Elizabeth: December 1584, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Elizabeth: December 1584, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp186-197 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: December 1584, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp186-197.

"Elizabeth: December 1584, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 19, August 1584-August 1585. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol19/pp186-197.

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December 1584, 11–20

Dec. 11. Harborne to Walsingham.
“Finding a rude, rough, rustical Arabian, presently put to sale by a black, base, empty-pursed Egyptian, I pitied his poverty, paid his price and bettered his being.” But he craved congée to go as a traveller in Mr. Saunders' safeguard, who has promised to prefer him to your service. Whether you “may make him meet to present our puissant peerless princess, for rarity's regard,”
I dare not desire, but must leave to you. [So far, the letter is full of alliterations.]
I pray you to conceal the above from others, who forgetting quod semel in anno, ridet Apollo, may severely interpret what is meant only to recreate your wearied mind.—Rapamat, II December, 1584.
Postscript.—“Fond Fabian Ficklehead, the Italians do him name. And rightly, el ruffian(saith the Spaniard) without shame.”
Holograph. Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Turkey I. 28.]
Dec. 12. Walsingham to Davison.
There is here a M. van der Ha, a Dutch gentleman, who, being wise, well qualified and very acceptable to her Majesty were very fit to serve the States as their agent or ambassador here. I pray you to deal with such of them as you think good, to make choice of him for that purpose.
Her Majesty finds fault that she does not hear from you, therefore you will do well to write oftener.—St. James', 12 December, 1584.
Postscript, in his own hand.—I have received your letter dated at Flushing. We desire greatly to hear from you, for we should be glad (during the time of the parliament) to take some resolution for the Low Country causes, therefore, with what speed you may, make us acquainted with the state of things there.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 73.]
Dec. 12/22 The States Of Holland to Walsingham.
Having received his letters of Nov. 28, informing them of the seizure of goods and merchandise of Englishmen, and demanding restitution, they thank him for the information; and knowing his affection for these countries, and that he would regret for them to have other charges than those which they must needs bear by their continual wars, they wish to say in reply, that having seen the papers sent by his honour and M. Ortel, they are greatly astonished by the number of goods of which restitution is demanded, especially those detained by the captains of Zeeland, and have at once sent the papers to the Estates of Zeeland, that they may look into the matter, and (in case the goods are not detainable as prize) may settle it fairly and take care that the way of justice may be left open.
For themselves, they have taken such order as regards the captains of Holland as may both preserve the rights of the country and satisfy those interested. They have always charged those of their Admiralty never to declare any English goods to be prize without thorough knowledge of the cause, and now will not fail to have careful inquiries made without delay as regards goods detained in Holland, and to see that the right course of law may be so open to them, that within twenty or four and twenty days everything may be heard and decided.
They desire to remind him of what those of Holland have suffered touching the goods of Ipswich and of the Merchants Adventurers, by which they have profited nothing, for which reason they do not intend henceforward to have anything to do with injuries sustained by English subjects from those of Zeeland; but are resolved to give such charge to their captains of Holland that no ships or goods shall be detained by them unless they are notoriously known and declared to be good prize.
They pray him to take what they say in good part and in consideration of the great charges of the war to favour their cause, both with her Majesty and in any other way where his good affection may conduce to the prosperity of these countries.—The Hague, 22 December, 1584. Signed, C. de Rechtere.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 74.]
Dec. 12/22. Bodenham to Walsingham.
Two days ago I received a letter from Mr. Dyer, by which I see how much I am bound to you in divers ways. My long stay in this country and travels into other parts have shown me matters that may be beneficial to my country; I am now of years and willing to return to England, which I am resolved to do with as much speed as I can, and then will perform what I have promised, not doubting but that you will consider that here I have a certain living and there I am not sure of anything, but I will venture it in order to do this service to her Majesty and to you.
Herewith I send “a brief note of the voyage which the King's ships made to the Straits of 'Magalanes,' where they were for the most part consumed,” for of twenty-two sail sent forth but six returned, “and those not to serve again.”
Preparations are a-making here to send the King's daughter to her husband, the Duke of Savoy; and the King prepares to go in April or May to “Munson” [qy. Monçon in Aragon] to receive the revenue of that realm, which he must needs do in person.
The great misery this country was like to be in, was remedied by England, France and Flanders; whether they have done well therein, I leave to your honour. Money can do this and much more, but surely some will repent their gains.—Seville, 22 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Spain II. 24.]
Dec. 13. Segur-Pardeilhan to Walsingham.
Being arrived in this town, I cannot find a single armed vessel, only passage boats from the islands and some poor little ships.
I have been warned from a good source that notice of my going has been given to the pirates, of which there are many near here, and they have been led to believe that I had a great quantity of money and of rings with me, in order to increase their zeal in taking me. That, and the contrary wind, keeps me here and I must tell you frankly that I think I ought to be given the means to cross safely to France. The pains which I am taking for the church of God and the King of Navarre, who employs me in so good a service, merits (it seems to me) that some care should be taken of me. I pray you therefore to show her Majesty the trouble in which I am, that by her means I may be able to reach the Isle of Jersey and from thence the coast of France, which may be done in a day. It would be very easy to procure a vessel from Portsmouth or the Isle of Wight (Wick).—[South] Hampton, 13 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XII. 128.]
Dec. 13. Ortell to Walsingham.
This [last] night I received the enclosed from the States-General to her Majesty [wanting] which I pray you to deliver to her, hoping to see you myself towards evening. The letter you sent me for the Elector is lost at sea, together with that good man, Ferdinando Poyntz. Mr. Davison has arrived safely, and also Mr. Hoddesdon. The deputies from the United Provinces started last Monday for France. I pray you let me know any news you may have had, as I wish to send back my man without delay.—From my lodging, 13 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 75.]
Dec. 14/24. François De Civille to Walsingham.
My knowledge of your love of justice makes me the bolder to renew my old request to you for a poor stranger called Le Breton, “being prisoner a great while agone, very hardly and cruelly kept at Rye,” who thinking his life and death lie in your power has sent me the enclosed letter, begging me to intercede again for him. I beseech you for Christ's sake to have pity on him, that he may receive justice.
I have delivered your letters to the Duke [of Bouillon], and told him what you have done for his sake. All things are quiet here.—Rouen, “the 24th of December, 1584, after our French reckoning, and after the English order the 14th.”
English. Add. Endd. “In favour of Claude Le Breton.” ¾ p. [France XII. 129.]
Enclosing :
Claude le Breton to M. de Civille.
Ventures to send this, under parole of Mr. Morel, the minister at Rye, to beg him to write a line to Mr. Walsingham, praying him to remember his promise; for since his [Civille's] departure, he has been worse treated than ever, as this bearer can testify, who has seen him with irons on his feet and forced to sleep on the ground, like the worst malefactor in the world.—In the prison at the Rye, 2 December, 1584.
Postscript.—Asking him to send letters for him to one Allain Henry (?), now at Rouen.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XII. 129a.]
In another hand is written, on the covering sheet; “delivered unto Corny 11 the 14 January, 1585.”
Dec. 15. Segur-Pardeelhan to Walsingham.
I told you two days ago of my lack of a good vessel, being spied upon by the pirates, and having a contrary wind. I am now informed by some merchants arrived newly from Brittany, that all is in confusion there; for M. de Chasteauneuf has planned to surprise St. Malo, and gathered together a great number of men of war. It is believed there that the King is dead, which has given opportunity to M. de Chasteauneuf to make this enterprise in order to serve the Duke of Guise. Thus I cannot pass through France and must go straight to La Rochelle, wherefore I humbly pray her Majesty to lend me one of her ships. If I could have found a suitable one here, I should not trouble her.
The mouth of this harbour is so well guarded by the pirates that yesterday a Jersey passage boat, wishing to put to sea, was attacked and obliged to come back into the river. I could not have chosen a worse place to embark, for most of the pirates of this country are between the Isle of Wight and Poole. If there were some ships of her Majesty at Portsmouth, they would free all this coast from these brigands, who are not content to rob only those who are at sea, but come into the harbours and pillage the merchants even at this place, which is ten or twelve miles inland; yet the vessels here are not safe without very good guard.
I desire more that my information should serve for having this canaille punished than for the safety of my own voyage, for I hope by waiting some time and spending something more, that God will take me safely back to the King of Navarre. I pray you to let me know what you have heard from France, for M. de Chas-teauneuf having made a beginning in Brittany, I fear the same will be done in other places. I hope some day to repay you for all the trouble I have given you.—[South] Hampton, 15 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XII. 130.]
Dec. 16/26. Diego Botelho to Walsingham.
Has not earlier replied to his letter, with the passport from the Queen, because he had hoped before this to be able to come himself to kiss her Majesty's hands for her favour in sending it, and to thank his honour for writing so promptly. But it pleased God that he should go into France, to see how things were changed and how the King, his master's, health was, and to tell him of the good affection of the Queen towards his affairs and of his honour's kindness is not omitting to move her to assist him.—The Brill, 26 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. Portuguese. 1 p. [Portugal II. 14.]
Dec. 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
I have received the enclosed packet from Dr. Lobetius, with request to send it speedily to you, it being delivered to him as a thing of great importance.
The King seems greatly discontented with the King of Navarre's going to Bayonne, and has written to him that he has attempted what “never King of Navarre his predecessor had done, and yet that times were not now as they were then, and thereupon hath given commandment to the towns thereabouts to suffer him no more to come in.” The King of Navarre's folks here think the King has done this more “to make an equality” to the orders given to the house of Guise in their governments than for anything else.
The King of Navarre has sent Roquelaure (Rokelor) hither with his answer, written in very dutiful terms; “only that he marvelleth of the King's evil taking of this, and that though he confesseth that that was an order taken when Kings of Navarre were not well affected to France, that none of them should enter into Bayonne, yet considering that his predecessors since had lost their kingdom for the affection they have to France, that he thought by that means all such scrupulosity had been taken away, especially for him, that besides that he entered in as governor of Guienne and that part of the government, he had strict cause to make the King to be out of those doubts which were when the entry was forbidden to the Kings of Navarre, because he is a chief member of the kingdom of France, which he taketh for a greater honour to him than to be King of Navarre.”
To the Queen Mother, “he added somewhat more sharply that he wondered of this manner of dealing with him, and that after they had sought to dishonour his wife, if they sought to touch his credit and reputation, it was a thing that he neither could nor would bear.”
These letters are not yet delivered, because the King is shut up at Bois de Vincennes until Saturday.
Du Plessis is gone away very suddenly and secretly and keeps not the highway, having had many warnings that mischief is intended against him. Most warn him of the house of Guise, “who hate him deadly,” others, “that Epernon hath in his cholers (which come often) said that it were a fair despatch of him, that he only keepeth the King of Navarre in his steadfastness in religion.” Some, that the King, for all his fair words and good entertainment, hates him deadly, being incensed against him by the Jesuits for his treaty of the church, they hating him more than any man in France. To avoid all this malice, he has gone into a place of surety, no one knowing of it except Bellièvre.
It is said that the Duke of Lorraine's son, the Bishop of Metz, is chosen a canon of Mainz (Maguntia); that the Bishop Elector thereof has agreed to make him his coadjutor, and that they rather prefer to let him “gape for the old man's death for that bishopric than to have the bishopric of Liége presently.” This shows that they have further plots in their heads, and one Badwell, newly come out of Low Germany, affirms that the King of Spain is a great practiser with Hamburg, Lubeck and other towns on the sea coast, to make a league with them, requiring nothing in return for his amity and “a good round pension” but to have shipping at his command for his money, to employ where he likes. The towns are yet staggering, and mean to send to the King here first, whose friendship they would rather have than the other's, but I look for nothing from here, “we are so careless of anything that is good.” In my opinion the King of Spain's practice intends some bad meaning to her Majesty.
There is great dissension in our English seminary at Rheims between the southern men and the Welchmen. The Duke of Guise has been there, was received with great honour and gave them 400 crowns. For ten days he has been very ill, “in danger of a great descent of a ' catarre ' upon his uvula,” but is now thought out of danger.
Your letters to M. du Plessis shall be sent with speed and safety. There was also in the packet a packet to the Bishop of Glasgow which I marvel you did not mention. I have delivered it but refused to take upon me the sending back of others to M. Nau, from whom he said the packet came, until I know whether it would be liked by her Majesty. I pray you tell me what to do in the future.—Paris, 17 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. 3 p. [France XII. 131.]
Dec. 17. Stafford to Walsingham.
Copy, in his own hand, of the preceding letter. 1½ pp.
On the same sheet:
Copy of another private letter to Mr. Secretary [sent] by Walker.”
I had advertisement out of the Spanish Ambassador's house that Mendoza very privately read a letter from the Low Countries to some that haunt him secretly; “that they hoped ere long to have Lillo, for they had gotten M. de la Noue to write to his son, and his son thereupon had written to a French captain that was greatly devoted to him that was in Lillo, and promise was made for the delivery of the father and the son,” if they had the town. This may be true, the father being annoyed with his long imprisonment and the son fearing the like; but I rather think it was made by Bernardin, to put mistrust between the Flemings and the French. M. de la Noue's friends here have confessed to me that whilst M. Teligni was in Lillo, they “practised such a letter” from M. la Noue to his son and sent it to Madame la Noue to send him, but she suspecting constraint and not his willing consent, sent one La Pré (Lapree) to her husband, “and received from him quite contrary, that by any means his son should make him an answer fit for an honest man, himself declaring what effect he would have it to; but this they desire to have kept secret, for making him fare the worse.”
She never sending the letter to her son, for fear it might breed suspicion in the States' heads, made an answer, as from Teligni, that he desired nothing more than his father's liberty, but desired his pardon if he obeyed him not in a thing which he knew he commanded him by constraint and not of his own good will; that it were better they were both dead with honour than for him to have an offspring such a villain as to betray them that trusted him. And before they sent this to M. de la Noue, they sent one to Teligni telling him of his father's will and their dealings. Thus you have the thing as I have it. “For my part I think the race too honest to agree willingly to a treachery, for fear either of life or anything else.”
On Saturday last the court of parlement made a confirmation upon request of the Queen Mother, with consent of the King, “whereby he declareth them of Cambray renicoles, as they termed them, and subjects to the crown of France, under the protection of the Queen his Mother.” I think it is to stay this that the Spanish ambassador has sought so often to have audience, but he cannot yet get it.
Letters from St. Aldegonde and those of Antwerp say that the deputies are at Flushing and stay but for wind. They send the copy of a treaty the Prince of Parma offered them, which they refused, saying that their hard dealing from the King of Spain had made them fain to give themselves to the French King, and they would do nothing till they knew his pleasure.
At the end of the document is written.—“Copies of both my letters to Mr. Secretary, from Paris, the 17th day of December, 1584, by Walker.”
Holograph. Endd. by Burghley. 4 pp. [France XII. 132.]
Dec. 18/28 William Lewckner to Walsingham.
Being lately arrived in Lyons, my usual place of traffic, I found here Salomon Aldred, newly come from Rome, who, because he had been in England, had his stipend of ten crowns a month from the Pope taken away, and heard from his friends in Borne that he had committed so great an offence that if he went thither he would be “evil-entreated to the death.”
“Whereupon this poor snack, not having other means to live . . . was constrained to strain his conscience, God knows how,” and so obtained his stipend again, and is in more credit than ever, “insomuch as he is one of the inquisitors, and by making him once merry, he acknowledged so much.” As also that he expected one from Rome with whom he was to go to England, who managed all the affairs of Don John “d'Ostrie” in Flanders, and seems a notable person; who speaks good English and whose brother was Don John's confessor, conducted his corpse into Spain and then retired to Rome, and two months past was made Archbishop, but five days afterwards died. “Upon whose death this his brother is departed thence to come for England.”
Being doubtful what this party's voyage should mean, I tell you of it, having the more suspicion because Aldred a few days later, as if repenting what he had revealed, or wishing to let me know that he was in your favour, showed me “your sign” but no further, on letters newly received from you, written in October last. Ten days later, “he had drawn out” some three or four lines, as out of your letter, which he showed me as a passport for this gentleman's coming into England. If he was so determined to make me privy of his secrets, he might as well have shown me the whole letter.
Some three months past, a letter was written by Mr. Edward or Mr. Harry Unton (Hompton) to this gentleman's brother, deceased, which remained unsent and is now come to light. Aldred used “extreme speech” to the party for detaining it, but now does not wish it to be seen, as it concerns “this party.” I tell you this, fearing that the liberty you have given to this Aldred may embolden him to conduct into England such as may be to her Majesty's prejudice, “the party” being to-day departed thither. As I know Aldred to be a most malicious fellow, I would not have him know that I have written anything.
“Lately is passed this town to Paris a Roman named Piccolomini (Pekelhomo), who lately held war against the Pope and his bastard son [Duke of Sora]; but the quarrel being appeased, the Pope hath given him absolution. And through the great caresses done by this Piccolomini to M. Joyeuse, at his last being in Rome,” the King has sent for him, to serve him, as is said, in some enterprise, but God knows when or where.
The troubles continue in “Dolfeny” between M. Danville [i.e. Montmorency] and the Bishop of Lodève (Lodo). It is said that the King of Navarre has “taken entry” into Barcelona, Also that the Duke of Guise and Prince of Condé are both in Germany, “so that this spring it is to be thought there will be some troubles in France.
“As six days past, is arrived M. ' Chyverier,' [qy. Chevrières] who is made governor of the citadel here, and M. Delamante, that was governor, is to retire into Piedmont; but by some late news the one neither placed nor the other displaced.”
I humbly thank your honour and my lady for your letter in my behalf, for my goods seized in the Custom house. “By Sir Walter Mildmay's absence, I could not thereby pleasure myself; but by the help of the deceased Sir William Garret's son and other my friends, I obtained friendship.”—Lyons, 28 December, 1584, stilo novo.
Add. Endd.pp. [France XII. 133.]
Dec. 18. Davison to Burghley.
By the enclosed copies of my letters to Mr. Secretary and of the articles agreed upon by the States, you will see that I find them resolved to go forward with the French, their commissioners being now at the Brill, only waiting for a wind, “the matter being drawn on thus far rather vi than consilio by some few seduced instruments, which are not yet made wise either by their own or other men's harms.” It is so “hardly digested” here that not only Overyssel but Gouda (which has protested in very bitter terms), Amsterdam and divers other towns in Holland seem resolved to take another course if the treaty go forward, thus making a breach which will hazard the whole cause if not better handled.
The preparations for freeing Antwerp increase daily, but nothing yet attempted. The enemy continues strong upon the ditches, where he has lost many by sickness, notwithstanding fresh supplies out of his garrisons. The river is not so commanded but that whole fleets pass, though not without danger, and now and then loss of vessels. If the passage continues open, even in this sort, he will find his enterprise more difficult than he looked for, which he would never have attempted, but that he hoped, by besieging the capital town of the country immediately upon the Prince's death, to strike such a terror into the hearts of all, especially those of Brussels and Mechlin, whose hopes depend upon Antwerp, that the least fruit he should reap would be the recovery of those two places, which being lost, Antwerp would be the easier dealt with; besides the hope he had, by his favourers within the town, to have bred a mutiny amongst them. Till he has compassed one or other of his hopes, there is little appearance of his abandoning his siege unless compelled.
The States have, at Bergen-op-Zoom, and other places thereabouts, above 3,000 men, and daily send munition and other things from hence, but whether for an exploit to divert the enemy, or to convoy succours for Brussels, or by cutting ditches to drown the country, and so force him to abandon the river, is not known.
In Antwerp, since the apprehension of those who “persuaded” an agreement with the enemy, they appear resolute to abide all extremity. They have twice relieved Brussels, and are themselves so well provided, that if the enemy hopes to recover them by famine, he is like to buy it very dearly. At Brussels, some of the magistrates and principals have conspired to deliver it to the enemy, but were happily prevented, the persons apprehended, and some, as we hear, already executed.
Young Teligny, who was taken, just before my arrival, coming down the river, is said to be dead.—The Hague, 18 December, 1584.
Postscript.—Mr. Fernando Pointz has been drowned upon the Texel, entering into the Zuydersee.
Signed. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 76.]
Dec. 18. Davison to Walsingham.
Since the despatch of my letters of the 5th, which have been forced back again by weather, I have received a copy of the States' Instructions to their commissioners, (fn. 1) with a discourse against the French treaty, which “being for the subject and handling thereof worthy the reading” I send you. The commissioners are still at the Brill, only Casimbroot, one of the deputies of Holland, pretending to be sick, has returned to this town.
Brussels is said to be re-victualled and Col. Morgan gone into garrison there with his whole regiment. There has been a mutiny there, but the better sort prevailing, they apprehended its authors and some are executed.
This week a fleet of above 150 sail have passed to Antwerp, of which three or four hoys have fallen into the enemy's hand and one or two were sunk by the cannon.
We hear that the Bishop of Liége is about Nuys, gathering a force to attempt something, as is thought, against Berck. The young Prince of Cleves is to be married to the daughter of Philibert, Marquis of Baden, which the Emperor has brought to pass to hinder the proposed match with the daughter of Duke Julius of Brunswick. The marriage is to be at Düsseldorf in February next, where the princes of the house of Bavaria and others, Catholics, are appointed to meet, and provision made to “furry” (fn. 2) 7,000 horse. The Prince of Parma is to be there with 2,000 horse, so that it is suspected that aliquid monstri alunt. This young duke is said to have renounced his bishopric of Münster, which the Bishop of Liége aspires to, hoping to prevail against both the Bishop of Bremen and Duke Julius of Brunswick's son, his competitors. The latter is to marry the daughter of the Elector Augustus of Saxony about Easter next.
Since the assembly at Prague between the Emperor, the Duke of Bavaria, the Pope's legate, the ambassadors of Spain and divers Catholic princes and commonwealths of Italy, there has been a second meeting at München in Bavaria; at both which Assonleville has assisted, sent from the Prince of Parma; what is hatched there, time will bring to light.—The Hague, 18 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid. XXIII. 77.]
Dec. 18. Christopher Hoddesdon to Walsingham.
Mr. Davison does not wish me to depart until this bearer returns, and I have promised him to remain here a fortnight longer. My despatch will not take long, as I am lodged in the palace, and all my charges borne by the Estates.
Mr. Ortel is to be trusted, as a man that fears God and desires the good correspondence of England with these parties, but Mr. “Greze” is to be doubted.
I have told the ladies of Egmont that you will remember them, “and that they should know before my departure”; therefore I pray you to have in mind my credit.—The Hague, 18 December, 1584.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 78.]
Dec. 18/28. The Magistrates Of Antwerp to the Privy Council.
We have been informed by certain of our burgers, named Mathias Gous and Michel Eemes, respectively owner and portionaire of the ship called l'Esperance, that the said ship has been seized in London upon the claim of the wife of Moses Foching, who alleges that goods which she had put upon the ship here for transport to London have been carried away by ordinance of the colonels and some captains of this city; and the owners of the ship have only been able to secure her liberation by putting in caution for 1,200l. sterling.
We find that the captains here had just reason for seizing the said goods; for Foching being in the service of the States-General, in the English regiment at Alost, not only forsook the said service, but assisted in the surrender of the town into the hands of the enemy and took service with them, as a gentleman of the company of Capt. Taeller, serving the Prince of Parma. So that the said goods were justly declared confiscated and being publicly sold here, only brought in the sum of a hundred and fifty nine florins.
We therefore pray your lordships to give orders for the annulling of the caution and release of the ship, upon view of the attestations and testimonies taken in this town, which we send herewith.—Antwerp, 28 December, 1584.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. XXIII. 79.]
Dec. 18. Frederick Schwartz De Ruissingen to Davison.
In fulfilment of his promise, sends a summary of news from divers parts, to be sent to Walsingham with his apologies for not writing. Desires to know if Walsingham still has the duplicate of the cipher which he sent to him at Antwerp six years ago, in which case he can write freely.—The Hague, 18 December, stilo veteri, 1584.
Add. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XXIII. 80.]
Dec. 19/29. Maximilien De Hornes to Walsingham.
I have received your letter touching an English gentleman taken in the parts of the enemy by the soldiers of this garrison and brought hither, whom I send you although he had agreed for his ransom; assuring you that even if he had been a prisoner of much greater importance I would have done so, to show you how much I desire to please and serve you.—Ostend, 29 December, 1584. Signed, Your very humble and affectionate friend to serve and obey you, Maximilien de Hornes.
Add. Endd. “The Count of Horne.” Fr. ¾ p. [Holl. and Fl. XXIII. 81.]
Dec. 19/29. Mauvissière to Burghley, Leicester and Walsingham.
I have been desired by the Queen of Scots and by M. Nau, now here with commission from her, to pray the Queen, your mistress, to allow her to defer her departure for a few days from the place where she is, until she is better and can endure the fatigue and the air, which she could not now do without danger. And as I cannot at once speak with her Majesty, I beg you to make this request to her, as it is a question of the Queen of Scots' health, of which I know her Majesty has always been very careful. The King my master will share in this favour, as in all those done to the Queen of Scots, as if done to himself.—London, 29 December, 1584.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France XII. 134.]


  • 1. See p. 166, above,
  • 2. i.e. quartar.