 485, 531;

keep away from Vienna for fear of the plague, 609;

money lent to, 626.

-, Archduchess of, 537.

-, House of, devoted to the King of Spain, 429.

Auxerre, Bishop of [Jacques Amyot], made an instrument to get money from the people, 308.

Avignon, Cardinal Armagnac dies at, 608, 611;

the Pope's force in, 608.

-, Vice-legate of. See Armagnac, Cardinal; see Grimaldi, Monsignor.

Avila, Sancho d', governor of the castle at Antwerp, letters of, alluded to, 217.

Avogadro, Count Ottavio, bandit chief, in the Veronese, 271;

grace demanded for, 306;

going to Rome, 364;

going to the war in Flanders, 594;

bandits captured by, 608, 630.

-, Counts of, 306.

Aysma, Hessel van, President of Friesland, letter signed by, 234.