Index: E

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: E". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Eastland, the, privileges of trade in, 784.

Ebersdorf, letter dated at, 741.

Ebora, Cortes of Portugal to be held at, 694.

Eccloo, Monsieur to pass, 188, 194, 204 (p. 223);

Monsieur passes near, 218, 220;

'Ecklo,' Malcontents go towards, 572.

Eden, Mr., letter to, 446.

Edinburgh, merchant of, in France, 325.

Edward III, reference to times of, 734 (p. 686).

Edward VI, reference to days of, 571 (p. 545);

mentioned, 633.

Edzard, Count of Embden or East Friesland, mentioned, 73;

reference to letter from Emperor to, 333;

letter from doctors of, 372;

mentioned, 542, 583;

sends commissioners to the Emperor, 615;

doctor of, at Imperial Court, 654;

John More has interview with, 696;

complaints of, 744.

-, letters to, 692, 709.

Eglenby, —, condemned to prison, 636.

Eglinton, Earl of. See Montgomerie.

Egmont, Lamoral, 'Amyrall,' Count of [junior], said to have been released, 296.

-, Lamoral, death of, alluded to, 510 (p. 505).

-, Philip, Count of, to be exchanged for la Noue, 245;

prisoner at castle of Rammekens, 280 (p. 304);

full of courage, 517;

takes gate of Brussels and brings six companies into the town, 533;

mentioned, 535;

promises never to be against States again, 537;

tries to persuade Brussels to accept the king's peace, 540;

takes Ronsin, 541;

reference to imprisonment of, 574.

Eichstat, Martin, Bishop of, goes to meet Emperor on his arrival in Augsburg, 646;

at Diet of Augsburg, 646, 649, 650, 653.

Elbing, in Prussia, 571, 613;

posts going by way of, 616;

treaty of, mentioned, 616 (p. 579), 617;

Senate of, 623;

English subjects in, 658, 659;

reference to treaty between English subjects and men of, 670;

King of Poland will establish English merchants in, 674;

reference to establishment of a free seat of English commerce at, 712;

certain Englishman favour Dantzic more than, 723.

-, letters dated at, 551, 590, 613, 616, 617, 641, 723, 726, 727.

-, letters to magistrates of, 659.

Elbœuf, Duke of. See Lorraine, René de.

Eleryngtons, —, 459.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, reference to negotiation of La Mothe with, 2;

thanked by King of France and his Mother for the use of certain ships, 2;

grants safe-conduct to Lennox, 5;

no longer willing for French marriage, 5;

Gower hopes to return to favour of, 7;

does not imprison Count Montgomery, 7;

allows la Mothe-Fènelon to go into Scotland, 10;

is assured of affection of la Mothe-Fènelon, 12;

receives request from Marchaumont, 15;

Norris writes to, 22;

uses Anjou honourably, 24;

grants audience to Duke of Lennox, 26;

anxious for Monsieur's preservation, 27;

people of Netherlands put all their hope in, 31, 65, 84;

French soundly affected towards, 46 (p. 54);

sends ships to Flanders to help Monsieur, 54 (p. 62);

mentioned, 55;

asked to remember Mr. Howard, 56;

Norris anxious not to displease, 58;

attitude of, towards Monsieur, 60, 87;

good will of, towards Monsieur, 68;

le Brumen desires that M. Péna's request may be laid before, 70;

displeased by a letter from Bodin, 72;

mentioned, 72, 73;

goodwill of Russia towards, 74;

some think that d'Aubigny may turn to, 75;

would do well to employ d'Aubigny in service, 75;

rumours of displeasure of, towards Norris, 76;

appealed to, on behalf of Don Antonio, 82;

messages from, to Cobham, 82;

highly offended with Prince of Orange and States, and with Norris, 85;

policy of, towards people of the Netherlands, 85 (p. 97);

Lenox 'much pleased with' 87;

Darcy bears letters to Monsieur from, 90;

favour of to Monsieur, and Norris anxious to please, 90, 98;

rumours that King of France had given away present of, 92 (p. 105);

mentioned, 94;

Pietro Bizarri sends his book to, 100, 116;

Mauvissière declares his loyalty to, 104;

Thomas Arundel declares himself the loyal servant of, 113;

States declare that they will refer all matters to, 117;

will grant audience to Mauvissière, 118;

mentioned, 119;

hopes to receive information concerning d'Aubigny, from Smallet, 122;

wishes Nicholson and Gower to be released at Rouen, 123;

reference to Walsingham's conference with, on Scottish affairs, 124;

la Mothe-Fènelon desires audience of, 126;

d'Aubigny acknowledges favour shown him by, 127;

Gabriel Strozzi offers 'device' to, 128;

Cobham complains of his inability to serve, unless he receives more money, 129;

mentioned, 130;

reference to letters patent of, 133;

mentioned, 136 (p. 150);

Norris in danger of incurring displeasure of, 138;

Frederick van den Zardt offers his services to, 139;

mentioned, 140;

de Silva hopes, will aid Don Antonio, 141;

reference to amity between King of Denmark and, 145;

reference to letters from, 147;

mentioned, 148 (p. 164), 152;

Mauvissière sends French gardener to, 149;

mentioned, 159, 162;

d'Aubigny's attitude towards, 168;

writes to French king concerning Nicols and Gower, 169;

mentioned, 170;

sends la Mothe-Fènelon to Scotland, 174;

mentioned, 175;

d'Aubigny wishes to put himself under direction of, 182, 183;

book dedicated to, 185;

Estates write to, on behalf of Gilles Lunx, 196;

subjects of, likely to receive ill-treatment in France, 197 (p. 213);

cannot consent to Strozzi's 'device,' 199;

mentioned, 202, 204;

Morris fears displeasure of, 205;

Bizarri reposes result of his affairs in hands of, 206 (p. 228);

directions of, concerning Smallet, 208;

her opinion of d'Aubigny, 210;

asked for payment for Bierboom, 211;

money owed, to, by States-General, 213;

grieved to hear of 'accident' in Antwerp, 215;

supposed to have revealed secrets to Monsieur and others, 216;

wishes for news of Huguenots, 219;

mentioned, 223;

reference to difficulties between Queen of Scots and, 224;

reference to letters from, to States, 225;

mentioned, 226, 233, 236;

Swiss wish, would make a stand against Inquisition, 240;

mentioned, 246, 247, 253, 254, 255 (1);

Duke Casimir writes to, 257, 258;

Cobham hopes will help Unton, 259;

mentioned, 260;

priests and cardinals trouble estates of, in Ireland, 261;

reference to letters of, to, Emperor, 265;

mentioned 266 (2), 266 (3), 267 (4);

reference to friendship between Monsieur and, 269;

Queen Mother may go to see, 273;

mentioned, 277, 280, 281, 282;

Spanish ambassador at Imperial Court glad of decrees against, 282 (p. 309);

king of Denmark writes to, 284 (2);

mentioned, 286;

d'Aubigny intends to put himself in hands of, 288;

suggestion that she should make a league with princes of Germany, 290;

reference to letter from, to Prince of Orange and States, 295;

mentioned, 297, 304;

States-General write to, 299;

reference to letters from, to States, 305;

Prince of Orange condemns States for their dealing with, 305 (p. 334);

reference to letter from, to States, 306;

Norris wishes to kiss hands of, 307;

Monsieur much assisted by letters from, 308;

Count Alasky expresses devotion to, 312;

States promise to content, 318;

mentioned, 325;

sends letters to Signiors of Venice, 325 (p. 361);

Keir declares himself to be well affected towards, 327;

ambassadors to be sent to, from Duke Casimir and Duke of Zweibrücken, 330;

Ker wishes for favour of, 332;

reference to letters from Emperor to, 333;

reference to commands of, touching ships taken by Bacqueville's people, 335;

mentioned, 336, 338 (p. 372), 339;

negotiations of, with Emperor of Russia, 341;

mentioned, 344;

d'Entragues and Entraguet sent to, 345;

mentioned, 350, 351, 353, 360;

Swedish ambassador commended to, 361:

d'Aubigny's children wish for favour of, 362;

Des Roues desires continued favour of, 365;

Duke Casimir desires help of, on behalf of Elector of Cologne, 366, 367;

La Motte anxious to remain; servant of, 370;

Don Antonio hopes much from, 375;

mentioned, 379 (p. 409);

negotiations of King of Denmark with 381;

murmurs against, in Gravelines, 384;

King of Denmark anxious to please, 391;

must look to her own safety, 392;

reference to letters of, 393;

mentioned, 395;

Bizarri declares himself ever at service of, 398 (p. 428).


policy of, 403;

fleet of, preparing against Spain, 409;

progress of stopped, 410;

mentioned, 414, 426;

negotiations of marriage between one of French Princes and, 429;

plot against, 436;

Leicester recommends Smith to, 438;

account of English treaties with foreign powers, referred to, 443;

Smith refers to affairs between France and, 447;

Sir Thomas Smith commends his son to service of, 449;

irresolution of, 451, 455;

mentioned, 456;

Irish enterprise honourable to, 457;

mentioned, 458, 459;

Sir Thomas Smith anxious to do the will of, 463;

mentioned, 465;

Thomas Smith ready to give life for, 466;

designs of, in Ireland, 468, 469;

servants will adventure lives for, 471;

signs grant, 472;

policy of, 474;

league with France likely to be profitable to, 475;

discussion regarding rights of in Scotland, 480;

allowance of, to Sir Thomas Smith, 481;

should live in greater safety owing to affairs of Flanders, 481;

Sir Thomas Smith prays for safety of, 484;

people of High Ester show themselves undutiful towards, 490;

consultation as to how to relieve charges of, 492;

honours Montmorency with the Garter, 497;

mentioned, 499;

Duke of Alva writes complaints to, 499 (p. 498);

mentioned, 500;

Captain de la Haye prays for safe-conduct and justice of, 504;

Drake proclaims war with Spain on behalf of, 505 (p. 501);

Spaniards desire punishment by, for Drake and his accomplices, 505 (p. 501);

letters patent of, with appointment to Walsingham, 507;

desires peace with Portugal, 509;

Monsieur sends M. Simier to, 523;

reference to embassy from Requescens to, and to treaty between State and, 524;

subjects of, must be humble suitors to Burghley, 546;

mentioned, 551, 560;

Portugal will yield to, rather than to Spain, 561;

goodwill of, towards France, 563;

understands the cause of the Hanse Towns, 571 (p. 546);

ships of, 586;

people of Holland and Zealand generally addicted to, 588;

mentioned, 589;

Rogers declares himself devoted to, 590;

ships of, said to be on Irish coast, 594;

reference to esteem of, for late Duke of Savoy, 595;

rumour in Spain of death of, 597;

mentioned, 608;

policy of, towards the Hanse Towns, 613;

affairs of, 616;

mentioned, 620;

reference to good-will of, towards the Holy Roman Empire, 622;

ambassador of, in Poland, 623;

reference to letters from, to Princes of the Empire, 633;

reference to proposed marriage between Monsieur and, 635 (p. 595);

affairs of, 635;

anxious to keep peace with King Philip, 637;

mentioned, 639;

King Stephen desires to know reason of departure of envoy of, 641;

commissioner from, desired in Augsburg, 651;

reference to letters from, to the Emperor, 661, 663, 664;

reference to letters from Emperor to, 666, 669;

King of Poland has high opinion of, 670;

deputies to be sent to, concerning Hanse Towns, 671, 675;

Emperor desires strong ties between Empire and, 678;

Gregory Pormorth asks Ossowinsky to see, on his behalf, 686;

liberality of, 687;

letter from Emperor to, delivered to Gilpin's servant, 690;

merchants of Antwerp solicit States for satisfaction for, 690;

mentioned, 692;

mentioned, 696;

said to have sent a galleon to Monsieur, 703 (p. 657);

reference to honour done to Monsieur by, 705;

King of Poland writes to, 707;

displeased with action of French in Antwerp, 711;

affairs of, in Poland, 712;

will nourish war between France and Spain, 713;

Emperor writes to, concerning Hanse Towns, 720;

Don Antonio asks Walsingham to bring him to the remembrance of, 721;

City of Elbing writes to, 723;

information from the States to be laid before, 725;

affairs of, in Poland, 726;

reference to Walsingham's influence with, 727;

should be reputed powerful, 734 (p. 690);

believed herself sure of Monsieur's friendship, 734 (p. 692);

mentioned, 738;

King of Spain is advised to proceed against, 740 (p. 699);

Rudolf II. writes to, 741;

mentioned, 744, 745;

documents relating to marriage treaty between Anjou and, 767, 773, 775.

-, mentioned under the cipher symbol Ce, 333, 388, 740.

-, letters to, 156, 196, 227, 253, 258, 299, 302, 303, 312, 354, 361, 390, 413, 429, 437, 440, 454, 477, 504, 523, 543, 595, 617, 622, 623, 641, 663, 670, 681, 687, 707, 720, 723, 726, 741, 763, 765.

-, letters from, 217, 502, 522, 583, 658, 659, 674, 753, 754, 755.

Elizabeth, fort proposed to be called, in Ireland, 493.

Ellis, Captain of English, slain near Campen, 601.

Elmenhorst, John, citizen of Lubeck, correspondence in matter of, 284.

Elsinore, Elsenor, in Denmark, Rogers arrives at, 590;

Ossowinsky refers to having been at, 686;

'Helschener,' letter dated at, 284 (2).

Eltz, Elst, James von, Archbishop-Elector of Trèves, to have regal power over commonalty of Trèves, 565.

Elvas, Elves, King of Spain to be proclaimed King of Portugal at, 566 (4);

King in, 568;

surrenders to King of Spain, 577 (p. 552).

Emanuel, former King of Portugal, Mendez flees into France with jewels of, 92 (p. 105).

-, Philibert, Duke of Savoy, letter from, 543.

Embden, traitors from Holland flee to, 136 (p. 151);

Hanse merchants endeavour to get mandate forbidding trade with England, published in, 282;

may be in danger from Spanish ships, 327;

reference to ships bound for, 546;

among the confederates, 571 (p. 546);

Elizabeth requests that English merchants may dwell in, 583;

reference to posts from London to, 616;

reference to merchant Adventurers in, 696, 709;

will not be safe, 740.

-, letters dated at, 542, 696.

-, Earl of. See Edzard.

-, Count John of, or of East Friesland, has yearly pension from Elizabeth, 696.

Embise. See Hembyse.

Emmerich, on the Rhine, Count Aremberg defeats Count of Moers' soldiers near, 243.

Emperor. See Rudolf II.

-, late. See Charles V. See Maximilian.

Empire, the, cities of, make complaints against Denmark, Sweden and England, 156 (p. 174);

deputies of Princes of, to meet at Worms, 243;

reference to declarations of Estates of, 253;

Princes and Estates of, 282;

Protestant princes resolve to join in defence of Bishop of Cologne against, 290;

Princes and Electors of, commissioned to report on matters at Cologne, 316;

Germans of old unwilling to allow Pope too much sway within, 316 (p. 346);

Prince of Parma wishes to bring Spanish soldiers into, 316 (p. 348);

rumour that Prince of Orange will be made Margrave of, 318 (p. 350);

assembly of cities of, to be held at Dunckspiel, 322;

attitude of, towards new archbishop of Cologne, 333 (p. 369);

Duke Casimir desires peace of, 368.


reference to letters to States from, 515;

reply brought to Elizabeth from chief provinces of, 522;

mentioned, 525;

commissioners of, will soon leave Low Countries, 545;

reference to controversy, between Elizabeth and cities of, 622;

Gilpin sent to Princes of, 632, 633;

affairs of, discussed at Augsburg, 646, 647, 649;

harbinger of, awaits Emperor at entry into Augsburg, 653;

affairs of, discussed, 654, 655;

reference to defence of, 660;

mentioned, 664;

defence of Merchant Adventurers addressed to, 666;

Princes and Estates of, 673, 678, 682, 684;

Merchant Adventurers to be no longer allowed to trade in, 692;

news from, 699, 701;

might demand a legate if Portugal has one, 702;

assembly to be held by Protestant princes and towns of, 713;

affairs of, to be discussed, 714;

Bishop of Cologne is sure that he will be maintained in his dignities by Princes of, 715;

Emperor represents constitutions of, to Elector of Saxony and Bishop of Cologne, 719;

decrees of Princes of, concerning Hanse Towns, 719;

foreign gendarmerie to retire from territory of, 722;

cities of, belonging to Protestant Religion, agree to support the Bishop of Cologne, 724;

all the great ones of, will assemble at Weimar for the wedding, 731;

men may be levied for chapter of Cologne in all towns of, 732;

matter of Hanse Towns is common to 741;

Princes of, 743;

Princes of said to have withdrawn favour from Bishop of Cologne, 744.

Empress. See Mary of Castile.

Ems, 'Eeyns,' river, Spanish king's ships from Sweden may pass into mouth of, 327;

ships sent into, from Holland, 578;

ships of war lie in, 612.

England, fear that attempt on Antwerp will have bad results for, 38;

reference to letter directed to, 38;

longing for news from, in Low Countries, 65;

Bodin obliged to pass into, 72;

many in, ready to join with d'Aubigny in favour of King of Scots, 75;

difficulty of conveying letters to, from Netherlands, 90 (p. 101);

agreement between Protestants in France and, to be wished, 93;

Mauvissière desires peace between France and, 104;

Colonel Stewart said to be well affected towards, 122;

Stewart and Colvile to be sent into, 127;

Frenchmen said to be unable to get justice in, 133;

countenance from, only means of advancing Monsieur's cause in Low Countries, 136 (p. 150);

mentioned, 148 (p. 164);

reference to imports from, to France, 151;

Nicols answers accusations made against him in, 152;

Don Antonio desires supplies from, 154;

mentioned, 159;

letters from, to Count of Torres Vedras, 160;

Taxis sends indulgences to be dispersed among Roman Catholics in, 167 (p. 186);

Gower made to swear not to return to, 170;

d'Aubigny wishes to unite Scotland and, 182;

Admiralty of, condemns Gilles Lunx, 196;

reference to strangers in, 197 (p. 213);

money sent to papists in, 197 (p. 214);

Sainte-Aldegonde writes letter of commendation for gentleman going to, 221;

reference to maintenance of peace between France and, 224;

mentioned, 232;

a chosen judas said to be coming to, from Pope, 237 (p. 257);

Piero Strozzi about to go to, 246, 247;

English pirates return to, after having robbed French merchant ships, 255 (2);

news of loss of Eyndhoven sent to, 256;

reference to Unton's friends in, 259;

Venetians wish ambassador to be sent to, 260;

ammunition sent to Barbary from, 266 (3);

mentioned, 269;

reference to Walsingham's important business in, 282;

Hanse merchants endeavour to abolish trade with, 282 (p. 306);

Morgan sends letter to, 283;

mentioned, 284 (2);

cloths of, to be exempted from impositions in France, 286;

reference to d'Aubigny's visit to, 288;

Sassetti sent with dispatch to, 293;

Geneva hopes to be well relieved from, 301;

reference to corn sent from, to Seville, 304;

Gilpin's friend from Cologne wishes to repair to, 305 (p. 335);

Norris wishes to repair to, 307, 321;

reference to trade between Venice and, 325 (p. 361);

Irish Bishop about to go to, 327;

reference to letter brought by Smallet to d'Aubigny from, 338 (p. 372);

Norris about to go to, 339;

Jesuits and Cordeliers propose to go to, 342;

Smallet not well satisfied at his return from, 344;

Aldred well acquainted with Romish practices in, 346;

reference to representations made in, against subjects of Holland and Zealand trading with, 351;

Dutch merchants send man to solicit restitution of their goods, 353;

Ortel sent to look after Netherland's interest in, 354;

loan asked for from, for Elector of Cologne, 367;

Joachim Ortel appointed agent of States of Zealand in, 380;

mentioned, 386;

merchandise sent from Ostend and Nieuport to, 397 (p. 425).


safe-conduct allowing Eric XIV to pass into, 402;

foreign policy of, 408;

governor of Flushing and wife in, 410;

mentioned, 416;

ecclesiastical rites of, 420;

articles of friendship between sovereigns of France and, 420;

Queen Mother desires proposals of Duke of Alençon to be carried to, 433;

mentioned, 444;

Irish enterprise honourable to crown of, 457;

reference to crown of, 470;

Scottish policy of, 480;

mentioned, 481, 486;

Privy Council requires what provisions have come from, for army in Holland fighting against Duke of Alva, 499 (p. 498);

sister of Angelier in, 500;

Captain de la Haye comes to, in train of Mauvissière, 504;

Drake takes Farina captive to, 505 (p. 501);

Portuguese Ambassador in, 507;

reference to return of Marquis of Havré from, 515;

'troubles government of' Spain, 516;

affairs between Spain and, 524;

mentioned, 528;

Spanish fleet thought to he preparing against, 561;

mentioned, 563, 566 (1);

Spanish army said to be for, 566 (2), (3), 568;

mentioned, 571 (p. 545);

Spaniards intend to invade, 576;

Spaniards still thought to be going to, 581;

Roman Catholics in, mentioned, 590 (p. 560);

Spanish troops thought to be for, 597;

pretence of King of Spain and Pope against, 602 (p. 567);

letters conveyed out of, from Queen of Scots to King Philip, 602 (p. 568);

those of, mentioned, 608;

liberties enjoyed by Hanse Towns in, 613;

mentioned, 616, 620;

Pallavicino imprisoned for meddling in affairs of, 630;

affairs in, 635;

more than two-thirds of, ready to take part with Sussex, 635 (p. 596);

mentioned, 637;

need not be jealous of France, 639;

Spain could do nothing without help from France and, 640;

Flanders must yield, except for victuals from, 643;

discussion at Augsburg concerning merchandise of, 647;

commissioner from desired in Augsburg, 651;

reference to privileges of Hanse towns in, 661;

Merchant Adventurers of, 666;

mentioned, 678;

Pierre des Roues wishes to be recognized as a native of, 685;

mentioned, 686, 690;

crown of, 692;

harm will come to if Elizabeth does not decide what to do, 705;

Bosgrove detained as prisoner in, 707 (p. 661);

reference to restitution of privileges of Hanse Towns in, 720;

request of merchants of Low Countries trading to, 725;

reference to Froissart's history of, 734 (p. 686);

Philip II. is advised to proceed against, 740;

Bishop of Vercelli receives letters from, 742;

Prenner has been in, 744;

mentioned, 745.

-, mentioned under the cipher symbol Ci 333, 388, 740.

English, cornets surprise Eyndhoven, 1;

talk of reforming regiments of, 12;

ships bring victuals to Dunkirk, 31;

in Low Countries, swear allegiance to States, 38;

in attack on Antwerp, 40 (p. 46);

leave Monsieur, 40 (p. 47);

Monsieur gives out hard speeches against, 47 (p. 56);

use outrage against French in Low Countries, 57;

regiment well lodged, 80;

in States' enterprise against Lierre, 117;

subjects in France, commission from King to consider requests of, 125;

cloth, reference to duty levied upon, in France, 133;

troops in land of Waes refuse to move without two months' pay, 138;

de Silva promises to show favour to, 141;

Don Antonio wishes for, 142;

merchants, Northern trade of, 145;

groom in Mauvissière's service, 150;

merchants at Bordeaux, petition of, to French king, 151;

traders not to sail near coasts of Denmark, 156 (p. 173);

at Angra, 160;

sack Santiago, 160 (p. 179);

troops in land of Waes to retire into Brabant 164;

merchants at Rochelle, Cobham speaks to French king on behalf of, 169;

regiments in Low Countries receive little pay, 179;

oppose themselves to Monsieur, 186;

merchants at Rochelle, to pay new impositions, 186 (p. 204);

Captains in Low Countries, messages from Monsieur to, 187 (p. 205);

reference to capture of French goods by, 191;

reference to unlawful detention of, by Pope and French king, 197 (p. 213);

serving at Gravelines, Dixon has intelligence with, 197 (p. 214);

troops in land of Waes, 204 (p. 221);

companies to retire, 215;

regiments leave land of Waes, 218 (p. 237);

companies receive pay from States, 225 (p. 246);

in States' army, 230;

troops leave Waesland, 235;

merchants conference on causes of, 236;

troops receive belated payment, 244, 251;

private complaints of French merchants robbed by, 254, 255 (1), 255 (2), 255 (3), 255 (5);

Biron complains of, 263;

cloth, 266 (3);

gentlemen present at capture of ships near Gravelines, 269;

pilot, 270;

regiments, 275, 277;

von Holtz expresses his good will towards, 282;

merchants, commissioners appointed to discuss causes of, with Cobham, 286;

cloths transported into France, reference to edicts concerning, 293;

at Rosendael, 294;

Don Antonio wishes for, for Terceira, 298, 313;

infantry disbands daily, 308;

cannot remain on reasonable terms with French, 319;

in Antwerp attack La Pierre, and la Grandville, 321;

at Rheims, collection for, among French prelates and clergy, 325 (p. 358);

agents for merchants to Russia, 341;

pirates, charges brought against by vice-admiral of France, 343 (p. 379);

coast, 348;

captains, reference to complaints brought by Dutch merchants against, 353;

traders complaints against king of Denmark, 381;

patent of king of Denmark in favour of, 382;

reference to navigation of, to Russia, 391.


soldiers should be sent to Ireland, 492;

information regarding robberies of, in Indies, 505;

pirates doing harm to, not to be received in ports of England or Portugal, 509;

companies of, arrive in Low Countries, 515;

complaints of, from King of Poland, 518;

soldiers, about Antwerp, mustered but not paid, 529;

near Bois-le-Duc, awaiting States' forces, 533;

soldiers mutiny for pay, 535;

slain at Maestricht, 538;

muster of, 545;

good-will of, towards Elbing, 551;

at Lierre, in mutiny, 554;

companies of, at Tournay, 555;

mutineers at Lierre, appeased, 555;

vessels, 559;

adventurers, said to have helped Russians, 564;

gunner, 566 (1);

merchant, 566 (2);

French in Flanders join with, 569;

mentioned, 571 (p. 549);

troops to be sent against Malcontents, 572;

foot-regiments embark towards Friesland, 573;

take forts in Groeningen, 579;

encounter enemy in Friesland, 580;

before Lingen, 584;

resolve to attempt rescue of Olderzele, 588;

companies of, thought to be going to winter at Doesburg, 591;

in garrison, weakened by sickness, 592;

companies of, at Doesburg, 598;

to lie between Campen and Swoll, 599;

companies of, left at Swarte Sluys, 601;

with Duke of Alva, 602 (p. 569);

reference to treaties between Prussia and, 613;

Elbingers find themselves enriched by trade with, 616;

interest of merchants, 651;

merchants imprisoned in Rome, 652, 657;

in Ghent, 668;

mentioned, 678;

vessels said to be in preparation for Don Antonio, 710;

ambassador, on his way to the Low Countries, 711;

affairs, in Poland, 712, 723, 726;

soldiers at Berck, 740;

ensigns of, under Busseau, 746.

Enriquez (Anriques), Don Alfonso, said to have arrived in Brittany, 154.

-, “Henrico,” Don, Steward of the Order of S. John, son of, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

-, “Henricus,” Don Antonio, son to Don Henrico, goes with Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

-, “Henricus,” Don Pedro, goes on Spanish expedition to the Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Entragues, Catherine de Balsac d', Lady Lennox, wife of d'-Aubigny, often has access to Queen Mother, 182 (p. 200);

causes consultation to be held by physicians about her husband's illness, 325 (p. 360);

jewels bequeathed to, by her husband, 338 (p. 372);

sends Gordon to visit Cobham, 362.

-, Charles de Balsac d', Seigneur de Dunnes, Comte de Graville, 'Entraguet,' 'Dangtraget,' sent to Elizabeth and Scottish king, 345.

-, François de Balsac d'. See Balsac.

Entremont, Duchess of. See Montbel.

Epernon. See Nogaret.

Épesses, — d', advocate, to confer with nuncio, 174 (p. 193).

Épinay, François de, Seigneur de St. Luc, one of the King's minions troops levied for, 563.

Epinoy, Prince of. See Melun, Pierre de.

Erasmus, mentioned by Bizarri, 398 (p. 428).

Erasso, Don Christopher, goes with the Spanish expedition to Terceiras, 365 (p. 399).

Erfurt, 243.

Eric XIV, late King of Sweden, safe conduct allowing to pass into England, 402.

Eric, Duke of Brunswick, 'Harty Yourkyn,' sends reiters to Duke of Alva, 405 (p. 436);

at baptism of infant daughter of King of Spain, 565;

arrives in Rome, 625.

Ernest, late Archduke of Bavaria, son of, becomes Bishop of Liége, 619.

-, Duke of Bavaria. See Liége, Bishop of.

Ernestus, Archduke, rumour that King of Spain's daughter is to marry, 53;

to be sent into Flanders, 53;

to govern Flanders, 57;

reference to intended marriage of, 60 (p. 71), 112;

Basha of Buda sends presents to, 243;

may marry Spanish princess, 309 (p. 341);

returns to Vienna, 565;

causes certain citizens of Vienna to be imprisoned, 675;

said to be going into Italy, 693;

levies a regiment in Liége, 735;

not in favour of Bishop of Cologne, 737;

absent from Vienna, 744.

Erskine, John, Earl of Mar, mentioned, 105 (p. 122);

d'Aubigny fears Gowrie's life is in danger from, 184.

Erstenberger, Andrew, Secretary of Imperial Court, Emperor's proposition read by, 649 (p. 609);

delivers despatch from Emperor to Gilpin's servant, 690.

Escorial, Escurial, Monastery of, Queen of Spain buried at, 602 (p. 569);

body of Don Diego taken to, 699.

Escovedo, Juan, sent by Don John to treat with Spaniards, 512 (p. 507).

Espes, Guerau d', Spanish Ambassador in England in 1571, 409 (p. 439);

leaves Brussels for Spain, 751.

Essars, Sr. de, in Poitou for King of Navarre, 734 (p. 689).

Essex, sheriff of, 474;

Sir Thomas Smith thanks his countrymen of, for their confidence, 481 (p. 485);

Sir Thomas Smith one of the Knights of, 486.

Estampes, Claude d', Sieur de la Ferté-Imbault, taken prisoner in attempt on Antwerp, 30 (p. 37);

Monsieur draws to himself, 734 (p. 692).

Este, Alfonso II d', Duke of Ferrara, wishes to renew league with French king, 23;

negotiations with, for marriage between Princess of Lorraine and Don Alfonso d'Este, 186;

Don Alfonso d'Este to succeed, in Modena and Reggio, 230 (p. 261);

Cassotte sent to, from French king, 345;

ambassador from, to the Emperor, 605;

desires marriage between Don Alfonso d'Este and a niece of the Duke of Venice, 662;

M. de Maisse visits, 694;

sends troops to surprise Castello di Rolo, 699;

mentioned, 700;

will very likely be honoured with titles, 702 (p. 653);

likely to oppose Emperor's orders concerning Castello di Rolo, 703 (p. 655).

-, Don Alfonso d', negotiations for marriage of son of, 186, 239 (p. 261);

Duke of Ferrara desires marriage between Duke of Venice's niece and, 662.

-, Anne d', Duchess of Nemours, Pibrac tries to give contentment to, about Monsieur's marriage with Princess of Lorraine, 94.

-, Louis, Cardinal d', Archbishop of Auch, letters from, mentioned, 9;

displeased with Pope concerning Bulla de Bene placitum, 23;

desires title of Priory in Ireland for a French knight of Malta, 167 (p. 186);

King gives money to, 239 (p. 260);

French Ambassador in Rome pleads on behalf of, 577 (p. 552);

has audience with the Pope, 693;

agrees to intercede for heirs of Cardinal Giustiniano, 693 (p. 642);

mentioned, 700;

sues for favour from the Pope for Count Pepuli, 701;

votes against the Pope on the question of a legate for Portugal, 702;

divine of, to assist the Paleologo, 711.

Estrain, Prince of Orange removes camp to, 404 (p. 434).

Estremos, 'Estremon,' Portuguese in, attacked by Spaniards, 577 (p. 552).

Esturiano, Don Peter Valdes, 602 (p. 567).

Esturianos, in Pope's fleet for Ireland, 602.

-, Captain of the. See Valdes.

Étaples near Boulogne, captain of, has conference with d'Aubigny, 127.

Eu, in Normandy, Duke of Guise intends to go to, 325 (p. 358), 338 (p. 373);

Fentry to repair to, 364 (p. 394).

Europe, princes of, said to be imposing heavy duties on traders, 381;

Sir Thomas Smith hopes for a general peace in, 447;

Lanquett said to be well versed in the affairs of, 705.

Euzan, owned by King of Navarre, 734 (p. 686).

Evans, Richard, Barbary merchant, signature of, 266 (1).

Exarde (?) Darcy passes through, 76.

Exeter, new tax laid upon ships arriving at Rochelle from, 99.

Eyndhoven, in Brabant, surprised by Bonivet, 1;

French army march towards, 1;

surrender of mentioned, 6;

Italians surrender after taking of, 12;

false rumours of siege of, 38 (p. 44);

besieged, 45, 46, 59, 80, 86, 100, 110, 111;

rumours that Monsieur will raise siege of, 81, 85 (p. 97), 115;

States' army to help, 103 (p. 118); 107;

Monsieur demands money to enable him to go to relief of, 110, 112, 117;

much straitened by enemy, 116;

duke will do his utmost to rescue, 121, 135 (p. 148);

surrounded by enemy, 136 (p. 151);

French forces to march to relief of, 138, 155, 157, 165, 171;

Prince of Parma reinforces siege of, 178;

Monsieur to send his army to, 179;

French slow to succour, 187 (p. 205), 192, 193;

French army to succour, 204;

Prince of Parma sends forces to camp before, 207;

all forces march to rescue of, 218 (p. 237), 220, 221;

in great danger, 225 (p. 244);

States endeavour to rescue, 228;

Biron to go to relief of, 228, 229;

preparations for relief of, 235;

mentioned, 244, 245;

surrendered to enemy, 253, 256;

companies before, divide themselves, 263;

reference to loss of, 264;

enemy's troops remain near, 280;

enemy fears, will be besieged, 305 (p. 336);

loss of, mentioned, 398 (p. 428);

enemy withdraw Walloons from, 615;

reference to taking of, 702 (p. 653);

reference to siege of, 703;

surrounded by the enemy, 708;

Count of Aremberg appears to be going towards, 719, 722;

said to be relieved, 728;

news expected from, 729.