Index: V

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: V', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: V', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: V". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Vadilho, John de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Valasques, Vasques, Diego Martinez, money owing to, 401.

Valdes, Don Pedro de, his people defeated by English and Portuguese, 366, 367.

Valence, citadel of, Duke of Maine fortifies, 407.

-, Prince of Parma at, 127, 317, 328, 329, 335, 342
-, French forces raid, 582
-, reference to book prejudicial to Elizabeth sold at, 617.

-, letter dated at, 126.

Valentinian, Emperor, 47.

Valentinois, Duchess of. See Poitiers, Diane de.

Valier, Agostino, Bishop of Verona constituted visitor of Venetian monasteries, 130.

Valois, Charles de, son of Charles IX and Marie Touchet, proposed marriage between de Mouy's daughter and, 572.

-, Ciaude de, Duchess of Lorraine, King of Spain takes town from, 455.

Valores, Manuel Fernandez de, witnesses certificate, 441.

Vanderbeke, John, Dutchman resident in Brazil, 528.

Vandernoot, M., Governor of Diest, 707.

Vander Noot, John, abbot of St. Bernard, imprisoned by the Count of Schwarzburg, 2

Vannes, la Roche preparing shipping near, 76.

'Van Oost', M. [qy. Wittenhorst], concerned in a plot to put some of the States' towns into the enemy's hands, 414.

'Vantadour house'
-, Count Vimioso lodged at, 268
-, Turkish ambassador lodged in, 405
-, Cobham visits Ambassador at, 414.

Vargas Mexia, Juan de, Spanish ambassador in Paris, 209, 455.

Varro, Fr. Simo de, letters from, 366, 367, 439.

Vasconcellos, 'Basco Duceles.' See Figueredo.

Vaudemont, Cardinal of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

-, Count of, House of Guise descended from, 16.

-, Vaudemont, Madame de. See Aumale, Margaret d'.

Vaudray, Georges de, sieur de Saint-Phal, 'Captain St. Val,' repulsed from Cambrai, 228. [But qy. Saisseval.]

-, Charles Louis de, Seigneur de Mouy, Lavalette to marry daughter of, 104 (p. 103)
-, mentioned, 162
-, proposed marriage between Conde and daughter of, 362
-, proposed marriage between Charles de Valois and daughter of, 572.

Vauguyon, M. de la. See Escars.

Vaux, M. de, in Duke of Bouillon's train.

-, -, See Longueval.

-, 'Vause,' William, Lord, 521
-, sends letters to Papists in Paris, 668 (p. 622).

Vayera, Anthony Lopez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Peter Lopez de, money owing to, 401.

Vecelli, 'Cardinal,' ordained for execution of bull de alienandis ecclesiasticis bonis in France, 94. [No cardinal of the name appears to have existed. Qy. Bishop of Vercelli.]

Vega, Francis de la, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Vegleman, , officer of Court of Admiralty, 528.

Velasques, Francis, licentiate, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Vello, Anthony, ship belonging to, captured by Englishmen, 558.

-, Acerbo, Venetian merchant, report on estate of Benedict Spinola deceased, 158
-, Elizabeth's grant to, 667.

Vendeville, M. de, enemy's camp removed to castle of, 611.

Vendme, Monsieur's troops near, 224.

Vendme, M. de. See Chambre la.

-, 'Bishop of.' See Bourbon, Cardinal Charles de.

-, league framing between Catholic King, Pope and, 85
-, demand money of King Philip, 94
-, dispatch Ambassadors to Spain, 117
-, mentioned, 130
-, Pope shows displeasure against, 162
-, dispute with Pope, 285
-, desire France to break with Spain, 459.

-, 7, 75, 93, 105, 139
-, news from, 285
-, Ambassador of, in Germany, 286
-, mentioned, 403, 405
-, States of, Sir Richard Shelley in great favour with, 417
-, San Marco, yields to Pope, 521
-, mentioned, 648, 690
-, King of Spain has money at, 693 (p. 638).

-, letter dated at, 690.

-, Signory of, 130
-, Pope renews league with, 371
-, mentioned, 667.

-, Ambassador of. See Priuli, Moro.

-, Antonio, a Spaniard, cashier to Aniastro, confession of, 621
-, to be executed, 627
-, his confession, 628
-, to be executed, 631
-, his execution, 640, 642, 646.

Venlo, surprised by enemy, 642.

Ventadour, Count of, nephew of Turenne, suggested exchange of, with Egmont, 612.

'Verceil', Bishop of. See Bonomo.

-, Francisco, Spanish captain in Low Countries, 453, 588
-, growing strong in Guelders, 621
-, with Parma in Flanders, 693 (p. 637)
-, Governor of Guelders and the Meuse, 707 (2).

Vere, Edward, Earl of Oxford, 700.

Vergas, Christopher de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Vergennes, M., Bishop of Ross has conference with, 424.

Verger, camp of, letters dated at, 316, 317.

-, 'Vergni,' 'Vernuy,' Hugues de la, captain of Monsieur's guard, to receive Cahors, 62
-, goes to Chteau-Thierry, 268
-, with Monsieur, 293.

Vermandois, reiters to enter Netherlands through, 703.

Vermeyden, William, 528.

Verneuil, Fervaques at, with troops, 75.

Verona, Bishop of. See Valier.

Verona, 690.

Versigny, letter dated at, 403.

Vertu, in Champagne, county of, King of France seeks to purchase for pernon, 619.

Vtison, M., 62, 414.

Veuren, Governor of, 707.

Veygua, Antonio de, 720.

Viana, Don Antonio driven from, 6, 7.

Vianen, 'Fyen,' in Holland, 642.

-, Rn de, Sieur de Chanlivaut, quarrel between Rocheguyon and, 491, 493
-, quarrel with Rocheguyon ended, 504.

Viose, de, Sieur d'Alfeyran, Alfaranti, servant of Monsieur, 148 (p. 140).

-, -, letter from, 691.

Vicques, Vigues, John de, brings letters to Cobham from England, 76, 508, 652.

Victoria, Diego de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Vienna, 286.

-, Claude Antoine de, Seigneur de Clervant, with Cond, 32
-, goes to King of Navarre, 173
-, mentioned, 224, 246
-, marching for Monsieur's aid, 349
-, mentioned, 354, 370, 423, 521
-, to be sent from King of Navarre to French King, 668.

-, 'Viane,' Jacques de, son of above, serving States, 84, 497
-, dies at Antwerp, 605.

Vierendeel, Adriaen, Colonel, 577.

Vigues, John de. See Vicques.

Villa Nova [qy. de Milfontes], 442.

Villa Viciosa, King of Spain repays Duke of Braganza for damage done in, 105.

Villeneuve. See Cormont, Neufville.

-, Charlotte Catherine de, daughter of following, to marry Marquis of Conti instead of d'O, 361
-, to marry Count of 'Chosyne,' 414.

-, Ren de, one of the King's minions, Governor of Paris, 5, 63
-, Queen Mother has private conferences with, 94
-, inclined to favour breach with Spain, 104
-, appointed Commissioner to conduct negotiations between England and France, 106
-, 'private' with French King, 130
-, mentioned, 162, 187, 200, 225, 268, [?] 311
-, credit of, said to be decaying, 352
-, mentioned, 371
-, Burghley notes Marshal de Retz as enemy of, 469
-, to be Premier Gentilhomme de Chambre, 511
-, likely to be deprived of his office, 517
-, desires King's favour, 572.

Villeroy. See Neufville.

Villers, Villiers. See Zoete, Josse de.

Villesaison, M. de, comes to Monsieur from Cond, 698.

-, Vilvorde, 'Villeburg,' 'Villford,' Scottish soldiers mutiny at, 123, 167
-, French companies at, 419
-, Rochepot sent to, 432, 466
-, French to be sent to, 631
-, safe from enemy, 706
-, governed by council of war, 707
-, secured by capture of Alost, 715.

Villiers, M. de. See Loyseleur.

Villoslada, John Bus de, money owing to, 401.

Vimioso, Count. See Portugal, Don Francis of.

Vines, qy. of A, 554.

Virgil, quotation from, 235.

Visante, Martin, ship belonging to, robbed by English pirates, 477.

Visconti, Monsignor Gasparre, sent by Pope (as nuncio) to Malta, 407.

-, Giovanni Vincenzo, bastard son to Chiappino, to be given post of lieutenant to castellan at Rome
-, Governor of Avignon, 634.

Vitry, M. de Chtillon at, 95.

Vitz, Loys de, lieutenant to M. de Ryhove, 707.

Vivonne, Jean de, Sieur de Saint-Gouard, French Ambassador in Spain, 254.

-, Jeanne de, Mme. de Dampierre, 521, 572.

Vizines, M. de, returns from Switzerland, 32.

Vliet, M. de, Governor of Westerloo, 707.

Voocht, Nicholas de, echevin, 577.

Vorsthuys, Guillaume, usher to Council of State of Netherlands, 576.

Voyer, Ren de, Vicomte de Paulmy, envoy from Duke of Savoy to Princess of Lorraine, 508.

-, 'Vrey,' Jacques du, Sieur de Fontorte, 44, 62
-, dines with Cobham, 62
-, Commissioner from Monsieur to Elizabeth, and draws up list of marriage-commissioners, 62
-, French King's commission to, 81
-, mentioned, 87, 100
-, to take marriage contract to Monsieur, 216
-, mentioned, 225, 232
-, brings message to Cobham from French King, 243
-, repairs to Cobham and Somers, 263
-, mentioned, 268, 299, 305, 327, 331
-, his instructions, 553
-, expected in Antwerp with French King's resolution, 574
-, mentioned, 606
-, expected in Antwerp, 613
-, sent to King from Monsieur, 616
-, mentioned, 627
-, arrives in Antwerp, 698.

Vrun [or Vrini], Hauptmann, of Basel, Swiss Commissioner in Paris, 511.