Elizabeth: May 1583, 11-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Elizabeth: May 1583, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp332-345 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1583, 11-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp332-345.

"Elizabeth: May 1583, 11-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp332-345.

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May 1583, 11–15

May 11. 305. Gilpin to Walsingham.
According to my last, I repaired, at the time appointed by the Prince, to the States; where, sending in word of the letters I had to deliver from her Majesty, audience was presently granted, the assembly not being very great, since divers had repaired homewards. After I had presented the letters, with such words as I judged needful thereto, and the greffier had 'published' the same, I laid open in due order that which by your letter in her Majesty's name was commanded, 'enlarging' as fully as I could their present troublesome state and the terms of danger they diversly stood in, as by the enclosed copy of the effect of my speech at brief set down (because the Prince told me he thought they would demand my declaration in writing) and sent herewith, may appear. The States have not hitherto required any such of me.
The answer was made by their greffier, who first said the States had received her Majesty's letters with all deference, and in friendliest sort, and considered them, as also that which I had declared in her name; desiring nothing more than to deal so that she would like it, and the duke be satisfied. But forasmuch as the 'accident' fallen out proceeded from his Highness, and so the breach of former treaties ensued thereon, and moved not only them but the common people, whose jealousy, doubt and discontent was still so great that it could not be so soon or so easily removed as his Highness might conceive and they could desire, they said he and they both were to 'bear' a while, and work matters as occasion and means served. They had in their recess concluded, given order, and written to all the united provinces to consider and resolve concerning the new treaty to be handled with the duke, returning their commissioners to be here June 1 next, fully instructed and authorised in the matter, so that it might be fully proceeded on at the next meeting; and had meanwhile appointed two persons to entertain his Highness and prepare the way for further handling. Meetkerke was already going towards Dunkirk, and M. 'Allegonde' follows. And whereas that place, both for the number of people and the infectious diseases, is too strait and dangerous, they have offered his Highness choice of five others, Wynoxberghe, Veurne, Bruges Brussels, or Mechlin; yet so that after his liking of either of them, the places shall be dealt with, and agree to the order of receiving him and his train. Otherwise, they could not before their next assembly deal; and they trusted the duke would consider the reasons and causes moving them thereto, the more because in the last treaty at Dendermonde, no time was 'prefixed' to send their commissioners, but only as soon as conveniently could be, and thereof they would not be in default.
As touching the cause of Pallavicino and Spinola, their answer tended to their wonted 'exceptions' of need, etc., and that it was set down in the recess with charge to every province in like sort to take some order, for her Majesty's contentment, giving their next commissioners, to be sent 'against' June all charge and power to determine finally therein without long delay or exception thereto. I replied by earnestly pressing them all I could to consider of it, for I was to demand both the interest and principal; and the way to get it (if their answer tended not more to her Majesty's liking than all their former 'remises'), would fall out such that I doubted they would feel the heaviness of the inconvenience that might ensue, her Majesty taking recourse to other remedies. Therewith, certain of the Antwerp magistrates being present, I wished them to work and labour the means to the States for their indemnities; for I made account the burden would otherwise light upon their burghers. To this by one was answered that her Majesty was to do her gracious pleasure; but to bring those of Antwerp to yield themselves wholly to the payment, of what touched the General States, he knew well would not be 'per' the town in any sort granted, what harm soever lighted on their burgesses. They therefore requested I would instantly beseech you to be their good friend to her Majesty; desiring her favourable consideration of their present poor desolate estate; and would hereafter, God once vouchsafing to bless them with means, see their gratefulness. Of all which I desired, as above written, the States promised to satisfy her Majesty by their letters of answer; and more I could not get at that time, nor look for better at their next meeting, unless they of Holland and Zealand be brought by the Prince's authority to agree with the other provinces in an equal and rateable contribution to discharge the interest and principal, from which they 'have hitherto and still do' pretend to be exempt, as from a debt made and passed without their knowledge or assent.
Having thus dealt with the States, I went thence to the Prince, and after dinner, at his command, imparted so much as had passed between them and me. This he in some sort liked; only that they 'had wrong' to say no time had been 'prefixed' for the sending of commissioners to his Highness, which they might somewhat more have advanced—though indeed, to deal truly in that cause, the advice of the provinces and their full assent to that to be handled anew was most requisite, and this, for the sundry other occurrences of business, could not speedily be compassed. As to the matter of Pallavicino and Spinola, he had therefore done his utmost endeavour; and as he could not but condemn the States greatly for their dealing with her Majesty, that all this while no order had been taken to see the interest discharged, so he hoped she would not, in the present state they stand in, overpress them with demands for the principal, it being altogether impossible to find, much less to furnish, any such great sum. He hinted that at their next assembly such order will be taken that some means may be found and put in present execution for her contentment; to which effect he would thoroughly employ himself. As for sending word what money his Highness had had of the States, he said he had never meddled with the finances or handling of money, and so did not know the certain sum; but if her Majesty would show the States the favour to get Monsieur absolutely to set down in writing his grief, be it concerning the not contributing of money promised, or other cause, he assures himself and will procure [sic] such answer to be made and sent to each point of the same as shall be found answerable to equity and reason.
These and sundry like words his Excellency used; and that by his secretaries he had sent to the States her Majesty's letter and his advice. Thus, after further private conference with him, and his promise to write his letter of answer, I took my leave, for that time, and with intent to solicit both answers; which if I can get before the departure of this bearer you shall herewith receive. If I see they proceed in their wonted 'longness' to make their dispatches, I shall be forced to desire that their answers may be sent after me by our post, for I doubt our Company, needing my presence at Middelburg, and not knowing I am employed in her Majesty's affairs, would think much of my absence, being longer from them than I promised. Howbeit, if I see cause of needful stay, I will take upon me to discharge my duties to her Majesty according to your command; desiring my travail may be 'pondered' with the good will I have to do service, and not with the success, when the issue depends on others.
Now as to what you require in this cause, what course were best to be taken: My opinion, under all correction, is that I account of all these speeches no 'other' than delays, and can hardly think any 'other' will follow than heretofore; for if any matter chance between this and the next meeting, assuredly a new excuse will be devised, and so her Majesty's contentment driven off from one time to another. So that longer soliciting here is vain; and to proceed to arrests or stays will move some further inconvenience, for I find divers of the magistrates so determined that they account not if the 'interest' or harm may fall on their subjects. And yet it is no reason her Majesty should be 'differed' still from her own, though it may to some seem hard to lay the fault on the States-General, or the private persons of this town. If our Company's trade had continued here, as, for any fear or danger that I can see, it might (were it not that the commons are somewhat mutinous, so stout and soon-stirred that some division might chance to fall out), the best course had been to request the States that there might have been deducted from what our Company pay for impost on goods outward so much as the yearly interest amounts to; which would have been an ease for the States, and sure satisfaction for her Majesty. To arrest goods or ships there [i.e. in England] would seem, and be taken as a restraint of traffic, and so perhaps this town would proceed to the like against us. But if 'against' or at the next meeting of the States, most of the best Dutch merchants abiding there were 'ceased' [qy. seized] upon to answer the debt, and none of them released without very sufficient bail, it would so move the rest here with the fear of further arrests and troubles to follow, that they would bestir themselves, both to the 'Lords' and also to the States, that I think verily some good would follow thereon, and none of our merchants or their goods be once touched, there being no action, cause nor just pretence against them. If this course do not seem good to you, upon your pleasure known I will travail by all means to satisfy your command. I have talked with divers of these merchants and find their care and willingness great to forward the desired contentment; to compass which at their last meeting they spared no pains. But the alteration 'chanced' by Monsieur's departure hindered the good ending of their solicitation, which at the next assembly they promise shall be reiterated and driven to some good issue. This the course before set down will in my judgement greatly advance; howbeit, I remit the one or the other to your graver wisdom, awaiting ready to do what you in her service or otherwise may command me. I mean by my next, after I have somewhat more dealt and understood of the cause and dependencies, to enlarge to you what I shall further find convenient; and meanwhile will take occasion of conference with certain individuals both of the States and the magistrates.
I have received Mr Rotis's book, and will, as I can find fit opportunity of a messenger, convey it to him, having already sent your letter. Herewith I send one from him, which I received two days ago.
What news my friend of Cologne has written me since my last, the enclosed will show. He persists still 'upon' his former desire to do service; with affirmation 'to have' matter of importance. I thought good to promise the delivery to him there of 30 pieces of gold, as a token of 'gratuity'; assuring him that if he impart by his letters or otherwise matter of moment, he shall be satisfied to contentment, and hereof I wrote him in my last. To which he since answered that he would impart some part, but the principal is of more moment than to be committed to the uncertain conveyance of letters; and therefore if I would 'enlarge' the sum of 30 to 100, he would come hither, and repair over to England, for the zeal and desire he has to do acceptable service. To this I mean to reply that good offices may be done by letters, and whatever he may thereby deserve shall be fully considered; and for the better assurance of my word would procure your favourable letters to him, and he might direct his own to you. I shall be glad and ready to be the conveyer between him and you, without your further entering into knowledge of any matters, then you may commit and command me; and after his answer had, will not fail to advertise you.
I mean to take up 20l. sterling of George Leicester according to the exchange, which please give order for the 'answering' after the sight of my bill of receipt to be given to him, and I will be accountable for the employment of the money to your good liking.
Since being here, I have heard of 'few' news stirring. The enemy is at Turnhout, and has been about Hoogstraten, and summoned the 'house,' which is well manned and provided; so he is thought to have retired. He likewise made some show as if he would have been 'doing' with the States' men that lay beside 'Barrow' in a very good place for victuals, etc. But he durst not attempt the enterprise, so that it is not known what he means to do; and he durst not go out of Brabant, for fear of Breda, Eyndhoven, and other places which he feared would be besiege 1, the States being above 12,000 strong in field, and very well in order.
Marshal Biron came to town the other day, and as I hear demands money for the whole camp to the end that he may keep the men in 'disuplye'; and if the States will not take some present order for furnishing him to pay his soldiers, and find all things necessary for service in the field, he will give over the charge and return to his country.
The choice of the Prince as Earl of Holland and Zealand is diversely murmured of, and will at the next meeting breed some further matter.
The commissioners [sic] that have been so long coming thence [sic] to her Majesty, is now in a manner ready, having, as I understood, been fully 'resolved' by the States of these provinces and his dispatch determined; so that within this month at the furthest, I think he will be there.—Antwerp, 11 May 1583.
P.S.—I understand the States' assembly will be kept at Middelburg, to be so much the nearer to Monsieur. Of this I will write hereafter, when I understand more certainly.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 42.]
Enclosed in above :
306. Gilpin's Speech to the States.
The Queen of England seeing the state of affairs in these afflicted countries, and the danger involved therein if a remedy is not betimes supplied, has thought it convenient both for the ancient friendship between her realm and these countries, and for the sake of good neighbourhood, and in order to show the affection she bears to them, to write as you will have understood by the letter which I have presented. In order that I may comply with my orders, I will ask you to call to mind how after continual war and great expenses for the carrying on of it against so powerful a prince, great means were needed, which you found too heavy a burden, so that notwithstanding extreme taxation you found that all your resources were insufficient to continue any longer, and thus your state was reduced to extremity, if it was not succoured by the assistance of some foreign prince. Hence it followed, seeing the small appearance or hope there was of any reconciliation with the King of Spain, after full deliberations you sent and negotiated with the Duke of Anjou, and came to so good a conclusion that his Highness came here, where you received him as your prince, according to the promises made on either side. And inasmuch as since his Highness's coming and presence in these parts he has been employed entirely in fulfilling his promises, especially since the last agreement made at Dendermonde, whereof the effects that have ensued give sufficient testimony, her Majesty hopes that you for your part will not fail to have such a care of your own affairs in the terms they are in at present, as will be suitable to the respect due to the quality of so great a prince; and seeing that affairs have up till now gone pretty well, that you will not give his Highness occasion for further dissatisfaction, such as he might justly conceive from the slowness and neglect shown about sending your commissioners to Dunkirk. Wherefore it seems more than time, and necessary, that you should no longer put off their dispatch, to treat with his Highness upon what may be found most expedient for the good of both parties. By this means may be set aside and prevented the dangers which can easily come to pass through delay and postponement, considering the divers practices, of which you cannot be ignorant, which are being used to alienate his heart, and how those in France who are ill affected to your country by reason of the Spanish pensions, might be drawn to induce their king to join with the King of Spain in order to revenge the dishonour put upon one and the other; a thing which would fall out very badly for you, the people being almost tired out and desperate, the soldiers more than half malcontent on account of their pay, the enemy strong in the field, your largest forces those of Monsieur, debts infinite, credit little or none, and the provinces so disunited and unprovided with any help from without to assist them against two such princes as those. It must be considered further that his Highness attributes the origin of the 'accident' which recently occurred at Antwerp to the great indignities received there; which if a prince of his quality finds to be continued towards him, as by these delays he might conceive (his Highness being in a place of residence by no means suitable or convenient, for lack of room to take the great number that he has to maintain both for the greater safeguard of his person against all attempts of the enemy, and for his security in other respects, (the place being also infected with contagious sickness on account of the great number of people about him), it can only cause effects similar to those that have gone before. Thus, instead of the good which might have come to you from him, if the contrary had not taken place, through your fault, nothing can ensue save such inconveniences as his Highness would not endure, nor you like to see and hear.
Here is in brief the sum of what I declared to you the other day more at large. It remains to say a word of how her Majesty takes to heart and regrets the delay which contrary to your promise you have shown in the satisfaction of what is due to her, which ought to have been paid long ago for her debt to Pallavicino and Spinola. These delays have so wearied her that she now makes her last demand, with the intention of having recourse to means other than you would wish unless satisfaction is promptly given her, for principal and interest. Let your reply be worthy of the favours she has shown you; the details of which, as of your promises, verbal and written, and her constant solicitation through divers of her servants, notably Mr. Somers, to yourselves generally and the gentlemen of this town in particular, I omit here, having fully declared them the other day. Treat her Majesty with respect, and you will escape the inconveniences which otherwise might follow, etc.
Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 42a.]
May 11. 307. John Norris to Walsingham.
Since my last, sent to you by my brother, there has not fallen out any matter greatly worth advertising. Nevertheless, this bearer repairing homewards, I would not fail to let you understand what is done here.
The Prince of Parma is said to be at Namur, having received good store of money to content his troops. It is also reported that he has caused great store of artillery and munition to be brought together from Maestricht and other places, which shows a purpose to attempt some piece of service not yet discovered.
The States' forces remain at Rosendael without doing anything since the taking of the castle of Woud. Many seek to withdraw and the common soldiers daily disband, so that by little and little these troops consume. Marshal Biron arrived at this town two days ago; and has dealt very earnestly, with both the Prince and the States, for money to content the army. Of this some present cure will be had, as also for reducing the companies to some certain number and better order.
Last Thursday about 2 o'clock, the enemy departed from Turnhout, with purpose, as some say, to besiege Diest; as others think, to make an attempt on some place near to the Maas.
Touching my own 'particular,' I have asked leave of the States to repair to England to kiss her Majesty's hands; which after some difficulty was at last granted me, but with condition to leave such order with my lieutenant, that the companies might at all times be ready for service as occasion may be offered. This will 'ask' some time, so that I shall not be ready to depart hence so soon as I hoped.—Antwerp, 11 May 1583.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 43.]
May 11–21. 308. Rowland Yorke to Walsingham.
I am assured you do not find it strange that I visit you no oftener with my letters; because I have written divers, and never received answer, so that I feared either the matter or the writer did not please. Yet when all things are well 'perused,' I doubt not but all is fallen 'forth' and succeeded as I feared. But God be thanked, the worst is past; and so long as the frontiers 'maritane' of Flanders etc. can be preserved from foreign garrisons, Spaniard, French and 'Italle,' there is nothing to be feared for our estate; and for matters of campaign, let everyone do their best and worst; and to wet such fire (?) with any reasonable means will be cost well-bestowed, secondo mio [sic] openione.
For an assured resolution of these ports, there is none; nor can be till the reconciliation and reformation be made. In the meantime le jeu se et entertenue [sic] with the best means. Her Majesty's letters much assist his Highness; but the bringing in of the Crown of France, in succession upon this new accord, likes me not greatly.
The enemy's army in Brabant has marched towards Diest; what ours still do I doubt, for we proffer many matters and actions, but want the means. We still lie at Rosendael. Our English infantry disband daily, and the chiefs more than the soldiers; so that I fear if it be no better seen to (?) they will reap to themselves discredit and [sic].
Marshal de Biron is a chief that for matters of war contents my opinion greatly. For the rest he is 'franssoys.' Between French and English, all quarrels and jealousies be set apart.
This long being without pay makes all the chiefs poor, amongst whom your poor forgotten servant is one of the poorest, and forced to travail, to live honestly. I durst not let this bearer pass without a letter to acknowledge my duty, although I doubt you have conceived a contrary opinion of me, for since your letter by Mr Arabia (qy. Saravia) I have not heard from you.—Antwerp, 21 May 1583.
Add. Endd. (“From Mr. Norris,” erased.) 2 pp. [Ibid. XIX. 44.]
May 11. 309. Cobham to Walsingham.
I have been deferred sundry days by M. Pinart for the receiving of the king's resolution concerning the order for the avoiding of piracies; excusing the 'want of the conclusions' of it because M. Joyeuse is gone to Chastres [qy. Chartres] for devotion.
The king did not go forward last week on the journey to Notre-Dame-de-Liesse, as it was then supposed. He has returned to Paris. The Queen Mother commands her preparations to be stayed, such as her new coaches, with a litter; whereon it is supposed she will not so soon depart towards Monsieur.
The Duke of Lorraine continues at Court, but prepares to depart about the 14th.
The king has of late entered into consideration of his household, and finding that he has many maîtres-d'hótel, has reduced them to the number of six; dealing in like manner with the rest of his superfluous officers. And whereas he has more than 300 gentlemen of his chamber, it is 'pretended' to have them retrenched to the number of 100 or less. Their wages will be augmented from 200 to 300 crowns a year. He has given order to withdraw some of the late impositions to the value of 800,000 francs; and has protested, moved 'upon' a late sermon delivered by the Bishop of Lyons, that he will not hereafter 'prevail himself on' the tenths or other profits of the Church.
The Rochelois are released by order of his Majesty from the new impositions, for their better satisfaction; but not absolutely made free, according to their privileges.
The king seems to vary very much in his resolutions for the marriage between the Duke of Savoy and the Princess of Lorraine; whereby it is conjectured he does not desire the effecting of it. It is further understood in Court that Monsieur utterly refuses to match with the Princess.
They inform me that Monsieur would not receive the sum sent lately by the king to Dunkirk, because it was so mean a portion.
The Queen Mother seeks to levy 150,000 crowns among the bankers in Paris, upon an assignation in Britanny; to bestow that sum in the affairs of Portugal.
The king has at two sundry times given to M. Saint-Goard, lately 'returned his ambassador' from Spain, 40,000 crowns, and made him of his Privy Council. Part of the above sum was for money due to him.
The king was somewhat discontented with Monsieur for not confirming his gift of a bishopric in Normandy to Cardinal Birague, which his Highness desires to bestow on Fervaques.
There is come to this Court a Neapolitan gentlewoman, sent by La Signora Bonne Giulia de' Medici, bastard daughter to Alexander, the first Duke of Florence, brother to the Queen Mother. She has brought letters of credence to her, with a request that she would give order for the payment of the pension which she has been pleased to bestow on the Baron, the said lady's son. I am informed that this Neapolitan has declared to her many particulars concerning the affairs and discontents of certain principal personages in the kingdom of Naples.
The king has promised the Pope's nuncio that no French shall pass to the aid of the Bishop of Cologne, 'nor that' Monsieur should assist that action.
The king has lately assured the Duke of Savoy's ambassador that he will procure the Cantons [sic] of Bern to surcease their demands on the duke for his attempt made last year against the town of Geneva.
I have been advertised by good means that the Pope has sent lately 80,000 crowns into Germany, to prevail in the deprivation of the Bishop of Cologne, having proposed as Elector of Cologne the Duke of Bavaria's brother, now Bishop of Liége. He intends further to combine together in league with the Emperor's uncles, the House of Bavaria and other Papist princes and bishops, to the prejudice of the Elector of Cologne, and consequently against the princes and other Estates of the Religion in Germany. This intention of the Pope's, as I am informed, is prosecuted with all diligence in Rome, and considered above all other actions.
I hear likewise the Pope practises to stir up the King of Poland in some sort against the Electors of Saxony and Brandenburg, whereby they may withdraw from assisting the Elector of Cologne.
As for Alaschi, they 'make me know' that he was sometime a Palatine in Poland, and of great authority; rich of revenues, which through the great' port 'he kept were utterly consumed. He had hoped during the interregnum after the late king's death to be elected king, in case the election had 'grown' on some of that country concurring with the Palatine Borosco; which hope failing, he betook himself to 'run the course' of France, and was sent hither for the conducting of the present French king into Poland. At that time he married in Paris a young Italian woman of mean condition and bad reputation. After the king's return to France, Alaschi favoured the Emperor Maximilian; whose cause 'not taking place for' the election of Poland, upon Bathori, the present King of Poland's coming to the Crown, Alaschi retired to the Emperor's Court, where, and in Italy, he remained till he was restored to Bathory's grace, who received him two years ago, relieving him with money and other means. This perhaps was not sufficient to satisfy his liberal mind and manner of expense. Alaschi 'showed himself' during his abode in the Emperor's Court and in Italy to be a Papist; he had divers gifts of sundry princes. These are the particulars of what they have informed me concerning Alaschi. I wish that his coming may be to good purpose and her Majesty's satisfaction.
They certify from Spain that the king had sent for the Archduke Ernest to resort to him. They esteem that King Philip will marry his eldest daughter to him in case his young prince should miscarry, considering the Emperor's indisposition of health.
They advertise that four great ships have left Lisbon for the Oriental Indies, laden with merchandise of great value; and that three other ships, with 500 soldiers, are gone to the Castle of Mina.
It is said the 'army' prepared for the Terceras will be 30 ships, of which 8 are between 400 and 600 tons, the rest caravels and meaner vessels. In them are transported 4,000 soldiers, 'as' 800 Italians, 600 Almaines, 1,500 Spaniards and the rest Portuguese. The Spanish King has commanded that the garrisons of 'St. Ubal' and Cascaes should be increased, furnishing them with victuals and munitions.
It is certified from Lisbon that a gentleman of the Cardinal archduke's was robbed by twenty harquebusiers eight leagues from Lisbon as he was passing towards Madrid, 'showing' to be such as were exempted from the king's pardon, and 'protesting to' do as much to as many as they could meet, until they were restored to the king's grace.
It is given me to understand that on the 13th inst. the Commander de Chastre is to hoist sail to go onward on his journey with 1,200 harquebusiers and 400 mariners, with munitions and victuals to nourish them seven or eight months; and that shortly after the master of the camp is to pass from this coast with 400 or 500 harquebusiers more, towards Terceras.
I enclose the occurrents from sundry parts.—Paris, 11 May 1583.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France IX. 104.]
May 11. 310. Cobham to Walsingham.
I doubt not doubt but that M. la Fontayne will, before these can come to your hands, certify you of the state of those of the Religion in France, and that d'Angrogne will return amply instructed on those matters which concern the King of Navarre. Howbeit, since I have seen neither of them, I cannot so justly advertise you of those causes, but methinks they begin to doubt the marriage of Condé with la Trémoille will not proceed.
I have heard tell that Geddes, before departing hence with Keir, said in private speech to a dear friend of his, who reported it to me, that he wished he had not given his faith for the undertaking of the enterprise whereon he is to pass by sea in d'Aubigny's ship, perceiving his life would be altogether endangered. Howbeit, he resolved either to die in the enterprise, or to accomplish the action. So hereby it may be understood that he purposes some great attempt; either the transporting hither of the King of Scots or the Queen, or some such like desperate feat, of which I partly advertised in my former letters to you.
Calvaert is come hither, sent from the Prince of Orange to the King of Navarre. The Prince's late married wife is thought to be with child. I hear a whispering of an intention to attempt a marriage soon between the King of Navarre's sister and the Prince of Orange's son; and that there is a present practice to match Monsieur with a sister of the Emperor, wherein Anselo (?) the French king's agent is at present employed [who] departed hence last week to Germany.
Don Antonio has lately had two gentlemen come from Portugal to him, who have had secret conference with Queen Mother, and are departed. The King has licensed Don Antonio to coin money on condition he shall send it to the Azores.
M. Chiverny has made his peace with Cardinal Birago through the late marriage agreed on between the Marquis de Nesle and Chiverny's daughter. He gives 200,000 francs in dowry, to be employed in redeeming the marquis's lands mortgaged. The marquis's father married Cardinal Birago's daughter.
Advertisement has come to this Court that Balagny has defeated beside Cambray a cornet of the Malcontents' horse, and taken a Spanish gentleman of quality.
Cavaliero Giraldi has heard of his wife's arrival in 'Bysca,' and intends presently to follow.
I have this day given a passport, at the request of the ambassador of Ferrara, to one Antonio Dati of Ferrara, who has heretofore been in England, as the ambassador told me.
I have delivered this dispatch to Phillips, because Captain Sassetti is at present sore travailed with the 'goutes.' I would not lately satisfy Mr. Carew's request so soon, because I had promised John de Vigues, the ordinary post.—Paris, 11 May 1583.
Seal. Endd. 2 pp. [France IX. 105.]
311. Deciphers of parts of the above. Endd.pp. [Ibid. IX. 105a.]
May 11. 312. The Palatine Laski to the Queen.
My devoted service to your Majesty, due to your rare qualities, compels me to write the present; wherein is enclosed this which has just reached me, with certain advices. And although the penetration of your prudence will perhaps have already foreseen and realised what is there written, I beg you to accept my good will, as the water was accepted when offered in the hand of him who had nothing else [to offer]. If my power were equal to my desire, I should think it my highest pleasure to serve you even to my own blood.—From my lodging, 11 May 1583. (Signed) Most humble and bounden servant.
Add. Endd.: From the Count of Alasky to her Majesty Ital. 1 p. [Italy I. 5.]
May 12. 313. Edward Prim to Walsingham.
I thought good to write these few lines only to let you know of Senhor Diego Botelyo's arrival here in Dunkirk, where he was very honourably entertained at the duke's hands; and how he found resolution in 'forraring' [qy. furthering] our king's cause to the utmost of his power. And accordingly Diego Botelyo found in deeds, for all that he demanded for and in behalf of the king, the duke granted him. I trust that with his favour our king shall not want that which he craves of 'destats' [qy. the States].
We came hither the 8th of May, and to-day his Highness went abroad walking, and every day he mends of his sickness. He looks for the States every day. It is thought that the Prince of Orange will come to Bruges; 'this' news 'are' here given out. We depart to-day towards Antwerp, from whence you shall hear from me as occasion serves. I hope to hear from you, when you will command me; which commandment I will not 'break to the uttermost'.
I wrote to you from Flushing, when I imparted the desire the king has to obtain 500 or 600 Englishmen, to send 'for' Tercera; which he would long ere this 'a' procured, if want of money were not. I thought good to write to you that if you could show the king so much pleasure as by your means some gentlemen or captains could convey so many Englishmen to that island, upon a good consideration and condition which you should take with them, and the king to 'aconplege' the same in no less form than your expectation, this might be the 'greatts' friendship that now at this time could be done to him by reason of many considerations; first, that the island might be assured from the Frenchmen's policy—not only this, but many other 'casylties' known to you; the fame that might grow to you and to the nation for aiding that prince, that is well assured of you in his cause.
This I thought good to write to you, moved only of zeal and good will I bear first to the king's service; secondarily, being very desirous that the king's mind in this might be by you accomplished, in whom I desire all the name and honour of the good success of Portugal. If you will do anything in this, I am here ready to be employed in your service, in which I will endeavour myself as my duty is.—Dunkirk, 12 May 1583.
Add. Endd. ('28 April'). 2¼ pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 45.]
May 13–23. 314. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
With all the importunities which I inflict on you daily, I will write this to recommend this poor Frenchman, called Antoine Bourguygnon. He was robbed last year of 2,000 crowns'-worth of wax, soap, cheese and groceries which he was carrying to Cambray. He made so good and diligent a pursuit that he has recovered a portion of them, which is in the hands of H.M. Commissioners on Depredations. Wherein I beseech you, for the special recommendations made to me in the matter by the king, his Highness, and several of his Council, to write to the Judge of the Admiralty to do justice as well and as promptly as he can to Bourguygnon, to whom I have entrusted this bearer [sic], and begged him to assist him, and take this to you with him, and end with my humble recommendations to your favour.—London, 23 May 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France IX. 106.]
May 14–24. 315. Mendoza to Walsingham.
Francisco Fernandes the bearer of this will inform you more fully how his affair stands. For myself, I can say nothing of it, save that having been here more than six months he is now being referred to the Judge of the Admiralty, after the Lords of the Council, now on one side, now on the other; and what is more, they told him lately that he should follow the laws of this realm, which is, never to get finished; since he is not a man equal to bearing the expenses. He has already spent more than 300 crowns. Wherefore I pray you to let me know if he will be able to get justice, and that with all brevity; otherwise he will be forced without delay to go and seek it in Spain, which I thought good once before to point out (référer) to you will be the end of it.—London, 24 May 1583.
Add. Endd.: (13 May). Fr. 1 p. [Spain II. 2.]