Elizabeth: May 1582, 21-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: May 1582, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp38-55 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: May 1582, 21-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp38-55.

"Elizabeth: May 1582, 21-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp38-55.


May 1582, 21–31

May 21. 45. Francisco de Venero to Gaspar de Anastro.
I wrote to you these days, and at this moment I have just received yours of the 6th inst., by which I was glad to hear of your good health, which our Lord preserve, and give you good success in all your affairs. For the rest, the grief suffices which remains with us from the death of Antonio, upon which I will speak no more, since God ordained it so, and after all he died in His service. And since he actually carried out this enterprise, it seems to me his Majesty is bound to do something towards his debts. I have marvelled very much at what you write to me, that in having remained in Antwerp he was blinded by covetousness; because it seems to me, and is the truth, that he had nothing to be covetous about, when you remained with the losses incurred in a different position, to be able to remain settled (entablado) in his business. I do not want to talk of it any more, for there is no need. The consolation you give me is what I hope; he is enjoying heaven, having died as he did.
For the rest, as concerns myself, I am satisfied. You wish me all good, and will do what you can for me, as you write. But after that I say that I understand you to write differently and with more will than you perform; principally in regard to the things that have happened, and if in respect to the things that have happened his Majesty fulfils his promise to you, as I do not doubt, and that with the resources and the favour which he says, you will have an opportunity three times over (?) to help me and the other brothers in many things. And besides all this, you would intend, by what you so kindly wrote, that I should be furnished with what remains due to me; principally because I understand that you have an opportunity of being able to do it, and further because you are bound for many reasons, if only for the good will I have borne and shall always bear to your affairs, to settle with me before any other. You will have to take order to furnish it to me at once, that I may comply with my honour, and satisfy my creditors, without writing me. I tried to recover it from Venables and Co., who although they owe you a larger sum, shuffled over it (?) and it will be a big job to recover it, until you take order in your affairs and come to terms with your creditors. So I entreat again, with all possible affection, kindly to furnish me with the aforesaid, and if it were possible, with what you owe me, which is as I have advised. The account of the wheat will if possible go with this, and if not, by the first opportunity that there is now; because if the (picton) whom they have dispatched from Calais with your things want to return, I do not know if he will be able to do it.
The bills for the £2,008 left for payment to John Dinguens I do not pay them, and so they returned protested. I do not know why you say they have been paid at Antwerp, since it appears to the contrary. I have paid them with other people's money, and they have lent it me, to do good work for me, and that I might comply with my honour. I procured it, understanding for certain that you will furnish me at once with this and the rest that you owe me, which I equally owe to others; and that I may pay them, as is reasonable, I beg you not to fail to furnish me with it, for if you do otherwise it will come very inconvenient to me, and the recovering it here from those who owe it to you, as I say, will be a big job.
I have had much give and take with Stephen Nunez, because he would not pay me the rest of what he owed me on the rebated corn, the £4,408 of the credit note which he sent me, unless I gave him security that at Lisbon there would be no stay, and when I had done what I would with the ambassador and other friends who interfered in the matter, he accepted my bill upon protest, and has paid it and then they have given me the money here, but he always has an appeal against me if they make any stay at Lisbon. He abated me £78, and so much from the salary of the man who went in search of the wheat, because he did not wish to pay them, saying he did not owe them. I shall take steps to recover them, whereby you will not be my debtor for them and the rest, nor under obligation, if you found any intention in me to leave you. I quite believe he will have no difficulty at Lisbon, for I understand there is none up to now, having effected the arrival of the ship; God grant it be so.
In Antwerp I understand you have a much greater debt than you said, and the bills which you say you hold for the recovery of it, your owners will have sent powers, and will have recovered them. You say further that you have written for them to inspect your papers and your books, that you may conclude with them. It is very well; but as to my going there at present, after what has happened, and seeing the manner in which the people there are going on, it would be at the great risk of my life, for so far as their kindness went, it would not be much. When things get clear and afterwards settle down in a good state, you will be able to do me the favour which you offer me; since if his Majesty fulfils with you, as is to be believed, you will have money in plenty, and with it, and with the assistance of friends you will be able to aid me. But at present it seems to me it would not be prudence to go there, and so you must kindly procure me another secure road to avail myself of. Look what poor Antonio suffered for serving God, and for carrying out what has happened; and his Majesty is bound to reward us, and since you say he will favour him so much, and his Highness, you will have the occasion, and are bound, to let this be understood, and to procure something for us, as I believe you will do.
I dislike speaking evil of anyone, but I cannot in reason abstain from saying what I think. Basurto, being debtor to Martinez and Zubiaur for a large sum of money, gave his accounts, fully two years ago, as God knows, with a large debt. Peter Martinez, at his departure, and that of others, from hence, left them to Zubiaur. It seems to me and to others out of all reason. He and Peter Martinez are the cause of much mischief and loss; and if it was so that they were lacking in property, as appears by Basurto's account, they must have cheated Zubiaur.
What you owe to Basurto, which is a bill for 460 rs. (?) which you gave, and which I think you have not as yet fully paid, it will be well for you to write him, as may you have done, to put it to the account of Martinez and Zubiaur, as I said, since he owes them a larger sum.
I have already advised you what is going on, and about the contracts (?) for hollands which you shipped in the vessel of Filipe Dorio. One of these days we will send to Ireland, where they tell us there is part of this property in the hands of a certain gentleman, and take steps to remove it. And since, as I wrote, Basurto took possession of the power of attorney which you sent for that purpose, send another at once, revoking the former, for me, and that I may be able to substitute for the other if necessary; and Basurto can put what you owe him to the account of Martinez and Zubiaur, since he owes them money.
Diego di Guemes was not long away from here, he went to return at once. Till I get another letter from you, and an answer to what I wrote to the said persons, I shall not move from here. Meanwhile I beg that what is due to me may be furnished to me.
I beg you to give my respects (vessamanos) to the Paymaster (el Pagador). If I had understood what is written to me I would not have worried you with this letter, which please send to Ambrosio Pasena. It concerns a friend to whom I should like to give pleasure, and so I should be glad if he got it. Let one of your servants have charge of it.—London, 21 May 1582.
P.S.—Zubiaur is writing to you, to whom I refer you. His only intention is to satisfy you and the others, and if he winds up his business well, he will be able to pay all.
Herewith I send the account of the wheat, and that which I have with you. For the rest, there is owing to me what you think good. Send and supply it to me for God's sake without fail. You are under obligation to do it, for if I had not advised you on March 3, when it was understood here that the affairs of Pedro Martinez were in a bad way, you would have had no ground for leaving Antwerp, since others might have known it as soon, and everyone would have come along wanting to be paid.
Add. Endd. in Walsingham's office. Span. 3 pp. [Spain I. 96.]
Enclosed in above:
46. The “account of the wheat” referred to: being 700 quarters shipped for Lisbon in the Thomas Alein, Richard Guibes (?Gibbs) master.
£ s. d.
Paid to Christopher Davene of Narfoc (? Norfolk) for 700 qrs 833 15 0
Paid to Francisco Tassis who was present at the lading, for costs of planks, blocks and nails for staving his grain, keep of himself and horse for 49 days, and travelling expenses and salary 27 17 10
Carriage of his letters from Yarmouth, etc. 1 8 0
For 20 nobles (?) given to Andrew Roper, servant to Christopher Davene, who got the business arranged, and he was promised some gratuity (gentileza), and claims this sum, though it has not been paid up to now, and I shall try not to do it, but I charge it on the chance for the good of the account (? par si a buena quenta) 6 13 4
For the provision of £870 2s. to which this account amounts, at 2 per cent, though more is usual in the case of wheat 17 8 0
Total £887 14 2
For which sum I make Señor Añastro my debtor.
[Other accounts follow, raising the liability to £1,158 8s. 11d.
Besides the persons mentioned in the letter, occur the names of Richard Ireland, John 'Heitzen,' Augustin Graffina. The latest date is 17 March.]
Spanish. 3 pp. [Spain I. 96a.]
May 23. 47. Mauvissiére to Walsingham.
It is a thing not to be separated from ambassadors to importune Secretaries of State, especially not from me who hold this charge, which I declared to you in France I cannot take without your advice and assistance. For this reason if I done anything of any avail, you will be the cause of it.
I send you a packet for the Queen of Scots. It is for a fortnight past full of rhapsodies, which have come from France. In her last dispatch she charges me to bid you remember her; the further she went forward, the more she recognised you to be a sincere and honest man, as she knew Mr Beale to be in the matter of which she had to treat with him. She thanks you both, and begs you to continue. She has also charged me to thank you particularly for the doctors whom you caused to be sent to her, praising their ability (rertu) and experience as highly as possible. She sends me word that whatever religion they may be of she finds them honest men; so that I see she is well content with them. She still awaits permission to send into Scotland. It shall be when the Queen pleases, whose hands I beg you when you have opportunity to kiss for me, and assure her that I have no greater regret than to be unable to serve her. If I can do nothing better, I will by the help of God maintain a good amity between the king my master and her, and between their subjects.
As for the ships about which I wrote to you, of which more than 80 are in the ports and havens of this realm, I will say no more, knowing that you require no spur in just and reasonable causes. I am much pressed for the ships of those poor people who are here, and that called l' Hermine of Brest, which has been taken by Mr Henry Knollys, with a great quantity of cloths and apples from Britanny. The ship is rotting and going to ruin at Hampton, and the poor children and wife of the man who went mad and died in pursuing the case are starving, and daily importuning the king and his Council.
As regards the little Englishman called Nicolson whom my wife has chosen as tutor, she begs you, if he has not been in fault towards the Queen and the laws of England, to give him permission to go to seek her and her son. If he has done any wrong, he asks for no lenity, and I would myself procure his punishment. I will not ask you to give other than just and reasonable order in this matter.—London, 23 May 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 3 pp. [France VII. 79.]
May 24. 48. Horatio Pallavicino to Walsingham.
I did not think it worth while to write to you before I had something substantial to tell you. Now I may say that by the last letters from Italy I have heard with much displeasure that at Rome they have imprisoned Signor Prospero Spinola, my singular and almost only friend; having first examined him on my brother's affairs and mine. Since they have thus unexpectedly detained him, I hold it for a very bad sign. God grant they may not trouble him more grievously, for he would of a certainty be much to be pitied.
These letters further inform me that at Rome they are expecting news from Naples and from Malta, in which places it appears that some Englishmen are prisoners. Questions have been asked me in this Court also about these particulars from Naples, which makes me think there is some suspicion of something, about which I am sure that my correspondents cannot speak, and I greatly desire to know what it is.
On my arrival here I begged the king and Queen Mother for their favour towards my brother's cause, I gave them her Majesty's letter, in conformity with which they have shown all readiness to write, and to send some one on purpose to solicit on his behalf, as I desired, to put more vigour into the business. Having made my request I offered to bear the expenses, and so things stand at present; expedition is being made, and I think the man will be M. Arnaud here, formerly servant to M. de Mauvissière. God grant that this diligence may serve to get my house out of trouble. I shall wait at Paris to hear how it turns out, and also to learn if my brother at Genoa will come to Lyons, as I have asked him and much desire.
M. Lansac in this Court has asked me several times, and with signs of good affection, concerning her Majesty's health; and to-day he desired me to dine with him, where on many occasions and with very honorable words he 'showed' to be much at her service; whereof it seems right to inform you.
In conclusion I beg you to kiss her Majesty's hands for me; whose devoted servant I remain.—Fontainebleau, 2–1 May 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. 1 p. [France VII. 80.]
May 25. 49. Frederick van Sand to Walsingham.
It is two years and more since I sent you certain observations, useful and necessary in my opinion for the public weal of England; and because I have been hindered from taking any further steps in this work, it remains unefifected. But it appears to me that a work of such importance, or what depends on it, well worthy to be understood, does not deserve to be abandoned; wherefore I promise you that her Majesty, by putting it into execution, without any expense to herself or burden to her subjects, may gain from it perpetual praise, apart from the great utility which will result therefrom to herself, and to her poor subjects great aid and consolation, and we shall be ready, if she will grant letters of safe-conduct for 6 or 8 persons to come, sojourn, and depart freely, to come to England at our own charges and explain to her or her Council the means and the secret thereof, not doubting but that we shall wholly content her.
The bearer of this, Edward Eliot, knows me. Please credit whatever he may say from me by word of mouth.—Antwerp, 25 May 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. ¾ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 22 bis.]
May 26. 50. Cobham to Walsingham.
'These other days past' I was sent to by Mr William Tresam to know if he might come to me. I answered he would find me ready to see him. So he resorted to me first at a time when I was 'impeached' with other company, so that I could not then hear what he would say. Therefore this week he came to me again; when he first began to 'deliver' how in respect of the duty he owed to her Majesty he thought it his part to resort to me, that he might show the cause of his coming and abode in these parts, to his extreme grief, as he 'pretended.' On this he enlarged to me in a long discourse, wherein he rehearsed his suing for his brother, and his own being before the Lords of the Council, showing thereby in effect that he meant to excuse himself, and his departing over sea, 'on' the heavy displeasure of the Earl of Leicester; the occasion of which he did not discover to me. But being asked by me why he thought my Lord was so moved to 'be his heavy Lord,' he seemed to be ignorant of the original cause. Wherefore I wished him to think that the Earl of Leicester would not proceed against him in such manner as he rehearsed, at the Council table, in respect of any particular offence to himself; but rather it might be well deemed that he had discovered some indisposition in him 'intended' towards her Majesty or the state, though it was not plainly imputed to him. Wherewith I also wished him to continue his dutiful zeal towards her Majesty, being her sworn household servant, and that he might abstain from delivering speeches to the prejudice of the aforesaid lord. Moreover, because he had been at Rheims and purposed to return thither, I told him I doubted he was become 'affectionnated' to the Pope's traditions; which he confessed. Upon these words there passed some little conference on the point of the Pope's 'supremesi,' and of their mass; wherein it appeared he was carried more with the traditions and persuasions than with foundation of doctrine. I therefore exhorted him to read the Testament for his better instruction; wherewithal he presented me with a new-translated Testament of Rheims, brought with him, as I suppose, on purpose, which I send you herewith.
Lastly, I earnestly requested him, though he was gone out of the way, that he would forbear to put himself into the society of the malicious, whereby he might stir up her Majesty's further just indignation. He promised to 'stay his betaking himself any way,' and await the answer to the letters he said he had written to the Queen and some of her Council. He informed me, notwithstanding, that 'living' had been offered him.
I have thought it convenient to certify thus much briefly to you, as also to beseech you that the Earl of Leicester may know of it, if it seem convenient. I doubt the gentleman is very far carried with the 'opinion' of papistry, with all that belongs thereto.—Paris, 26 May 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [France VII. 81.]
May 26. 51. R. Lemaçon to Walsingham.
Having just received a line from one of my friends, dwelling on the coast of France, I prefer rather to err by importunity in writing to you than by negligence in saying nothing. Here then are some words from his letter, of some importance: “Meanwhile we have no longer any doubt that this preparation is against Scotland (Caledon), and that some of the chief men there are in the game. God dispel all evil counsels both there and here.” The bearer adds by word of mouth that the powder lately sent has arrived and been received in Scotland, that the fleet was almost assembled at Brest, and that there is a secret rumour that the King of Portugal has a promise from the Queen of Scots. That is what they say and write to me; you will examine and make use of it, as you please.—London, in your little house.—26 May 1582.
Add. Endd: From Monsieur Limason. Fr. ¾ p. [Ibid. VII. 82.]
May 26. 52. Pedro de Zubiaur to Walsingham.
As I have mentioned to you before now, I have been two years in this kingdom taking steps to recover the damages done by Francis Drake, and now I understand that until Antonio del Castillo arrives, and comes to a conclusion with the king on the points put forward by her Majesty, nothing can be done about this business. Antonio del Castillo gave me to understand the same, that I should wait till he sent his Majesty's answer.
To pay what I owe the merchants here, and my expenses, and to have something to spend in this country, I beg you to stand my friend with the Queen, that she may order them to give me £10,000 or £12,000 on account of what Francis Drake holds, and I shall remain obliged to you for this kindness.
I beg you also, in reference to the licence which you gave me for three months, which expires within 8 days, to give me another, that I may be at liberty till I have finished and completed the business in which I am engaged.
Add. Endd. with date. Span. ¾ p, [Spain I. 97.]
May 27. 53. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last to you was the 20th, since when the magistrates have received these speeches.
The Governor of Bouchain with the captains and soldiers has delivered the town to them of Cambray for the use of Monsieur, who has given them 12,000 French crowns amongst them for a reward, and has 'entered' 400 French soldiers into it, to the great misliking of the enemy.
Since the yielding of Bouchain, those of Cambray and Bouchain together have taken a strong castle called 'La Laynne' [Lalaing] which stands within a mile and a half of Douay. The loss of these two places in those parts has put the enemy in great fear.
Count Lalaing lies now at Valenciennes, to which town the Prince of Parma sent soldiers this week for its better safeguard. But they of the town would not receive them, saying they have no need of them.
It is said also that 2,000 reiters have arrived beside Cambray, awaiting the rest of Monsieur's forces from France, who it is hoped will shortly be there.
This week, with great trouble and much ado, the enemy has mounted 25 cannons against Oudenarde, 'at which doing' it has cost the lives of three of their principal captains and many of their best soldiers, whom those within the town slew with their great artillery. Since then they have 'made some proof' with their battery to make a breach, which they find to small purpose. So they are forced to remove half those pieces over a 'water' into another place, where they now are planting them, being something far from the town; so it is hoped they will little prevail there.
Also, by letters from Ghent, the enemy want gunpowder in their camp, for which cause the Prince of Parma sent to sundry towns in Artois and 'Henogo' to send as much as they could spare; who have made answer they are loath to disfurnish their towns of it. Notwithstanding, they have sent some; but it is very little, to the great discontent of the Prince of Parma.
In the enemy's camp there is a discord between the Prince of Parma, the Marquis of Risbourg, and M. de Montigny about the coming of the camp before Oudenarde, which is the doing of Risbourg and Montigny only, and altogether against the will and mind of the prince, who from the beginning always misliked that enterprise. The prince has therefore made protest against them that if anything chance otherwise than well, it will be laid to their charge.
This week strait proclamation was made in all places in Flanders under the government of Monsieur, that no person shall have any dealings 'to nor fro' with the enemy of merchandise or victuals nor any other kind of thing whatsoever, on pain of great punishment and forfeit of all their goods. This will trouble the enemy very much; but if the French king make not the like 'defence' at Calais and so along the French frontiers, this 'defence' here will be as much as nothing.
The Scots here 'give it out' of troubles in Scotland, and that the 'Lord Dobignie' of Scotland has all the strong towns and castles in his hands and keeping that lie on the sea-coast. Also at Dieppe in France there was a Scotch ship laden very lately with gunpowder.
In France there are three sorts of speeches of the army that is prepared there. Some say it is to go into Portugal to the aid of Don Antonio, some, that it is to go against Rochelle, and most, that it will go to Scotland.
It is also said here that the Duke of Guise has shipped at 'hable neffe' or thereabouts 14 or 20 great horses, which he has sent for a present to the Scots king and other nobles in Scotland.
The King of Navarre has sent an ambassador to the Duke of Brabant, who passed through this town four days ago. His name is M. de la Rocque, and it is said that from thence he 'returns' into England.
Further, the speech here is that one M. de Bellièvre, a French gentleman, is on the way towards these parts, sent as ambassador from the King and Queen Mother to the Duke of Brabant; and that he will continue here with his Highness.—Bruges, 27 May 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 23.]
May 28. 54. Cobham to Walsingham.
M. Gondi has been to me by the king's command, and tells me that his Majesty has considered the information delivered at my last audience, and has made enquiry, but cannot find any such bull of the Pope's as I certified him of, published in print within this realm. As for the declarations I made of the contributions given in this kingdom to the English seminary-men and priests, the king is informed only that some Englishmen had recommended the other English priests and scholars to the Bishop of Paris, using his means towards the rest of the clergy for obtaining their relief in the way of alms; which gathering did not succeed greatly to any purpose.
The king 'willed' M. Gondi further to declare to me that he would not permit any action to pass within these dominions to the discontent of her Majesty, being disposed to entertain her amity by all manner of ways.
This was all I received in answer to the last negotiations I passed with the king. It seems to be of no essential effect for the satisfying of her Majesty. I delivered M. Gondi some of the books and pamphlets which the seminary Englishmen had caused to be printed with the king's privilege, that he might show them or send them to the king.
M. Pinart the other day at Fontainebleau told my servant whom I employ in my causes in the Court that M. Mauvissiére had lately written 'at two sundry times together' that her Majesty was very much inclined to the marriage with the Duke of Anjou; and that latterly he had further certified the king that the Queen had sent me her commands to 'deliver some certainty' concerning the matter.
My servant besought M. Pinart to write to me of it but he excused himself; he had then present affairs which hindered him. I had heretofore given command to my servant to request M. Pinart to write his mind in those causes which in my sort directly concerned her Majesty, since I have found by experience how often these French councillors forget willingly what they say, or upon better advice sometimes deny their words. So I have abstained from making answer to those speeches of M. Pinart to my servant, seeing he did not declare that the king would have any repair to him to deal with me in any matter; observing herein the commands I received in your last letter, which imported only that if the king should treat with me in the cause of the marriage I was to answer as I had received instructions.
They have advertised me from this Court how it is given out that the Queen had sent word to Monsieur she was disposed to the marriage, which he then by message and letters pressed her to. But the Queen perceiving his resolution waxed cold and deaf in hearkening to the consummation of it. So the king and his mother being informed hereof have said she does not deal sincerely, and did not love him, nor help him for any other respect but to serve (de foyte) [sic;?] against the Spanish king and to be revenged. I beseech you this my report of advertisement may not turn me to blame; for I can assure you there was more 'delated,' and the rumour was raised in this town of the new motion of marriage.
The papists report that the league between her Majesty and King Philip is to be renewed through the negotiations of Don Bernardino Mendoza, whose servant passed from Spain towards England last week.—Paris, 28 May 1582.
Add. Endd. 3 pp. [France VII. 83.]
May 28. 55. Fremyn to Walsingham.
Being upon my departure for the camp, I would not fail to recall myself to your favour and tell you that his Excellency is in good health and disposition at present. He has been coming to Court to visit his Highness these three days. Yesterday his Highness tilted at the ring, where his Excellency was present, and a great number of people, to see the sport. His Highness had the gates opened to the people while he was tilting.
There was an enterprise by our side upon a place, but it was not executed, owing to difficulties which were discovered, and caused the expedition to be deferred to another time.
The enemy remains before Oudenarde. He has not yet battered it en batterie, but fired some stray shots (coups perdus) into the town. He is very strongly entrenched between the town and us, and is making a great provision of fascines to fill up the ditch, which he will not find easy to do. No one knows what to think of the delay he is making in battering the place, unless that he has some other unknown scheme in view to surprise some other place unexpectedly. Reinforcements are coming to their army, 15 companies of Italians and 7 of Burgundians, awaiting the rest. Meanwhile all possible forces are being assembled to join the camp, the garrisons diverted (? fourciées), to hinder the enemy's designs, which are great. They had an enterprise against Alost, Bergen-op-Zoom and Tretolle ['ter' Tholen]. It was to have been executed on Thursday, which they failed to do. At the same time his Excellency sent with all speed 6 companies of his guard to Bergen to secure them.
The forces which are being levied in France will not so soon be ready. The arrival of M. de Bellièvre on the king's behalf to join his Highness is awaited daily. His Highness has put the Chevalier Breton under arrest; he is imprisoned in his own lodging. The reason is said to be that his Highness sent a letter to M. de Fervacques to join the reiters who were coming to him, as soon as he could with all the forces he could; which, as the report is, caused the Chevalier Breton to write to the Baron de Viteaux that if he had occasion to avenge the quarrel he had with Fervacques, now would be his time, and that he was very sorry not to be of the party. So it was that his letter was intercepted and put into the hands of his Highness. There are parties (ligues) in that household which cause these differences.
Colonel Stewart was released yesterday from confinement in his lodging; I know not on what terms. He is shortly going to marry Madame de Batemburg, and then to Scotland, as he says.
Col. Morgan has commission for 5 companies, with the 5 he has, making 10. He is sending to levy the 5 with all speed. Lord North and Mr Cotton are also making their preparations; if they can only agree. Mr Norris is not yet come with his troops, nor Count William. It is hoped they will be here in 15 days. There has been some bad management between him and those of Utrecht and Arnhem over some cows captured in the neighbourhood of their towns.
The States-General have granted his Highness 120,000 florins a year, besides what they offered in the articles, for military purposes. The business of forming his household from natives of this country is put off till they have given him the funds for his establishment. Meanwhile he has up to now employed his own household at his own cost. For his maintenance 500,000 crowns yearly are asked. We shall see what they will do about that, and also about the good establishment of affairs here, now that it has pleased God to grant his Excellency health and a good recovery.—Antwerp, 28 May 1582.
P.S.—It seems that M. de Plessis intends to return to France.
Add. Endd. Fr. 2 pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 24.]
May 29. 56. Antonio de Castillo to Walsingham.
I arrived betimes (?) at this port of Plymouth, where it was of such importance to me to be recognised by Sir Francis Drake as in your service. It would be great ingratitude on my part not to beg you to set to his account his courtesy and kindness, with the welcome which he gave me, seeing that I have not, as you will have, the power of doing him a service. It is for you to show him that this office [? letter] was most grateful to him. Among other favours which I obtained from him, besides the safety of my journey, he promised to settle a certain suit that there is between himself and a Portuguese in such a way that there may be no need to talk of counsel and judges. The attorney (procuratore) for the Portuguese is Antonio Gothard, a servant of yours, to whom both on account of his Portuguese origin, and for the welcome he gave me, I am under great obligation. Please show him favour in anything that comes his way, both as a familiar of your house, and as a Lisbon friend of mine.
I will do this duty (sic) more freely. At present I have bad writing materials.—29 May.
Add. Endd. Ital. 1 p. [Portugal I. 78.]
May 29. 57. Cobham to Walsingham.
I received yours by Signor Horatio Pallavicino, and welcomed him with what affection I should do [sic] one so entirely recommended to me from you; having not 'wanted' to perform towards him all such offices as lay in my power in such sort that I hope he is in a very good way to receive all those favours which may proceed from hence to his own desire. I intend moreover to accompany his welfare with all the means and care I can use, with so much the greater zeal in respect of the information I read in your postscript concerning his inclination in the principal point. I send you his letter, which he wrote to me from Fontainebleau.
I have stayed this bearer these two days, hoping for the return of my servant last sent into England, because I desired to have seen if any other command had come from her Highness, that I might have answered it together.—Paris, 29 May 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [France VII. 84.]
May 30. 58. Mauvissière to Walsingham.
It is some days since I was asked by several respectable persons of this realm to beseech her Majesty to pardon and grant his life to a young gentleman, servant to Sir Christopher Hatton, named Valentine Pollard. Everyone pities him greatly, being of good family; and the fault for which he is today ready to receive the penalty of death, if her Majesty does not use mercy towards him, is the first he ever committed. This is why I beseech you in this letter, for the desire I have of gratifying all your nation, and those who have requested me on behalf of Pollard, to entreat her Majesty to grant him his life at my request. I know of him only by hearsay, as having more virtue than vice. If I had thought I could do more than you, I would have gone to beseech her. If she gives this poor criminal his life, God will lengthen hers.—London, 30 May 1582.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 85.]
May 30. 59. Cobham to Walsingham.
As I was dispatching this messenger, I had the enclosed letter from Don Antonio brought to me, which I beseech you may be shown to her Majesty, matter being contained therein concerning her subjects detained. Count Vimioso sent it to me, having come hither in post to confer with the Queen Mother. From hence he goes to the king, 'pretending as he seems' to return to Tours again. I hear that Roderigo de Cras[te?] departed suddenly by the post, upon some discontent, but being brought back is detained by Don Antonio ... I receive it. There are also of Don Antonio's cooks .... committed into ward, having confessed that they were sent from Portugal to poison Don Antonio, at the instigation of King Philip's ministers.
I enclose a Spanish small book, treating of the affairs of Portugal.—Paris, 30 May 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Ibid, VII. 86.]
Enclosed in above:—
May 25. 60. Don Antonio to Cobham.
I am much displeased at having a cause by which I can give annoyance to the Queen my sister; but since I think that what I have done is fitting for her service, I wish to inform you that I have caused Captain 'Vau' [qy. Vaughan] and Captain 'Hylon' [Hylton] to be detained till I know what she wishes done with them, because being under the fortress of the Isle of Wight they took a Flemish flyboat laden with Portuguese goods, after I had expressly told them not to ill-use any Flemings, as may be seen by the regulations I gave them. And inasmuch as the burgomasters of Enckhuysen whence the flyboat came are demanding payment of 6,000 or 7,000 crowns, the value of the goods, they are bound to pay, seeing that the term of the letter of marque which they had from me was expired, and they could not do it [sic]. Besides this, on their way from England to this realm to see me, they took some French ship, for which I am required to answer. And since I do not wish her Majesty to hear that I am punishing her subjects without her leave, I am informing you of it, that you may write and ask her what she wishes me to do with them. I do not want to let them go, since I fear that if they go to sea again they will do something worse than they have done, with which I think her Majesty would not be pleased. Please let her be advertised as briefly as possible of this affair, that she may take such steps as seem to her good.—Tours, 25 May 1582. (Signed) Rey.
Add. (Royal seal of Antonio.) Endd. in England. Fr. 1 p. [France VII. 87.]
May 30. 16. Cobham to [Walsingham].
I enclose the letter of Capt. Tho. del Bene, which he brought me himself, together with the enclosed note touching the affairs of Scotland. But he would not let me send the same writing that he showed me, but copy it, 'being very desirous to had [sic] it'; because I suppose by the hand 'ortography' you would have judged it to be written by a Scotchman or Englishman. He informed me withal how the abbot his kinsman had let him know in great secret that the Duke of Guise sent to him the other day one Guillielmus to lend him his abbey at Eu, because he to lodge there an honorable person from England or Scotland (he could not well remember) who was to come thither to confer with the Duke in great secrecy. The said Guillielmus was the schoolmaster who lent the chamber to him that shot at the Admiral in Paris. He complained to me of the unkind 'intreatment' the Queen Mother gave him since her being in this town. And then we parted with promise to have further conference.—Paris, 30 May 1582.
Add. and Endt. gone. 1 p. [France VII. 88.]
May 30. 62. Cobham to Walsingham.
On the 28th inst. the Queen Mother and her daughter the Queen of Navarre alighted and lodged at the house of M. d'O, the king's late disgraced minion; where there were 'against their coming' the Marshals of Retz and Biron, and the Duchess of Nemours with the cardinal her son. So the queen remains there, and the king with his young queen intends to continue at Fontainebleau. He has lately commanded the ambassadors to repair to Nemours, which they are loth to do; the rather because it is thought the king will not continue there, but take his pleasure in passing to sundry places thereabouts.
Marshal Biron has often conferred with the Queen Mother since her being in this town, and seeks to be employed in the service of the Duke of Brabant; but he is not thought to be the fittest person, because he is a man of so great expenses, and overviolent in his actions.
The Duke of Joyeuse last week took the oath of Admiral of France.
The Queen Mother 'pretends' to the king's minions that her lodging at M. d'O's house was to 'procure' the Queen of Navarre to like and buy it.
The King of Navarre keeps in Gascony, staying his return into these parts till he sees how the 'prepared army' by sea is disposed. Considering the enterprise of Geneva, the intended murder of the Prince of Orange, the making the rendezvous of this army to be about Rochelle, the 'training' of affairs in Scotland by d'Aubigny, Duke of Lennox, the knitting and 'combynding' of the princes generally in Italy with marriages and alliances with each other, as well as the allying of some of those princes with the House of Austria, all these causes concurring thus together show some secret great work in hand to the destruction of others, if God permits it. Through the consideration of this the King of Navarre and all others of the Religion throughout Christendom may be reminded to be more circumspect in their affairs, and 'are to' find it exceedingly necessary to deal carefully in all their causes for the better service of God and their own preservation.
I have been informed that they of Geneva have discovered three sundry practices within their town. They fear a siege, because the Duke of Savoy is increasing his garrisons and stayed the coming of victuals into the town. Wherefore they have taken in garrisons and are assisted by the Swiss, who 'show to be' very slow in their resolutions. This happens because those of Berne would have them of Geneva so necessitated that they might be constrained to render themselves to them, and under their jurisdiction. There are sundry French gentlemen of the Religion, with one or two engineers, who mean to put themselves in Geneva for the defence of it.
They advertise me that young Lansac will needs thrust himself into the army prepared for Don Antonio, 'challenging' that M. Strozzi promised him to be his lieutenant-general; whereon some sour speeches passed between them.
They write that most part of the navy is arrived at Belle Isle and that Saint-Luc is 'putting himself into' the same army.
Some do not 'let to think' that part of these ships prepared for the service of Don Antonio are appointed to sail to Scotland.
Monsieur's 'ruyters' are this side of Metz, conducted by a Count of the House of Mansfelt. Some of his gentlemen are levying companies in Burgundy and Champagne, both horse and foot, to 'accompany along' the said reiters, under the government of Fervacques.
It is understood the Prince Dauphin will be the Duke of Brabant's lieutenant-general, and that the Duke has thanked the Prince of Condé for his offer, but does not desire his present repair to him. Those of the Religion have also sent earnest persuasions to the prince to defer his going into Flanders as yet.
M. Strozzi has advised the Rochelois to have regard to themselves and to the safety of their town.
Marshal Biron importuning the king very much to serve Monsieur in the Low Countries, his Majesty commanded Secretary Villeroy to answer him that he had cause to doubt he should be forced to 'break wars' with his neighbour. Whereon the marshal pressing Villeroy to know what neighbour the king meant, and the cause, the secretary requested him to be content with so much for that time; whereon the marshal attends on the king's will. The opinion was the king would send Marshal Biron to the frontiers of Flanders.
The Queen of Navarre having been a suitor to the king to have the dowry which was assigned to her in Quercy, Ronergue, Agenois, Condoumois, Bazadois, exchanged for provinces towards these parts, the king has assigned her dowry in the Duchy of Valois, Villiers-Cotteret, Creil, 'Crepsi,' Soissons, all near la Fere in Picardy. La Fere is given her for her jointure from her husband, valued at 70,000 francs a year. Whereby, together with the 'pannage' out of the Crown of France, and her pension, her 'living' will amount yearly to 270,000 francs.
The Queen Mother and her daughter have appointed to depart hence on Saturday next towards Saint-Maur, and thence to Fontaine-bleau, where they will stay till the king goes to his 'baynes,' as it is reported.
The king revokes his ambassador M. du Ferrier from Venice, sending thither M. Mesants [Maisse] cousin to Chiverny.
The Prince of Orange's base son is in this Court, and has delivered sundry letters, as to M. de Biron, and divers others.
I received letters from Captain Sernigi from the Terceras, dated April 24, certifying that all things were 'in good point' there for Don Antonio; as also that there had arrived an English ship with 200 quintals of powder and 70 pieces of artillery; awaiting two others in which should be 10 pieces of artillery, and powder.
I have been requested by the ambassador of Venice to give a passport and letters of commendation to Eugenio Pennachi, a Cypriot, who intends to pass to her Majesty to obtain her liberality for the releasing of his kinsfolk who are in captivity with the Turk; but I have persuaded him to stay, and send herewith his supplication to her Majesty. Let me know what further answer I shall make thereon.—Paris, May 30, 1582.
Add. and Endt. gone.pp. [Ibid. VII. 89.]
May 31. 63. The Duke of Anjou to the Queen.
Bonaventura Micheli, a merchant of Lucca, residing here in Antwerp, has informed me that some time ago he loaded on a ship of Middelburg, called the Cygne, belonging to Simon Tabot, and Adrien Adrienche, citizens of that town, the master of which was Cornelis Jacobz, a certain quantity of brazil-wood for Bordeaux. The vessel having called at your island of Guernsey, Cornelis wanted to sell her with her cargo to a merchant of Nantes, although he had no right or share in her. This matter coming to the notice of your officers in the island, they are said to have seized both vessel and cargo and placed them 'under your hand,' to be restored to their owners, or else the money resulting from them. Micheli having heard of these proceedings, would wish to recover the brazil belonging to him, or the money accruing from the sale of it. This is my reason for writing to you on his behalf, to beg you to direct your officers in Guernsey to have the goods in the vessel which he shows to belong to him or else the money arising from the sale of them restored to Micheli without unnecessary delay.—Antwerp, 31 May 1582. (Signed) FranÇois.
Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Holl and Fl. XVI. 25.]
? May. 64. “Offers which M. Thys Scho. [Dietz Schomberg] makes to the Queen.”
If her Majesty will enter to the extent of 80,000 or 100,000 crowns into M. Sch's. [qy. Strozzi's] enterprise, whether openly or under another name, she can depute persons to handle the money and employ it themselves on things needful for the voyage. In this case she will have her share of all conquests, made with the aid [?] of her contribution.
If she prefers to lend the same money to M. Schomberg on a very fine unicorn's horn which belongs to him, and which he is arranging to place in the hands of those of the maison de rille of Paris for the prize in a lottery which the king has allowed there, M. Schomberg will place in the Queen's hands the receipt and obligation which the maison de ville has handed him on account of the horn, with a first charge to her Majesty on such money as shall come to him from the lottery, until the principal and interest of the loan be paid.
Or if she will buy the horn from him, he will sell it to her for 150,000 crowns; though it was accepted for the lottery at 180,000.
Or if she will not buy it, she may lend him 130,000 crowns upon it; the horn to remain in her possession, on condition that he may withdraw it on his return from his voyage for a like sum. If he dies, it remains her property.
On condition that he employs the money which she may lend him on any of the above terms that she pleases, in the proposed enterprise.
The horn is seven feet or three Brabant ells long and proportion-ably thick. No part of it is missing. In proof that it is a real unicorn's horn the evidence of connoisseurs (maîtres à ce cognoissans) is appended, signed and sealed.
Endd. with [symbol] mark: The proffers of Thys Schomberg, 1584 (but see No. 551 in last volume). Fr.pp. [France VII. 90.]