Elizabeth: January 1585, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Elizabeth: January 1585, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp256-267 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1585, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp256-267.

"Elizabeth: January 1585, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp256-267.

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January 1585, 21–31

Jan. 21/31. M. Treslong to Walsingham.
I take the opportunity of Col. Morgan's man to offer you my humble services and to tell you what we have done in the matter of the English merchant named Westwarey, who is set free with all his cloths, although we had sufficient proofs and attestations to justify our stay thereof, and to show that the goods were destined for the enemy's country. As soon as possible I will send M. Ortel the instructions, to the confusion of Westwarey and those who have brought forward so many lies in his behalf, as do also all others who complain of having been unjustly treated by our men of war upon the sea. I should be very grieved that on our part and with my knowledge the least occasion of ill-will should be given to those of your country; but nothing is more certain than that there is not one in a hundred, loading goods to bring over here, who does not mean to go to Gravelines, Dunkirk or elsewhere to succour the enemy, as we daily see to our great regret and hurt. I leave the rest for M. Ortel to inform you of, to whom I have written fully.—Middelburg, last of January, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holland I. 27.]
Jan. 22./Feb. 1. The English Captains at Antwerp.
The opinions of John Morris, lieutenant-colonel, and Emanuel Lucar, Mathew Morgan, Francis Littelton and William Gwyn, captains in Col. Thos. Morgan's regiment, upon the deposition, of Henry Ricardes, John Gasfelde and John Ley, prisoners. 1 February, 1585.
Being commanded by their colonel on the above date to set down their opinions concerning the offences of the three captains, now prisoners, and having well considered their secret dealings and procuring of a passport from the enemy, as also their long concealing of the same :—They, by consent, held that they had deserved death; but in consideration of the extremities the English soldiers were in, without hope of bettering, which (as they said) moved them to it, and that they had not put their practice in execution, nor meant to do so (as they said) until the Colonel had got his passpart from the States, or else better entertainment and pay, both for the officers and the poor soldiers; and also seeing how those of these countries treat their own countrymen, daily taken in treasons of all sorts; the rich, however guilty, being punished only by the purse :—They think it punishment enough that the said captains be brought prisoners, “armed in their degrees” into the market-place, and there degraded (disgradewed) and banished the provinces.
Always provided that the above named lieutenant-colonel and captains leave the “reforming and conforming” of these their opinions to the better judgment of those hereunder written, viz., Colonels Thos. Morgan and Bartholomew Balfour (Bafford); Superintendents George Fremyn, Francis de Bruges and Captain Wadell, and Captains Creake and Gowerdon.
¾ p. [Ibid. I. 28.]
Jan. 23./Feb. 2. Thiery Jans Van Loncq to Davison.
The Advocate, M. Floris Thin yesterday showed me a letter written by one of our deputies at Abbeville, on the 20th ult.; that M. des Pruneaux had told him that the Queen of England had sent an ambassador to the King of France, desiring him to give our deputies favourable audience and to undertake our action, had offered to aid it with a large sum of money, and desires to be included in the treaty. On reaching the Hague, I hope to send you a more full report.—Utrecht, 2 February, 1585, stilo novo.
Add. Endd. Fr. ¾ pp. [Holland I. 29.]
Jan. 25. Stafford to Walsingham.
The chief cause of my sending this bearer is to carry this packet to Batson, received from the Pope's nuncio. Aldred is somewhat long-tongued; you may do well to warn him, or he may do little pleasure to himself or those that deal with him; for he told a man of mine where “he that went with Tupper” was lodged here by me, and though my man is very honest, I did not mean him or any other to know it; which he might have seen by my manner of proceeding with them. He must be circumspect, if only for his own safety, for there are here eyes enough “that neither sleep nor wink.”
Our King should come to-day from his devotions, and to-morrow hear the deputies; but neither is he come out of his monkery nor they arrived from Senlis, though their lodgings are ready, hard behind the Louvre.
Opinions remain divers of what will be done, though Pinard yesterday assured me that the King “would do for their good and the contentation of his friends and neighbours as much as could be required at his hands,” but resolutions here are subject to change, and I fear slackness more than too much forwardness.
“The King in my opinion, if he meant to be forward, would not make a colour of a devotion slack the looking into a matter of so great a weight, especially his devotion being so few hours in the day . . . for he hath never missed, every day since he went into Bois de Vincennes, to come hither to dinner, to go all the afternoon into companies in the town that are assembled together to make merry, and go so from one to another till eleven o'clock at night or midnight; and then lie at Zametti's, and rise at six again in the morning, go to Bois de Vincennes and at noon be here again. He never lay at the Louvre since he went into Bois de Vincennes, nor ever saw his wife nor mother, though every night he hath lain in this town. There hath and is between his queen and him some jar, begun of jealousy of her part, but the poor gentlewoman pineth away with melancholy and feareth a worse end.”
I have caused the two kings that rule our King to be sounded in this matter of the Low Countries; to feel how they are affectioned to it, and “egged by hope of ambition and profit,” the two things which would move them to further it. The instrument to Joyeuse was Desportes (Deportes) who rules him as he lists, and who propounded to him the great commodity it would be to the realm, whereof he would have the honour, every body knowing how he governs the King, as also the dishonour, if it went not forward and perchance the King should miscarry, or he fall into disgrace and the hindrance of so great a matter laid to his charge.
Also, how greatly his office of the Admiralty would be enlarged and he himself “like enough to be much enriched by it, besides that they of the Low Countries . . . could not for a gratuity be so smally liberal to him but that it would be worth to him better than a hundred thousand francs a year.”
These things he marvellously bit at, and promised to egg the King on all he could; but said, though he would not have it known, that “the King was not the man he was wont to be, nor governed wholly by them as he was; for he was sometimes in humours that they could not tell what state they stood in with him.”
Epernon was sounded by Grillon, who governs him greatly, both for the general profit and his own, showing him the great honour and profit that would accrue to him as Colonel-General of France, from the garrisons and strong towns, which would all be at his disposition.
“He answered with show of tasting of the matter, but not so hot as the other, and withal added that if he saw the King bent to it, he would follow him in that humour, or else not meddle in it.” It is thought he will rather hinder than further it; first because he is sickly, yet because of his office would have to go, and “thinketh that a war and the incommodities of it will soon make an end of a crazed body”; also he is loth to be away from his master, and thirdly, “he is extreme covetous, and rather seeketh a certain, perpetual, reasonable gain by a peace, than an uncertain one by a war, in the which there must be consumed a great deal of finances without any part coming to him, of which in peace time, he is sure to lick his fingers.”
The other has a more liberal or rather prodigal minci; but it is feared that Epernon, “finding himself not disposed to greaten himself that way, will keep the other from being greatened to his prejudice. But all these things and the event of them are in the King's disposition, which is only in the disposition of God, who of his mercy dispose his heart for our good and his glory.”
It is said that if this matter go forward, Joyeuse would be sent into England, which he has a great mind to, both to see the Queen, by whom he believes he shall be greatly honoured, and also to see our ships, which he has heard so much praise of; but “many changes may happen between this and that.”
I was “sent to be asked” whether I had any news that the Prince of Orange's son was taken, and most of those with him, in an enterprise to unstop the river of Antwerp, and that thereupon Brussels and Malines had yielded; the Spanish ambassador having given it out for a certainty. I answered that there was no such thing, and that I thought they were “acquainted enough with Spanish stratagems,” to give abroad what they thought would hinder the deputies' negotiation, which on my speech, they easily believed.
“St. Soulene, upon this Candlemas even, is arrived here, and is in the Bastille. Most men think he hath deserved ill and shall have evil; but generally it is conceived he shall die, if there were no other cause but that he is very rich, and some here need that which he hath.”—Paris, 25 January, 1584.
Postscript.—If Batson will send any letters here, he knows I have taken a way to have them delivered.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France XIII. 14.]
Words in cipher undeciphered.
Jan. 25. Stafford to Walsingham.
One Robert Brus, a Scottish man, is come to me, and offered to do her Majesty such service, both here and in Scotland, as better hath not been done by any man. He has been the Bishop of Glasgow's secretary, but some unkindness is fallen out between them. He is “a proper wise fellow and well spoken and learned as you shall lightly see any; he is greatly now sought upon again by Glasgow,” which is the cause he has come again hither from Pont a Mousson, where he has been almost a year at his study among the Jesuits, by whom “he is greatly set by” and is now lodged in their house. Glasgow now seeks to employ him into Scotland in matters of great weight. If the Bishop of Ross goes thither, he is to go with him, if not he will be sent alone with matters of importance, which he promises to deliver to me before he goes, if he is not too closely watched, or else to deliver both that and what he does in Scotland to any whom the Queen may appoint. He is now going to Pont a Mousson to meet with Claud, a jesuit newly come from Rome; sent thither expressly about matters of Scotland, and will bring him to this town, to make all resolutions for the despatching into Scotland.
I find that what he says of falling out with Glasgow is true, and that he greatly seeks to have him again and to use him in Scotland, offering him great things; “but plainly he saith that a workman is worthy of his hire, and will not put himself into danger without certainty of a reward,” both for as long as he serves well and now, as he is in debt almost 200 crowns. He desires to know what he may have at his return from the place he goeth to, which will be within a month, therefore I pray that I may know her Majesty's pleasure what to give and promise him, and also what way to direct him to send you anything if he goes into Scotland.
I think Mr. Bowes or Mr. Rendoll [Randolph] can tell you more of him, “for he was one that the Earl Morton sought greatly to catch when he was last in Scotland, sent thither by Glasgow, and stole away through England by land in the company of Hamilton and another of the King's guard.” He is a great papist, and either spite or gain or both makes him do this. I leave it to your judgment and will do as directed, but in my judgment, 200 crowns were well-ventured, for I think he will be able and willing to discover matter of importance. “Although there be no trust to a knave that will deceive them that trust him, yet such as he is must be entertained; for if there were no knaves, honest men should hardly come by the truth of any enterprises against them.”
I send you the copy of the patent from the King to them who desire the like from her Majesty, that you may see what they promise and what he has granted. I think you will shortly have some of them with you. One of them writes a letter to Mr. Geoffrey [Le Brumen], which I enclose and pray may be sent him.—Paris, 25 January, 1584.
Postscript.—I have now word brought me that the King has changed his mind for the deputies' coming hither, and that they shall go to Noisy, Marshal Retz' house and there be heard privately. But this may change again between now and tomorrow morning.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France XIII. 15.]
Words in cipher undeciphered.
Jan. 25. Stafford to Burghley.
Informing him briefly of what he has written to Mr. Secretary concerning Batson, Aldred, the mignons, and (in his private letter) of Robert Brus.
By a letter from his son, enclosed, his lordship will learn where he is and how he doth.—Paris, 25 January, 1584.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 16.]
Names in cipher, undeciphered.
Jan. 25./Feb. 4. M. Arnault to Walsingham.
Is sending by Jehan Le Roy, messenger, a case of sweetmeats which the Queen of Scots has desired her treasurer to have sent to her, addressed to M. Mauvissière; and fearing that the case maybe opened at Rye or at the Customs in London, and also all the boxes and pots which are in it, and thus every thing spoilt (margouillée) as has sometimes been done (so that, on receiving them, her Majesty has been obliged to throw them all out of the windows), which rigorous treatment he is sure neither the English Queen or her Council would approve, he prays that orders may be given that the said case (in which there is nothing but sweetmeats) may be put unopened into M. Mauvissière 's hands by Le Roy, to be by him given to those who have the charge of the said Queen, and who may afterwards inspect the whole at their pleasure.— Paris, 4 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIII. 17.]
Jan. 25./Feb. 4. Gebhard, Elector Of Cologne, to the Queen.
Mr. Davison has given him her Majesty's letters and told him of her goodwill and zeal for his affairs, as a prince unjustly oppressed, a work worthy of Kings throughout the whole world, for which he thanks her, not as he ought, but the most he can. She may certainly assure herself that the money she has so liberally sent will be used to her entire satisfaction, as, God being merciful, he hopes she will shortly understand, and as her ambassador will more at large declare.—Delft, 4 February, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Latin. 2 pp. [Germany, States III. 58.]
Jan. 25./Feb. 4. Gebhard, Elector Of Cologne, to Burghley.
Thanking him for the kind interest which, as he learns from Mr. Davison, he has taken in his affairs, hoping to make such use of the benefits which her Majesty has bestowed upon him that she will be disposed to continue them and assuring his lordship that he will ever desire to repay his good offices, as Mr. Davison (a gentleman very worthy of the charge with which he is honoured) will tell him more at large.—Delft, 4 February, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Ibid. III. 59.]
Jan. 27./Feb. 6. Gebhard, Elector Of Cologne, to Davison.
Sends letters to the Queen and Lord Treasurer, written with his own hand, according to his promise. Would have sent others to the Earl of Leicester and Mr. Walsingham, but is prevented by lack of time.—Utrecht, 6 February, 1585.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Latin. ½ p. [Ibid. III. 60.]
Jan. 28./Feb. 7. M. De Courcelles to Walsingham.
Expressing his distress at having fallen under her Majesty's displeasure, and calling God to witness that he has always loved and honoured her, and has never spoken of her save with the respect and reverence due to so great a princess. If he had had any knowledge or suspicion of the evils intended against her, he would have been the first to reveal them. Has sometimes met and spoken to “Frokmorton,” passing through the ambassador's garden, but had no intelligence of his wicked designs.
In regard to Dr. Parry, he does not wish to deny that he has known him ever since coming into this realm, having seen him usually well received and favorisé at the Court by her Majesty and all her Council and chief courtiers, but never had any communications with him except that some time ago, meeting in the street, Parry asked him to sup with him, which he declined, but promised to go to see him next evening, which he did. Parry asked him if he had any books newly printed in France. He answered that he had heard nothing of them and was not very desirous to have any new books, most of them being seditious. Parry then told him that he was much suspected at the English Court. He replied that his actions would always bear witness to his sincerity, and he had no fear of being thought anything but an honest man; and further that he thought her Majesty's and her Council's government very good and well ordered. This is the longest conference he ever had with Parry and neither he or any other ever gave him the least suspicion of their sinister intentions. Concerning what her Majesty yesterday said to the ambassador, he will always be ready to retire into France, praying God ever to give her happy contentment.—London, 7 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [France XIII. 18.]
Jan. 28./Feb. 7. Gebhard, Elector Of Cologne, to Walsingham.
Has already felt indebted to him for his zeal for the glory of God, but is now doubly so, having heard from Mr. Davison and M. de Segur and also seeing by its result, how earnestly he has recommended his own affairs to her Majesty. Prays him to continue to do so, and to keep him in her good graces, who, by her bounty to himself, will more and more increase the fame which she has rightly won throughout all Europe of being the princess who, without hope of profit or reward, employs herself in aiding all honest people, afflicted for the cause which he himself maintains.—Utrecht, 7 February, 1585.
Signed. Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Germany, States III, 61.]
Jan. 29. Walsingham to Stafford.
Her Majesty has thought good that the Earl of Derby, besides the matter of the Garter, should, if he finds from you that the King is well disposed as to the Low Countries, make some overture to him, according as he is directed by his instructions. He has had given to him copies of all the directions sent to you touching the cause and her Majesty wishes you to acquaint him with your proceedings hitherto. Therefore you will do well “to make a collection of the substance of your dealing in that matter” and also, by way of conference, to give him what other light you can. This is thought to be sufficient instruction to his lordship until we hear from you in what terms the matter may be after the deputies' access to the King, when some special person shall be sent over with such further direction as shall be necessary. And though it be thought meet for his lordship's credit that the overture be first made by him, yet, as he is not so well acquainted with the state of things as you are, (fn. 1) nor so well able to express his mind in a foreign tongue, (fn. 1) it is meant that the same shall be prosecuted by you and by the special person to be sent over (I think one of the clerks of the Council) according to such directions as you shall receive from hence.
Draft, corrected by Walsingham. Endd. with date. 1½ pp. [France XIII. 19.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. E. Plantin to Davison.
In accordance with your letters, I send you the entire “Theatre” en blanc, which costs 20 florins, and six “Justifications” in French and six in Latin, that you may keep what you please of them. I have none bound, and the author, who has had them printed at his own expence, sells them to us at 5 pats, for the Latin and 6 for the French. As to the payment, I will wait your pleasure. If your binder had paid me for the books which he has had of me, I should make no difficulty in giving him fresh credit.
As to the books of the genealogies of Brandenburg and of the Foresters and Counts of Flanders, I have none of them here, but at Antwerp, from whence, if you wish, I will send for them on the first opportunity of a ship, which is now rare, for the difficulties daily increase. The difficulty made about the Tacitus and the other is only against the credit of the said binder, having all confidence in your honour and being very wishful to do all that you shall command me.—Leyden, 8 February, 1585.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holland I. 30.]
Jan. 30. Ortell to Walsingham.
Late yesterday evening I received letters from the Admiral of Zeeland informing me that at our request he had restored Mr. Westwrey his goods, although they were certainly good prize. The said Westwrey was recommended to me on your behalf by Mr. Browne, your steward.—From my lodging, 30 January, 1584.
Holograph. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Ibid. I. 31.]
Jan./30 Feb. 9. News from Rome.
Mostly gossip about the Roman nobles, their marriages, quarrels, &c. Amongst the items are the following :—
Donna Felice still at Gaeta, waiting for Donna Gerolama Colonna; coming to Rome for Lent and will lodge in Paolo Giordano [Orsini]'s palace. Orders arrived from Spain that the Baroness of Sorentino may wed whom she likes. She will marry Lelio Massini, a rich man of sixty. His son Gerolamo, Cardinal Farnese's chamberlain, tries to prevent the marriage.
Capt. Raspone, head of a troop of horse in the Campagna, and some of his men, captured by bandits, who demand their fellows, prisoners in Rome, in exchange. Two hundred and fifty of the bandits came to the Osteria del Borghetto and feasted there. Amongst their number in prison are the famous Grandoneo Capo and the two who killed Vincenzo Vitelli; sent prisoners to the Pope by the Grand Duke [of Tuscany]. The light horse of the Pope and Duke of Sora sent out to prevent bandits' designs.
Bishop of Ancona dead; Monsignor Carlo Conti to succeed him. Cardinal Farnese has sent into Spain to beg the archbishopric of Moriale for the Abbé Torres, nephew of the late Archbishop.
Chiappino Vitello made gentleman of the Chamber to the Pope but going first to study at Perugia. Light horsemen have returned without booty. Capt. Raspone at Viterbo, not in the hands of the bandits. Monsignor Mellino, chancellor of St. Peters, deprived of his office because of quarrel with the vicar of St. Peters on feast of the Purification. Cardinal Vercelli's narrow escape from poisoning by one of his gentlemen. Courier of Milan robbed and wounded at Tarmigiano. Quarrel between Canon Palelli and Canon Spaduco in the sacristy of St. Peter's about the place for the consecrated candles.
Italian. 4 pp. [Newsletters LXXII. 2.]
Jan. 30./Feb. 9. Advertisements sent from Rome.
Prague, 15 Jan.—The two Dukes of Saxony are here. . Father Possovino has not yet started for Poland, nor is it known when he will go, the journey being very dangerous. The Poles are continually working against the King, for the maintenance and observation of their privileges. To-day the Diet of Warsaw should begin. All wonder what will be the end of it. At Vienna, they are pretty free from the plague and it is hoped that with this cold weather it will entirely disappear, and that the Emperor will shortly go into those parts, especially as the Hungarian Diet has been summoned for March 11, and the Hungarians earnestly pray his Majesty to go there for this spring, but so far he seems to make no preparations for the journey.
Cologne, 18 Jan.—The entry [into Antwerp] of the 150 ships which were at Lillo is confirmed, and others have followed them, although with great danger. The passage being still open, the Prince of Parma has not dared to put his erections in the water, because of the great frosts which they have; whence, if they have not done it in the past, still less is it believed they will do it while this weather continues.
Meanwhile, Antwerp is able to provide for itself and God knows when they will take it, unless it is betrayed.
The rout of Count Hollock, when he tried to succour Brussels, is confirmed, but not that Brussels has sent to make an accord.
The Flemish ambassadors have reached Calais, whence they go to the Court to conclude an agreement with the French King, but as he has never shown any sign of affection to those provinces, it is believed their labour will be in vain, from the weakened forces, the civil war in that kingdom and their not having courage to attack the King of Spain. The French at Cambray have taken a little place near, called Ecluse (Scluis). The new Archbishop is going, it is said, into Bavaria.
Venice, 2 Feb.—On Sunday, in the church of the Jesu, a Jewish merchant, a rich Portuguese, who has lately accepted the Christian faith, was baptised, to which ceremony there flocked many Hebrews, having been invited to the sermon by Father Siculo. very famous for his preaching.
The Senate on Tuesday condemned to death the captain of the galleys who made the enterprise upon the Barbary galliot, and next evening, in obedience to the decrees of the Republic, who will pardon no one because he has gained a great victory, the final spectacle was presented to all the people in the usual place, not without great lamentation upon all the circumstances, both on account of his office, being captain, his birth, being a noble of that republic, his age, which was over 60 years, and lastly that, having had so good an opportunity, he had not known how to make use of it, and so was left with his head cut off, but was carried away and buried with honourable rites. His nephew was condemned to rigorous imprisonment for twelve years, but with the condition that if he would reveal the hidden treasure which was upon the galliot, he might receive some mercy. The secretary, called Fidel Fidele, secretary extra muros was sent for three years to Capo d'Istria, others to the galleys and others set free, amongst whom was the chief officer of the galleys.
Add. to Signor Lelio de la Penna, in Rome, Feb. 9. Endd From Rome. Italian. 3 pp. [Neivsletters LXXII. 3.]
[Jan.] Instructions for the Earl Of Derby.
Draft of Instructions for “A. B.” to be sent with the Garter to the French King. Complimentary. Reasons for sending Garter (as in letter below). Great honour received from Monsieur. Messages for Queen Mother and young Queen. [Probably drawn up earlier.]
Endd.pp. [France XIII. 20.]
[Jan.] Elizabeth to the French King.
If the Kings, our predecessors, have, in all times, been accustomed to choose those amongst our own order, who by their heroic virtues and private affections towards them have obliged them to testify to them a like correspondence of good friendship and mutual intelligence :—We must confess that hardly any one of them had greater cause than we have to fulfil the obligation demanded by so many proofs and testimonies as we have received of your sincere and perfect friendship and affection towards us, joined to so many rare and singular virtues, befitting a prince of your rank and quality, which render you so worthy of all honour and reputation. And therefore we have despatched our well-beloved cousin, the Earl of Derby, knight and companion of our Order, to present to you the Garter and other ornaments thereto appertaining, and have also given express charge to our ordinary ambassador resident with you to join with him therein, so that together they may accomplish it on our behalf with all due completeness; praying you very affectionately to accept in good part this proof of the honour and sincere affection which we bear to you, and to believe that as you have given us many arguments of a true and firm friendship, we shall never fail to make the return for it to which we are obliged by a mutual correspondence of true and perfect affection and good intelligence, with all the honour and kindness that your person and virtues so well deserve. For the rest, may it please you to give faith and credit to our ambassadors in what more they have to say to you on our behalf.
Draft. Endd. “January, 1584.” Fr. 2 pp. [France XIII. 21.]
Jan. Stafford to Walsingham.
It was a wonder to me to hear from Grimston that my man, Michael Modey, had made an excuse for neither coming nor writing to me since last October, that he durst not, having commands from your honour to attend you, and still more, that, desiring his return now, against my lord of Derby's coming, Grimston found the same from yourself. “And most of all when he told me the cause of it to be that the said Michel was a bad man and a conveyer of letters to Papists and from Papists, under the colour of sending to me letters about mine own business.” Truly, if it be so you have reason to say he is no man for me, and I pray that before he comes he may be cleared, for I do not mean to receive any man that needs to come under sureties (as I hear he offered to do). I have written to him—in a letter which I enclose with this to my mother— “that he attend you to seek the justification of himself, and not to come at me till that be done, for if he do not, he may be sure I will send him faster home than he came out.” For his dealing with Papists, if he have dealt with any but with Friar Boucer, whom you know, and to whom I often sent him to bring things ordinarily sent me by him and to carry money and relief to him, “I do disavow him for all others,” and if he carried letters to or from Boucer to any, I disavow him also, as things quite without my knowledge, and desire he may have the punishment he deserves. And if he has not deserved it, that he may be cleared for an honest man.
And now I pray that “touching myself, I may, as I have great cause, make my complaint to you,” for I think myself greatly wronged that, being in this place, I could have a man charged with such a thing, and never be advertised of it by your command, for until Grimston's return “I never heard word nor inkling of any such thing, which maketh me to suspect that some evil meaning body to me is the cause of it; as since my departure I find not so good dealing as I think I have deserved, by divers bad speeches and rumours spread abroad of me; and that this is but a way invented by some perchance that deceive both you and me, to leave in suspense the cause of the blame of my man, to leave it to men's standing to discourse whether any fault, or part of it, may not be in me. Other bad speeches in mine absence do make me doubt the worst in this; but as they be as false as they that have sowed them be wicked, so I must bear them, and be a pack-horse in that till I be out of this place, and content myself with the faithfulness of my actions, that in the mean time shall give them the lie deep enough.” I doubt never a whit of your honour, but that when you have had trial enough of me and my actions (which I hoped your long knowledge of me would have made you sure of) you will in my absence defend my right as far as your honourable place will give you leave.
I must think myself the unhappiest man in the world that my oldest servants and those I had most cause to trust, Modey and Lilly, should be unfaithful (for you know the same has been supposed of Lilly) or else that some are putting false opinions into men's heads “to put me to my shifts to make me seek new fellows to trust to, that may serve other men's humours more than my turn.” Which truly they shall be deceived in, for I would rather serve myself than have the incommodities which new men ordinarily bring to their masters. But as I hope the one is cleared (if he has right for any falsehood) so, till I see the contrary, I will hope the like of Modey, though, if he be found otherwise, I will seek no favour for him, but the greatest extremity that so false a knave can deserve; craving only that he may not be condemned without hearing or reasonable proof.—Paris, January, 1584.
Add. Endd.pp. [France XIII. 22.]


  • 1. This is one of the additions made in Walsingham'a hand.