Elizabeth: June 1585, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Elizabeth: June 1585, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp537-542 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1585, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp537-542.

"Elizabeth: June 1585, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp537-542.

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June 1585, 11–15

June 12/22. M. Rasse des Neux to Walsingham.
News has come that peace is made, but the conditions are not yet known. The King still declares that he will not break his Edict of Pacification. Will send his honour and the Lord Treasurer the poems of the late Chancellor de l'Hospital. John de Vigues urges him to write the news, but he fears to be troublesome; if, however, assured that his letters are welcome, he will write oftener.—” de votre maison,” [Rouen] 22 June, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XIV. 7.]
June 12/22. Marchaumont to Walsingham.
Recalling himself to his honour's good graces and offering his service. In this time of trouble he has resolved, for many causes, to keep quietly at home and consult with his neighbours how to guard their houses. Recommends the bearer, who has been brought up by him. He is a well-bred youth and has not wasted his time. If his honour will employ him he will, considering his age, give him satisfaction.—Courances, 22 June, 1585. Signed, P. Clausse.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIV. 8.]
June 12/22. Marchaumont to his “brother,” Sir E. Stafford.
Has desired the bearer, whom he has brought up and who is now returning into England, to visit him and to assure him that neither time nor circumstances can lessen his eagerness to do him service, in which he would neither spare his life or his property. As the world displeases him, he has resolved to remain at home. Signed, P. Clausse de Marchaumont.—22 June, 1585.
Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. XIV. 9.]
June 12/22. News from Divers Parts.
Prague, 4 June, 1584 [sic, 1585].—Last Wednesday the Archduke Ferdinand and the Archduchess entered this city, his Majesty going to meet him with 80 coaches, having six or four horses apiece. The following day, being the Ascension, all came to mass in the cathedral church where the oratory was divided into two parts, in one of which was the Archduchess, and in the other the Emperor, with the Archdukes Ferdinand and Ernest. On Sunday, when the ceremonies took place, The Archduke Ferdinand first gave the oath to his Majesty upon the book which contains all that the knights have to observe, and then to the Archdukes Charles and Ernest, investing them both with the collar. Then Te Deum was sung. Mass being over, they went to breakfast [gives the order in which all sat]. At the breakfast were M. d'Asson[le]ville and near him Don Guiglielmo S. Clemente as ambassador of Spain, although only provisionally so; but his Majesty wished him to be at the ambassadors' table for this ceremony, seeing that the whole solemnity proceeded from the King of Spain.
Yesterday all three Archdukes went to Brandeis (Brandys), a very beautiful hunting place. Next Tuesday there will be the tilting in open field, and the day after all will depart.
Besides the ordinary Court, there are here about 1,500 people at his Majesty's charges, and as many or more horses brought for this tilting.
Cologne, 6 June, 1585.—Letters from Beveren of the 26th of last month say that the night before, between six and seven at night, those of Antwerp sent twelve great ships towards the bridge to break it, but were repulsed with heavy loss, and the following night there issued forth many others, which, arriving at the fortress of Cauenstein on one side, and the Holland fleet on the other, they placed on that dyke many soldiers, notwithstanding the brave defence made by those of the Prince of Parma, and having mastered that fort, began to pierce the dyke in divers places, cutting to pieces a good number of Spaniards; where his Highness considering the very great harm which would result from this opening, particularly to his army, as a valorous captain having inspired all his soldiers, they courageously with sword and shield attacked the soldiers with such fury that they chased them from the fort, cutting in pieces about 3,000. The Hollanders seeing this lost courage, and as the water [i.e. the tide] was beginning to fall, they retired, but not without great loss, especially of thirty well-armed ships, on which were many soldiers, and many other vessels sunk, and [the enemy] having gained sixty pieces of great artillery and thirty of iron. This affray lasted from two hours after midnight until dawn (alba), in which there were killed, amongst other captains of note, the governor of Middelburg [Haultain] and the admiral of Antwerp; which city, seeing all its designs going so badly, may perhaps resolve to come to some agreement.
Other letters from Beveren of the 29th say that those of Antwerp, not satisfied with past harm, in order to recover one of their great ships, left those last days on dry land, sent some well-armed vessels, which not only did not recover it but left behind four of the others and three galliots, taken by the Malcontents, the rest returning very badly treated. From Middelburg they write that the dead of the States' fleet exceeded four thousand, that they were arming themselves anew to return there again, and that the Queen of England was sending 6,000 soldiers to aid the States, who were already on their way. It is said that the Count of Mœurs has passed the Rhine with 3,000 men, to succour Antwerp by land.
The soldiers at Neuss remain quiet, making no sallies or excursions, having begun to make an entrenchment below that city, but from what the people of the new Elector say, means were being taken to hinder them. It is confirmed that the new Elector is made Bishop of Münster, to the great dissatisfaction of that city.
The marriage of the Prince of Cleves and the Marchesa of Baden will take place next week at Düsseldorf, with great pomp. The Duke his father is dangerously ill.
Rome, 15 June.—Cardinal Joyeuse left for France on Friday last. The Archbishopric of Toulouse, vacant by the death of Monsr. de Foix is granted by nomination of the French King to Cardinal Joyeuse.
On Saturday, the Cardinal d'Este, in his chapel of Monte Giordano, as first deacon, gave the archepiscopal pallium to Monsr. Visconte, auditor of the Rota, the new Archbishop of Milan, who on Wednesday visited the seven churches and on Monday departs for his see.
On Sunday, the feast of Pentecost, there was chapel in S. Peter's, whither his Holiness went down pontifically, attended as customary. Cardinal S. Georgio sang the mass, with the usual bull, and the sermon was given by a secular divine.
Three more bandits' heads have been put on the bridge, so that the fruits of his Holiness' proclamation against them begins to appear.
The next day, Gio. Pellecano Maceratense, elected Senator of Rome, left the palace of S. Peter, having received the staff from the Pope, with a fine cavalcade of sheriffs, carriages, drums, &c, two troops of the Pope's horsemen in their red coats, the Senator in a robe of cloth of gold, persons bearing antique shields with the senator's arms, &c. [the account given in great detail], passed the bridge with the usual salute of artillery from the castle, and so arrived in Cmapidoglio [the Capitol], where with much ceremony he was admitted to his office.
In the evening the Pope went to lodge at Monte Cavallo in the new palace made by Pope Gregory in the garden of the Cardinal d'Este, where he will remain some time.
On Tuesday, the Cardinals Sans and Valdemonte and the Duke of Nevers went to see Tivoli, being royally received by the officers of Cardinal d'Este; who has exercised his usual liberality in his receiving of the Pope in his garden at Monte Cavallo, having hung it with the most beautiful cloths and dressed leather, newly come from Spain, and all other needful goods, having spent as much as 10,000 crowns.
The Marquis Altemps has obtained from his Holiness the title of Duke of Galese, by mediation of Cardinal Altemps, who earnestly importuned the Pope for it. But he is deprived of the government of Bergo, and office of Captain of the Guards. It is said that his Holiness has taken away pensions of a hundred crowns a month which were given to Cardinals S. Sisto, Guastavillani, Santi Quattro and Riario, and has also done away with all the officials who had chains and other officials of the Palace, intending only to keep as many as are necessary. Some wish that he would give a companion to San Sisto in the office of the Penitentiary, and also a coadjutor to the Archbishop of Ravenna, his brother.
Thursday morning there was the usual congregation of the Holy Office in presence of his Holiness at Monte Cavallo, and he has ordered that vespers and the offices on Sunday, the day of the Holy Trinity, shall be at Sta. Maria Maggiore, which is quite near to Monte Cavallo. On Wednesday Cardinal Farnese had audience, taking with him the Bishop of Parma, come to offer the proper compliments to his Holiness in the name of the Duke.
Cardinal Sto. Stefano is very ill, and they say that the cause is his anger at the elevation of his Holiness. Monsignor Costa, Archbishop of Capua, has been appointed nuncio to Venice in place of Monsignor Campeggeo.
Venice, 22 June.—On Sunday the Holy Jubilee was proclaimed in all the parish churches, and these three days processions have been made, as also at S. Mark's, in presence of his Highness and all the nobility. [The execution of malefactors &c]
The Signoria having heard of the advance of the Count Germanico Savorgnano, have sent Captain Brazzoduro into Friuli with two companies of arquebusiers to defeat them, but it is doubted whether he can do so, there being come down against him 4,000 men of the Archduke Charles, sent to take vengeance for thirty men of Gradisca put to death by him, besides the conflagrations made in the town of San Giovanni in Eduino.
On Tuesday, Cardinal Joyeuse arrived; next day was escorted to S. Georgio Maggiore, and yesterday saw the procession of Corpus Domini, which was finer than usual, with many stages (catafalchi) representing various things, and pyramids of plate in great quantities. On Tuesday the same will be done on the arrival of the Japanese princes.
At Florence there is great discussion about the going of that Grand Duchess to Mantua, to visit the Princess. The Swiss Catholics are said to have sent the Duke of Guise 6,000 footmen.
Italian. 6 pp. [Newsletters XCV. 20.]
June 14/24. Thieri Lonck to Davison.
We have this moment received news both from the Council of State at Utrecht, and Druyne, the burgomaster there, that on the 23rd inst., about two o'clock after dinner, the enemy met our men coming from a village called Woudenberg (Wouwenberch), to a village called Amerongen, a league from the town of Wijk by Duurstede (Wyck de Duerstee) on the river Leck. The enemy's strength was some ten or twelve hundred foot and seven hundred horse; ours, about 700 foot and five or six hundred horse, under the conduct of the Count de Neuenaar, M. de Villiers and the Sieur de Schenck, who lately came into the common service.
The enemy put our men to rout, most part of whom, and, as it is said, the Count of Neuenaar and Schenck with most of the reiters are come to Wyck, and it is rumoured that the Marshal of the camp, M. de Villiers, was dead, with some of our foot, after a long fight.
And, as you are well informed, most part of our forces being on the river Scheldt, in order to succour Antwerp, there will be need, in order to secure a good success and to assure ourselves of the country, to have a succour of four or five thousand men, wherefore I pray you to recommend our poor afflicted country to her Majesty and other good lords of the court, and to forgive my boldness in thus advertising your lordship.—The Hague, 24 June, 1585, stylo novo.
Add. Fr.pp. [Holland II. 40.]
June 14. The King of Denmark to the Queen.
Has received her letters by Thomas Bodley, and thanks her for her expressions of sisterly kindness. As to the state of affairs in France, and the disturbances raised by the audacity of the Pope and his followers, he attaches great weight to her representations and requests, and if the other princes of the Reformed Church do their duty, he will not allow himself to be found wanting in any way.
In regard to the Queen's instructions to Bodley, he has opened his mind to him entirely, and doubts not but that he will give her a faithful report of everything.—Kronborg, 14 June, 1585.
Signed. Add. Latin. 1¾ pp. [Denmark I. 51.]
June 14. The King of Denmark to the queen.
He has for many years had cloth of a special colour prepared for him in London for use in the chase, summer and winter; and has now learned that some Imperial merchants, having learned the secret at London, make cloth of the same sort, and sell it broadcast outside his court.
Although it matters little to him how other people dress themselves, yet, as the cloth was specially prepared by his orders, it is hard to have it become common to him and the dregs of mankind, and to have them, by means of the court colours, passing themselves off as court servants. He therefore prays her to listen to the humble-suit of his agent, Thomas Tenneker, and to give orders to the weavers and merchants that no such sort be sold to anyone this year, and that none be made henceforth in imitation of his pattern.—Kronborg, 14 June, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Latin. 1¼ pp. [Ibid. I. 52.]
June 15. Extract from a Letter from Sir E. Stafford.
On Monday night Villeroy returned, bringing the conclusion of peace agreed on between the Queen Mother and the princes of the League, which is to this effect :—
“That the last edict of peace shall be presently called in.
” That the King's army and the French forces which they have (for all strangers must retire) shall presently go into Languedoc and Guienne, to be there ready, to the end that if the King of Navarre and the rest of the Religion, to whom there is six months' respite given to return to the church, do not yield to it and give up their towns, they may effectuate it by force.
“The King is this day gone to Lagny, and to-morrow meeteth the Queen Mother at Monceaulx, where they are to resolve of all things.”—Paris, 15 June, 1585.
Endd.¼ p. [France XIV. 10.]