Elizabeth: January 1584, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: January 1584, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp319-334 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1584, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp319-334.

"Elizabeth: January 1584, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp319-334.

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January 1584, 21–31

Jan. 21. 380. Stafford to Walsingham.
I pray you tell her Majesty that yesternight the nuncio by procurement of our English good people here and by the help of a Jesuit, one Father Aymond, who governs the King, procured the justice of the Chastelet to set at liberty upon sureties the English prisoner whom I have kept there “in despite of such a number as I would have thought would not have taken the pains for such a knave. I cannot upon this sudden know whether it be by the King's consent or no, but like enough it may be, for he is altogether now led by such people.”
I pray that her Majesty may stay her thanks to the Ambassador, though he has deserved well, considering how he is now bent, and how earnestly the nuncio and others have pressed the contrary.
If it will please her Majesty to send me letters of thanks to the King and Queen Mother (who has yet deserved better than her son), with orders that as I see their proceedings, so I shall use the matter-either delivering the letters or speeches of thanks, or demanding grace for the prisoner, as I counselled her in my last letter for two respects, one, that I saw great punishments should not ensue that was worth the having, the other that by her gracious dealing to them that had deserved so evil, the title of cruelty that they have given her in their book should be openly proved a false lie”—I will use them, as I shall find their actions deserve, to her Majesty's greatest honour “all the way I can.”—Paris, 21 January, 1583.
Postscript.—Painter and Charles came yesternight. I will do according to your direction in all things. “The one thing I have done already about Mendoza's servant, which shall be done as well as they may, but they would be glad to have some marks of their apparel, and the time of his departure, and would if it were possible have a flourish of his face, that they might not mistake him.”
Add. Endd.pp. [France XI. 10.]
Jan. 21/31. 381. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
I cannot excuse the States for having been so long in determining the means for establishing a Council, by which they might not only have governed their internal affairs, but also have maintained a correspondence with those Princes with whom they are connected; in both which points her Majesty should hold the first place. But as they have not been able to do it, I pray you to aid us to excuse it to her Majesty and her Council, as proceeding not from lack of good will or obligation, but of the necessary order and settled resolution. For as it is not possible for a sick body to act as if in health, so there are still more maladies in this body than outwardly appear, though I grieve that they are as well known as they are, and still more that they have increased hitherto, knowing that the best functions of this body have long ceased, which may God remedy !
As to my own particular, and the provinces in which I have more free command, I have always desired M. Ortel to be kept informed, that he may advertise you, but I pray you excuse me if I have some times resembled those bewitched persons (maleficiées) who are ashamed to discover their misfortunes to men and hide them as much as possible even from their doctors, who are thus touched with no feeling towards their patients but compassion for their sickness; the which I pray you to lay before her Majesty on my behalf, with assurance of my humble service to her, as to the lord of Christendom.
As to the second point in your letters, touching his Highness, I thank you for what you tell me of her Majesty's advice and good affection in regard to us, which, God aiding me, I hope she will see that I entirely follow; but it was reasonable that his Highness should be the first to be advertised thereof, as I believe he is sufficiently, and on my part I thank her Majesty humbly for what she has been pleased to tell me by your means.
I also thank you for the trouble you have taken concerning the iron artillery, of which I have written to M. Ortel.
As to those who demand payment from the Estates, I am sure her Majesty will have regard to the state of the country, which has not the means that are to be desired, and moreover that there will be found few obligations in which Holland and Zeeland are involved. For the other provinces, as most of the bonds are in the name of the generality, I believe her Majesty would act justly if she called upon the provinces which have separated themselves, and the towns which have lately taken sides with the enemy; who are equally bound, and being supported by so mighty a Prince as the Bang of Spain, have far greater means than ours, which I pray you to represent favourably to her Majesty.
You will learn the state of our affairs from M. Ortel, to whom I have given charge to impart to you all I have written to him; but as one of my best friends, I did not wish to omit telling you that the day before yesterday, by God's blessing, my wife was delivered of a son, for which I am sure you will praise Him with me. May God grant me grace to bring him up in His fear, that he may serve Him all his life, and be the very humble servant of her Majesty.—Delft, the last of January, 1584. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp.[Holl. and Fl. XXI. 12.]
Printed by Kervyn de Lettenhove, in Documents inédits rélatif à l'histoire du XVI siécle, p. 252.
Jan. 21/31. 382. Rudolf II. to Duke William of Bavaria.
Informing him that certain persons, one of whom is named de Segur and the other de Calignon are travelling about in the Empire and in divers ways are practising so as to cause disturbance of order and of the common peace. Wherefore, seeing that when such dangerous practices are being carried on, it is all the more necessary to keep good watch, he desires the Duke, as head of the Bavarian Kreis, not only to take order that all unruly persons and their doings shall be observed, and by no means allowed, but also that others who might venture upon the like misdemeanours may be admonished to remain in the beaten path of duty. And to let him know how matters stand.—Prague, the last day of January, 1584. Signed Rudolf, and below A. Erstenberger and S. Vieheuser.
Copy. Endd. Mandamus of the Emperor against the Sieur de Ségur.” German. 1 p. [Germany, Empire, I. 57.]
Jan. 22./Feb.1. 383. Stafford to the Queen Mother.
I was commanded by the Queen my mistress, at my departure, to apply to you in all matters that concerned her, as, being a woman, she looked for a closer friendship from you than from any others, of which you have already given her good proofs.
For which reason I addressed myself in the first place to you, to inform you of the wrong done to her in this town by the printing of matters unseemly for such a Princess, and prayed you in her name to be a means to the King to give me authority to pursue and if possible to take the authors. To this, of your grace, you acceded, as I did not fail to tell her Majesty.
Having left your Majesty, I applied to the Lieutenant criminal and the Procureur du roi and by their means caught the principal and the son of the printer, in which matter at first they proceeded so well, that I reported my satisfaction to the King. But since then, having found that the Procureur's zeal has cooled, and that the Papal Nuncio has interfered in the business and spoken of it to the King as a matter of conscience, I cannot but take it more as a point of honour than before, seeing that a man who has nothing to do with it pushes himself in as protector of a wicked act against a Princess of so high quality, under pretext of his conscience (which must indeed be a wide one if so evil a deed can enter into it); nor do I see under what pretext he can interfere without orders from his master, or voluntarily set himself up to be protector of those who have most ill will towards their natural Princes.
For which cause I lately requested audience at St. Germains, that 1 might speak of it to the King, of whom I have no reason to complain, as I have written at length to my mistress, he having sent President Brisson to me, who, I feel sure, would report that I was not an unreasonable man, and from whom I hope shortly to hear, he having promised that when he had made his report I should know the King's will therein.
But the first thing I have heard in the matter is that the English prisoner has been released, and meeting one of my men in the street, called out to him in boastful words that he had got out in spite of me, ending by quoting a passage from St. Paul's epistle that it is not permitted for women to speak in the church, from which he inferred that still less was it lawful for them to reign. The consequences which this might have I leave to the judgment of your Majesty. I remained quiet, however, until I had seen M. Brisson, whom I sought at his own house, when, having told him all this, he replied that he had nothing more to do with the matter, having laid before the King the reply which he had from me at Poissy.
Therefore, Madame, desiring greatly not to have to contradict the good reports I have made to the Queen of your and the King's carriage in the business, I make bold to implore you to be a means to the King that neither my mistress nor I, who am here in her behalf, may receive such affront as has been given to her by the King's ministers (for I have as yet no reason to be dissatisfied with the King himself).
I can assure you it has been done in so extraordinary a manner as would not be used to the meanest man who had a criminal process in hand. For in the first place it is too extraordinary to see a criminal let out of prison on any bail whatever, or upon the best excuse they could possibly produce, without the other party, however mean his quality, being warned thereof; which was not done in my case, although I think that even if I had not been under the cover of her Majesty who sent me here, yet for myself, I ought not to have been taken for so poor a thing, and that my good will towards this country should have merited something better than to be so publicly affronted and insulted.
Wherefore I humbly pray you that you will have justice done to me, and not make less account of the honour of my mistress than of the unjust request of a nuncio of the Pope; or of my reputation here-who have no other aim than to do all the good I can both to the general cause and to this kingdom-than of the inordinate desires of certain Jesuits, who have no other care than to set friendly princes by the ears under colour of their holy simplicity; that thus you may repay to the Queen what she has already begun by doing rigorous justice in a like case, and give her reason to continue so to act, and to me-by the disgrace that I shall receive hereby, being in this place-to continue the sincere wish I have for the good of these two kingdoms in almost equal measure, for otherwise I am assured that the Queen will no longer be so curious to seek out those in like case, and that then it will be found that it is my mistress who gives so little cause to evil men to write of her at their will, and that in England, as in all places in the world, there are heads ready to set things against any Prince whatsoever who gives them cause, if they were not restrained by an authority which they fear; and that I also, no longer besotted by the love and respect which I now bear to France, if in my office they offer me injustice and indignity such as this, may change the great affection which I have always felt and still feel, to the old English manner of procedure, which confines the eyes only to the good of their country, without having any eye for the good of France, which, if I wish, I can easily find means to do as much as any man who has preceded me; yet always, I swear to you, Madame, as much against my nature as anything I could do, if so unjust a thing as this did not constrain me to it.—Paris, 1 February, 1584.
Copy, in Stafford's hand, and endorsed by him. Fr.pp. [France XI. 11.]
Jan. 22./Feb. 1. 384. Bizarri to Walsingham.
It is reported here that her Majesty has dismissed the Spanish Ambassador, which is very pleasing to all who desire the honour and prosperity of that Crown and the safety and quiet of her Majesty and her most glorious realm, hoping that from this beginning there will result much better effects, since the world may thus know and see openly what are the proceedings of that nation, for whom a whole world would hardly suffice. But as affairs of State are not my vocation, I leave such discourses to those who exceed me in knowledge, prudence and judgment, and whose business it is, like your Honour, only praying God to preserve our Queen from all her enemies, within and without, and to bring to nought all their enterprises, plotted or imagined against her person or the peace of her kingdom.
Since the change of the form of government in Antwerp, with the new burgomasters, and especially M. de St. Aldegonde, all things seem to go on more hopefully. The government being now in the hands of those who are heartily affectioned to the true religion and the good cause, the enemy are not informed, as they used to be, of what has passed in the Privy Council, which is of great importance to public affairs.
And if it had not been for the double treachery of the Captain of Lierre (Lira) that important place would have been recovered in the late attempt, which was executed with marvellous quiet; but no sooner were the soldiers seen to depart than advice was given of their departure and of the design they had in hand.
Now although fortune does not always favour enterprises undertaken even in a good and reasonable cause, nevertheless, that Prince or Captain will never be blamed who is not wanting to endeavour all good means by which he may arrive at the desired end, which may be an ample argument to reason from, but because all this is well known to your Honour, from your good judgment and long experience in the affairs of the world, I will go no further with my rugged pen.
Before this new magistracy, hardly any secret or design of importance was decided upon but Lierre was immediately privy to it, and very shortly afterwards the Prince of Parma and the chiefs of the enemy's camp, who at once closed the way to any good result which otherwise might have been hoped for.
About five or six days ago there were gathered together about 2,000 of the States' foot and some 600 horse, for some enterprise, but so far it is not known what they have in mind to do. May it please God to give a good result.
The thirty ships which were conducted to Ghent, laden with victuals, have returned safe and sound, and although the enemy with three galleys, which they have newly made, gave them some trouble near Rupelmonde, those had the worst of it, having thirty or forty dead, besides the wounded, with very few on our side.
Some say that the Marquis Sancta Croce is already arrived in Flanders, and is trying by every possible means to induce those towns which are reduced to the King's obedience to receive Spanish garrisons, which they boldly oppose, not wishing by any means to consent thereto, and the rather that it is contrary to the pacification of Ghent and the promises made by that King and his ministers.
The city of Bonn has been succoured by way of the Rhine. I learn that into Wesel, a town about 12 leagues from Cologne, the Duke of Brunswick and other of the confederates have sent money for 2,000 reiters, and that Arrigo, the natural son of that Duke, is to have the charge of conducting them into Friesland, to aid the States. And it is said that the league between Truchsess and the States is concluded. May it please God that her Majesty will also join this honourable company, to put an end to the unbridled desires of that proud and diabolic nation. Amen, Amen, et dicat omnis populus Amen.—Antwerp, 1 February, 1584.
Add. Endd. with a few heads of contents. Italian. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXI. 13.]
Jan. 24./Feb. 3. 385. De La Motte to Walsingham.
Thanking him for his kind letter of .Jan. 17 and his wish to hold correspondence with him, which he heartily reciprocates. As for he money he gave to Walsingham's young gentleman, it was with no intention of being repaid, but only that he might travel honourably; and he will gladly do the same again if it would be of service.—Gravelines, 3 February, 1584. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr.1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXI.14.]
Jan. 26. 386. W. Waad to Walsingham.
Arriving here a little before Tupper, and when the King was “enclosed at Bois de Vincennnes, in his devotions of his new order,” I could not obtain my passport so soon as I looked for, which stay in the rest of my journey I would amend with greater haste if the foulness of the way and weather did not prevent me.
According to her Majesty's commands, I visited the Spanish agent with my lord ambassador, from whom I have likewise a passport. He made show “to be very sorry for the accident fallen out, because he had known Mendoza heretofore to have borne great affection to her Majesty and her realm . . . and doubted lest her Majesty had herein given ear to some wrong information.”
Whereupon I told him that her Majesty, who has ever shown a constant wisdom and singular discretion, would not have been brought to such a resolution without very apparent cause, which “should overweigh all particular respects”
He assured me I should find all satisfaction at the King's hands, with many words of good will and wishing the continuance and increase of the amity between the two countries.
We both visited the Venice ambassador, because my lord ambassador has straiter friendship with him than with the others, and also because I received much courtesy at the Emperor's Court from the ambassador for that State. He has given me very favourable letters for their ambassador in Spain. Signor Pallavicino has procured me divers letters both of exchange and commendation.
Mendoza's man has arrived and alighted at Capelli's house. M. Clervant, to whom your letter was delivered, has gone towards the King of Navarre.
“The King is altogether occupied in his devotions and reformation of disorders, the which, with many good edicts and ordinances, are upon the bureau, as the phrase of speech is here, but perhaps afterwards, as they say, pendiront au croc.”
The Deputies of the States are with Monsieur at Château Thierry, and it is said forces are levying in Normandy wherewith he will go again into the Low Countries.
There is a report that two regiments are levied in Germany for the King of Scots under Spanish colonels, with 25,000 crowns sent by the Pope from the contribution of the cardinals and clergy “which will scarce serve for drinkgelt.”—Paris, 26 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. 3 pp.[France XI. 12.]
Jan. 26. 387. Stokes to Walsingham.
Letters from Lille say that the general assembly of the States of Artois and Hainault (Henego) at Tournay “is all done, and every man gone home malcontent one against another.” The chief cause of their meeting was whether they should receive the Spaniards coming out of Italy, and, as it seems, only a few gave consent, and the Spaniards' coming greatly troubles them, which, it is hoped, will make some revolt on that side.
The Vicomte of Ghent and M. de la Motte were not at the assembly, and La Motte is said to be malcontent against the Spaniards, because they seek to have him out of his government at Gravelines and to place a Spaniard there.
They further write that there are great speeches in those parts of a peace with the States, and that the greater number at the assembly desired it, and to join together to keep out all strangers.
The Marquis of Risbrough has written a friendly letter to M. d'Hembisen, commending his good government at Ghent, which he knows is for the maintaining of their privileges and to keep strangers out of the country, which letter “makes many to muse.”
The Walloon soldiers at Ecloo, when they find the Spaniards only four, six or ten in a company, cut all their throats, and when the Spanish captains complain to M. Risbourgh they get no redress, so that those here hope for “some alteration of the Walloon side” against the Spaniards.
The enemy at Ecloo and besides Ghent he still and suffer all things to pass between Ghent and Antwerp, for which the Spaniards “calls them all traitors of both sides.”
The States' soldiers at Terneuse, with the help of Antwerp and Zeeland, “have cut another sea bank into the land of Waes” and drowned another great piece of it, which will force he Spaniards to depart from thence.
They also write from Lille that the Marques de St. Cruz, a Spaniard and a great tyrant, is to be governor in the Prince of Parma's place.—Bruges, 26 January, 1583, stilo Anglie.
Postscript.—A drum is even now come from the camp at Ecloo who says that M. St. Cruz is at Tournay, having come disguised through France, “which news doth not like them well in the enemy's camp.” Also, a letter is come from Dunkirk, telling of the great familiarity that is between M. de Gordann, Governor of Calais, and M. de la Motte, and that they have met three times secretly.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXI. 15.]
Jan. 27./Feb. 6. 388. St. Aldegonde to Walsingham.
Stating that a young man, newly returned from Madeira, met there a Spanish soldier who told him that he had been made ensign of a Spanish company destined to serve the King of Scotland in the war he was about to make against England; to which end the Spanish King had ordered succours, and the Governor of Madeira was raising men in the islands. The news being of importance, he could not but send it to his Honour.—Antwerp, Feb. 6, stilo novo, 1584. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XXI. 16.]
Jan. 27. 389. Harborne to Walsingham.
“In our last of the 15th, passed by the Charitie of London, we set down a general repetition of occurrences in these parts continued in eleven our former letters with advice of the following to that day, thereby to witness our dutiful endeavour performed since our coming, for that we were given to understand none of our first to have been presented to your honour at the said ship's departure in September, intercepted as we take it by the French and Venetian, by whose couriers other means not having the same under friends' covert should have been conveyed, by which mischievous act in our prejudice they pretend if not utterly to overthrow yet very much hinder all traffic here by default of direction to and from either other, whose intent we hope through God's help ours by often writing shall also make vain. And touching ourselves we will to your honour perform the like diligence, which if by malice of these should prove ineffectual as heretofore it hath, yet we humbly crave that our pristinate credit, favourably regarded of your honour though darkened for a time by these subtle practices of our heavy contraries, may not be had in doubt, much less diminished, be rather more and more in deed itself faithfully procuring the conservation and increase thereof, which we shall ever justly acknowledge to proceed of your honour's bounty and not of our merit, even so likewise during life endeavour by all means worthily to show our selves thankful therefor.
“Since our last, is come hither from the King of Poland, Petro Stoloskie captain of his guard, a Pole passing middle age, of sect an Arian, practique of this estate through worldly experience by use with formers here in that office who to justify his master's innocency in the crime of the Casakes on the frontiers of this country offered in his name both restitution of thirty-two pieces of great artillery appertaining to the three castles, on the frontiers of this country razed, and also to execute with death two hundred of them by his forces subdued, nothing complaining of the Muscovite ambassador his death by these murdered. Whereof at his departure as he saith (though here known to the contrary) his master not certified gave him not commission to deal, with whom Mustafa our chouse and chief dragoman returned as six days past, confirmed of the Grand Signor in equal degree to receive the one and in his sight to see accomplished the other.
“After which the league to continue in former force, for it is to be thought that wise Prince, foreseeing his forces to be much inferior to this, is induced by due consideration thereof to dissemble the just quarrel of his faithful servant's death rather than in prosecuting revenge desperately to hazard his self with his indoubtful issue, preferring the counsel of Livius in his Decades; melior et tutior est iniqua pax quam, desperata victoria cum [blank] ex arbitris sumittero non ponitur neque minus quam in hello eventu respondeat. Petrasco, late created vaivode of Wallachia by mean of the French, at his departure hence being to many, both Christians and others, more indebted than he was thought ever afterwards able to discharge, having there peaceably enjoyed his siege, called before him his twelve barons of that province, whose yearly revenues are said to surmount the sum of one hundred thousand ducats, to whom exposing his indigent estate required that for term of four years the overplus, exceeding one thousand ducats yearly pension to either, might be gratis remitted to him to supply his need, which he objected was in him de jure to take from them altogether, as things granted them for their maintenance by his predecessors, who could not dispose thereof other than for their life only, to which his answer, one in wealth, years and wisdom superior to the others, inferring the statutes of the country of contrary effect in their favour and the forfeiture to him permitted and not otherwise but only for treason it seemed to him rather by other means with a small part of theirs, demanded those debts ought to be discharged, whom therefore he caused forthwith to be beheaded, whereupon the others terrified, like Ysop his fox by the example of the ass murdered for making an ill repetition with the lion their King, presently condescended to his demand, who sithence hath taxed with a new impost both all things native in that his country as also what from other parts may come in, go out or pass through the same, a deed not formerly intended, to the utter subversion of that country and greatly to the prejudice of the Turks and Greeks, foragers and victuallers to this city, and in like manner to the Armenians and other merchants of Poland. And to the end the Vizier here might continue his confirming these new decreed statutes, he hath in marriage accepted of a Greekish goldsmith his daughter of Pera, offered him by the said Vizier, importuned of his wife, the Grand Signor his sister to gratify the good service of the said her mother; which formerly at his being here he refused, dissuaded by de Germigny (dujermygny) alleging the King his master would be highly displeased with that base match. And further he hath gratified the said Vizier with a present sent by the comptroller of his house and with small payment and great promises stayed the exclamation of his manifold creditors, whose despair is relieved with hope of future satisfaction by means of his above-said proceedings; the author of which invention is said there to be a certain ”Genovaies“ long time in service to his late predecessors banished, of great experience in those parts and now in chief credit with him, though rather credited here to proceed from one Marco Anthonio Stango, an aged Venetian merchant of very long continuance in these parts, and of good intelligence in matters of estate, who in former time being behind hand with sundry his creditors at Venice was not only (for the hope conceived of his future service in Commonwealth's cause) by favour of the signoria acquitted, but also rewarded with a continual stipend for his better maintenance, and here both with their and the French [ambassador] in chief credit and at the Prince his entreaty and consent of both accompanied him to his signoria where he remaineth.
“ A commendable worldly wit, refined by experience of continual exercise, notwithstanding greatly spotted with vicious actions of his life to the godly detestable, whose service our contraries having secretly used to the uttermost in our prejudice not prevailing, he himself not thinking we had been informed thereof, protested to ours should in any occasion be ready at our commandment. From which Janus two-faced sectaries, God deliver us.
“ It is thought if the Prince may prevail, he will not restore to the barons that forceably taken at four years end, as he promised, but it may be as in our judgment is likely, God will confound these Achitophel councellors' devices, tending utterly to the destruction of that most plentiful country, where the chiefest things serving to human use is in base price, through scarcity of treasure, whereof the most part inhabitants are (notwithstanding the great plenty of other things) so destitute as unable to pay the tribute imposed by their Vayvode, as we ourselves coming hither and returning were then truly certified, whereas we bought a very fat wether with the skin in 12d., a quarter of an ox 18d., a choice hen for one penny and 24eggs at that price and to the same responding in quantity bread, beer and wine, which confirmeth truly the Spanish proverb:
Bien se dize tierra di vilano sin tratto,
Donde por falta del dinero cada cosa va barratto.”
In a different hand:
“Thus referring us to former letters (?) as touching the mean and order of the abovesaid his obtaining the estate of that country by the only mean of the French King, whereby you may judge the circumstance of his proceeding, we will not further be tedious, only certifying the league with Spain is prolonged for one year, as by our next we will largely certify.”—Pera, 27 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. Cipher undeciphered. 1¾ pp. [Turkey I. 15.]
Jan. 27 390. Harborne to Walsingham.
I send herewith two carpets of leather, serving. for a round table, of the fashion usual in the Grand Signor's seraglio, “worthy to be seen for the rare and exquisite workmanship.” One is for her Majesty, if you think it permitted to me; otherwise as you please. For if David (after marrying King Saul's daughter and anointed as his successor) so prostrated himself before his master as to acknowledge himself a dead dog, “alas, what am I, or my father's decayed house in England, that I should be once named in her Majesty's hearing.” Yet as, by your favourable means, her Majesty has admitted me into the number of her faithful servants, I venture to send it, beseeching God to confirm to her “the circumscription thereof, in the bastard Persian tongue, being (as I am told by the learned here) Quantum lux in tenebris, tantum profit hoc possessori; splendeat tarn ejus vita honore, summaque beatitudine, quam ipsa lux non moritura, Amen.”
The other carpet it may please you to accept yourself.
I humbly crave of you (for God's cause) to be a good mediator to her Majesty for the delivery of our poor Christian brethren here in captivity, before our arrival, by “general collecting” the alms of her well-disposed subjects, or otherwise as it shall please her.
We, with our friends of the Company, have rescued two and endeavour the like of another, but the ransom of all is above our means; whereof sixty are in Argier.
I commend them to your Christian piety, “else may the blind papists continue their slander of our profession, who here keep a friar which hath within this twelve months rescued 600 Spaniards, Portugals and Italians but none other, attending to comply to the sum of one thousand souls, supposed to proceed of the godly devotion in those parts, but here by the friar affirmed to be the Pope his master his deed, whom as I think, heretofore never was neither now is so godly minded.”—Undated.
Endd. “27 Jan., 1583.” 1 p. [Turkey I. 16.]
Jan. 29./Feb. 8. 391. Bizarri to Walsingham.
The city of Bonn has at last fallen into the hands of the new Elector of Cologne by agreement, and almost as if sold by the soldiers in garrison there. It is said that amongst others remaining prisoners there is the brother of Truchsess, who, if he has not more help than heretofore, may say adieu to his principality and dignity.
There is lately come hither from France a gentleman called Schiappella, sent by the ambassadors of the States with letters to these States. Amongst other things, he relates that they have been much caressed by Monsieur, as also by his Majesty.
As to the rest, I can give no particulars, except that both sides, it seems to me, demanded security, wishing to be aided by the arms and strength of the other, but whether those will give pledge and security of their good faith, who can tell?
In fine, I do not understand such high mysteries, and leave them to those who deal in them, praying God of His great mercy to give his aid.
Our people here have made a fort on the other side of the river, over against Lillo, two leagues from this city, and the enemy have made great efforts to hinder the work, but have been forced to retire.—Antwerp, 8 February, 1584.
Add. Endd. “Jan. 29, 1583.” Italian. 1 p. [Holl and Fl. XXI. 17.]
Jan. 30. 392. Stafford to Walsingham.
Having received your letter by Charles Cooke and Painter, I went to the Spanish Ambassador and declared to him what you commanded me, “and mollified the matter so to him, showing myself sorry for Bernardin's mishap in his service... assuring myself that it was so far against his master's will and intent, for the good amity he had with her Majesty, that it could not chose but breed him a great disfavour.”
He seemed, like an old fox, to be marvellously satisfied with my speeches, but said he wished her Majesty had first sent to the King his master, who would have revoked him, which would have been more honourable, and given less matter to gazette writers.
I answered that the fault was in Bernardin himself; that he had warning to treat with nobody, and that her Majesty had determined to send the same gentleman she sent now to the King, “but that his manner of dealing after his warning and the surety of her State so little agreed, that she was constrained to send away the thorn that pricked her foot"; that she was sure the King would be satisfied with her doings, and that, for the assurance of everybody that the fault was altogether in the servant, not in the master, I was commanded to declare the truth in all places. With this he seemed well satisfied and so we parted, till Mr. Waad came, who arrived an hour or two before Tupper. But this did not hinder Mr. Waad's journey, for the King was at Bois de Vincennes, “at his Jeronomists, where neither counsellor nor mother nor any else dare come unto him, and came not out till Saturday night. Mr. Waad had his passport Sunday by noon, so that there was no time lost.” While here, he was with the Spanish agent, his dealings with whom I leave to his own letters here inclosed. (See p. 325 above.)
We went also to visit the Venetian ambassador, who, on my request, gave him the kindest and favourablest letter that ever I saw to the ambassador of that State there, which I would not “let pass the writing of,” or of his loving kindness above any ambassador here to me, both in my own particular and her Majesty's service, and therefore pray you, by the next, to send some thanks from her Majesty, that I may show him his name in my letter, “that may carry the more credit.”
I procured also a private letter for Mr. Waad from a friend of mine who is a very near friend to the French agent there, which I hope will stand him in stead.
“For any Italian letters here, I have procured those that dare write,” but their countrymen there are so popish and so feared of the Inquisition that they dare scarce receive any letters of favour for any of our Religion, or pay money to them by exchange.
I gave a letter to Painter to be sent to you from Rouen concerning the dismissal of the prisoner for the pictures set out in print. I followed this up very earnestly, to avoid my own disgrace and her Majesty's dishonour, without it being known that I think it is done by the King's knowledge, “though I think, being earnestly laboured by the Pope's nuncio and beaten with conscience by the Jesuits, he was contented to wink at it if I would have forgotten it"; but I have so plied it with the justice, by threatening complaint to the King, and then by writing to the Queen Mother a secret letter which I sent by my wife, that this day they have determined to lay him up again.
I pray that her Majesty may know the Queen Mother's good dealing in it, who sent for the justices and, showing them my letter, declared that it was true and more than true that in like case the Queen had given them an example worthy of memory, so that they went away much appalled, and the same counsellors and procureur who had consented to let him out, sent me word that he should be put in again, desiring me therefore to complain no further to the King.
I pray you persuade the Queen to write to the Queen Mother, giving her thanks, in which she will do but right, and be a means to have her continue in the same mood; also a letter of thanks to the King is very necessary, for what he has done openly he has done very well and I cannot charge him with consenting to the letting of the man out. whatever I may think; “and a man in my place must not ground upon conjectures, nor seek to know all things with extremities.”
But I pray that the Queen may send the letters to me, to deliver at my discretion, and that it may be done as speedily as possible; also that she “be a-knowen” of nothing to the ambassador there until she hears from me the full end of their dealings.
And I think it very fit that she give me commandment “with thanksgiving to the King and Queen Mother for that is past, to be a means from her for the remitting of the man, for the punishment will never be permitted here to be so remarkable but [that] her Majesty's honour will be a great deal the more in speaking for remission, besides that it is an open lie in the throat to their own writing that pronounce her cruelty, when her clemency shall be showed so great towards them that have written so false a he of her, which I will find means shall not be hidden under a bushel.”
The English book your Honour sent me, I pray you either let it be put into French there, or send me commandment to have it set out here; it will be very necessary.—Paris, 30 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. (with note of “directions” in the letter to be carried out). 3 pp. [France XI. 13.]
Jan. 30. 393. Stafford to Walsingham.
Don Antonio was last night with me and gave me some letters in cipher from Bernardin de Mendoza to the Prince of Parma and La Motte, which he cannot decipher, and so wishes to be sent to you to be deciphered and shown to her Majesty, praying that then you would send them back, with what you have “picked out of them.”
He also earnestly desires that her Majesty may be moved in three points for him:-
1. That when occasion offers lie may come into her realm, with consent of the King and Queen Mother.
2. That she will give him some place in or near one of her havens, where such as come to him and go from him for his affairs in Portugal may have access to him, and where he may at any time take his journey without being discovered.
3. That considering his poverty, she will lend him 1,000 crowns a month for six months, “for meat and drink for him and his," after which time he will desire no more. To these, he would have answer as soon as may be.
As to the man sent by Bernardin into Spain, your letter came to me “in the nick,” for Chassincourt and Clervant were with me. The latter went away the next day for other affairs, “to whom I gave the mark of the man, and he will give as good order that way as he may. The other will advertise it by way of Lyons, but I think to small purpose, for the staying of him at Dover put such suspicion into their heads that yesternight he was still here. The Spanish agent has sent three posts away, by Bordeaux, Nantes and Lyons, which I think have taken his despatches, so that he carries nothing himself.
Palavicino is about to have the book you sent me translated into Italian and printed, and will spread it about in Italy, but it must not be known who is the doer, as it would be a great danger to him, which were pity, considering his affection and dutiful service in all that may help her Majesty's service.
I send her Majesty a packet with letters from Monsieur which have been six days in my hands. He desired to have them sent in haste, but I stayed them till I had some necessary cause. I also send you a letter from the tutor of my Lord Northumberland's children to my Lady, whereby (being open) you may see their necessities, “and how, by the hearing of their father's trouble, their bill of credit could not be paid.” I have told the Rouen merchants that I will be surety for it, and meanwhile will help what I can to relieve the children's necessities. I sent for them as soon as I heard of their father's trouble, and gave them and their tutor the best admonition I could. I hope what I have done will not be evil thought of, “not to see the children want” for their father's fault.—Paris, 30 January.
Add. Endd.pp. [France XI. 14.]
[Jan.?] 394. Don Bernardino De Mendoza.
“Heads of the causes of the dismission of the ambassador of Spain, with the answer to his objections.”
1. That he had secret intelligence with the Scots Queen.
2. That he conspired with certain of her Majesty's subjects for her delivery.
3. That he sought to feel the Catholics in this realm, whether they would join with foreign forces, if the Catholic Princes should send any.
4. That he put them in comfort that the King would assist them and contribute half the charges.
5. That he was privy to the coming into this realm of Charles Paget, a fugitive out of this realm and a servant to the Scots Queen, who was sent hither, as the said ambassador declared to Francis Throgmorton, both to feel the Catholics' minds and to view the ports and landing places.
That he received a casket containing the plots and papers of the practices and conspiracies abovenamed, sent him by the said Francis Throgmorton.
That being charged with the above matters, he denied them, although they were maintained by the testimony of such as were principal dealers with him.
That instead of answering these objections he fell into a recapitulation of divers wrongs pretended to be done unto his master, as following:—
That a counsellor of her Majesty practised with Mr. G[ray]'s brother to kill Don John of Austria.
That her Majesty assisted the States of the Low Countries with money, upon the Marquis of Havrech's solicitation.
That there went over about that time 3,000 Englishmen, under English Colonels, to aid the said States.
That Don Antonio was received and supported.
That the King's treasure was arrested here.
That certain principal noblemen were sent over to assist at the inauguration of the Duke d'Anjou as Duke of Brabant.
That her Majesty sent him support of money when he was at Cambray.
Her Majesty being careful to defend her honour against both him and others that shall seek to touch it hath found it expedient that his objections should be answered.
In Walsingham's hand. Draft. Endd. 3 pp. [Spain II. 13.]
[”The answer to his objections” is not now with the document.]
[Jan. ?] 395. Secret Advertisements.
M. de Lorraine will be here for his fetes. It is said that the Bishop of Liége wishes to resign that bishopric to his [Lorraine's] son, provided he will help him against his competitor, and that he will come here to induce the King to consent to it, which I think his Majesty will do, provided he consents for his daughter to marry Epernon. Imagine how angry we are, after our practices on the other side.
The Duke of Savoy has these last few days forbidden provisions to be sent from his territories to Geneva.
The Pope has sent the Bishop of Piacenza (Plaisance) into Spain, who is a great confidant of that King. I think it is to arrange to carry on the enterprise of Geneva by means of the troops from Portugal, which will shortly pass that way. The said Bishop was with Don John, and is called El Zega [i.e. Sega].
Madame de Parma has gone through the five cantons and spared nothing to persuade them to be of that party, all for the purpose of depriving us of the allance of that nation, in order afterwards more easily to ruin us.
Keep the mark with which this letter is signed, in order one day to know by this means who has written it.
[The “mark” consists of four lines in pairs, in the form of the letter X, with a dot in the centre.]
Add. Endd. “Secret Advertisements.” Fr. 2 pp. Very big, clumsy writing, prodably disguised. [Newsletters IX. 17.]