Elizabeth: September 1582, 21-25

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: September 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp335-343 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1582, 21-25', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp335-343.

"Elizabeth: September 1582, 21-25". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp335-343.


September 1582, 21–25

Sep. 21 345. Martin Couche to Walsingham
Since the last service at Ghent, my case has been such by means of a grievous hurt, at that instant being shot in the wrist of the left hand; howbeit [sic] I could not certify you of that service as by duty I was bound to do. In respect whereof I humbly beg your pardon, although the time being somewhat far past, under your good liking I herewith certify you of the whole discourse, being myself there from the beginning to the end.
Capt. Williams, who rests and acknowledges himself always ready at your command, perceiving me to be one of the number of yours, has proffered me in my extremity great courtesy; to whom I am debtor.
“Thus evermore desiring to continue as one of yours, always 'aspecting' your further commandment to be employed at your direction, with my daily prayer to the Almighty for the 'loannge' preservation of your honour, with increase of the same, Amen.” —Antwerp, 21 September 1582.
Add. Endd. ¾ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVII.17.]
Sep. 21 346. The Duke of Anjou to Walsingham.
I cannot but remain much obliged for all the good offices you continue to do for me with the Queen. I am sure that it is due to the assurance you have of my devoted affection towards her service, believing, as is the case, that I am as careful and jealous for her greatness, and even more so, as for my own. I pray you always to have this opinion of me, and to have me always borne in mind in her good graces, which I desire like the continnance of my own life, dedicated to whatever she may please to order.
Le Charelier, the present bearer, will tell you my news more particularly, to whose sufficiency I refer myself. —Antwerp. 21 September.
Holograph. Add. Endd. Fr. 1 p. [Ibid. XVII. 18.]
Sep. 22 347. Pietro Bizarri to Walsingham
Here we are from day to day expecting some result of something happened at Lochem. It is understood for a certainty that the enemy under Haultepenne and Count Charles Mansfeld have crossed the Rhine in the duchy of Cleves, at a place called 'Beech,' near a town called 'Santo' or 'Santum' [Xanten], on the opposite side to Emmerich and Wesel, places belonging to the same prince. I do not think that in the whole length of the Rhine there is a spot more opportune and convenient than this whether for wagons, or horses, and other kinds of field-baggage. Some say that the duke's servants have provided them with artillery and other things necessary in order that they might make the passage securely and without impediment. If his Highness's people have been able to raise the siege before their arrival, it would be much to the purpose; but if it be otherwise, one must believe they will not lack much trouble, the enemy being lusty, and proceeding with good military discipline and order, and having good chiefs, which two things import most highly to the attainment of victory. Now please God the first news may be good, and bring us some comfort.
Among the others wounded before Ghent were Ferrante Gonzaga and Zorzi Spinola, who with many others have retired to Oudenarde. The Prince of Parma having sent his own physician, called Dr Hipolito, to cure them, he found o arriving there that Gonzaga had already passed to the other life. After doing his duty by the others, when returning to his prince, he was taken by the way and brought to Antwerp, with an apothecary and two surgeons, from whom they will doubtless have learnt many secrets of the enemy's camp.
From Italy it is written that the King of Spain had caused to be paid up exchange, about 600,000 crowns to be employed on the war in Flanders: that the new Italian troops destined for Spain have been brought from Sicily to Genoa, and thence are to take their journey for these countries; that in Constantinople there was lately a notable conflagration of 3,000 houses; that from the camp they had the progress of the war, to the effect that the Persian had now recovered the whole Regno Serrano [qy. Azerbijan] and that they were besieging 'Typhis' [Titlis], a very important place; that the most part of the reinforcements sent from Constantinople were dead by the way through many diseases and the length of the journey, so that the Ground Signior was in great trouble, but they did not therefore fail to make new provisions; that the King of France had made a new league with the Swiss to his much satisfaction.
Concerning the French camp, of which so much has been talked and written, it hopes now to join all together, and be ready to do some enterprise. Nothing else occurs to me at present, and I commend myself to you.
The Persian work, by the grace of God (la Dio gratia), has begun today to be printed, to my great content, since I have often despaired of finishing it.—Antwerp, 22 Sep. 1582.
Add. Endd. Ital. 3 pp. [Ibid. XVII. 19.]
Sep. 23 348. Cobham to Walsingham
I am very loth to let any messenger go without writing to you such things as pass and are understood in this Court, supposing that it will not be displeasing to her Majesty. Howbeit there falls out little worthy of an express messenger, for through the absence of the king, all causes are dealt in very staggeringly,' as for the going forward of Marshal Biron; who although he shows to be willing to take the charge of the camp prepared for Flanders by the Prince Dauphin, yet there appears again something, which 'overthwarts' his proceeding forwards. So it seems that in these French enterprises there is nothing more certain than their uncertainty; whereof they lament among themselves.
Last week the Spanish agent's courier was watched by two or three horsemen belonging to Monsieur; who overtook him at the next post to Paris, and took away all his letters, of which the agent has complained to the Queen Mother. M. Gondi brought him answer from her that she would give him good satisfaction when she could discover the parties. It is understood that besides the agent's dispatch there was a great packet of Cardinal Granvelle's which it is supposed will shown some matter of importance.
The ambassador of Savoy has complained to the Queen Mother that a regiment of M. de la Monon (?), levied in Dayphiné, had done great harm and much outrage in Savoy. To which complaints she answered that the regiment had committed the like in France, and she knew not how to remedy it at present.
The French ambassador resident at the Court of Spain has advertised the Queen Mother how the Catholic king has committed to Cardinal Borromeo the 'treating in' the marriage of his second daughter with the Duke of Savoy. Howbeit there are who know the Spanish king's humour, and somewhat of the Spanish affairs, who think the king will not so easily or willingly give 'to' marriage any of those two daughters, except to some of the House of Austria. Notwithstanding, they signify the Spanish king will compound with the Duke of Mantua for the Marquisate of Monferrat, which he offers to give the Duke of Savoy 'in marriage' with his daughter. This king has lately sent M. de Paulmier to dissuade the Duke of Savoy from the marriage with the daughter of Spain; dealing further with him for his amity by means of Lavalette, Governor of Saluces, who is shortly looked for here.
Camille Fera is sent by the Queen Mother to the Duke of Mantua, to treat in the composition of the differences between him and his brother the Duke of Nevers. Under colour of this, he is to deal underhand for the marriage of the Princess of Lorraine with the Prince of Mantua, in case he repudiates his late-married spouse the daughter of Parma.
There is good hope the Duke of Ferrara will be content to lend to the Duke of Brabant 200,000 crowns upon the 'caution' of the Queen Mother and the President de Thou; which others are to deliver and assure to the Duke. It passes through the hands of Hannibal Milano, the Duke of Ferrara's factor in this realm.
Their Majesties have sent to the controllers and officers of the storehouses and artillery of Provence, Languedoc, Dauphin, and Saluces, to know what order is observed there in keeping their great artillery and warlike munitions; with command they should be 'assured to have' store of the one and the other. Further their Majesties have appointed there should be 'foundered' for the furnishing of Marseilles and Provence 50 cannons, and 15 for Languedoc; 10 for Dauphin, 10 for Saluces, and 12 for Lyonnois; which will serve in 'lue' of those taken out of those places.
M. de Hautefort, brother to Bellièvre, and M. de Mandelot are returned from Switzerland, having left M. de Fleury to treat on the agreement between the duke of Savoy, the Swiss, and those of Geneva, at the Diet which is to be begun the last day of this month at Fribourg.
It is understood that M. de Puygaillard is about Pierrepont with 15 companies of men at arms and 2,000 harquebusiers, guarding the frontiers.
Most of the captains belonging to the French army are with the Prince Dauphin at Breteuil beside Amiens, saving those that are coming out of Dauphin, who are not as yet so far advanced. This camp, as they say here, wants 'conductors under' and money, and are well advised not to pass the Somme till they are better appointed.
The Queen Mother makes account to have fifteen principal good French ships about the coast of Nantes and Rochelle, besides the ten she looks for from Flanders.
The king under colour of sending one of his Privy Council with a Master of Requests and a treasurer into every province of the realm, to understand the grievances of his people about the impositions, with a show as if he meant to seek ways to give them some ease, has willed the abovesaid personages to prepare the minds of the citizens to granthim a loan of 4,000,000, which he would levy on them.
There are ladies in this Court who have received letters from Italy certifying that the Princess of Parma has been lately cut again; which is not found to prevail to such purpose as to make the marriage available with hope of succession.
It is understood in this Court that the Bishops of Glasgow and Ross practised the betraying of Lierre; which being known to the Queen Mother she has dealt very earnestly as I am informed with the Cardinal of Bourbon to send the Bishop of Ross from Rouen, notwithstanding the Pope's nuncio 'intreats' for the bishop's staying there.
The agent of Spain gives out that Count Vimioso during the little time he lived after his taking made a 'large' declaration to the Marquis of Santa Cruz his cousin of the course Don Antonio had taken in France.
The Spanish king, as it is signified, has willed his agent here to intreat their Majesties that Salcedo may not suffer for service done to him. If it should happen, it might, he said, give occasion to the Prince of Parma to put to death the Viscount of Turenne and M. la Noue. So they judge here now Salcedo will not die for any act intended against Monsieur, but for other offences committed against the laws, as falsifying coin and such like.
The King of Navarre has brought M. de Belgard, the Duke of Savoy's ambassador, to Pau. where he has seen and conferred with the Princess of Navarre. Being 'motioned' by Belgard in matter of religion, she signified that she would be loth to match with the greatest prince of Christendom to alter her profession in religion, wherein she determined to remain constant. Since which M. de Belgard has returned to the duke his master.
The King of Navarre has been troubled with a rheum, so that he was constrained for certain days to keep a diet at Pau; but he is amended of his indisposition.
The Prince of Conde, is gone into Languedoc to confer with Marshal Montmorency and others, as I have written in my former letters, because the King of Navarre could not go himself.
Two Franciscan friars have been made bishops at Rome, as I hear, and come hither with intention to 'retire' by stealth into Ireland.
It is given me to understand that Secretary 'Moro,' the chief Portuguese secretary to King Philip, is an entire friend to Cavaliere Giraldi, by whose means he has 'recovered' a promise of the king to be paid all the sums due to him.
News is come to this Court today that Duke Montpensier is very sick and like to die.
The Queen of Navarre is out of hope for the present to be big with child, finding the disposition of her body to the contrary.
The king has granted to the Prince of Cond, assignations of 60,000 crowns upon the profits arising on the 'salts' in Languedoc, for pensions and payments due to him.
The Queen Mother has been today to Saint-Germain-en-Laye, to see that the king's lodging is well 'accommodated.' Howbeit it is doubted that his weakness will not suffer him to move so soon from the place he is at, because after he lately came from his baths he continued fainting and in great feebleness during one or two days, being still troubled with the rheum and defluxion of his head. He had one or two of his teeth 'plucked forth' during his being at the baths; and his young queen remains in very weak state.
It is given me to understand that the windows at Bois de Vincennes where Salcedo is imprisoned will be 'mured' up.
I send you herewith the computation of the forces the Prince of Parma has under him, both foot and horse [See No. 328]; although I may think the same has come to your hands otherwise more amply and clearly set down.
Upon the occasion of the earnest complaints I lately made to the Queen Mother against d'Armeville for the piracy committed by him on Walter Cassie, M. Pinart has sent me an extract of M. Meilleraye's letter to the king, wherein you may see specified the complaints made against Englishmen for depredations.
I enclose the occurrents from sundry places.—Paris, 23 September 1582.
Add. Endd. 4 1/4 pp. [France VIII. 49.]
Sep. 23 349. Stokes to Walsingham
My last to you was the 16th inst. Since it has been very still, and few speeches stirring but those that follow.
Last week at Arras there was a general meeting of the States of Artois and Hainault, and there the Prince of Parma made two demands. The first was, to take in a garrison of Spaniards into every town; the second, to give the fifth part of all their lands, goods, and merchandise. For answer hereto they 'desired day' until the 24th inst. But it is thought and greatly feared that by persuasions many of the towns will yield to it.
After these demands were known among the commons, it made them use very hard speeches against them that were the cause that the Spaniards are brought in again; which is too late, for the Spaniards are and will be their masters.
This week the Spaniards came to Poperinghe, and there they killed and hanged as many of the magistrates of that town as they could find, and besides they killed about threescore of the burghers. The rest ran away, or they had been all slain. This hard dealing is strange to all men, for this village [sic] was ever a better friend to the enemy than to this side, and now they are rewarded with this cruelty of the Spaniards.
It is written from Lille that the Baron 'de Dobignie' and M. de 'Goanye,' with divers other gentlemen of the Malcontents, have retired to their houses, and will serve no longer. They also write of 3,000 Spaniards more, come very lately to Luxemburg, which is more than they looked for, so that the coming of so many Spaniards makes them of the enemy's side greatly to mislike the matter.
Those of Bapaume by 'sur prins' had almost taken a French frontier town called Corbie. But to cover the matter, because it is missed, they write that the Prince of Parma shows himself very angry with it.
This week there was a very great skirmish between those of Meenen and the enemy 'that is a making' the 'bullwarke' at Hallewyn: at which those of Meenen took a little place with two pieces of artillery, that the enemy 'kept'. But it cost the lives of many on both sides. They also write from Meenen, by the confessions of their prisoners, that a great part of Monsieur's forces are come along the frontiers and have 'made courses' into Artois and Hainault, and burnt many of their villages; and that the rest of his forces is looked for any day.
The French king has made proclamation at Calais that no stranger shall dwell on his frontiers, nor on the coast; by which means all the fugitives of these parts are forced to depart out of Calais and thereabouts. But by the proclamation they are licensed to dwell at Paris, Orleans, or Rouen.—Bruges, 23 September 1582.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 20.]
Sep. 23 350. Thomas Doyley to Walsingham
I wrote, in my letter sent by your servant Charles, of the forces about Lochem, since when Haultepenne, with 5 cornets of horse and 10 companies of infantry, has passed the river of Rhine between Emerich and Wesel, notwithstanding three ships of war were placed to hinder their passage; for planting two pieces of artillery on the river side, he scared them away. Also 3,000 Italians de la Ligue Saincte 'compassed' by Ruremonde to go into Guelderland. If we do not fight before these forces join, je crains qu'ils emporteront la rille. It is not strong, and the multitude within will soon famish it, et que pis est, bout le pays pardelà (comme on diet) est en bransle, seeing the war transported thither, mesmes les Messicurs d'Utrech; which I think to be the cause that all passengers and messengers are stayed, for since the departure of our general no news has come thence to the Court, only a letter from the Grave van Hovenloe, requiring 5 of our English companies. They were not sent, for the letter being dated 11 September, the Gascons could not be there by the writing of it. The Portugal news we hear as a chameleon, changing daily pour amadouer ceux qui sont en bransle, to win with fables the populace to their contributions. Last week the Queen Mother wrote that Don Antonio was defeated, Strozzi and the Constable of Portugal beheaded, and the king fled to the Isles of Terceras. Since, a ship of St. Malo in Britanny, who is said to have been at the conflict, affirms that to be true, but that Don Antonio, regathering his forces with the help of those of the Terceras and St. Michael's has utterly defeated the Spanish navy, setting on them à l'improviste. With the like 'ruze,' bringing the Portugal facteur with his plausible news into the 'State house,' they got their last contribution; but it is but a ticklish and broken estate that is so supported with fables.
Les Françoys se coulent dans cc pays ici, non pas en grand troupes: the Prince of Parma towards Cambray, expecting the French, and our infantry at Borgerhout as before.—23 Sept. 1582.
Add. Endd. 1 p. [Holl. and Fl. XVII. 21.]
Sep. 24 351. Petition of certain citizens of Hamburg to the Consuls and Senate
As you will remember, our Captain Bernhard Rust of this city, having freighted a ship belonging to us with goods, to wit, woollen and linen cloths, Hamburg, Lubeck and Luneburg beer, wrought silver, honey, mead, various ironware, clothes, overclothing, shirts, and other merchandise of that sort such as it has been from of old customary to export from Hamburg to Iceland, and being by our orders about to sail for Iceland, there to exchange goods in the way of trade, and lading his ship with goods useful to this state to bring them over to Hamburg, was attacked by the Englishmen who at that time infested the sea and had two ships fitted out for piracy by Henry Sackford, nobleman, of England, and miserably stripped of his goods, which were carried off to England and there after the manner of pirates divided by the robbers among themselves. This robbery, perpetrated as it was against all law and right, befell to our great harm and loss, and seemed all the more unfair because it was undertaken, quite undeservedly as regarded us, at a time when there was no hostility between this state and the flourishing realm of England, nor any the slightest causes of offence to give occasion for such spoiling of our goods.
Now, whereas this unworthy action, whereby we have lost our property, seems to us intolerable, we judged that it would be right for us to avenge by way of law the unworthiness of the act and the damage to ourselves involved in it, and sought restitution through the proper legal way. But although we brought an action against the robbers before the Privy Council (eoram Senatu Regio) hoping that they would be punished and made to indemnify us for our loss, amounting to 4,340 marks, Lubeck money, yet it has come about by the procrastination (protelatione) of the other side and the subterfuges they have invented, that the case has, to our very great cost, dragged on to this day, so that we have nearly abandoned all hope of restitution. And, since we omitted nothing that could conduce to the restitution of our plundered goods, there fell out at length very opportunely for us the arrival in this city of Lord Willoughby d'Eresby, the Queen of England's ambassador to the King of Denmark, after the completion of his embassy; upon which occasion we approached him through Dr Wilhelm Moller, a Syndic of this State, and Johann Schulten, Licentiate in Law, and of the Council, thereto deputed by your 'Prudences,' and after stating the facts, begged that by his aid we might obtain what for many years we had been seeking at law. To which our petition in his kindness he offered his assistance in this matter and dismissed your deputies benignly, for which we gave him our best possible thanks. Therefore, seeing that his promise has given us good hope of the restitution of our goods, we beg you to grant us letters promotory or commendatory to him, that by his authority the administration of the law may be hastened, the subterfuges of the other party set aside, and we obtain what we have sought by course of law. If this is done, as after the ambassador's kind promise we feel sure it will be, we will proclaim this great kindness to all men, and keep it fixed in our memory.—24 September 1582. (Signed) Gerhard Winsman, Peter Lange, Hermann Reineken, Gerhard Epping, Johann Willers, Wilkin van Duten, Johann Severin, Heinrich Kremer, Jodocus Burke.
Copy. Add. Endd.: The complaint of certain merchants of Hamburgh against Mr Sackford. Latin. 4 pp. [Hanse Towns I. 70.]