Index: R

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: R', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: R". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Raby Castle, Middleton brought up at College near, 12.

Racassoue [qy. Racassone], Signor Juliano di, favourite of Duke of Florence, 7.

Racconigi, 'Racony.' See Cavour.

Ragusa, Turkish Ambassadors leave horses and jewels at, 405.

'Radlyffe, Egmonde, Mr.' See Ratclyffe, Egremond.

Rambouillet, M. de. See Angennes.

-, castle of, in Zealand, 518
-, Selles imprisoned at, 612.

Ramsden, Roger, English merchant at Amsterdam, 199, 680.

Ranavles, , master of George, 158.

Randall, (? Richard), papist, 668 (p. 622).

-, Charles de, quarrel between Laverdin and, 504
-, reconciled with Laverdin, 508
-, reported fight with Laverdin, 513
-, rumour concerning, untrue, 517
-, King sends for, 606.

-, 'Randall,' Thomas, English Ambassador in Scotland, interview with King of Scots, 21
-, mentioned, 115
-, tries to deliver Earl of Morton from prison, 182.

-, -, letter to, 657.

Rantzow, Henryck, the Rich, Stadtholder of 'Zegensbergh' (Segeberg), sent by King of Denmark to Spain, 590.

Rasillires, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

Rassenghien, Baron de. See Gand.

Ratclyffe, Egremond, allusion to his visit to Walsingham, 341.

-, Thomas, Earl of Sussex, Lord Chamberlain, Commissioners to dine with, 120, 152
-, mentioned, 233, 600, 633, 724.

Rauley, , 523.

Rawley (? Walter), to carry letter from Gilpin to Walsingham, 628.

R, 'Retz,' Ile de, rendezvous of French army for Portugal to be at, 209.

-, Reus, Reux, Dureau, M. de, 62, 182
-, visits Cobham, 203
-, mentioned, 352, 378.

Recan, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

Recanati, part of Piccolomini's band at, 407 (p. 381).

-, Philippe de, Seigneur de Licques, wishes Spaniards to come to Low Countries, 543
-, Governor of Louvain, 707 (2).

Reiner, Nicholas, ship-owner, complains of John Barker, 400.

-, i.e. the Protestant, 115, 117, 171
-, Swiss cantons send to Princes of, 275
-, reference to cause of, 418
-, mentioned, 538
-, ministers of, go to Monsieur in Antwerp, 581
-, in Antwerp papist assaults a citizen of, 583
-, favourite of Duke of Savoy said to be of, 607
-, Hochtmans fears that it will be rendered odious in Brussels, 608.

'Religion's frede'
-, the, 574
-, Monsieur wishes to keep, 580
-, people of Antwerp wish to agree to, 581
-, Monsieur requires maintenance of, 613
-, granted to Guelders, 621
-, Monsieur urges, 716 (p. 665).

Religion. See Huguenots.

Rennenburg. See Lalaing, Georges de.

Rennes, Court of Parliament at, 673.

Renty, M. de, with Monsieur, 293.

Requesens, Don Luis de, Comendador of Castile, reference to orders given by, to Mendoza, to stir up rebellion in England, 235.

Retius, Cornelis, echevin of Antwerp, 577.

Retz, Marshal of. See Gondi, Albert de.

-, Madame de. See Clermont de Dampierre.

Reulx, Count of. See Croy.

Reyes, Ciudad de los (i.e. Lima), in Peru, ship coming from, robbed by Englishmen, 401.

-, Jacques, Lord of Cauwenbrug, assistant in Chamber of Finances, 576
-, suspended, 676.

-, three Servites go to England from, 508
-, mentioned, 513
-, Englishmen admitted into Jesuit order at, 514
-, mentioned, 517, 521, 541, 572, 619
-, English Papists come to Paris from, 634
-, reference to seminary at, 668 (p. 622).

-, the, 235, 349, 551, 588, 642
-, Monsieur's reiters preparing to cross, 717.

Rhinegrave, Frederick, Count, in Paris, 370.

Rhyne, Franois van, Doctor of Laws, Privy Councillor of Netherlands, 576.

Rhynen, Charles van, Lord of Nieuwenborch, serving in Council of State, 576.

-, Alexander, Cardinal, offers Spanish King money to continue enterprise in Ireland and England, 63
-, expected at Rome, 94
-, Spanish King gives pension to, 130.

-, , brother of above, commandery of St. Jaques given to, 130.

Ribera, Peter John de, money owing to, 401.

Richard, 'Ingham's man,' to be made priest at Rheims, 572.

Richards, 'Rigors,' Captain Henry, does good service for Don Antonio at Terceira, 366, 367, 439, 568.

-, -, letters from, 425, 442.

Richebourg, Risbourg, a 'signory' in Artois, title of Marquis of, conferred by Philip II on the Viscount of Ghent. See Melun.

Richelieu. See Plessis, Franois du.

Richmond, 21, 343, 388.

-, letters dated at, 360, 365, 370, 386, 387, 393.

Ricquet, Steven, Colonel, 577.

-, Martin van, Bishop of Ypres, prisoner at Ghent, 239
-, made Bishop of Tournay, 431.

-, Raux. See Coligny, Franois de
-, du Puy du Val.

Rimini, Bishop of. See Castelli.

Ringoult. See Reingoud.

Rinsart. See Montigny.

'Riova', M. de. See Kethulle.

Risbourg. See Richebourg.

-, Robles, Henry, of Bristol, Captain, 439
-, translation of deposition made by, 440
-, mentioned, 442, 478
-, takes Portuguese caravels, 501
-, depredations of, 534
-, deposition made by Rodrigues of robbery committed by, 558
-, mentioned, 672, 720.

-, Gaspard de, Seigneur de Billy, Rogers' horses given by Schenck to, 235
-, Spaniards to be sent to Grningen under, 580.

Roche, Marquis de la, preparing shipping near Brest and Vannes, 76.

Roche-Breton, M. de la, with Monsieur, 293.

-, 'Roche-de-Brun,' Captain, 344, 419
-, sent to Monsieur from Prince of Orange, 448
-, sent to France by Monsieur, 627.

Roche-du-Mayne, M. de la, with Monsieur, 293.

-, Franois, Comte de la, Strozzi seeks to marry his sister, 32
-, mentioned, 33, 85
-, received by Queen Mother, 94
-, promises to help Strozzi in enterprise of Portugal, 130
-, mentioned, 190
-, comes to Antwerp, 706, 717.

Rocheguyon. See Silby, Henri de.

Roche-Joubert, M. de la, lieutenant to Prince Dauphin, 155.

-, la, 33, 62
-, merchant of, 94
-, men of, 162
-, mentioned, 163
-, ships for Don Antonio preparing at, 190, 209
-, Portuguese carvell arrives at, 223
-, mentioned, 423
-, ships preparing for Don Antonio at, 562
-, mentioned, 572
-, Don Antonio's preparations feared to be for, 693 (p. 638)
-, Huguenot princes keep Easter at, 700.

-, letters dated at, 682, 720.

Rochepot. See Silly, Antoine de.

Roches-Barritot, M. de la, quarrel between Count of Lude and, 190.

Rochester, Commissioners to be at, 152.

Roderigo, Signor. See Sousa, John Rodriguez de.

Rodez in Rouergue, county of, French king seeks to purchase from King of Navarre, 619.

Rodriguez, Bartholomew, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Rodrigues, Roderiges, Rodregous, Jasper, master of the St. John, 528, 534
-, disposition made by, 558.

-, John, ship belonging to, captured by Englishmen, 558.

-, Peter, priest, money owing to, 401.

Roelands, Jacques, Doctor of Laws, Privy Councillor of Netherlands, 576.

Rogers, Ambrose, brother of following, 235.

-, Daniel, 9, 68
-, in great want and calamity, 79
-, Hoddesdon sends money to, 83
-, touching the liberation of, 126, 157
-, mentioned, 167, 199
-, King Philip sends orders for his strict imprisonment, 239
-, Lesieur dispatched on business of 612
-, to be released, 617
-, mentioned (?), 710.

-, -, letters from, 46, 47, 57, 170, 235.

-, Ren, Vicomte de, at Rochelle, 94
-, ships belonging to, leave Nantes, 95
-, mentioned, 99, 162
-, does good service for Huguenots, 606
-, accompanies King of Navarre to Saint-Maixent, 668
-, at Rochelle, 700.

Rohan, Franoise de, Dame de Garnache, Duchess of Loudunois (Lodonoyse), her son to be Grand Prior of Auvergne, 45, 94, 117.

Roissi, Rossi, M. de. See Mesmes.

Roman Catholics
-, leave Bruges for France, 72
-, displaced from chief churches in Antwerp, 168, 173, 240
-, Scottish Ambassador hopes James VI will become, 246
-, Mary of Scotland wishes them to live in Scotland without vexation, 361
-, free exercise of religion granted to, in Scotland, 371
-, Bishop of Ross orders prayers in his diocese for deliverance of, 424
-, Rochepot's soldiers are, 447
-, meeting of chief, at Paris, 454
-, said to have been worsted in Ireland, 479
-, mentioned, 513, 521
-, at Rheims, 541
-, mentioned, 550, 560 (2)
-, English, in Paris, 572
-, to be allowed certain churches in Brabant and Flanders, 574
-, in Antwerp, go to mass at Monsieur's lodgings, 583
-, urgent to have mass restored in Antwerp, 585
-, Martinists join with, 590
-, allowed to exercise religion in Antwerp till end of war, 593
-, allowed to attend mass at St. Michael's in Antwerp, 594
-, terms on which St Michael's is granted to, 602, 603
-, hope to have churches in all towns of Flanders, 605
-, in Paris, report that Pope has secretly excommunicated Monsieur and Elizabeth, 606
-, in Ghent, use stout speeches, 611
-, Theron sent to Brussels to have church for, 612
-, in Low Countries ordered to abjure King of Spain, 613
-, English reference to bull published in favour of, 619
-, to leave Antwerp, unless they abjure King of Spain, 627
-, in Antwerp make intercession for Prince of Orange's heath, 642
-, all important matters in Antwerp pass through hands of, 698.

Roman religion
-, marriage of Elizabeth with Monsieur would prejudice, 508
-, Scottish noblemen swear to maintain, 517
-, attempt to restore free exercise of, in Antwerp, 585
-, churches in Antwerp and Brussels allowed for exercise of, 605
-, no exercise of, to be allowed in provinces, 612.

-, English Roman 'sectuaries' resort to, 5
-, mentioned, 16
-, news from, 44
-, mentioned, 57, 75, 79
-, Portuguese Ambassador at, recalled by Spanish King, 86
-, consistory of, 94
-, news from, 105
-, Pope wishes Emperor of Muscovy to submit to see of, 117
-, mentioned, 118, 130, 139, 162, 191, 203
-, Englishmen imprisoned in, 275, 361
-, Bishop of Ross goes to, 371
-, mentioned, 389
-, news from, 407
-, Englishman comes to Venice from, 417
-, news of Desmond's capture sent to, 513
-, mentioned, 521, 541, 550
-, Spanish Commissioners go to, 572
-, news from, 574
-, Captains sent to, by King of Spain, 588
-, mentioned, 607, 619, 634
-, few princes' minds zealously bent against tyranny of, 669
-, gazette from, 687.

Romegas, Cavaliere Maturin, knight of Malta, chief of the faction against the grand Master, left to govern Malta, 407.

Ronees, near Angers, 95.

-, de, Treasurer of the Exchequer in Netherlands, 576
-, suspended, 676.

Ronck, enemy expected at, 329.

Ronsan, M. de, advocate, brother-in-law to Scottish queen's secretary, 275.

Roper (? Thomas), of King's Bench, papist, 521, 550.

Roque. See Secondat.

-, , gentleman of Monsieur's, comes to Antwerp with Monsieur, 293
-, one of the Paris 'massacrers,' 560 (2).

'Rosas', M. [qy. Guillaume Rose], the French queen's preacher, 521.

Rose, John, power of attorney granted by Consuls and Senate of Cologne to, 708.

Ross, Bishop of. See Leslie, John.

-, Jacques, of Burgundy, muster-master and correspondent, 172
-, reference to letters from, 395, 512, 600
-, copy of commission to, 678.

-, -, letters from, 40, 78, 108, 173, 499, 510, 535, 541, 560, 561, 581, 594, 604, 614, 630, 638, 663, 676, 699.

Rotherhithe, 'Radderif,' 550.

Rotterdam, Gilpin's expenses at, 41.

-, 7, 12, 63
-, English merchants at, 94
-, mentioned, 116, 162, 190
-, Mousieur enters, with companies of foot, 200, 203
-, staple to be established at, 326
-, mentioned, 392
-, Bishop of Ross and gentlemen of Normandy meet at, 424
-, mentioned, 444
-, Spanish vessels coming from taken by English pirates, 477, 478
-, merchant of, 492
-, river of, 550.

-, letter dated at, 637.

Rousbrugge, 193, 213.

-, 'Russelers,' 'Rowsselar,' (Roulers), Risbourg and Montigny come to, 446, 486, 532
-, Risbourg retires from, 543
-, enemy's horse near, 563
-, Malcontents' army near, 574
-, Germans at, mutiny for pay, 582, 605
-, enemy's camp raised from, 613.

Roussy, Roissi. See Mesmes.

Roux, Louis, merchant of Bordeaux, letter to, 17.

-, Charles Franois, baron de Mdavy, 309
-, to have a priory, 631.

Roy, Jacques le, sells powder to munitionmasters of Antwerp, 88.

Royon, M. de, Governor of Bourbourg, 707 (2).

Rucellai, Italian financier, 606.

Rudolf II
-, Emperor, 7
-, proposed marriage with Spanish Princess, 9
-, Rogers sent as Ambassador from Elizabeth to, 46
-, ill, 94
-, Bohemians make difficulty in consenting to demands of, 117
-, mentioned, 126, 130, 139
-, summons meeting of Hanse Towns and Electors, 165
-, Count of East Friesland sends to Court of, 165, 166
-, Gilpin dispatched with letters from Elizabeth to, 168, 199
-, mentioned, 203
-, his dealings with Hanse towns, 211
-, Rogers captured on mission from Elizabeth to, 235
-, mentioned, 254
-, marries King Philip's eldest daughter, 275
-, Grand Signior invites to be godfather to his son, 285
-, Gilpin's proceedings at Court of, 286
-, mentioned, 389
-, intends to hold a Diet, 407
-, mentioned, 462
-, Hanse Towns solicit, against Count of East Friesland, 545
-, refers case of Hanse Towns to Diet, 547
-, proposes to call Diet, 548
-, Court of, French said to be busy at, 574
-, reference to Rogers' detention whilst on mission to, 617
-, harbingers of, at Augsburg, 621
-, wishes to understand Elizabeth's proceedings with, 645
-, appoints commissioners in regard to affairs at Aix, 698
-, Hanse Towns sue to, 704 (p. 650)
-, mentioned, 716
-, Monsieur wishes to keep to orders of, in government of States, 722.

Ruffec, M. de, governor of Angoulme, King of Navarre persuades Cond to receive into favour, 619.

Rugenwald, letter dated at, 506.

Ruisborch, M. de, governor of Limburg, 707 (2).

Ruisseau, M. du, Queen of Scots wishes to receive statement of affairs in London from, 639.

Ruiz, Alonso, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Rummen. See Mrode.

Ruremonde, governor of, 707 (2).

Russell, Gregory, servant to Gilpin, 645.

-, John Lord, reference to letters from, 275.

-, Muscovy, 542
-, discussion of English trade with, 689, 704 (p. 649).

Ruthven, William, Earl of Gowrie, 'le Sieur de Revan,' Lord Treasurer of Scotland, reference to letter from, 583.

Rycards, , priest from Abingdon, 541.

Rydle, John, secretary to Countess of Westmoreland, 12.

-, news of Monsieur's landing at, 416
-, mentioned, 541.

Ryhove. See Kethulle.