Elizabeth: June 1584, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: June 1584, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp549-561 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: June 1584, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp549-561.

"Elizabeth: June 1584, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp549-561.

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June 1584, 11–20

June 11. 671. Thomas Beckner to Walsingham.
My last was by John de Vigues, with one from William Robinson. This day I have received the enclosed from him to his brother John Robinson, also your honour's letter of the 25th of last month, by Pitou the post. I have sent Tupper (Towper) your letter to him, and told him to pay Robinson twenty crowns, according to your order, “which will come him very well to pass,” for he hath great need.
For your friendly remembrance of my suit, I and mine shall ever be bound to you. If any difficulty arises, I pray you use your discretion and make an end of it. If necessity did not force me, I would not be so impertinent to you; “as true as the Lord liveth, if I had never dealt in the merchants' affairs, it had been better with me than it is by a thousand pounds and more.”—Rouen, 11 June, English style, 1584.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XI. 135.]
June 12/22. 672. Alexander Sovigo to Walsingham.
As one who has been ever desirous to do your honour faithful service, I venture to direct these few lines to you. For many years I have desired to serve you, though through fear that you might reject me as unworthy, and my “imbecility” at present to perform anything, I have not let you understand of it till now. And even now I durst not have ventured, had not Mr. William Waad, at his last being here, assured me that you would accept of the same, with which good hope I will leave to trouble you any further.
I have no news to give you but that the King yesterday despatched Marshal de Retz for Picardy, with commission to visit and fortify all the fortresses of those parts. He departs on the 26th; what the occasion is we know not, but doubt the worst.
We look daily here at the Court for the King of Navarre, the Prince of Conde and M. d'Epernon. When there is anything worth the writing, I will not “let” to advertise you.—Paris, 22 June, 1584.
Add. Endd.pp. [France XI. 136.]
June 13. 673. Ortell to Walsingham.
The post being just arrived, I send you what we learn from both parts, praying you to remember the letters written by the generality, that I may have good and speedy resolution thereupon. I hope next Tuesday to be at the Court.—From my house, 13 June, stilo veteri.
Postscript.—I learn from a good source that great quantity of munition and artillery is daily sent from these coasts to the enemy. If her Majesty does not see to it, it is to be feared that they will in the end be furnished with so much that they will have enough, in a very short time, to put ships to sea.
Underwritten News from Cologne and Antwerp.
Cologne, 14 June, new style.—What the end of this war will be is still uncertain, for on the part of the new Bishop, there are not wanting extortions, executions, violation of women, in fine fire and blood on all sides, such that not even the Turks would dare to think of such enormities. Moreover, the canons and ecclesiastics themselves dare not leave their houses or go to the churches, because they are so pressed to satisfy the Spaniards and their party with their pay.
The said Bishop has given up to the Spaniards, that is to Don Juan Manrique, the strong house of Bedbur, with the villages belonging to it, and the vassals thereof have been forced against their will to make oath and homage to the Spaniard, as to their natural lord. In short, the ecclesiastics too late repent themselves, and it is with them as with the frogs and their king.
Augsburg has been surprised by about a thousand soldiers, who, by the management of the Papists there, treasonably entered, and having united their forces, ordered those of the Religion to keep their houses and take oath not to leave the city.
Antwerp, 16 June, new style.—The enemy and the Malcontents of Flanders, especially in Bruges, are in such want of victuals that a pound of butter costs fourteen and fifteen patars and corn is not to be got for money. If the prohibition continues and no provisions are taken there, either all Flanders must range itself on our side, or the enemy must withdraw. It is said certainly that the troops of Italy and Spain have arrived at Namur.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 5.]
June 14/24. 674. Pietro Bizarri to Walsingham.
It is common news here that on the 9th [sic] of this month the Duke d'Ale neon passed to a better life, and this is confirmed by the last from Paris, yesterday morning, which being so we can only say with Holy Scripture, may the days be shortened for the sake of the elect.
The last news from Cologne is that the new Elector has been captured in Westfalia by Truchsess's men, but of this we wait confirmation.
Count Neuenaar, governor of Gueldres, has intercepted supplies going from the Malcontents to Zutphen, many carts laden with victuals and about 7,000 Spanish pistolets in money; so there is good hope that city may be recovered. The enemy is said to have lately received some overthrow near Bergen or Dome [qy. Ordingen], places on the Rhine which still hold out for Truchsess.
Fifteen ships have come hither from Holland and Zeeland with soldiers and provisions, and more are expected. It is said they are going to succour Ghent.
You will do me a singular favour if you will recommend my Salisbury business to Mr. Robert Beale, and also offer my humble good wishes to the Earl of Bedford, my old lord and master. —Antwerp, 24 June, 1584.
Endd. Italianpp.[Holl. and Fl. XXII. 6.]
June 15. 675. Stafford to Walsingham.
I received your letters by Tupper on the 22nd. I had afore taken order underhand by a friend that I should not be invited to the burial till they heard further from me. On receipt of your letter, I declared to Gondi my goodwill “to perform any honour to the dead body of him that my mistress loved and honoured so much,” and asked his advice what to do, consistently with my public charge on behalf of a princess of my mistress's religion. That I thought you and other of her Council (whom I had advertised of Monsieur's death) had not yet dared to open the matter to her, and therefore I could not know her pleasure, “yet I did so much build upon her love to him, that I was sure she would avow me in anything that with reason I would do in honour of the dead body”; therefore, if he thought it would be well taken for me to accompany it in all places of open show, and that at the mass I might retire to some appointed place, I would do it with very good-will. I asked him to sound the Queen Mother about it, which he willingly agreed to do, and in the meantime I prepared horse furniture and other necessary things; for I had afore clad myself and my servants in black down to the foot, and so did my wife herself and her women.
To-day the king sent Pinard and Gondi to me, who brought me, from him and the Queen Mother, the greatest thanks that could be for my good-will, which they said they should never forget, and desired me to thank her Majesty also, “but that all things were set down already in order upon conceit that I would not have assisted, no more than others afore me had been accustomed, and besides, they would with a good-will excuse me of any thing that they knew I did only of good-will and not of conscience, as also they could not tell what offence my retiring at the mass would breed to others of their religion, whom they would likewise not willingly offend.”
I answered “that all things that pleased them should likewise content me; that seeing without offence I could not accompany the body, I would not leave to honour the memory of him as much as any that did, and desired them so to assure the King, and that (without exception next to his Majesty and those that appertained by nature to him) there should be no place where his memory should be more honoured than first of her Majesty, next of all hers generally.”
As to the opinion that the King, for all his open refusal, will enter into treaty with the States; first, for Asselier's coming, there is no word of any such thing. Before Monsieur's death, des Pruneaux gave some assurance that commissioners should be despatched with all things to Monsieur's contentment, upon which all here “stood at the gaze,” and the King, to comfort Monsieur in his sickness, sent him promise that if they came with offers by which he might have honour and surety in the enterprise, he would help him; and thus far I dare say it has gone and no further; for to provide for Cambray and that frontier, Marshal Retz is going to he as near as he can, with 4,000 foot and 500 horse. What effect this may have is doubtful, but I will have a good eye to it and advertise you as often as I may.
I have been with the King to condole on his brother's death, but, as I told him, only as an ordinary ambassador, being sure that her Majesty, when she knew it, would, give charge to have it more amply done. What honour and courtesy he showed me, I will write both to her Majesty and to you by the next, which I will despatch presently after the burial, appointed upon Wednesday next; in the which the King is making a greater expence and with more honour than any brother or son of France yet had, not being a king; “searching all records to pass them all.”—Paris, 15 June, 1584.
Signed. Add. Endd.pp. [France XI. 187.]
June 15. 676. Stafford to Walsingham.
I humbly thank you for your advertisement of Vaughan (Vahan), “who hath not deceived me, for I found him as soon as ever he came hither.” In my next I will write at large of him, and in the meantime, I pray you, make no more account of the notes I sent you by Peter Browne than they are worth. You might perceive by my letter that I suspected his knavery, and now I have discovered it thoroughly.
I send you a packet of my lord of Easterweemys, who is here in great perplexity, having no news from Scotland. He is also in great necessity. I have relieved him with a hundred crowns, “as I will not, whilst I may, let any want that I think may serve her Majesty,” as he professes to do with his heart. I pray that he may know your will by the next.—Paris, 15 June, 1584.
Holograph. Add. Endd. 1 p. [France XI. 138.]
June 15. 677. The Muscovy Merchants to Sir Jerome Bowes.
Stating that at a general court held on the 12th inst., his brother, Mr. Ralph Bowes, moved the Company to give out letters of credit for 100l. for his honour's supply on reaching England, as he may happen to be destitute of English money; which motion they thought very reasonable, seeing that this sum will be due to him within twenty days of his return. But not being certain of the place of his arrival, they have ordered their warrant to be given into his own hands, by which they bind themselves to repay the said sum to any such person or persons as shall supply him with the same. Signed, Richard Martyn, governor; John Harte, alderman; Rowland Haywarde; Thomas Smyth.—London, Muscovia House, 15 June, 1584.
Copy. Endd. 1 p. [Russia I. 8.]
June 16/26. 678. Roger Williams to [Walsingham].
“By reason of my being in Lochem, your honour's letter came not to my hands till this morning. In respect of the courtesy I received of the Countess of Nassau, I will do my best to [de]part with the Prince's good will, although his and the States merits it not. Your honour shall judge whether the officers of the army did me wrong or not. Here I send you the letters I wrote to them to persuade them to pass the Ysell to encounter the enemy. By a skirmish which I had with Taxis a little afore, had intelligence of their passage, in the which skirmish did never see thirty horsemen quit themselves with better resolution. My lieutenant and cornet both hurt, myself dismounted and taken but for the goodness of God; lost no man, but many hurt; brake their ambush of two cornets, but for their fort had been master of the place. Here I send you the letters that passed betwixt Taxis and I.
“On my letter to Villiers, he made to pass the Count of Meurs with a thousand horse. Against the consent of the rest of the captains, I did persuade him to go to the place; true it is the enemy was within a league of the place, with 600 horsemen. The Count would a taken the vanguard, I had it with a hundred lances, fifty 'hergulaters' marched the space of half an English mile, afore the battle came on four hundred foot of the enemy unknown, the companies of Villiers, Thomaso and de Boyes was in battle behind them. With the discovery of their foot, sent two gentlemen to the Count, to resolve him to fight. He sent to me the gentleman of his horse to swear on the faith of a gentleman he would be cut to pieces but I should be seconded, gave spurs past the foot, put their horse in rout, defeating them to the gates of Zutphen (Sutfen). Of my own company slain fourteen horse, divers men hurt. The battle the rere guard never stood, let their footmen pass afore their faces through great lanes five English miles into Zutphen, found them in battle on the won(?) heath ready to run away with our retreat, but I think I spared no railing on them. Now, in their letters to the Prince and the States, all was done by them saving some hundred desperate men that Williams had in the vanguard. I fear me your honour shall hear a retreat from the fort with less honour than Mancinus (Macymus) from Numentia, in my judgment, within twelve days, for I hear the Bavarian force is past the Rhine and will be in haste at Zutphen. For truth the succours of Italy is arrived at 'Masteyke,' they say strong 8,000 foot, two thousand horsemen. Word is come this morning to the Prince that 'the Parma' will be presently in person afore Brussels.
“M. de la Mouillerie and Secretary Asseliers with Pruneaux are parted this morning to offer the French King his brother's title in the Low Countries. I think they will offer him Brussels, Vilworde, Mechlin, Dermonde, Ostend, Sluys, Herentals and the Castle of Waow at his devotion, to put what garrison he will. For the rest, saving Flushing and the Ramekins, will take no more garrison at the Prince's hands than they may put out when they will. Judge you what will become of them if it goes not well on our side.
“On the Prince's request, I think to return to the camp, but not to stay, wherefore I am humbly to desire your honour to favour me with any place in Ireland, else I know not what to do, for had I means to live, I cannot follow the Court. Had I means, I would go to see the wars between Prester John and the Turk.
” Rowland Yorke is like to be executed, unless there be some means for him from England, but it is no man lives without faults. I know not what he has done in the broils of Ghent; if he did anything against the Religion I would not speak for him. Since his trouble a five months afore I did not speak with him; in parting with him we were not great, but this I will say, the poor gentleman was greatly disgraced, poor, in misery, without commandment. Your honour must consider some are not saints. Yorke was a man which had carried credit a long time as well with the Prince of Orange and the States General as with them of Ghent, and for anything that I could perceive, was always at their devotion until they failed him both countenance and means to live. They cannot excuse themselves in that, for they abused others greater than he, which could not be disproved in any point of service and duty. I will stand to it never Englishman in these wars did them greater service than Yorke saving Mr. Norrys; if her Majesty knew the value of the man, I think she would make some means for him. Had he been a Spaniard, an Italian, French, a Walloon or Burgonian, he had wanted neither credit nor means. I will not compare him to their great masters of camp, but truly saving this of Ghent and his jar with General Norrys, whatsoever Yorke did was done with good judgment and great valour. Do not doubt, if ever your honour discourses with him but to find him such; if any means be made for him, it must be done presently.”—Delft, 26 June.
Postscript.—Your honour may be assured as long as Villiers the minister governs the Prince his State, and Villiers the marshal his wars, he will never be Count of Holland nor Zeeland. The Scots that was in Bruges are to come hither and to receive a month's pay. Had our nation done such parts, here would be bills and posts, for they were never in misery.
Without address or endorsement. 6 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 7.]
679. (1) Roger Williams to M. de Taxis, Commander for the King in the quarter of Zutphen.
Yesterday in the skirmish, I left two of my soldiers, a lancer and a harquebusier. I now send my trumpet to inform you what happened. As to the lancer, I hope that your men will have used fair play, for I saw him taken myself, and if I had wished to execute some of yours, as the blue 'carscacques' can testify, I could have done it at my pleasure, I think the captain for one. And as you have ten or twelve of my orange banderoles, if you will send them back to me, I will send you as many blue in return.
I hope your horsemen will not make too much of this skirmish, for I swear to you, on the faith of a gentleman and a soldier, I had in all only nineteen lances and eleven harquebusiers. If you would send me the two soldiers, you would oblige me to do the like, and I promise to send you their ransom, according to the rights of war, without fail.—Lochem, 11 June, 1584. Yours affectionate to serve you, saving the cause of quarrel.
Copy. Fr. ¾ p. [Ibid. XXII. 8.]
680. (2) Jo. Battista von Taxis to Captain Williams.
I have received yours by your trumpet demanding the prisoners we have here, whom I send you.
As to the skirmish yesterday, I had mounted my horse to see the sport between yours and ours, but your retreat was so hasty that we had not that pleasure.
For the compassion you have shown towards Capt. du Bois I thank you, and assure you that, as I am informed, had it not been for the avarice of one of my soldiers, I believe you would not have returned to Lochem, by which greater compassion was shown towards you than your men showed to Capt. du Bois.
As to the banderoles which you ask for, the greater part have been carried off by the boys. If we had them, I would not fail to send them, but I believe we have many more of your orange ones than you have of our blue.
The lancer acknowledges that he had thirty florins of pay a month, and the harquebusier fifteen. I pray you by the first occasion to send the money to the soldiers who hold them prisoners.—Zutphen, 11 June, 1584.
Yours affectionately to serve you, saving the cause of quarrel.
Fr.pp. [Ibid. XXII. 9.]
681. (3) Roger Williams to M. de Taxis.
I send my trumpet with this soldier. Lieutenant Fourneau tells me that you will satisfy the soldiers who took my men upon the letter which he has written to his wife.
I have used fair play towards many of yours, at the least a score of foot who were prisoners in the hands of my men, and in case you are not content with the lieutenant's letter, on the return of my trumpet, I will send him back to satisfy you.—Lochem, 13 June, 1584.
Copy. Fr. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 10.]
682. (4) Jo. Battista von Taxis to [Captain Williams].
I have received your letter of the 13th, and touching the ransom of your soldiers, am well content with the letter of Lieut. Fourneau, thanking you for the courtesy you have shown to my men, and hoping to do the same with the lieutenant, he putting himself to such reasonable ransom as the rights of war require.
I pray you to assist this drum, whom we are sending to enquire concerning certain soldiers who are missing. In any thing in which I can do you pleasure—saving our quarrel—you will find me always ready.—Zutphen, 14 June, 1584.
Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XXII. 11.]
June 17. 683. Fragment of letters from Frederic de Westheu, Chancellor of East Friesland, dated June 17, 1584.
Our neighbours, according to their custom, threaten us very violently on account of the hospitality given to the English, but as they are marvellously divided amongst themselves we hope for milder things. Meanwhile, one thing I desire and consider necessary, that the Bishop or the Chief Secretary should be told that the English, either coming hither or returning home in the ships of Flanders, or their goods, are not to be plundered; for that would turn this pretty tale into a miserable tragedy.
How your people live and are received here, I prefer they themselves should bear me witness; but this I affirm, that they could not have more comfortable hospitality, and I hope by God's grace that this society, both in your kingdom and in these regions, may profit in many respects, if occasion of war in Flanders do not arise. As to ourselves, by the public peace of the Empire which the “Burgundians” have accepted, we are safe by God's grace. [Style doubtful.]
Endd. “co. Frizie.” Latin. ¾ p. [Ibid. XXII. 12.]
[June, Middle of ?] 684. Petitions of Claude le Breton.
To (1) the Queen and Council; (2) to Geoffrey Le Brumen, to be shown to Walsingham; (3) to Mauvissière:—in relation to his unjust imprisonment for twenty-one months at Rye, by order of the then Mayor, William Disbury, and at the suit of Simon Oxley of Newhaven (le Hableneuf) for charges incurred by Capt. La Fontaine and seven French soldiers, for which he was in no way liable, as he had proved to the Mayor of Pevensey (Pemezay) when first arrested there. But the Mayor of Rye would not listen to him (although he spoke good and natural French), and the interpreter assigned to him acknowledged the sentence as just by the law of the land, on condition that Oxley returned petitioner's property in his hands, which he has refused to do. On former petition to the lords of the Council, they ordered the present Mayor, Robert Carpenter, to end the business, but he was prevented by Disbury, the late Mayor, and Robert Jackson and one Ratclif, jurats. Prays that the lords or Walsingham will send orders to the Mayor and to Mr. Thomas Edolf, jurat, to try and judge the cause.
Signed. French. 9 pp. [France XI, 139–141.]
[From a letter of the Mayor of Rye, dated Aug. 14 (see S.P. Dom., Eliz., Vol. CLXXII, No. 66), it appears that Walsingham wrote as desired on June 22.]
June 19/29. 685. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
I pray you to kiss her Majesty's hands for me, and say to her that although she makes a so evident proof of friendship and of her kind disposition on the loss of Monseigneur, as to oblige all his for ever in future, yet as a great and wise princess, she must submit herself to God's will, whom I pray with all my heart may ever send her increase of his holy grace.—London, 29 June, 1584.
Postscript.—You will have here two petitioners, viz. Jehan Musnier, for M. de Gourdan, whom you will oblige greatly if it may please you to help him; and also M. de Verger's man, who is resigning the post of chancellor to the Queen of Scots, for some-thing better in Touraine, and prays you to assist him and that, meanwhile, it will please her Majesty that we may speak upon the affairs of the said Queen and of my journey; and also that she will consent to the journey to the baths of Buxton, since the Earl of Leicester has gone away.
Add. Endd. Holograph. Fr. 1 p. [France XI. 142.]
June 19/29. 686. Arthur de Champernon to Walsingham.
Leaving Venice on May 17, we went by Trent to Innsbruck (Isbroug) and so to Vienna, then, crossing Moravia and Poland, to Cracow, where, some days before our arrival, the Chancellor, sent by commission of the King, had caused to be beheaded the Seigneur Samuel Sborosky, of one of the principal families of Poland. Divers reasons are given, some saying that it was on the discovery of a conspiracy plotted by him against the King, others that it was done to satisfy the Turk, because during his exile (which has lasted ever since King Henry left Poland) he had often plundered and overrun the Turk's country and killed some of his men. However this may be, he has been put to death to the great displeasure both of the people and the nobles. His brother, the Marshal of the Court of Poland, when he lifted up the dead body, and went out from the gates of Cracow, harangued the people and the nobles, inciting them to pity, complaining of the wrong done to him, and imploring their aid in avenging it, which they granted him by cries and clapping of hands. He has had the corpse embalmed and preserved, in order to present it before the nobles at the general Convocation of the Estates in September next. It is confidently believed that the nobles will endeavour to restrain the too great authority which the King gives himself by despatching important affairs without calling them into counsel, and doing many other things against both their privileges and his own oath, wishing to be as he says, king in deed and not only in name. When I was at Cracow, he was at Vilna in Transylvania, and the Queen had gone thence to end her days, as was thought, at Warsaw (Versovie) the capital of the province of Marsovie, which has been granted to her as her widow's portion.
I found an Englishman with his family at Cracow, called Mr. Dee, who, as is said, has followed Laski, quitting a certain estate for an uncertain hope. It is to be feared that he will repent of it at leisure.
They were talking there of the death of the Muscovite, and that in Moscow itself there had been a great contention amongst the nobles, who were not willing to render obedience to the four wise men (as they are called) appointed by the King's testament to govern the kingdom; he himself having been the cause of his second son losing his understanding some time ago, for better assurance that he would not hinder the government of his eldest, who having since died, they do not wish to receive the other, being without his wits.
And now the nobles and people, refusing all other governors, demand a grand duke, and to this end have sent ambassadors to the King of Poland, whom they wish to have for their ruler, as I have heard since our arrival in this town from the secretary of the Duke of Urbino, come hither to obtain from the Emperor the title of serenissime and alteze for his master. He assures us he heard it from the Pope's nuncio and the Venetian ambassador, who had the news a week ago from the Court of the King of Poland; although when we left Cracow, twelve days ago, there was no talk of any Muscovite ambassador.
The Emperor has not appeared in public for some days, by reason of indisposition, but now he begins to enjoy the chase, to whom we have done reverence to-day by the favour of the King of France's secretary, resident with him. The Spanish ambassador still pursues the project of the marriage of the daughter of Spain with the Emperor, which they hope will ere long be concluded.
I shall shortly depart from hence for Paris, where by God's help, I hope to be in six weeks and shall there await your commands.—Prague, 29 June, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Germany, States, III. 34.]
June 20/30. 687. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
I am told that certain forbidden books have been brought hither, and that the merchants of this sort of trade make use of my name. I can assure you, and beg you to tell her Majesty or her Council, that I disavow them altogether and know nothing about the matter. And if any men of mine, or any other, use my name for the least thing in the world contrary to the laws and statutes of this realm, I shall never defend or speak for him, but on the contrary shall rejoice to see him punished. And if any man says that I have ever had sent from France a single book of Hours, I assure you he has lied, for no Englishman desires more religiously to observe the laws of this kingdom than I do.—London, 30 June, 1584.
Holograph. Add. Endd Fr. 1 p. [France XI. 143.]
June 20/30. 688. Mutio Sanese to Walsingham.
The importance of the affairs presented by my means for the benefit of the kingdom in general and the Queen in particular, does away with the need for such prefaces and exordiums as men ordinarily use. I write this simple letter from a heart full of zeal and devotion, being persuaded thereto by the bearer, who has long known me, and desiring rather to appear modestly daring than timid and cowardly. I believe that my service and diligence may be of great consequence, but leave the matter for the bearer to explain, reserving myself to demonstrate my willingness by any work which it may please you to command me, and assuring your honour that I will leave undone nothing which might verify the expectations which her Majesty may have conceived of my intelligence and integrity, not having, either by choice or by study, any greater desire than to show myself a worthy servant of the English commonwealth.
It remains only that you should command and dispose of me as in your prudence you think fitting in those matters whereof if desired I will write again, giving your honour intelligence which imports life or death, war or peace to the prince and commonwealth.—Paris, the last day of June, 1584.
Add. Endd. Italian. 2 pp. [Ibid. XI. 144.]
June 20/30. 689. François Perrot de Mezières to Walsingham.
Has written twice since Monsieur's death. This week has been spent in the funeral ceremonies, the body having been brought to St. Denis on the 26th inst. Encloses a copy of the will, which is surprising, both for what is omitted from it and for what is included, by the recommendation of those whom some judge to be less praiseworthy than—or at any rate not to be named without wronging—many others of perhaps greater merit. Sends salutations to Mr. Sidney, Lord Russel and Mr. Perrot, vice-roy of Ireland.—Bievre, three leagues from Paris, the last day of June, 1584.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XI. 145.]
June 20. 690. Gilpin to Walsingham.
I have received yours of the 5th and will have special care in the matter of Lord Seton. I have delivered your letter to Mr. Deputy, who is ready in all ways to do you pleasure.
I have been ten days at Antwerp, where things continue after their old wont, but trade decays, and it is feared will do so daily, as the Malcontents become busier in the river with their galley boats. Yesterday, coming forth of the creek from Hulst, they took four hoys, and though being pursued by the Prince's ships, they were forced to run them ashore and fire them, the Malcontents with their prisoners got to land and escaped.
Ghent is so beset that none without great danger can get out or in. Some hoys are lying ready before Antwerp to take men and provisions, but so few that it is feared “they will exploit little and venture their own overthrow.” The Prince of Parma boasts that he will soon have the town, and, before the winter Dermonde also, and then drawing all foreign trade from Antwerp into Flanders, thinks to cause division in Antwerp, and so compass what he desires.
The States make small preparation to oppose him, their hopes depending on the King of France, who promises largely, and for a beginning has sent 1,500 fresh soldiers into Cambray. The States 'Commissioners have departed again towards him, taking the money promised Monsieur for raising men, which it is hoped will forthwith be done. Zutphen is still beset by the States' men, who have lately captured provisions and money sent for its relief, most of the conductors being taken.
The enemy intended last week to surprise Mechlen, but failed, and lost sixty or eighty of their men.
The Scottish captain who betrayed Lierre is taken by the States' men, “who fetched him at the Spa, where he lay drinking of the water.”
A few days past one Bekerke, last year burgomaster of this place, being in commission at Delft and speaking “in a jollity” against accepting the Prince for Earl of Zeeland, was, by command, sent prisoner to the Hague. The magistrates here have despatched two for his delivery, but this town so opposes his Excellency that it will find the less favour. The people are of a strange nature, professing religion but otherwise worldlings.—Middelburg, 20 June, 1582.
Add. Endd. Seal. 1½ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXII. 13.]
June 20/30. 691. Lodovico Guicciardini to Walsingham.
I have lately learned with great pleasure that you had promised to help my debtor Herle in a petition of his to her Majesty, to the end that I might be paid. As Captain Sassetto, a very affectionate servant of your honour and my dear friend is returning thither, I write these four lines to thank you anew for your humanity and courtesy, assuring you that I shall accept entirely from your kindness, as an express gift, all that shall be obtained, knowing as a rare example of ingratitude, the nature of Herle. And though I cannot requite such great favour save by my pen, God will reward you.—Antwerp, the last of June, 1584.
Add. Endd. “3 July” (probably date of receipt).Italian. 1 p.
[Holl. and Fl. XXII. 14.]
June 20/30. 692. Flemish Advertisements.
Five thousand Spaniards and Italians are arrived at Namur, from whence having sent eight Captains, a Pagador, Leonard de Taxis, and an Almain Count to the Prince of Parma, the said parties have been taken by the garrison of Brussels, excepting Leonard Taxis and the Count, who escaped by flight.
The Spaniards that have heretofore served the new Bishop of Cologne are come over the Rhine to join with the rest of the Prince of Parma's troops. Count Adolf of Moers and Neuenaar, governor of Guelderland, has defeated the convoy going to re-victual Zutphen, so that the town is in great distress, being environed on all sides by our forces.
The Prince of Parma having resolved to place a garrison in Bruges, all the townspeople have put themselves in arms, and taken the keys from the magistrates. They are in great distress for food, a pound of butter or cheese being worth a dollar, and corn proportionably. Of flesh they have none at all. Without any doubt, if the restraint of victuals is continued in good earnest, the enemy will have to retire and the towns of Flanders must embrace again the side of the States. So that this restraint, well maintained, will do the enemy more harm than 50,000 men in the field.
In the margin of one of the English translations of this paper is written in another hand: “You must understand that all our ports are restrained from carrying victual to any port of Flanders or the hither part of France, which for 'these' fortnight hath been strictly kept.”
The Prince of Orange and the States have ordered most of the villages lying in the power of the enemy to be burned, with the corn in the fields. Thus yesterday was burnt a very fair village near Mechlin. On the 26th, n.s., thirty-five vessels laden with necessaries departed to re victual Ghent. The enemy are round about to prevent them. God give them good passage. The last of June, new style.
At the bottom of the English translation is written: “Here was a bruit of an attempt against Lillo by the enemy. You know the importance of that place.”
Add. to Walsingham. Endd. Fr. ¾ p. [Newsletters I. 63.]
693. Two English versions of the above. Endd. 1 p. each. [Ibid. I. 64, 65.]