Elizabeth: October 1582, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: October 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp403-410 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: October 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp403-410.

"Elizabeth: October 1582, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp403-410.


October 1582, 21–25

Oct 25 Lettres de C. de M. viii. 67 410. The Queen Mother to the Queen
Bespeaking her good offices for la Mothe-Fénelon's mission. (Signed) Caterine.
Add. Endd. Fr. Broadsheet. [Ibid. VIII. 83.]
Oct 24 411. Mauvissiere to Leicester
I will take this opportunity, if you please, to write to you, and tell you that my acquaintance with Signor Acerbo Vellutelli was through your means, and I have liked him all the better for knowing him as your servant and recognizing only your will in all things, even now finding in your favour his only foundation and stay, as he said to me even yesterday. When his Highness was here you introduced the one to the other, and between you two I was the intermediary in that which regarded business and the licence which he had of her Majesty by your means. Herein he seeks to be maintained by your favour only, which I beg you to grant him, and be his protector and defender to enable him to enjoy it as heretofore. He will render you homage for it all his life, with the faithful service he owes you as his benefactor; leaving which to the good affection which you have always borne him, to guarantee him against all accident, I will not importune you further with this matter, judging that Signor Vellutelli's merits will recommend him more to you than any request I can make on his behalf.—London, 24 October 1582.
Add. Endd. by one of Walsingham's staff. Fr. 1 p. [France VIII. 80.]
Oct 24 412. Cobham to Walsingham
I received this letter from Mr Paget yesterday, with another which he requested might be sent to you, which I purpose herein to perform, wishing he might mean sincerely and walk uprightly, as I think you would be glad he should do; which I pray God he may perform, being as willing to do good offices for him towards you as he is to requite them, if otherwise he do not give ill satisfaction to her Majesty.—Paris, 24 October 1582.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Ibid. VIII. 81.]
Oct 21 413. John Norris to Walsingham
Although the bearer of this, Captain Astell, is already so sufficiently known to you that any commendation of mine on his behalf may seem altogether needless, yet finding myself much beholden to him for the great pains he has taken and for his ready forwardness to be present at any service which has been attempted here since his coming into these countries, I can do no less but endeavour by such good means as I may to increase the good opinion you have long since conceived of him. I could have wished his longer abode among us, and for my own part should have been right glad of his company; but having no place at this present either lit for one of his service, or wherein he might be employed to his benefit, I may not in reason seek his longer stay than himself shall best like. Therefore, being myself no way able to do him any good, I have presumed to commend him to you; hoping that besides the good affection you bear to him already, you will the rather at this my suit, in any reasonable cause, afford him your good and lawful favour, and be a means to procure him some 'better good' turn at home than can any way be hoped for in these countries.
The advice I received by your late letter touching a Journal to be kept of all the proceedings here, I will be ready to follow. But supposing it not to be so convenient in any such town as this, where we are altogether idle, being daily fed with many untruths, with your pardon I think it may very well be deferred till we remain in the field, and are in some action. Yet in the mean season I will not fail to signify to you all such matter as shall be worth advertising.
Since the taking of Ecchove last week, the castles of 'Riviere' and 'Roist' have been surrendered to M. de Rochepot, but not without some blows; he himself having received a hurt by a shot through his arm, and la Garde through the hand, besides one or two of the captains slain in this service, and the rest of the forces returned again to Borgerhout.
Touching the French forces said to be upon the frontiers, it is now disputable here whether it be requisite they should come in at this time or no; whereby you may easily judge how hardly they are able at present to come forward into the service.—Antwerp, 21 October 1582.
Add. Written by Danett. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 43.]
Oct 21 414. John Cobham to Walsingham
The news here are of no great importance. All the French that went to 'Nekespoole' near Mechlin are returned to Borgerhout. At that service M. Rochepot was shot in the arm, and M. la Garde through the hand. The French daily decrease, as well as our nation. The enemy has taken by treason 'Cambrysee' and 'Osye' (qy. Auxy), by which means the passage from France to Cambray will be much impeached. The great speeches of the coming of the French forces are now laid aside. The Duke and the Estates cannot agree upon certain articles, for he would bring the great number of needless officers which they have in every province, to a smaller; to the end the poor soldiers might be better paid with that allowance out of every province which now only goes to the officers.
As I wrote last to you, Mr Norris deals hardly with me, and were I not otherwise advised by you, I would take such a course here that I would come by my own to his discredit.—Antwerp, 21 October 1582.
Add. Endd. 2/3 p. [Ibid. XVII. 44.]
Oct 23 415. John Sturmius to the Duke Of Lützelstein
I have received some venison, which has cheered me, for I prefer savoury to insipid suppers, if I cannot have them alive; especially since by this liberality I understand my lord's liberal disposition. The prince also writes that a roe will follow if his hunting succeeds, which I know to be difficult in this wet weather, and I feel it has been difficult for others, who wished to cheer me.
I greatly praise your Highness for committing yourself to the faith and liberality of the Queen; for either she will in this way feel what is becoming to her, or we must wait for a better breeze. Still I am confident that she will herself think of something queenly, and perhaps think of an lulus to play some day and hear her Court called the Court of grandchildren (? et audiat: aula nepotum).
Various are the counsels of the Lord, who receives the counsels of men to that share of mercy that is fitting. But the mercy of the Lord is pure beneficence and pure liberality, according to the condition and state of every rank.
Your venison (ferina) is so agreeable to me as to make me think I should be quite grateful to be a wild beast myself. Therefore I thank your Highness, and I pray God to grant to yourself, the princess, your wife, and your beautiful and promising children all that you desire.—Nordheim, 23 October 1582.
Add. Marked: Recepta Pfaltzburg: 25 Octobris a. Chr. 82. Endd. in England. Latin.pp. [Germany II. 45.]
Oct 24 416. Daniel Rogers to Walsingham
On July 27 I sent a letter 'with ciphers' to you, which I understand came to Antwerp safely, for so Stephen advertised me. I hope therefore that it has been delivered to you, since much time has most idly been spent in following my matter; for in eight months spent in this last negotiation of Stephen's, five might well have been spared, and more brought to pass, if he had followed my advice. For to what end stayed he a month with the Prince of Parma's letter before he came to the Baron? And being with him, contrary to my advice he tarried three months at Cleves before he returned to the Prince of Parma, and then spent two months before he returned; but these two months I do not impute to him, because he may say he awaited your letter at Antwerp. But being come to the Baron before Lochem, I wonder he went to Cologne, whereas in all diligence he was to repair to the Prince of Parma; especially seeing he understood that the Baron had before received contrary letters from the prince, so that this last month thus vainly spent has been enough to undo me, by giving leisure to my adversaries to make new supplications to the Prince of Parma. Which things I am compelled to certify you of, not for any evil will I bear to Stephen, but that you might know wherein the fault lies, that I am yet detained, and not to despair, but that my liberty duly purchased may soon be compassed. I trust that if Stephen be employed again, you will, by admonishing him to take more heed to his charge, make him the fitter servant for you.
Mr Ashby, for whose industry employed in my behalf I most humbly thank you, has surely done me much good by his coming to the Duke of Cleves; for that has caused the duke, on the 9th of this month, to execute Andreas Kirckhout, who had been the chief of those that took me prisoner. He was beheaded in the marketplace at Cleves, and afterwards his head and body put upon a while [qy. wheel] without the town. At this time, if another man were prisoner in my stead, and I appointed to travail for his delivery, I would deliver him in six weeks after my coming from the Prince of Parma, or I would suffer myself to be whipped naked; for it is not the death of the Baron which hinders me, as Stephen imagines. His father is yet alive, and may be dealt with better than could be done with the son; for the son might in a manner avouch himself not to be the duke's servant, because he was born in Anholt, under the Empire, and his father being alive, the lands which lie under the duke appertain rather to him than to the son. That was the best answer he could make to obtain release from the duke's authority extended over the said lands, seized by reason of the ships which the young baron had 'invaded' upon the Rhine in the duke's jurisdiction, now two years past. Whereas the old Baron is both born in 'Cleveland,' at 'Meulande' and has great lands there under the duke, as likewise in the Duchy of Marck, and besides is resident at Rees, a town of the Duke of Cleves, but three miles from hence.
I have, according to the opportunity I steal, drawn a certain method, by which I doubt not I may be set at liberty, if it be well followed. Stephen must urge things, and travail more to persuade than he has done. He wrote to me that he had other matters to prosecute at Cologne, and so he is not to be blamed; but I should wish he had special charge (as I think he has had) to effectuate my liberty. He should not have departed before he knew of me with whom he had now to deal, after the decease of the young baron. If you please to cause her Majesty to write such a letter to the old Baron—whose name is Dierich or Dietrich (which is Theodorus or Theodoricus in Latin) von Bronkhorst and Battenburg, Lord of Anholt etc.—as I specified and desired in my last letter to be written to the Baron that now is dead, it would marvellously aid and further me. He is of the Roman religion, but very devout and honourable, and also upright and just.
I am well advertised that the friends of Schenck earnestly travail to pay our charges to the intent they may carry us to Blienbeck, and to assure the state of Schenck.
I always admonished Stephen (?) to obtain the prince's letter in such sort that mention were made also of my brothers delivery, which he never procured; whereas these men are minded to let me depart, upon the prince's letter, but mind to stay my brother unless there be special mention made of him in the prince's letter. Stephen has not written to me so often as he should have done, especially after he received [symbol] (qy. cipher) from me. In June last the baron made his answer to the duke's councillors, which I often desired to know, and never could learn of Stephen before the 17th inst. at which time he wrote to me from Nymegen touching his departure and return 'howard,' qy. homeward. Besides, where it behoved me to know how he proceeded with W he wrote little or nothing thereof to me; whereas, lacking sufficient experience, he might in writing to me have known my further advice how to deal therein. But the matter has its end.
Mr Norris may greatly pleasure me if you require him to write often, as well to the Duke of Cleves as to the old Baron of Anholt, giving them to understand that as well for that I am her Majesty's orator, as for that I am of his acquaintance, he must needs do the best for my deliverance, and use ways which he would be loath to use, in case they show themselves no more ready to set me at liberty. I often wrote to Stephen of the like thing, but he never followed any of these advices; whereas I know very well how much this way might stir up these fearful men, especially the Baron's widow now after the loss both of the Baron and the towns of Kempt (? Keppel) and Bronkhorst. I doubt not but by this advice, and the rest contained in this paper here inserted, written in ciphers, I might soon be set at liberty, and you reap the fruit of your travailing for me thus long.
In case you have not received my letter and [symbol] of which I made mention here, Stephen will ease you with the deciphering of these few lines. If he had not thus long been employed in this my matter, and l 'that' Mr Gilpin were at Antwerp, he might very well execute your pleasure. But first the Prince of Parma's letter must be obtained duly written. I scribble these things with such starts, and 'by' such fear, that you might marvel I can deceive so many keepers; which makes me trust that you will take this rude letter in good worth. I can better receive letters than write. I trust in God that you will not 'give over' to 'purchase' my delivery because of the time, which has truly been spent over-unthriftily in this last 'voyage.' Stephen departed away when he was to do the best; this journey of his to Cologne, when he should have either returned to the prince, or dealt with the old baron here, makes me to muse much. But being admonished by you, he will, I doubt not, correct all things with greater industry.—In post-haste, this 24 October 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Germany II. 46.]
417. Decipher of certain passages of the above, in hand of R. Beale. [Ibid. II. 46a.]
Oct 25 418. The Duke of Anjou to Walsingham
Nicolas Carenzon being on his way to England for certain private affairs of his, I, having always known him very well disposed to my service, have thought good to write this, to beg you for my sake to have him specially recommended, assisting him wherein soever he has need with your credit and authority. I shall esteem any pleasure received by him as done to myself, and requite it wherever you give me the chance.
I have thought too that it would be to the purpose to inform you at the same time how by some Spanish inducement the English who have always kept a counting-house and traffic of merchandise in this city persist in wishing to withdraw to Middelburg and make their permanent residence there. This would bring much disrepute and prejudice to the traffic of other nations here. On this point I have heretofore written to M. de Marchaumont humbly to beg the Queen on my behalf that she would interpose her authority and command that no alteration be made in the ancient custom of the trade; and I am sure she will have let you hear in accordance with the message I sent her. To this I again beg you to put your hand, and so act that she may send me a good dispatch; which being based on reason will not be refused me.—Antwerp, 25 October 1582. (Signed) François.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 45.]
Oct 25 419. Cobham to Walsingham
Having received a letter from the syndics and councillors of the town of Geneva by the hands of M. Mallet, I thought it my duty to let you know of it, and enclose herewith a copy of it in order that the contents may be known to you. This M. Mallet is sent from the citizens of Geneva to her Majesty to declare what has passed this year during their late troubles, with a petition for some relief towards the sustaining of their charges, which have been much above their power and small ability. They have and will have the more need of her bounty, in respect that the Duke of Savoy, though he 'entertains a treaty' to compound the wars, yet continues sundry secret preparations towards the annoying of those of Geneva next spring. Through which subtle dealings of the duke, they are constrained to continue wages to men of war, as likewise with much cost to fortify their town. It is, I suppose, sufficiently known to her Majesty that the Duke of Savoy has not enterprised this action against them of Geneva as one moved thereto only for his own pretences, but rather persuaded and provoked through this malice of the Pope and his associates, confederated against those of the religion reformed; so that though they of Geneva bear yet the brunt, the action is intended and bent against all Princes, Estates, and others professing that religion.
Which being so understood and known, I beseech you their cause of Geneva may in such earnest sort be recommended to her Majesty that she may be thereby justly moved to do for them as for members of Christ's Church injured and oppressed; whereby therewith she may 'repair' and keep far from her the same malice pretended in like manner against her and her estates. Through which good deeds and the benevolence which she shall vouchsafe to bestow on them of Geneva, I trust she 'is to' retain at God's hands much great and mighty defence against her enemies with the peaceable continuance of her happy reign.
I beseech you to move her Majesty so happily herein that piety shall more persuade to advance this cause than the opinion of frugality hinder such a godly and politic Christian deed.—Paris, 25th October 1582.
P.S.—I beseech you that herewith it may be remembered how if the Duke of Savoy proceeds to the marriage of the Duke of Florence's daughter, as they say, he is not only to be much strengthened in Italy through that alliance, but is like to be aided with the entire favour of the Pope and the King of Spain; the rather because this marriage is understood to be procured at the instance of the King of Spain and the Pope. And moreover it is to be considered how he will be enriched with the dowry of two millions in gold, which sum 'are' to be employed 'in bank,' whereby his revenue will be increased 'to' the sum of 200,000 crowns.
Add. Endd. 2 pp. [France VIII. 84.]
Oct 25 420. Cobham to Walsingham
In my last dispatch I sent you a letter of Cavaliero Giraldi's, with whom I had been earnest to have your bills paid, which he was bound to do both in right and honour; but it appears by this other enclosed how little regard he has had of either his hand or his word. Wishing you had found 'of' him a more honest debtor, so that I might have made some better proof of my endeavours that way, I keep your bills for further directions.—Paris, 25 October 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Ibid. VIII. 85.]