Index: E

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: E". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



Eaux Chaudes, 'Aques' Chaudes, in Béarn, King of Navarre at, 4 (p. 3).

Ecchove, 'Ecoove,' castle of, near Malines. French take, 387;

'Ecoven,' 389;

'Eccoe,' 390, 392, 413.

Eccloo, States' camp commanded to march to, 258;

Monsieur's army on its way to, 499, 500, 504, 527.

Edelkirchen, —, captain of guard of Duke of Cleves, 194 (p. 195).

Edinburgh, Scottish king withdraws himself from d'Aubigny in, 368;

convention to be held at, 402;

Lady Fernhurst speaks with king of Scots at, 472 (p. 461).

Edward IV, King of England, reference to treaty between King of Denmark and, 551.

Edwards, Captain, lieutenant of, slain, 294.

Edzard, Count of Embden, or East Friesland, States decide to send embassy to, 18 (p. 16);

King of Spain sends to, 175;

Bologne seeks to sow division between, and his brother, 358;

reference to letters written by, 550.

Egerton, Thomas, deputy of Merchants Adventurers, 427.

Egmont, Lamoral, Count of, his castle of Gasbeck taken by Malcontents, 14;

Salcedo practises to convey to enemy, 181 (p. 182);

a prisoner under guard in his house 185, 189;

sent to Sluys under guard, 192, 195;

thinks to clear himself of charge of conspiracy with Salcedo, 199;

in custody of Marquette, 199, 203;

his part in conspiracy 204, 208;

under guard in his own lodgings, 231;

not to be tortured, 238;

Bellièvre and Brulart to treat for life of, 249;

sent to Sluys, 258;

referenoe to complicity of, in Salcedo's plot, 305.

-, Philip, Count of, elder brother of above, striotly imprisoned for Salcedo's plot, 203 (p, 203), 204;

statement of pay of Spanish troops under, 328.

Eikel, Dietrik van, Councillor of Duke of Cleves. 438.

Elbœuf, Duke of. See Lorraine, René de.

Eliot, Edward, letter-bearer, 49.

Elizabeth, Queen of England, warrants to be signed by, 1;

Queen of Soots' requests to. 2;

mentioned, 5;

Mendoza requests audience with, 7;

wishes to receive payment of debt from Antwerp, 10;

money promised to, 12;

makes show of good will towards Queen of Scots, 13;

Rossel complains of receiving no consideration from, 15;

people of States delay to repay loan from, 17;

mentioned, 18 (p. 16);

rumour of rebellion against, 18 (p. 17);

Mendoza wishes to receive answer from, 19;

complaints made to, of Spanish ships attacked by English, 21;

Lord Hamilton expresses devotion to, 24, 25;

wishes to know Monsieur's dealings concerning marriage, 26;

Flemish merchants endeavour to content, 27;

commands Cobham to inform French king of her desire touching her 'indisposed' subjects in France, 33 (p. 28);

her good disposition towards King of Navarre, 33 (p. 29);

reference to Cobham's suit to, 36;

mentioned, 37;

Mendoza wishes for audience with, 38;

debt to, from States, 40;

dealings of States taken unkindly by, 42;

Gilpin fails to receive satisfaction from Antwerp for, 44;

Mauvissière expresses devotion to, 47;

reference to letter from, to French sovereigns, 48;

mentioned, 49, 50;

Castillo wishes to receive satisfaction from, for Drake's piracies, 52;

reference to marriage, 54;

mentioned, 57;

Mauvissière entreats, for pardon for Pollard, 58;

to be shown letter from Don Antonio, 59;

Don Antonio regrets giving annoyance to, 60;

mentioned, 62 (p. 54);

offers made by Dietz Schomberg to, concerning unicorn's horn, 64;

Jehan Gower wishes Roman religion to be restored in England by, 66;

Paul Aurat offers to be solicitor in Antwerp to cause contentment to be given to, 67;

Mauvissière wishes justice to be done to owners of French ships by, 72;

account of Geneva to be read to, 73 (p. 67);

mentioned, 74 (p. 68);

her promises to Casimir, 76;

refuses to let messengers go to France without her knowledge, 77 (p. 71);

concerning her marriage, 77 (p. 71);

wishes to know truth of rumours of French king's dealings with Scotland, 7 (p. 71);

wishes to sell diamond, 77 (p. 72);

mentioned, 82;

Pallavicino wishes to be of service to, 83;

la Roque intends to go to, 85 (p. 78);

States harp still on marriage of, 85 (p. 82);

young Earl of Both well well affected to, 87, 150 (p. 151);

Spaniards and Italians may be employed to injury of, 88;

mentioned, 93, 94, marvels that she has heard nothing further about marriage, 101;

mentioned, 102 (p. 99);

her wishes touching English captains imprisoned at Tours, 114 (p. 113);

Herle sends 'platt' of Oudenarde to, 118 (p. 116);

Monsieur wishes to send tapestry to, 118 (p. 119);

mentioned, 122;

touching money required for, from States, 123;

Bacqueville complains to, of wrong done to him by English merchant ship, 127;

Marohaumont wishes to obtain money from, for Monsieur, 128;

mentioned, 129;

requested by Strozzi to send vessels for Portuguese expedition, 132;

Don Antonio wishes for soldiers from, 133;

Leytam sent to, from Don Antonio, 136;

reference to letter from, on behalf of Osborne and Staper, 141;

d'Aubigny nourishes Scottish king in worst humour towards, 143 (p. 141);

Gower receives pardon from, 149;

French king wishes for friendship of, and for good success of marriage, 150;

help from, much wished for in Netherlands, 151;

Chevalier Breton might do secret service for, in Savoy, 152;

Custodio Leytam wishes for audience with, 153;

Cobham refers to his suit to, 156;

States-General do nothing for satisfaction of, 158;

Pope and Inquisition extend snares to entrap subjects of, 162;

Mauvissière wishes for an answer from, 166, 168;

Prince of Chimay begs to be recommended to, 170;

Custodio Leytam awaits letter from, 171;

writes to French king, concerning Osborne's ship, 173;

des Ouches asks for passport from, 174;

reference to letter from, to Lesieur, 177;

French king writes to Mauvissière touching defraying of Monsieur's expenses in Flanders, to content, 179;

Sainte-Aldegonde reminds Walsingham of his promise in regard to good offices to be done with, 182;

Mauvissière has access to, 183;

wishes Cobham to impress upon French king the necessity of giving support to Monsieur, 186 (p. 185);

Norris will prefer will of, before his own reputation, 184;

Gerhardt van dem Birboum solicits payment of bonds due from, 186;

Rogers wishes her to write to Baron of Anholt on his behalf, 194;

Ymans sent to, for satisfaction of debt due to, from States, 197;

Lesieur dedicates his services to, 199;

French king promises to discharge, of all charges of war if she will marry Monsieur, 200;

health of, drunk at Elsinore, 207;

Earl of Lindsay inclined to, 210;

writes to French king on behalf of Osborne and Staper, 211 (a);

French King refers to close amity with, 211 (c);

Pallavicino hopes to send present to, 212;

King of Denmark professes great friendship for, 215 (p. 216);

Queen of Scots asks, to be allowed to live at liberty in one of her houses, 218;

mentioned, 221, 224,225, 226;

Cobham discusses marriage of, in audience with French king, 229;

reference to Mauvissière's conference with, 229 (p. 231);

French sovereigns deny that they know of any commissions that might restrain subjects of, from trading with Spain, 230;

mentioned, 232, 234;

rumour of intent to murder, 234 (p. 288);

reference to letter from, concerning Rogers'release, 239 (1);

M. d'Ohain wishes authority of, used to prevent his postmen being molested by Van den Putte, 242;

said not to have disliked English mutineers joining enemy, 243;

French king commands a coach to be made for, 246;

French king will acquit, of charges of war in Flanders if marriage may proceed, 249;

King of Navarre's agent to repair to, 250, 251;

reference to letter to, from Parma, concerning Rogers, 252;

continuation of friendship hoped for between King of Denmark and, 254;

information concerning administration of her dowry sent to, 255;

de Péena wishes to present a request to, in order to obtain payment of debt from Dale, 256;

Carlo Doni wishes to visit Court of, 257, 266;

mentioned, 261, 262, 265, 269, 271, 272;

correspondence between Prince of Orange and, 274;

mentioned, 280;

Queen Mother wishes, to help Don Antonio, 288;

French merchants wish to intercede with, against English pirates, 292;

Walsingham makes good report of Shelley to, 295;

reference to letters from, concerning Rogers, 297;

finds fault with charge of conveying dispatches to and from France. 298;

Council of State in Low Countries writes to, to complain of English pirates, 299;

Ferrabosco refers to annuity paid him by, 301;

mentioned, 302;

letters of, used graciously at Imperial Diet, 302 (p. 297);

mentioned, 303. 307. Bryan Geoghagan refers to his bearing arms against, 308;

suggestion that Zolcher should receive pension from, 310 (p. 306), 313;

writes to Duke of Cleves on Rogers' behalf, 315 (p. 308);

Duke of Cleves offers to perform any service for, 316;

ought to help Don Antonio, 317;

declaration by French king concerning marriage of Monsieur and, 318;

Don Antonio sends gentleman to, 322;

Ashby to take letters from Emperor to, 323;

mentioned, 324, 326;

vassals of Don Antonio under great obligation to, 329;

makes restraint of all licences, 334;

mentioned, 337 (p. 327);

Italian gentlemen wish to see, 339;

petition of merchants of Rouen to, 340, 341;

said to have been cause of raid of Ruthven, 343 (p. 335);

mentioned, 346, 348, 352;

Paget intends to write to, 354;

Cobham wishes to receive help from, in his suit, 354;

does not wish letters sent to Queen of Scots from French King and Queen through Mauvissière, 357;

Lesieur requests to have allowance from, for Rogere' diet, 358;

King of Spain seeks to make faction in Scotland against, 358;

mentioned, 360, 361;

Rogers wishes her to write to Duke of Cleves on his behalf, 366;

mentioned, 367;

reference to letter from, touching English merchants in the Levant, 368;

Cobham recommends Lord Percy to, 369;

mentioned, 370;

French king wishes to receive promise of help from, if he should undertake war with Spain, 372;

Russian merchants write concerning wax sold by them to, 373;

mentioned, 374;

Monsieur writes to, to desire that Merchants Adventurers may not leave Antwerp, 377 (p. 376);

mentioned, 379, 380;

said to be aiding Don Antonio, 383;

mentioned, 384;

wish of, to unite Scotland with England, 386;

mentioned, 388, 393, 394 (p. 389), 395, 397 (p. 395);

requires that England shall not enter into war in Low Countries, 398;

mentioned, 399;

would be willing to help King of France against Spain, under certain conditions, 402;

mentioned, 405, 408, 411, 412;

Rogers wishes, to write to Baron of Anholt, 416 (p. 407);

Monsieur wishes, to command Merchants Adventurers not to leave Antwerp, 418;

M. Mallet sent to, from Geneva. 419;

reference to letter from, concerning English merchants in the Levant, 421;

la Mothe-Fénelon wishes French King to give satisfaction to, 423 (p. 414);

la Mothe-Fénelon to negotiate affairs between French king and, 424;

said to be satisfied by d'Armeville, 424 (p. 417);

mentioned, 426;

Gilpin brings letters from Emperor to, 427;

mentioned, 430, 432, 433;

Dr. Beutrich wishes Cantons to write to, on behalf of Churches of the Religion, 434;

Geoghagan wishes to receive pardon from, 437;

sends agent to the Levant on behalf of merchants, 441;

Pope annoyed at la Mothe-Fénelon's going to, 442;

del Bene wishes Elizabeth to enter into alliance with France against Spain, 444;

Mme de la None solicits favour of, for her husband, 448;

does not wish la Mothe Fénelon to go to Scotland, 449;

reference to corporations established in Middelburg by authority of, 453;

does not intend to detain Portuguese and Jesuit refugees at South-hampton, 461;

mentioned, 462, 464;

French King does not wish to help d'Aubigny lest he should give offence to, 472 (p. 462);

mentioned, 474;

reference to her prudence in dealing with Scotland, 476;

free trade permitted to subjects of, in Italy, 478;

her wishes concerning marriage with Monsieur, 479;

has great opinion of Pinart, 480;

employs herself for preservation of Scottish King's person and dignity, 480 (p.472);

mentioned, 481, 483;

Lord Hamilton sends letter to, 488;

Dr. Petrus de Rotis offers his services to, 489, 490;

mentioned, 491;

Duke Casimir writes to, 495;

Duke of Bouillon professes good will to, 498;

reference to letter from Monsieur to, 503;

negotiation concerning marriage, 507, 508;

Queen Mother requests ships from, for Portugal, 509;

mentioned, 510, 517;

Pinart wishes she bad some niece to be married to Monsieur, 520;

Gilpin deals with many concerning contentment of, 523;

reference to letters from Monsieur to, 532;

supposed practice of Pope and King off Spain against, 538;

Qneen Mother dislikes conditions propounded by. for helping Don Antonio, 540;

la Mothe-Fénelon's dealings with, 541;

mentioned, 542;

questions concerning marriage of, 546;

reference to letter from, to Emperor on behalf of Merchants Adventurers, 560;

reference to commissioners from, sent to Denmark, 551.

-, -, letters and dispatches written to, 3, 38, 63, 103, 104, 117, 144, 201, 202, 228, 233, 244, 246, 296, 274 (2), 282, 299, 314, 327, 329, 409, 410, 439, 450, 490 (2), 496, 506.

Ellis, Joseph, merchant, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Elmenhorst, John, citizen of Lubeek, King of Denmark writes concerning, 103, 282.

Elsinore, letters dated at, 207, 254, 261, 263.

Elts, Elst. James von, elector of Treves, consecrated Archbishop at Augsburg, 333 (p. 323).

Emanuel Philibert, late Duke of Savoy, his dealings with Geneva, 73.

Embden, Gilpin goes to, 85 (p. 78);

mentioned, 358;

English merchants at, 427;

trade of merchants adventurers well understood at, 550.

Embden, Count of. See Edzard.

Emden, Hanse van, smith in States' army, 263.

Emmerick, enemy believed to have crossed Rhine near, 338, 347, 350;

'Embrick,' sons of rittmeister of Bredeforde at school at, 366.

Emperor. See Rudolf II.

Empire, the States decide to send embassy to, 18 (p. 16);

Imperial Diet, 67, 76, 118 (p. 120);

King of Spain said to be going to crave aid of Princes of, against Monsieur, 181 (p. 181);

Rogers considered to be enemy of, 194 (p. 194);

peace of, to be deliberated upon at Augsburg, 198;

princes of, to consider maintenance of garrisons in Hungary, 209 (p. 209);

debate at Diet, whether it be not prejudicial for state of, far Monsieur to be in Low Countries, 237 (p. 241);

Monsieur and Prince of Parma to abstain from annoying confines of, 302 (p. 297), 310 (p. 305);

war in Low Countries not to be made a cause of action in, 323;

cities of, reluctant to contribute to Turkish war, 333 (p. 323);

reference to English merchants in, 427;

Casimir writes concerning establishment of Protestant religion in, 495, 496;

cause of Merchants Adventurers treated in assembly of Princes of, 550.

Empress. See Mary of Castile.

Emson. William, in Williams' company, 263.

Enckhuysen, flyboat from, taken by English captains, 60.

Enghien, 'Engyne,' battering-pieces to come to, 512.

England, said to be in arms against the Queen, 18 (p. 17);

Bacqueville to be resident in, 18 (p. 19);

popish books sent into, 22;

Flemish fugitives go to, 29;

reference to visit of French commissioners to, 33 (p.29);

German gentleman offers to send new artillery into, 35;

Mendoza suggests leaving, 38;

commission from Anjou to North to raise men in, 39;

Van Sand refers to his observations concerning public weal of, 49;

M. de la Roque said to be going to, 53 (p. 46);

Duke of Guise wishes to confer with 'honorable person' from, 61;

Jehan Gower wishes Roman religion to be restored in, 66;

merchants of, 67;

Pope, princes of Italy, King Philip and France, said to be sending troops through Duke of Savoy's country to, 73 (p. 66);

Herle's report of civil dissension in 85 (p. 80);

States wish for help from, 85 (p. 82);

Cobham suggests that young Bothwell should pass through, 87;

Capponi suspected of doing some turn for Spaniards when he returns to. 91;

Guise sends some of his household to, 91 (p. 89);

Dutch merchants' goods in, 93;

Custodio Leytam sent by Don Antonio into, 114 (p. 113);

Italian prisoners in, 114 (p. 114);

Don Antonio's ship from, burnt, 115;

mentioned, 118 (p. 116);

Monsieur solicits money from, for Netherlands, 118 (p. 119);

reference to goods sent to, from Antwerp, 123;

Earl Bothwell afraid to pass into, 136;

none from, to remain in Rome, except in seminaries, 137;

Scottish King said to be hardly dealt with by, 143 (p. 141);

Duke of Lützelstein's son to go to, 144;

Gower wishes for money to transport him into, 149;

Italian applies to Cobham for means to pass into, 179;

Sainte-Aldegonde reminds Walsingham of promises given him in, 182;

Gerard Byrboum wishes his protest, to be made known in, 186;

Rogers' detention may cause apprehension of Mendoza in, 194 (p. 194);

Ymans has commission to satisfy Pallavicino and Spinola in, 197;

consideration at Augsburg of heavy tolls imposed by, on ships and merchandise, 198;

Monsieur sends news of conspiracy to, 206;

Armeville attacks English ships on coast of, 211 (c);

Queen of Scots wishes to see France, Scotland and, in good understanding, 218;

speeches of money sent to Monsieur from, 220;

mentioned, 225;

reference to marriage negotiation passed in, by French Commissioners, 229;

Custodio Leytam to reside in Paris on his return from, 230;

Mark Hess sent to buy cloth in, 233;

dislike in Low Countries of men recommended by great persons out of, 243;

King of Navarre's agent to repair to, 250;

Lesieur suggests that ecclesiastical estate in, should meet sum required for Rogers' release, 252;

Doni wishes to visit, 257;

money sent to Monsieur from, 258;

many English troops repair into, 259;

news of battle of Azores hoped for in Paris from, 266;

Cobham fears his letters to, may be intercepted, 267;

news of Strozzi's action received in Paris from, 268;

Knollys transports Breton crew into, 280 (p. 272);

Spanish ambassador in Paris anxious to have news from, of battle of Azores, 287;

Earl of Leicester's footman not to return to, 288 (p. 282);

Shelley considers that, 'a realm of, ought to be forthcoming' to encounter France and Spain, 295;

reference to wish of, to hold balance between France and Burgundy, 300;

Ferrabosco wishes to return to, 301;

Englishmen leave Antwerp to gather new company in, 302 (p. 298);

Browne's book sent into, 303;

no posts leaving Ghent for, 305;

Four Members of Flanders wish Lamoral of Egmont to make journey into, 305;

Zolcher put to many expenses in, 310 (p. 306);

Zolcher returning to, 312;

Osborne's ship said to be on way to, 332;

news of Don Antonio comes to Low Countries from, 337 (p. 328);

Italian gentlemen wish to visit, 339;

mentioned, 344;

Paget wishes to return to, 354;

reference to former enmity between France and, 357;

reference to Dutch merchants' trade in shipping for, 361;

ships prepared for Don Antonio in, 368;

Norris orders mares to be sent to, from Holland, 376;

Cobham writes on behalf of Italian wishing to go to, 378;

ships for Don Antonio expected from private persons in, 383;

ambassador comes to, from Duke of Moscovia. 385;

uniting of Scotland to. would be of great comfort and profit, 386;

Estates resolve that there is no remedy but out of, 394 (p. 389);

Count Ottavio Landi desires to visit, 396 (p. 394);

Geoghagan will return to, when he is pardoned, 397 (p. 395);

Elizabeth requires that, shall not enter into war in Low Countries. 398;

Giraldes refers to his good reputation in, 399;

la Mothe-Fénelon to go to, 424;

Lesieur intends to depart for, 427;

mentioned, 431, 433;

reference to la Mothe-Fénelon's journey into. 442;

Hanse towns make complaints of hard dealing used in, against strangers, 453:

la Mothe-Fénelon goes towards, 457, 467;

reference to Pinart's stay in, 480, new impositions levied in, against French, 480 (p. 471);

protestations against, Portuguese brought into, by Kenne, 481;

Lord Hamilton intends to repair into, 488;

Norris defers his journey to, 492;

letters from, sent to nuncio in Paris, 494 (p. 485);

pardon from Pope sent to Papists in, 497;

Bishop of Glasgow receives letters from, 498;

Pinart refers to his stay in, 507 (p. 498);

French king wishes to have order taken in, for avoidance of piracy, 520;

referenoe to good understanding between Scotland and, 525;

friend of Villiers goes to, 530;

reference to danger to, from Pope and King of Spain, 538;

Don Antonio wishes to repair to, 590;

King of Scots, by marriage with King of Spain's daughter would increase his party in, 545.

English, ships at Belle Isle, 4 (p. 4);

soldiers joining camp near Oudenarde, 14;

ships said to have committed violence in Spain, 21;

captains in Low Countries mutiny, 30;

soldiers. North to admit none but, into his companies, 39;

said to be prisoners in Naples and Malta, 48;

seminary men and priests in France, 54;

ship arrives at Terceras, 62 (p. 53);

bishop in Rome, Jehan Gower ordained deacon by, 66;

pirates, French boat robbed by, 75;

soldiers, great desire at Bruges for coming of, 81;

Mauvissière wishes ships in French ports to be restored, 82;

troops with Norris, 85 (p. 79);

assist men of Tercera to take island of St. Michael, 86 (p. 84);

imprisoned in Rome. 88;

vessels with French soldiers on board for Don Antonio, 95;

ships at Tercera, 105;

forces with Rochepot, 109;

forces leave Friesland, 110;

captains imprisoned at Tours, 114 (p. 113);

vesse's in fleet for Don Antonio, 115 (p. 115);

company under Williams attacks enemy's camp, 118;

soldiers under North and Cotton mutiny, 118 (p. 121);

companies to receive pay and join camp, 121;

merchant ship, Bacqueville complains of wrong done to him by, 127;

soldiers Don Antonio wishes for, 133;

many in Lyons, 137;

soldiers at Oudenarde shew great courage, 138;

companies march to Diest, 139;

attack enemy near Ghent, 142;

ensigns, Bruges wishes for garrison of, 143 (p. 139);

merchants, in Rouen, Cobham moves French king on behalf of, 150 (p. 149);

merchants, Bacqueville said to be seeking to spoil, 150 (p. 151);

soldiers mutiny and take Norris prisoner, 151;

troops cannot agree with French, 154;

colonels of, at Dunkirk, 175, 180;

mutiny appeased, 180 (p. 180);

young Norris to report to Walsingham on state of, 185;

cornets have vanguard more often than any other nation in Low Countries, 191;

troops, bad management of, 205;

controversy between French and, in States' camp, 208;

ship detained at Malta, letters concerning, 211 (a), (b);

ships, Armeville attacks, 211 (c);

reference to abuses offered by French to, in Low Countries, 214;

Treasurer of Denmark not well-affected to, 216 (p. 216);

do good service in action near Berghes, 217, 219, 221, 227 (p. 228);

cloth. King of Sweden wishes duty on, to be remitted, 233;

trouble between French and, in States' camp, 234; (p. 237);

do good service, 235;

ill-handled for pay and food, 236;

troops go over to enemy, 236;

reference to good service done by, 238, 243;

mutineers, reference to revolt of, 243;

mutineers well received by Parma, 252;

not made of much account in States camp, 259;

Williams' company passed in muster, 263;

de Péena serviceable to, 269;

book, sent by Merchants Adventurers to Walsingham, 271;

troops, Norris maintains his integrity before, 277;

soldiers in States' camp badly fed and paid, 280 (p. 273);

colonels. Prince of Orange said to have used hard speeches against, 284;

merchants, 291;

pirates, French merchants complain of, 292;

enemy attacked valiantly by, 294;

merchants in Venice, 295;

pikemen held in esteem by States, 300;

post from Low Countries, 302;

show great courage in skirmish before Ghent, 302 (p. 295), 303, 304, 305;

post, 319;

forces at Borgerhout, 319;

merchants in Antwerp relieve the poorer sort, 319; (p. 312);

horse, Norris takes for relief of Lochem, 320;

pirates, French complaints of, 324;

imprisoned for piracy committed on French, 331;

post, 336;

companies at Borgerhout, 336;

reference to valiant behaviour of, in retreat before Ghent, 337 (p. 327);

post, 338;

disliked in Holland, 338;

merchants at Rouen complain of being oppressed, 341;

commodities, note of impositions and taxes raised upon, 341 (p. 332);

complaints made against English pirates;

348 (p. 340), 351;

companies, Count of Hohenlohe sends request for, 350;

ships at Malta, Pope gives order for release of, 352;

captains at Tercera, news of approach of French fleet sent to, 353 (p. 345);

greyhounds, La Chapelle-des-Ursins wishes for, 356;

troops in Low Countries disband themselves for poverty, 358;

rebels, ensign of, defeated near Menin, 359;

quarrel with French at Antwerp, 363;

merchants in the Levant, Cobham hopes to receive favour from French king for, 368;

prisoners in Paris, Cobham requests that they may be sent to wars in Flanders, 368 (p. 367);

march to Alost, 377;

merchants at Antwerp, sent for by Monsieur, 377 (p. 376);

at Bergenhout, 390, 477;

troops refuse to stir without pay, 392;

agent to be sent to Constantinople, 396 (p. 392);

depredations committed by, on French, 423 (p. 415), 424 (p. 417);

merchants at Embden. traffic of, 427;

troops with Saisseval, 428, 439;

merchants in the Levant, French king writes on behalf of, 441;

soldiers transferred to Brussels, 445;

corporations in Low Countries, Hanse towns spread libels against, 453;

troops go towards Brussels, 460;

ship with Portuguese refugees arrives at Southampton, 461;

company in Ninove, 462;

pirate robs Portuguese ship at Angra, 469;

cornets hope to enter Alost, 470, 473;

trade in Italy, 478;

reference to depredations committed by French on, 480 (p. 471);

captains, Portuguese deal lewdly with, 481;

horse in Land of Waest, 491;

ships, Queen Mother requests, for Portugal, 509;

mutineers executed at Brussels, 514;

in Eyndhoven, 535;

regiments to be reformed, 536;

longbow men, in Antwerp, 548.

English, William, English merchant at Rouen, signs petition, 341.

-, —, master of ship, brings money to Monsieur from England, 18 (p. 18).

Englisberg, 'Englispar,' Ulrich of, bailiff of Gruyère, ambassador from Fribourg, to French king, 519.

Enriquez, Antonio, son of King of Spain's steward, in army for Terceras, 112.

-, —, Pedro, in army for Terceras, 112.

Entragues, Catherine de Balsac d'. wife of Duke of Lennox, in Paris, 370.

Entragues. See Balsac.

Entremont, Duchess d', bastard brother of Duke of Savoy said to be going to marry daughter of, 283.

Epernon, Duke of. See Nogaret.

Épinay, François d', Seigneur de Saint-Luc, one of the King's minions, putting himself into army at Belle Isle, 62 (p. 53);

governor of Brouage, arrives at Dunkirk, 205 (p. 206), 227 (p. 228);

angered with French troops at Ghent, 302 (p. 296);

uses Norris with great courtesy, 428;

tries to surprise Lierre, 439;

quarrel between Gauville and, 456;

report of defeat of, 465;

reference to quarrel between Gauville and, 477;

reference to words spoken by, towards Prince of Orange, 494 (p. 484);

withdraws to France, 499, 514.

Épinoy, Prince of. See Melun, Pierre de.

-, Princess of. See Lalaing, Philippade.

Epping. Gerhard, merchant of Hamburg, signs petition against Sackford, 351.

Erasso, Cristofero de, in array for Terceras, 112;

companies of, 148.

Ergimbergue, qy. Eschenbeck, castle of, reference to capture of, by enemy, 499.

'Ernem' on the Maas, taken by enemy, 302 (p. 297).

Escars, Jean Perusse d', Sieur de Vauguyon, sent by French king to King of Navarre, 4 (p. 3);

accompanies Cobham to see Queen of Navarre, 33 (p. 29).

Escosse, —, merchant jeweller in Paris, 24.

Escovedo, Antonio d', sent from Don Antonio to Cobham, 74 (p. 68).

Esperance, —, Italian in command of cornet of horse at Ghent. 180.

Estampes, Claude d', Sieur de la Ferté-Imbault, and minister of Duke of Anjou, comes to Cambrésis, 118 (p. 118);

near Gravelines, 487.

Este, Alfonso II, Duke of Ferrara, Duke of Maine intends to visit, 4 (p. 4);

likely to lend Monsieur money, 348 ( p. 338), 369;

Count Ottavio Landi professes to come to Paris from, 396 (p. 393):

French ambassador sent to, 397 (p. 395);

dislikes marriage between Duke of Savoy and Duke of Florence's daughter, 397 (p. 396);

recommends Count Octavio Landi to Duke of Guise, 442;

mentioned, 467.

Este, Anne d', Duchess of Nemours, meets Queen Mother in Paris, 62 (p. 52);

makes feast for Swiss ambassadors, 498.

Esthonia, Duchy of, King of Poland demands, from King of Sweden, 145.

Estramadura, companies of, 148.

Eu, in Normandy, Duke of Guise promises to build college of Jesuits at. 33 (p. 30);

Duke of Guise wishes del Bene to lend him abbey at, 61;

Duke of Guise erects little house for Jesuits in, 150 (p. 151).

Europe, Elizabeth said to be celebrated throughout, for prompt payment, 186;

reference to Protestant churches in, 434.

Evans, Morris, in Williams' company, 263.

Everard, Thomas, in Williams' company, 263.

Evers, Ralph, son of Lord Evers, with Cobham, 354.

Evure [Evere], M. d', sent to Antwerp to set things in order, 227 (p. 228).

Exton, John, merchant, note of spoils taken from, by French pirates, 543.

Eyndhoven, capture of, by French, commanded by Bonnivet, 529;

'Indavine,' 538, 535, 536.