Elizabeth: July 1582, 1-5

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Elizabeth: July 1582, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp131-137 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1582, 1-5', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1909), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp131-137.

"Elizabeth: July 1582, 1-5". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 16, May-December 1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1909), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol16/pp131-137.


July 1582, 1–5

July 1. 134. Herle to Walsingham.
Having this morning written this letter enclosed to my lord of Leicester, containing matter of the state of Oudenarde newer than I have certified you of, and having no leisure to write a particular of it to you, having no aid but myself, please 'take in good part to peruse' it, and that done, to seal it up with hard wax and deliver it to this bearer my servant for the lord of Leicester. If I had a young and honest fellow to copy things, I could send you sundry writings worthy your perusing, and yet be able to 'entertain' the party that should write, to his contentment and commodity, being honest and diligent.—Antwerp, Sunday morning, July 1, 1582.
Add. Endd. ½ p. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 52.]
July 1. 135. Stokes to Walsingham.
My last was the 24th ult. since which all things have been very still, contrary to the judgements of most men; for it was thought that this week some great matters would have been executed on both sides, but nothing is yet done.
The enemy before Oudenarde has been very still all this week, for since the 22nd the cannon has not played, nor have they offered any assault to it; so that it is greatly feared they are preparing to do some great assault, to the great danger of the town. Yet the speech goes, the town fears them not; but notwithstanding the contrary is something feared by many. And so God send the town to hold out till Monsieur's forces are come together, otherwise it seems it will not go well; for the commons in these parts begin to wax warm in speech, because they see that no town that the enemy besieges has been succoured.
The Prince of Parma has made M. de Montigny governor of Flanders, and has given him a fair Spanish horse; so now he is 'set' well contented.
Last Monday, June 25 at 1 A.M., M. de Rochepot assaulted Corttrick with scaling-ladders. They passed the town ditches in sundry places not above knee-deep in water, and when they came to it, they found them in the town in such readiness to receive them in such sort, that they durst not tarry at it, not half an hour, in which time there were slain of them that gave the assault about 30, and many hurt; so they retired. It seems this enterprise was very evil handled; for by means of the long delay that they made before they went to it, those of Corttrick had advice of their coming two days before they came. Surely it seems this enterprise was 'tremly' [qy. trimly] laid, if it had been well followed; so it was an evil miss, to the great damage of the country.
The Count of Mansfeld is passed from Calais by sea to Antwerp. He has left his 1,500 reiters beside Cambray, awaiting the coming of the Prince of Condé with the rest of Monsieur's forces out of France.
A miller leapt out of Oudenarde over the walls at night, and so swam over into the enemy's camp, and told them where the weakest place was; whereupon they have turned their battery towards it. It is hard by the ravelin which they have beaten down; but as yet the cannon has not played on it.
The speech is here that Monsieur's camp under Ghent is 1,500 good horse, and 5,000 as good foot, well appointed.
The burgomasters and 'deacons' of Ghent are sent by the whole commons of their town to the Duke of Brabant to desire him to use some means for the aid of the town of Oudenarde; for surely by good report the Gentners begin to use warm speeches. They say with the reiters that are come by Cambray they are at this present able to make 3,000 good horse, which is more than the enemy has by a thousand; and for footmen, they are more in number and much better than 'the enemy has any.' This being known, as it is, among the commons makes them use these bold speeches. If they suffer that town to be lost, it will not go well, having so good means to succour it by the forces that they have already in readiness. The commons' heads are very much occupied with the matter.—Bruges, 1 July 1582.
P.S.—I have received yours of June 23, for which I thank you.
Add. Endd.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 53.]
July 3. 136. Cobham to [Walsingham].
This bearer, M. de Leytam, a Portuguese, comes to me as I am ready to go on horseback to ride to Fontainebleau; so I am driven to write in this disorderly manner. I have nothing else to certify than what I sent by Peter Tuve. I find it doubtful if Don Antonio will resolve to land in Portugal unless he is offered good occasion to employ his forces to good purpose; otherwise I learn that he will rather seek to seize on the isles of Madeira and St. Michael, and 'prevail himself of the Indian fleet.' But M. Leytam will more certainly inform you, being trusted of Don Antonio and sent to her Majesty on his king's affairs.
The Earl Bothwell has been with me, but he is not, as it seemed to me, 'of opinion' to pass into England, fearing thereby to give cause of offence to his king and those too principal persons about the king, forbearing to the intent he may have through his clear dealing the better means about the king to favour the cause of religion, in which he 'shows' to be resolutely bent, and also well affectioned to her Majesty, as he promises to make show of. I have done my best to fortify his mind with all those persuasions that were 'feet' to be delivered.
The Chief President yesterday sent an Italian Franciscan friar to prison for his imperious manner of proceedings towards the Franciscans in Paris.—Paris, 3 July.
Add. and endt. gone. 3 pp. [France VII. 121.]
July 3. 137. —to—.
I received your letter with this messenger; God reward you for all goodness where I cannot requite you. I can but pray for you. I am glad you are at liberty; I would you were at your own heart's desire.
I can hear nothing touching Scotland, but that the Duke of Guise has sent a great present to the king, that is seven horses with many other things of weight. When the king received them, his preachers rebuked him sharply in their sermons, saying that he ought not to receive a present from an enemy to their religion. The king was offended with them and sent them to prison, giving strict command to all his preachers to follow their text, and [not] to meddle with kings and princes. Again he said the duke was his kinsman and dear friend, and that he was bound to love him.
Touching intelligence what number there is of Englishmen, and where they remain, there is a greater number in Lyons than has been since Harry the Vth. There are in the 'City' within the Capitol with the x [qy. the Pope] 50 at least; some say a hundred and more. There are not above 20 Englishmen in Italy, besides those that are of the seminaries. Without the capital there is inquisition for them everywhere, so that no man of what religion soever can set foot upon the mountain, but he is taken. Fifteen were taken about the end of May, and others since. [symbol] is escaped out of Italy. He was happy that he 'got his feet'; there was great hunting after him. He is now here, and would gladly have the king's help to go to 'Camwrey' to his benefice again. T. a. G. and one Mr Clemment have heard of the alms that their has given them to live upon. There is a speech that the x will have none from England to remain in Rome, but such as are in the seminaries. There is one Mr Gilbart, that lost his lands in England for the word of Jesus, has now much malice of them because he belongs to + + . They will not leave this knavery, but their mischief shall fall upon their own heads.
News from the Low Countries: There came 10,000 Burgundians and Italians thither about the middle of June. 'Aldenar' [Oudenarde] is ready to yield; it is not possible it should hold out long. There are also 4,000 horsemen from Milan. There are also 4,000 here in readiness; the speech is that they go to aid the other side. What will 'succeed' of these things I know not.
Don Antonio 'whom' some say is King of Portugal, has conveyed himself from Tours by night, and is gone to sea. No man can tell whether he needs not be afraid to be robbed, for he has not a penny more than the poor gray friar. He has left all his captains behind him, and they are in prison for debt. Among these is one Mr Vachan, a captain of his.
For the book you would have translated into English, I will do what I can; you know you may command all I can. It is a great piece of work, therefore time must be had. I have received one song with your letter. M. would be glad if you would send him the hundred songs you promised. U. has been lately sick, likely to die. He is now recovered. I should be glad to hear what answer my brother has made to my letters. I am now without money, or over many places to borrow any. I understand you sent me 2 angels by Peter Browne; I had them not. Your letters I have received. I sent Peter Browne my answer to his house to send you; I fear it came too late, for his man has been somewhat slow. Peter has not been here himself. I received letters from Chester by G and from Gresford by U. I send them to you that you may see the new there is there. When they come to your hands, tear them in pieces. All your well-willers on this side the river commend them to you. The world on this side sea is now hard for Englishmen. Let me hear that you have received this letter.—From the City of Lyons, 3 July.
P.S.—Fail not, but send me by this messenger a Communion-book in Latin.
There are slain at Oudenarde about 1,200 men. One Captain Rochpooll [qy. Rochepot], one of Monsieur's captains, escaped; 10 other captains were slain. There is a new ambassador from Spain here. His business is not known, but they say it is to demand something touching the Low Countries. You shall hear news with the next.
Endd.: A copy of a Welsh letter sent from Lyons to Paris. 2½ pp. [France VII. 122.]
July 3. 138. Roger Williams to Walsingham.
I have nothing worthy to trouble you at this time. Finding this gentleman ready to depart for England, I could do no less than show my duty to you. Oudenarde is in great necessity. The soldiers have good courage, and promise to hold good to the last man. I hear this morning the Italian 'suckers' are either arrived or too near at hand. It is be so, we lost a fair time.
The last day being out, our soldiers shewed great courage, especially the English ; I assure you so much that some proffered to hazard to enter the town. We are so governed that I fear me the town will perish. We look every day for our French force ; then we hope with God's help to try who shall be master of the field. I think within few days we shall see who will turn the bridle.
Desiring you to think me a poor man that will refuse nothing for your service that I am able to perform etc.—Ghent, 3 July.
Add. Endd.pp. [HOLL. and Fl. XV. 54.]
July 5. 139. Fremyn to Walsingham.
'There is' M. du Plessis who has orders from his Highness to hold himself ready for his departure, which may be within 10 days. He takes his journey through France and is going to join the Duke of Bouillon. They will travel thence into Germany to be present at the Diet at Augsburg, where, as they write, the Emperor and the princes have already arrived.
All things go on as usual in these parts, the enemy doing all he can before Oudenarde. He will have won the gate. The besieged are very well entrenched, and have very good courage. Nevertheless it is to be feared if they are not soon succoured that they will come to terms, on account of the delays which take place. However his Highness has a great desire to aid them, and is using all diligence to get his forces forward. There is M. de Saint-Léger, governor of Monfort, lately come here; to whom his Highness has given the post of general maréchal-de-camp, in the absence of M. de la Noue. He is starting for France today, to lead the army forward. This Saint-Léger is cousin to the wife of M. de Villiers the minister.
There is some enterprise in hand to aid those of Oudenarde. His Highness has made two English companies, of Cotton's troop, march towards Diest. Something is also to be done with the other garrisons. We have as yet received no money or victuals at the camp for our men, who are in extreme poverty. Things are not going as they ought. Count Mansfeld is still in this town; he too is to go and join his reiters.—Antwerp, starting for the camp, 5 July 1582.
July 5. 140. Terms of Capitulation for Oudenarde.
The Prince of Parma, having seen the articles proposed by the governor, magistrates, captains, and burgesses of Oudenarde, although he has it in his power to reduce them to the obedience of his Majesty by force, yet desiring to treat them gently rather than rigorously, grants the points following.
The governor may depart freely with his wife and family, and take away his goods whether by cart or otherwise wherever he likes, with safe-conduct and escort.
As for the officers and soldiers, his Highness, who always sets store by soldiers, permits them to go out with arms, ensigns, drums, and goods, and will give them escort that they may withdraw in safety whither they would.
As regards the townsmen, he is content to pardon in the king's name all that has taken place; promising on the faith of a prince to ask no questions nor let them be asked about anything past. They may live in the town as long as they will do so without scandal, showing obedience to his Majesty, and conforming to his ordinances.
As for those who would sooner go, magistrates or others, they may depart within eight days, taking their goods, with safe-conduct and escort, and no hindrance shall be offered. They may, if they think good, sell or alienate (distraire) their real property for their own profit within the next 12 months. Those who retire into neutral territory have the option of selling their property, and receiving the rent through people residing in the town.
The governor and officer shall go out tomorrow before dinner, putting the town into his Highness's hands, with the artillery, powder, and munitions, and his Highness will from today place a garrison in the Castle of Pamele.
The inhabitants shall pay 30,000 florins in part payment of the costs of the siege.—(Signed) Alexander, (and below) Parnier. The safe conduct, by Adrian de Gomiecourt and Jehan Richardot.
Copy. Endd. Fr.pp. [Holl. and Fl. XVI. 56.]
July 5. 141. Walsingham to Cobham.
This bearer 'follows' the cause of Mr Alderman Osborne and Mr Stuper (?), merchant, who crave some favour in your careful following of it. Her Majesty has written on their behalf to the king, to address letters to the Pope in their favour, and likewise to recommend the matter to his ambassador resident there, to be carefully solicited. I'ray give them your help for their speedy dispatch there, for otherwise, if they should be much deferred, 'it would follow very evil,' not only for their ship and goods, which are of great value, but also for the men, who are about 50 in number. The state of the matter I refer to be related to you by the bearer, for I mean not needlessly to trouble you; only requesting this much, that the parties who are interested therein may understand by their speedy dispatch from thence that my recommendation has not been unfruitful to youwards in their behalf, whereof I nothing doubt.
Draft in hand of L. Tomson. Endd.: To procure letters from the French king to the Pope, for release of Alderman Osborne's ship, stayed at Malta. 2/3p. [France VII. 123.]