Index: A

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: A', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: A". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Aachen. See Aix-la-Chapelle.

Achmet Aga, imprisonment of, 40.

-, Pasha, former Beglerbey of Erzroum, 86.

Adams, Henry, servant to Cobham, 119.

Adenton, John, ship of, plundered, 146.

Admiralty, Judge of, 115;

his answer to the Spanish ambassador, 249;

reply to, by the ambassador, 250;

proofs made before, 358. And see Lewes, Dr. David.

Advignan, one, a messenger, 252.

Aelst (Alostanus), Peter van, document signed by, as President of the States General, 461.

Aerschot, Duke of. See Croy, Philippe de.

-, Duchess of, is coming to Bruges, 484.

Aerssens, Cornells, greffier of the States General, document signed by, 461.

Æ sop (Ysop), a fable of, quoted, 328.

Africa, the Sultan may trouble Spain “from the side of” 428.

Agen, or Agent, in Languedoc, the King and Queen of Navarre to meet at, 337;

the Queen of Navarre at, 427.

Ague, the “new frensy” 67.

Aigues-Mortes (Eyguemortes), reported exchange of, for Beaucaire, 371.

Aiguillon, near Rochelle, rendezvous for the navy at, 420.

Aix-la-Chapelle, Aachen or Aquis Grane, 226;

Augsburg Confession introduced into, 12, 403;

dangerous position of, 360;

Imperial Assembly to be held at, 385, 403, 411, 428;

cause of, undertaken by Imperial cities, 408.

Alais, Alet, in Languedoc, surprised by the Papists, 198, 201;

restoration of, demanded, 272.

Alarach. See El Arnish.

Alatri, church of, 209.

Albanians (Albanese), in the Prince of Parma's army, 241, 373;

cruelties or plundering of, 25, 368;

cruel treatment of, as prisoners, 522.

Albene. See Bene, del.

Aldergaiss, merchant of Cologne, 49.

Alderton, Richard, 516, 517.

Aldred, Solomon, is trying to procure Edward Unton's deliverance, 66, 75;

and Fitzherbert, are birds of a feather, 340.

Alen, Mr., at Bruges, 31.

Aleppo, a prisoner brought to, 41.

Alet, Allet. See Alais.

Alexander, alias Petro Vaivode, a Greek, pretensions of, 41.

Alexandria, Turkish fleet coming from, 180;

Roads of, Turkish galleon burnt in, 572.

Alexandria fleet, the TurkishAdmiral goes to “safe-conduct” 572.

Alfeyran, Alfaran (Alpherant), has returned to France from England, 178;

leaves Monsieur's court, 220, 221.

Algier, Algiers, Argier, Christian captives in, rescued, 330;

galliots of, 209;

pirates of, 40;

the Turkish admiral goes to. 40, 108;

those of, ordered not to molest English ships, 536.

-, Hassan, viceroy of, supported by the Turkish admiral, 180;

governor or Beglerbey of, orders to, 536;

“King” of, galleys of, 634.

Algirone, Ferat Bassa has retired to, 649.

Alicante, troops in, 229, 367.

Alkmaar (Alkmeare), “States” of, entertained by the Prince of Orange, 254.

Allain, M. de, regiment of, 148.

Allègre, Madame d', marriage of her daughter, 54, 71.

Allen, Thomas, merchant, ships of, taken, 292;

his account, 293.

-, (Alanus), Dr. William, president of the English seminary at Rheims, reasons of, for pardoning a prisoner, 48;

an Englishman ransomed by instigation of, 115;

remonstrates against the imprisonment of those accused of libels against the Queen, 315;

meetings of, with the refugees at Paris, 399, 504;

is there very secretly, 505;

persuades the Pope to lend money to Lord Paget, 534.

Alliarius. See Du Pin.

Almazan, Marquis of, Spanish governor of Navarre, 292.

Almond or Aumond, alias Vavasor, Roger, charges against and defence of, 47;

liberation of, desired, 79.

-, parents and cousin of, 48.

Alost, 313, 338, 375;

designs of the enemy against, 43, 46, 71, 90;

English troops go into, 62, 70;

plot to give up, 124, 148;

supplies for, 176, 193;

mutiny at, 202;

must surrender unless relieved, 210;

hardships of the soldiers at, 238, 239, 240;

betrayal of, by the English captains, 238, 240, 242, 245–47, 253, 255, 257, 263;

alluded to, 516, 606, 615;

betrayers of. See Pigot;


English soldiers from, disposal of, 268, 271;

revolters at, imprisoned and sentenced, 517.

-, letter dated from, 125.

-, commander at. See Williams;

Governor of, see Soubshait;

minister of, sold to the enemy, 516.

Alpen, near Berck on the Rhine, is victualled, 372.

Alps (“Mounts”), the, Spanish forces crossing, 453, 478.

Alsatz, Alsace, forces levied in, 51.

Altemal, near Dunkirk, letter dated at, 2.

Altenkirchen (Oldkirk), Casimir's forces at, 128.

Alva, Duke of. See Toledo.

Ambassadors, residents, envoys:

the common usage of, as to visiting each other, 435.

English, to Denmark. See Herbert.

-, to the Emperor. See Waad.

-, to France. See Cobham;


-, to the Low Countries. See Davison.

-, to the Porte. See Harborne.

-, to Russia. See Bowes.

-, to Spain. See Waad.

Danish, to England. See Budd;


French, to England. See Castelnau, Sieur de Mauvissière.

-, to Denmark. See Danzay.

-, to the Porte, 88, 308.

-, to Rome. See Foix;

Vivonne, Sieur de St. Gouard.

-, (agent) in Spain, 318, 331, 445.

-, to the Low Countries. See Sorbiers.

-, to Switzerland. See Clausse, Henry.

-, to Venice, 418.

Imperial, to the Porte, death of, 87, 88;

his successor, see Preuner.

LLow Countries, agents or deputies from, to England. See Ortell;


-, to France, 137. See Caron;

Lalaign, Sieur de la Mouillerie and Asseliers.

Muscovite, to Turkey, murdered, 327, 649.

Papal Nuncio to Cologne. See Austria, Andreas, Cardinal of;

Buonuomo, Gio. Francisco, Bishop of Vercelli.

-, to the Emperor, 558.

-, to France. See Castelli;


-, (agent) at the Porte, 88.

-, to Poland. See Bolognetti.

-, to Spain, 114. See Sega;


-, to the Swiss, 230.

-, to Venice, 114.

From Parma, to France, 367.

Polish, to Turkey, 86, 179.

From Savoy, to France, 3, 113, 114, 164, 239, 251. And see La Croix.

Scottish, to France. See Beaton, Bishop of Glasgow;

Seton, Lord.

Spanish, to the Emperor. See San Clemente.

-, to England. See Mendoza;


-, (agent) in France. See Taxis.

-, (agent) at Genoa. See Mendoza, Pedro de.

-, to Rome. See Olivares.

-, to the Swiss, 230.

-, to Turkey. See Milanese.

-, (agent) at Venice, 292.

From Sweden to England (in 1562). See Guldenstern.

Venetian, to Emperor. See Lippomani.

-, to France. See Moro, Giovanni.

-, (bailo) to the Porte. See Moresini, Giovanni.

-, to Rome. See Priuli.

-, to Spain. See Gradenigo.

Amboise, castle and prison of, 54.

Amersfort, garrison of, in mutiny, 210.

Amiens, troops at, 10.

Amsterdam, burgomasters of, letter of recommendation from, 207.

-, letter dated at, 632.

Amurath. See Murad.

Amyot, Jacob, Bishop of Auxerre, character of, 621.

Ancona, travellers to, 464.

Andalusia, the plague in, 55.

Andernach, on the Rhine, held by Count Isenburg, 96;

will probably be taken (by Casimir), 145;

is neutral, 241.

Andrea or Andreas, Dr. Jacob, Concordia “procured” by (for the Elector of Saxony), 128;

writes and preaches against Ségur, 547;

chased out of Saxony, 628.

Andros (Androse), Captain, 30.

Angeliny, Angel, letters from, 465, 472, 501, 642.

Angennes, Louis d', Marquis de Maintenon, agrees with the King's speech, 206;

character of, 621.

-, Nicolas d', Marquis de Rambouillet, welcomes Stafford to France, 154;

character of, 621.

Angers, convention at, 105.

Angoulême, Henri d', Grand Prior of France, bastard son of Henry II., report that he is to be governor of Paris and the Isle de France, 104.

Angra, in Terceira, letter dated from, 294.

Angus, Earl of. See Douglas.

Anhalt (Hanalt), Joachim Ernest, Prince of, visited by Ségur, 441, 449;

answer of, to the King of Navarre, 531.

Anholt (Hanolt), horsemen going to, taken, 431;

Daniel Rogers taken to, 539.

-, Baron of. See Bronkhurst.

-, widowed Baroness of, holds Daniel Rogers a prisoner, 110;

efforts to obtain his release from, 538, 540.

Anneval, M. d', marriage, descent and revenue of, 104.

Antonio, Don, Prior of Crato, pretender to the throne of Portugal, 2, 28, 38, 75, 123, 223, 512;

news received or forwarded by, 68, 149, 286, 414;

the Duke of Mayenne offers to help, 98;

is much displeased with the French surrender of the Terceiras, 105;

his negotiation with the Queen-Mother, 113;

asks aid from Elizabeth, 113, 332;

confesses the loss of Terceira, 151;

a new enterprise for, 163;

asks Stafford to visit him, ibid.;

Stafford's interview with, 214;

distressed state of, 243, 244, 491, 492;

reported reconciliation of, with Spain, 246;

sends letters to Elizabeth, 259;

visits Stafford, 266;

movements of, 290;

money lent to, 291;

aid for, hoped for, from France and England, 294;

said to have accepted a pension from the King of Spain, 295;

efforts of, to annoy the King of Spain, 298, 419;

wishes to send the Queen a jewel, 318;

Elizabeth accused of giving support to, 334;

her response to his requests, 342, 345;

will have half a loaf rather than no bread, 369;

conversation of, with Stafford, 370;

offers to mediate between England and France for a league, 380, 381;

the French King's recommendation of, alluded to, 389;

Elizabeth's disposition to aid, 433, 454;

means to retire into England, 452;

monks and friars with, 492;

the Queen will not resolve about, 541;

suggested application to, by the Low Countries, 576;

ships for, lost in a storm, 605;

gives warning of plot against her Majesty, 618;

wishes to have the Prince of Orange's place, 618;

illness of, 634;

debts of, 641.

-, agent of. See. Botelho;

ambassador from, 6.

-, children of, in Portugal, 290.

-, fleet of, at the Terceiras, 6;

biscuit for, 260;

about to depart, 367.

-, followers or officers of, 29, 260, 369, 419, 423, 652, 653.

-, letter from, 29.

-, ships preparing for, 36, 266, 298, 349, 418, 452, 486, 493.

Antwerp, 1, 66, 71, 88, 245, 255, 266, 339, 606, 615;

French Fury at, alluded to, 12, 149, 258, 295, 509, 607;

expected yielding of, to Parma, 24;

report of trouble in, “against the Prince of Orange,” 28;

English captains at, 32;

merchants of, ibid.;

St. Aldegonde chosen governor of, 33;

suspected persons to depart from, ibid.;

persons in, holding intelligence with the enemy, 80, 81;

offers money for Casimir's army, 89;

points drawn up in, for union and defence, 101;

cavalry of, defeated, 148;

tax in, on houses, 153;

refugees arrive at, 154;

dykes near, cutting of, 171, 176, 193, 208, 522, 595, 624;

will hold firm to Holland and Zeeland, 176;

annoyed by the Spaniards at Rupelmonde, 182;

contributions of, for payment of soldiers, and to maintain the war, 203, 210, 246, 311, 354, 631;

ships of war at, 208;

changes in the government of, 210;

Malcontents arrested in, 213;

supplies sent from, captured, 237;

victuals to be sent from, to Alost, 240;

Colonel Norreys at, 245;

the Queen to be “mentioned in the churches of,” 262;

an ambassador from German Princes at, 295;

forces of, go against Lierre, 302–304;

to accept Monsieur again, 303;

in relation to Ghent, see Ghent;

new government at, 324, 341;

false reports in, 335;

soldiers from, burn villages (to hinder the enemy), 337;

resolution to be taken at, concerning Monsieur, 355;

cost of armour in, 373;

the loss of Flanders will bring ruin to, 375;

is reported to intend to treat with Parma, 383;

Princess of Chimay at, 504;

proposals to, from the Queen, 508–510;

imports and exports of, annual value of, 509;

chances of preserving, 527, 528;

importance of her trade. 564, 567;

Malcontents' proceedings near, 569;

in relation to the debt due to the Queen, 576;

forces of, 580;

decay of trade in, 560;

the Prince of Parma hopes to cause division in, ibid.;

only women, children and strangers may leave, 580, 595;

the Prince of Parma's large offers to, 596;

strongly fortified, 608;

extremity and danger of, 610, 623, 625, 636;

French soldiers at, mutiny, 636.

-, the Breedenraad or Great Council at, 212;

money granted by, 153, 488;

meeting of, 336;

consents to receive Monsieur again, 363.

-, Bourse of, rebuilt, 12;

is much more magnificent than the former, 213;

Easterling house at, 401;

Town house at, rebuilt, 12;

placard put up on, 336.

-, burghers, people or “those” of, may probably accept Monsieur again, 10, 204;

papists, 10, 210, 401;

measures of, for their defence, 12, 140, 144, 151, 171, 176, 208;

conflicting views of, 21;

hire soldiers to protect their villages, 75;

will hold out to the last, 170, 207;

favour their own garrisons and neglect the English, 239;

their recall of St. Aldegonde, 258;

a large proportion of, are of the Religion, 354;

reported to have slain St. Aldegonde and Col. Tempel, 404;

join in the attempt to surprise Ghent, 451;

certain of, banished, 469;

will accept Monsieur, but not receive his garrison, 513;

are greatly dismayed, 580;

difference of religion amongst, 595;

those who have left, summoned to return, 595, 608, 618;

some inclined to negotiate with Parma, others not, 596;

a ship seized by, 605;

alarm and cowardice of, 607;

those who fly from the city, fined, 641.

-, burgomaster of, see St. Aldegonde;

colonels of, 605;

echevin of, 236, and see Muller;

pensionary of, sent as deputy to the States General, 137;

former treasurer of, see Schetz.

-, commissioners from,to Ghent, 211;

to Bergen, 212;

commissioners from Ghent at, 402, 415;

deputies of, absent themselves from the States General, 149;

go to the meeting of the States General, 175, 303.

-, the ferry over against, 586, 595, 596.

-, forts near, 12, 153, 596;

of the enemy, 336, 341.

-, gates of, closed, 80, 266;

fortified, 213;

the Red and St. Jorge's, 12;

St. James', monument on, 213;

St. Michaels', 295.

-, letters dated at, 7, 11, 13, 35, 40, 80, 128, 137, 138, 153, 154, 177, 178, 194, 195, 202, 213, 239, 241, 257, 259, 262, 266, 295, 302, 304, 324, 327, 330, 336, 338, 341, 346, 355, 376, 377, 390, 391, 403, 424, 437, 461, 463, 469, 473, 488, 489, 501, 504, 551, 561, 566, 597, 598, 601, 609–611, 624–626, 633, 635.

-, magistrates of, measures taken by, for defence of the city, 12, 624, 625;

deputies sent to, from Flanders, 89;

Hembyse confers with, 137;

some of, desire an agreement with Parma, 625.

-, news from, 186, 208, 378, 429, 465, 488, 550, 586.

-, the “passage” to, by the river, the enemy's attempts to impede or close, 151, 263, 375, 569, 596, 608, 615, 624–626, 636, 641.

Apocalypse, the, soothsayer's predictions founded on, 130.

Aquis Grane. See Aix-la-Chapelle.

Aragon, tumult in, feared, 18;

governor of, see Santiago.

Archipelago, islands of, the Turkish fleet goes to protect, 572.

Arden, Edward, sentenced and executed for treason, 651, 652.

-, Mary, wife of the above, sentenced, 651.

Ardenburg, abandoned by the enemy, 194, 202.

Arenberg, Count of. See Ligny.

Argeyl (Argell), supposed design against, 304.

Argyll, Earl of. See Campbell.

Arian, an, 327.

Ariosto, quotation from, 153.

Arles, enterprise against, 371.

Armenian merchants, 328, 439.

Armeville-Bacqueville, M. d', ship belonging to, 146.

Armour, prices of, 373.

Arnault (Arnolt), a captain of the Duke of Guise, 231.

Arnemuiden (Armewe), traveller to, 246.

Arnhem (Harnam), a fort built at, 148;

Count van den Berg arrested at, 212;

plot to surrender, 247;

States' forces near, 310;

design upon, discovered, 355;

Truchsess at, 431;

the States' cannon at, 516.

-, letter dated at, 432.

Arnsberg, Arensberg, in Westfalia, letters dated at, 227, 228, 236.

Arques, near Dieppe, the Duke of Guise at, 37.

Arques, Anne d' Due de Joyeuse, 17, 20;

in Italy, 2, 17, 19;

his return, 16, 28;

to meet the King at Lyons, 37, 47;

his journey to Italy, alluded to, 39, 54, 60, 66, 99, 252;

illness of, 66, 67, 159;

is to be governor of Provence, 104;

has recovered his health, 105;

his relations with the Duke of Guise, 159, 163, 164, 196, 620;

his antagonism to Montmorency, 161, 173, 314;

jealousies between Epernon and, 163, 164, 196–198, 314, 379, 380, 620;

returns to the court, 196;

seeks the chancellorship for his brother, 217;

the King going to visit, 239;

introduces Lord Seton to the French King, 369;

does not wish for war, 370;

at Narbonne, 371;

supports Lavardin in a quarrel, 445;

his composition with the Queen of Scots for rights in Champagne, 456, 460, 465;

thanks Elizabeth, 512;

fears Epernon's mission to Navarre, 519;

character of, 620.

-, -, as Admiral of France, 52, 285, 290, 419;

memorials referred to and orders by, 145, 146, 653;

need of his friendship in English merchants' affairs, 159, 456;

in Normandy, 357, 446;

proposed journey of, along the coast, 418, 420, 427.

-, Duchess of, the Queen's sister, sends to Sir E. Stafford and his wife, 456;

the French King writes on behalf of, 460.

-, Guillaume, Sieur de Joyeuse, Marshal of France (old Joyeuse), father of the Duc de Joyeuse, 427;

plotting of, against Montmorency, 198;

sent for by the French King, 230;

forces under, 248;

his siege of Montreal raised, 249;

warning sent to, by the King, 252;

defeat of, before Montreal, 266;

govern ment of Languedoc desired by, 314;

his appointment to the government of Languedoc protested against, 380;

character of, 620.

-, Francois.Bishop of Narbonne, brother of the Due de Joyeuse, 37;

wishes for the chancellor ship, 217;

a cardinal's hat desired for, 252;

to be made a cardinal, 267;

is made a cardinal, 316;

character of, 620.

Arran, Earl of. See Stewart, James.

Arras, Roger Almonde imprisoned and tried at, 47, 79;

a priest suspected to be the Bishop of, 98;

debt of, to Elizabeth, 576.

Arsinoe, Bishop of. See Ragazzoni.

Artois (Hartesia), 24, 47;

Monsieur intends to send forces into, 16, 27, 296;

Parma reported to be going to, 30, 183;

Malcontents of, fear the Spaniards, 57;

garrisons in, sent for into Flanders, 253.

-, governor of. See Melun, Marquis of Richebourg.

-, town of, villages near, burnt, 126.

Artois and Hainault, truce for, desired, 195;

the people of, desire a peace, 296;

great talk in, of a peace with the States, 326;

reports in, 366;

Prince of Parma's garrisons drawn out of, 472;

preparation of artillery in, 494;

the French might throw them selves upon, if supported, 528;

have sent to the Prince of Parma for assistance, 538;

towns of, bound to the Queen for repayment of her debt, 576.

-, Malcontents of, Monsieur offers to make war against, 125;

negotiations of, with the Four Members of Flanders, 374, 389, 444;

and with Ghent. See Ghent.

-, States of, assembly of, to be held, 126;

assembly of, is ended, 326;

letter from, to the King of Spain and his reply, mentioned, 361.

Arundel, castle of, 652.

Arundel, Earl of. See Howard, Philip.

-, Countess of, “a very brave lady,” sent for to London, 652.

-Charles, 249, 272, 349, 357, 420;

the Queen's commands concerning, 252, 269;

arrives in Paris, 259, 657, 658;

character and movements of, 281;

his reasons for leaving England, 347, 348, 658;

visits the Duke of Guise, 400;

alleged traitorous practices of, 483;

meetings of, with Scottish refugees, 505;

resolves to go to Scotland, 515;

money lent to, by the Pope, 534.

Asseliers, Jehan de, Audiencer of Brabant, 149, 552;

to be sent to Monsieur, 223;

goes to Monsieur, 526;

his mission to France with La Mouillerie, see Lalaign, Sieur de la Mouillerie.

Assisi, Abbéy of, given to Monsignor Bolognetti, 650.

Assonleville, Christopher d', of the Spanish Privy Council in the Low Countries, opinion given by, 48;

said to have set on the murderer of the Prince of Orange, 578, 627.

Athe, English troops at, lack victuals, 223.

Athtou (?), letter dated at, 105.

Atkinson, Clinton. See Clinton.

Aubeterre, letter dated at, 658.

Aubigny, Seigneur d'. See Stuart, Esme, Duke of Lennox.

-, Baron d', directions sent by, to Bruges, 426.

Aubrey, Dr. William, and the treaty with Elbing, 8.

Auch, a town in Gascony, seized by the Huguenots, 273.

Augsburg, Augusta, princes at, 60;

fear of a commotion in, over the new calendar, 355;

couriers sent to, 437;

mastered by the Papists, 550;

those of the Religion in, forbidden to leave, ibid.;

disturbances at, 565.

-, Bishop of, a great Jesuit, 95.

-, Confession of, or Augustan Confession, exercise of, permitted, 12;

Dr. Sturm accused of falling away from, 131;

read by Truchsess, 235;

danger of disturbance in relation to, 408.

-Diet of (in 1548), alluded to, 496;

(in 1582), allusions to, 3, 92, 94, 95, 97, 235, 360, 407;

decree of, against the English merchants, execution of, desired, 224, 421, 518, 589.

Augustins, the, the French King's “brother penitenciers” at, 37.

Augustusburg, Saxony, letters dated at, 451, 531.

Aula, — de, banished from Bruges, 144.

Aumâle, Due de. See Lorraine, Charles de.

-, Chevalier d', brother of the Duke d'Aumâle, takes up his younger brother's quarrel, 217.

Aumont, Jean d', Marshal of France, character of, 620.

Aurick, in East Friesland, 495;

letter dated at, 437.

Austria, Albert, Cardinal Archduke of, Governor of Portugal, 378;

to leave Portugal and be chief ruler in Spain under the King, 634, 643.

-, Andreas, Cardinal of, natural son of Archduke Ferdinand, appointed legate to Cologne, but turns back, 93;

desires the bishopric of Liége, 97.

-, Charles, Archduke of, brother-in-law of. See Bavaria, Ernest of.

-, Elizabeth of, widow of Charles IX. of France, “la reine blanche,” marriage of, with the King of Spain, said to be concluded, 55, 99.

-, Ernestus, Archduke of, brother of the Emperor, 55;

movements of, 60, 97, 107;

is expected to marry one of the King of Spain's daughters, 108.

-, Ferdinand, Archduke of, uncle to the Emperor Rudolf, 60;

tries to stop troops from joining Casimir, 35;

forces levied by, 51;

is head of the Catholic league, 93;

the christening of his child, 97;

going to the Assembly at Rotenburg, 385, 408, 429.

-, Don John of, allusions to, 310, 334.

-Mathias, Archduke of, is sent to the Elector of Saxony, 128.

-, the House of, is waxing aged, 97;

has overshadowed Germany, 346;

its dependence upon Spain, 602;

princes of, a soothsayer predicts ruin to, 130.

Avignon, removal of the Papal see to, alluded to, 267;

enterprise upon, forbidden by the King of Navarre, 350;

report that the Pope will give, to Spain, 427.

-, county of, the French King wishes to buy, from the Pope, 252.

Avigua, Antonio d'. See Vigua.

Avrilly or Aurilly, Jacques d', maitre d' hotel and favourite of Monsieur, joins the order of Penitents, 71;

proposed marriage of, 165, 217, 232;

at Chateâu-Thierry, 166;

reported plot against, 284, 298;

the Comté of Montfort given to, 298.

Axel, in Flanders, sends deputies to the Duke of Parma, 144;

summoned by Count Hohenlohe, 193;

surrendered to the Malcontents, 208.

Aymond, Father, a Jesuit, influence of, with the French King, 319, 452.

Aytta, Bucho von, provost of Ghent, said to be captured, 241,

Azores, Spanish navy prepared for, 20.

Azzolino, postmaster of Mantua, 209.