Index: H

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: H', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: H', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: H". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Habecourt, M. de, Governor of Landrecies, 707 (2).

Hardouville, Baron of [qy. Adonville], in Duke of Bouillon's train, 155.

-, the, Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37
-, Hoddesdon entertained at, 51
-, note of bond dated at, 468
-, reference to 'Recess' of, 648.

-, letters and dispatches dated at, 52, 238, 272, 382.

-, Henogo, discord among gentlemen of, 19
-, mentioned, 35
-, deputies of States complain of, 38
-, discontent in, 40
-, towns of, refuse defence against French troops, 43
-, ecclesiastics of, propose to bring back Spaniards, 50
-, mentioned, 51, 53
-, towns of, agree to take aid of Spaniards, 89
-, mentioned, 151
-, Prince of Parma tries to persuade Estates of, to raise amy corps of foreigners, 167
-, Prince of Epinoy makes a raid in, 217
-, mentioned, 335
-, Schenk mutinies in, 410
-, enemy's principal forces in, 448
-, mentioned, 503
-, Parma stays forces in, 512
-, mentioned, 518
-, Malcontents do not wish Spaniards to serve in, 563
-, mentioned, 574
-, ammunition comes to Courtrai from, 582
-, people of, buy French wine, 605
-, people of, rejoice over Prince of Orange's wound, 646
-, enemy in, said to have taken Cambrsis, 665
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Hal, du, French King's favourite valet, 418.

Hal, Hall, 719.

-, Bishop of (Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick), letter from, 800. See Arnius, John von
-, Dorstedt, Chr. von
-, Kotz, Herman.

Halcher, John, German resident in Lisbon, 528.

-, Franois de, Seigneur de Sweveghem, Swevinghen, Zuevecen, 10
-, mutineers at Courtray seize, 108, 127
-, set at liberty on surety, 135
-, mentioned, 193
-, burns suburbs of Courtrai, 335
-, breaks his leg, 431
-, authority given by States to, to borrow money from Elizabeth, 467
-, loan to, from Elizabeth, 484
-, protests against plundering of Risbourg and Montigny, 518
-, wishes Spaniards to come to Low Countries, 543, 574
-, Governor of Courtrai, 707 (2).

-, Charles de, Sieur de Piennes, Governor of Metz, Cobham suggests as Commissioner from Monsieur to Elizabeth, 24
-, created Duke of Maignelay, 572, 607.

Halie, Christofell, letter bearer, 502.

Halton, , 607.

-, Hamborough, 9, 65
-, staplers make suit to ship wool to, 83
-, mentioned, 211, 381
-, trading ship from, in Sound, 704
-, reference to trade with, 710.

-, letter dated at, 542.

Hamilton, Archibald, Scotch Jesuit, 550.

-, Hambleton, Lord Claude, brother to Lord Hamilton, 16, 171, 224, [?] 311
-, allied by marriage to Lord Seaton, 540.

-, James, 'Bodelaugh' (i.e. Bothwellhaugh), 16, 130.

-, Lord John, 'Lord' of Arbrothe, half won to King of Spain's devotion, 21
-, mentioned, 31, 32, 44
-, Cobham has conference with, 48, 76
-, Elizabeth will not release, 84
-, Cobham writes on behalf of, 112
-, mentioned 162, 171
-, Elizabeth grants pension to, 220, 224
-, mentioned, 252, 268, 271, 352, 492, 521
-, visits Cobham, 540
-, mentioned, 541
-, reference to letters to, 550
-, mentioned, 573 (?)
-, said to be in hiding at Angers, 606
-, absent from Paris, 635.

-, -, letters from, 114, 222, 713.

-, Lady, See Lyon, Margaret.

-, , bears letter from Duke of Anjou to Marchaumont, 316.

Hamiltons, party of not pleased by favour shown to Duke of Lennox, 419.

Hammond, Dr. John, LL.D., letter from, 710.

Hampton. See Southampton.

Hampton Court, 341.

-, Louis de, Viscount of Argenlieu, in Ghent, 10
-, at Bruges, 43
-, news from, 448
-, his death, 605.

Hankin, , merchant and letter-bearer, 517, 521.

Hanse Towns
-, 'Hanzes,' 83, 119
-, Count of East Friesland writes to Elizabeth about, 165
-, mentioned, 199
-, their late dealings, 211
-, decree of, 381
-, reference to new duty imposed on, 460
-, mentioned, 462
-, solicits Emperor and Electors against Count of East Friesland, 545, 547
-, object to King of Denmark's new toll in the Sound, 590 ;
-, Merchants Adventurers wish Gilpin to answer their cause against, 610
-, Emperor wishes to understand proceedings of Elizabeth with, 645
-, English merchants to answer objections of, at Imperial Diet, 693 (p. 637)
-, lords of, in Denmark, 704 (p. 649).

Harborne, Harbroun, William, power of attorney granted by, to Henry di Giardino, 111.

Hardenburg, Rochepot's troops at, 420, 486.

Hardret, M., 686.

Hardwick, John, of Lancashire, priest of Rheims, 668 (p. 622).

Harlay, Count, Governor of Cassele, 707 (2).

-, Jacques de, Sieur de Chanvallon, with Monsieur, 293
-, mentioned, 389, 392, 414
-, sent to French Court from Queen of Navarre and Monsieur, 607.

'Harlebeckque', near Courtrai, enemy's forces at, 431.

Harseydown. See Horselydown.

Hart Hall, Oxford, 668 (p. 622).

Harvey, , English Jesuit priest in Paris, 514.

-, Henry, Earl of Huntingdon, 130
-, reference to letters from and to, 637.

Hastings, Mr., 443.

Hastings, in Kent, 634.

Hatfort, castle of, 218.

Hattem, Hattan, town of, 2.

Hatton, Sir Christopher, Knight, Vice-chamberlain of England, 477.

Haudant (Hautem), French companies to be sent to, 631.

Haultain. See Zoeto, Phllippo de.

Haultepenne, M. de. See Berlaymont.

Haulteterre, M. de, 237.

Haultfort, President. See Bellivre, Jean de.

-, Guillaume de, Comte de Grancey, Seigneur de Fervacques, Vervagos, Vervac, Fervacose, recalled from Low Countries, 16
-, marching to aid of States, 19, 40, 43, 50, 62
-, at Vernueil, 75
-, men of Picardy fear force of, 87
-, government of, not acceptable to King, 94
-, Four Members of Flanders send letters to, 98
-, companies commanded by, likely to vanish, 99
-, near Cambrai, 108, 127
-, purposes to fight Malcontents, 130
-, sends help to Cambrai, 135
-, writes to Lords of Bruges, 136, 137
-, victuals Cambrai, 151
-, retires in Normandy, 162
-, mentioned, 167
-, recalled by Monsieur, 173, 174
-, mentioned, 182
-, in disgrace with Monsieur, 201
-, with Monsieur, 293
-, supposed to be at Cteau-Cambrsis, 344
-, mentioned, 359, 574
-, Monsieur presents money to, 631.

-, letter from, 137.

Hauterive, castle of, States' camp said to be at, 335.

Havernan, Daniel, Irishman, 541.

Havre de Grce
-, 'Newhaven,' 7
-, at Monsieur's devotion, 200
-, King appoints new garrisons to be sent to, 423
-, mentioned, 668 (p. 622).

-, letter dated at, 22.

Hawson, Henry, Captain, 441.

Haxt [?], near Cambrai, enemy withdraws to, 325.

Haye, M. de la, in train of Prince Dauphin, 155.

-, Hayse [qy. Hay, Edmund], Jesuit, 550
-, sends books to England, 572.

Hedley, John, of Glosterhall in Oxford, 521.

Heetvelde, 'Etfelt,' Adolf van, Governor of Lierre, 707.

Heghman, Colonel of German regiment, 520.

Helle, , of Northamptonshire, harbourer of priests, 668 (p. 623).

Hembize, Jan van, wishes to send for Duke Casimir, 503.

Henfleet, Henvliet, Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37.

-, Jacques de, Marquis de la Vere, Seigneur d'Auxy, de Tournhem et de West Capelle, his wife's conspiracy, 123
-, people of Brussels wish to see justice done on, 419.

-, de, wife of above, conspiracy of, 123
-, and see No. 268 in last volume.

Henogo, Henowe. See Hainault.

Henry II, late King of France, 56.

Henry III
-, King of France, 5, 6
-, sends pacification to Monsieur, 7
-, mentioned, 15
-, goes to Saint Germain, 16
-, his views on Monsieur's marriage, 24
-, mentioned, 25 (2), 30, 31, 33, 44, 45, 49, 56, 58, 62
-, offers to break with Spanish King if Elizabeth will do the same, 63
-, copy of commission from, to negotiate Duke of Anjou's marriage, 73
-, extract from instructions given to Commissioners, 74
-, refuses to show favour to Cond, 75
-, orders Duke of Maine to be before Brianon, 75
-, deputies of States hope, will declare against Spaniards, 78
-, ill, 80
-, commission to negotiate marriage between Elizabeth and Duke of Anjou, 81
-, mentioned, 84, 85, 93
-, recovered from illness, 94
-, 'encumbered with a fainting,' 95
-, irresolute about succouring of Cambrai, 97
-, wishes marriage of Monsieur with Elizabeth brought to good end, 99
-, mentioned, 100
-, principal Councillors of, 104
-, promises of assistance to be sent from England to, 106
-, absent from Court, 117
-, mentioned, 118, 122
-, Prince of Parma receives letter from, 127
-, shows much goodwill towards Elizabeth, 130
-, Taxis has audience with, 130
-, Cobham's conversation with, 131
-, mentioned, 140, 141, 147, 148
-, approves meeting at Montauban, 159
-, mentioned, 163, 167
-, mislikes amity between Monsieur and King of Navarre, 171
-, mentioned, 172, 174, 177, 178
-, ill-satisfied with Monsieur, 182
-, mentioned, 183, 184
-, Cobham to repair to, to discuss marriage negotiations, 187
-, Elizabeth desires to come to terms with, 188
-, discontented with Monsieur's proceedings in Flanders, 190, 191
-, Queen Mother has private conference with, 200
-, tries to stop levy of troops for Low Countries, 201
-, secret meeting between Monsieur and, 203
-, Elizabeth will not help Don Antonio without assistance of, 208
-, Count Vimioso has audience of, 209
-, mentioned, 210
-, reference to proclamation by, 213
-, Latin translation of marriage contract to be made for, 215
-, helps Don Antonio, 219
-, Cobham wishes to have audience with, 220
-, dislikes his brother's enterprises, 224
-, Commissioners return to, with instructions, 225
-, Cobham has access to, 228
-, proclamation of, forbidding levying of troops with his commission, 229
-, does not mean to draw England into war with Low Countries, 232
-, mentioned, 239
-, Elizabeth will not help Don Antonio till she knows intentions of, 241
-, draft of Somers' instructions for mission to, 242
-, Cobham and Somers' audience with, 243
-, meeting deferred between Monsieur and, 245
-, deputies of Dauphin yield to, 245
-, Somers refers to audience with, 247
-, mentioned, 248
-, Dor brings Count Vimioso favourable letters from, 250
-, expresses friendship for King of Spain, 254
-, mentioned, 256
-, reference to journey of, to Poland, 260
-, mentioned, 261
-, commands Bellivre, Brisson and Pinart to confer with Cobham and Somers, 263
-, Cobham and Somers refer to their audience with, 266
-, promises to help Monsieur, 268
-, desires speedy answer from Elizabeth, 269
-, mentioned, 271
-, at Fontainebleau, 275
-, Elizabeth wishes for answer from, 277
-, instructions for treaty of league between England and, 278
-, Walsingham sent to, 280
-, Elizabeth will join with, to help Monsieur, 282
-, Emperor writes to, 286
-, mentioned, 288, 289
-, Walsingham has audience with, 292
-, consents to league with England, 294
-, desirous to enter into amity with Elizabeth, 299
-, mentioned, 305
-, Monsieur weakly supported by, 312
-, Elizabeth wishes him to support Monsieur without help from her, 313
-, sends money to Monsieur, 318
-, mentioned, 321, 330, 331
-, English ambassadors have audience of, 339
-, mentioned, 340
-, engaged in feasting various princes, 348
-, wishes to keep Monsieur in his power, 351
-, mentioned, 352
-, intends to procure rich marriages for House of Bourbon, 361
-, seeks to win Cond to him, 361
-, defers Cobham's audience, 370
-, mentioned, 371, 378, 379
-, Don Antonio not to marry without consent of, 387
-, mentioned, 389
-, Cobham's audience with, 391
-, mentioned, 392, 397, 403
-, Turkish Ambassadors sent to, 405
-, gives Don Antonio commission to gather fighting men, 406
-, receives Turkish Ambassadors, 407
-, mentioned, 408, 413, 414
-, Elizabeth will not marry Monsieur, unless she has promise of, not to commit her to war in Low Countries, 415
-, mentioned, 418, 423
-, levies heavy taxes, 424
-, entertains Marquis of Conti at his wedding, 429
-, Huguenots in Languedoc practised with to take arms against, 430
-, Cobham discusses letter from Elizabeth with, 433
-, mentioned, 437
-, reference to speeches delivered to Cobham by, 438
-, mentioned, 443, 444
-, minded to send Lansac to England, 449
-, keeps Christmas at Paris, 454
-, referred to as Hipolito, 455
-, mentioned, 459, 465
-, draft of clause binding, to allow Huguenots liberty of worship, 472
-, mentioned, 474
-, proposal on part of, for commission to inquire into injuries done to subjects of Elizabeth and, 475
-, mentioned, 483, 488, 489, 491, 493
-, King of Spain insistent with, to have Cambray restored, 499
-, mentioned, 503, 504, 508
-, Swiss Commissioners have audience with, 511
-, mentioned, 513, 516
-, offers prayers for a son, 517
-, mentioned, 521, 522, 526
-, returns from Chartres, 541
-, Cobham confers with, touching marriage and Elizabeth and Monsieur, 553
-, States-General hope for help from, 564
-, mentioned, 565
-, assigns offices to his nobles, and arranges marriages, 572
-, does not like Monsieur to undertake enterprise to prejudice of King Philip, 573
-, Monsieur thinks to procure aid of, by allowing freedom of worship to Malcontents, 574
-, mentioned, 580
-, Prince of Orange hopes to satisfy with regard to religion, 581
-, wishes Monsieur to uphold Roman religion in Low Countries, 583
-, stays long from sending to congratulate Monsieur on his new estate, 590
-, Monsieur urges disfavour of, if Mass be not allowed in Low Counties, 594
-, Monsieur hopes for assistance of, in withstanding enemy in Low Countries, 599
-, Monsieur intends to write to, 600
-, publishes demonstration to hinder any force leaving France without his commission, 606
-, Monsieur wishes to hide his 'entire intelligence' with Queen of Navarre from, 607
-, said to disavow all his brother's actions, 613
-, favours of, awaited in Low Countries, 614
-, Cobham has conference with, 616
-, attends to nothing but his devotions, 619
-, Rochebrem sent to, by Monsieur, 627
-, mentioned, 634, 635
-, d'Assonville to go on embassy to, 636
-, mentioned, 639, 646, 649, 652, 657, 662
-, promises to help Monsieur, 666
-, Clervant to be sent to, from French King, 668
-, refuses to have decrees of Council of Trent put into execution, 669
-, reported to have given help to enemy 681
-, will not meddle with his brother's actions, 693 (p. 638)
-, desires conclusion of marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 695, 696
-, permits King of Navarre to hold assembly of reformed churches, 700
-, mentioned, 704 (p. 648), 711
-, Elizabeth hopes that English Jesuits in France will not be protected by, 712
-, States annoyed at not being congratulated by, on advancement of Monsieur, 716
-, Cobham to treat with Commissioners of, about overtures against Spain, 723.

-, letters from, 17, 82, 160, 336.

-, letters to, 390, 570.

-, King of Navarre, reference to letter from, 3
-, joins with Monsieur, 10
-, reconciliation with Biron, 16
-, mentioned, 24
-, Montmorency seeks to be reconciled to, 32
-, mentioned, 53, 62
-, offers to serve Elizabeth, 75
-, has dealt roundly in surrendering towns, 76
-, to be lieutenant-general of Monsieur's army in Low Countries, 80
-, rumour of jar between Monsieur and, 85
-, at Bazas, 94
-, privy articles between Monsieur, Huguenots, and, 95
-, cannot find anyone to buy his lands, 99
-, mentioned, 104
-, expected in Low Countries, 108
-, faithful and devoted to King of France, 117
-, mentioned, 125
-, means to be at assembly of Huguenot deputies at Montauban, 130
-, mentioned, 148
-, instructions of, sent by his Secretary to Mayor of Bordeaux, 159
-, has given over dealing in 'voyage' of Low Countries, 162
-, King dislikes amity between Monsieur and, 171
-, mentioned, 173, 177
-, King of France threatens to bring to obedience, 190
-, well satisfied with peace, 195
-, mentioned, 224, 268, 275
-, wishes Elizabeth to help him, 334
-, mentioned, 352
-, du Plessis Mornay writes on behalf of, 363
-, Clervant sent to, 370
-, calls conference near Nrao, 389
-, Matignon and Bellivre carry themselves to liking of, 423
-, Biron desires to be restored to good grace of, 423
-, informs King of practice against him, 430
-, rumour of meeting to be held between Marshal Montmorency and, 444
-, 'Messieurs' of Antwerp send courier to, 448
-, mentioned, 455
-, said to have broken peace by procurement of King of Spain, 459
-, mentioned as heir to throne of France, 483
-, mentioned, 521
-, supposed to have some action in hand, 540
-, mentioned, 553
-, not yet reinstated, 583
-, reference to letter from, 593
-, Queen Mother sends for, 606
-, French King seeks to purchase county from, 619
-, mentioned, 634
-, referred to as Tau, 657
-, mentioned, 666
-, visits Queen Mother at Saint-Maixent, 668
-, mentioned, 693 (p. 638), 694
-, sends M. la Roque to Elizabeth, 700
-, question as to why he may not recover his kingdom, 723.

-, letter from, 682.

Henry VII, of England, reference to treaties between Denmark and, 689.

Henry VIII
-, of England, reference to, 121, 417
-, reference to treaties between Emperor, Francis I, and, 474
-, mentioned, 504.

Henry, Cardinal King of Portugal, 47, 207, 308, 433, 459, 721.

Herbert, Henry, Earl of Pembroke, 642.

Herentals, Governor of, 707.

Herines, Outteryne, enemy ships cannon for, 719.

Herle, 'Earle,' William, reports himself to have been left in Antwerp as agent for Leicester, 580.

-, -, letters from, 574, 576, 587, 590, 591, 592, 602, 613, 621, 623, 627, 641, 642, 647, 649, 693, 706, 716.

Hernandez, Michael, money owing to, 401.

-, Peter, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Herrara, Gonzalo Hernandez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

-, John Alvarez de, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Hertoge, Guillaume de, Lord of Ousmal, serving in Council of State, 576.

's Hertogenbosch, Sorteaghembush. See Bois-le-Duc.

-, between Montreuil and Abbeville, 325, 445, 581
-, Governor of, 707 (2).

Hesse, Landgrave of. See Lewis.

Hessel, M., greffier of Brabant, appointed Treasurer-General of Finances, 676.

Hvre, Hevere, Lord of. See Bailleu.

Hewytt, William, signs report on Spanish claim against Spinola's heirs, 158.

Heyden, Secretary van der, 576.

Hze, M. de. See Hornes.

Hidalga, Doa Isabell, money owing to, 401.

High Dutches. See Germans.

Hilles, Bernard, merchant, 18.

-, Hylles, Gerson, merchant, 4.

-, Hylles, Richard, merchant, 4, 18.

Hinkaert, Jean de, Sieur d' Ohain, appointed postmaster in Antwerp, 627.

Hoboken, Jan van, greffier of Antwerp, 577.

-, -, signature of, 240.

Hoby, 'Oby,' Edward, nephew to Lady Burghley, 559.

Hochtmans, F., letter from, 608.

-, Christopher, stepson-in-law of Sir Francis Walsingham, Governor of Merchants Adventurers, sent on mission to Prince of Orange, 8
-, requires payment for former mission, 9
-, reply of States-General to, 26
-, mentioned, 27, 28
-, note of money spent on his journey, 37
-, mentioned, 41, 61, 79, 119
-, draught of instructions for, to deal in account of Pallavicini's money, 149
-, mentioned, 289, 350, 368, 382, 422
-, loan to, from Elizabeth, 484
-, mentioned, 519, 580, 597, 610
-, reference to letter to, 645
-, mentioned, 662, 692.

-, -, letters from, 2, 9, 37, 38, 39, 51, 59, 66, 67, 77, 83, 88, 101, 107, 124, 134, 168, 169, 192, 199, 211, 212, 549, 555.

-, -, letters to, 26, 52, 112, 356 [547].

Hodgson, , papist, 517.

Hodkins, pursuivant, 550.

Hoesem, 235 (p. 224).

-, 'Hollock,' 'Holo,' Philip, Count of, deputy of Holland, 574, 583
-, to perform duties of Grand Equerry to Monsieur for Count Maurice, 646 (p. 600)
-, to be placed in Guelders, 706
-, Prince of Orange's lieutenant-general in Holland and Zealand, 717.

Holborn, French Commissioners to be lodged in, 152.

Holgaland (Hlogaland, Hclgeland, i.e., North Norway), English trade with, discussed, 689.

-, Hoddesdon sent to, 8, 9
-, Prince of Orange in, 10
-, reference to letters from, 35
-, Estates of, entertain Hoddesdon, 37
-, refuses to enter into league with other provinces, 38
-, bears affection to Elizabeth, 39
-, Gilpin's expenses in, 41
-, news from, 42
-, Prince of Orange in, 50, 51
-, mentioned, 52, 59, 60
-, no ships allowed to trade with Spain from thence, 60
-, mentioned, 61, 71, 72, 77, 79, 88, 105
-, Hoddesdon's journey into, 107
-, mentioned, 124
-, Hoddesdon's charges in, 134
-, promises to agree to Hoddesdon's conditions, 168
-, mentioned, 169, 172, 173, 199
-, Monsieur's secretary goes to, 213, 214
-, Gosson's stay in, 215
-, money of, 350
-, States of, 368
-, mentioned, 380, 382, 384, 400
-, Gilpin writes from, 422
-, Prince of Orange withdraws to, 452
-, mentioned, 483
-, Commissioners of, in Zealand, 507
-, mentioned, 527, 528
-, ships from, granted to Don Antonio, 532
-, mentioned, 533, 562
-, deputies of, arrive in Antwerp, 574
-, death and confiscation of goods imposed on those in, who hear mass, 574
-, reference to Commissioners of, 580
-, mentioned, 587
-, reference to league to be treated of between Elizabeth and, 590
-, money ready in, 600
-, ships of, destroyed by storm, 613
-, mentioned, 623, 627
-, takes oath to Monsieur, 642
-, mentioned, 645, 648
-, magistrates of, promise to pay interest to Elizabeth, 662
-, furnishes money for war, 693 (p. 636)
-, trading ships from, in Sound, 704
-, Prince of Orange governor of, 707
-, Count of Hohenlohe lieutenant-general in, 717
-, people of, promise to pay interest on Elizabeth's loan, 719.

'Hollock', 'Holo,' Earl of. See Hohenlohe-Langenburg.

Holon, M. d', gentleman of the Duke of Bouillon, 155.

Holtze, Dr. Henry von, envoy from Count of East Friesland, presents petition to Emperor, 165.

-, touching sugars at, 528, 534
-, Spanish goods taken to, 558.

Homme Sauvage, the, inn at Montreuil, 325.

Hondschote, 'Hounscott,' 214, 217.

Honfleur, Honflu, 7 (p. 11).

Honnecourt, 'Hombrecorte,' Monsieur encamped at, 305.

-, letters dated at, 305.

Hooghe, M. de, 707

Hoogstraten, castle of, 215.

Hopkins, , of London, papist, 521.

Hopton, George, 379, 392.

Horatio, French King's page, 49.

Horn, John, merchant of Brunswick, 65.

Hornes, Guillaume de, Seigneur de Hze, reference to execution of, 518.

Hornsfery [?], Hoddesdon's expenses at, 37.

Horselydown, 'Harseydown,' near Southwark, 458.

Horsey, Sir Edward, Captain of the Isle of Wight, 158.

Houdan, Monsieur goes to, 268.

Houfflin, J., signs for States of Netherlands, 27, 28, 272, 564.

Howard, Henry, called Earl of Surrey, reference to Queen's stay in his house, 12.

Howard (?), Henry, Lord, 369.

Howard, Jane, Countess of Westmoreland, Middleton brings letter to, 12.

-, Thomas, Lord, 295
-, to bring Monsieur to Low Countries, 537
-, mentioned, 564
-, accompanies Monsieur to Low Countries, 571.

-, Duke of Anjou solicits cause of, 5
-, Duke of Nevers shows gracious usage to, 7
-, mentioned, 10
-, Lesdiguires confers with, 16
-, mentioned, 32, 35
-, in Dauphin, send to Monsieur offering to be at his devotion, 62
-, deputies from Provence and Dauphin to meet King of Navarre at Montauban, 75
-, Cobham receives information from, 76
-, report of chief, coming to Low Countries, 80
-, trust du Vray, 87
-, many in Tournay, 89
-, ships of, leave French ports, 95
-, privy articles between Monsieur, King of Navarre and, 95
-, mentioned, 117
-, assembly of deputies at Montauban, 130, 148, 159
-, Portuguese seasoned with evil opinions of, 162
-, princes of, mentioned, 173, 177
-, fear Bishop of Rimini, 182
-, of Dauphin, King of France threatens to bring to obedience, 190
-, Pope promises help for war against, 228
-, desire Turenne to be ransomed, 318
-, mentioned, 348 (1)
-, French King wishes Monsieur to turn against, 352
-, levy of reiters said to be made on behalf of, 362
-, reference to prosecution of, 397
-, plan to kill, at Bergen-op-Zoom, 419
-, Matignon and Bellivre carry themselves to liking of, 423
-, in Languedoc, practised with to take arms against the King, 430
-, Brissac receives command from King against, 443
-, mentioned, 444
-, Biron courted as chief conquerer against, 454
-, Bishop Lenoncourt a favourer of, 469
-, draft of clause on behalf of, 472
-, mentioned, 483
-, like Cond's appointment to be Monsieur's lieutenant-general, 493
-, mentioned, 497
-, M. de Malassise deals in many causes to disadvantage of, 511
-, enter Montfort, in Armagnac, 521
-, Schomberg serves for, 551
-, at Antwerp, complain of mass being said, 560 (2)
-, evil opinions raised against, at French Court, 572
-, mentioned, 590
-, mourn greatly for M. de Vienne's death, 605
-, Rohan does many good offices for, 606
-, in Low Countries, ordered to abjure King of Spain, 613.

Hull, ship of, to be lent to Queen Mother, 529.

Hulst, governed by council of war, 707.

Humires, Madame d'. See Averton, Rene d'.

Hunaudaye, M. See Tournemine.

'Hungaert', Robert, said to have arrested Ymans, 398.

-, Emperor's government not acceptable to, 7
-, Emperor intends to call to a Diet, 407.

-, 185
-, no noblemen of, at Emperor's Court, 286
-, Diet of, 583.

Hunsdon, Lord. See Cary.

Huntingdon, Earl of. See Hastings, Henry.

Huntly, Earl of. See Gordon, George.

-, Philippe, Comte de Chiverny, Keeper of the Seals of France, 1, 6, 45, 48, 62, 63
-, appointed Commissioner to conduct negotiations between England and France, 106
-, surrenders seals to Chancellor, 162
-, mentioned, 187, 228, 268
-, credit of, said to be decaying, 352
-, entertains Cobham and other ambassadors, 370
-, Cobham's conversation with, 371
-, Marshal de Coss to surrender governments to, 491, 493
-, framer of contract between French King and Don Antonio, 607.