Elizabeth: November 1582, 11-20

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: November 1582, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp441-456 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: November 1582, 11-20', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp441-456.

"Elizabeth: November 1582, 11-20". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp441-456.


November 1582, 11–20

Nov. 11 453. Longston to Walsingham
Although my writing, in respect of the little value of it, might justly be rejected as a trouble to you in reading it, yet having experience how favourably you are accustomed to accept of what proceeds of my good affection, howsoever the thing be, and knowing my own heart willing to do any service that lies in me, I persuade myself you will construe my doings in good part. Therefore I can [qy. not] omit at this time to recommend to your consideration the 'leaude,' untrue and most unhonest libels and speeches blown and scattered abroad by the 'Hanse-stede' of Lubeck and others, not only against the English Merchants Adventurers, and other English corporations established by his Majesty's authority, but also against the stayed, and most honourable proceedings of her Majesty, of her Privy Council, and of the whole estate of that realm. A man can now come almost in no company where any talk is had in these parts of general traffic and merchants, but one 'piece' is of the English merchants 'monypolion,' and of the hard and strange dealing used in England against strangers. And this talk is most in the mouths of such as never were in England, nor 'had there to do'; but grows chiefly from the Hanses, though also from such here in Antwerp and these parts as would gladly have the Hanses' libels etc. to have credit, that so the English merchants might be suppressed, and consequently 'to drive' the traffic wholly from Englishmen into the hands of strangers, but specially into their own. And if to stop this flood of slander nothing is done, it might seem that we should yield ourselves as guilty, and so become odious to all the world. Wherefore, under correction, I think it meet that something should be publicly written as apology against those slanders of the Hanses, as also in reproach of them, ere any other speak or report untruths as they do and have done.
Some private person, as neuter, having good instruction of the 'estate,' and some information of the merchants, might thoroughly answer and refute the false allegations of the Hanses and their adherents, to their perpetual shame and reproach.
This apology being put in print in the Latin, French, and Italian tongues, would do more good for defence of England's honour and innocency than any more journeys of Mr Gilpin to such a Diet where prevail the voices and sinister practises of Papists, whose hearts towards her Majesty and the state of England, God be thanked, are sufficiently revealed.
God knows my mind is not to do any ill office in this motion, and therefore I rest with this 'remembrance' of it to your grave consideration, either to be 'preferred to effect' or otherwise, as you 'know meet.'—Middelburg, 11 November 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 56.]
Nov. 11 454. Stokes to Walsingham
Since my last to you of the 4th inst. these speeches have passed here.
The speech is now come from the enemy's government that the Viscount of Ghent is dead, and the Duke of Aerschot sore sick, and not like to escape it.
The small camp that the enemy gathered together last week between Cortrick and Lille is 'fallen' beside Ninove, where they make some show to besiege that town. Some say they are making a strong post upon some principal passage before Ninove, which will be a shrewd neighbour to them and to Alst.
The Duke of Brabant hearing that the enemy was come into those parts has sent into Ninove 6 ensigns of French foot, with victuals for two or three months, so that it is hoped the town is well guarded for the winter.
The enemy's great camp lies yet besides Cambray and those parts, where by good report they are in great misery for want of victuals and forage so that they write from Artois that it is not possible for them to continue there long.
They also write from Artois that the Prince of Parma has paid his camp but one month since he took Tournay; for which cause the common soldiers begin greatly to murmur against these evil dealings, so that it is hoped it will make some revolt or some other alterations amongst them 'or' it be long, for they write their misery is very great.
The speech is now given out here that Monsieur's French army is come beside Bapaume, the enemy lying not far from them, so that it is thought some blows will pass between them very shortly. But these are speeches given out by the French, for which cause most men here think them not to be true; for if they were there, the enemy would not lie 'scattering' so far one from another as at present they do.
There is also great speech here of wars between the French king and the King of Spain, and it seems to be true, for the enemy fears it very much.
It is thought that Monsieur has some enterprise in hand, for he has written to the Four Members of Flanders, who are here together, to send him with all speed 100,000 guilders, all in one specie if they care; which is sent this week accordingly.—Bruges, 11 November 1582.
Add. Endd.p. [Ibid. XVII. 57.]
Nov. 11 455. Audley Danett to Walsingham
The business of the merchants of Lyme received a sentence in the Town House on behalf of the merchants on Saturday the 3rd inst. 'their adverse party' being condemned to pay half their charges, and the chests of sugar to be forthwith delivered to them. I think according to this sentence their business is ended, or else I should have heard of them ere this; for since the 4th inst. I have not been acquainted with any of their doings.
By your letter of Oct. 28, sent me by Mr Henry Norris, you desire to be advertised how far I have prevailed in the business for the payment of the interest, wherein I never dealt as yet, nor received at any times instructions from you touching that charge. It may be those letters were drowned with Page's son and divers other merchants who were lost about the middle of last month. I have only heard that the States-General purposed to take some order touching the interest before the dissolution of the present assembly; so that I think the time fit to put them in mind of it, and receiving your instructions touching it, because I am altogether unacquainted with the matter, I will be ready to follow your direction in that behalf.
Touching the proceedings here, Mr Norris having already advertised you by this post, please give me leave to refer to his letter.—Antwerp, 11 November 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 58.]
Nov. 11 456. Fremyn to Walsingham
It is some days since I wrote to you by Mr Sidney's servant, since which no opportunities have presented themselves here. The enemy is still before Ninove, and has battered it with 5 cannons; three others have stuck in the mud. The enemy have also been mining, to reach the rampart, which has produced little result because of the waters, which 'thought' (out cuidé) to drown them in the mine. Their battery is only defensive, to enable them to get to the sap. Within there are 500 soldiers, French and Flemings, and victuals for a month. Meanwhile for the security of the other places, his Highness has sent 6 French companies to Alost to reinforce 12 companies of Mr Norris's, commanded by Col. Morgan, and 6 of French, with all things necessary.
Today a number of vessels are to leave this for Calais, to take on board the infantry of his Highness's army. The cavalry will be able to pass below Gravelines. Things do not get on here at all as they should for want of pay. They hold meetings without result, always dragging on affairs at length, which begets confusion upon confusion. Nevertheless, since his Highness has been here, our regiment has received nothing, notwithstanding the labours and fatigues which we have had in this journey to Guelders, where our people still are; whom we expect daily. The Chancellor of Guelders, Nervius (?), has informed his Highness that the father of the Baron of Anholt who was killed at Lochem desires to be reconciled to the common cause (généralité), and to that effect to receive a garrison in his strong places, if it be necessary. I have begged the Chancellor that if an agreement to that effect is made, Mr Rogers may be comprised in it; which he promised, and to that effect wrote to the Count 'of Vandenbergen' [Berghes], Governor of Friesland, and to the States.
Last Friday there was a quarrel in his Highness's antechamber between Saint-Luc and Gauville. It was that Gauville said to someone that M. de Fervacques was coming to these parts, or had arrived; that a heap of little minions who governed his Highness and did nothing but dance, would have to quit the place when he came. A gentleman of Saint-Luc's following being there said that if he was speaking of M. de Saint-Luc, inasmuch as he was in favour with his Highness, and could dance well, and do other things well too, he should mind what he said, for he would tell Saint-Luc; which he did on the spot. Saint-Luc came to look for Gauville, and asked him if he had spoken of him. The other said he had not. Saint-Luc replied that if he spoke of him otherwise than properly (à propos) he would break his head. Gauville said if he tried to do it, he would give him the lie. Upon this Saint-Luc struck him in the very antechamber, and a good deal of scuffling (barbouillerie) passed. His Highness, very indignant at these disrespectful doings in his house, has ordered Saint-Luc into arrest in his own house. Gauville is in the hands of la Vergne, captain of his Highness's guards. I do not yet know what order will be given about it. That is how it was told me, inasmuch as I was not then at the Court. It is a beginning which is found very strange here, where such practices do not go on in the Prince's house. His Excellency has been a little indisposed with a catarrh, and was let blood yesterday.
Of Scotland I have learnt from some Scots lately arrived, that all that the king is doing at present is to give contentment to the lords who now possess him, and that if he finds an opportune occasion he will be revenged on them for sending M. de Lenox away from his person and other things. It is a nation which is very subject to mutations.—Antwerp, 11 November 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 59.]
Nov. 12 457.Cobham to Walsingham
Since writing my last, the king has continued his pilgrimage to Notre Dame de Liesse, having seen divers places in Picardy, and now is gone to the house of M. de Mouy, whose daughter and heir he seeks to match with Duke Joyeuse's younger brother.
His Majesty has dispatched from him his Jesuits and priests, so that there is no more that chanting and singing in the order that was accustomed. This sudden alteration grows, they say, upon the advice the king received from certain 'confident' persons, of whom he demanded their opinion concerning those Jesuits; by whom he was answered that they were to be 'liked of' at their mass and in their pulpit, but not to be trusted in making wills, nor suffered to haunt in Court, because they seemed to be of the same disposition the 'ministers' were at their first coming into France, which was, to intermeddle in the affairs of state. These sayings have taken such impression in the king's mind, especially in that they were resembled to the ministers, whom the king 'smally' favours, that he has now dismissed those priests and Jesuits from their attendance on him.
I have been advertised that the king has asked counsel, and caused it to be had in deliberation, by what means and with how much charge 50 good ships of war might be thoroughly prepared with munition and artillery, to be manned with 10,000 men, and those to be victualled for a year. I hear further there is an assignation made of two millions for that purpose. But whether this be intended for the affairs of the Queen Mother's pretences to Portugal, or some other purpose, I do not learn.
M. de 'St. Solemne' [Sainte-Souline] is said to be returned from the Isles of Terceras, and Landereau is come from thence with his ships, reporting that in the Terceras they are afflicted with the plague and want of victuals.
The Chevalier de 'Chartre' is appointed to depart presently to Havre-de-Grãce, whence he is to embark in two ships of war and another vessel, in which are to be transported 400 soldiers, with victuals and necessaries for those of the Terceras. He takes in his company, by the Queen Mother's appointment, a mathematician named 'Monjonsiou,' to bring her the true description of the island. He is to return by the end of February.
La Mothe-Fènelon departs this week towards England, accompanied but with an ordinary train. He is appointed to see and speak with Marshal Biron in going by. I understand moreover that 'Manningvil' will pass by sea into Scotland, as it were in some secret sort.
There has been a bruit in Court that the Marquis de Guasto, or by some 'named to be' the Marquis de Pescara, has been taken prisoner, as he went in a frigate along the French coast, by those of the Religion at 'Aques' Mortes, as I partly signified in my last letter; but the truth of this does not appear by advertisements from those parts.
M. de Rambouillet has stayed some days for the receiving of money, which he carries into Flanders for Monsieur, as they inform me.
There have been taken in Burgundy 50,000 crowns, which were to be transported from Milan to the Prince of Parma.
Marshal Biron has had much ado in the conducting of his army, being well wearied of his charge, since sundry of the French gentlemen are departed, and the rest ready to return to their houses to make good cheer, satisfying themselves with the report that the plague and dearth is in the Prince of Parma's camp.
There is a bruit in the Court that the Prince of 'Genna' will be sent by the king to Saluces to take that government; and I have heard tell of some preparations to be sent towards the frontiers of Haly, and that Charles de Birague is to return to have that government 'as' he was accustomed, so that Lavalette is to come from thence, to get some honourable recompense from the king. But the sequel of this is yet in some doubt.
M. d'Épernon has remained here in Court during all the time of his Majesty's pilgrimage. He has not been accustomed to be so long from the king's presence.
The king's return is looked for within these two days. He has sent some to meet the Swiss ambassadors and keep them company to this town, defraying all their charges.—Paris, 12 November 1582.
Add. and endt. gone.pp. [France VIII. 99.]
Nov. 12 458. Péna to Walsingham
I know the wrong I am doing to the public, and to your unending occupation, in wearying you with the repetition of the same tune, and an importunity which your kindness nevertheless will excuse. M. de la Mothe who has done me the honour of praying you in this, will repeat the same request, to recall to your memory the protection of my cause and the preservation of what I have lost and am losing on the services which I so willingly rendered to Mr Dale, both in respect of his health and that of his family, and in regard to his necessity and the convenience of his domestic affairs. For the assistance whereof I lent him, when the king was at Lyons, on his return from Poland, 500 crowns of the sun in gold, of which he cannot be ignorant or oblivious, still less can he deny it, and yet he does me an irreparable injury in causing it to be believed, by his demeanour, language, disdain and other demonstrations of contempt, that I am demanding this sum dishonestly, having cooked (controuré) and falsified my claim. For to say now that I should be recompensed by the repayment to me of the sum which he received from me, as well as all the 'convenience' which in all this time he has drawn from it, is impossible, since many people know that he has tacitly accused me of what I have said, imputing to me a crime of which he could not clear or cleanse me, seeing that the same persons will not now know my innocence, and the equity of my demand. Therefore I demand equitably some reparation for my character, satisfaction for my losses, besides which there remains the fear I have had of losing my debt, and the annoyance and shame which will abide with me of having so much honoured a personage who has brought so much inconvenience upon me, quite undeserved on my part. I have therefore had recourse to your kindness which will one day be well content to have helped out (tiré) a humble servant, aged and tried as I am, by preserving his honour, and some of his resources (commodité).
Please excuse the headlong hastiness of M. de la Mothe-Fénelon, to whom I have entrusted Mr Dale's own note of hand. There are two further schedules in his hand, one of which Master Geoffray has, while Mr Thomas Colph, apothecary, at the Artichoke near the Exchange, has the other.—Paris, this 12th.
Add. Endd. with date. Fr. 2 pp. [Ibid. VIII. 100.]
Nov. 12 459. Duke Casimir to Walsingham
The good appearance that there was of the wines, not having been for four, even six years, as good, mellow, and flavoured (picquans) as it was hoped they would be this year, gave me occasion lately to promise you a share of them. Now, although the vintage, thank God, was good, and has yielded plenty of wine, nevertheless, this not being what I had expected (for 'they' do not hold their colours, which is a sign that they will be ill able to stand the sea-voyage) I have not dared to risk sending you any. But the principal reason which keeps me from doing it is that all the country where the Perlewein (Beerlwin) and other choice wines grow is infested with the plague and contagious maladies, which makes me hope that you will have me excused.
I had also promised to send some to the Earl of Leicester, to whom I beg you to commend me, and make my excuses for the reasons given above. And as nothing new presents itself just now worthy of you, I will not make this any longer.—Rudelsheim, 12 November 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Germany II. 49.]
Nov. 14 460. Audley Danett to Walsingham
Since the writing of my last of the 11th inst. the merchants of Lyme have given me to understand that according to their late sentence, the sugar was delivered into their hands. They have made sale of it here, and for the rest of their business have received so good a dispatch that they are now ready to return homeward. Before their departure from me, they would needs bestow on me two Italian 'pistolets,' which I did not think good to receive; but because they were importune to leave them behind on ray table, I was content they should be bestowed on my boy. I think it not amiss to let you understand this, 'because oftentimes these mechanical persons will make report of great liberality.' Truly these causes are full of trouble and ask more attendance and following than my business in the Court; besides the displeasure which commonly grows by some 'round' speeches, which of necessity must be used to these people if a man think to do any good. So if you please to excuse me in these causes, except in some such as you shall especially affect, I shall be the better able to travail in some other business. Yet both in this and all things else I refer myself wholly to your pleasure, being ready to bestow my service at all times and in what degree it shall please you to command me.
Ninove holds good, contrary to the common expectation, notwithstanding the cannon has battered some time; but it is said those within repair the breach by night.
Today it is advertised from Diest that the enemy hovers about that town in some good troops, and as it is suspected will attempt something upon it, if he shall first prevail at Ninove.
Our English troops of Mr Norris's regiment went hence on the 11th inst. towards Brussels, but we do not yet hear that they have entered the town, although there be no doubt of it, M. de Temple's brother arriving here yesterday, who says they are looked for in good 'devotion.'
Our 3 companies of horse which went with Mr Norris in his last service before Lochem, are today returned to this town, but bring no great matter that I have yet learned, worth advertising.—Antwerp, 14 November 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 60.]
Nov. 15 461. Bernardino de Mendoza to Walsingham
I am informed that on the 11th inst. there arrived at Southampton an English ship in which were 50 Portuguese, and among them 5 religious of the Society of the Name of Jesus, who left Tercera together, being banished thence by Don Antonio. And inasmuch as they are subjects of the king my master and have committed no offence against the Queen's Majesty, she does not intend that they should be kept prisoners in this place. Wherefore, in order that they may have means to get away, I beg you to tell the Council this, and make application to them that these religious and the others may have warrant (octroy) to come here freely in order to make their way to Spain. Also that they may have a passport to embark with all possible speed, that they may not lose the opportunity of embarking in two Venetian ships which are in the Downs ready to set sail.—London, 15 November 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Spain I. 106.]
Nov. 18 462. Audley Danett to Walsingham
On the 15th inst. Ninove was yielded to the enemy by composition; that the soldier should be permitted to depart the town in his doublet and hose, with his rapier and dagger. They had battered the town with three pieces and made a breach, where they gave one assault, and entered the town, but were repulsed by those within to the greater loss of the aseailants, which by estimation was between 50 and 60. One company of English were in the town, belonging to Captain Piggott, who at the time of the siege was by chance in this town.
The enemy makes show as though he would besiege Alost, but that place being very strong, and well provided, as it is said, both of men and munition, it is thought he will attempt some other place, such as Diest, which may be of less resistance. Some fear was also had that Brussels would be the next, but since the late supply of English and French, who were received into the town on the 13th inst. there is no great mistrust that way.
By the report of the companies from Ninove the enemy is very strong in the field, being esteemed better than 20,000, and given out here to be 30,000. It is thought he will keep the field all this winter, and seek to 'take in' such places as have no great means to resist; wherein he will easily prevail, both because no succour can be given from hence to any place that may be distressed, and that many of the small towns being slenderly provided will be discouraged to abide a long siege.
Our French army by little and little grows to be nothing, for now not only the Swiss but the French themselves make difficulty to pass into these countries by water. His Highness being advertised of this, by his own private letters to divers of the leaders of those forces, and by the persuasion of divers gentlemen here whose brethren and kinsfolk have charge in the army, labours to have them come forward; but understanding the want and great misery among the soldiers it is said many of them are discouraged, and have returned home. So it is feared the numbers will be small which resolve to pass hither, and unless next summer some great matter be performed from thence, I think the French will win no great credit in these parts.
Touching the interest which should be 'answered' from hence, I take occasion sometimes to talk with the secretary of the Dutch Adventurers 'trading London' who has commission to follow the matter here with the States-General, and has indeed taken great pains in this matter. I find from him that the States say it were good reason her Majesty were satisfied, and that the matter should be considered. But yet nothing is concluded, nor like to be, for ought that he can judge. He has told them that a little done in time to content her Majesty would save six for one, and if the way of arrest be followed in England, he tells them the loss will be so great, and besides, some one or two private men undone in bearing the burden of the generality. Some of them answered that in these times of war they always lost six for one; and for the particular loss of one or two, they could not help that, if her Majesty should take that course.
Since the departure of our English merchants to Middelburg, such of them as have had suits depending before the magistrates of this town complain of some hard justice; and having made show as though they would protest against them, and crave aid by way of arrest in England, it has been answered that her Majesty may ruin them if she please; but they say that shewing herself so gracious to them in forbearing to proceed against them in any rigorous sort in a matter that concerns herself, they know well enough she will not grant any such course to any of her subjects. This I have thought good to signify to you, that although she be pleased to deal favourably with them, yet some course might be taken, that by her lenity they should not be emboldened to deal hardly with her subjects. It may be some better order would be taken with Mr Norris and others for their debts, if they did not hold themselves assured, as they seem, that her Majesty will not grant any redress by way of arrest.
Mr John Cobham has lately followed some suits of his to the States, but cannot be heard to any affect, though he has received many good words and fair promises: and now in the end demanding something towards his charges in attending here, has as I understand been refused.—Antwerp, 18 November 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 61.]
Nov. 18 463. Stokes to Walsingham
My last to you was of the 11th inst. I have since that time received these speeches.
It is said that Monsieur's French army had some enterprise upon Bapaume by way of some intelligence within the town; but it 'is' failed by some disorder, and being before the town, M. de Laval had his horse slain under him. So they have retreated from thence.
A secret speech goes here, because men dare not openly speak it, that the French army has been well beaten on the frontiers beside Bapaume, whereby they were forced hastily to retire within the French pale with the loss of many of their lives.
By letters from Lille the French army is gone towards Boulonnais and those parts, from whence it is said the French soldiers shall depart for this winter home into France, and the Swiss shall be shipped at Calais for these parts; which dealings are very much misliked here.
The good hope that was here last week of Ninove is now turned to some sorrow, for on the 15th it was delivered up to the Prince of Parma by agreement; who was there in person with a small force. The loss of this town grieves them here very much, for it seems it is lost for want of good government, for most of the captains that had charge there were absent.
They also write from Lille that the Prince of Parma has sent for his great army out of Artois, and that he is making preparation to besiege Alst and Brussels, so that it is no winter weather, nor lack of their pay, nor yet misery that will make them lie still.
They write further of great speech that some part of the enemy's camp will be sent to lie beside this town, because victuals and forage are 'more plenty' in these parts than in any other places, so that the country hereabouts are in great fear of their estate, and not without cause.
Yesterday passed through this town to Antwerp, 'that came out of France,' M. de 'Cenvalon,' his train being 30 persons. He brought 7 Spanish jennets with him, that are very fair. Some give out he is master of Monsieur's horse.
The great speeches that have long been given out here of the coming of the French army are now come to nothing, which greatly mislikes all the 'state' in these parts. Notwithstanding, great comfortable speeches are still given out here daily to them of great matters that are in hand. But these and suchlike speeches have been used so long to them, with other delays, and nothing has followed, that now they can hardly believe anything; so that they are in great pain and misery, and besides good government is greatly wanted among them in these parts, which is the cause that the open country is so destroyed, which brought most money into their common purse. So now all the money that they are able to raise to maintain these wars comes out of the 'closed' towns, which they say cannot continue long, because all their trade, and 'occupying' are almost clean destroyed.—Bruges, 18 November 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. XVII. 62.]
Nov. 18 464. Mauvissière to Walsingham
Being at Signor Pallavicino's house at Hackney with MM. de Marchaumont and Bacqueville, I heard that M. de la Mothe was arrived at my lodging a day sooner than I thought. Of this I would not fail to advertise you promptly, that you may tell her Majesty, and learn when she will be pleased to grant him an audience. On Monday I shall have to dine and sleep at Mrs Stenden's, in order that we may get an airing (nous enventer), and not present ourselves to her Majesty otherwise than sound in mind and body, if possible, to receive her commands. I beg you, if it is the right moment, to kiss her fair hands on the part of M. de la Mothe and myself, and to speak about getting him a lodging at Windsor.—London, this 18 November 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VIII. 101.]
Nov. 19 465.Cobham to Walsingham
The king returned to this town on the 14th, and on the 15th, with the Queen Mother, honoured the burial of the President de Thou. On the 16th with the young queen his wife, he received their Sacrament, as they are accustomed to do twice a month. In the afternoon he visited and comforted the President's widow.
The king 'pretends' shortly to go on pilgrimage to Notre Dame de l'Espine, which is between Chalons and Verdun on the frontier of Lorraine, where it is 'esteemed' the Duke of Lorraine will repair to him.
It is, I suppose, sufficiently known to you how Marshal Biron is conducting his forces towards Calais to embark with 4,000 of his soldiers, intending to pass into Flanders. But they are here 'presently in pain,' because the king was yesterday advertised that the Marquis of Risbourg had come towards Arras with 1,200 horse, and that the Prince of Parma followed with the greater part of his army, with intent to set on Marshal Biron before he can arrive at his place of shipping. Withal the Spanish agent here is advertised that Saint-Luc has received a great overthrow between Antwerp and Lierre.
M. de la Mothe-Fénelon departed hence four days since towards Calais.
The Cardinal of Bourbon is gone into Normandy, to Keep a Provincial Council, 'giving credit' to his suffragan, the Bishop of Ross.
M. de Lavalette, governor of Saluces, is on his way hither with his wife, as far as Montresor.
The Chevalier de la Chastre, cousin to the Duke Joyeuse, has been at Dieppe, to take possession of that government, which is given him since the death of M. de Sigoigne.
They have informed that a brother of the Lady 'Fanhurst' is come from Scotland, and has brought with him much news from d'Aubigny; and in his company Paulo Carelli, brother to the Duke of Guises's master of his horse. The duke had sent Paulo into Scotland. Another Scottish gentleman is arrived with him,
A.D. 1582.
By the late letters from Spain they write that after Don Gioanni de Cardona, the last Viceroy of Naples, has returned to Spain. Cardinal Granvelle is to repair to Italy to be the Spanish king's chief general dealer and governor in all his causes in Italy.
They certify from Spain that they have conceived hope to recover the Islands of Terceras through practice and intelligence, likewise that Don Antonio will be betrayed into their hands.
By letters from Rome it is advertised that the Pope is in a very prosperous state of health and like to live longer than the opinion has been heretofore conceived. It is thought in Rome that he will send in extraordinary legation hither to their Majesties either the Cardinal of Santa Croce or Cardinal 'Gayetanus' Sermoneta, who are both Romans. And they further think the Pope will send to King Philip Cardinal 'Comendonus,' a Venetian. The death of Cardinal Giustiniani, a native of Scio, descended from a family of gentlemen in Venice, is much lamented; for he was found to be contrary affected to the Spanish practices, and no favourer of their 'Romish severe progressions.'
I send enclosed the copy of Salcedo's judgement pronounced in the Court of Parlement, written in their Parisian law-Latin; with the advertisements from sundry places, the articles of agreement considered among the princes and free cities in the last Diet, together with a note of all the propositions and particulars propounded there.—Paris, 19 November 1582.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [Ibid. VIII. 102.]
Enclosed in above:
466. Translation of the sentence pronounced by the Parlement on Salcedo, and executed 25th October.
Endd. Latin.pp. [Ibid. VIII. 103.]
Nov. 19 467.Cobham to Walsingham
I am given to understand by one who professes to have seen the instructions of La Mothe-Fénelon, wherein it appears he has orders to confer with Biron and then to pass into England and so to Scotland, where he is to remain until he has certified the French king of the present estate of those parts, and of the Scottish king (?), as likewise of the lords, so that he must continue there until the king be settled in his former state and condition with d'Aubigny (?).
A gentleman of the Duke of Montmorency's has brought word how the brother of Count Vimioso is come into Languedoc from Spain, which Queen Mother would not have discovered.
There has been here a principal gentleman of Catalonia, as I hear, and was lodged in Gondi's house, much 'cheered'; having conferred with the Spanish agent. But he is returned in mean habit; but returns by such ways that it may be he will become better known.
A.D. 1582.
Advertisement is come to the Queen Mother (?) that the Duke of Florence has become mad. I have seen letters showing his indisposition: but not 'so far forth.'
The Duke of Florence has resolved to send to their Majesties 'Lion' Strozzi about his affairs, with order to repair from hence to the Duke of Brabant.
The king refuses to send to the Duke of Ferrara in writing the order which he pronounced for the precedence of the duke's ambassador before the ambassador of Florence; whereon it is considered the Tuscan secretary has 'compassed' with their Majesties with some renewed kindness.
The Pope's nuncio doubts that the king will favour Monsieur more than ever heretofore, because he understands that the king has sent to the Signiors of Venice recommending to their devotions his brother's causes, as likewise.
The Pope's minister hears tell that the lord of 'occasus' has caused the Queen to be dealt with of late for the advancing of the affairs of State.
I hear the king at his next feast of Saint Esprit means to change the colour of his cross of that Order, because it draws too near that, and the fashion, of those Crusados in Spain.
Sec. Vitleroy sent to the nuncio an intelligence specifying that the treaty of peace between the Turk and the Persian was broken, with great appearance of the wars to be renewed.
The Chevalier Breton, they say, has been here in Court these four days past, and is sent back by their Majesties in haste. The Queen Mother 'showed' to be contented with the news he brought.
They in this Court have conceived opinion that the King of Nararre will come hither, but his most confident persons assure me the contrary. But his snife [sic: qy. wife] 'laboureth' his coming.
The king goes to pass his time at Marshal de Retz' house at 'Noyse' and so to return at the coming of the Swiss ambassadors, who are looked for this week.—Paris, 19 November 1582.
Holograph. Endd. 2 pp. [France VIII. 104.]
Nov. 19 468. J. Lobbetius to Walsingam
I have received your letter of the 8th ult, containing only three lines; a thing which I willingly set down to your great occupations. Mr Sturmius has shown me the letter which you wrote to him, in which I saw the news of Scotland, and of Don Antonio, of which we had already heard talk. Mr Zoleher was the bearer of your letters. He did not come with the same celerity as last time; for he achieved his other journey from London to this town in five days, a thing which to us was almost incredible. But this last journey he was proportionately slow, having taken five weeks. It is true he could not hurry, bringing horses and leading dogs after him. That man is at home with all traffic when he is employed; one might call him Domine Factotum.
Since the Imperial Diet came to an end the Emperor has gone back to Vienna, and it is said that he will go thence to Presburg to attend to certain Hungarian matters. We fear that peace will be made between the Sophy and the Turk (and it looks as if it would), for that would bring a war on us.
Those Germans who are the nearest neighbours to Poland are suspicious of the King of Poland, and dread his prosperity and greatness; wherefore they would much wish him to have something to occupy him. This may be that some trouble will arise between him and the King of Sweden. The Poles are about to hold their Estates at Warsaw, where it will be decided what to do about him.
The Grand Master of Malta has announced a meeting at Malta this New Year of all the knights of his Order, of whom he wishes to hold a review.
They were expecting a new governor at Milan; and it was said that the Duke of Pescara was to come from Spain to Italy, on his way to the war in the Low Countries, which war seems the destruction of a country. Meanwhile things are peaceable enough in Italy. The Pope has made a new calendar, in which he makes us skip this year full jump from the 4th to the 13th of October, and thus makes us 10 days older. I do not know if it is to make the solstice fall about Christmas, as it did formerly; but a mistake has been found in the calculations, with which his Holiness is marvellously angry, and I do not know what to do. However I advise that we follow the usage of this calendar as soon as it is certain and correct.
The Swiss meeting, which was held at Baden in Switzerland, to settle the differences between the Duke of Savoy and the Bernese and Genevese, has been prorogued till January, because those of Berne and Geneva would not submit to the arbitration of the five cantons who had taken up arms on the side of the Duke of Savoy; I do not know that they will do any good in January. We have been told these last days that certain burghers of Geneva, relations and friends of those who were executed for treason, had gone out and taken by sudden assault the castle of a Savoyard gentleman near the town, sacked it, and killed the gentleman, taking possession of all his letters and papers. This done, some of them having returned to Geneva were made prisoners; seeing which the others let those of Geneva understand that if they could have a safe-conduct they would declare great secrets to them. That is how the talk goes; I do not know what orders were given. It is said that these burghers of Geneva did it to avenge themselves on the gentleman; who, as they say, had been the cause of their relatives' disastrous end, having induced them by money and promises to try to betray the town.
The King of France has laboured hard to get the Swiss Cantons to enter the alliance. It is said that the Cantons have agreed, except Zurich, which so far has not been willing to listen to it; I do not exactly know why they have made a difficulty, unless it was that they want to remain free from obligations to others than their own country. I make no doubt that the king will try by all means to get them and comprise all in the confederation, without exception.
Mr Zolcher, who is the bearer of this, has told me that of your favour you kindly received the request which he brought, to have some salary at your Court. If the letter which I wrote you has been of help to him in this. I shall be very glad, and will humbly thank you; which I shall do with still better heart whenever (mais que) I learn that his petition has come to a good point. I pray you then to carry through what you have well begun.—Strasburg, 19 November 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr.pp. [Germany II. 50.]