Elizabeth: August 1583, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: August 1583, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp77-79 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1583, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp77-79.

"Elizabeth: August 1583, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp77-79.

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August 1583, 21–25

Aug. 22./Sept. 1. 96. J. Jernegan to Walsingham.
I have received your letters to my greatest comfort, and humbly beseech the continuation of your mediation with her Majesty in my poor behalf, “confessing my offence unpardonable if the bounty of her clemency were not the greater.
Here is nothing “worthy” but that Monsieur's secretary, taken with his master's letters, was ten days since sent to the Prince of Parma at his camp before Ypres.
Bergues, though compounded with before the taking of Dunkirk, is still continued in by the French, who have lately issued out and taken certain prisoners. “The breach was upon the value of the double ducat, which being offered for more in payment than it is worth here, they refused; the whole sum, 20,000 crowns.” M. La Motte is again in parley with them, and it is expected they will in the end surrender.
“Sir, it may please you have respect to my safety. Bates hath at Dover bewrayed himself to convey certain secret advertisements to your honour, to his great charge and travail, and to be discontented with the reward it pleased you to bestow upon him.” His speeches against you came to the ears of an English soldier here, who was going to impart them to the governor, enjoined by his oath so to do, as he alleged.
Meeting me, he told me his intent. The news amazed me, considering the severity here daily used, and I knew not what to do, but have persuaded him to wait a little longer, until more certainly informed. If Bates were apprehended, “I should suffer the smart; he is so lavish of tongue and so desirous of preferment on this side, as he is not to be trusted.”
He will be in England at Bartlemew Fair. If you would stay him there till my despatch from hence, I should be in much more safety, for I cannot yet depart, and if he return hither, assuredly he will be apprehended. He has of late been at Dunkirk, where he has “most unreverently railed at her Majesty concerning Mr. Rawlye,” and also at Gravelines, in such manner as I dare not write without warrant. If you stay him, the searcher at Dover is too much his friend to be acquainted therewith, by whose friendship he transports hides, wool, wheat &c.
Here is one Pounds, who has long roved upon the seas and “is now practising for shipping out of England to serve on this side, with whom Bates is also consorted,” as lewd a person in mind and tongue as ever I heard of. He is greatly friended in the Isle of Thanet (Tennett ).”
I formerly asked your favour for the passing of two geldings, and have caused one Gylberd (who has only one eye) to wait upon you when he brings them out of the country.—Gravelines, 1 September, “after this account.”
I again importune you about Bates. “The peril is great to me, “the danger nothing to him.”
Add.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XX. 17.]
[Aug. 25.] 97. Edward Bates to Walsingham.
Upon Sunday last, August 18, 1583, M. la Motte (Lamot) being in Gravelines, was sent for to Berghes (Berguis) by the governor, leaving three of his chief captains for a pledge, to come to a composition for the town. M. la Motte demanded if they would go out with bag and baggage, as at Dunkirk, but they refused unless they had three months' pay, saying “they would liever fight it out and die like men than to go out of the town having neither good apparel nor money in their purses.” So after consideration, that if they brought the cannon before the town, it would grow to loss of money and men, having no great store of victuals, and winter coming on, they thought better to lose a little money than to abide the hazard to win the place by force; and on the Tuesday they agreed for 30,000 crowns which was paid in two days, and on the Friday or Saturday the Frenchmen marched away into France.
Those in the camp at Ypres (Iper) have made a sconce close by the town, on the highway between Bruges and Ypres, where are 2,000 horse and foot and six cannon. I hear that the rest of the camp is broken until next year, as winter draws on and victuals will be scarce, and they would lose a great part of their men. The poor boors of the country begin already to die for hunger.
I hear privately that the States will make a peace for the whole land, “for they care no more for the Prince of Orange.” The Hollanders who travel with merchandise report evil of him, and say that he is but a traitor.
The Flushing men of war on the sea do not lie before Flushing, Gravelines, Dunkirk or Nieuport, but when they take any Englishman bound for any of the Iving's towns they will rob him and confiscate his goods. They suffer the Flemings of Dover, Sandwich or Dunkirk to travel in and out quietly, without any trouble.
Postscript.—Names of the governors of towns lately won by the Malcontents:
Sign or Escovado—Dunkirk.
M. Ninnerleet—Nieuport.
Capt. Philip Hannon—Furne.
Capt. James, a Spaniard—Dixmude.
M. de la Cocquel—Bergues.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XX. 18.]
Aug. 25./Sept. 4. 98. The Duke Of Anjou to the States General.
Has already informed them of his resolution to come to Cambray, after giving orders for its supply with the victuals and munition of which it stood in need. It is now in good condition, and as he cannot better elsewhere assist their affairs, he means here to employ the forces which he has and which are coming to him daily. Complains that he has had no reply to the many despatches he has sent them, it being impossible but that things should go badly without correspondence, and while they are so tardy in coming to any resolution about their affairs. Assures them that nothing shall be wanting on his part, and urges them (who have the first and greatest interest in the matter) to put their hands to the work, that it may take a better course than (to his loss) it did formerly.—Cambray, 4 September, 1583
Copy. Endd. Fr.pp. [Ibid. XX. 19.]
Cf. his letter of Sept 3 to the Prince of Orange, printed in Correspondence de la maison d' Orange Nassau, VIII. p. 252.
Aug. 25./Sept. 4. 99. M. De La Motte to Walsingham.
Has received his honour's letter and is this moment despatching the bearer with those he himself has written, in as favourable terms as possible, to the Count of Hesnin and the magistracy of Arras, to obtain the liberation of the gentleman named d'Almonde, as desired. If this method does not succeed, will willingly do his best in other ways. By former letters, his honour stated that the soldiers prisoners at Neuf-Chatel were to be sent back except six whom he judged ought to suffer death. Prays that before going further in the matter, clear and sufficient informations may be given, lest they should suffer who have not been guilty.—Gravelines, 4 September, 1583. Signed Valentin de Pardieu, Seigneur de la Motte.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XX. 20.]