Elizabeth: June 1585, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Elizabeth: June 1585, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp518-530 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1585, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp518-530.

"Elizabeth: June 1585, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp518-530.

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June 1585, 1–5

June 1. Stafford to Burghley.
Although he has nothing worth the sending, as may be seen by his two letters to Mr. Secretary, he cannot let the bearer go without these few lines. Sends a book which has been spread about, to the King's great dislike, who has commanded his provost to whip the printer the next day after the holy days. It is indeed the truth of their demands, though the King has not consented to them and says he never will.—Paris, Whitson Tuesday, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. ½ p. [France XIV. 1.]
June 1. Walsingham to the Governor of Ostend.
I have received your letters by Captain Zudermann (Sutherman) and have heard from him at large what you have charged him to negotiate with the Earl of Leicester and myself.
Owing to ill-health, I have not been able to put the matter myself before her Majesty as I should have wished, and as the Earl has done, which I hope he will tell you more in detail by his letters, and that their contents will be agreeable to you, until by the coming of the commissioners of the States some better resolution may follow, both for the good of those poor afflicted countries and of your affairs at Ostend.
We have thought well to keep M. de Sudermann here until we see more certainly what will be determined, and to send you these by another way.
I have been very glad that that place is under your good and prudent command, assuring myself that you will not cease to give evident proof of the greatness of that honourable race from which you are descended.—The Court at Greenwich, 1 June, 1585.
Copy. Fr.pp. [Entry Book162, p. 126.]
June 1. Leicester to M. de Locres, Governor of Ostend.
I have received yours of May 29 by Captain Zudermann (Sutherman), who has told me very particularly what he has in charge to negotiate here, the substance of which, after considering it well, I have communicated to her Majesty. She is very grieved to hear that you are reduced to such dearth of all things by which to sustain yourselves against the enemy, but on the other hand, very pleased to have such good testimony of your devotion to herself, for which cause she desires me to tell you that she will not fail to have an honourable care for your welfare. And whereas we daily expect the arrival of the States' deputies, she has determined first of all to make some good arrangement for the comfort and strengthening of your town, and that meanwhile order shall be given to send some men to its help.
I am very glad to know that the government of that town is committed to one descended from so honourable a house, knowing that you will acquit yourself in all things for its good and your own honour.
I pray you to communicate what I have written to the burgomasters, eschevins and other magistrates and to believe that I will do all I can for those countries and for your service.— The Court at Greenwich, 1 June, 1585.
Copy, signed in imitation of Leicester's hand. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. 162, p. 128.]
June 1/11. News from Rome and Venice.
Rome, June 1.—A Neapolitan gentleman, Carlo Spinelli, come with the brother of the Viceroy, says that the tumults in that city go from bad to worse, the people having lately assaulted another official, but he escaped. Others say they have killed some Spaniards. Provision for guarding the city is being made by land and sea, and the Viceroy has sent couriers to the King of Spain.
On Sunday morning the old Treasurer was taken to the Castle, and it is said his affairs are not going well. The evening before, the Cavalier Paggiotti was arrested in the ante-chamber of the Duke of Sora, by order of his Holiness, and correspondence with the Treasurer is suspected.
In the evening the Pope retired to San Marco, and next morning came back to Ara Cœli, where, mass having been celebrated, he published the holy Jubilee, with plenary indulgence, offering alms and praying to God for his church and pontificate; and then went in procession on foot, wearing only sandals, to Santa Maria Maggiore, accompanied by cardinals, prelates and almost all Rome; when being arrived, solemnly and with tears in his eyes, he blessed the people, and then retired for breakfast to the Vigna, returning to the palace in the evening.
They say the Treasurer will be sent to the Torre di Nona.
On Wednesday there was chapel in the Palace for the vespers of the Ascension, the Pope assisting and all the cardinals; and next morning there was chapel in St. Peter's, where Cardinal Gesualdo sang the mass, after which his Holiness gave his benediction to the people. That morning there came into S. Peter's about seventy slaves, rescued by the Redemzione and arrived in Rome this week, for whom was exhibited the Volto-Santo [i.e. napkin of S. Veronica, with the vera icon], and plenary indulgence was granted by the Pope to all who accompanied that procession.
By the death of Cardinal Bolognetto, an abbey of 2,000 crowns is vacant, which we hear is given to Cardinal di Cremona. Cardinal Gonzago is in bed, very ill with fever, and fears are entertained for his life. Next week the Duke of Sora, with the Duchess and all his Court, departs for his State of Sora, with our Master's free permission. Cardinal Como has resigned the government of Terracina, reserving the two other territories which went with it. Our Lord is sending two legates to France, that the peace there may be more speedily concluded.
Besides the 4,000 crowns given in perpetuo by Pope Gregory to the Jesuit fathers, our Lord has given them two thousand more towards the building of their college in Japan, the aforesaid 6,000 crowns being assigned upon the collatraria of Spain.
The Duke de Nevers is expected here to-morrow, and is to-day to be received at Caprarvola, in the name of the illustrious Farnese, it being said that he will lodge with the Cardinal d'Este, who has sent to invite him and to meet him.
An express has brought letters from Barcelona of May 14, when the King was there with all his Court, intending to make magnificent tiltings and feasts; the Duke of Savoy had announced his departure for May 15, and a courier of the viceroy of Naples has arrived at Genoa with orders that the galleys sent for Spain should return, with the footmen, it is supposed for the business of Naples.
On Tuesday morning, the magistrates of Rome gave a sumptuous banquet to the Indian [i.e. Japanese] ambassadors, and the same day they were created by his Holiness knights of the Golden Spurs, when to each was given a collar worth 350 crowns.
Venice, June 11, 1585.—They write from Milan that on the 28th of last month, a general muster was made of the men at arms and light horse of that State, on the square before the Castle, amidst a great gathering of people; and that it was a very fine spectacle, the governor appearing in armour together with Don Georgio Manriques. His Excellency intended the next week to visit the garrisons of Como, Lecco and Trezzo. They also wrote that the heretic Swiss had given 6,000 footmen to the King of France, who were marching thither.
On Monday, the lottery of the banco Dolfino was opened on the Rialto, of very beautiful silver plate, worth 27,800 crowns, at a crown for each ticket, but, so far, with a very small gathering of people.
The Prior of S. Stefano, accused of heresy, has withdrawn himself, and it is said he is gone to Rome, whence comes news that Matteo Sanudo, the new private chamberlain of his Holiness, had had 800 crowns pension, his favour and friendship with the Pope increasing every day.
From Corfu comes news of a ship laden with corn in Brittany which had been taken by the Barbary galliots and was recovered by the galleys of Tiepolo, proveditor of the fleet, with forty Turks in her, who were sent to Prevesa. From Messina we hear of three other ships taken by the same galliots, and that the Fontana, a Venetian ship, had escaped to Messina badly injured, having done battle for seven hours with the corsairs.
On Tuesday there arrived here in his barca longa the Prince of Mantua, for the feast of the Ascension, which passed very quietly, with but small concourse of strangers. The Bishop of Crema has died at Murano.
Italian. 3¾ pp. [Newsletters LXXII. 16.]
June 1/11. Estevao Nuñez (?) to Gerau de Malinas in London.
A long letter on private and mercantile affairs.— “Cales,” 11 June, 1585.
Add. Portuguese. 6 pp. [Spain II. 43.]
June 2. Notes, “In what sort the United States' offer is to be communicated unto Parliament.” To let them know :—.
What the offer is, and why her Majesty will allow rather of protection than sovereignty.
The amity there has always been with those countries above all others.
The care her Majesty has always had to preserve friendship with her neighbours, especially with Spain, until provoked by his and their unkind dealing to the contrary.
How, seeking to renew the treaty with Spain, it was refused [very many times]. (fn. 1)
What has been attempted against her, “before any cause given by her Majesty in respect of religion.”
The dangers like to ensue if the King of Spain should possess the Low Countries [with force of Spaniards] “standing so ill-affected towards her as he doth.”
[All which things her Majesty hath thought meet to impart to them to the intent &c]
What persons shall break this matter to the Parliament, [that Mr. Vicechamberlain may do it in the Lower House and the Lord Chancellor in the Higher House].
Whether their liking shall be imparted to her jointly or apart. Draft. Endd.pp. [Holland II. 34.]
June 3/13. Mauvisslère to Walsingham.
I pray you to speak to her Majesty, that in pursuance of the very just request which I made to her at Croydon nearly a month ago, she may be pleased to create a grand Admiral, or a special person, that justice may be done in a multitude of affairs which concern the French, who cannot obtain it by your laws; nor dare any man, as I understand, on pain of heavy punishment meddle therein without the authority given to an Admiral; by reason whereof all matters for the said French are not only delayed but so brought to ruin and confusion that I am greatly blamed by the King and his Council for being so idle in the defence of those who suffer such depredations, that all the maritime towns of Normandy and Brittany say it would be better to be in a state of open war, when they could arm and revenge themselves.
M. de Joyeuse writes to me concerning his ship and its commander, that I do not inform them of having sent a man to take possession of it in Ireland (under the letters from you, the Lords of the Council), where the ship has only been stayed and Challis, the principal pillager, arrested in order to give them better means to arm the said ship, which is now at sea, having taken three French vessels within the last three weeks and ransomed and tortured the men and mariners “with extraordinary cruelties, concerning which I have sent one of my men to speak with you.
Moreover there is another grief, so great that no living man can endure a greater, for the poor French prisoners in the Marshalsea, who are dying of hunger and cold all this winter [sic], so that the hardest heart must be moved with pity for them, hearing of their misery.
I have always been very slow to complain of anything, either to the Queen or her Council, always trying to use gentle means and to keep France and England in perfect amity; but for God's sake, tell her Majesty to give me the means of doing right, and to bethink herself of the good choice which she assured me of at Croydon, of M. de Hawart [Lord Howard], her great Chamberlain, to be made her Grand Admiral, a choice worthy of her virtue and prudence and very necessary for the Admiralty.
I pray you tell her that the King has written to me by an express to thank her for having elected so good an admiral, from whom he hopes great things for the peace of his subjects. I also beg you to take order for M. de Joyeuse's ship, for he is very grieved to hear that it now serves to ruin Frenchmen, and that the sending of an express to take it was all a sham.—London, 13 June, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [France XIV. 2.]
June 3. Schwartz to Davison.
Regretting that he cannot come himself to see him, as his master, the Elector [Truchsess] has need of him at home, and introducing the Sieur Jean Philippe, Baron de Hohensaxe, whom his Excellency formerly knew in England, a gentleman of great accomplishments and virtues, who holds the town of Gueldres and other places in that neighbourhood.—Honslerdyck, 3 June, 1585, stylo antiquo [?].
Add. Fr. 1 p. [Holland II. 35.]
June 3/13. Treslong to Davison.
Being, by the good pleasure of certain persons prevented from coming to pay my respects to you in person, I send this to thank you for the good promises, kind offers and courtesies with which, as I hear from my brother-in-law Egmont and my cousin van Wielen you have been good enough to comfort me in my present calamity; and of which I have already felt the effects, by the recommendations made by the Earl of Leicester and yourself to Count Maurice for the forwarding of my affairs in this hard and unmerited prison. I shall as long as I live hold myself your grateful servant, and should feel myself happy to repay it even at the expence of my life, having always zealously desired to serve the Queen your mistress and yourself. M. Paul Buys will inform you of the innocence of my cause, and of the wrong done to me, which you will also understand plainly enough by the papers hereto annexed.—From prison, 13 June, 1585. Signed, Guillaume de Bloys, ditr Treslong.
Add. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. II. 36.]
June 4/14. Treslong to Walsingham.
It is far from my intention to apply to you in a matter so odious (finding myself destitute of all support in this tumultuous and many-headed government) only to obtain right and justice; but you have given me such assurances of her Majesty's goodwill— in acknowledgment of some small services once done to her— and my misfortune is such, finding myself by the malice of my enemies in this distress, that I must make a virtue of necessity, and thank God who has given me this refuge.
I need not make a long tale of my apprehension, imprisonment and other indignities offered me, for rumour will long ago have brought these to your ears; and M. Paul Buys, who is going over in behalf of this desolate country and has promised to aid my cause, will give you a true report thereof, and how they refused to bring me before my proper judge, but delivered me into the hands of the magistrates of this town, mostly mechanical fellows, mercers and such like, knowing nothing of matters of state or warlike affairs, by whom have been set out the accusations against me, and which I confess to be so enormous and execrable, that if they could convict me of the least of them, I should not ask for mercy, and still less be bold enough to apply to you, or ask for aid from her Majesty. But my conscience is so clear, and my innocence so evident (as M. Buys will show you by the documents which I have sent to him) that I have very confidently dared to have recourse to her Majesty by means of your intercession, praying you to give him credit, as to myself; (which, from the esteem in which he is held by all at your court, including her Majesty, I am sure you will do) and so move her Highness that right and justice may be done me by fitting judges, both in respect of my quality and of the crimes with which I am charged.—From the prison at Middelburg, 14 June, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holland II. 37.]
June 4/14. François de Civille to Walsingham.
I have received your letters, but not by Mr. Clayton, who says he was countermanded by his brother because of a suit which was ready to be determined. I believe the true reason was that he did not think he could go to M. de Bouillon, but he is mistaken, for a fortnight ago I sent money to Sedan, and have also sent him letters delivered me by an English gentleman who was going to the Count de La Val, to whom, in acknowledgment of the infinite favours which I have received in England, I gave company on his way and letters to conduct him to the castle of Harcourt, where the Countess de La Val has been brought to bed of a little son. There he will find company to go with him into Brittany to find the Count. I am very sorry I had not leisure to show M. Burnham how dear I hold all that belongs to you.
I pray you pardon me if I venture to complain to you that having on March 16 delivered to John de Vicques, by my wife, four hundred very fine dried apples and pears, half for Madame Walsingham and half for the Countess of Leicester, he has never delivered them, as he has told me himself, and has also kept the letters which I wrote to you, the earls of Warwick, Leicester and Pembroke; the Grand Chamberlain Howard, Willoughby and Sydney, sending you all some excellent seeds of melons and sucrins, which I had obtained for you from Italy, Genoa and Provence. He has done me great wrong, for I did not wish my letters to fall into other hands, and it often witholds me from writing to you.
Your posts usually lodge in the house of a man of whom I have spoken to your servant Peintre that he may inform you of it, this man being daily with one de Mouchy, a companion of Ross (Roos) and his manager in these parts, to whom (fn. 2) “there is a great resort of all the English popish rebels; in whose house has been compounded and under his authority printed the book of the popish rebellious martyrs of England.” He shows the book to everybody, with slanderous words of her Majesty and her Council, (fn. 2) for he is grand vicar of the Cardinal with the said Ross, and says very insulting things to the preachers of this town about her Majesty, and which I know to be false. Last Sunday and Monday a Cordelier in this town, after publicly preaching sedition and declaring that the holy feast of St. Bartholomew ought to be solemnized six times a year throughout the realm, said such abusive things about her chastity, calling her Jezebel, that I feel it my duty to tell you thereof, as I have also done Mr. Stafford, by John de Vicques, that he may complain to the King and demand the sending of commissioners into this town to inquire into the matter, where I can find witnesses enough, notable persons and papists, men and women; by which means these rogues may be taught in future to speak more discreetly of so Christian a princess.
M. the ambassador will give you the news of this country; so I will only say that the King shows even more and more the small affection which he bears to this holy race of rebels and pretended scions of Charlemagne, and prepares to make them render an account of his moneys which they have received and reason for their past actions.—From your house at Rouen, 14 June, 1585, or 4 by your account.
Postscript.—I wished to give this packet to Pitou, but he would not take it, which has obliged me to seek everywhere for a safe bearer. I send you an idle discourse (un cocq a l'asne) from Paris, in which you will find some good points. I have heard that her Majesty takes pleasure in such things, and wish it were better. I fancy that it is not complete.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [France XIV. 3.]
June 5. Stafford to Walsingham.
Late last night Miron returned. The bruit goes that he brings peace “with conditions against them of the Religion to avoid within a certain time.” This instant I hear that he brought such disadvantageable articles for the king that he was ashamed to give them out, but for my part I believe there is nothing the King had not consented to beforehand, and that there is no peace concluded; “for Villeroy, whom he met by the way, would not have gone forward to have come a day after the feast.”
Epernon returned yesterday, also Biron, who has been expected with great devotion, but now he is come I think will not be much employed.
I would not have thought the King had the forces hereabouts that he hath. About this town, with Joyeuse at Mans, and returning from the journey with Epernon, there are above 12,000 footmen and 3,000 good horse; besides the Swisses who are coming and those levying for him in other places.
He having so many and the others so few, makes men “waver” to see nothing done against them, “but they all against the King.” It was especially noted that M. de Termes being within three leagues of M. d'Aumale, and with forces “more than needed,” returned hither without doing anything at all.
I send you a copy of my letter to M. Brulard, on hearing of their demand for places on the sea-side; also the King's answer sent in writing, which I do not think answerable to the care her Majesty has had of him in these causes.
It may be that Brulard's cold nature did not thoroughly conceive of my letter or make the King acquainted with it; therefore, till I have sounded the King myself, let your judgment and her Majesty's be suspended. I have demanded audience upon Sunday to speak about the hanging of my house for the Fête Dieu, next Thursday, and will at the same time “say as much as I writ, and feel the King's answer myself.”
News comes from Lyons that they have razed the citadel “by the King's consent, upon their request and 50,000 crowns that they have given him.” If so, I think “he hath done as they that consent to a thing willingly because they know, whether they will or no, it shall be done,” and so was contented to save his honour and get the 50,000 crowns.
The Queen of Navarre will not stir from Agen. “She sent her mother word that necessity did cause her, for want, and therefore the Queen Mother sent one to her with money; who being discreet and finding that she had enough to pay soldiers and the garrison she hath there,” brought it back again.
To Burghley.
My very good lord, having here sent you the copy of my letter to Mr. Secretary and the other things, I will trouble you no further.—Paris, 5 June, 1585.
Postscript.—I have sent Mr. Secretary a packet from Rorne which Aldred has brought, and waits for the answer.
There is a secret thing given out where the Queen Mother is by those privatest about her, that their intention in concluding the peace is to turn all their forces into the Low Country. I fear it is but a stratagem to keep men from judging worse, for I will never believe till I see it that the House of Guise will embark against Spain.
This bearer [qy. Shute] has employed himself very discreetly and diligently for her Majesty, especially last year, about the pictures of the executions in England and this year about the taking of Morgan. He deserves both praise and recompense and I pray you to be favourable to him. I sent him to Blois for your son, but he was gone, and I cannot hear any news of him.
Copy sent to Burghley and endorsed by him. 3 pp. [France XIV. 4.]
Enclosing :
(1) Stafford to Brulart.
Knowing that the King is engaged with weighty affairs, I do not like to trouble him by often asking for audience, and therefore pray you to tell him the contents of this, or show him the letter itself. My humble request is that if in the articles of peace they demand that some of the maritime towns be put into their hands as security, he do not grant it; but will more desire to content her who has offered him all in her power for his defence (it only lying with him that he has not accepted and proved the effects of her goodwill) than those who have tried to offend him in every way possible. I do not fear any evil they may do to her, for she is too great a princess for that to be possible, but that, being such near neighbours, they might do something from which her Majesty may believe that the King is glad to give her such suspicious neighbours to keep her in suspense, instead of rewarding her for her great friendship. It seems to me that they are claiming something tending to that, for ordinarily those in their position would demand sureties as near as possible to those whom they hold as their friends and supporters, and I believe her Majesty thinks that if the south does not bring them greater hope of favour than the north, their affairs must be in a very bad posture. Thus I do not see why they should desire anything on this side unless to stir up jealousy between the King and my mistress and break the good understanding between them. Or, if they do not wish it in order to fish in troubled waters, that they have enterprises which we know not, and which I am sure her Majesty would be very sorry to support.
Therefore I humbly pray that the King will give heed to these reasons, and will not grant to them what afterwards he might have cause to repent of, when he remembered that in recompense for the Queen's friendship he had given her neighbours from whom she could hope so little, seeing what small satisfaction the King had had of them as subjects.
I crave his pardon if my affection to his service and for the preservation of this close friendship makes me bold to offer him this request; and you, Sir, will forgive me for giving you the trouble of presenting it, and also if I beg you to tell me when I shall come to learn his Majesty's pleasure. Undated.
Copy by Stafford. Fr. 2 pp. [France XIV. 4a.]
(2) Brulart to Stafford.
I was only yesterday able to inform the King of what you wrote to me; to which he wishes me to reply that in treating with the princes and gentlemen who have been in arms, he will take good care to do nothing which might give any just cause of mistrust or suspicion to the princes his neighbours and especially to the Queen of England, whose friendship he so greatly values, “estant au reste a sadict Majesté le principal soing en negociant de semblables affaires d'adviser et se resoudre a ce qu'elle peult cognoistre de mieux pour le bien de son royaulme.”—Paris, 10 June, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. XIV. 46.]
Another copy of Stafford's letter to Brulart, and copy of Brulart's reply.
French. 2¾ pp. [Ibid. XIV. 5.]
June 5/15. Roger Howe to Alderman George Bond.
Seville, 15 June, 1585.—The Manuwell and Gillian (fn. 3) of London being five days ago laden with oils at St. Lucar, and intending to depart in three days (on which I had laden oils for your worship, Simon Smithe, John Austen and Simon Bourman) were that same day with six or seven sail of Flemings embargoed, their sails taken away, the master under surety, and two men of the country put aboard every ship. The Englishmen at St. Lucar went to the embargador, “to know what the matter was, whether it were wars or not; who answered them, no, but that the King had need of the ships to serve him, and that they should have pay, both ship and mariners, and for the goods that they had aboard, they should presently unlade the same and send it up hither to Seville, to the King's factor and one of the Council, Antonio Guevara.” To whom I and others went to know his meaning, and what he meant to do with our goods, seeing that the King had given a cedula that any who brought corn should not for any cause be embargoed, and that he took them under his protection and royal word (amparo et palabra real) and likewise that they might lawfully carry away “such moneys as was made of any grain.” But now he not only has embargoed the ships, but also taken away such moneys as they had aboard. They say that the King has need of it, and will pay them again when the fleet comes, and for the oils, he delivers them to us here again, binding us to answer them or their value if he demands them, so that we are forced to put them in tinages (fn. 4) which will be very chargeable; and even if there be no troubles, and we may ship them away, it cannot be until the vintage, for here are no ships to lade them in.
Had this ship gone, you and others that I have to do for would have had little or nothing remaining in this country except some ropes which I have to sell; and some copper of Mr. William Bond, Bartholomew Dodington and John Aspshawe should have gone in the Manuwell. Now I know not how they shall go home, for all ships are embargoed saving French, and of them there are none. The like I understand in Lisbon. “I do what possibly I may to put all things in security, doubting what may happen.” They have taken in money from the Flemings 50 or 60 thousand crowns (?) and from the Manuwell11,000 rix-dollars (?), which was what the master had received for the freight of his corn.
It is reported that the King will make ready a hundred sail of ships, “but what to do the Lord knows.”
It is reported that there is a league between Spain, Rome, Italy and Venice, the Duke of Savoy that married the King's daughter, the Duke of Guise and other noblemen of France. “I would to God we had our goods out of the country; then we would make shift for our bodies by some means or other.”
“Kept until the 17 ditto.” Now John Aspshawe writes that the King has taken some of your worship's and Mr. William Bond's ropes, and that he will send me the certificate, that I may make price and recover the moneys, which considering this dangerous time I shall hardly do. Part of your oils have now come up from the “Manuell” and we are beginning to empty them into “tinages.” I pray you impart this letter to Mr. William Bond and Mr. Bourman. I have yet to sell some sayes that came in the Manuel and in the Solomon; also some tin and copper of Mr. William Bond's.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Spain II. 44.]
June 5/15. News from Rome and Venice.
Rome, June 8, 1585.—On Sunday evening the Lucchese ambassadors made their solemn entry into Rome, met by all the Pope's household and other of his officers, some of the Cardinals and many prelates, apparelled in great pomp, and honoured by all this Court, this being the first embassy which has arrived to render obedience to this new Pontiff.
The same evening there arrived the Duke de Nevers, brother of the Duke of Mantua, summoned by the Pope, some say because his Holiness wishes to accommodate certain differences between the brothers, and others that he desires information concerning the affairs of France. He is come into Italy to go to the Baths of Lucca, and the Grand Duke of Tuscany sent him four armed galleys as far as Marseilles. On arriving at Livorno, he went to Florence, where he was very honourably received by his Highness. Here, when near Rome he was met by many carriages and coaches, including those of the Cardinals Este, Medici, Sans, Rambouillet, Joyeuse and Valdemonte; and lodges with his people at the sign of the Eagle, in Cardinal d'Este's palace.
Last Monday the four Japanese princes departed for Our Lady of Loretto; from thence will go to Venice, and afterwards embark at Genoa for Spain, having received more favour in these parts than they themselves would have asked for. If it had not been for the tumults at Naples (which are now said to be over, the Viceroy having made good provision of bread and hanged certain authors of the brawl) they would have gone thither to see that charming city.
On Thursday morning the Lucchese ambassadors, with a great cavalcade, accompanied by the households of Cardinals, many prelates and the Swiss Guard, to the sound of drums and much firing of artillery, went to the Palace, offering the Pope obedience in the name of their magistracy and recommending their republic as the most devoted and faithful to the Apostolic See; to which they had a most gracious reply. The same day the Duke of Sora departed for his Duchy, and the Spanish ambassador, having leave to depart, went to kiss the feet of his Holiness, assuring him that not for his office, but for the very clothes he wore, he was bound beyond all his merits to the Apostolic See, and praying his Holiness to give him absolution together with his licence to depart.
Paolo Giordano [Orsini] and Vittoria Accorambona have gone from Bracciano towards Padua, leaving Signor Matteo Frangipano governor of his State.
This week, to the grief of all the learned of this Court, has died Antonio Moreto, the chiefest lawyer and orator in all Italy; by whose death many offices and benefices are left void.
Letters from Spain say that the Duchess of Savoy is with child, which will delay her coming into Italy, lest she should be harmed by the sea. Also that Gio. Battista of Savoy, formerly ambassador here in Rome from his Highness is dead. The royal family are all in very good health.
Venice, 15 June.—On Sunday his Excellency, who looked very well, and the Signoria went to St. Mark's, and on Monday the Prince of Mantua was present at the Council, from which he went to chapel and the ballotto like the rest, and for greater favour was introduced into the Scrutinio. On Wednesday he departed for Padua, to the festival of that Saint [Thursday, June 13, St. Antony's day].
Letters from Constantinople say that the war with Persia still goes on, and they are sending reinforcements to the Turkish army. They were expecting the arrival of the new Bailo by Ascension day. Occhiali had not yet left the Dardanelles, contrary to a report here that he was at Navarino.
The Japanese princes have arrived at Pesaro on their way hither, at whose coming the Signoria have given orders to the heads of all the schools that they shall walk in the procession of Corpus Domini, handsomely attired. They will be lodged by the Jesuits with such splendour as is usual in this Republic to such personages. From Spain we hear that the Duke of Savoy was at Barcelona, but his voyage somewhat delayed.
On Wednesday the French ambassador went to the College on the arrival of letters from France, by which, they say, it appears that those disturbances will not be able to be set at rest because of the excessive demands of the Duke of Guise, who not only claims the generalship of all the forces, but some of the most important places in the kingdom. Ten thousand Swiss have passed through the territory of Lyons, and as the Duke of Maine (Umena) is at certain passes with 3,000 foot and 2,000 horse, it is thought they may come to blows before they reach Paris; Guise himself being also on the road with his people.
Italian. 3½ pp. [Newsletters LXXII. 17.]


  • 1. The words in square brackets are those added by Burghley.
  • 2. . . . . * These words are in English.
  • 3. The Emanuiel and Julian. In 1586 they were captured by the Spaniards. See Cal. S.P. Dom., 1580–90, p. 315.
  • 4. Large earthneware vessels (Sp. tinaja or tinajou).