Elizabeth: January 1584, 1-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1914.

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'Elizabeth: January 1584, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584, ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp295-301 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1584, 1-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Edited by Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1914), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp295-301.

"Elizabeth: January 1584, 1-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 18, July 1583-July 1584. Ed. Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1914), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol18/pp295-301.

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Jan. 1584–10.

1583—4 Jan. 5/15 355. Pietro Bizarri to Walsingham.
It was thought that Truchsess had resolved to relieve Bonn, yet now we hear that he has retired with his people towards Westfalia, fearing the enemy's forces or waiting for a better opportunity. They say he had 2,000 reiters and about twenty ensigns of foot, and that Bonn is well provided with all things necessary for defence.
A great bark lately passing this place laden with very good wine, the master thought to cheat the toll or dazio, as it is vulgarly called, of which the customers being informed, took her with all that was in her.
Four or five days ago, the new burgomaster, M. St. Aldegonde sent out a courier, I know not where, on a matter of importance, and as the gates were already shut, he himself urged the keepers of the gate called St. Michael's, situated near the river, to open it; but he could not get them to do it and was obliged to wait until morning.
On the 9th inst. about two o'clock in the afternoon there were two thunder-claps, followed by rain, which was very extraordinary at this season in winter, it being a thing proper for spring.
The fast is announced for next Tuesday [7–17] that day to be kept solemnly every year in memory of the deliverance of this city from the French fury.
Here it is said that France has given a passage to the Spaniards who are coming this way at the request of the King of Spain, which is not a very good sign of a reconciliation with the States. Likewise that the King, Don Antonio, has finally come to an agreement with the King of Spain, with an annual pension of 100,000 crowns and a gift of 200,000.—Antwerp, 15 January, 1584.
Add. Endd. Italian. 1¼ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXI. 1.]
Jan. 5/15. 356. Pietro Bazarri to Walsingham.
Since sealing my letter and giving it to Signor Filippo Cataneo, I have been told by a trustworthy person that there yesterday arrived here in Antwerp an ambassador from the protestant Princes to the Prince of Orange and the States, to offer them assistance in their wars, and that the said ambassador has gone into Zeeland to accomplish his mission.
We hear that the soldiers of the league in Bonn have made an incursion into the Duchy of Cleves and plundered a great abbey there, taking prisoner the abbot and other monks. On the other side, the soldiers of the former Elector have taken a small territory belonging to the son of the Duke of Cleves, who is Bishop of Munster in Westfalia, and have found there much treasure and money belonging to the said Prince; they have ravaged everything and taken many prisoners.
Also that Duke Casimir has come near to Cologne with a very strong army, and that passing by Mainz (Moguntia) the Elector there made much of him and gave him a fine horse richly caparisoned and a large quantity of victuals; that he had likewise had a free passage from the Elector of Treves, with victuals and other courtesies. Ypres is besieged by the Prince of Parma, in which is M. Marquette (Marchetto), with seven ensigns of foot.
Enclosed in preceding. Italian. 2 pp. Holl. and Fl. XXI. 2.]
Jan.5. 357. Stokes to Walsingham.
Those of Ghent “begins and also desires” to have the counsel of their neighbours, and have written to the other Members of Flanders to send deputies to them, that they may do all things friendly together as heretofore, which the rest of the members—that is Bruges, the Free and Ypres—have done, and the deputies will stay there “according to their old order three months time.” It is said that the Gentners have received letters with great offers from the King of Spain.
From Lille also they write that in those parts there is some hope of a peace, for those of Artois and Hainault (Henego) desire it greatly, being in much fear of the coming of the Spaniards and also of the French.
The enemy at Ecloo is very few in number, having strengthened their forces about Ghent, and sent some into Brabant.
Letters are come to the magistrates here of an agreement made by the King of Spain's order that all the prisoners of importance shall be released on both sides, viz. the Count of Egmont, Baron de Selles and M. de Champagny (Champine) with others in the States' hands, for M. de la Noue and others, prisoners with the enemy.
Monsieur is said to be preparing forces to send into Artois and Hainault by the end of March, which causes great fear in those parts, for already they are in great misery and poverty for want of victuals &c.
Letters come very fast to this State from the Prince of Orange's Court to look well to their towns, for in a few weeks they shall have aid to their contentment, but from whence it shall come is not stated.
There was a plan in hand to join Bruges, Ostend, Sluys and Damme to Holland and Zeeland, but it is “missed,"and, as is thought, by means of the Prince of Chimay. There has this week been great discord between him and the burgomasters of this town and the Free. It seems the magistrates sought to displace him from his government because they see he desires a peace and is an enemy to the French, for the magistrates “desires greatly the coming of Monsieur and will have no peace.”
“Those of Ypres this week went out in the night with long boats, and by a fine device shot fire into the enemy's fort, which fell upon their houses covered with straw, being in a windy night,” burnt all the houses and burnt and spoiled all the victuals and forage.—Bruges, 5 January, 1583, stilo Anglie.
Postscript.—I have just now received yours of the 19 of last month, humbly thanking you for the same. Next week Col. Morgan and his companies depart for Holland, being sent for by the Prince of Orange.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XXI. 3.]
Jan. 6. 358. Stokes to Walsingham.
This day the Prince of Chimay sent me by his secretary the enclosed letter for your Honour, with charge to forward it as speedily as I could. By good hap, here is one going to London, so I trust it will come with speed to your hands.
Peace is made between the Prince and the burgomasters, but I hear that he “can hardly put it so up at their hands, because they touched his honour so much” and therefore it is feared he will be revenged. Though he be young of years, I hear he is wise and of good judgment and deals uprightly; “also tells the magistrates plainly their duties and of their covetous government,” and for these causes, and chiefly because he is against the coming of the French, the magistrates wish rather his absence than his presence. Also they seek to have as few noblemen and gentlemen amongst them as they can, which dealings make men fear this state cannot stand long.
This day Col. Morgan has his despatch from them, and will go away within these two days.
I wrote to you before of the high price of English gold here and the great number of angels brought from England. This should be looked to, for men begin to make a trade of it.—Bruges, 6 January, 1583, stilo Anglie.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. XXI. 4.]
Jan. 6. 359. Agostino Grafigna to Walsingham.
I find myself here in “Antona” in order to despatch a ship of mine into Italy, and as I hear that those corsairs who fought the Venetian ship are waiting near Plymouth (Plemua) to rob this one, I pray you to grant me a passport, by means of which she may go safely under the protection of her Majesty, in the same way that it was granted to the said Venetian ship. The ship is called the Griffin of Southampton (Antona), the master William Lynche, an Englishman. The burden is 300 tons and she carries fifty men, English, who will little fear the robbers if she is under her Majesty's protection.—Antona [Southampton], 6 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. Italian. 1 p. [Italy I. 9.]
Jan. 7/17. 360. M. Du Bex to Walsingham.
Assuring Walsingham of his desire to be of service to him, in return for many and great obligations received from him.—Paris, 17 January, 1584 [n.s.].
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [France XI. 1.]
Jan. 8. 361. Stafford to Walsingham.
Ships preparing in Normandy for Don Antonio, who is awork to annoy the King of Spain. The King has stopped the “cutting off” of his officers, for which it is thought they have paid, and the people murmur greatly, but the Assembly is not yet ended and there are changes every day. The King of Navarre will be pressed by the King to take his wife again. Demands of Chassincourt, Navarre's agent, for restoration of Condé's companies of men at arms, and permission to hold an assembly of the churches. Spanish troops for the Low Countries. Deputies from the Low Countries at Calais. All the hurly-burly about killing Monsieur comes but to the killing of Fervaques and Aurilly, and that believed to be a practice of their own. The poor fellow “abused by their cunning” condemned to be torn to pieces by horses. Great heartburnings between the mignons of the King and Monsieur. Monsieur has given Aurilly the Comté of Montfort, which makes Epernon in a sort his vassal. Epernon much enraged and the King offended.—Paris, 8 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Ibid. XI. 2.]
Calendared in Report on the Cecil Papers iii. 25 (from copy sent to Burghley), Printed by Murdin, pp. 389–391.
Jan. 8. 362. Stafford to Walsingham.
On Friday last the Bishops of Ross and Glasgow went very late in the evening to the Pope's nuncio, and with them Thomas Morgan. Thither came the Duke of Guise upon a horse, only one man behind him and a lackey to hold his horse, not apparelled in his own livery. They were in consultation more than a long hour and a half, Morgan remaining without, till Maldonat came, who your Honour knows is the chief man with the Spanish Ambassador. When he came, he and Morgan were called in, and after a quarter of an hour or more, they brake up, and went each to his own home, Morgan going in the coach with the Bishops of Glasgow and Ross.
“The same night, a friend of mine that was at the Duke of Guise's going to bed, told me the next day that he never saw the Duke of Guise more gallant nor merry. And that talking with his mother, they fell in speech of Scotland, and told her that it was certainly assured him that the Queen had sent to the Earl of Shrewsbury to bring the Queen of Scots up to her, but he would not, and that he hoped there would be, ere it were long, beau jeu in England; and, in truth, among our papists here it is a common speech that of my lord of Shrewsbury, which I neither believe, because I take him to be honourable and true, and also because I hear nothing of it from you.
“And this withal he added more, that if the King of Scots were as well a counselled young man as he might be, which he hoped time would bring him to, he might do a great deal better than he doth. For men's minds being in that doubtful case as he taketh them to be in England, if the King of Scots would steadfastly embrace the aids of his friends and send to the Queen to demand his mother, the Queen would be marvellously astonied, especially so many being in England discontented and troubled as they are now, the which he reckoned up a marvellous number of; as the Earl of Northumberland, Arundel, Rutland, Shrewsbury, Montagu and a great many others . . . and seemed marvellously to rejoice at their trouble, hoping that it would breed a mischief; all which I hope be not true.”
I cannot expressly say nor think that Lord Paget was acquainted with this treaty, but Charles Paget and Morgan were together all the day before. Lord Paget has not dealt with any suspected body himself, but his brother's dealing continually with Morgan makes me suspect what I cannot yet know. Within this sennight he has been much perplexed by the news that there is a great mass of money of his in England stayed about the West Country.
What the effect of the council at the nuncio's is I cannot yet discover, but will use all the ways I can to hearken more. It is told me even now that Liggons came hither last night, and is lodged at Glasgow's appointment. I will have as good an eye to him as I can.
For the pictures, I spoke to Pinart as you wished, but if I had not had some [persons] laid up before I told him, the men had escaped and the pictures had been dispersed. “But I first laid the printer up, and then the Englishman that was the bringer of them to print, and after I sent to Pinart to speak to the King for justice, which he hath written very severely to the lieutenant-general and procureur of, and yet I can get no more in than I had before, the rest having present warning and be either fled or well hidden.”
I hope to get both the printed pieces and the moulds, and if you had not advised me to have them suppressed and no farther, I would lose all my credit but I would bring the Englishman to the gallows, to teach all others by him to be honester men to their country. He names himself Verstingham, which name I never heard of before. He confesses nobody his partner but one Ingram Thwin, who is fled or hidden among good friends.
There are many here of the Religion that fear marvellously the Marshal Montmorency and the King of Navarre's intelligence with him, and that under colour of fair words he will embark that King with him into a war to serve his turn; which they think will undo him in reputation and cause them that have nothing afore their eyes but religion to leave him. They fear further that Montmorency has intelligence with the Duke of Savoy, who is but a minister to the King of Spain, and say that he has received three score thousand crowns of the Duke, which they fear is the Kong of Spain's money, given to keep France occupied while he does his will.
These are the opinions of some “that are simply religious, and yet not very simple men, but they have been so often bitten that (as they have good cause) so they fear everything. For my part I hear them, and of the other side, the King of Navarre's agents and servants, who have a better opinion of Montmorency; the judgment I leave to wiser than myself.
“I have delivered this bearer a packet that the minister of this church here desired me to deliver M. la Fontayne at London. He saith there are letters in it from the Swissers to her Majesty and divers of her Council.
“It is told me for certainty that the King upon Thursday at night last rose up out of his bed in a marvellous fury, and with his sword in his hand swore that he would kill the devil that was before him that would have him, and used himself in such sort that they have been ever since afraid of him. It is kept very close and men here be greatly amazed at it. I do not hear it hath happened since, but men grow in great fear of a return.”
Gourgon the Scottishman still desires leave to go into Scotland, and promises many godly things if he go, but in my opinion he says too much to do too well. He haunts continually with the Duke of Guise, and is a daily follower of the Queen Mother. “His wife is a very honest gentlewoman of the Religion. She assureth he doth but dissemble religion and that he hath from the King of Scots a private commission to be as it were his agent here. She assureth she hath seen his letters from the King; he hath promised them of Guise to practice the marriage of the Princess of Lorraine, with whom the Duke of Savoy now pretendeth to seek a match by M. la Croix, now sent hither, but it is thought it will not be and that the Duke of Savoy seeketh it but for a colour.”
It were good that I may have some answer to his letter, of what kind your Honour thinks best.—Paris, 8 January, 1583.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France XI. 3.]
363. Duplicate of the above sent “by Mr. Stalinge.” Endd. 4 pp. [Ibid. XI. 4.]
Jan. 9. 364. Philip Fisher to—.
“The names of those Englishmen that are sent from Rome out of the holy house into the galleys at Naples.”
Peter Baker. Jacob Shipper. Thos. Walles.
Edward Selman. Thos. Vincent. Edward Clarke.
Christofer Foster. Henry Coredie. Wm. Robinson.
John Foster. Thos. Lutton. Mathew Gibbins.
Daniel Gage. Giles Styles. Wm. Conway.
We know not what is become of the rest of the mariners left in prison at Palermo, but believe they are or shortly will be in the galleys. As soon as we learn it, you shall know.—Rome, 9 January, 1583. [Style doubtful.]
Endd. ¾ p. [Italy I. 10.]
Jan. 10. 365. Walsingham to Stafford.
“The Spanish Ambassador was yesterday, by her Majesty's order, commanded to depart the realm within 15 days, being charged to have had intelligence with the Scots Queen, and sought the means to convey her away out of the realm; to have had divers conferences with Francis Throckmorton of the means how to invade the realm; to have given out that the King his master would bear half the charges of the invasion, and that the Duke of Guise should be the leader of the enterprise. To have sought to understand how the Catholics of this realm would stand affected in case any foreign prince did invade the same; to have been acquainted with the repair hither of Charles Paget and the cause thereof; to have been a receiver of Jesuits, seminaries and other ill-affected subjects; to have suffered her Majesty's subjects to repair to the mass at his house contrary to the privileges of an ambassador, and such other like practices, wherein it is proved that he hath been a dealer against her Majesty and the State.”
Wherewith it was thought meet you should be made acquainted that you may be the better able to answer the bruits that may be given out upon the dismissing of the ambassador, which, nevertheless, you are only to do in general terms, alleging that he has been discovered to have practised the disquieting of the realm, and to have had secret intelligence with the Queen of Scots.
Her Majesty wishes you to take some occasion to visit the Spanish agent and acquaint him with these two general causes, letting him understand that she means to send a minister to the King to lay before him the reasons that had moved her “to proceed in that sort.”
My lord of Northumberland was yesterday committed to the Tower, according to a resolution taken about a fortnight since in that behalf.—10 January, 1583.
Endd. Copy. 1 p. [France XI. 5.]