Index: E

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1907.

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'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582, ed. Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: E', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Edited by Arthur John Butler( London, 1907), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: E". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 15, 1581-1582. Ed. Arthur John Butler(London, 1907), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.

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Earle, William. See Herle.

East Itchenferry, 'Estrechenferi,' Spanish goods taken to, 478.

East Friesland. See Edzard.

Eaux Chandes, 'Aqu Scandis,' in Barn, King and Queen of Navarre spend summer at, 224.

-, Jean d', Baron de Saint-Sulpice, 'Saint Supplice,' councillor of Queen Mother, 104
-, deceased, 493.

-, 446
-, Villenauve and Stewart at, 486, 503, 512
-, Teligny at, 543
-, cornets of horse leave, 649
-, English soldiers go to, 665
-, troops at to be transferred to Dendermonde, 678
-, troops from, sent to Namur, 681
-, troops from, defend Ghent, 706
-, Governor of, 707
-, troops from, march towards Ghent, 716, 719.

-, letter dated at, 510.

-, Morton removed from, 21
-, mentioned, 627 (p. 579).

Edward IV, King of England, reference to treaties between Denmark and, 689.

-, Captain, sent with company to Bruges 427
-, sent to Damme, 431.

-, Count of Embden or East Friesland, reference to letters from, 199, 211
-, King of Spain thanks for help given to Groningen, 239
-, Gilpin hopes his agent at Prague will do good service for England, 286
-, mentioned, 645
-, reference to letter from, to King of Denmark, 704 (p. 648).

-, -, letters from, 165, 545, 547.

Egerton, Thomas, 158 (p. 149).

-, Lamoral, Count d', Fremyn sent to, 388
-, Ryhove writes on behalf of 609
-, to be Grand Panetier to Monsieur, 646 (p. 600).

-, Franoise d', sister of the last, Hoddesdon's letter concerning, 51
-, mentioned, 77.

-, letter from, 52.

-, Philip, Count of, brother of the last, proposal for his exchange for la Noue, 43
-, discussion for his release 239
-, suggested exchange with Turenne, 305, 612, 643.

-, Sabine d', Hoddesdon's letter concerning, 51
-, mentioned, 77.

-, -, letter from, 52.

Egmont, House of, 716.

-, Endowen, in Brabant, taken by States 335
-, enemy makes attempts of, 350
-, governors of, 707 (2)

Eklen (qy. Eccloo) in Flanders, plans made to intercept Rogers at, 235 (p. 224).

Elbne, Abb d'. See Bene, Alfonso del.

Elbing, English merchants trading at, 545, 704, 710.

Elbuf, Duke of. See Lorraine, Ren de.

Electors of Germany
-, the Emperor summons meeting of Hanse Towns to be held with, 165
-, Rogers captured on mission from Elizabeth to 235
-, Empress sends letters to, for money for her journey, 286.

-, Queen of England, 4, 5, 6
-, her views touching the marriage with Monsieur, 7
-, her dealings with Netherlands, 8, 9
-, mentioned, 12, 13, 15, 16
-, her wish to marry Monsieur, 16
-, mentioned, 18
-, D'Aubigny feigns devotion to, 21
-, mentioned, 22
-, Commissioners sent to, from Monsieur, 23, 24
-, States-General thank, 26, 28
-, mentioned, 31, 32, 33, 34
-, reference to letters from States to, 37
-, dealings of, with States, 38
-, mentioned, 39
-, reference to proposed marriage, 46
-, Rogers sent as Ambassador to Emperor from, 46
-, her dealings with Portugal, 47
-, Lord of Arbrothe determines to sue, 48
-, mentioned, 50
-, Egmont's daughters wish to see, 51, 52
-, Prince of Orange sends copy of proscription published against him to, 54
-, mentioned, 57, 59, 61
-, Commissioners desire ships, carriages and passports from, 62
-, French King wishes her to break with Spain, 63
-, mentioned, 64, 68
-, copy of King's commission in marriage negotiation between Duke of Anjou and, 73
-, King of Navarre offers to serve, 75
-, Lord of Arbrothe promises to serve, 76
-, mentioned, 79
-, French King's commission to negotiate marriage between Monsieur and, 81
-, Strozzi wishes to join against Spain, 84
-, mentioned, 85, 88, 93
-, Queen Mother speaks affectionately of, 94
-, mentioned, 97
-, French King wishes Monsieur to bring to good end marriage with, 99
-, mentioned, 100, 103
-, French King wishes to procure friendship of, 104
-, Cobham's instructions to, 106
-, mentioned, 107, 112
-, attitude of, towards Lord of Arbothe, 113
-, mentioned 115, 116
-, Countess of East Friesland writes to, 119
-, Commissioners to have audience of, 120
-, mentioned, 122
-, King of France shows goodwill towards, 130, 131
-, mentioned, 132 133
-, English Commissioners' speech on behalf of, 140
-, mentioned, 141, 143, 146
-, affects Don Antonio, 148
-, her debt to Pallavicini, 149
-, substance of her speech to Commissioners, 150
-, to entertain Commissioners, 152
-, mentioned, 158, 162, 164
-, Count of East Friesland writes to, 165
-, Gilpin dispatched to Emperor with letters from, 168
-, mentioned, 169, 170, 171
-, Sousa sent to, with instructions, 176
-, mentioned, 179
-, sends squadron to fortress of St. George of Amina, 180
-, delays to receive Commissioners, 181
-, mentioned, 182
-, wishes marriage treaty to go forward, 183
-, marriage negotiations between Duke of Anjou and, 184
-, Spindeler desires to serve, 185
-, sends Cobham to French King and Queen Mother to discuss marriage negotiations, 187
-, desirous to hear from Monsieur before proceeding with negotiations, 188
-, mentioned, 189
-, Sousa sent to, 190
-, mentioned, 191, 192, 194, 197, 199, 200, 203
-, form of celebration of marriage between Duke of Anjou and, 205
-, Don Antonio's requests to, 206, 207, 208
-, Monsieur attempts to visit, 210
-, mentioned, 211, 212, 215
-, Count of Vimioso wishes to visit, 219, 220
-, mentioned, 221
-, grants pension to Lord John Hamilton, 222
-, Count of Vimioso about to visit, 223
-, mentioned, 224
-, her demands of French King, in marriage negotiations, 225
-, commands sent by, for Cobham to transmit to French King, 228
-, messages to Monsieur from, 232
-, mentioned, 233
-, Roger's difficulty in sending letters to, 235
-, King Philip refuses to grant liberation of Rogers to, 238
-, will not help Don Antonio till she knows how French King intends to proceed, 241
-, defers concluding marriage till she knows how Monsieur is to be maintained in Low Countries, 242
-, Somers treats with French King on behalf of, 243
-, mentioned, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250, 251
-, said to be helping Monsieur in Low Countries, 254
-, said to have invited Don Antonio to England, 256
-, mentioned, 261
-, proceedings of Ambassadors acceptable to, 262
-, wishes to receive French King's answer to marriage conditions, 263
-, does not wish to help Monsieur in his enterprise to Low Countries, 263
-, French King desires speedy answer from, 269
-, mentioned, 272, 273, 274, 275
-, instructions for Walsingham concerning Duke of Anjou's marriage with, 277
-, does not like a marriage with war, 282
-, Walsingham pleads with, for Cobham's suit, 284
-, Gilpin takes letters from, to Emperor and Duke of Saxony, 286
-, mentioned, 288, 289, 290, 292, 294, 295, 297, 299
-, Pinart to be sent to, to obtain final resolution from, 303
-, mentioned, 304, 305
-, Monsieur wishes to serve in everything, 306, 307
-, mischief growing in Scotland against, 311
-, Monsieur wishes for support from, 312
-, wishes Monsieur to continue war in Low Countries, but cannot help him, 313
-, mentioned, 316, 319, 320
-, Monsieur acknowledges help given him by, 321
-, Somers explains his dealings with Monsieur on behalf of, 325
-, mentioned, 326, 327
-, promises help to Monsieur, 330
-, Monsieur thanks for money sent from, 331
-, King of Navarre wishes for help from, 334
-, mentioned, 341, 343
-, Lvenich wishes to be recompensed for robbery by, 345
-, mentioned, 348, 348 (2), 350, 351
-, uses gracious manner to French, 352
-, mentioned, 353, 354, 357, 360, 361, 362
-, King of Navarre desires friendship of, 363
-, mentioned, 364, 366
-, desirous to see Monsieur, 369
-, mentioned, 371
-, referred to as Oriens, 371
-, mentioned 376, 379, 380, 381, 384, 388, 389
-, Monsieur visits, 391
-, mentioned, 392, 393
-, agreement by, to regard enemies of Monsieur as her own, 396
-, considerations how there may be continuance of friendship between Monsieur and, 397
-, letter to, on behalf of, Ymans, 398
-, mentioned, 402, 403, 406, 407, 408
-, report of her marriage with Monsieur, 410, 411, 413
-, mentioned, 414, 417, 418, 422, 423, 424
-, Cobham discusses letter from, with French King, 433
-, loan to Monsieur from, 435
-, mentioned, 437
-, reference to letters to, 438
-, Portuguese call her their lady, 439
-, reference to Pinart's audience with, 449
-, Don Antonio wishes to please, 450
-, Pallavicino and Spinola request that money may be paid them by, 451
-, reference to letter to French King from, 454
-, referred to as 'Oriens,' 455
-, mentioned, 457, 458
-, Sousa wishes Don Antonio to be helped by, 459
-, notes of debts due from Low Countries to, 467, 468
-, notes of conversation between commissioners and, 471
-, draft of clauses for declaration of alliance between Duke of Anjou and, 473
-, notes for treaty between Duke of Anjou and, 474
-, means suggested to meet depredations practised on subjects of, 475
-, people of England desire marriage of, with Monsieur, 483
-, loans made forth to receipt of Exchequer of, to foreign states, 484
-, Queen Mother desires marriage of Monsieur with, 487
-, mentioned, 489, 492, 493
-, Monsieur requests Burleigh to recall him to good grace of, 494
-, mentioned, 495
-, States desire, to stand their good friend, 497
-, mentioned, 498, 501, 503, 504, 507
-, Monsieur well 'cheered' by, 508
-, Count Saint Aignan makes favourable report of, 511
-, Desmond reported to have fallen into hands of, 513
-, mentioned, 515, 517, 519
-, supposed to have helped Earl of Arran to quarrel with d'Aubigny, 521
-, rumours concerning marriage of, 526
-, memorial to remind, 531
-, mentioned, 533, 538
-, Lord Hamilton professes to depend wholly on, 540
-, if marriage proceeds. French King will be assured friend of, 541
-, mentioned, 547, 548, 550, 551, 552
-, Cobham confers with French King, touching marriage of, 553
-, mentioned, 554
-, Sainte Aldegonde writes to, 556
-, mentioned, 557, 559, 560 (1)
-, letters presented to States from, 560 (2)
-, mentioned, 561
-, States General writes to, 564
-, Marchaumont wishes, to remember promises made to Monsieur, 565
-, sends letters and present to Monsieur on his departure from England, 571
-, King of Spain wishes to prevent, from helping Monsieur in Flanders, by invading Ireland, 572
-, Pinart makes many speeches in commendation of, 573
-, mentioned, 574, 578, 580, 585, 586, 587, 589
-, reference to league to be treated of between Low Countries and, 590
-, mentioned, 594, 595, 596, 597
-, Monsieur hopes to withstand enemy in Low Countries by help of, 599
-, mentioned, 600, 601
-, reference to letter from, 604
-, accommodates Monsieur with money, 606
-, St. Aldegonde deals with States General about satisfaction of, 610
-, will be entreated to help States, if King of France refuses to do so, 613
-, Cobham confers with French King concerning marriage of, and help to be given by to Low Countries, 616
-, reference to letter from, to Parma, 617
-, mentioned, 620, 621
-, rumour of practice against by Spanish Ambassador, 621
-, mentioned, 623, 625, 626
-, reference to oration whether it were necessary for her to aid Low Countries, 627
-, mentioned, 630, 633, 634, 635
-, Queen of Scots writes to, on account of her health, 639
-, cipher sent to, 641
-, mentioned, 644
-, Emperor wishes to understand proceedings of, with Hanse Towns, 645
-, mentioned, 647, 649, 652, 658, 660, 662, 663, 664
-, sends portrait to Monsieur, 666
-, dealings of, with Signori of Venice, 667
-, mentioned, 668 (p. 622), 669, 670, 671, 672, 692, 693, 694
-, French King desires conclusion of marriage of, with Monsieur, 695, 696
-, mentioned, 699, 700
-, King of Denmark said to be offended at doings of, subjects of, trading with Russia, 704
-, mentioned, 706, 708, 710
-, requests French King not to protect English Jesuits in his realm, 712
-, Hamilton desires pension from, 713
-, mentioned, 716, 717
-, Botelho requests, to help Don Antonio, 720
-, mentioned, 722
-, approves of offer made by French King to annoy King of Spain, 723.

-, letters from, 234, 355, [415], 416, 485, 570, 537, 689, 721.

-, letters to, 4, 18, 29, 34, 36, 55, 56, 58, 65, 70, 91, 96, 119, 121, 126, 131, 157, 160, 161, 165, 185, 197, 231, 232, 266, 290, 300, 301, 308, 314, 336, 337, 338, 346, 364, 366, 398, 400, 412, 426, 433, 460, 462, 506, 530, 545, 556, 564, 573, 682, 683.

Ellis, Captain, slain at Swart Sluys, 2.

Elsinore, 'Hellsanowr,' letter dated at, 704.

-, King Philip at, 6, 7, 16
-, plague at, 105.

Emanuel, , cousin to Rogers, letters to be sent to, 57.

-, 9, 83, 165
-, more sellers than buyers at, 211
-, mentioned, 692
-, trading ships from, in Sound, 704 (p. 648).

-, letters dated at, 119, 165, 286.

Embden, Count of. See Edzard.

-, King of Portugal, 207
-, Rogers draws up pedigree of descendants of, 235.

Emmerich, 235 (p. 224).

Emperor. See Rudolf II.

-, the, 46, 56, 170
-, Hanse merchants complain of injury done to, by English merchants, 211
-, to hold a Diet, 448
-, Estates of, 462
-, mentioned, 551
-, Monsieur created Marquis of, 555
-, Princes of, reference to Rogers' detention whilst on mission to, 617
-, Diet of, at Augsburg, 621, 626, 627
-, English trade in, 645
-, gives commission to Duke Casimir to levy reiters for protection of Augsburg, 717.

Empress. See Mary of Castile.

-, contribution of, to war, 388
-, Anghen, castle of, 239.

-, 5
-, has no cause to fear a Spanish army, 13
-, mentioned, 16
-, Crown of, to be united to France, 24
-, proposal to send Marchaumont to, 45
-, Lord of Arbrothe promises to go to, 48
-, mentioned, 49
-, machinations against, 55
-, Mendoza practising treason in, 57
-, merchants of Low Countries sending to, for grain, 60
-, needful to be at peace with France, 62
-, Spanish enterprise in, 63
-, mentioned 65, 66
-, Spanish fleet preparing against, 69
-, mentioned, 72, 76, 77, 81, 83, 88, 94, 95, 99
-, Hoddesdon sends sample of powder to, 107
-, mentioned, 113
-, rumour of Scottish Queen's attempted escape from, 117
-, mentioned, 126, 134
-, negotiations between France and, 141
-, mentioned, 143, 146, 147, 162, 163
-, Sousa finds great friendship in, 164
-, treaty between France and, 167
-, mentioned, 171, 174, 176, 180, 182, 188, 189, 194, 196
-, Count Vimioso wishes fleet sent to Indies from, 197
-, mentioned, 203
-, Monsieur supposed to have gone to, 204
-, French King sends courier to, 210
-, magistrates of Cologne examine traders with, 211
-, mentioned, 213, 214
-, corn sent to Low Countries from, 214
-, Monsieur said to be in, 217, 220
-, Count Vimioso proposes to dispatch Prim to, 223
-, growing greatness of Spain dangerous to, 225
-, French King willing to sign articles brought by Commissioners from, 228
-, mentioned, 232, 235
-, reference to Commissioners' stay in, 242
-, greatness of Spain dangerous to, 242
-, Portuguese would rather have help from, than from France, 248
-, kinsman of Count of Vimioso said to be in, under name of Don Antonio, 249
-, mentioned, 250
-, Portuguese come to, 256
-, reference to negotiation in, 263, 269
-, Count Vimioso does not go to, 271
-, King of Spain's greatness not good for, 277
-, instructions for treaty of league between French King and, 278
-, Spanish fautors in, repine, at marriage negotiations between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 280
-, mentioned, 281
-, not to be drawn into war, through marriage of Elizabeth and Monsieur, 282
-, league between France and, mentioned, 289
-, Pinart to be sent to, 303
-, Monsieur prefers amity of, to that of Spain, 305
-, mentioned, 311, 313
-, Don Antonio supposed to have been received in, 314
-, French horsemen not much desired for, 326
-, Walsingham returns to, 340, 341
-, proposed voyage of Monsieur to, 348
-, mentioned, 352, 353, 356, 361
-, Pinart might go to, 362
-, Don Antonio receives help from, 366
-, mentioned, 368, 371, 378, 379
-, Hanse Towns wish to maintain friendship with, 381
-, Monsieur goes to, 383
-, money from, needed in Low Countries, 384
-, Monsieur goes to, 389
-, reference to treaty of marriage in, 392
-, mentioned, 392, 394, 395, 399
-, Monsieur in, 404
-, stores of grain sent to Low Countries from, 404
-, Pinart goes to, 407
-, people of Low Countries hope Monsieur will come from, 410
-, friendship of Venice for, 417
-, mentioned, 418
-, Low Countries wish Monsieur to bring force from, 420
-, mentioned, 423
-, reference to Monsieur's journey into, 424
-, mentioned, 425
-, people of Meenen hope for help from, 427, 431
-, French King receives good news from, of Elizabeth's reception of Monsieur, 433
-, mentioned, 442
-, Flanders must yield to enemy unless help comes from, 446
-, goods of French merchant sold in, 454
-, Don Antonio sends Spanish merchandise to, 457
-, mentioned, 459, 460
-, statement of marriages between Royal Houses of France and, from 904 to 1581, 463
-, authority given by States to Swevingham to borrow money in, 467
-, Spanish caravel taken to, 478
-, States hope for aid from, 486
-, mentioned, 487, 489, 493
-, States await coming of Monsieur from, 497
-, Willford said to trouble merchants of, in San Lucar, 502
-, Monsieur in, 508
-, mentioned, 509, 512, 513, 517
-, States complain of Monsieur's long stay in, 518
-, mentioned, 522, 524, 526, 528
-, commission general for all ports of, 534
-, great preparations in Flanders for coming of Monsieur from, 535
-, Monsieur reported to have left, 541
-, English papists go to, 550
-, mentioned, 551, 552, 553, 557
-, English nobles return to, from Low Countries, 563
-, Spaniards boast of good intelligences sent them from, 572
-, French said to be busy in, 574
-, mentioned, 578
-, 'marriage of, doubtful,' 579
-, reference to English nobles' return to, 580, 582
-, mentioned, 584
-, Low Countries likely to fall into hands of, 590
-, mentioned, 597
-, Monsieur refers to his journey into, 603
-, mentioned, 606
-, people of Flanders hope to have aid from, 611
-, mentioned, 613, 616
-, Parma makes enquiries touching Monsieur's entertainment in, 617
-, papists from Paris go to, 619
-, mentioned, 621, 633, 653
-, men levied in, for service of States, 661
-, reference to amity between Crown of, and Venice, 667
-, marriage of Elizabeth and Monsieur very commodious for, 695
-, no corn to go to Spain from, 723

-, under Norris, defeat Malcontents, 2
-, merchants, 4, 5
-, slaves at Nantes, 7
-, soldiers at Tournay in necessity, 11
-, seek to intercept Bodenham's letters, 13
-, willing to fight against Spain and Rome, 16
-, merchants at Bordeaux, 16, 17
-, post slack in delivering letters at Bruges, 35
-, rumours that they wish to govern Scotland with a rod, 50
-, Queen Mother promises to redress taxes of merchants at Bordeaux, 62
-, Strozzi wishes adventurers to join him against Spain, 84
-, King of Spain writes on behalf of Catholic, 90
-, merchants at Rouen, 94
-, traders at Bordeaux, 99
-, merchants, 119
-, horses, 121
-, ships in straits of Magellan, 130
-, fleet serving Don Antonio, statement of terms to be granted to, 143
-, Emperor orders Count of East Friesland to turn merchants out of his territories, 165
-, to help Portugal, 176, 180
-, companies commanded by Norris, 196
-, merchant at Amsterdam, 199
-, troops commissioned by States to return to Friesland, 215
-, slaves, given by Turk to Portuguese, 221
-, Rogers refers to his meeting with, under Norris, 235
-, draft of Somers's instructions for mission to French King, 242
-, Malcontents and Romanists in Paris, 252
-, imprisoned in Rome, 275
-, nation on friendly terms with Saxons, 300
-, merchants, treaty for benefit of, 325
-, troops, Prince of Epinoy wishes for money for, 329
-, messengers to take money to Monsieur, 330
-, Captain Lvenich complains of robbery by, 345
-, merchants, Grand Turk shows favour to, 351, 352
-, money sent to Monsieur, 358
-, in Rome, Pope deals severely with, 361
-, reference to letter translated into, 368
-, companies near Oudenarde, 384
-, at Terceira, 387
-, rob Spanish ship off Peru, 401
-, in Friesland, Prince of Orange sends for to come to Bruges, 404
-, nation, Don Antonio expects help from, 406
-, companies sent to Ypres, 419
-, merchants at Antwerp dislike proposed marriage between Elizabeth and Monsieur, 419
-, messengers, Cobham has received none for a month, 423
-, merchants in Turkey, 423
-, companies of, sent to Bruges, 427
-, Simo de Varro a friend of, 439
-, Norris's pay as colonel of, 453
-, merchants trading in Spain, 458
-, merchants, Duke of Saxony writes concerning, 462
-, pirates, 477, 478
-, earl expected in Spain, 479
-, said to be abusing Monsieur with vain hopes, 503
-, friar, reference to book made by, 504
-, merchants to be allowed to sell goods coming from countries owing obedience to Don Antonio, without hindrance, 531
-, troops, Monsieur said to be coming to Flanders with, 541
-, mentioned, 545, 547
-, papists in France, 550
-, Monsieur well received by, in Antwerp, 562
-, nobles return to England, 563
-, affairs, discoursed of by du Bex, 569
-, lords, leave Low Countries, 573
-, with Monsieur, 574
-, mentioned, 578
-, forces besieging castle in Flanders, 580
-, nobles return to England, 582
-, marriage, reference to, 583
-, translation of 'Joyous Entry' into, 587
-, reference to company in Antwerp, 601
-, papists in Paris, 606
-, lords in Low Countries, Parma makes enquiries concerning, 617
-, papists in Paris, 634
-, trade in Germany, 645
-, post in Bruges, 647
-, ensigns in Bruges, 649
-, overthrown at Doesborg, 662
-, soldiers go to Eccloo, 665
-, anxious to levy troops in England for Low Countries, 671
-, trade with Iceland and Halgaland, discussion of, 689
-, trading ships in Sound, 704
-, encamp near Ghent, 706, 716
-, Monsieur does not intend to give many commissions to, 717
-, Monsieur wishes to have, in Council of State of Netherlands, 722.

Enriques, John Marques, money taken from, by Englishmen, 401.

Entragues, Catherine de Balsac d', wife of Earl of Lennox, 425.

Entragues. See Balsac.

Epernon. See Nogaret.

-, Franois d', Seigneur de Saint Luc, one of the King's minions, 84, 85, 117
-, promises to help Strozzi in enterprise of Portugal, 130
-, mentioned, 162, 190, 252
-, with Monsieur, 287, 293
-, mentioned, 469

pinoy, Espinoy, Prince of. See Melun, Pierre de.

-, Princess of. See Lalaing, Philippa de.

-, Duke of Brunswick Gottingen, aids Malcontents, 349
-, to have charge of German reiters, 693 (p. 638).

-, son of Duke of Bavaria, 'Ernestus de Baviera,' to be installed Bishop of Lige, 67 79, 94, 239
-, mentioned, 509, 693 (p. 638).

-, Archduke, brother of the Emperor, 117
-, supplies Emperor's place during his illness, 286.

Escarpe, river (now Scarpe), 329.

-, Jean Prusse de, Sieur de Vanguyon, at the Court at Blois, 24
-, said to hate la Mothe-Fnelon, 469.

Escobar, Antonio de, partisan of Don Antonio, 256.

Escurial, monastery of, Spanish Queen buried at, 7 (p. 10).

Espallart. See Spallaert.

Espes, Spes, Don Guerau d', former Spanish Ambassador in England, reference to insurrection contrived by, 235 (p. 222), 712.

-, Claude d', Sieur de la Fert-Imbault, and Minister of Duke of Anjou, his companies marching about Saint Mathurin, 49
-, in command of forces for relief of Cambrai, 62
-, with Monsieur, 293
-, King of Navarre and Cond attend marriage of, 619
-, Monsieur presents abbey to, 631
-, goes to France, 655
-, commission given to, 717.

-, Alfonso II of, Duke of Ferrara, 7, 49
-, proposed marriage between Christine of Lorraine and broken off, 268
-, mentioned, 379
-, Duke of Florence seeks to match with, 406
-, Pope makes, to quail, 521
-, mentioned, 670.

-, Anne d', Duchess of Nemours (formerly of Guise), 117
-, confers with Huguenots for la Noue's release, 117
-, mentioned, 203, 414, 493, 572
-, in consultation with her sons, 652.

-, Louis, Cardinal of, Archbishop of Auch, ordering of Bologna committed to, 6, 7
-, a dealer between Dukes of Florence and Ferrera, 406
-, mentioned, 407.

Estres, 'Tres,' M. de, Captain of Boulogne, 493.

-, Madame d', wife of above, pasquil made by, 371.

tampes, 634 (p. 587).

Etfelt. See Heetvelde.

Ethiopia, 179.

Eu, in Normandy, Duke of Guise goes to, 670.

-, princes of, 56
-, growing greatness of Spain dangerous to, 225, 242
-, conservation of Roman Catholic religion in, 483.

Ensum, Wigbold van, Sieur de Nienoort, his people routed in Friesland, 215.

Evreux, Monsieur at, 191, 203, 210.

-, letters dated at, 198, 202.

Exeter College, Oxford, 517, 550.