Elizabeth: April 1583, 6-10

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Elizabeth: April 1583, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda, ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp242-253 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1583, 6-10', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Edited by Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp242-253.

"Elizabeth: April 1583, 6-10". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 17, January-June 1583 and Addenda. Ed. Arthur John Butler, Sophie Crawford Lomas(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol17/pp242-253.

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April 1583, 6–10

April 6–16. 224. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
I received the other evening the Queen of Scots' little packet, with the letter which you were good enough to write to me. One of your servants being at supper with me, I am asking him to hand you a letter from her written to you. I do not like to send it by any of my own people, for fear of importuning you during your diet, or your important business. But since, after her Majesty, I find no one but you to treat with on these matters connected with this office, I will ask you to take in good part all the trouble that I give you, especially for the Queen of Scots, whose affairs cause so much suspicion to the Queen your good mistress that I seem to be walking on thorns amid the difficulties which the ill-fortune of the time has caused to arise between two such near kinswomen, whom everyone ought to desire to see united and in good understanding, to the good, the honour, the safety, and the repose of either. I call God to witness that if I were the Queen of England's slave I would not more fondly desire to see her reigning always in happiness and prosperity. Herein, if I am so lucky as to be able to be of any service to her, it will be with all fidelity and fervent affection. She has moreover bound all France to this by the good will which she has shown his Highness in the disaster which has befallen him against people and a city which her Majesty has always called ungrateful and wholly irresolute, owing to their being made up of too many humours and factions, like all the state of the Low Countries. They want a prince of marble or bronze, devoid of feeling. But I will leave this topic, seeing that if his Highness has made a mistake he is resolved to amend; also that from a disorder, a good order often comes about. God grant it; and may it be the same between the Queen of England and the Queen of Scots. She will have much pleasure in seeing Mr. Beale, since he is a good and faithful servant of your mistress; and I think that he would not put gall instead of honey to exacerbate matters. The Queen of Scots has always wished to send M. Nau her secretary hither, to give her Majesty an account of all her acts and deportment. If the two could do it together, one going there, the other coming here, or return together, something good might be arranged. I beg you in the name of the Queen of Scots to do all the best offices you can; assuring you that the king my master desires only union and good understanding between these two princesses, peace and repose in Scotland, with the liberty and security of that young prince, and that he should render all honour and duty to the Queen of England so long as it does not prejudice the amity of France with Scotland, which will be the more secure if it be constantly maintained between France and England.
Now in the mean time, I beg you that I may see her Majesty. It will be when she pleases; I shall receive it as a great honour and favour. Do me the pleasure to thank her humbly in the name of the Queen of Scots for the kind way in which she has acted towards her; begging her to allow her to travel to the baths this year at an early date from now, for the complete cure of her bodily maladies, and in order to set her spirit at rest, to grant her the 'exercise of her religion, as secretly as her Majesty pleases and by any churchman that she may think fit to choose; a thing which in my judgement can bring only honour to the Queen your mistress, and merit in the sight of God who requites all things justly. Please ascertain her Majesty's pleasure as to both the baths and the churchman, so that I may send word to the Queen of Scots with a packet that I received two days ago from France for her.
As regards the women for the . . . . , I think she will have thanked you by letter. There has been for the last year and more a poor useless lad, of no service to the Queen of Scots, whom the Earl of Shrewsbury wishes me to let depart; but I have no orders from you about it. Please send me some word as to this; and if it would be to the purpose to kiss her Majesty's hands.—London, 16 April, 1583.
Add. Endd. Fr. 4 pp. [France IX. 80.]
April 6. 225. Somers to Walsingham.
On Saturday March 30 I signified that I was appointed audience of the States for Monday the 1st inst. On that day I let them understand the cause of my coming over hither, as they had partly seen by her Majesty's letters to them. And now, finding an accord passed between Monsieur and them, wherein all matters were referred to be treated at Dunkirk, whither his Highness was then gone, if there were yet any other thing wherein her Majesty's credit might do good, I was offered to travail therein according to her command, who has already had a special care of the well doing of these countries, as by good effects she has shown and they could testify; though truly she taxes them 'of' forgetfulness, that they had not acquainted her with the late 'accident' as it happened in this town between the people of it and the French, to control the common bruits, that ran uncertainly. I also uttered to them her griefs for that sorrowful hap; also her misliking of their hard dealing and small respect towards the purpose of Monsieur, after he was gone from this town, his quality etc. considered. Also her advice for the avoidance of like peril hereafter, and how to have the continuance of her good will towards these countries and the benefit of it, as set down in my instructions.
After I had retired a while, as their manner is to use all men coming to negotiate with them, one, in all their names, used a long speech, of their humble thanks and great 'bond' towards her Majesty for so many favours, benefits, and liberalities towards these countries; and now again for that her good remembrance of them. As to their not having advertised her of what had passed in the town, they said that after deliberation had of it, it was agreed that the Prince of Orange should cause her to be advertised; and that, as they hear, by his order the magistrates (who are the burgomasters and 'schepen') of this town, as properly belonging to them, had done it. They besought her to be satisfied with this for their excuse.
As touching their little respect of Monsieur, they trusted she has understood that they did not fail in their duty towards him so long as he was here among them; hoping for all good endeavour from him for the furtherance of their causes and the weal of their country, however they may be charged. But that indeed, upon the late attempt, which all men may know was so dangerous to this state, there was some alteration according to that time, the cause, and general offence of the people, which they here could not help; but that so far as they could, they sent victuals and commodities to his Highness. And there they humbly besought her to continue her favour towards them. I said that one good means to have it was that they would deal plainly with her; to let her often understand from them the true state of their affairs and their resolutions in the matter of their general defence. And among 'other,' how they mean to deal in this matter of the treaty with Monsieur, and to hold a good correspondence with her, who will always give them her advice, whereof they may take profit. They said they would be ready and glad to do anything that might content her in that they were able.
Seeing their answer so general, I desired to know how soon they thought this treaty would begin, and whom they meant to depute, for the time is passing away, and it is now meet to resolve what to do, the enemy increasing, Eyndhoven pressed with necessity, and small haste here. After they had paused awhile as uncertain, they said it would be a good month, for they must know the pleasure of their provinces, and that upon any motion, they would advertise her Majesty as soon as it is known; whereof their greffier made a note in his book.
Then I dealt with them in the matter of her Majesty's bonds to Mr. Horatio Pallavicino and Baptista Spinola, according to my instructions. After I had been a little time retired, they answered that indeed it should have been paid long ago; but that the necessity of their causes was such that they could by no means do it. In conclusion, after many excuses and 'reasons' of great things still upon their 'arms,' and their great doings now, they besought her Majesty yet to have patience with them for it. Then, after some speech to them how much she would mislike of that answer, I dealt more roundly with them for the interest, which she has yearly paid out of her treasure. After I had stayed a little aside, they answered that they would write to their provinces, and then they trusted to give her contentment. I said they had been often treated with in the matter without fruit, which was not the means to continue in her favour; which being a matter very important, I prayed and advised them to weigh it with their good judgements. This was the effect of my negotiation at that time.
Next day, Tuesday, the 2nd, in the morning, I told the Prince of Orange what I had done with the States, and also their answer for the bonds and interest. He answered that surley they had not done well, to consider no better for the principal, but especially for the interest, and prayed me to stay a day or two for another answer which he would essay to get of the States to satisfy her Majesty. Then he dealt with me in some private matters, which I refer to my return home.
That day he invited me to his banquet at night. That afternoon, about 3, his marriage with Mme de Téligny was solemnised in the chapel within the castle; the lady having come to this town one day before, and been met by the Prince at Lilloo upon the waterside below the town, where they dined together.
Ever since, I have solicited the Prince for the States' answer, so that I might depart. But by reason of their business about the dispatch of the army to the succour of Eyndhoven, I could not have it till yesterday. Then he said that for anything he had done he could get no other answer than I had received from the States, but that it surely must and will be done as soon as it is possible; and besought her Majesty to think of him as of her humble and devoted servant. This morning I went to the States to know their further pleasure, and to put them in mind of her Highness's care for the welldoing of these countries, and to receive their better answer to the last matter. They answered that it was not possible to do it now, but they would not fail to use all extreme endeavours to satisfy her.
Thus I have advertised her Majesty of my doings and negotiations, in substance, in these countries; saving for Mr. Norris and his company's causes, which I will forbear to report until my return home. I mean to depart hence tomorrow, (for I have not yet the Prince's or States' letters), towards Flessinghe, and thence by sea to Dunkirk, to receive his Highness's commands, as he wished me to do; the way by land not being safe. Many marvel that I passed so well by land to Dendermonde, having only my own company; but there was no other means then.
Yesterday one came hither from Eyndhoven, sent to advertise that they of the town, being without victual, have begun to treat with the enemy for the best conditions they can get; and that if they are not succoured between that and Friday the 12th, they must deliver up the town. It was that day determined here, in the presence of Marshal Biron, Mr. Norris, and other colonels and captains, in the Prince's lodging, that their army shall march with speed to the rescue of that town, making account of four days' march; and for that purpose all things necessary are now in ordering, to set forwards about Monday next, as they say. Herein I will hereafter further satisfy her Majesty what I find and see here touching this and other matters, being loth to commit them to writing.
The States have at last granted to the English companies, with one month's pay now, which is 'but now in receiving,' another month's pay at the end of six weeks, and have given their bonds to that; all after the old rolls of their musters thin [sic: qy. then], which is much against the States' liking. Yet it is very little for about twelve months' pay, and so it were, if the companies were now as full as they were then. They will also be furnished with victuals for those six weeks by the States, upon an account. This army is thought to be about 8,000 men strong, of which the English, Scots, and Walloons may be about 3,000; the rest is his Highness's army, and of these there are about 2,500 Swiss. The horsemen may be in all about 1,500, with those in Eyndhoven, who upon sight of that army will, as they say, offer good service, The other 'part' they say, are near 3,000 horse, with the Viscount of Ghent, lately come to them with a good troop of horsemen, and not much inferior in foot.
Marshall Biron is here, troubled with the gout, and not able to go alone. But he says it is a rheum fallen into his foot, and will be well within two or three days.—Antwerp, 6 April 1583.
Add. Endd. 4 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 3.]
April 6–16. 226. The Prince of Orange to Walsingham.
I have understood from Mr. Somers of the affection which you bear to these countries for which I am bound to return my humble services. He will tell you in what state he found affairs at his arrival, and how he has left them, for I think he goes well informed of all things. Keep me I pray you in her Majesty's favour.
Much obliterated by damp. Add. Endd. with date. Fr. 10ll. [Ibid. XIX. 6.]
April 6–16. 227. The Prince of Orange to the Queen.
Interceding for further delay in the payment of the debt, considering the burdens the country already has to bear. General news will be given by Somers.
Much obliterated. Endd with date. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XIX. 7.]
April 6. 228. Gilpin to Walsingham.
If I had not received yours of the 25th and 26th ult. no occasion would have been offered worthy of advertisement or troubling you; but that I may not enter lightly into any matter or action that might 'contrary' your desire, I thought good, under correction, to answer with a few lines.
The course appointed by your letter sent by Mr. Somers, I have followed as signified in my last; viz. to encourage his continuance in writing. I left his stay or coming to his own discretion, wherein I trust your liking is satisfied; for the charge of his employment I think would not fall out great, but as reasonable as anyone in such service needs. Yet I make account, discharging the place to contentment, he may haply expect a hope for some worthier recompense. 'And for his ableness to write more than I have in my former, would tend to no other, but the troubling of you with iterations and repetitions; the more seeing that another is met with that will take upon him the service, whose success I heartily wish be answerable to your care and expectation.'
I will not fail by letters as I best may, to excuse the matter; not doubting but you will have some consideration of the party's willingness to employ his endeavour, as also his diligence in writing, to the end he may be the more encouraged to continue; for I know he may hope one time or other to do some service worthy the accepting, else I would not have been so forward in his behalf.
Within these 10 or 12 days I intend to 'make a step' to Antwerp, to try whether it can be 'learned out' what that 'franco' is to whom the last Latin letters I sent were directed. Mr. Pierson examined the boy that brought them to him; but he affirmed still to have found them in the streets. If I hear more, I will not fail to certify you.
I thank you for remembering my friend, with the provision you have appointed to be paid to my servant; which shall be so conveyed to him that if you continue in mind to use another's service in those parts where you purposed to have used him, he do then at least advertise you, and lay open that matter he still “writes to import so much”; and because I trust to induce him thereto, and he might chance to send some more particular and larger advice, I thought good to send you in the mean time a copy of the cipher he sent me, and 'is used' between us. By the Deputy's good means I hope the aforesaid party will find no ungratefulness, and so some good will fall out by his travails.
After Mr. Doctor Haymond [qy. Hammond] has finished the charge you committed to him, I expect in all dutiful reverence your pleasure upon the same.
What I received from Cologne will appear by the enclosed copies. I beg you to let me know if in any respect you please to command me; as also touching her Majesty's cause, for at my coming to Antwerp I mean to enquire and satisfy according to your former command.—Middelburg, 6 April 1583.
April 7. P.S.—For the news I hear few this week. Monsieur is in Dunkirk, and the speech now in all men's mouths that he goes to Calais to meet his mother; or else she will come to him.
Dixmuyde was demanded by the States, with order from his Highness; but the French as I heard, answered 'not to' know them. Yet some think they have since altered opinion, and 'is' restored. Others affirm the contrary.
Our countrymen have agreed with the States for one month's pay, and another in six weeks after; for which they receive the States' bonds, subscribed by 'particular' men of Antwerp, so that payment is now certain.
This finished, all the States' endeavours tend to the rescuing of Eyndhoven, for which report goes they will very shortly have above 13,000 men together. The enemy is in like sort very strong and resolved. Some of judgement think it is not meant to adventure the rescuing of Eyndhoven, for their chief strength of men would be in danger. They fear also the uncertainty of the French; and especially Marshal Biron being appointed chief of the camp and enterprise.
The Prince's marriage was celebrated solemnly at the day appointed, and four days continually feasting and entertainment.
Notwithstanding my friend's wishing for 'entertainment,' I fully account he will be as reasonably contented as any other to be employed in like service.—7 April 1583.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 11.]
April 7. 229. Audley Danett to Walsingham.
Last week I forbore to trouble you with my letters, knowing that Mr. Somers wrote to you at large touching the proceedings here. Since then there has come no certain news of the surrender of Dixmude and 'Berghes-winocke' according to the treaty, nor any advertisement what the duke is doing at Dunkirk; only it is said he much dislikes the place, and that the air and site of the town is nothing agreeable to him. The hostages are not yet returned, but yet no fear that the treaty with the duke will be infringed.
On Monday April I arrived Mme de Téligny in this town, accompanied by Mme de la Noue and some others. Next day, 'after' about 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the marriage was openly solemnized, with a short exhortation given by M. de Villiers; and so afterward to feasting and dancing, which continued till the following Friday.
Marshal Biron arrived here on Saturday, being Easter Even, and is now troubled by the gout in his knee, but yet 'hasteth what he may' the 'viage' for Eyndhoven; wherein the States, for want of money to content their forces, have used such delay that the enemy has had good leisure to reinforce himself, being at the siege. Now the preparations go forward, and the money is at length ready to be delivered to the companies, to cause them to march at once. They have within these two days been advertised from Eyndhoven that it is agreed to surrender the town on the 23rd inst. stilo novo, unless by that time they receive succour. Many have good hope to relieve the place; but some others seeing the great delays that have been used, and how unwillingly the forces are drawn to serve for want of contentment, hold the town in a manner lost. The event of it will be seen ere long, and you shall be at once advertised.—Antwerp, 7 April 1589.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 8.]
April 7–17. 230. Colonel Thomas Morgan to Walsingham.
Your letter dated London, 24 March, I have received. You write therein concerning the difference between Mr 'Carelel' and me, and that he had offered to content me, as should be 'reasonable found.' Please understand that before the receipt of your letter, I had written to you at large by a gentleman of Sir Philip Sidney's; wherein I certified you I referred my whole cause to you and to Sir Philip. Also I sent by him the true account that [sic] has passed between us since we first dealt together, as the same gentleman is able to inform you at large. And whereas you are informed that I went about to make stay of his next pay here, he that has informed you so has done me wrong; for I never meant it before you had had the matter in hearing. So I would request you and Mr Sidney to take some pains in it, and what you do, I shall be contented.
Also I have no other news to advertise you of, but that we are appointed to go to 'unset' the town of Eyndhoven, which is as yet held by our men; 'and have' determined and promised to hold it yet to the 23rd inst. If they be not relieved by that time, they have made an honourable composition for themselves.
This present day the Switzers and Frenchmen come over the water from Little Brabant, and are to march towards Hoogstraat, the place where we must all meet together. There are of the Switzers 2,500, and of the French 1,500; and we look every hour for 1,500 more from his Highness, coming from Dunkirk and Dixmude. We make account that of all these there will not be of able fighting-men above 2,000 Switzers and 2,000 harquebusiers of the French; and they are not able to bring together above 200 serviceable horse of the French.
Of our nation there will be 34 ancients of foot, and we shall be able to make of them 2,500 fighting-men; of whom there are not in these companies aforesaid above 1,100 Englishmen—the rest are Walloons, Dutch, and French. Of our 4 cornets of English horse there will be about 250 fighting-men. Moreover there are assembling at Hoogestraat about today, which they bring from their garrisons of Holland, Friesland, and Brabant, about 3,000 foot, and 2,000 more come from Flanders. We make account to have about 25 more cornets of horse, coming out of garrisons; and of all these numbers I know we shall not be together, of able fighting-men on foot, above 8,500, and not above 1,500 horse, and of this number there are about 3,000 pikes. We shall pass over the water on the 19th; and so we mean on Wednesday night or Thursday morning, by God's grace, to march forward from Hoogstraat, and we hope to be not above 30 hours on our march. They say further that the enemy's camp is strong about 8,000 foot and 1,500 horse; but we are of opinion that our footmen are better than theirs. Now there is come news that there have marched towards them two more regiments of foot, and between 10 and 15 cornets of horse.—Antwerp, 17 April 1583.
P.S.—News is now come that a trumpeter of the enemy is come to Hoogstraat, to the captain of the castle there, to demand assurance of him that the three captains of Count Mansfeld's shall be sent thither and kept there as hostages till such time as they of Eyndhoven be set free, according to the composition that M. Bonnivet has made with them; and two captains of the town sent thither, to see that this is performed.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 9.]
April 7. 231. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last to you was March 31, since when these few speeches have passed in these parts.
This week the Prince of Parma has taken out of all his garrisons in every town and castle in Artois and Hainault all the soldiers that may be spared, both horse and foot, and sent them with diligence towards Saint Omer and Gravelines.
Also this week, by letters from Lille, it is written that the French forces which lay beside Amiens have marched towards Boulogne and those parts. Besides this they write that in Boulonnais the French are 'taking up' all the men that they can get there, and that they will all come to these parts.
Last Friday, the 5th inst. at 12 o'clock noon, the town of Dixmude was delivered by the French to the States; so the French are all out of it, and sent to Dunkirk, and the States' soldiers have entered. The town and burghers are sore spoiled by the French, yet they are glad they are so quit of them.
The speech is here that all the French horse and foot about Dunkirk will return into Brabant to the camp; but some think they will not so hastily depart from thence, unless it be for want of victuals and forage, which is very scant there.
The soldiers at Meenen, who are all Scots, are in a great mutiny for their pay, and have thrust all their captains out of the town, who are all come to this town; for it seems their soldiers are very 'desperately bent,' so that it is greatly feared, if they be not with speed 'set contented,' they will give the town to the enemy. Surely the soldier does not complain without cause, for he is hardly dealt with. They are smally 'sorrowed' for by the magistrates and other rulers; and if that town be suffered to be lost, more will follow. All is for want of good government, which is their only want on this side.
The Prince of Parma, who lies at Tournay, hearing of the great mutiny at Meenen, has sent thither, and also to those of Lille, that if they will yield the town to them they will pay them a great overplus for a reward. So that town stands in danger; yet it is hoped they will not give it away.
The Allmans that were in a mutiny at Oudenarde are set contented, and those of Ghent have lost a great deal of labour; for they hoped, with their great offer of money to the soldiers, to have had the town delivered to them, but they were deceived.—Bruges, 7 April 1583.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 10.]
April 8–18. 232. Geoffroy le Brumen to Walsingham.
Seeing that no one was going to England, I asked Tupper, the present bearer, to hasten his journey in order to let you understand what has happened here, although the news is sorrowful, particularly to me. It is this: M. de Mouy having come from Gascony to see Mme de Clermont de Lodéve, whom he was hoping to marry, came by ill-luck upon his deadly enemy, that assassin Maurevert, who treacherously killed his father and fired the shot at the late Admiral. His blood being up, and encouraged (enhorté) by M. de Saucourt, a gentleman of Picardy, his relative and friend, with some others, he overcame all fear and difficulty in order to do justice and be rid of this wretched man. So he and M. de Saucourt with 10 or 12 men feared not to attack his enemy who was accompanied by a similar number, and withal by some men carrying petronels openly. Attacking Maurevert he found him well armed in front and Maurevert attempted to fire his pistol at him, but M. de Mouy turned it aside, and the pistol going off killed a poor tailor at his window. Then Maurevert tried to get away. M. de Mouy fell upon from behind, with such eagerness that he gave him three sword-wounds, one of which touched the liver, and he died of it next morning, which was last Friday. As M. de Saucourt was attacking the others, he got a double bullet (balle ramée) through his thigh and fell to the ground; which caused a panic among those who were following, in such wise that they did not back up M. de Mouy. He was struck in the neck by a petronel-shot from one of Maurevert's people. It came out at his chin; his jaws (joees) were all smashed, and he fell dead. A soldier of M. de Mouy's who, with his master, was almost alone in doing well, mortally wounded two of Maurevert's. M. de Saucourt died the same day at his lodgings. M. de Mouy was taken to Four-l'Evêque at once, Maurevert to a neighbouring house. The Queen Mother summoned the Council, and proposed to have Mouy's head cut off, in order to confiscate his goods. But almost all opposed this, and represented that two great mischiefs would result; one, that gentlemen would be discouraged in their filial duty towards their fathers and relatives, the other, that the door would be opened to all traitors, who hereafter would assassinate boldly without fear of revenge. The queen replied that it was contrary to the pacification; but it was said on the other hand that the murder done on the person of M. de Mouy the father had been committed not by an enemy but by a follower of his own party, being not only one of his followers but in his household.
M. de Liencourt asked for the corpse, to embalm it and take it to Mouy, which was granted him; and the corpse having been embalmed set out for Mouy on Saturday morning. Almost all the people are glad of the death of Maurevert, and the nobility, of our Religion as well as the others greatly regret M. de Mouy and in truth he was a sage and valiant gentleman of whom much good might be hoped. I thought it well to tell you the truth, knowing that various people might write differently of it who would not know the truth as I do who passed the night with him, and know how everything passed. His younger brother is gone to Britanny to be married. They were making their journey while the King of Navarre is dieting himself a little.
The Prince of Condé also wants to marry the daughter of Mme de la Trémoille but the king having found it out is hindering it all he can. To intimidate the lady he has sent 4 companies to Taillebourg. They have not yet been admitted there. It is not known what will come of it. All is well reconciled (? reuny).
In Languedoc Marshal de Montmorency is promising wonderful things. The affairs of the King of Navarre are improving; nevertheless it appears that there is a desire to kick up a disturbance (remuer mesnage) in France, and preparations against the Protestants (if God do not hinder) are to be seen amid the apparent confusion caused by the number of partisans in the state—the king and his two minions, Monsieur and his, the Guises and their kinsfolk—who are all laying great schemes. The people meanwhile are much annoyed, and were it not for the difference of religion would be ready to rise.
The duke has entered upon his diet at Dunkirk, they say.
The Assembly in Switzerland has not yet broken up. They say the Duke of Savoy has sent to it, fearing to be condemned. A papal legate is expected, who may bring some good. There is talk of a marriage between the Princess of Lorraine and the Duke of Savoy. The Duke of Lorraine would not give her to M. d'Épernon; which has put a stop to the scheme of a kingdom of Austrasia and a county of 'Venisse' [Venaissin].
Great plans, schemes, and enterprises are going on in all directions, but all fail to succeed. When I get back, I will let you know more details.—Rouen, 18 April 1583.
P.S.—M. de Mornay has written to you. We were at his house yesterday. He is preparing for his return and counted to take me with him; but my business did not allow of it.
Add. (Seal.) Endd. Fr. 3 pp. France IX. 81.]
April 9–19. 233. Gombal de Guaras to Walsingham.
I feel so much obliged and honoured by the favour which the Queen has done me through your means and good offices for the release of my late brother that I shall remember it as long as I live, to render her my humble rervices. In gratitude for it my son the present bearer will repair to her feet, humbly to kiss her hands, if you will continue your kindness so far as to present him to her, and further favour him, who will repay you the duty and service which his father owes.—Ribauté-by-Toulouse, 19 April 1583. (Signed) Gombal de Guaras.
Add: Monsieur de Balsingham. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. IX. 82.]
April 9–19. 234. Marchaumont to Walsingham.
I have no news to send you, but that his Highness is alarmed because Mr Somers does not come. The master of the Dover post has been here a week waiting for him, and up to now has deferred handing over his letters. Some prisoners have come back in the last two or three days. I beseech you, keep 'le Bex' over there as short a time as you can.—Dunkirk, 19 April 1583. (Signed) P. Clausse.
Add. Endd. Fr. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XIX. 12.]