Index: P

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: P', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: P". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Padilla, Diego de, money owing to, 401.

Padua, 85.

-, letter dated at, 323.

Page, Thomas, late servant to Lord Mordaunt, 517.

-, , papist in Paris, 619.

Paget, Charles, papist conspirator in Paris, 550, 573, 607, 634.

Palamos, Duke of Terranova at, 130 (p. 124).

Palatinate, the, Dietz Schomberg born in, 551.

-, Countess, godmother to Prince of Orange's daughter, 574, 585
-, her death, 693 (p. 638), 719.

-, Elector. See Lewis.

Palensuella, Francis de, money owing to, 401.

Paleota, Cardinal, confirms confederacy between Pope and Duke of Savoy, 275.

'Palestina', Palestrina, bravo of, 7.

Pallacino, Christopher de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Horatio, merchant, Elizabeth's debt to, 26, 27, 28
-, mentioned, 41
-, draught of instructions for Hoddesdon to deal in account of money of, 149
-, mentioned, 272
-, Elizabeth writes about debt due to, 355
-, reference to money due to, 451
-, Monsieur orders Burghley to pay money to, 456
-, loan to, from Elizabeth, 484
-, reference to interest due to, 497
-, mentioned, 523
-, Monsieur requests Burghley to pay money to, 536
-, mentioned, 595, 600.

-, -, letter to, 539.

Pampador, M. See Pompadour.

Pampeluna, Spanish King furnishes, with a new garrison, 85.

-, 304
-, money taken from people of, by Englishmen, 401.

Panhuys, Peeter, Echevin, of Antwerp, 577.

Panneusse, M. de, in Prince Dauphin's train, 155.

Panny, Viscount of, 155.

Papal legate, in Spain, urges King of Spain to send aid to Irish, 479.

Pape, Jan de, Echevin, 577.

Parais, Lancelot, Receiver General, 576.

-, Valentine, Seigneur de la Motte, La Motte of Gravelines, quarrels with M. Salet, 10
-, with Spaniards at Gravelines, 10
-, mentioned, 58, 80
-, at Poperingen, 98
-, goes to England with Commissioners, 155
-, at Gravelines, 186, 193
-, descends suddenly on States' camp, with large force, 213
-, mentioned, 213
-, repulsed at Loo, 215
-, sent to Compigne in command of King's guards, 228
-, tries to persuade towns in Low Countries to take in soldiers, 328
-, near Lille, 335
-, delivers Gravelines
-, wishes Spaniards to come to Low Countries, 543
-, wishes to attack Dunkirk, 594
-, prepares to besiege some towns, 611
-, at the camp, 612
-, wishes to besiege Dunkirk, 613
-, Governor of Gravelines, 707 (2).

Pardini, Sebastian, letter from, to Philip Sidney, 64.

Paredes, Peter Alonso de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, 6, 7, 16, 24, 25 (2), 42, 45, 53, 62, 75, 78, 84
-, Commissioners leave, 85, 100? King leaves, 85
-, mentioned, 94, 95
-, Duchess of Parma in, 105
-, mentioned, 114, 116, 117, 122, 162, 182
-, Monsieur suspected of making a party in, 190
-, mentioned, 191, 200, 201, 203, 210, 224, 225, 228, 245
-, money sent to, from Spain, 246
-, mentioned, 268, 275
-, Walsingham sent to, 277, 288
-, mentioned, 325, 334
-, rumour of maskers in, 348
-, mentioned, 361, 378, 389
-, Duke of Petit Pierre refers to his visit to, 390
-, Turkish ambassadors come to, 405
-, Don Antonio prepares to leave, 406
-, mentioned, 423
-, reference to massacrer from, 560 (2)
-, mentioned, 567
-, M. d' Argenlieu dies at, 605
-, mentioned, 613
-, Monsieur receives money from, 614
-, letter from, found on Prince of Orange's assassinator, 618
-, Queen of Navarre desires to come to, 652
-, mentioned, 657
-, King of Navarre proposes to go to, 668
-, mentioned, 712.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 64, 82, 87, 102, 114, 162, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 228, 236, 245, 246, 247, 250, 252, 261, 268, 271, 275, 289, 291, 295, 296, 298, 299, 301, 302, 303, 311, 312, 315, 318, 324, 330, 336, 338, 340, 341, 348, 351, 352, 353, 357, 361, 362, 363, 370, 371, 379, 389, 391, 392, 406, 407, 408, 409, 413, 414, 418, 423, 424, 428, 433, 434, 438, 443, 444, 454, 487, 492, 493, 505, 508, 511, 513, 514, 516, 517, 521, 522, 540, 541, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 566, 572, 573, 589, 606, 607, 616, 619, 633, 634, 635, 652, 653, 657, 667, 668, 669, 670, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 695, 696, 700.

Paris, Bishop of. See Gondi.

-, Parlement of, 16, 94
-, procureurs of, at Blois, 130
-, mentioned, 190
-, Monsieur writes to, 210, 224
-, mentioned, 318, 424
-, takes part of Franciscans against nuncio, 606
-, mentioned, 634
-, Monsieur writes to, 668
-, mentioned, 696.

-, of England, 49, 55, 62, 150
-, King of Scot' and wishes his right of succession to be declared in, 182
-, mentioned, 183, 184, 189, 710.

Parma, Duchess of. See Margaret.

-, Prince of. See Farnese.

-, State of, 7
-, news from, 139.

-, Robert, English Jesuit, 513
-, reference to letters from, 541
-, mentioned, 668 (p. 622).

Passy, Rochepot's troops cross Seine near, 162.

Pau, King of Navarre leaves, 268.

Paul IV. See Caraffa.

Paulmy. See Voger.

Paulo, Pawle, Cobham's Italian messenger, 391, 392, 492, 540, 541, 569.

-, 16
-, murders committed by students at, 588.

Payne, Jeremy, brings letters to Dr Allen, 550.

Paz, Luis de, 'Lues Depase,' report of, on Spinoln's succession, 158.

Pedrassa, Francis, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Pellev, Nicolas de, Cardinal Archbishop of Sees, 130 (p. 124).

Pels, Bartolomeus, Colonel, 577.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Henry.

Pena, de, physician, letters from, 428, 525.

Penhilla, Diego Ruiz de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, Count Girolamo, flees from Bologna to Venice, 7 (p. 10)
-, returns to Bologna, to Bologna, 16 (p. 23).

Percy, Henry, Earl of Northumberland, 12, 369.

-, Henry, Lord, son of above, 362
-, visits Cobham, who 'fears the worst will happen to him,' 607.

Peres, Gaspar, money owing to, 401.

Percy, Isabell, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Perico, 'Cacafuego' anchors at, after being spoiled by Drake, 401.

Prigueux, Matignon and Bellivre sent to take order in 'rendering' of, 318.

Perillac, M. de, reference to quarrel between Douy and, 7 (p. 6).

-, Fervacques lodging at, 130
-, mentioned, 228
-, money to be sent to, from England, 325.

-, Anthony, Cardinal Granvelle, letters from, intercepted, 16
-, wishes to return to Netherlands, 40
-, mentioned, 43
-, reference to intercepted letter from, 45
-, expected at Rome, 94
-, reference to letter from, 407
-, not sufficient to to undertake government alone, 573.

-, Frederick, Baron de Renaix, Seigneur de Champagny (Franche-Comt), discussion of his release, 239
-, rumour of his death, 581
-, suggested exchange of, for la Noue, 612, 643.

-, M. de, former name of Marshal de Retz, 361
-, and see Albert de.

Perrot, Sir Thomas, brings letter to Cobham, 340.

-, the 'Sophy,' 'Sophia,' 'Soffi,' 371
-, marriage of his eldest son, 407
-, mentioned, 588
-, makes peace with Turks, 698, 716.

Persia, Turkish troops sent into, 130.

-, desire peace with Turks, 7
-, repulse Turks, 45, 105.

-, Strozzi wishes Elizabeth would command enterprise to be made on, 84
-, mentioned, 176, 401.

-, Charles d' Escars de, Bishop of Langres, quarrel between Lancosme and, 16
-, mentioned, 668.

-, Jean de. See Escars.

Petit-Pierre, Duke of. See George Hans.

Petruche, Pedro Luis, money owing to, 401.

Peyrussis, Captain Anselme. See Anselme.

'Pezzopayo'. See Zapayo.

Pfalzburg, letter dated at, 378.

Pfeiffer (?)
-, 'Phyfer,' Pfyffer, Lodewyck, of Lucerne, Colonel, 275
-, has long conference with Queen Mother, 511.

Philip II
-, King of Spain, 5
-, with army at Elvas, 6, 7
-, arranges marriages for his daughters and is crowned King of Portugal, 9
-, makes preparation by land and sea, 13
-, his dealing in Ireland, 16
-, Lord of Arbrothe half won to, 21
-, rumours concerning, 24
-, Malcontents agree to receive aid from, 35
-, preparing forces against Netherlands, 40
-, indisposed, 44, 45
-, his dealing in Saluces, 45
-, pretends enterprise against France, 49
-, makes league against England, 55
-, his proscription against Prince of Orange, 56
-, 'ruses' of his officers, 57
-, sends Spaniards and Italians to Low Countries, 60
-, his ambition to be 'impeached,' 62
-, Pope and, deliver prisoners to each other, 62
-, Henry III proposes to break with, if Elizabeth will do the same, 63
-, mentioned, 64, 75
-, practises in Languedoc, 75
-, seeks to levy mariners in Brittany and Provence, 76
-, minds to come in person to Netherlands, 77
-, 'the Spaniard,' will back Duke of Guise, 78
-, Strozzi desires to give annoyance to, 84
-, Don Antonio sends to, for pardon, 85
-, league framing between Pope, Venetians and, 85
-, mentioned, 86
-, arming by sea, 87
-, intends to keep three estates at Tomar or Abrantes, 92
-, mentioned, 93
-, established in Portugal, 94
-, Queen Mother fears, 97
-, Fregoso discovered to be pensioner of, 104
-, preparing ships, 105
-, 'increases' his title, 105
-, mentioned, 109, 115
-, galleys of, 117
-, changing all the governors of Italy, 117
-, houses in Lisbon prepared for, 118
-, mentioned, 125
-, proclamation by, of amnesty for those who took part in Don Antonio's rebellion, 128
-, Taxis tries to maintain amity between French sovereigns and, 130
-, mentioned, 139
-, greatness of, to be checked, 141
-, mentioned, 148, 150, 157, 158
-, labours hard to agree with Don Antonio, 162
-, sends money to Malcontents, 167
-, mentioned, 170
-, Portuguese wish Elizabeth to break with, 176
-, reference to proscription of, laid on Prince of Orange, 178
-, mentioned, 180, 182
-, Elizabeth will not be driven into war with, 188
-, reference to marriage of, with Queen Mary, 189
-, mentioned, 190
-, Count Vimioso wishes to recover crown of Portugal from, 197
-, crowned at Tomar, 200
-, report of his intended marriage with 'Queen Blanche' of France, 203
-, Don Antonio asks Elizabeth for aid against, 207
-, dangerous for Don Antonio to attempt anything against, without assistance from Elizabeth and French King, 208
-, reference to coronation of, at Tomar, 209
-, mentioned, 224
-, necessary for France and England to enter into confederacy, to stay growing greatness of, 225
-, most of Portugal submitted to, 228
-, mentioned, 235
-, necessary to check greatness of, 242, 243, 245
-, levies Swiss, 246
-, isle of Tercera refuses to yield to, 248
-, Tassis writes to, 253, 254, 355, 256
-, Giraldi ready in service of, 260
-, gathering great armies in Spain and Italy, 263
-, mentioned, 275
-, Duke of Anjou in actual war against, 277
-, means to arrest greatness of, 278
-, mentioned, 280, 281
-, Flizabeth wishes to join with France to abate greatness of, 282
-, mentioned, 286, 304
-, said to be plotting with Scotland, 311
-, mentioned, 331, 334
-, intends to have his son crowned, 344
-, mentioned, 356, 364, 366, 370
-, Pope renews league with, 371
-, English and French at Teroeira resolved not to surrender to, 387
-, executed by 'picture' at Terceira, 389
-, mentioned, 392, 397
-, money owing to, 401
-, mentioned, 402, 405, 406
-, Pinart thinks Elizabeth will be drawn into war with, 407
-, at Lisbon, 407
-, mentioned, 408
-, truce between Turks and, 414
-, Elizabeth wishes French King to denounce war against, if he attacks England, 415
-, reference to former attack on Venice, 417
-, levies Italian ensigns, 424
-, reference to French King's desire to oppose greatness of, 433
-, mentioned, 434, 438
-, said to be making ready shipping for Terceira, 442
-, Archduke Matthias to to be Governor-General in Low Countries for, 448
-, wishes to marry one of his daughters to Monsieur, 455
-, Don Antonio takes ship and goods of, 457
-, greatness of, to be attributed to French weakness and negligence, 459
-, mentioned, 474
-, Pope's legate urges, to aid Irish, 479
-, account of character of, 480
-, mentioned, 482
-, said to be insisting on having Cambray back, 499
-, at Lisbon, 502
-, mentioned, 508, 511
-, prepares troops in Italy for Low Countries, 512
-, takes order in affairs of Low Countries, 515
-, Malcontents declare Monsieur and French to be enemies of, 519
-, reference to letter from, 523
-, Prince of Orange gives orders on behalf of, 527
-, mentioned, 534, 541
-, questions put to Council of State of Netherlands to renounce, 548
-, Queen Mother does not wish to enter into war with, 553
-, arms of, said to have been thrown down in Naples, 562
-, intends to invade Ireland, 572
-, French King does not like Monsieur to undertake enterprise to prejudice of, 573
-, Duke of Guise said to have written to, accusing Monsieur of plotting to usurp Low Countries from, 574
-, hope that Monsieur will withstand forces of, 580
-, Canary Isles and St. Michael in revolt against, 581
-, people of Artois and Hainault mean to hold and defend country for, 582
-, offers his daughter as wife to Monsieur, 583
-, Cardinal de Medici in charge of business of, with Church, 588
-, mentioned, 590
-, papists in Antwerp to be allowed freedom of religion if they will renounce, 594, 599, 603
-, French King writes assurance to, that he will not help Monsieur, 606
-, sends forces to Low Countries, 612
-, arms of, detached by storm from gate of Antwerp, 613
-, Protestants and Catholics ordered to abjure, 613
-, disunited provinces send Ambassadors to, 614
-, Queen Mother offers to recall French from Terceira, if he will withdraw troops from Portugal, 616
-, is content that Rogers should be released, 617
-, takes ship from Zubiaur, 620
-, Prince of Orange's assassination planned by, 621
-, mentioned, 624
-, Monsieur accuses, of assassination of Prince, 627
-, mentioned, 628
-, Prince of Orange's wound a great reproach to, 631
-, instigator of attack on Prince of Orange, 634
-, Parma writes to towns to submit to, 638, 640
-, Montigny thinks he will be of use to, 642
-, Parma urges towns to submit to, 643, 646
-, mentioned, 649
-, rumour that he will put himself on defensive in Low Countries, 666
-, said to be making levies in Lombardy and Milan, 667
-, obtains money from the Fuggers, 668 (p. 622)
-, copy of oath of abjuration of, 674, 675
-, Madeira revolts against, 676
-, Prince of Orange a good friend to, 691
-, not necessary for Low Countries to abjure, 693 (p. 637)
-, governors, etc., for places in Low Countries held for, 707 (2)
-, reference to insurrection in England contrived by ministers of, 712
-, mentioned, 716
-, reiters getting ready for, 717
-, mentioned, 720
-, Monsieur willing to protect States from tyranny of, 722
-, association made by England and France to annoy, 723.

-, letters from, 90, 239, 308, 314.

-, letters to, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 721.

-, Prince of Spain, son of Spanish King, 7
-, King intends to have crowned, 344
-, better preparations at Ghent for Monsieur than were made for, 583.

-, infantry coming to reinforce, 636
-, governor of, 707 (2).

Phillips, (?) John, Walsingham's servant, 324, 438.

Piacenza, citadel of, Duke of Parma asks to have, 275.

Pibrac. See Faur.

-, 30, 87
-, Monsieur's camp in, 342
-, soldiers in, take purses, 392
-, mentioned, 418, 443
-, Biron to go into, 521, 572
-, French King sends garrisons into, 619.

-, Alessandro, of Monte Maricano, 407
-, Duke of Florence shows favour to, 521.

-, towns in, governed by Spanish faction, 117
-, Marshal de Retz to be sent into, 361
-, companies being levied in, 670.

Piedmontese, assembly of, held at Marchville, 548.

Piennes, M. de. See Hallewyn, Charles de.

Pierrecourte, M. See Moy, Jacques de.

Pierredor. See Dor.

Piers, John, Bishop of Salisbury, 585.

Pigalle, , servant to Monsieur, 369.

Pigott, Captain, sent with company to Bruges, 424.

Pilcher, Thomas, papist, fellow of Balliol (?), ('Baly Hall'), Oxford, goes to Rheims, 572, 619.

Pimentel, Vasco Francisco, Governor of fortress of St. George of Amina, 179.

-, Claude, Sieur de Cramailles, Baron of Vallois, French Secretary of State, 5
-, appointed Commissioner from Duke of Anjou to Elizabeth, 6, 7
-, Cobham's conference with, 7
-, attending on Queen Mother, 16
-, Cobham receives letter from, 24
-, mentioned, 32, 33, 36, 44
-, reference to letter from, 45
-, makes enquiries of Cobham's servant, 49
-, dines with Cobham, 62
-, authorised Commissioner from Monsieur to Elizabeth, 62
-, conversation with Cobham, 63
-, mentioned, 75
-, French King's commission to, 81
-, mentioned, 104
-, 'inward' with Queen Mother, 104
-, appointed commissioner to conduct negotiations between France and England, 106
-, mentioned, 182, 187, 228, 243, 245, 261
-, interview of, with Cobham and Somers, 263
-, mentioned, 268, 292
-, appointed to repair to England, to press Elizabeth to final resolution, 303
-, mentioned, 305, 325
-, sent to Monsieur, 361
-, may go to England, 362
-, mentioned, 389, 392
-, goes to England, 407
-, mentioned, 433
-, reference to audience of, with Elizabeth, 449
-, mentioned, 454, 486, 489
-, in England, 4 3
-, mentioned, 504, 508
-, instructions brought from England by, 553
-, mentioned, 570
-, confers with Cobham, 573
-, reference to audience of, with French King, 574
-, Cobham visits, 616
-, mentioned, 635
-, repairs to Cobham, 696.

-, -, letters from, 25 (2), 74, 100 (?), 216.

-, Claude, Viscount of Comblizy, son of above, 32, 182
-, sent with dispatch to Monsieur, 210
-, mentioned, 216, 492, 504, 521, 541.

Pine, le. See Lespine.

Pinheda, Balthasar Antonio de, money owing to, 401.

Pinione, Andrew, 158.

Pitigliano, Castle of, Duke of Florence gets possession of, 7.

Plainpied. See Tolte.

Plessis, Franois du, Seigneur de Richelieu, Grand Prvost, 93.

-, M. du. See Mornay, Philippe de.

Plymouth, 158, 531.

Pointz, Robert, buys up States' obligations and arrests merchants from Netherlands, 376.

Poissy, Don Antonio at, 370.

Poitiers, 95, 99, 606.

Poitiers, Diane de, Duchess of Valentinois, French King buys house from heirs of, 348.

-, horse coming from, to serve Monsieur, 228
-, Lord Hamilton intends to retire to, 268
-, mentioned, 428 Strozzi writes from, 454
-, Bishop of Ross intends to go into, 517
-, Bishop of Glasgow goes to, 540
-, mentioned, 606
-, King of Navarre makes reconciliations between gentlemen of different religions in, 619
-, mentioned, 657.

-, Livonia to be given to, 94
-, mentioned, 130
-, reference to journey of King of France to, 260.

Poland, King of. See Stephen.

Pollwiller, Colonel, regiment of, before Oudenarde, 706.

'Polonoyes Bouroskyes' [Boroskis]. See Boroschy.

Pomerania, Duke of. See Casimir.

-, 'Pampador,' Louis, Viscount de, in command of forces for relief of Cambrai, 62
-, goes with Monsieur to Flanders, 293.

Pont-Dormi, on the Somme, Monsieur at, 356.

Pont-Saint-Pierre, M., Bishop of Ross has conference with, 424.

Pont-Saint-Pierre, Bishop of Ross and gentlemen of Normandy meet at, 424.

Pooley, ? Richard, English Papist in Paris, 634.

-, Poperinghe, 89, 98, 217
-, enemy's forces at, 631, 683 (p. 637).

Porte de la Pille, companies of M. de Lancosme at, 95.

Porto Fino, company of Spaniards at, 407.

Portu, Nicholas de, imperial notary, 111.

-, Stephen de, son of above, 111.

-, King Philip's dealings with, 5
-, French ships driven from, by tempest, 7
-, Empress wishes to be regent in, 7
-, mentioned, 9
-, King of Spain makes preparation against, 13
-, mentioned, 16, 21
-, French succours return from, 24
-, French ship sent to, 33
-, mentioned, 40, 45, 47, 55
-, no States' ships allowed to trade with, 60
-, King of, 64
-, Strozzi desires to frame enterprise for, 84
-, Ambassador of, at Rome, recalled by Spanish King, 86
-, mentioned, 87
-, great seeking for Don Antonio in, 92
-, mentioned, 94
-, King Philip established in, 94
-, Monsieur gives audience to 'principal person' from, 95
-, mentioned, 99, 103
-, French King's dislike of Spanish invasion of, 104
-, mentioned, 105, 106
-, King of, conditions to be propounded to, 109
-, mentioned, 117, 118
-, Monsieur desires enterprise of, 130
-, Spanish King holds Cortes of, 139
-, mentioned, 143, 144, 146, 148, 162, 163, 164, 170
-, Sousa wishes to obtain help from Elizabeth for, 176, 180
-, mentioned, 182, 190, 206
-, women never succeed to crown of, 207
-, Strozzi will forsake cause of, unless paid by Count Vimioso, 220
-, King of Spain allowed to proceed with 'recovery' of, 225
-, principal people of, submit to obedience of King of Spain, 228
-, Elizabeth's idea of sending Rogers to, 235
-, King Philip holds Cortes of, 239
-, no preparations in France for enterprise for, 250
-, mentioned, 254, 256
-, King Philip gathering armies against, 263
-, Elizabeth wishes to make league with France to help, 263
-, German foot to be sent to, 275
-, attitude of France towards, 278
-, King of Spain's greatness to be withstood in, 282
-, England ancient ally of, 366
-, Drake helps cause of, 367
-, affairs of, 389
-, mentioned, 408, 412, 434, 457
-, Sousa wishes to convey himself out of, 459
-, mentioned, 474
-, Knollys takes merchant ships coming from, 478
-, news from, 479
-, mentioned, 482
-, Spaniards fortifying themselves in realm of, 499
-, Malespina does not wish French King to enterprise anything towards, 508
-, mentioned, 530
-, Schomberg wishes to join Strozzi's enterprise of, 551
-, Governor of Terceira thanks Walsingham for help given to restore Don Antonio to crown of, 568
-, probable revolt in, 573
-, mentioned, 574
-, Prince of Orange sends for principal merchants of, 613
-, Queen Mother offers to recall French from Terceira, if King Philip will withdraw forces from, 616
-, mentioned, 657
-, Queen Mother sends vessels to, 666
-, reference to English trade with, 704 (p. 650)
-, points as to how King of Spain may be annoyed in, 723.

-, Governors of, 190, 207.

-, Don Francis of, Count of Vimioso, 'Vymyos,' with Don Antonio, 92
-, with Monsieur at Bordeaux, 95, 99, 117, 118
-, mentioned, 122
-, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128
-, mentioned, 130
-, memorandum in hand of, 142
-, mentioned, 144
-, Wade holds conference with, 146
-, Prim brings letters to, 147
-, Cobham visits, 148
-, King of Spain offers Calabria and Puglia to, 162
-, Prim out of favour with, 163
-, wishes to confer with Cobham, 164
-, conducts negotiations with Don Antonio, 180
-, Cobham visits at Tours, 190
-, hopes for Elizabeth's favour to Portuguese, 191
-, mentioned, 200
-, has audience of French King, 209
-, wishes to visit Elizabeth, 219, 220
-, reference to letter from, 223
-, mentioned, 228
-, kinsman of, said to be in England under name of Don Antonio, 249
-, has jewels in his custody, 250
-, Tassis writes concerning, 254
-, has received favours from French King, 256
-, mentioned, 263, 268, 271, 284
-, intends to go to England, 318
-, mentioned, 340, 366
-, said to have separated from Don Antonio, 454
-, Waad's account of conferences with Sousa and, 459
-, mentioned, 513, 517.

-, -, letters from, 175, 197, 219.

-, Don Joo de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

-, Manuel de, amnesty not granted by King of Spain to, 128.

Portugal, ambassador of, in France. See Barreto.

-, have not received much help from France, 7
-, brought into subjection to King of Spain, 24
-, solicit help fromElizabeth, 47
-, gentlemen at Tours, 63
-, desire to have Cardinal Alberto of Austria as their viceroy, 105
-, three, to be in every English ship serving Don Antonio, 143
-, seasoned with evil opinions of Elizabeth and Huguenots, 162
-, hope for Elizabeth's favour, 191
-, desire to be delivered from Spanish government, 209
-, gentleman, English slaves given to, by Turk, 221
-, carvell arrives at Rochelle, 223
-, land at Calais in disguise, 256
-, reference to letter to be translated into, 356
-, entire reliance not to be placed in, 366
-, under great obligation to Drake, 367
-, vanity ofaction of, discredits them with French, 370
-, enterprise, Count Brissac levies soldiers for, 379
-, mentioned, 392
-, Don Antonio hopes English nation will help 406
-, old Spanish soldiers unwilling to serve against, 407
-, discontented with government of Spaniards, 424
-, call Elizabeth their lady, 439
-, reference to ship taken by, 450
-, caravels taken by Roberts, 501
-, merchants, 528
-, to be allowed to sell in England goods coming from countries owing obedience to Don Antonio, 531
-, goods taken to Bristol by Roberts, 534
-, absent themselves from honouring Monsieur in Antwerp, 555
-, affairs, 573
-, preacher, 581
-, reference to caravel belonging to, 720.

Possevino, Antonio, Jesuit Father, 130.

Poulett, Amias, knight, 523.

Powel, Davy, of 'Mommurth, Welsh priest, 541.

Poyrier, captain of murderers on St. Bartholomew's day set at liberty, 130.

Prado, Melchior Nuez de, money owing to, 401.

Praeter, John, power of attorney granted by Consuls and Senate of Cologne to, 708.

Prague, Archbishop of. See Brus.

-, Emperor's Court at, 165, 166, 286
-, news from, 389, 407.

Pr, de la clerk of Finance, 676.

-, 'Paston,' Richard, Scottish Colonel serving States, 214, 419
-, sent to Dunkirk, 446
-, quarrel between Stewart and, 603
-, regiment of, in Dunkirk, 613
-, mentioned, 707.

Price, Pryce, John, 37, 77, 83, 101.

-, , Welsh boy sent from Paris with letters, 513.

-, Prin, Perin, Pryme, Edward, 63, 138, 146, 148, 220, 223, 248
-, takes letter to Walsingham from Cobham, 250, 252
-, witnesses certificate, 440.

-, -, letters from, 147, 163, 164.

Prince Dauphin. See Bourbon, Franois de.

Pritz, Michael, agent of Duke of Pomerania, 506.

-, Lorenzo, ambassador of Venice at Paris, 130, 221, 370, 403
-, Cobham's conference with, 667.

Privy Council, of England, 38.

-, dispatch from, 712.

-, report of proceedings of, 724.

-, Losdiguires confers with Huguenots in, 16
-, peace to be published in, 32
-, men of, complain to King of impositions, 62
-, Huguenots of, to meet King of Navarre at Mantauban, 75
-, Spanish King seeks to levy mariners in, 76
-, deputies of, to be reconciled at Montauban, 159
-, County of, bestowed on Monsieur, 370
-, Queen Mother's patrimony of, 392
-, Captain of, to be in Strozzi's association, 444
-, mentioned, 606.

Procurer-general of France, office of Queen Regnant's Chancellor given to, 511.

Proverbs, proverbial sayings, and quotations :

'Il braccio al collo, la gamba al letto,' 131.

'Le Martier fut prins pour le Regnard,' 228.

'To annoy you with twice-cooked cabbage,' 235.

'To keep Hannibal amused at Carthage,' 334.

'Messis est adhuc in herbis,' 392.

'Scarborough warning,' 407 (p. 379).

'Cardinal never did good to the realm,' 459.

'To receive scarce "Dieu vous garde de mal,"' 578.

'To fire as it begins to smoke,' 578.

'Coram pluribus utar,' 637.

'Accusando illustres viros, suo Romine famam quaerere,' 653.

'Bos lapsus fortius figit pedem,' 653.

'Qui prompt plaisir faicl il donne doublement,' 726.

Pruenen, Cornelis, Echevin, 577.

Pruneaux, M. des. See Sorbiers, Roch des.

'Prunnys'. See Pruneaux.

Prussia, 'Pruseland,' 704 (p. 649).

-, 'Spruse,' Duke of. See Albert Frederick.

Pryce, Thomas , Welsh Jesuit priest, in Paris, 508, 541.

Puccio, Francis, Florentine, 574.

Puglia (Apulia), King of Spain offers to Don Antonio, 162.

Punte, , of Lancashire, papist. 550.

Puy, Bishop of. See Saint-Nectaire.

Puy de Val de la Jugie, Frane's du, Sieur de Rieux, Governor of Narbonne, brings news of Spain, to French Court, 228 (p. 218).

Puygaillard. See Laumont.

Puynormand, surrendered to the King, 49.

Pyersbrigge Moor, 12.

Pyrenees, 'Pyreynes,' the, 224.